]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/smesh.git/blob - src/Tools/blocFissure/doc/testcases.rst
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[modules/smesh.git] / src / Tools / blocFissure / doc / testcases.rst
1 .. _test_cases:\r
2 \r
3 #######################\r
4 Test cases\r
5 #######################\r
6 \r
7 A base of 28 test cases guarantees the correct functioning of « Bloc Fissure ». 12 cases are dedicated to :ref:`cracked bended pipes <pipeTC>` and the others 16 are for other :ref:`generic geometries <genericTC>`. They are shown here in order to illustrate cases on which « Bloc Fissure » works.\r
8 \r
9 .. _genericTC:\r
10 \r
11 Generic cases\r
12 ===============================\r
13 \r
14 All 16 cases are shown Table 2. Two views show the whole cracked structure and a zoom onto the crack with its tore.\r
15 \r
16 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
17 | CubeAngle                                                                                  |\r
18 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
19 |.. image:: images/01_CubeAngle.png          | .. image:: images/01_CubeAngle_a.png          |\r
20 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
21 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
22 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
23 | CubeAngle_2                                                                                |\r
24 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
25 |.. image:: images/02_CubeAngle_2.png        | .. image:: images/02_CubeAngle_2_a.png        |\r
26 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
27 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
28 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
29 | cubeCoin                                                                                   |\r
30 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
31 | cubeMilieu                                                                                 |\r
32 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
33 | cubeTransverse                                                                             |\r
34 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
35 | cylindre                                                                                   |\r
36 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
37 |.. image:: images/03_cylindre.png           | .. image:: images/03_cylindre_a.png           |\r
38 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
39 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
40 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
41 | cylindre_2                                                                                 |\r
42 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
43 |.. image:: images/04_cylindre_2.png         | .. image:: images/04_cylindre_2_a.png         |\r
44 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
45 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
46 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
47 | disquePerce                                                                                |\r
48 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
49 |.. image:: images/05_disque.png             | .. image:: images/05_disque_a.png             |\r
50 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
51 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
52 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
53 | ellipse_1                                                                                  |\r
54 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
55 |.. image:: images/06_ellipse_1.png          | .. image:: images/06_ellipse_1_a.png          |\r
56 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
57 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
58 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
59 | ellipse_2 (tilted crack)                                                                   |\r
60 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
61 |.. image:: images/07_ellipse_2.png          | .. image:: images/07_ellipse_2_a.png          |\r
62 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
63 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
64 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
65 | eprouvetteCourbe                                                                           |\r
66 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
67 |.. image:: images/08_eprouvetteCourbe.png   | .. image:: images/08_eprouvetteCourbe_a.png   |\r
68 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
69 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
70 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
71 | eprouvetteDroite                                                                           |\r
72 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
73 |.. image:: images/09_eprouvetteDroite.png   | .. image:: images/09_eprouvetteDroite_a.png   |\r
74 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
75 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
76 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
77 | eprouvetteDroite_2                                                                         |\r
78 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
79 |.. image:: images/10_eprouvetteDroite_2.png | .. image:: images/10_eprouvetteDroite_2_a.png |\r
80 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
81 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
82 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
83 | faceGauche                                                                                 |\r
84 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
85 |.. image:: images/11_faceGauche.png         | .. image:: images/11_faceGauche_2.png         |\r
