updated documentation
- corrected gmsh options for meshsizes
- updated hyperlink to recent gmsh website
- added doc for new option (Elements per 2Pi radians)
Afeef [Fri, 24 Jun 2022 11:27:07 +0000 (13:27 +0200)]
Gmsh upgrade 4.8 -> 4.10
This commit also adds intefaces MeshSizeFromCurvature which is used
to control mesh size on curved edges (input [int] # of elements per)
2Pi ).
Enable Backward Compatability and Correct Mappings 3D meshing
- NEW 1: New algorithms for quad meshing (simple, blossom,
simplefullquad, and blossomfullquad)
- CHANGES 1: This commit allows compilation of Gmsh 4.1 &
Gmsh 4.8
Afeef [Mon, 30 Aug 2021 10:17:19 +0000 (12:17 +0200)]
Multiple fixes to Gmsh functionality and upgrade to Gmsh 4.8.4
- FIX 1 : Gmsh 3D algorithm was wrongly mapped (Bug ref. spns #24634)
the user was unable to choose properly the 3D meshing algorithm. The
correction for this is in GMSHPlugin_mesher.cxx, correct mapping is
now chosen << mapAlgo3d[_algo3d]) >>
- FIX 2 :Compound meshing issue that resulted in extra unwanted edges
from the geometry object (Bug ref. #bos 24165) is now fixed. Added a
new function SetCompoundMeshVisibility() in GMSHPlugin_Mesher.cxx
that helps elimenating these edges while transfer to SMESH. Note this
artifact is native to Gmsh.
- ADDITIONAL CHANGE 1: 3D algorthims used in Gmsh 4.8.4 have changed
(Delaunay, Frontal-Delaunay, MMG3D, R-Tree) are the ones avaliable in
4.8.4. Compared to 4.1.4 no more FrontalHex and Fontal in 3D, also we
have added Delaunay in 3D which was missing bedofe.
- ADDITIONAL CHANGE 2: Delaunay in 3D is now the default algorithm.
Fixes compound mesh failur [spns 24411]
Since gmsh version 4.3 when compund meshing is involved Gmsh
produces extra discrete surfaces apart from the original topology
Gmsh meshing procedure needs acess to each of the original topology
and the meshed topology.
Hence we bypass the additional DiscreteSurface mesh in case compound
meshing is involved. This bypass is needed during the GMSHPlugin_Mesher::FillSMesh()
Afeef [Tue, 22 Jun 2021 14:14:07 +0000 (16:14 +0200)]
Porting to Gmsh Version 4.8.4 :
"_compound" is renamed to "compound"
- "GeomType" CompoundCurve, CompoundSurface, and CompoundVolume
are determined by "!haveParametrization()".