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1 <html>\r
2 <head>\r
3 <title>Glossary</title>\r
4 \r
5 <meta name="generator" content="RoboHelp by eHelp Corporation">\r
6 <meta name="description" content="WebHelp 5.50">\r
7 </head>\r
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12 <script language="javascript1.2" src="whutils.js"></script>\r
13 <script language="javascript1.2" src="whproxy.js"></script>\r
14 <script language="javascript1.2">\r
15 <!--\r
16 var gsBgImage="";\r
17 var     gsBgColor="";\r
18 var goTitleFont=null;\r
19 \r
20 function setBackground(sBgImage)\r
21 {\r
22         gsBgImage=sBgImage;\r
23 }\r
24 \r
25 function setBackgroundcolor(sBgColor)\r
26 {\r
27         gsBgColor=sBgColor;\r
28 }\r
29 \r
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33         if(sType=="Title")\r
34                 goTitleFont=vFont;\r
35 }\r
36 \r
37 function getTermText()\r
38 {\r
39         var strString="Term:";\r
40 strString = "Term:";\r
41         return strString;\r
42 }\r
43 \r
44 function getDefinitionText()\r
45 {\r
46         var strString="Definition for:";\r
47 strString = "Definition:";\r
48         return strString;\r
49 }\r
50 \r
51 function getHTML()\r
52 {\r
53         var sHTML="";\r
54         sHTML+="<P class=title><nobr>&nbsp;" + getTermText() + "</nobr></p>";\r
55         sHTML+="<iframe id=glossaryIFrame title=\"glossary term\" src=\"whgbody.htm\" width=100% height=200 MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0></iframe>";\r
56         sHTML+="<P class=title><nobr>&nbsp;" + getDefinitionText() + "&nbsp;<b id=Name></b></nobr></p>";\r
57         sHTML+="<iframe id=defIFrame title=\"glossary definition\" src=\"whgdef.htm\" width=100% height=100% MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0></iframe>";\r
58         return sHTML;\r
59 }\r
60 \r
61 function writeStyle()\r
62 {\r
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66                 sStyle+="body {border-top:"+gsBgColor+" 1px solid;}\n";\r
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68                 sStyle+="body {border-top:black 1px solid;}\n";\r
69         sStyle+="</style>";\r
70         document.write(sStyle);\r
71 }\r
72 \r
73 \r
74 function window_OnResize()\r
75 {\r
76         setIFrameHeight();\r
77 }\r
78 \r
79 function window_OnLoad()\r
80 {\r
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83         if(gsBgColor&&gsBgColor.length>0)\r
84                 document.body.bgColor=gsBgColor;\r
85         setIFrameHeight();\r
86 }\r
87 \r
88 function setIFrameHeight()\r
89 {\r
90         var tH=0;\r
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92         {\r
93                 tH=parseInt(window.innerHeight)-30;\r
94         }\r
95         else\r
96         {\r
97                 tH=parseInt(document.body.clientHeight)-4;\r
98         }\r
99                 \r
100         var oEle=getElement("glossaryIFrame");\r
101         if(oEle)\r
102         {\r
103                 tH=tH-2*parseInt(oEle.offsetTop);\r
104                 if(tH>0)\r
105                 {\r
106               *.6);\r
107                         var oEleDef=getElement("defIFrame");\r
108                         if(oEleDef)\r
109                         {\r
110                       ;\r
111                         }\r
112                 }\r
113         }\r
114 }\r
115 \r
116 function window_Unload()\r
117 {\r
118         UnRegisterListener2(this,WH_MSG_SHOWGLODEF);\r
119 }\r
120 \r
121 function onSendMessage(oMsg)\r
122 {\r
123         var nMsgId=oMsg.nMessageId;\r
124         if(nMsgId==WH_MSG_SHOWGLODEF)\r
125         {\r
126                 if(getElement("Name"))\r
127                         getElement("Name").innerHTML=oMsg.oParam.sName;\r
128                 return true;\r
129         }\r
130 }\r
131 \r
132 if(window.gbWhVer&&window.gbWhMsg&&window.gbWhUtil&&window.gbWhProxy)\r
133 {\r
134         goTitleFont=new whFont("Arial","9pt","#000000","normal","normal","none");\r
135         setFont("Title", "Arial","9pt","#000000","normal","normal","none");\r
136         \r
137         \r
138         window.onresize=window_OnResize;\r
139         window.onload=window_OnLoad;\r
140         window.onunload=window_Unload;\r
141         RegisterListener2(this,WH_MSG_SHOWGLODEF);\r
142         writeStyle();\r
143         document.write(getHTML());\r
144 }\r
145 else\r
146         document.location.reload();\r
147 //-->\r
148 </script>\r
149 </body>\r
150 </html>\r