# Copyright (C) 2014-2021 EDF R&D # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # ################################################################## # Header for salome initialization ############################### import sys, salome, math, os sys.path.append( os.path.join( os.getenv('SMESH_ROOT_DIR'), '@MACMESH_INSTALL_PY@')) import Config, GenFunctions Config.theStudy = salome.myStudy; from MacObject import * from SharpAngle import * from CentralUnrefine import * from PublishGroups import * from CompositeBox import * from CompositeBoxF import * ################################################################## # Mesh name ###################################################### Config.StudyName = "SRV_X." ################################################################## # Definition of geometrical parameters ########################### X = 1.0 # Valve initial opening Config.StudyName += str(X)+"mm" R = 7.5 # Upstream pipe radius T = 5.0 # Upstream pipe thickness H = 20.0 # Upstream pipe height J = 6.0 # Jet distance E = 60.0 # Exit extent ################################################################## # Definition of meshing parameters ############################### d = 0.1 # Meshing element size at the inner corner Nl = 1 # Number of levels in the local refinement ################################################################## Bloc = [] # Object No. 1 # Bloc.append( SharpAngleOut(0.,0.,X,1.5*X,X,d,'NE',Nl, groups=['PH','PV_IN','VH',None,None,None]) ) # Object No. 2 # Bloc.append( CompositeBox(X/2.+0.5*(R-X/2.),0.5*(X+X/2.)-X/2.,R-X/2.,X+X/2., groups=[None,'VH',None,'AXIS'] ) ) # Object No. 3 # Bloc.append( CompositeBoxF((0.,-X/2.),(R,-X/2.),(R,-H),(0.,-H), groups=['IN',None,'PV_IN','AXIS'] ) ) # Object No. 4 # Bloc.append( SharpAngleOut(-T,0.,X,X,X,d,'NW',Nl, groups=['PH','PV_OUT',None,None,None,None]) ) # Object No. 5 # Bloc.append( SharpAngleOut(-T,X,X,X,X,d,'SW',Nl, groups=['VH','VV',None,None,None,None]) ) if X < T : gap = T-X Bloc.append( MacObject('CompBoxF',[(-X/2.-gap/2.,X/2.),(gap,X)], ['auto'],groups=['PH','VH',None,None] ) ) # Object No. 6 # Bloc.append( MacObject('CompBoxF',[(-T-X/2.-(J-X/2.)/2.,X/2.),(J-X/2.,2.*X)], ['auto'],groups=[None,None,None,None] ) ) # Object No. 7 # Bloc.append( CentralUnrefine(-T-J,X/2.,2.*E-J,E,'EW', groups=[None,None,None,'OUT_V','OUT_H_HI','OUT_H_LO'])) # Object No. 8 # Bloc.append( CompositeBox(-T-J/2.,-X/2.-0.5*((E-X)/2.-X/2.),J,(E-X)/2.-X/2., groups=['OUT_H_LO',None,None,'PV_OUT'] ) ) # Object No. 9 # Bloc.append( CompositeBox(-T-J/2.,X+X/2.+0.5*((E-X)/2.-X/2.),J,(E-X)/2.-X/2., groups=[None,'OUT_H_HI',None,'VV'] ) ) SRVMesh = PublishGroups() RealLocalMeshing = Bloc[0][0].GeoPar[1][0]/Bloc[0][0].DirectionalMeshParams[0] ExtrusionAngle = 2. * math.asin(RealLocalMeshing/(2*R))*180./math.pi print("\nThe mesh will be revolved with an angle of :",ExtrusionAngle) RevolveMesh(SRVMesh, Center=[R+0.01,0,0], Direction=[0,1,0], AngleDeg=ExtrusionAngle, Scale=0.001)