]> SALOME platform Git repositories - plugins/hexablockplugin.git/shortlog
Salome HOME
2013-06-10 vsrIncrement version -> 6.7.0
2013-05-17 abuhsingEvol minime
2013-03-27 aklCopyrights update 2013
2012-12-12 abuhsingAbu : Modifs du plugin Hexa du 12/12/12 BR_PORTING_VTK6
2012-12-11 vsrMerge from V6_6_BR (V6_6_0rc2) 11/12/2012
2012-11-29 abuhsingAbu : Suite Hexa5/Lot1
2012-11-15 abuhsingLivraison C-S du 15/11/2012
2012-11-13 abuhsingLivraison CS pour Hexablock Salome6.6
2012-09-26 fpsAbu : suppression des traces en mode nominal V6_6_0a1 V6_6_0b1
2012-08-30 gddFix compilation error due to recent changes in SMESH
2012-08-01 fpsAbu : Corrections du 1er aout
2012-07-18 fpsLivraison CS du 18/07/2012
2012-07-03 fpsCorrection des bugs 21586 et 21634
2012-06-05 vsrMerge from V6_5_BR 05/06/2012
2012-04-03 fklBad epsilon: in fact epsilon*epsilon V6_5_0a1
2012-03-22 vsrAdd functions to know that SALOME module version is...
2012-02-17 gddReplace Descret by Discrete in variable and method...
2011-12-09 bphfixed : set MESSAGE() in DEBUG mode only
2011-12-05 vsrMerge from V6_4_BR 05/12/2011
2011-11-18 fpsAbu : Diagnostics avant maillage
2011-11-07 fpsAbu : bug asso surfaces
2011-11-04 fklCompute method view globally the generation (all solids...
2011-10-18 fpsCorrections + evolutions V6_4_0a1
2011-10-04 bphfixed: groups creation
2011-09-15 fklMerge from correction done by HAMMI 500 / MANTIS 21358
2011-09-06 bphreplaced: countXXX -> countUsedXXX; getXXX -> getUsedXXX
2011-07-15 vsrMerge from V6_3_BR 15/07/2011
2011-07-07 bphfixed:
2011-06-06 vsrMerge from V6_3_BR 06/06/2011
2011-05-31 bphfixed: copyright
2011-03-22 gddRemove files generated by libtool
2011-01-31 gddUpdate with recent changes in SMESH
2011-01-19 fklAdjustement for Dedian Sid building
2010-12-03 fpsForgen VTK include V6_2_BR
2010-11-25 fpsBad MPI definition
2010-11-22 fklFirst publish of HEXABLOCKPLUGIN cea
2010-10-13 vsrInitial pre-creation initial