+ /*!
+ * This method converts from VTK polyhedra nodal connectivity to MED.
+ *
+ * \param [in] arrIn arr origin array from which the extraction will be done.
+ * \param [in] arrIndxIn is the input index array allowing to walk into \b arrIn
+ * \param [out] arrOut the resulting array
+ * \param [out] arrIndexOut the index array of the resulting array \b arrOut
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ void DataArrayDiscrete<T>::FromVTKInternalReprOfPolyedra(const DataArrayType *arrIn, const DataArrayIdType *arrIndxIn,
+ MCAuto<DataArrayType> &arrOut, MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> &arrIndexOut)
+ {
+ if(!arrIn || !arrIndxIn)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayInt::FromVTKInternalReprOfPolyedra : input pointer is NULL !");
+ arrIn->checkAllocated(); arrIndxIn->checkAllocated();
+ arrIn->checkNbOfComps(1,"1st array must have single component");
+ arrIndxIn->checkNbOfComps(1,"2nd array must have single component");
+ if(arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()<1)
+ THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("2nd input array must be of size >= 1");
+ mcIdType nbCells(arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()-1);
+ const T *arrInPt(arrIn->begin());
+ const mcIdType *arrIndxInPt(arrIndxIn->begin());
+ arrIndexOut = DataArrayIdType::New(); arrIndexOut->alloc(arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples(),1);
+ arrOut = DataArrayType::New(); arrOut->alloc(arrIn->getNumberOfTuples() - 2*nbCells,1);
+ T *arrOutPt(arrOut->getPointer());
+ mcIdType *arrOutIdxPt(arrIndexOut->getPointer()); *arrOutIdxPt = 0;
+ for(auto i = 0 ; i < nbCells ; ++i)
+ {
+ T nbFaces = arrInPt[ arrIndxInPt[i] ];
+ T *arrOutPtStart(arrOutPt);
+ const T *facePtr = arrInPt + arrIndxInPt[i] + 1;
+ for(T iFace = 0 ; iFace < nbFaces ; ++iFace)
+ {
+ T nbNodesInFace = *facePtr++;
+ if(iFace>0)
+ {
+ *arrOutPt++ = -1;
+ }
+ arrOutPt = std::copy(facePtr,facePtr+nbNodesInFace,arrOutPt);
+ facePtr += nbNodesInFace;
+ }
+ arrOutIdxPt[1] = arrOutIdxPt[0] + std::distance(arrOutPtStart,arrOutPt);
+ ++arrOutIdxPt;
+ }
+ }
* This method works on a pair input (\b arrIn, \b arrIndxIn) where \b arrIn indexes is in \b arrIndxIn
c,ci = arr.findCommonTuples(2)
self.assertTrue( ci.isEqual( DataArrayInt([0,2,5]) ) )
self.assertTrue( c.isEqual( DataArrayInt([0,4, 1,6,7]) ) )
+ def testDAIFromVTKInternalReprOfPolyedra(self):
+ """
+ EDF31315 : VTK internal representation of polyedra data structure
+ """
+ faces = DataArrayInt64( [11, 4, 7199, 6757, 2950, 6758, 5, 6455, 1794, 2400, 6620, 7200, 6, 6620, 2400, 5864, 2950, 6757, 7244, 6, 6758, 2950, 5864, 3223, 6818, 7245, 5, 7246, 6818, 3223, 1794, 6455, 4, 1794, 3223, 5864, 2400, 4, 0, 7246, 6455, 7200, 4, 0, 7200, 6620, 7244, 4, 0, 7244, 6757, 7199, 4, 0, 7199, 6758, 7245, 4, 0, 7245, 6818, 7246,
+ 12, 5, 6408, 978, 1721, 6441, 7203, 4, 7204, 7007, 3987, 7008, 6, 6441, 1721, 5813, 3987, 7007, 7247, 5, 7248, 7130, 4480, 978, 6408, 6, 7008, 3987, 5813, 4480, 7130, 7249, 4, 978, 4480, 5813, 1721, 4, 1, 7248, 6408, 7203, 4, 1, 7203, 6441, 7247, 4, 1, 7247, 7007, 7204, 4, 1, 7204, 7008, 7249, 3, 1, 7249, 7130, 5, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4] )
+ facesIndex = DataArrayInt( [0, 62, 129] )
