]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/medcoupling.git/shortlog
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2012-11-28 ageayActivation of mmap on linux OS
2012-11-28 ageaywarning hunting + tests on gauss pt RW on profiles...
2012-11-28 ageaytiny debugs, additionnal controls and warning hunting.
2012-11-28 ageayAddition of asin,acos,atan,sinh,cosh and tanh
2012-11-28 ageayWarning hunting
2012-11-22 vsrOne more improvement to the previous integrations to... V6_6_0rc1
2012-11-21 vsrMinor correction of previous integration
2012-11-21 ageayGenerating factorized doc for C++/python starting from...
2012-11-20 vsrgcc 3.4 (RHEL 4) compatibility
2012-11-19 vsrIncrement version to 6.6.0
2012-11-19 ageayMore test.
2012-11-16 boulantRename xmed to medop
2012-11-09 ageayMemory corruption hunting V6_6_0b1
2012-11-09 ageayMemory leak hunting
2012-11-09 ageayGauss imp1
2012-11-08 ageayGauss imp1
2012-11-08 ageayGauss imp1
2012-11-08 ageayGauss imp1
2012-11-08 ageayGauss imp1
2012-11-08 ageayMessage enhancement
2012-11-08 ageaySome code factorization
2012-11-08 ageaySome code factorization
2012-11-07 ageayCorrection of bug seen by EDF.
2012-11-06 boulantAdd an optional argument in pythonConsole to force...
2012-11-05 ageayLittle debug
2012-11-05 ageayTesting all CU, CC, UC configuration to improve coverage.
2012-11-05 ageayDebug in CU intersector.
2012-11-05 ageaySome tests of Unstructured->Cartesian. A problem in 3D.
2012-11-01 invFix compilation problem with CMake
2012-10-31 ageaybug correction on transferField
2012-10-31 ageayDataArrayInt::buildUnique
2012-10-31 ageayCU,CU,CC available in remapper.
2012-10-31 ageayTest of imp on Intersect2DMeshes
2012-10-31 ageayTest of imp on Intersect2DMeshes
2012-10-31 ageaycppRepr to ease debugging.
2012-10-31 ageayImp5
2012-10-30 ageayImp4
2012-10-30 ageayManagement of airea of quadratic cells.
2012-10-30 ageayImp3
2012-10-30 ageayImp2
2012-10-30 ageayImp1
2012-10-29 ageayPlugin of PointLocator intersector for 3D->2D.
2012-10-29 ageayExtension of Algorithm of geometrical partitioning
2012-10-29 ageayExtension of Algorithm of geometrical partitioning
2012-10-29 vsrFix minor problems in build procedure
2012-10-25 ageayFor the moment : no acceleration
2012-10-25 ageayENORMOUS bug
2012-10-25 ageayString representation of geom types for python users
2012-10-25 ageayLittle enhancement.
2012-10-19 ageayPreparation to generalization V6_6_0a1
2012-10-19 ageayPreparation to generalization
2012-10-19 ageaySimplify useless lines
2012-10-19 vsrWIN32 compatibility
2012-10-18 ageayBug correction2 sorry.
2012-10-18 ageayBug correction
2012-10-17 anawin32 compatibility
2012-10-16 ageayversion of MED in medcoupling library. PreV660Saph
2012-10-16 ageayversion of MED in medcoupling library.
2012-10-16 ageayCompil error to find MED_Version.h
2012-10-10 vsrFix problem of make distcheck
2012-10-09 vsr1) Add CMake files to the dist rules (make dist)
2012-10-04 anaCMake: Win32 compatibility
2012-10-01 ageay+=,-=,*=,/= on DataArrayTuple
2012-09-26 anaBuild MED module in 'without KERNEL' mode by CMake
2012-09-25 invFix compilation error with cmake
2012-09-20 ageayWNT -> WIN32 for standardization
2012-09-20 anaSolve problem of using MIN/MAX macros on windows.
2012-09-20 ageayCorrection of tiny problem in parallel mode.
2012-09-20 ageayNormally even on Windows no need to add PLATFORM_LIBS...
2012-09-19 anaCompilation SALOME by CMake(windows/linux)
2012-09-19 ageayCorrection of CMake to be accepted by linux.
2012-09-19 anaCompilation SALOME by CMake(windows/linux)
2012-09-19 anaCompilation SALOME by CMake(windows/linux)
2012-09-19 anaCompilation SALOME by CMake(windows/linux)
2012-09-19 anaCompilation SALOME by CMake(windows/linux)
2012-09-19 ageayBug correction
2012-09-19 ageayBug correction
2012-09-19 ageayBug correction
2012-09-19 ageayAdd missing library.
2012-09-19 ageayAdd author
2012-09-19 ageayAdd author
2012-09-19 ageayAdd author
2012-09-19 ageayAdd author
2012-09-19 ageayAdd author
2012-09-18 ageayIncrease precision in output
2012-09-18 ageaySome filtering methods in remapper
2012-09-18 ageayCMakization
2012-09-18 ageayCMakization
2012-09-18 ageayCMakization
2012-09-18 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 ageayCMakization
2012-09-17 boulantMEDOP: fix the doc generation process (disptching of...
2012-09-14 boulantMEDOP: add the documentation concerning the new GUI... MEDOP_EXPERIMENTAL_V0
2012-08-21 ageaySome public methods have became private after MEDFileFi...
2012-08-09 jfaRoll back wrong integration