+ FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox.h
+ FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw.h
+ FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.h
+ FeaturesPlugin_Validators.h
+ FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox.cpp
+ FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw.cpp
+ FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.cpp
+ FeaturesPlugin_Validators.cpp
+ pipeapprox_widget.xml
+ pipeapproxlaw_widget.xml
+ parameterlaw_widget.xml
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.cpp
+#include "FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.h"
+#include <ModelAPI_CompositeFeature.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Tools.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Attribute.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Object.h>
+#include <Events_Loop.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Events.h>
+//??#include "ParametersPlugin_Parameter.h"
+//??#include <SketchPlugin_SketchEntity.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
+//#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelection.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_BodyBuilder.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Session.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Validator.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultConstruction.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultBody.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Edge.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Lin.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+void FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::initAttributes()
+ data()->addAttribute(LAW_REFERENCE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(LAW_DEFINITION_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(VARIABLE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeString::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(REVERSE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(CREATION_METHOD(), ModelAPI_AttributeString::typeId());
+void FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::execute()
+ // Getting Ref and Def
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aRef;
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aDef;
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aRefSelection = selection(LAW_REFERENCE_ID());
+ if(!aRefSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Ref selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ aRef = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aRefSelection->value());
+ if(!aRef.get()) {
+ // Probably it is a construction.
+ aRef = aRefSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aRef.get() || aRef->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Ref shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aDefSelection = selection(LAW_DEFINITION_ID());
+ if(!aDefSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Def selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ aDef = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aDefSelection->value());
+ if(!aDef.get()) {
+ // Probably it is a construction.
+ aDef = aDefSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aDef.get() || aDef->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Def shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Flags for reverse path
+ bool isReverse = boolean(REVERSE_ID())->value();
+ GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw aParameterLawAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw(aDef, aRef, isReverse);
+ int aResultIndex = 0;
+ if(!aParameterLawAlgo.isDone()) {
+ static const std::string aPrismAlgoError = "Error: Param algo failed.";
+ setError(aPrismAlgoError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ // Check if shape is valid
+ if(!aParameterLawAlgo.shape().get() || aParameterLawAlgo.shape()->isNull()) {
+ static const std::string aShapeError = "Error: Resulting shape is Null.";
+ setError(aShapeError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!aParameterLawAlgo.isValid()) {
+ std::string aPrismAlgoError = "Error: Resulting shape is not valid.";
+ setError(aPrismAlgoError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ ResultBodyPtr aResultBody = document()->createBody(data(), aResultIndex);
+ loadNamingDS(aParameterLawAlgo, aResultBody);
+ setResult(aResultBody, aResultIndex);
+ aResultIndex++;
+ removeResults(aResultIndex);
+void FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::loadNamingDS(GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw& theParameterLawAlgo,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_ResultBody> theResultBody)
+ theResultBody->store(theParameterLawAlgo.shape());
+ int aIndex = 0, aTag = 0;
+ const std::string aName = "Law";
+ std::ostringstream aStr;
+ aStr << aName << "_" << aIndex++;
+ theResultBody->generated(theParameterLawAlgo.shape(), aStr.str(), aTag++);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.h
+#ifndef FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw_H_
+#define FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw_H_
+#include <FeaturesPlugin.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelection.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Attribute.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultBody.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+class GeomAPI_Shape;
+class ModelAPI_ResultBody;
+/** \class FeaturesPlugin_Pipe
+ * \ingroup Plugins
+ * \brief Feature for creation of Pipe from the planar face.
+ * Pipe creates the lateral faces based on edges of the base face and
+ * the start and end faces and/or start and end angles.
+ */
+class FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw : public ModelAPI_Feature
+ public:
+ /// Pipe kind.
+ inline static const std::string& ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_ParameterLaw_ID("ParameterLaw");
+ return MY_ParameterLaw_ID;
+ }
+ /// attribute name of law reference curve
+ inline static const std::string& LAW_REFERENCE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_LAW_REFERENCE_ID("law_reference");
+ }
+ /// attribute name of law definition curve
+ inline static const std::string& LAW_DEFINITION_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_LAW_DEFINITION_ID("law_definition");
+ }
+ /// attribute name of parameter name
+ inline static const std::string& VARIABLE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_VARIABLE_ID("variable");
+ return MY_VARIABLE_ID;
+ }
+ /// attribute name of flag of reverse direction
+ inline static const std::string& REVERSE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_REVERSE_ID("reverse_direction");
+ return MY_REVERSE_ID;
+ }
+ /// attribute name for creation method
+ inline static const std::string& CREATION_METHOD()
+ {
+ static const std::string METHOD_ATTR("CreationMethod");
+ return METHOD_ATTR;
+ }
+ /// \return the kind of a feature.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual const std::string& getKind()
+ {
+ static std::string MY_KIND = FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::ID();
+ return MY_KIND;
+ }
+ /// Creates a new part document if needed.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
+ /// Request for initialization of data model of the feature: adding all attributes.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void initAttributes();
+ /// Use plugin manager for features creation.
+ FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw();
+ /// Load Naming data structure of the feature to the document.
+ void loadNamingDS(GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw& theParameterLawAlgo,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_ResultBody> theResultBody);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox.cpp
+#include "FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox.h"
+#include <ModelAPI_CompositeFeature.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Tools.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Attribute.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Object.h>
+#include <Events_Loop.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Events.h>
+//??#include "ParametersPlugin_Parameter.h"
+//??#include <SketchPlugin_SketchEntity.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
+//#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelection.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_BodyBuilder.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Session.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Validator.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultConstruction.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultBody.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Edge.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Lin.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+namespace patch
+ template < typename T > std::string to_string( const T& n )
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stm ;
+ stm << n ;
+ return stm.str() ;
+ }
+//static ListOfShape makeProfileList(ObjectPtr theProfileObjRef);
+static ListOfShape makeProfileList(AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList);
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox::initAttributes()
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aSelection =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList>(data()->addAttribute(
+ PROFILE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList::typeId()));
+ aSelection->setSelectionType("FACE");
+ data()->addAttribute(PATH_OBJECT_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ //data()->addAttribute(PATH_OBJECT_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(BINORMAL_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(LAW_REFERENCE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(LAW_DEFINITION_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(CREATION_METHOD(), ModelAPI_AttributeString::typeId());
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox::execute()
+ // Getting creation method.
+ std::string aCreationMethod = string(CREATION_METHOD())->value();
+ //Getting path
+ //limit to edge
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Edge> aPath;
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeSelection> anObjRef = selection(PATH_OBJECT_ID());
+ if(anObjRef && anObjRef->value() && anObjRef->value()->isEdge()) {
+ aPath = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Edge>(new GeomAPI_Edge(anObjRef->value()));
+ } else if(anObjRef->context() && anObjRef->context()->shape() && anObjRef->context()->shape()->isEdge()) {
+ aPath = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Edge>(new GeomAPI_Edge(anObjRef->context()->shape()));
+ }
+ /*
+ //list of edge
+ ListOfShape aEdgesList;
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aEdgesSelectionList = selectionList(PATH_OBJECT_ID());
+ for(int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aEdgesSelectionList->size(); anIndex++) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aEdgeSel = aEdgesSelectionList->value(anIndex);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aEdgeShape = aEdgeSel->value();
+ if(aEdgeShape.get() && !aEdgeShape->isNull()) {
+ aEdgesList.push_back(aEdgeShape);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ //Getting profile
+ ListOfShape aFacesList;
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList = selectionList(PROFILE_ID());
+ for(int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aFacesSelectionList->size(); anIndex++) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aFaceSel = aFacesSelectionList->value(anIndex);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFaceShape = aFaceSel->value();
+ if(aFaceShape.get() && !aFaceShape->isNull()) { // Getting face.
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ } else { // This may be the whole sketch result selected, check and get faces.
+ ResultPtr aContext = aFaceSel->context();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aContextShape = aContext->shape();
+ if(!aContextShape.get()) {
+ static const std::string aContextError = "Error: The selection context is bad.";
+ setError(aContextError);
+ return;
+ }
+ ResultConstructionPtr aConstruction = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(aContext);
+ if(!aConstruction.get()) {
+ static const std::string aFaceError = "Error: Can not find basis for extrusion.";
+ setError(aFaceError);
+ return;
+ }
+ int aFacesNum = aConstruction->facesNum();
+ for(int aFaceIndex = 0; aFaceIndex < aFacesNum || aFacesNum == -1; aFaceIndex++) {
+ aFaceShape = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aConstruction->face(aFaceIndex));
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Getting Bi-Normal
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aBiNormal;
+ if(aCreationMethod == "binormal") {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aBiNormalSelection = selection(BINORMAL_ID());
+ if(!aBiNormalSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Bi-Normal selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ aBiNormal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aBiNormalSelection->value());
+ if(!aBiNormal.get()) {
+ // Probably it is a construction.
+ aBiNormal = aBiNormalSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aBiNormal.get() || aBiNormal->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Bi-Normal shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Getting Ref and Def
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aRef;
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aDef;
+ if(aCreationMethod == "with law") {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aRefSelection = selection(LAW_REFERENCE_ID());
+ if(!aRefSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Ref selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ aRef = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aRefSelection->value());
+ if(!aRef.get()) {
+ // Probably it is a construction.
