]> SALOME platform Git repositories - plugins/ghs3dprlplugin.git/shortlog
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2009-03-12 vsrCorrect copyright notes V5_1_1 V5_1_1rc2 V5_1_1rc3 V5_1_1rc4 V5_1_1rc5
2009-03-12 vsrCorrect copyright notes
2009-02-26 mznFix for bug 0019977: Installation of Salome modules... V5_1_1a2 V5_1_1rc1
2009-02-25 vsrChange version to 5.1.1 V5_1_1a1
2009-02-17 vsrMerge from BR_V5_DEV 16Feb09
2008-04-21 jfaJoin modifications from BR_Dev_For_4_0. V4_1_2 V4_1_2rc2 V4_1_2rc3
2007-06-15 secherupdate following new library syntax in xml file
2007-04-25 abdFix bad resource file name V4_0 V4_0rc1 V4_0rc1_automake V4_0rc2
2007-04-02 cvwbad name of file
2007-03-13 jfaInitial version from Francis Kloss. start
2007-03-13 secherImported using TkCVS baseline-1_1_1