--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import salome
+### SHAPER component
+from salome.shaper import model
+partSet = model.moduleDocument()
+### Create Part
+Part_1 = model.addPart(partSet)
+Part_1_doc = Part_1.document()
+### Create Sketch
+Sketch_1 = model.addSketch(Part_1_doc, model.defaultPlane("XOZ"))
+### Create SketchLine
+SketchLine_1 = Sketch_1.addLine(100, 0, 0, 0)
+### Create SketchProjection
+SketchProjection_1 = Sketch_1.addProjection(model.selection("VERTEX", "PartSet/Origin"), False)
+SketchPoint_1 = SketchProjection_1.createdFeature()
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_1.endPoint(), SketchPoint_1.result())
+### Create SketchLine
+SketchLine_2 = Sketch_1.addLine(0, 0, 0, 100)
+### Create SketchLine
+SketchLine_3 = Sketch_1.addLine(0, 100, 100, 100)
+### Create SketchLine
+SketchLine_4 = Sketch_1.addLine(100, 100, 100, 0)
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_4.endPoint(), SketchLine_1.startPoint())
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_1.endPoint(), SketchLine_2.startPoint())
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_2.endPoint(), SketchLine_3.startPoint())
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_3.endPoint(), SketchLine_4.startPoint())
+Sketch_1.setEqual(SketchLine_3.result(), SketchLine_4.result())
+Sketch_1.setLength(SketchLine_1.result(), 100)
+### Create SketchLine
+SketchLine_5 = Sketch_1.addLine(0, 50, 100, 50)
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_5.startPoint(), SketchLine_2.result())
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_5.endPoint(), SketchLine_4.result())
+### Create SketchLine
+SketchLine_6 = Sketch_1.addLine(50, 50.00000000000001, 50, 0)
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_6.endPoint(), SketchLine_1.result())
+Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_6.startPoint(), SketchLine_5.result())
+Sketch_1.setMiddlePoint(SketchLine_6.startPoint(), SketchLine_5.result())
+Sketch_1.setMiddlePoint(SketchLine_5.startPoint(), SketchLine_2.result())
+### Create Extrusion
+Extrusion_1 = model.addExtrusion(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("COMPOUND", "Sketch_1")], model.selection(), 100, 0, "Faces|Wires")
+### Create Group
+Group_1 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Faces", [model.selection("FACE", "Extrusion_1_1_1/Generated_Face&Sketch_1/SketchLine_5"), model.selection("FACE", "(Extrusion_1_1_3/Generated_Face&Sketch_1/SketchLine_4)(Extrusion_1_1_3/From_Face)(Extrusion_1_1_3/To_Face)(Extrusion_1_1_3/Generated_Face&Sketch_1/SketchLine_3)2(Extrusion_1_1_3/Generated_Face&Sketch_1/SketchLine_2)2")])
+### Create Group
+Group_2 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Faces", [model.selection("FACE", "Extrusion_1_1_1/Generated_Face&Sketch_1/SketchLine_6")])
+### Create Group
+Group_3 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Faces", [model.selection("COMPSOLID", "Extrusion_1_1")])
+### Create GroupSubstraction
+GroupSubstraction_1 = model.addGroupSubstraction(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("COMPOUND", "all_faces")], [model.selection("COMPOUND", "crack_1"), model.selection("COMPOUND", "crack_2")])
+### Create Group
+Group_4 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Edges", [model.selection("EDGE", "[Extrusion_1_1_3/Generated_Face&Sketch_1/SketchLine_3][Extrusion_1_1_3/To_Face]")])
+### Create Group
+Group_5 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Solids", [model.selection("SOLID", "Extrusion_1_1_3")])
+### Create Group
+Group_6 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Solids", [model.selection("SOLID", "Extrusion_1_1_1")])
+### Create Group
+Group_7 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, "Solids", [model.selection("SOLID", "Extrusion_1_1_2")])