+ facesOut, facesIndexOut = DataArrayInt64.FromVTKInternalReprOfPolyedra(faces,facesIndex)
+ m =MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh("mesh",NORM_POLYHED)
+ m.setCoords(DataArrayDouble(10000,3))
+ m.setNodalConnectivity(facesOut,facesIndexOut)
+ m = m.buildUnstructured()
+ self.assertTrue( m.computeNbOfFacesPerCell().isEqual(DataArrayInt([11,12])) )
+ connExp = DataArrayInt64( [31, 7199, 6757, 2950, 6758, -1, 6455, 1794, 2400, 6620, 7200, -1, 6620, 2400, 5864, 2950, 6757, 7244, -1, 6758, 2950, 5864, 3223, 6818, 7245, -1, 7246, 6818, 3223, 1794, 6455, -1, 1794, 3223, 5864, 2400, -1, 0, 7246, 6455, 7200, -1, 0, 7200, 6620, 7244, -1, 0, 7244, 6757, 7199, -1, 0, 7199, 6758, 7245, -1, 0, 7245, 6818, 7246, 31, 6408, 978, 1721, 6441, 7203, -1, 7204, 7007, 3987, 7008, -1, 6441, 1721, 5813, 3987, 7007, 7247, -1, 7248, 7130, 4480, 978, 6408, -1, 7008, 3987, 5813, 4480, 7130, 7249, -1, 978, 4480, 5813, 1721, -1, 1, 7248, 6408, 7203, -1, 1, 7203, 6441, 7247, -1, 1, 7247, 7007, 7204, -1, 1, 7204, 7008, 7249, -1, 1, 7249, 7130, -1, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4] )
+ connIndexExp = DataArrayInt( [0, 61, 127] )
+ self.assertTrue( m.getNodalConnectivity().isEqual( connExp ) )
+ self.assertTrue( m.getNodalConnectivityIndex().isEqual( connIndexExp ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import medcoupling as mc
import numpy as np
-def patchVTKArr( arrLi ):
- i = 0
- nbFaces = arrLi[i] ; i += 1
- ret = [None for elt in range(nbFaces)]
- for iFace in range(nbFaces):
- nbPtsInFace = arrLi[i] ; i += 1
- if iFace > 0:
- ret[iFace] = [-1]
- else:
- ret[iFace] = []
- ret[iFace] += arrLi[i:i+nbPtsInFace] ; i += nbPtsInFace
- ret = [ mc.NORM_POLYHED] + sum( ret, [] )
- return mc.DataArrayInt( ret )
def patchForPolyedra(polyhedCellIds, ug, mesh):
Method in charge to change the connectivity of polyedra contained in mesh using ug vtkUnstructuredGrid.
:param in ug: vtkUnstructuredGrid containing polyhedra
:param in-out mesh: mc.MEDCouplingUMesh. 3D Mesh whose polyedra cells connectivity will be modified
- c, ci = mesh.getNodalConnectivity(), mesh.getNodalConnectivityIndex()
facesLoc = mc.DataArrayInt( numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy( ug.GetFaceLocations() ) )
faces = mc.DataArrayInt( numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy( ug.GetFaces() ) )
facesLoc = mc.DataArrayInt.Aggregate( [ facesLoc, mc.DataArrayInt([ len(faces) ]) ] )
- connForPoly = mc.DataArrayInt.Aggregate( [patchVTKArr( ( faces[facesLoc[i]:facesLoc[i+1]] ).getValues() ) for i in range(ug.GetNumberOfCells()) ] )
- tmpDa = mc.DataArrayInt( len(facesLoc) ) ; tmpDa.iota()
- facesLoc -= tmpDa
- meshPoly = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh( mesh.getName(), 3) ; meshPoly.setCoords( mesh.getCoords() ) ; meshPoly.setConnectivity(connForPoly,facesLoc,True)
- mesh[polyhedCellIds] = meshPoly
+ connForPoly, facesLoc = mc.DataArrayInt.FromVTKInternalReprOfPolyedra(faces,facesLoc)
+ meshPoly = mc.MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh(mesh.getName(),mc.NORM_POLYHED) ; meshPoly.setCoords( mesh.getCoords() ) ; meshPoly.setNodalConnectivity(connForPoly,facesLoc)
+ mesh[polyhedCellIds] = meshPoly.buildUnstructured()
def mesh_convertor(fileName):