+ aRef = aRefSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aRef.get() || aRef->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Ref shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aDefSelection = selection(LAW_DEFINITION_ID());
+ if(!aDefSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Def selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ aDef = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aDefSelection->value());
+ if(!aDef.get()) {
+ // Probably it is a construction.
+ aDef = aDefSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aDef.get() || aDef->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Def shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Generating result for each shell and face.
+ int aResultIndex = 0;
+ if(aCreationMethod == "simple" || aCreationMethod == "binormal"
+ || aCreationMethod == "with law") {
+ for(ListOfShape::const_iterator anIter = aFacesList.cbegin(); anIter != aFacesList.cend(); anIter++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aBaseShape = *anIter;
+ //std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aBaseShape = aFaceShape;
+ GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox aPipeApproxAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox();
+ if(aCreationMethod == "simple"){
+ aPipeApproxAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(aBaseShape, aPath);
+ }else if(aCreationMethod == "binormal"){
+ aPipeApproxAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(aBaseShape, aPath, aBiNormal);
+ }else if(aCreationMethod == "with law"){
+ aPipeApproxAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(aBaseShape, aPath, aDef, aRef);
+ }
+ /*
+ GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox aPipeApproxAlgo = aCreationMethod == "simple" ? GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(aBaseShape, aEdgesList) :
+ GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(aBaseShape, aEdgesList, aBiNormal);
+ */
+ if(!aPipeApproxAlgo.isDone()) {
+ static const std::string aPrismAlgoError = "Error: Pipe algorithm failed.";
+ setError(aPrismAlgoError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ // Check if shape is valid
+ if(!aPipeApproxAlgo.shape().get() || aPipeApproxAlgo.shape()->isNull()) {
+ static const std::string aShapeError = "Error: Resulting shape is Null.";
+ setError(aShapeError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ if(!aPipeApproxAlgo.isValid()) {
+ std::string aPrismAlgoError = "Error: Resulting shape is not valid.";
+ setError(aPrismAlgoError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ ResultBodyPtr aResultBody = document()->createBody(data(), aResultIndex);
+ loadNamingDS(aPipeApproxAlgo, aResultBody, aBaseShape);
+ setResult(aResultBody, aResultIndex);
+ aResultIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ removeResults(aResultIndex);
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox::loadNamingDS(GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox& thePipeApproxAlgo,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_ResultBody> theResultBody,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBasis)
+ //load result
+ theResultBody->storeGenerated(theBasis, thePipeApproxAlgo.shape());
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeShape> aSubShapes = thePipeApproxAlgo.mapOfSubShapes();
+ //Insert lateral face : Face from Edge
+ const std::string aLatName = "LateralFace";
+ const int aLatTag = 1;
+ theResultBody->loadAndOrientGeneratedShapes(&thePipeApproxAlgo, theBasis, GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE, aLatTag, aLatName, *aSubShapes);
+ //Insert to faces
+ int aToFaceIndex = 1;
+ const std::string aToName = "ToFace";
+ int aToTag = 2;
+ const ListOfShape& aToFaces = thePipeApproxAlgo.toShapes();
+ for(ListOfShape::const_iterator anIt = aToFaces.cbegin(); anIt != aToFaces.cend(); anIt++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aToFace = *anIt;
+ if(aSubShapes->isBound(aToFace)) {
+ aToFace = aSubShapes->find(aToFace);
+ }
+ std::ostringstream aStr;
+ aStr << aToName << "_" << aToFaceIndex++;
+ theResultBody->generated(aToFace, aStr.str(), aToTag++);
+ }
+ //Insert from faces
+ int aFromFaceIndex = 1;
+ const std::string aFromName = "FromFace";
+ int aFromTag = aToTag > 10000 ? aToTag : 10000;
+ const ListOfShape& aFromFaces = thePipeApproxAlgo.fromShapes();
+ for(ListOfShape::const_iterator anIt = aFromFaces.cbegin(); anIt != aFromFaces.cend(); anIt++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromFace = *anIt;
+ if(aSubShapes->isBound(aFromFace)) {
+ aFromFace = aSubShapes->find(aFromFace);
+ }
+ std::ostringstream aStr;
+ aStr << aFromName << "_" << aFromFaceIndex++;
+ theResultBody->generated(aFromFace, aStr.str(), aFromTag++);
+ }
+//ListOfShape makeProfileList(ObjectPtr theProfileObjRef){
+ListOfShape makeProfileList(AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList){
+ ListOfShape aFacesList;
+ //AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList = theProfileObjRef->data()->selectionList("profile");
+ for(int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aFacesSelectionList->size(); anIndex++) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aFaceSel = aFacesSelectionList->value(anIndex);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFaceShape = aFaceSel->value();
+ if(aFaceShape.get() && !aFaceShape->isNull()) { // Getting face.
