Additional Hypotheses

Additional Hypotheses can be applied as a supplement to the main hypotheses, introducing additional concepts to mesh creation.


To define an Additional Hypothesis simply select it in Create Mesh menu. These hypotheses are actually changes in the rules of mesh creation and as such don't possess adjustable values.


Non Conform mesh allowed hypothesis

Non Conform mesh allowed hypothesis allows to generate non-conform meshes (that is, meshes having some edges ending on an edge or face of adjacent elements).


Propagation of 1D Hypothesis on opposite edges

Propagation of 1D Hypothesis on opposite edges allows to propagate a set hypothesis onto an opposite edge. If a local hypothesis and propagation are set on one of edges of a quadrangular face, the opposite edge will have the same hypothesis, unless another hypothesis has been locally set on such opposite edge.


See Also a sample TUI Script of a Propagation hypothesis operation.  


Length from edges hypothesis

Length from edges hypothesis builds 1D mesh segments having a length calculated as an average edge length for a given wire.


See Also a sample TUI Script of a Length from Edges hypothesis operation.