#include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
typedef std::list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*> THypList;
-#if OCC_VERSION_LARGE < 0x07080000
struct SMESHDS_Hasher
+#if OCC_VERSION_LARGE < 0x07080000
static inline Standard_Boolean IsEqual(const TopoDS_Shape& S1,
const TopoDS_Shape& S2)
return ::HashCode( S, Upper);
-typedef NCollection_DataMap< TopoDS_Shape, THypList, SMESHDS_Hasher > ShapeToHypothesis;
-typedef NCollection_DataMap< TopoDS_Shape, THypList > ShapeToHypothesis;
+ bool operator()(const TopoDS_Shape& S1, const TopoDS_Shape& S2) const
+ {
+ // for the purpose of ShapeToHypothesis map we don't consider shapes orientation
+ return S1.IsSame(S2);
+ }
+ size_t operator()(const TopoDS_Shape& S) const
+ {
+ return std::hash<TopoDS_Shape>{}(S);
+ }
+typedef NCollection_DataMap< TopoDS_Shape, THypList, SMESHDS_Hasher > ShapeToHypothesis;
class SMESHDS_GroupBase;
class DownIdType;