]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/visu.git/shortlog
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2008-08-08 abdMerging with BR_WPdev_For_5_0 mergefrom_BR_WPdev_For_5_0_08Aug2008
2008-08-06 mkrFix for bug 0016100 : EDF 429 VISU : Automatic creation...
2008-08-05 dmv0016187: EDF PAL 460: To be able to export a MED file...
2008-07-29 vsrmerge from V4_1_0_maintainance branch (from tag mergeto... mergefrom_V4_1_0_maintainance_29Jul08
2008-07-25 vsrMerge from V4_1_0_maintainance branch (from tag mergeto... before_mergefrom_V4_1_0_maintainance_29Jul08 mergefrom_V4_1_0_maintainance_08Jul08
2008-07-24 vsrMerge from BR_Dev_For_4_0 branch (from tag mergeto_BR_Q... before_mergefrom_V4_1_0_maintainance_08Jul08 mergefrom_BR_Dev_For_4_0_07Jul08
2008-07-17 stv*** empty log message *** before_mergefrom_BR_Dev_For_4_0_07Jul08
2008-07-10 mznFix for bug IPAL20073 (Qt4 porting: "SetBackground...
2008-07-04 mznFix for bug IPAL19692 (Qt4 porting: SIGSEGV after apply...
2008-07-01 mznFix for bug IPAL19980 (Qt4 porting. ?Build progress...
2008-06-06 mznFix for bug IPAL19693(Qt4 porting: CRASH after applying...
2008-05-30 ouvBug IPAL19726 - Qt4 porting: problems with gauss points...
2008-04-28 apoTo fix bugs with widget layouting V5_0_0 V5_0_0rc1
2008-04-28 aslfix for PAL19420: as temporary solution, the functional...
2008-04-25 mznNew icons for Post-Pro module.
2008-04-25 mznNew icons for Post-Pro module.
2008-04-21 mkrFix for bug IPAL19512 : Qt4 porting: Error message...
2008-04-11 mkrFix for bug IPAL19258 : Qt4 porting. Incorrect view...
2008-04-03 aklUp to date
2008-04-01 vsrIPAL19251
2008-03-31 vsvRestore 3d view after show Plot2d in CutLines operation
2008-03-31 vsvLayouting and wrong behaviour are corrected (bugs 19386...
2008-03-28 ouvBug IPAL19361 - Qt4 porting. It is impossible showing... V5_0_0a1 VSR_280308
2008-03-27 vsvHide scaling button (bug 19383)
2008-03-26 aklFix of IPAL19349 (Qt4 porting: preview of clipping...
2008-03-26 ouvBug IPAL19371 : Qt4 porting: impossible to start record...
2008-03-25 ouvBug IPAL19370 : Qt4 porting: Import MED file, Cancel...
2008-03-25 mznFix for bug IPAL19362 (Qt4 porting: "Setup Plot 2d...
2008-03-25 ouvBug IPAL19350 : Qt4 porting: Cut Lines: incorrect table...
2008-03-24 mznFix for bug IPAL19175 ( Qt4 porting: Gauss Viewer....
2008-03-24 vsvNot activated ipmose range fields fixed (bug 19314).
2008-03-24 aklFix a pb. with naming of vertical headers of table...
2008-03-24 aklFix of IPAL19343(Cut Lines Definition: SIGSEGV at chang...
2008-03-24 nkvIPAL 19144 - No toolbar in Gauss Viewer
2008-03-24 aklFix of IPAL19325(Segmentation violation on Selection...
2008-03-21 aklFix 2 problems:
2008-03-20 aklFix of IPAL19281(Stream Lines Preferences dialog: Step...
2008-03-20 akl+ void initSpinBox( QSpinBox*, int, int, int = 1 )
2008-03-20 aklFix of IPAL19278(Number Of Contour is active by Default...
2008-03-19 ouvBug IPAL19307 - Qt4 porting. Cut Lines. Generate Curves...
2008-03-19 aklA partial fix of IPAL19301(Setup Animation dialog probl...