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ } else { // This may be the whole sketch result selected, check and get faces.
+ ResultPtr aContext = aFaceSel->context();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aContextShape = aContext->shape();
+ if(!aContextShape.get()) {
+ static const std::string aContextError = "Error: The selection context is bad.";
+ return aFacesList;
+ }
+ ResultConstructionPtr aConstruction = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(aContext);
+ if(!aConstruction.get()) {
+ static const std::string aFaceError = "Error: Can not find basis for extrusion.";
+ return aFacesList;
+ }
+ int aFacesNum = aConstruction->facesNum();
+ for(int aFaceIndex = 0; aFaceIndex < aFacesNum || aFacesNum == -1; aFaceIndex++) {
+ aFaceShape = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aConstruction->face(aFaceIndex));
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aFacesList;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox.h
+#ifndef FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox_H_
+#define FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox_H_
+#include <FeaturesPlugin.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelection.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Attribute.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultBody.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+class GeomAPI_Shape;
+class ModelAPI_ResultBody;
+/** \class FeaturesPlugin_Pipe
+ * \ingroup Plugins
+ * \brief Feature for creation of Pipe from the planar face.
+ * Pipe creates the lateral faces based on edges of the base face and
+ * the start and end faces and/or start and end angles.
+ */
+class FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox : public ModelAPI_Feature
+ public:
+ /// Pipe kind.
+ inline static const std::string& ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_PipeApprox_ID("PipeApprox");
+ return MY_PipeApprox_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of references sketch entities list, it should contain a sketch result or
+ /// a pair a sketch result to sketch face.
+ inline static const std::string& PROFILE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_PROFILE_LIST_ID("profile");
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of an Pipe path.
+ inline static const std::string& PATH_OBJECT_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_PATH_ID("path_object");
+ return MY_PATH_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of Bi-Normal.
+ inline static const std::string& BINORMAL_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_BINORMAL_ID("binormal");
+ return MY_BINORMAL_ID;
+ }
+ inline static const std::string& LAW_REFERENCE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_LAW_REFERENCE_ID("law_reference");
+ }
+ inline static const std::string& LAW_DEFINITION_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_LAW_DEFINITION_ID("law_definition");
+ }
+ /// attribute name for creation method
+ inline static const std::string& CREATION_METHOD()
+ {
+ static const std::string METHOD_ATTR("CreationMethod");
+ return METHOD_ATTR;
+ }
+ /// \return the kind of a feature.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual const std::string& getKind()
+ {
+ static std::string MY_KIND = FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox::ID();
+ return MY_KIND;
+ }
+ /// Creates a new part document if needed.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
+ /// Request for initialization of data model of the feature: adding all attributes.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void initAttributes();
+ /// Use plugin manager for features creation.
+ FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox();
+ /// Load Naming data structure of the feature to the document.
