]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/hydro.git/shortlog
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2013-12-06 advUpdate mechanism for calculation case and it child...
2013-12-06 advUpdate bathymetry state after import.
2013-12-06 aslbug #201: excess fit all
2013-12-06 rkvFix for the bug #50: latitude should be defined first...
2013-12-06 advImage update corrected.
2013-12-06 aslbug #190: invisible polyline 3d
2013-12-05 szy5.12.2013. Completion of the profiles sorting procedure.
2013-12-05 rkvFix for the bug #45: check and warning when the same...
2013-12-05 mznCorrection.
2013-12-05 mznBug #191: Show coordinates in profile dialog.
2013-12-05 advUpdate mechanism is corrected (Bug #182).
2013-12-05 ndsAvoid of Fit all for 2d mode change
2013-12-05 mznDo not take into account selected objects which are...
2013-12-05 ndsBug 158: Crash in profile edition
2013-12-05 ndsBug 158: Crash in profile edition
2013-12-05 ndsSwitch off the modification mode by the section operation
2013-12-05 mznBug #183: regression: polyline - unnecessary table...
2013-12-05 advExport image corrected (Bug #147).
2013-12-05 mznBugs 153, 154.
2013-12-05 rkvFix for the bug #42: point C is not activated, but...
2013-12-05 rkvFix for the bug #98: popup Observe: "Observe image...
2013-12-05 rkvFix for the bug #46: latitude and longitude limits.
2013-12-05 advImage data storing corrected (Bug #177).
2013-12-05 advCorrectnes of user input data checks (Bug #176).
2013-12-05 rkvFix for the bug #135: It is impossible to rename bathym...
2013-12-05 aslpatch for correct compilation on Linux
2013-12-05 advExport of empty calculation case corrected (Bug #171).
2013-12-04 ndsBug #167 - Crash in polyline dialog
2013-12-04 ndsCode correction. Put only the curve AIS presentation...
2013-12-04 ndsCode correction.
2013-12-04 szy4.12.2013. HasIntersection () method implementation...
2013-12-04 ndsPixeles location.
2013-12-04 advLinux compilation.
2013-12-04 asltime measurement is disabled
2013-12-04 ndsIt removes AIS curve presentation.
2013-12-04 aslbug #155: create profile of splines
2013-12-04 advImage positioning corrected (Bug #60).
2013-12-04 ndsIt removes AIS curve presentation.
2013-12-04 rkvFix for the bug #164: default Image name.
2013-12-04 rkvFix for the bug #162: Edit imported bathymetry problem.
2013-12-04 ndsIt removes AIS curve presentation.
2013-12-04 ndsSave for a list of the local selected points.
2013-12-04 aslcorrect passing of parametric representation
2013-12-04 rkvFix for the bug #50: latitude should be defined first...
2013-12-04 ndsTableView number rows is limited by 20 rows.
2013-12-04 mznFeature #102: Display of Lambert coordinates.
2013-12-04 rkvFix for the bug #42: point C is not activated, but...
2013-12-04 ndsTableView number rows is limited by 20 rows.
2013-12-04 asloptimization of the polylines drag-n-drop
2013-12-04 advProtection from creation ampty profiles and polylines...
2013-12-04 rkvFix for the feature #6: Update of objects (T 1.2):...
2013-12-04 advNames of objects can't be empty (Bug #149).
2013-12-04 rkvFix for the feature #6: Update of objects (T 1.2):...
2013-12-04 advAbort document operation on abort of GUI operation.
2013-12-04 advDelition of objects (Feature #90).
2013-12-04 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-04 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-04 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-04 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 mznBug #141: Stream object.
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 rkvFix for the bug #145: In main menu types of objects...
2013-12-03 rkvFix for the bug #135: It is impossible to rename bathym...
2013-12-03 mznInitial solution for bug #141: Stream object.
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 rkvFix for the bug #135: It is impossible to rename bathym...
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 advThe building of path for Graphics view corrected (Bug...
2013-12-03 ndsOCC functionality moving out from the widget
2013-12-03 aslavoid viewer update on each erase of shape
2013-12-03 advRestriction for types of added objects corrected.
2013-12-03 advMinor changes.
2013-12-03 advChanel Create\Edit operation.
2013-12-03 ndsRemove OCCViewer_ViewWidget
2013-12-03 advProfile points creation corrected.
2013-12-02 ndsBug #136 - performance
2013-12-02 mznBug #89: Suppress isos on Image in OCC viewer.
2013-12-02 mznFeature #102: show coordinates in status bar for OCC...
2013-12-02 aslset correct transform to result image
2013-12-02 mznGetrid of redundant connections.
2013-12-02 ndsAIS presentation for a curve creator
2013-12-02 advColor for streams added in to the presentation.
2013-12-02 rkvIcons are shown in the object browser tree.
2013-12-02 advCeration of objects from popup menu of main partitions.
2013-12-02 advShow\Hide for stream objects.
2013-12-02 advStream added in to the model tree.
2013-12-02 advUpdate method improved.
2013-12-02 ndsAIS presentation for a curve creator
2013-12-02 advMinor changes for test file.
2013-12-02 advCreat\Edit stream operation.
2013-12-02 ndsAIS presentation for a curve creator
2013-12-02 rkvTranslations are updated for Polylines 3D.
2013-12-02 mznErase and nullify the shape for invalid profile.