Implemented four new Python API methods (two in GEOM and two in SHAPER) to exchange XAO
data through memory buffer, avoiding physical files creation on disk.
.. code-block:: python
buffer = model.exportToXAOMem(doc, selection, author, geometry_name)
Import_1 = model.addImportXAOMem(doc, buffer)
.. code-block:: python
buffer = geompy.ExportXAOMem(shape, [groups], [fields], author)
(status, shape, [sub_shapes], [groups], [fields]) = geompy.ImportXAOMem(buffer, name_for_publication_in_study)
* Decompose Viscous Layer API
+ We can now build Viscous Layer outside of the mesh computation.
+ We generated a shrank version of the geometry that can be meshed as usual
+ then we apply the viscous layer.
+ This feature is only available in TUI.
+ There is an example in the documentation search for "Viscous Layer API".
* Generate mesh of faces of volume elements
* SMESH parallel multinodes
+ Improving on the parallelism for SMESH we can now use multinode parallelism as well as multithread.
+ The multinode method uses JobManager to run the computation on remote
+ machines that have been described in the Resource catalog.
+ You can see an example in the documentation search for "Parallel computing".
* YACS tests work with SSL
- YACS is tested and garanted only in SSL mode starting from 9.12.0.
+ YACS is tested and garanted only in SSL mode starting from 9.12.0.
* YACS proxy mechanism for big objects transferred
For graphs exchanging big objects it's possible to activate proxy mechanism to reduce memory usage of process hosting YACS scheduler.
* Fix in MedCoupling for GetCellContainingPoints
Management of precision of GetCellContainingPoints has been reviewed deeply for 9.12.0.
* MedCoupling fix for interpolation P1P0 for hexa mesh
Fix of interpolation matrix computation.