ts->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, QString(names->GetValue(tsId)));
// MAIL Node
- vtkIdType mailId = tree->GetChild(tsxId, 0);
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *mail = new pqTreeWidgetItemObject(ts, QStringList());
- this->NItems++;
- QString mailName = QString(names->GetValue(mailId));
- mail->setText(0, mailName);
- mail->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, QString(names->GetValue(mailId)));
- QString propertyBaseName = tsxName + "/" + mailName + "/";
- // ComsupX node
- for (int comsupi = 0; comsupi < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(mailId); comsupi++)
+ for (int maili = 0; maili < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(tsxId); maili++)
- vtkIdType comSupId = tree->GetChild(mailId, comsupi);
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *comsup = new pqTreeWidgetItemObject(mail, QStringList());
+ vtkIdType mailId = tree->GetChild(tsxId, maili);
+ pqTreeWidgetItemObject *mail = new pqTreeWidgetItemObject(ts, QStringList());
- QString comsupName = QString(names->GetValue(comSupId));
- comsup->setText(0, comsupName);
- // ComSup tooltip
- vtkIdType geoTypeId = tree->GetChild(comSupId, 1);
- QString comSupToolTipName(names->GetValue(comSupId));
- for (int geoi = 0; geoi < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(geoTypeId); geoi++)
- {
- comSupToolTipName += QString("\n- %1").arg(
- QString(names->GetValue(tree->GetChild(geoTypeId, geoi))));
- }
- comsup->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, comSupToolTipName);
+ QString mailName = QString(names->GetValue(mailId));
+ mail->setText(0, mailName);
+ mail->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, QString(names->GetValue(mailId)));
- comsup->setFlags(comsup->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
- comsup->setChecked(true);
- QObject::connect(comsup, SIGNAL(checkedStateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateChecks()));
- this->UniqueCheckedItems.push_back(comsup);
+ QString propertyBaseName = tsxName + "/" + mailName + "/";
- QString fullComsupName = propertyBaseName + comsupName + "/";
- // Arrs node
- vtkIdType arrId = tree->GetChild(comSupId, 0);
- for (int arri = 0; arri < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(arrId); arri++)
+ // ComsupX node
+ for (int comsupi = 0; comsupi < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(mailId); comsupi++)
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *array = new pqTreeWidgetItemObject(comsup, QStringList());
+ vtkIdType comSupId = tree->GetChild(mailId, comsupi);
+ pqTreeWidgetItemObject *comsup = new pqTreeWidgetItemObject(mail, QStringList());
+ QString comsupName = QString(names->GetValue(comSupId));
+ comsup->setText(0, comsupName);
- vtkIdType arrayId = tree->GetChild(arrId, arri);
- std::string str = names->GetValue(arrayId);
- this->ItemMap[fullComsupName + QString(str.c_str())] = array;
- const char* separator = vtkMEDReader::GetSeparator();
- size_t pos = str.find(separator);
- std::string name = str.substr(0, pos);
- array->setText(0, QString(name.c_str()));
- array->setFlags(array->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
- array->setChecked(true);
- // Special Field
- if (tree->GetNumberOfChildren(arrayId) != 0)
+ // ComSup tooltip
+ vtkIdType geoTypeId = tree->GetChild(comSupId, 1);
+ QString comSupToolTipName(names->GetValue(comSupId));
+ for (int geoi = 0; geoi < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(geoTypeId); geoi++)
- QFont font;
- font.setItalic(true);
- font.setUnderline(true);
- array->setData(0, Qt::FontRole, QVariant(font));
- array->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole,
- QString("Whole \" %1\" mesh").arg(name.c_str()));
- array->setData(0, Qt::DecorationRole,
- QPixmap(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqCellDataForWholeMesh16.png"));
+ comSupToolTipName += QString("\n- %1").arg(
+ QString(names->GetValue(tree->GetChild(geoTypeId, geoi))));
- // Standard Field
- else
+ comsup->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, comSupToolTipName);
+ comsup->setFlags(comsup->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ comsup->setChecked(true);
+ QObject::connect(comsup, SIGNAL(checkedStateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateChecks()));
+ this->UniqueCheckedItems.push_back(comsup);
+ QString fullComsupName = propertyBaseName + comsupName + "/";
+ // Arrs node
+ vtkIdType arrId = tree->GetChild(comSupId, 0);
+ for (int arri = 0; arri < tree->GetNumberOfChildren(arrId); arri++)
- std::string spatialDiscr = str.substr(pos + strlen(separator));
- QString tooltip = QString(name.c_str() + QString(" (") +
- spatialDiscr.c_str() + QString(")"));
- array->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, tooltip);
+ pqTreeWidgetItemObject *array = new pqTreeWidgetItemObject(comsup, QStringList());
+ this->NItems++;
- QPixmap pix;
- if (spatialDiscr == "P0")
- {
- pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqCellData16.png");
- }
- else if (spatialDiscr == "P1")
- {
- pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqPointData16.png");
- }
- else if (spatialDiscr == "GAUSS")
+ vtkIdType arrayId = tree->GetChild(arrId, arri);
+ std::string str = names->GetValue(arrayId);
+ this->ItemMap[fullComsupName + QString(str.c_str())] = array;
+ const char* separator = vtkMEDReader::GetSeparator();
+ size_t pos = str.find(separator);
+ std::string name = str.substr(0, pos);
+ array->setText(0, QString(name.c_str()));
+ array->setFlags(array->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
+ array->setChecked(true);
+ // Special Field
+ if (tree->GetNumberOfChildren(arrayId) != 0)
- pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqQuadratureData16.png");
+ QFont font;
+ font.setItalic(true);
+ font.setUnderline(true);
+ array->setData(0, Qt::FontRole, QVariant(font));
+ array->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole,
+ QString("Whole \" %1\" mesh").arg(name.c_str()));
+ array->setData(0, Qt::DecorationRole,
+ QPixmap(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqCellDataForWholeMesh16.png"));
- else if (spatialDiscr == "GSSNE")
+ // Standard Field
+ else
- pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqElnoData16.png");
+ std::string spatialDiscr = str.substr(pos + strlen(separator));
+ QString tooltip = QString(name.c_str() + QString(" (") +
+ spatialDiscr.c_str() + QString(")"));
+ array->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, tooltip);
+ QPixmap pix;
+ if (spatialDiscr == "P0")
+ {
+ pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqCellData16.png");
+ }
+ else if (spatialDiscr == "P1")
+ {
+ pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqPointData16.png");
+ }
+ else if (spatialDiscr == "GAUSS")
+ {
+ pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqQuadratureData16.png");
+ }
+ else if (spatialDiscr == "GSSNE")
+ {
+ pix.load(":/ParaViewResources/Icons/pqElnoData16.png");
+ }
+ array->setData(0, Qt::DecorationRole, pix);
- array->setData(0, Qt::DecorationRole, pix);
- }
- // Connection and updating checks for each item
- QObject::connect(array, SIGNAL(checkedStateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateChecks()));
- nLeaves++;
+ // Connection and updating checks for each item
+ QObject::connect(array, SIGNAL(checkedStateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateChecks()));
+ nLeaves++;
+ }
// Expand tree