From 3cd7fda5c91220827eeb7f947cdc9ad29db0ef16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: BRUNO Clement Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 10:02:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Version cmt-03 --- Telemac/ | 25 +++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/Telemac/ b/Telemac/ index 2c9e553d..78d38958 100644 --- a/Telemac/ +++ b/Telemac/ @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ INITIALIZATION=PROC(nom="INITIALIZATION",op=None, fr="Initialisation des fichiers d'entrée et de sortie", ang="Input and Output files initialization", - Title = SIMP( statut='o',typ='TXM'), + Title = SIMP( statut='o',typ='TXM',fr='Titre du cas etudie. Ce titre figurera sur les dessins.',ang='Title of the case being considered. This title shall be marked on the drawings.'), Working_Directory = SIMP( statut='o',typ='Repertoire',defaut='/tmp'), Files= FACT(statut='o', @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ INITIALIZATION=PROC(nom="INITIALIZATION",op=None, Fortran_File = SIMP(statut='f',typ = ('Fichier', 'Fortran files (*.f);;All Files (*)'), fr='Nom du fichier a soumettre', ang='Name of FORTRAN file to be submitted',), - Boundary_Condition_File = SIMP( statut='o', typ = ('Fichier', 'Boundary Condition (*.cli);;All Files (*)',),), + Boundary_Condition_File = SIMP( statut='o', typ = ('Fichier', 'Boundary Condition (*.cli);;All Files (*)',),fr='Nom du fichier contenant les types de conditions aux limites. Ce fichier est rempli de facon automatique par le mailleur au moyen de couleurs affectees aux noeuds des frontieres du domaine de calcul.',ang='Name of the file containing the types of boundary conditions. This file is filled automatically by the mesh generator through through colours that are assigned to the boundary nodes.',), Reference_File = SIMP( statut='f', typ = ('Fichier', 'Reference File (*.ref);;All Files (*)',), fr= 'Fichier de resultats de reference pour la validation. Les resultats a placer dans ce fichier seront a ecrire sur le canal 22.', ang= 'Binary-coded result file for validation. The results to be entered into this file shall be written on channel 22.',), @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ INITIALIZATION=PROC(nom="INITIALIZATION",op=None, Binary_Data_File2 = SIMP( statut='f', typ = ('Fichier', 'Reference File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),), ), Computation_Continued=FACT( statut='f', - Previous_Computation_File_Format=SIMP( statut='o',typ='TXM',into=['SERAFIN','MED','SERAFIND'],defaut='SERAFIN',), + Previous_Computation_File_Format=SIMP( statut='o',typ='TXM',into=['SERAFIN','MED','SERAFIND'],defaut='SERAFIN',fr='Format du fichier de resultats du calcul precedent. Les valeurs possibles sont : - SERAFIN : format standard simple precision pour Telemac; - SERAFIND: format standard double precision pour Telemac; - MED : format MED base sur HDF5',ang='Previous computation results file format. Possible values are: - SERAFIN : classical single precision format in Telemac; - SERAFIND: classical double precision format in Telemac; - MED : MED format based on HDF5',), Previous_Computation_File = SIMP( statut='o', typ = ('Fichier', 'Computation File (*.res);;All Files (*)',), fr = "Nom d'un fichier contenant les resultats d'un calcul precedent realise sur le meme maillage et dont le dernier pas de temps enregistre va fournir les conditions initiales pour une suite de de calcul.", @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ INITIALIZATION=PROC(nom="INITIALIZATION",op=None, Sisyphe=SIMP(statut='o',typ=bool,defaut=False), Tomawac=SIMP(statut='o',typ=bool,defaut=False), Delwacq=SIMP(statut='o',typ=bool,defaut=False), + fr='Liste des codes avec lesquels on couple Telemac-2D SISYPHE : couplage interne avec Sisyphe TOMAWAC : couplage interne avec Tomawac DELWAQ : sortie de fichiers de resultats pour Delwaq',ang='List of codes to be coupled with Telemac-2D SISYPHE : internal coupling with Sisyphe TOMAWAC : internal coupling with Tomawac DELWAQ: will yield results file for Delwaq', ), ), ) @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ TIDE_PARAMETERS=PROC(nom="TIDE_PARAMETERS",op=None, Longitude_of_origin=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',fr="en radians", ang="in radians"), ), # fin bloc b_lat ), # fin bloc b_geo - Zone_number_in_Geographic_System=SIMP(statut='f',typ='I',into=[-1,0,1,2,3,4,22,30]), + Zone_number_in_Geographic_System=SIMP(statut='f',typ='I',into=[-1,0,1,2,3,4,22,30],fr="Numero de zone (fuseau ou type de projection) lors de l'utilisation d'une projection plane. Indiquer le systeme geographique dans lequel est construit le modele numerique avec le mot-cle SYSTEME GEOGRAPHIQUE",ang='Number of zone when using a plane projection. Indicate the geographic system in which the numerical model is built with the keyword GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM'), ), ) @@ -158,10 +159,10 @@ INITIAL_STATE=PROC(nom="INITIAL_STATE",op=None, ang = 'Makes it possible to define the initial conditions with the water depth. The possible values are as follows: - ZERO ELEVATION-. Initializes the free surface elevation to 0.The initial water depths are then found by computing the difference between the free surface and the bottom. - CONSTANT ELEVATION-. Initializes the water elevation to the value given by the keyword -INITIAL ELEVATION-. The initial water depths are computed as in the previous case. - ZERO DEPTH-. Initializes the water depths to 0. - CONSTANT DEPTH-. Initializes the water depths to the value givenby the key-word -INITIAL DEPTH-. - SPECIAL-. The initial conditions with the water depth should be stated in the CONDIN subroutine. - TPXO SATELITE ALTIMETRY. The initial conditions on the free surface andvelocities are established from the TPXO satellite program data, the harmonicconstituents of which are stored in the TIDE DATA BASE file.', ), b_initial_elevation = BLOC (condition = "Initial_Conditions == 'CONSTANT ELEVATION'", - Initial_Elevation = SIMP(statut='o',typ='R' ), + Initial_Elevation = SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',fr='Valeur utilisee avec l''option : CONDITIONS INITIALES - COTE CONSTANTE',ang='Value to be used with the option : INITIAL CONDITIONS -CONSTANT ELEVATION' ), ), b_initial_depth = BLOC (condition = "Initial_Conditions == 'CONSTANT DEPTH'", - Initial_Depth = SIMP(statut='o',typ='R' ), + Initial_Depth = SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',fr='Valeur utilisee avec l''option : CONDITIONS INITIALES :-HAUTEUR CONSTANTE-',ang='Value to be used along with the option: INITIAL CONDITIONS -CONSTANT DEPTH-' ), ), b_special = BLOC (condition = "Initial_Conditions == 'SPECIAL'", special = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut="The initial conditions with the water depth should be stated in the CONDIN subroutine"), @@ -187,21 +188,21 @@ INITIAL_STATE=PROC(nom="INITIAL_STATE",op=None, # Il faut seulement l un des 3 Liquid_Boundaries=FACT(statut='f',max='**', - Options=SIMP(statut='f',typ='I',into=['classical boundary conditions','Thompson method based on characteristics']), + Options=SIMP(statut='f',typ='I',into=['classical boundary conditions','Thompson method based on characteristics'],fr='On donne 1 entier par frontiere liquide 1 : conditions aux limites classiques 2 : methode de Thompson avec calcul de caracteristiques',ang='One integer per liquid boundary is given 1 : classical boundary conditions 2 : Thompson method based on characteristics'), Type_Condition=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=['Flowrates','Elevations','Velocity'],), b_Flowrates = BLOC (condition = "Type_Condition == 'Flowrates'", - Prescribed_Flowrates=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'), + Prescribed_Flowrates=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',fr=' Valeurs des debits imposes aux frontieres liquides entrantes. Lire la partie du mode d''emploi consacree aux conditions aux limites',ang='Values of prescribed flowrates at the inflow boundaries. The section about boundary conditions is to be read in the manual'), ), b_Elevations = BLOC (condition = "Type_Condition == 'Elevations'", - Prescribed_Elevations=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'), + Prescribed_Elevations=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',fr='Valeurs des cotes imposees aux frontieres liquides entrantes. Lire la partie du mode d''emploi consacree aux conditions aux limites',ang='Values of prescribed elevations at the inflow boundaries. The section about boundary conditions is to be read in the manual'), ), b_Velocity = BLOC (condition = "Type_Condition == 'Velocity'", - Prescribed_Velocity=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'), + Prescribed_Velocity=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',fr='Valeurs des vitesses imposees aux frontieres liquides entrantes. Lire la partie du mode d''emploi consacree aux conditions aux limites',ang='Values of prescribed velocities at the liquid inflow boundaries. Refer to the section dealing with the boundary conditions'), ), ), - Stage_Discharge_Curves=SIMP(statut='f',typ='I',into=[0,1,2]), - Stage_Discharge_Curves_File = SIMP( statut='f', typ = ('Fichier', 'All Files (*)',),), + Stage_Discharge_Curves=SIMP(statut='f',typ='I',into=[0,1,2],fr='Indique si une courbe de tarage doit etre utilisee pour une frontiere 0:non 1:Z(Q) 2: Q(Z) (2 non programme)',ang='Says if a discharge-elevation curve must be used for a given boundary :NO 1:Z(Q) 2: Q(Z) (2 not programmed)'), + Stage_Discharge_Curves_File = SIMP( statut='f', typ = ('Fichier', 'All Files (*)',),fr='Nom du fichier contenant les courbes de tarage',ang='Name of the file containing stage-discharge curves',), Treatment_of_Fluxes_at_the_Boundaries = SIMP( statut='f',typ='I',into=[1,2],sug=1), Option_for_tidal_Boundary_Conditions = SIMP( statut='f',typ='I',into=[1,2],sug=1), ), -- 2.39.2