:header: "Tool", "Minimal version", "Reached version"
:widths: 20, 10, 10
- Python, 3.6.5, 3.10.10
+ Python, 3.6.5, 3.10.11
Numpy, 1.14.3, 1.24.3
Scipy, 0.19.1, 1.10.1
MatplotLib, 2.2.2, 3.7.1
Each version of the ADAO module is validated within the framework of SALOME,
and is therefore compatible with the environment implicitly defined by the
-|release| version of SALOME identical to that of ADAO. The validation versions
-are indicated here for information purposes only, knowing that, in case of
-doubt, the SALOME version sheet [Salome]_ is the official validation version.
+corresponding |release| version of SALOME identical to that of ADAO for the
+current document. The validation versions are indicated here for information
+purposes only, knowing that, in case of doubt, the SALOME version sheet
+[Salome]_ is the official validation version.
.. csv-table:: Validation versions of support tools for ADAO
:header: "Tool", "Version"
:header: "Outil", "Version minimale", "Version atteinte"
:widths: 20, 10, 10
- Python, 3.6.5, 3.10.10
+ Python, 3.6.5, 3.10.11
Numpy, 1.14.3, 1.24.3
Scipy, 0.19.1, 1.10.1
MatplotLib, 2.2.2, 3.7.1
Chaque version du module ADAO est validée dans le cadre de SALOME, et elle est
donc compatible avec l'environnement implicitement défini par la version
-|release| de SALOME identique à celle d'ADAO. Les versions de validation sont
-indiquées ici pour information uniquement sachant que, en cas de doute, c'est
-la fiche de version de SALOME [Salome]_ qui fait foi pour les versions
-officielles de validation.
+correspondante |release| de SALOME identique à celle d'ADAO pour le présent
+document. Les versions de validation sont indiquées ici pour information
+uniquement sachant que, en cas de doute, c'est la fiche de version de SALOME
+[Salome]_ qui indique les versions officielles de validation.
.. csv-table:: Versions de validation des outils support pour ADAO
:header: "Outil", "Version"
msg = self.dump(None, "SimpleReportInPlainTxt")
return msg
+ def sysinfo(self, title=""):
+ msg = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo().getAllInformation(" ", title)
+ return msg
def prepare_to_pickle(self):
"Retire les variables non pickelisables, avec recopie efficace"
if self.__adaoObject['AlgorithmParameters'] is not None:
__msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"os.path.expanduser",os.path.expanduser('~'))
return __msg
+ def getApplicationInformation(self, __prefix=""):
+ __msg = ""
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"ADAO version",self.getVersion())
+ __msg += "\n"
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"Python version",self.getPythonVersion())
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"Numpy version",self.getNumpyVersion())
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"Scipy version",self.getScipyVersion())
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"NLopt version",self.getNloptVersion())
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"MatplotLib version",self.getMatplotlibVersion())
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"GnuplotPy version",self.getGnuplotVersion())
+ __msg += "\n%s%30s : %s" %(__prefix,"Sphinx version",self.getSphinxVersion())
+ return __msg
+ #
+ def getAllInformation(self, __prefix="", __title="Whole system information"):
+ __msg = ""
+ if len(__title)>0:
+ __msg += "\n"+"="*80+"\n"+__title+"\n"+"="*80+"\n"
+ __msg += self.getSystemInformation(__prefix)
+ __msg += "\n"
+ __msg += self.getApplicationInformation(__prefix)
+ return __msg
+ #
def getPythonVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de python disponible"
return ".".join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:3]]) # map(str,sys.version_info[0:3]))