]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/medcoupling.git/shortlog
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2011-08-24 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-08-23 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-08-23 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-08-23 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-08-22 ageayAddition of iteration of DataArrayInt.
2011-08-22 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-08-22 ageayNon regression test to highlight the debuging on polygo...
2011-08-12 ageayCorrection of big bug on polygons on loading process.
2011-08-12 ageayModification of spec of method convertExtrudedPolyhedra.
2011-08-12 ageaySome bug protection with an explicit message.
2011-08-12 ageayBug correction
2011-08-10 ageay*** empty log message *** MCPortF41108
2011-08-09 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-08-04 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-07-25 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-07-25 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-07-20 ageay*** empty log message *** StartProfilingIK2007
2011-07-20 vsrFix problem with doxygen (using default font leads...
2011-07-19 vsrMerge from V6_3_BR 19/07/2011
2011-07-19 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-07-18 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-07-18 ageayDataArray::getPointer method no more const.
2011-07-18 ageayCorrection of merge errors.
2011-07-18 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-07-15 vsrMerge from V6_3_BR 15/07/2011
2011-07-08 secherpetits bugs
2011-06-06 vsrMerge from V6_3_BR 06/06/2011
2011-04-22 ndjingaModified documentation for interpolation kernel V6_BR_medop
2011-04-21 ndjingaModified doxygen documentation
2011-04-20 ndjingaUpdate of the interpolation tools documentation
2011-04-20 ndjingaUpdate de la doc interpolateurs
2011-04-15 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-15 ndjingaUpdate de la doc interpolateurs
2011-04-15 ndjingaUpdate de la doc interpolateurs
2011-04-15 eapRestore support of med-2.1 in MEDWrapper V6_3_0a1
2011-04-15 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-15 ageayCorrection of bug if no family numbers exists in mesh.
2011-04-14 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-14 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-12 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-11 ageayWarnings suppressions.
2011-04-11 ageayWarning suppressions.
2011-04-11 ageayWarning suppressions.
2011-04-11 ageayWarning suppressions.
2011-04-11 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-11 rnvRNV: Porting documentation on the doxygen 1.7.3
2011-04-11 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-08 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-08 ageaySuppression of MED2_1 compatibility.
2011-04-08 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-04-08 gddRemove warnings (unused variables)
2011-04-08 ageayNeed of english exercises.
2011-04-08 ageaymath Operation on DataArrayDouble.
2011-04-07 ageay__getitem__ & __setitem__ on DataArray.
2011-04-07 vsrMerge from PortingMED3 07Apr11
2011-03-18 eap0021167: [CEA 448] Supports management on all elements Start_BR_19998_21191
2011-03-09 eap0021167: [CEA 448] Supports management on all elements
2011-03-08 ageay*** empty log message *** StartingPortingMED3
2011-03-05 eap0021167: [CEA 448] Supports management on all elements
2011-03-05 eapfix some errors
2011-03-05 eap- myWrOnlyDriver = MED_MESH_WRONLY_DRIVER(medFile...
2011-03-05 eap0021167: [CEA 448] Supports management on all elements
2011-03-05 eap0021167: [CEA 448] Supports management on all elements
2011-03-03 eap0021196: [CEA 456] Integration and merge modification...
2011-03-02 eap0021196: [CEA 456] Integration and merge modification...
2011-03-02 eap0021196: [CEA 456] Integration and merge modification...
2011-03-02 eap0021196: [CEA 456] Integration and merge modification...
2011-03-02 eap0021196: [CEA 456] Integration and merge modification...
2011-02-28 ageayAdding HexagonPrism type.
2011-02-24 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-24 ageayOverloading of computationCoords.
2011-02-24 ageayGauss Points localization computation in MEDCoupling.
2011-02-23 ageayThank you to Edward for its wonderful cooperation into...
2011-02-22 eap1) comment off "cout"
2011-02-22 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-21 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-21 eapcoding standards
2011-02-21 eapcoding standards: one instruction per line
2011-02-21 eapcoding standards
2011-02-21 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-21 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-21 ageayAdding functionnalities, applyFunc2, applyFunc3, fillFr...
2011-02-18 eapcoding standards
2011-02-18 ageaykilling tab.
2011-02-17 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-17 adamRemove warnings
2011-02-16 ageay*** empty log message *** ForAp1602
2011-02-16 ageayTo make happy MED file generated even if it is a bug.
2011-02-16 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-16 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-16 ageaytxx->cxx to avoid multi definition of symbols.
2011-02-16 ageaytxx->cxx to avoid multi definition of symbols.
2011-02-15 ageayAddition of time inside MEDCouplingMesh class 2.
2011-02-15 ageayAddition of time inside MEDCouplingMesh class.
2011-02-15 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-14 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-14 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-10 ageayBug correction when some blank in expr.
2011-02-08 ageay*** empty log message ***
2011-02-08 ageay*** empty log message ***