Using operations on groups

In MESH you can perform  Boolean operations on groups such as:



Union of two groups

This operation allows to create a new group in such a way that all mesh elements that are present in the initial groups will be added to the new one.


To union two groups:


1. In the Mesh menu select the Union Groups item. The following dialog box will appear:



In this dialog box you should specify the name of the resulting group and two groups which will be united.


2. Click the Ok or  Apply button to confirm creation of the group.



Intersection of two groups

This operation allows to create a new group in such a way that all mesh elements that are present in both initial groups are added to the new one.


To intersect two groups:


1. In the Mesh menu select the Intersect Groups item. The following dialog box will appear:



In this dialog box you should specify the name of the resulting group and two groups which will be intersected.


2. Click the Ok or  Apply button to confirm creation of the group.



Cut of two groups

This operation allows to create a new group in such a way that all mesh elements that are present in the main group but are absent in the tool group are added to the new one.


To cut two groups:


1. In the Mesh menu select the Cut Groups item. The following dialog box will appear:



In this dialog box you should specify the name of the resulting group and two groups which will be cut.


2. Click the Ok or  Apply button to confirm creation of the group.