if len( args ) < 1: sys.exit("Plugin name is not specified")
f = open(options.output, "w")
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ plugins_names = " ".join(args) + " plugins"
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ plugins_names = args[0] + " plugin"
+ else:
+ plugins_names = ""
output = []
if options.dummygeomhelp:
output.append( "## @package geomBuilder" )
- output.append( "# Documentation of the methods dynamically added by the " + plugin_name + " Geometry plug-in to the geomBuilder class." )
+ output.append( "# Documentation of the methods dynamically added by the " + plugins_names + " to the @b %geomBuilder class." )
# Add dummy Geometry help
# This is supposed to be done when generating documentation for Geometry module plug-ins
output.append( "# @note The documentation below does not provide complete description of class @b %geomBuilder" )
output.append( "# from @b geomBuilder package. This documentation provides only information about" )
- output.append( "# the methods dynamically added to the %geomBuilder class by the " + plugin_name + " plugin" )
+ output.append( "# the methods dynamically added to the %geomBuilder class by the " + plugins_names + "." )
output.append( "# For more details on the %geomBuilder class, please refer to the SALOME %Geometry module" )
output.append( "# documentation." )