NewGEOM version 0.2 (end of development phase 2 result). Compilation on LINUX: ===================== cd source source cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${ROOT_DIR}/install ${ROOT_DIR}/sources make make install or simply (only for not-SALOME prerequisites): Note that it is possible to use SALOME installed environment for compilation. For this just import it (PDIR variable will be set automatically) or update first "export" and import this script. It will create a "build" and "install" folders. Environment is ready to launch an application: XGUI Or without environment call: Compilation on Windows: ======================= cd buildNewGEOM_rel.bat It will launch the Visual Studio 2010. In it build for: "ALL_BUILD" and then "INSTALL" projects. Launch: winRun.bat For compilation on Windows basing on SALOME products already installed please use: msvc9_env_Salome.bat SALOME_ROOT_DIR is needed to be correctly set or located in "SALOME" folder of parent to NewGEOM folder. For the current moment SALOME 7.3.0 compiled on Visual Studio 2008 compiler is supported.