86 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
87 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
88 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
89 | faceGauche_2                                                                               |\r
90 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
91 |.. image:: images/12_faceGauche_2.png       | .. image:: images/12_faceGauche_2_a.png       |\r
92 |   :height: 300                             |    :height: 300                               |\r
93 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
94 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
95 | vis (Crack is in the radius filet between the screw head and the screw shank)              |\r
96 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
97 |.. image:: images/13_vis_1.png              | .. image:: images/13_vis_1_2.png              |\r
98 |   :width: 400                             |    :width: 400                                 |\r
99 |   :align: center                           |    :align: center                             |\r
100 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
101 | tube                                                                                       |\r
102 +--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+\r
103 \r
104 .. _pipeTC:\r
105 \r
106 Cracked bended pipes\r
107 =====================================\r
108 \r
109 All 12 bended pipe test cases are not shown here because they are relatively similars with each others. Only test case cas coude_0 et coude_3 are presented, those two tests being based on the same geometry and having a crack on the internal and on the external surface.\r
110 \r
111 +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+\r
112 | .. image:: images/coude_0.png  | .. image:: images/coude_0_2.png              |\r
113 |    :height: 500                |    :width: 500                               |\r
114 |    :align: center              |    :align: center                            |\r
115 |                                +----------------------------------------------+\r
116 |                                | View of the external crack of test_coude_0   |\r
117 |                                +----------------------------------------------+\r
118 |                                | .. image:: images/coude_3.png                |\r
119 |                                |    :width: 500                               |\r
120 |                                |    :align: center                            |\r
121 +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+\r
122 | Bended pipe test case coude_0  | View of the internal crack of test_coude_3   |\r
123 | with an external crack         |                                              |\r
124 +--------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+\r
125 \r
126 coude_0 can be computed using this file for the data:\r
127 \r
128   * :download:`data for a bended puipe <../ihm/dialogFissureCoude.dic>`\r
129 \r
130 « Bloc Fissure » is very efficient for the case of bended pipes. The generation of the geometry and the crack insertion takes only around 15s.\r
131 \r
132 Data for the test cases\r
133 =====================================\r
134 \r
135 All the files for these test cases are stored in the directory of the installation of SALOME:\r
136 \r
137 ``Salome-VXXXX_package-YY/modules/SMESH_VXXXX/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salome/blocFissure``\r
138 \r
139 The set of the med, xao and brep files can be created by the following importation:\r
140 \r
141     from blocFissure.materielCasTests import genereMateriel\r
142 \r
143 Once the files are generated, they are saved into the directory of the installation of SALOME:\r
144 \r
145 ``Salome-VXXXX_package-YY/modules/SMESH_VXXXX/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salome/blocFissure/materielCasTests``\r
146 \r
147 There is no need to generate them again.\r
148 \r
149 To check the installation of salome, the test cases can be computed by the salome test process::\r
150 \r
151     salome -test blocFissure\r
152 \r
153 Running test cases\r
154 =====================================\r
155 \r
156 The test cases can be runned by the following instructions::\r
157 \r
158     from blocFissure.CasTests.blocFissureTest import blocFissureTest\r
159     BLOCFISSURE_TEST = blocFissureTest(list_of_cases)\r
161     sys.stdout.write(MESSAGE_ERREUR)\r
162     del BLOCFISSURE_TEST\r
163 \r
164 If ``list_of_cases`` is an empty list, all the cases are computed.\r
165 \r
166 If not, ``list_of_cases`` is made of the list of the numbers and/or the name of the requested case. The index of each test is the position of the test in the following table, from 0 for cubeAngle, 1 for cubeAngle_2, 2 for cubeCoin... from top to bottom, then from left to right.\r
167 \r
168 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
169 | cubeAngle          | cylindre_2         | eprouvetteDroite_2 | fissureCoude_3  | fissureCoude_9  |\r
170 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
171 | cubeAngle_2        | disquePerce        | faceGauche         | fissureCoude_4  | fissure_Coude   |\r
172 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
173 | cubeCoin           | ellipse_1          | faceGauche_2       | fissureCoude_5  | fissure_Coude_4 |\r
174 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
175 | cubeMilieu         | ellipse_2          | fissureCoude_1     | fissureCoude_6  | vis_1           |\r
176 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
177 | cubeTransverse     | eprouvetteCourbe   | fissureCoude_10    | fissureCoude_7  |                 |\r
178 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
179 | cylindre           | eprouvetteDroite   | fissureCoude_2     | fissureCoude_8  |                 |\r
180 +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------+\r
181 \r