CCAR: add a procedure ( in SALOME application that is
able to get remote module catalogs and update the resources catalog (CatalogResources.xml).
The description of the distributed SALOME application is found in a file named
CatalogResources.base.xml (same format as the standard resources catalog).
CCAR: fix a performance problem when adding references in study (AttributeTarget)
replace the vector<DF_Attribute*> by a map< std::string , DF_Attribute* >
where the key is the label of the DF_Attribute* to improve access time to an attribute
with given label (main performance bottleneck during explode)
Changed Python module to reflect current usage of the comment attribute in SComponents. The module will have to be changed again in Salome 6.
Issue 0020924: [CEA] 6.1.0rc1 - script fails
Always use execfile() function instead of "import" command to execute Python scripts (passed via -u option of script)
CCAR: add a way to initialize ModuleCatalog server with remote catalogs.
the new environment variable (SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH) is used by (setpath method)
to add more catalogs than those given by the module_root_dir list.
SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH is a list of directories separated by : (unix) where other catalogs are found.
CCAR: fix a bug in KeepOnlyResourcesWithComponent (erase an item of a vector when looping on it)
and allow GiveContainer to raise SALOME exceptions to catch them in YACS
CCAR: improvement to the component loading mechanism of SALOME (issue 20675)
Main modifications are:
- add an out string argument to container methods (load_component_Library and create_component_instance_env)
to report reason when load or create fails (INTERFACE CHANGE)
- try to detect if the implementation is C++, python or executable based on intermediate errors (dlopen, dlsym,
import, ...)
- some refactoring to put specific parts in separate methods
- minimal update of MPIContainer and ParallelContainer
- keep LifeCycle unchanged
caremoli [Mon, 22 Mar 2010 09:23:39 +0000 (09:23 +0000)]
CCAR: improve the shutdown process
1- use module instead of in to avoid calling Study
2- disconnect all connections in the connection manager
3- change the order of servers shutdown :
- connection manager
- study
- module catalog
- registry
- launcher
- logger
and add some waiting time between each shutdown because it is asynchronous.
caremoli [Mon, 22 Mar 2010 09:15:41 +0000 (09:15 +0000)]
CCAR: add a new parameter (resources) to configuration of SALOME Application
It is a new entry in config_appli.xml file (tag resources) that gives the path of a user resources catalog
It is added to the SALOME Application as the USER_CATALOG_RESOURCES_FILE environment variable in env.d/
caremoli [Fri, 19 Mar 2010 16:57:56 +0000 (16:57 +0000)]
CCAR: add two requests to CALCIUM API (CPEFFI and CPEFFT)
These requests remove all dataid before a given time (cpefft) or iteration number (cpeffi)
C, Fortran and Python API are implemented
caremoli [Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:15:30 +0000 (17:15 +0000)]
CCAR: add a method to Container idl (create_component_instance_env) to be able
to create a standalone component (executable) with predefined environment variables.
It's mainly the same method as create_component_instance with a third argument that is
a dict(string,Any) to pass in the environment variables.
create_component_instance has been reimplemented by calling create_component_instance_env with an empty dict (for compatibility with 5.1.3)
MPIContainer and ParallelContainer have been updated