]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/smesh.git/blob - src/Tools/blocFissure/doc/gui.rst
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Fix MinDistance for node-group (SALOME_TESTS/Grids/smesh/imps_09/K0)
[modules/smesh.git] / src / Tools / blocFissure / doc / gui.rst
1 .. _gui:\r
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3 With GUI\r
4 =====================================\r
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6 To make the use of « Bloc Fissure » easier, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed.\r
7 Inputs are similar to those of :ref:`script mode <script>`. GUI is accessible in the SMESH extension *Add a crack in a mesh*\r
8 \r
9 .. figure:: images/BF_GUI_capture.png\r
10    :width: 700\r
11    :align: center\r
12 \r
13    Windows of the graphical interface\r
14 \r
15 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
16 |       GUI parameters                                                                                             |\r
17 +======================+===================================+=======================================================+\r
18 | **maillageSain**     | *[string]*                        |  Relative address of the input structure 3D mesh      |\r
19 |                      | ex: mesh/maillage.med             |  in MED format (base is repertoire de travail)        |\r
20 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
21 | **FaceFissure**      | *[string]*                        |  Relative address of the input crack geometry         |\r
22 |                      | ex: mesh/fissure.brep             |  in BREP format (base is repertoire de travail)       |\r
23 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
24 | **index edges fond   | *[list of integers]*              |  List of edges number which define the crack front    |\r
25 | fissure**            | ex: [1,2]                         |                                                       |\r
26 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
27 | **min**              | *[float]*                         |  Float defining the minimum size of elements          |\r
28 |                      | ex: 1.00000                       |  to mesh the crack                                    |\r
29 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
30 | **max**              | *[float]*                         |  Float defining the maximum size of elements          |\r
31 |                      | ex: 10.0000                       |  to mesh the crack                                    |\r
32 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
33 | **distance           | *[float]*                         |  Length of influence - distance that defines the      |\r
34 | influence**          | ex: 20.0000                       |  size of the extracted Box around the crack           |\r
35 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
36 | **rayon pipe**       | *[float]*                         |  Radius of the tore around the front                  |\r
37 |                      | ex: 5.00000                       |                                                       |\r
38 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
39 | **longueur mailles** | *[float]*                         |  Length of the segments of the tore along crack front |\r
40 |                      | ex: 5.00000                       |                                                       |\r
41 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
42 |  **couronnes**       | *[integer]*                       |  Number of radial segment of the tore                 |\r
43 |                      | ex: 5                             |                                                       |\r
44 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
45 | **secteurs**         | *[integer]*                       |  Number of sectors of the tore                        |\r
46 |                      | ex: 16                            |                                                       |\r
47 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
48 | **arete face         | *[float]*                         |  Mesh size of elements for the Box remeshing          |\r
49 | fissure**            | ex: 5.0000                        |                                                       |\r
50 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
51 | **repertoire de      | *[string]*                        |  Absolute address of the directory where files are    |\r
52 | travail**            | ex: /home/A123456                 |  saved                                                |\r
53 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
54 | **nom résultat**     | *[string]*                        |  Name of the resulting mesh                           |\r
55 |                      | ex: maillage_fissure              |                                                       |\r
56 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
57 | **mode**             | *[choice]*                        |  Verbose mode for Salome messages                     |\r
58 |                      | ex: verbose                       |                                                       |\r
59 +----------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+\r
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61 .. figure:: images/parametres_GUI.png\r
62    :width: 350\r
63    :align: center\r
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65    Tore parameters\r
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68 - **Reset**: clears all the parameters\r
69 \r
70 - **Précédent**: loads the last set of parameters used\r
71 \r
72 - **Recharger**: loads a .dic file containing parameters\r
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74 - **Sauver**: save a .dic file with the active parameters\r
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76 - **Cancel**: exit GUI\r
77 \r
78 - **Sauver**: Launch calculation\r
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