]> SALOME platform Git repositories - plugins/netgenplugin.git/log
Salome HOME
19 years agoModify the version number of SALOME: 2.2.0. V2_2_0 V2_2_0b2 V2_2_0b4
vsr [Fri, 21 Jan 2005 07:41:19 +0000 (07:41 +0000)]
Modify the version number of SALOME: 2.2.0.

20 years agoUpdate from OCC OCC_development_01 OCC_initial_01 V2_1_0 V2_2_0a1
admin [Fri, 17 Dec 2004 11:38:32 +0000 (11:38 +0000)]
Update from OCC

20 years agoDCQ:prepare 2.0.0
yfr [Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:06:08 +0000 (10:06 +0000)]
DCQ:prepare 2.0.0

20 years agoInitial version V1_4_1a Ecole_Ete_a2 Ecole_Ete_a4 Ecole_Ete_a5 Ecole_Ete_a6 V1_4_1 V2_0_0b1
smh [Fri, 26 Mar 2004 07:05:19 +0000 (07:05 +0000)]
Initial version

20 years agoInitial version
smh [Tue, 23 Mar 2004 06:58:45 +0000 (06:58 +0000)]
Initial version

20 years agoInitial version
smh [Mon, 22 Mar 2004 12:40:16 +0000 (12:40 +0000)]
Initial version