2008-03-19 nkvIPAL19283 - Wrong message
2008-03-18 aklFix of IPAL19300(bad view of play and other animation...
2008-03-18 aklFix of IPAL19205(There is no button "Close" in Successi...
2008-03-18 vsvCorrection of bug 19202
2008-03-18 aklFix of IPAL19226(Show Table operation led to segmentati...
2008-03-18 ouvBug IPAL19261 - Qt4 porting: Cut Lines dialog problem
2008-03-18 ouvBug IPAL19237 - Qt4 porting: Changing of color in ...
2008-03-18 ouvBug IPAL19234 - Qt4 porting: No one presentation type...
2008-03-18 nkvBUG 19142 - "Arrange presentations" dialog is broken
2008-03-18 nkvBUG 19145 - Error message after call "Selection Info...
2008-03-17 nkvBUG 19145 - Exception after "Selection Info" call
2008-03-14 vsvCrash clipping plane fixed (bug 19183)
2008-03-13 mkrFix for bug IPAL19203.
2008-03-13 mkrAdditional corrections for IPAL19178.
2008-03-12 mkrFix for IPAL19178.
2008-03-11 mkrFix for IPAL19177.
2008-03-07 mkrTo correct Makefiles according to modifications in...
2008-03-06 vsrFix pb with standard libraries
2008-03-03 vsr*** empty log message ***
2008-02-29 mkrMove VTK_LIBS flags to the end of LDFLAGS to avoid...
2008-02-19 stv*** empty log message ***
2008-02-12 vsrMerge from branch BR_Dev_For_4_0 (from tag mergeto_BR_Q... mergefrom_BR_Dev_For_4_0_12Feb08
2008-02-11 vsrMerge from BR_Dev_For_4_0 branch (from mergeto_BR_QT4_D... before_mergefrom_BR_Dev_For_4_0_12Feb08 mergefrom_BR_Dev_For_4_0_17Jan08
2008-02-08 vsrMerge from BR_Dev_For_4_0 branch (from tag mergeto_BR_Q...
2008-01-18 aslfix for bug: VVTK view's scene is not shown before_mergefrom_BR_Dev_For_4_0_17Jan08
2007-12-27 vsr*** empty log message ***
2007-12-17 stv*** empty log message *** snapshot_171207
2007-10-04 vsr*** empty log message *** snapshot_291007
2007-08-21 vsr*** empty log message ***
2007-08-21 abdFix unresolvable symbols
2007-08-21 abdFix dependence of ObjectBrowser and signal for ButtonGr...
2007-08-21 abdFix unresolvable symbols and dependence of ObjectBrowser
2007-08-13 abdFirst executable version
2007-05-25 apoTo fix retriving data on points of a selected cell V4_0 start_porting_to_qt4
2007-05-25 apoMinor changes
2007-05-25 apoMinor changes
2007-05-25 apoFix for Bug IPAL16066
2007-05-25 jfaFix bug 16041: IOLS. Regression with selection.
2007-05-25 jfaFixing bug 16061: IOLS. Attribute error on load script...
2007-05-24 apoFix for Bug IPAL16060
2007-05-24 jfaFix bug 15976: IOLS. Problem with dynamic_cast and...
2007-05-24 apoTo avoid duplication in LDFLAGS
2007-05-24 apoTo fix regression with restoring of presentation scalar...
2007-05-24 apoFix for Bug IPAL15982
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16051
2007-05-23 apoTo remove useless message
2007-05-23 apoUse SameAs functionality instead of pure GUI - storeToO...
2007-05-23 apoIn context of fix for Bug IPAL16041 - IOLS. Regressions...
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16041
2007-05-23 apoCrash on TimeStamps.med / pression - IsoSurfaces
2007-05-23 apoJust improve layouting
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16044
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16044
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16028
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16036
2007-05-23 apoFix for Bug IPAL16034
2007-05-22 jfaFix bugs 15980,15981: IOLS: 'AVI' and 'MORE' buttons...
2007-05-22 apoFix for Bug IPAL16038
2007-05-22 jfaFix bug 16037: IOLS. Fatal error on playing two present...