]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/visu.git/shortlog
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2006-11-30 apoTo implement GetMemorySize method for the other VISU...
2006-11-30 apoTo implement RemoveFromStudy for ColoredPrs3dCache...
2006-11-30 apoTo finalize RemoveFromStudy by calling Destroy() function
2006-11-30 apoTo check ColoredPrs3dHolder on _non_existent before...
2006-11-30 apoTo handle ColoredPrs3dHolder in DeletePrs3d function
2006-11-30 apoTo implement RemoveFromStudy for ColoredPrs3dHolder
2006-11-30 apoTo improve memory management of SALOMEDS::Study::ListOf...
2006-11-30 apoIntorduce "Arange actors" functionality in Gauss Viewer
2006-11-30 apoIntorduce comments for IDL methods
2006-11-30 apoTo adjust Display/Erase popup functionality to the...
2006-11-30 apoTo disable messages
2006-11-29 apoTo improve memory size calculation
2006-11-29 apoTo improve memory size calculation
2006-11-29 apoTo improve memory size calculation
2006-11-29 apoTo improve memory size calculation
2006-11-29 ouvSlider improvement
2006-11-29 apoTo improve memory size calculation
2006-11-29 apoAdjust popup
2006-11-29 ouvremoved from base
2006-11-29 ouvadded in text format
2006-11-29 ouvremoved as binary
2006-11-29 ouvminor fix
2006-11-29 ouvTo introduce SALOME_GenericObjPtr - smart pointer for...
2006-11-28 ouvtry - catch is added
2006-11-28 ouvIcons for slider
2006-11-28 ouvVisuGUI_FieldFilter added - selection filter for fields
2006-11-28 ouvCheckIsPossible() moved to VISU_ColoredPrs3dFactory
2006-11-27 apoTo use VISU_Actor::DeepCopy to keep the same Actor...
2006-11-27 apoTo introduce GetMemorySize(): size_t for VISU_Actor...
2006-11-27 ouvAdditional control - Memory State
2006-11-27 apoTo introduce GetMemorySize(): float for the cache syste...
2006-11-27 ouvDefault cache memory mode switched to Limited.
2006-11-27 apoFix a regressions with popups
2006-11-27 ouv1) Cache preferences
2006-11-27 apoFix a regression
2006-11-27 apoTo use a new method for ColoredPrs3dHolder to allow...
2006-11-27 apoTo introduce a new method for ColoredPrs3dHolder to...
2006-11-27 apoCustomize SameAs for case when we copy (not create...
2006-11-27 apoRestore from wrong modfications
2006-11-27 apoRemove unnecessary dependencies
2006-11-27 apoTo implement more intellegent view handling
2006-11-27 apoTo implement more intellegent view handling
2006-11-27 apoDisable messages
2006-11-27 apoTo move Holder dependant factory methods to Factory...
2006-11-27 apoBug fixing
2006-11-24 apoMinor changes
2006-11-24 ouvCache system
2006-11-24 apoRemove dependencies from
2006-11-24 apoAdjust Display/Erase popup functionality
2006-11-24 apoTune holder presentations creation
2006-11-24 apoTo improve the following functionalities.
2006-11-24 apoMinor changes
2006-11-24 apoTo override "Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) ColoredPr...
2006-11-23 ouvRevision is restored
2006-11-23 apoTo refactor creation ColoredPrs3d
2006-11-23 ouvCache properties dialog
2006-11-22 ouvminor changes
2006-11-22 ouvRelation between slider and holder objects
2006-11-21 ouvminor fix
2006-11-21 ouvPublishing Cache and Holder objects in study
2006-11-17 ouvminor change
2006-11-15 ouvInitial implementation of the cache system.
2006-11-09 ouvMinor fix WP1_2_3_09-11-2006_change_prs_input
2006-11-09 ouvSelection is improved
2006-11-09 apoTo fix problem with update scalar range after changing...
2006-11-08 ouvTo restore selection after CreatePrs3d and EditPrs3d
2006-11-08 ouvVisuGUI_InputPane added
2006-11-07 ouvAdded methods
2006-11-07 ouvSimple implementation of VisuGUI_InputPane
2006-11-07 ouvMinor changes
2006-11-03 apoFix a bug - time and timestamp number comboboxes is... WP1_2_3_06-10-2006
2006-11-03 apoTo improve layouting system
2006-11-03 apo1. To update geometry on selection update
2006-11-03 apoTo update speed of "play" in run-time
2006-11-03 apoTo fix a problem with reseting of timestamp number...
2006-11-03 apoTo publish the new kind of presentations in the 'Points...
2006-11-03 apoTo minimize header includes
2006-11-03 apoTo improve highlight method - selection will be extende...
2006-11-03 apoTo improve highlight method - selection will be extende...
2006-11-03 apoTo set sub range on the creation of the IsoSurface...
2006-11-03 apoTo disable messages
2006-11-03 apoTo extend and clarify VISU IDL definition.
2006-11-02 apoTo adjust to the new ColorePrs3d_i interface
2006-11-02 apoTo disable messages
2006-11-02 apoTo introduce CORBA::Boolean ColoredPrs3d::IsTimeStampFi...
2006-11-02 ouv"Play" functionality
2006-11-02 apoFor presentations published under TimeStamp their funct...
2006-11-02 apoDisable debug information
2006-11-02 ouvBasic realization of VisuGUI_Slider
2006-11-02 apoTo provide GUI functionality for creation new kind...
2006-11-02 apoTo improve a way to update actor (only if necessary)
2006-11-02 apoMinor changes
2006-11-02 apoTo separate CORBA and C++ methods in an explicit way
2006-11-02 apoTo fix a regression
2006-11-01 apo1. Implement publishing new presentations in correspond...
2006-11-01 apoMinor changes
2006-11-01 apoTo use TimeStampsRange as universal way to iterate...
2006-10-31 apoTo implement TimeStampsRange ColoredPrs3d:GetTimeStamps...
2006-10-31 apoNow, it is up to actor decide whether it is needed...
2006-10-31 apoTo introduce generic testing over all types of VISU...