]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/smesh.git/shortlog
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2013-03-21 prasclePR: examples adaptation to geomBuilder and smeshBuilder
2013-03-21 prasclePR: examples adaptation
2013-03-21 prasclePR: debug examples
2013-03-20 prasclePR: doc correction for StdMeshers
2013-03-20 prasclePR: merge synchro V7_1_0
2013-03-20 prasclePR: synchro smeshpyDC 7.1.0
2013-03-20 prasclePR: synchro V7_main tag mergefrom_V6_main_19Mar13
2013-03-15 prasclePR: examples adaptation to geomBuilder
2013-03-14 prasclePR: examples adaptation
2013-03-14 prasclePR: examples adaptation
2013-03-14 prasclePR: examples adaptation
2013-03-14 prasclePR: examples adaptation
2013-03-13 prasclePR: examples adaptation
2013-03-13 prasclePR: update documentation and examples
2013-03-11 prasclePR: synchro V7_main tag mergefrom_V6_main_06Mar13 distribGeom_06Mar13
2013-03-01 prasclePR: synchro V7_main tag mergefrom_V6_main_28Feb13 distribGeom_28Feb13
2013-02-25 prasclePR: comment debug print
2013-02-25 prasclePR: fix dump and compatibility with previous scripts
2013-02-24 prasclePR: packaging: from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
2013-02-20 prasclePR: synchro V7_main tag mergefrom_V6_main_11Feb13
2013-02-19 prasclePR: dump new init mode distribGeom_V6main_dump
2013-02-18 prasclePR: synchro V6_main tag mergeto_V7_main_11Feb13 distribGeom_11Feb13
2013-02-07 prasclePR: distributed geom and smesh scripts: first step distributedScripts_V1
2012-12-05 rnctiny documentation improvement V6_6_BR V6_6_0 V6_6_0rc2
2012-12-03 vsrCorrection of documentation
2012-11-29 eap[SALOME Forum] Viscous Layers on a complex geometry
2012-11-26 boulantPADDER FIX: run with the plugin all the unit tests... V6_6_0rc1
2012-11-23 boulantPrepare the fix of padder plugin for the usecases defin...
2012-11-23 rncPascale Noyret: made the doc reading of Yams working...
2012-11-23 rncPascale Noyret and rnc :
2012-11-23 vsrMinor fix for documentation
2012-11-23 eapSALOME Forum http://www.salome-platform.org/forum/forum...
2012-11-22 eapregression imps/H8
2012-11-22 eapregression imps/H4
2012-11-22 eapuntabify
2012-11-22 ctnEDF 1495: Creating groups of balls and groups of 0D...
2012-11-22 eapreturn enums instead of integers
2012-11-22 eaptypo
2012-11-22 ctnEDF 2485: Default sub-meshes priority.
2012-11-22 eapregerssion of the test bugs/X6
2012-11-22 eap0021543(~14811): EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for...
2012-11-22 vsr0021993: EDF SMESH : Crash during extrusion of a mesh...
2012-11-22 eap0021996: EDF SMESH 1549: Regression in projection algor...
2012-11-21 eapin Scale(), allow theScaleFact be a float or an integer
2012-11-21 eap1) Add a check of element type to GetPoints(elemID)
2012-11-21 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-21 eapNon-regression test bugs/K2
2012-11-21 eap0021542: EDF 1699 SMESH: Reorient a group of faces
2012-11-21 eap0021988: EDF 2484 SMESH : NETGEN and GDHS3D/BLSURF...
2012-11-20 eapRegression of bugs/F9
2012-11-20 eapRegression of bugs/D5
2012-11-20 eapremove commented code
2012-11-20 eapRegression of 3D_mesh_NETGEN/C7
2012-11-20 eapRemove actors from views
2012-11-19 boulantAdd error detection for the cases where the launcher...
2012-11-19 eap0021988: EDF 2484 SMESH : NETGEN and GDHS3D/BLSURF...
2012-11-19 boulantMerge from
2012-11-19 eap0021985: [CEA 715] "Clear mesh data" on a skin mesh...
2012-11-19 eap0021985: [CEA 715] "Clear mesh data" on a skin mesh...
2012-11-19 eap0021542: EDF 1699 SMESH: Reorient a group of faces
2012-11-19 vsrIncrement version to 6.6.0
2012-11-19 boulantremove padderexe (padder is an external program) and...
2012-11-19 boulantUpdate documentation of padder mesher
2012-11-16 eap0021542: EDF 1699 SMESH: Reorient a group of faces
2012-11-16 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-16 eap0021982: [CEA 713] Wrong 2D Projection
2012-11-16 eap+#ifdef _DEBUG_
2012-11-15 rncmissing KERNEL_LDFLAGS
2012-11-15 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes...
2012-11-15 eap0021980: [CEA 708] Import/export GMF does work only...
2012-11-15 eap0021980: [CEA 708] Import/export GMF does work only...
2012-11-15 eap0021980: [CEA 708] Import/export GMF does work only...
2012-11-15 anaWin32 compatibility
2012-11-15 eapIn Compute(), remove useless, and even malicious in...
2012-11-15 eap0021382: EDF 1985 SMESH: Read/write of .mesh files...
2012-11-14 eap0021979]: [ CEA 709 ] Import/export GMF should not...
2012-11-14 eapin GetCriterion(), publish a not published threshold...
2012-11-14 eap21382: EDF 1985 SMESH: Read/write of .mesh files (GMF...
2012-11-14 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-13 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-13 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-13 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-13 eap0021940: EDF 2460 SMESH : Issue with ConvertToQuadratic
2012-11-13 eap0021940: EDF 2460 SMESH : Issue with ConvertToQuadratic
2012-11-13 eapfix GetLastError()
2012-11-13 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-12 vsrMerge from V6_main 12/11/2012 V6_6_0b1
2012-11-12 eap0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
2012-11-10 prasclePR: link problem detection on ubuntu 12.04
2012-11-09 eapprecise comment
2012-11-08 vsrFix bug caused by integration of improvement for tri...
2012-11-08 eap0021954: [CEA 706] Error at the mesh object creation
2012-11-08 anaFix for the "0051573: TC6.6.0: Clipping - Select all...
2012-11-08 eapFix for the "0021861: EDF 2226 : Documentation of numer...
2012-11-08 eapFix for the "0021861: EDF 2226 : Documentation of numer...
2012-11-08 eap0051564: TC6.6.0: Extrusion work incorrect
2012-11-08 eapinitialize myEditCurrentArgument, else valgrind complaints
2012-11-07 eap0051567: TC6.6.0: Qadrangle_2D fail
2012-11-07 eap0021680: EDF 2288 SMESH: creation of 0D elements from...
2012-11-07 eapminor