TopIIVolMeshMainFrame 0 0 780 411 Tetra Mesh from cloud of xyz points mesh generator 10 10 761 101 10 Input Mesh 10 50 151 31 10 DEM input file 18 18 170 50 531 31 10 10 120 761 231 Options 10 30 62 22 0 999999999 10 80 30 201 20 Number of points in X direction 10 70 62 22 0 999999999 10 10 110 62 22 0 999999999 10 80 70 211 20 Number of points in Y direction 80 110 211 20 Number of points in Z direction 10 150 62 22 -999999999 999999999 0 80 150 201 20 Depth in Z direction 630 30 91 21 370 30 151 16 Number of processors 660 30 101 16 Distributed 370 70 261 16 Number of partitions in X direction 370 110 251 16 Number of partitions in Y direction 370 150 251 16 Number of partitions in Z direction 300 30 62 22 0 999999999 1 300 70 62 22 0 999999999 1 300 110 62 22 0 999999999 1 300 150 62 22 0 999999999 1 10 200 611 23 10 180 391 16 Workspace 630 70 91 21 660 70 101 16 Display mesh 10 370 761 27 Compute Close Qt::Horizontal 40 20 10 Help