]> SALOME platform Git repositories - plugins/ghs3dprlplugin.git/shortlog
Salome HOME
2007-06-27 abdRemoved copying of configure files BR_Dev_For_4_0 V4_1_0 V4_1_0a1 V4_1_0a2 V4_1_0a3 V4_1_0rc1 V4_1_0rc2 V4_1_1 V4_1_1rc1 V4_1_1rc2 V4_1_2rc1 for_M2008_07022008
2007-06-18 rnvDefine correct gui and server libraries name (without...
2007-04-25 abdFix bad resource file name V4_0 V4_0rc1 V4_0rc1_automake V4_0rc2
2007-04-02 cvwbad name of file
2007-03-13 jfaInitial version from Francis Kloss. start
2007-03-13 secherImported using TkCVS baseline-1_1_1