+### SHAPERSTUDY component
+shapes = SHAPERSTUDY.shape(model.featureStringId(Extrusion_1))
+Extrusion_1_1 = shapes[0]
+groups = shapes[1:]
+# dict of groups by their name
+d_groups = {}
+for gr in groups:
+ name = gr.GetName()
+ d_groups[name] = gr
+### SMESH component
+from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
+smesh = smeshBuilder.New()
+# Create an hexahedral mesh or polyhedral mesh
+# @param algo: "hexahedra", "polyhedra" or "polygons"
+def createMesh(algo):
+ nb_segs = 5
+ Mesh_1 = smesh.Mesh(Extrusion_1_1)
+ mesh_name = "Mesh_%s"%algo
+ Mesh_1.SetName(mesh_name)
+ algo_1d = Mesh_1.Segment()
+ algo_1d.NumberOfSegments(nb_segs)
+ if algo == "hexahedra":
+ Mesh_1.Quadrangle(algo=smeshBuilder.QUADRANGLE)
+ Mesh_1.Hexahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.Hexa)
+ elif algo == "polyhedra":
+ Mesh_1.Quadrangle(algo=smeshBuilder.QUADRANGLE)
+ Mesh_1.Polyhedron()
+ elif algo == "polygons":
+ Mesh_1.Polygon()
+ Mesh_1.Polyhedron()
+ else:
+ raise Exception("not expected algo: ", algo)
+ d_mesh_groups = {}
+ # Create group of faces
+ for name, gr in d_groups.items():
+ if name.startswith("crack") or name.startswith("Solid_"):
+ gr_mesh = Mesh_1.Group(gr)
+ d_mesh_groups[name] = gr_mesh
+ # Group on nodes
+ gr_sides_1 = Mesh_1.GroupOnGeom(d_groups["sides"],'sides',SMESH.NODE)
+ # sub-mesh on top edge
+ algo_1d_sub = Mesh_1.Segment(geom=d_groups["top_edge"])
+ algo_1d_sub.NumberOfSegments(2*nb_segs)
+ algo_1d_sub.Propagation()
+ isDone = Mesh_1.Compute()
+ nb_nodes = Mesh_1.NbNodes()
+ # Create 2 cracks by two calls of DoubleNodeElemGroups
+ # get affected elements on crack_1
+ [ affectedVolumes_1, affectedFaces_1, affectedEdges_1 ] = Mesh_1.AffectedElemGroupsInRegion( [ d_mesh_groups["crack_1" ] ], [ gr_sides_1 ], None )
+ # affectedVolumes_1 is d_mesh_groups["Solid_1"] => use one or the other
+ # double nodes on crack_1
+ [ crack_1_double_faces, crack_1_double_nodes ] = Mesh_1.DoubleNodeElemGroups( [ d_mesh_groups["crack_1" ] ], [ gr_sides_1 ], [ affectedVolumes_1, affectedFaces_1, affectedEdges_1 ], 1, 1 )
+ # check new nodes were added
+ new_nb_nodes_1 = Mesh_1.NbNodes()
+ assert new_nb_nodes_1 > nb_nodes
+ # check number of new nodes
+ if algo != "polygons":
+ assert new_nb_nodes_1-nb_nodes == (nb_segs*2-1)*(nb_segs-1)
+ else:
+ assert new_nb_nodes_1-nb_nodes == nb_segs-1
+ # check new nodes where affected to volume elements
+ affectedVolumes_1_nodes = affectedVolumes_1.GetNodeIDs()
+ for n in range(nb_nodes +1, new_nb_nodes_1):
+ assert n in affectedVolumes_1_nodes, "New node not affected to affectedVolumes_1 in %s"%mesh_name
+ # get affected elements on crack_2
+ [ affectedVolumes_2, affectedFaces_2, affectedEdges_2 ] = Mesh_1.AffectedElemGroupsInRegion( [ d_mesh_groups["crack_2" ] ], [ gr_sides_1 ], None )
+ # double nodes on crack_2
+ # affectedVolumes_2 is d_mesh_groups["Solid_3"] => use one or the other
+ [ crack_2_double_faces, crack_2_double_nodes ] = Mesh_1.DoubleNodeElemGroups( [ d_mesh_groups["crack_2" ] ], [ gr_sides_1 ], [ affectedVolumes_2, affectedFaces_2, affectedEdges_2 ], 1, 1 )
+ # check new nodes were added
+ new_nb_nodes_2 = Mesh_1.NbNodes()
+ assert new_nb_nodes_2 > new_nb_nodes_1
+ # check number of new nodes
+ if algo != "polygons":
+ assert new_nb_nodes_2-new_nb_nodes_1 == (nb_segs-1)*nb_segs
+ else:
+ assert new_nb_nodes_2-new_nb_nodes_1 == nb_segs-1
+ # check new nodes where affected to volume elements
+ affectedVolumes_2_nodes = affectedVolumes_2.GetNodeIDs()
+ for n in range(new_nb_nodes_1 +1, new_nb_nodes_2):
+ assert n in affectedVolumes_2_nodes, "New node not affected to affectedVolumes_2 in %s"%mesh_name
+if salome.sg.hasDesktop():
+ salome.sg.updateObjBrowser()