--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import salome
+import GEOM
+from salome.geom import geomBuilder
+geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
+import math
+area_tolerance = 1e-3
+nb_faces_tolerance = 10
+## Return the min and max areas of a mesh
+def getMinMaxArea(mesh):
+ faces = mesh.GetElementsByType(SMESH.FACE)
+ areas = [mesh.GetArea(face) for face in faces]
+ mini = min(areas)
+ maxi = max(areas)
+ return mini, maxi
+O = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
+OX = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
+OY = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
+OZ = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
+Face_1 = geompy.MakeFaceHW(10, 10, 1)
+geomObj_1 = geompy.MakeMarker(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
+Sketch_1 = geompy.MakeSketcherOnPlane("Sketcher:F -2.5209155082703 -1.4416453838348:TT -1.1105282306671 -2.9872753620148:TT 0.76354801654816 -2.3303825855255:TT 1.9614112377167 -3.0838770866394:TT 3.8354876041412 -1.2677619457245:TT 4.2218952178955 0.644955098629:TT 3.2751967906952 2.5576722621918:TT 0.58966463804245 3.5430111885071:TT -3.7380990982056 3.2338852882385:TT -4.433632850647 0.85747921466827:WW", Face_1 )
+vertices = geompy.ExtractShapes(Sketch_1, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"], True)
+Curve_1 = geompy.MakeInterpol(vertices, True, True)
+p_small = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Curve_1, 0.001)
+geompy.addToStudy(p_small, "p_small")
+p_small2 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Curve_1, 0.5)
+geompy.addToStudy(p_small2, "p_small2")
+p_small3 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Curve_1, 0.501)
+geompy.addToStudy(p_small3, "p_small3")
+part = geompy.MakePartition([Face_1], [Curve_1, p_small, p_small2, p_small3], Limit=geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
+geompy.addToStudy(part, "part")
+Vx = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
+Vy = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
+Vz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
+p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(-5, -5, 0)
+p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(5, 5, 0)
+left_edges = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], Vx, p1, GEOM.ST_ON)
+left = geompy.CreateGroup(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
+geompy.UnionList(left, left_edges)
+geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, left, "left")
+right_edges = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], Vx, p2, GEOM.ST_ON)
+right = geompy.CreateGroup(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
+geompy.UnionList(right, right_edges)
+geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, right, "right")
+bottom_edges = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], Vy, p1, GEOM.ST_ON)
+bottom = geompy.CreateGroup(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
+geompy.UnionList(bottom, bottom_edges)
+geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, bottom, "bottom")
+top_edges = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], Vy, p2, GEOM.ST_ON)
+top = geompy.CreateGroup(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
+geompy.UnionList(top, top_edges)
+geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, top, "top")
+faces = geompy.SubShapeAll(part, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
+sub_shapes = []
+for i, face in enumerate(faces):
+ geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, face, "face_%i"%(i+1))
+ sub_shapes.append(face)
+# Mesh
+# ====
+import SMESH
+from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
+smesh = smeshBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
+# Test gradation with quadrangles
+Mesh_1 = smesh.Mesh(part, "Mesh")
+algo2d = Mesh_1.Triangle(algo=smeshBuilder.BLSURF)
+params = algo2d.Parameters()
+params.SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
+params.SetAngleMesh( 4 )
+params.SetPhySize( 8 )
+params.SetQuadAllowed( True )
+ok = Mesh_1.Compute()
+if not ok:
+ raise Exception("Error when computing Mesh_1")
+# Check the areas of Mesh_1
+mini_1, maxi_1 = getMinMaxArea(Mesh_1)
+mini_1_ref = 0.00197
+maxi_1_ref = 0.530
+if abs(mini_1-mini_1_ref) > area_tolerance:
+ raise Exception("Min area of Mesh_1 incorrect")
+if abs(maxi_1-maxi_1_ref) > area_tolerance:
+ raise Exception("Max area of Mesh_1 incorrect")
+# Check the number of faces of Mesh_1
+nb_faces_1 = Mesh_1.NbFaces()
+nb_faces_1_ref = 1208
+if abs(nb_faces_1-nb_faces_1_ref) > nb_faces_tolerance:
+ raise Exception("Number of faces of Mesh_1 incorrect")
+# Test no gradation with quadrangles and anisotropy
+# RQ: this kind of mesh is not suitable for simulation
+# but gives a coarse mesh like a stl geometry
+Mesh_2 = smesh.Mesh(part, "Mesh")
+algo2d = Mesh_2.Triangle(algo=smeshBuilder.BLSURF)
+params = algo2d.Parameters()
+params.SetGeometricMesh( 1 )
+params.SetAngleMesh( 4 )
+params.SetPhySize( 8 )
+params.SetQuadAllowed( True )
+ok = Mesh_2.Compute()
+if not ok:
+ raise Exception("Error when computing Mesh_2")
+# Check the areas of Mesh_2
+mini_2, maxi_2 = getMinMaxArea(Mesh_2)
+mini_2_ref = 0.000408
+maxi_2_ref = 10.1982
+if abs(mini_2-mini_2_ref) > area_tolerance:
+ raise Exception("Min area of Mesh_2 incorrect")
+if abs(maxi_2-maxi_2_ref) > area_tolerance:
+ raise Exception("Max area of Mesh_2 incorrect")
+# Check the number of faces of Mesh_2
+nb_faces_2 = Mesh_2.NbFaces()
+nb_faces_2_ref = 121
+if abs(nb_faces_2-nb_faces_2_ref) > nb_faces_tolerance:
+ raise Exception("Number of faces of Mesh_2 incorrect")
+if salome.sg.hasDesktop():
+ salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1)