]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/geom.git/shortlog
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2009-02-25 vsrIssue 0020154 : improve ellipse creeation function
2009-02-25 vsrIssue 0020154 : improve ellipse creeation function
2009-02-25 dmv0019827: EDF 736 GEOM : Duplication of a object along...
2009-02-25 eap0020162: EDF 961 GEOM : GetInPlace is getting additionn...
2009-02-25 ouvBug IPAL20689 - Problem with the Mutli-Transformation...
2009-02-24 eapfix ReplaceVariables() for a command w/o calling any...
2009-02-24 adam*** empty log message ***
2009-02-24 adamOuups !
2009-02-24 adamcompatibility windows compilation with cmake
2009-02-24 adam*** empty log message ***
2009-02-20 maintenance... Moving to GUI module
2009-02-20 maintenance... Update GEOM documentation
2009-02-20 vsrIssue 0020176: bad reference to myStudy variable
2009-02-20 vsrIssue 0020175: correct documentation hierarchy
2009-02-18 maintenance... Changing version to 5.1.1
2009-02-17 rnvFix for IPAL19044 (4x REGRESS: vertex is not displayed...
2009-02-17 vsrMerge from BR_V5_DEV 17Feb09
2009-02-13 jfaUpdate from BR_V5_DEV 13Feb2009
2008-03-07 jfaJoin modifications from BR_Dev_For_4_0 tag V4_1_1.
2006-06-06 jfaFix problem with table of contents resizing V3_2_0
2006-06-01 jfaJoin modifications from branch BR_DEBUG_3_2_0b1 T3_2_0b2 V3_2_0b2
2006-05-10 jfaFix bug 10955: Collisions with 'Ctrl+I' and 'Ctrl+M... T3_2_0b1 V3_2_0b1
2006-05-10 jfaFix bug 12379: Explode BREP to entities very long....
2006-05-06 jfaJoin modifications from branch OCC_debug_for_3_2_0b1
2006-03-15 jfaChange version name to 3.2.0a2 T2_3_2_0a2 V3_2_0a2
2006-03-13 jfaJoin modifications from branch OCC_development_for_3_2_0a2
2006-02-08 jfaUpdate version to 3.2.0a1 V3_2_0a1
2006-02-07 smhMerge from OCC_development_generic_2006
2005-12-28 jfaJoin modifications from branch BR_3_1_0deb T_OCC_development_generic_2006_start
2005-12-22 mznFix for bug PAL11017 ( Can't select subshapes in the... T_Before_Join_BR_3_1_0deb
2005-12-05 smhCopyrights update BR_3_1_0_deb T_3_1_0b1_pre V3_1_0b1
2005-12-01 mznAdditional fix for IPAL10226.
2005-12-01 aslImprovement: now in rules you can use "canBeDisplayed...
2005-11-30 jfaContinue bug 10627 fixing: guarantee non-regression...
2005-11-30 mznFix for bug IPAL10226 (Point Construction: impossible...
2005-11-30 jfaSmall improvement of the previous fix (for bug 10627...
2005-11-30 mznFix for bug IPAL10562 (SIGSEGV detected after close...
2005-11-29 mkrAdd version (3.1.0) postfix to *_index.html file name.
2005-11-28 jfaFix for bug 10627. Now you can pass edges for wire...
2005-11-24 mkrUpdate GEOM documentation.
2005-11-24 mkrUpdate GEOM documentation.
2005-11-24 aslPAL10471 - incorrect 3D popup for erased objects
2005-11-23 jfaRemove useless and dangerous static function declaration
2005-11-23 jfaCorrect string allocation
2005-11-18 jfaPAL8293: Build face from a wire problem. Fix provided...
2005-11-18 vsrIncrement version number: 3.1.0a3
2005-11-14 aslPAL10479 V3_1_0a3
2005-11-14 jfaPAL7663: Partition Algorithm failed. Fix done by PKV.
2005-11-11 mkrRemove uncessary libraries and dependences (for OCC6...
2005-11-09 aslHide second "Erase all" in GEOM module
2005-11-08 aslPAL10209 - after operation display/erase GEOM objects...
2005-11-03 ndsUsing files from package LightApp instead of SalomeApp
2005-11-02 vsrFix a bug of ´make install´ step: missing ´make docs´
2005-11-01 eapPAL10015. Use GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOnQuad for GetShapesO...
2005-11-01 eapPAL10015. Add GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOnQuad
2005-11-01 eapPAL10015. Add virtual GetPointState()
2005-10-27 jfaPAL10403: pb with GetEdgeNearPoint()
2005-10-26 vsrUpdate version number: 3.1.0a2
2005-10-25 jfaPAL10385: CreateAndDisplayGO does not work properly...
2005-10-25 aslPAL10332 - references are interpreted as original objec...
2005-10-19 mkr*** empty log message ***
2005-10-19 mkr*** empty log message ***
2005-10-19 mkrNew Help for GEOM.
2005-10-19 mznMovement of examples to CVS EXAMPLES SAMPLES_SRC.
2005-10-18 smhPreparation of 3.1.0a2: version ID. ForTest_3_1_0a2
2005-10-14 eapPAL10015. Add optional arg theAppend to constructor
2005-10-14 eapPAL10015. Implement GetShapesOnQuadrangle()
2005-10-14 eapPAL10015. Implement GetShapesOnQuadrangle()
2005-10-14 eapPAL10015. Implement GetShapesOnQuadrangle(). Remove...
2005-10-07 jfaImprove reaction of 'Divide edge' dialog on Display...
2005-10-05 aslAll modules must use SVTK package instead VTK
2005-10-04 jfaUpdate version to 3.1.0a
2005-10-04 aslPAL10133 - Two "display" in popup
2005-09-30 aslPAL9491 - "View"->"Display mode"->"Shading" causes... V3_1_0a1
2005-09-27 aslPAL9391
2005-09-22 vsrFix bug of build_configure (missed '>' operator)
2005-09-15 jfaPAL9969: update geompy.py to new functions
2005-09-13 jfaSmall code improvements
2005-09-13 jfaProvide possibility to create non-planar faces on wires...
2005-09-13 jfareturn right CORBA value to avoid messages like 'free...
2005-09-12 enkFixed:
2005-09-09 envENV: Windows porting.
2005-09-08 enkfix for Bug IPAL9442
2005-09-08 srnModified a method createAndDisplayGO
2005-09-01 smhPatch for RH&Debian V_3_0_2a
2005-09-01 smhVersion 3.0.2 V_3_0_2
2005-08-30 eapAdd a more comfort way to specify path to user ImportEx...
2005-08-30 srnRemoved a debug code
2005-08-29 envENV: Windows porting T_3_0_2a1
2005-08-26 srnPlaced a check if any function is added in GetFreeBound...
2005-08-26 szy*** empty log message ***
2005-08-25 szyWindows porting
2005-08-24 szyWindows porting
2005-08-23 szyWindows porting
2005-08-22 srnAdded an update of the toolbar after the Rename operation.
2005-08-22 szyWindows porting
2005-08-22 srnAdded an update of the toolbar after the Import operation.
2005-08-22 srnAdded a linkage to libTOOLSDS
2005-08-19 szyWindows porting
2005-08-19 szyWindows porting