+ void loadNamingDS(GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox& thePipeApproxAlgo,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_ResultBody> theResultBody,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBasis);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw.cpp
+#include "FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw.h"
+#include <FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_CompositeFeature.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeInteger.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Tools.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Attribute.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Object.h>
+#include <Events_Loop.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Events.h>
+//??#include "ParametersPlugin_Parameter.h"
+//??#include <SketchPlugin_SketchEntity.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelection.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_BodyBuilder.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Session.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Validator.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultConstruction.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultBody.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Edge.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Lin.h>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace patch
+ template < typename T > std::string to_string( const T& n )
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stm ;
+ stm << n ;
+ return stm.str() ;
+ }
+static ListOfShape makeProfileList(AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList);
+//for splitting string
+std::vector<std::string> &split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems) {
+ std::stringstream ss(s);
+ std::string item;
+ while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
+ elems.push_back(item);
+ }
+ return elems;
+std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, char delim) {
+ std::vector<std::string> elems;
+ split(s, delim, elems);
+ return elems;
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::initAttributes()
+ mySelection =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList>(data()->addAttribute(
+ PROFILE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList::typeId()));
+ mySelection->setSelectionType("FACE");
+ mySelection->setImmutable(false);
+ data()->addAttribute(PATH_OBJECT_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(BINORMAL_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId());
+ myParameter = data()->addAttribute(VARIABLE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(NBSECT_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeInteger::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(REVERSE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(FRENET_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(CREATION_METHOD(), ModelAPI_AttributeString::typeId());
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::performSketchIteration()
+ for(int i = 0; i < myNbLaws; i++){
+ const std::string & theValue = patch::to_string(myIterationMOI[i][myCPT]); //it -> devient compteur sur le vect
+ FeaturePtr aIterationParamFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(myVectResultParameterPtr[i]);
+ aIterationParamFeature->data()->string("expression")->setValue(theValue);
+ }
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::getParamLaws(GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw& aParameterLawAlgo)
+ ObjectPtr aFeatureObj = mySelection->owner();
+ DocumentPtr aDocument = aFeatureObj->document();
+ bool haveParam;
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aLawsSelectionList = selectionList(VARIABLE_ID());
+ myNbLaws = aLawsSelectionList->size();
+ for(int i = 0; i < myNbLaws; i++){
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aFaceSel = aLawsSelectionList->value(i);
+ ObjectPtr aLawObj = aFaceSel->context();
+ FeaturePtr aLawFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aLawObj);
+ //check existence of the laws
+ haveParam = false;
+ //get the param, and the def and ref curves
+ std::string aParameterName = aLawFeature->data()->string(FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::VARIABLE_ID())->value();
+ int anIndex2 = 0, aSize2 = aDocument->size(ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group());
+ ObjectPtr aParamObj = aDocument->object(ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group(), anIndex2);
+ while(anIndex2 < aSize2 && aParamObj->data()->name() != aParameterName){
+ anIndex2++;
+ aParamObj = aDocument->object(ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group(), anIndex2);
+ }
+ if(aParamObj->data()->name() == aParameterName)
+ {
+ ResultParameterPtr aParam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultParameter>(aParamObj);
+ if (aParam.get()){
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aParam);
+ haveParam = (aFeature != myParameter->owner());
+ }
+ }
+ ResultParameterPtr aParam;
+ if (haveParam) {
+ aParam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultParameter>(aParamObj);
+ haveParam = aParam.get() != NULL;
+ }
+ if(!haveParam)
+ {
+ break;
+ }else{
+ myVectResultParameterPtr.push_back(aParam);
+ bool isReverse =
+ aLawFeature->data()->boolean(FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::REVERSE_ID())->value();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aDef =
+ aLawFeature->data()->selection(FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::LAW_DEFINITION_ID())->value();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aRef =
+ aLawFeature->data()->selection(FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::LAW_REFERENCE_ID())->value();
+ std::vector<double> tempVec = aParameterLawAlgo.getVectorOfScalar(aDef, aRef, isReverse, myNbSections);
+ myIterationMOI.insert(std::pair<int, std::vector<double>>(i, tempVec));
+ }
+ }
+bool FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::checkParamLaws()
+ ObjectPtr aFeatureObj = mySelection->owner();
+ DocumentPtr aDocument = aFeatureObj->document();
+ bool res;
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aLawsSelectionList = selectionList(VARIABLE_ID());
+ myNbLaws = aLawsSelectionList->size();
+ for(int i = 0; i < myNbLaws; i++){
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aFaceSel = aLawsSelectionList->value(i);
+ ObjectPtr aLawObj = aFaceSel->context();
+ FeaturePtr aLawFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aLawObj);
+ //check existence of the laws
+ res = false;
+ std::string aParameterName = aLawFeature->data()->string(FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::VARIABLE_ID())->value();
+ int anIndex2 = 0, aSize2 = aDocument->size(ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group());
+ ObjectPtr aParamObj = aDocument->object(ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group(), anIndex2);
+ while(anIndex2 < aSize2 && aParamObj->data()->name() != aParameterName){
+ anIndex2++;
+ aParamObj = aDocument->object(ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group(), anIndex2);
+ }
+ if(aParamObj->data()->name() == aParameterName)
+ {
+ ResultParameterPtr aParam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultParameter>(aParamObj);
+ if (aParam.get()){
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aParam);
+ res = (aFeature != myParameter->owner());
+ }
+ }
+ ResultParameterPtr aParam;
+ if (res) {
+ aParam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultParameter>(aParamObj);
+ res = aParam.get() != NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::execute()
+ int cpt = 0;
+ if (!myIterationMOI.empty()) { // iteration is performed
+ // do the iteration
+ // get the updated sketch
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aUpdatedShapeSel = myIterationUpdatedFacesSelectionList->value(cpt);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aUpdatedShape = aUpdatedShapeSel->value();
+ myIterationLOS.push_back(aUpdatedShape);
+ myCPT--;
+ if (myCPT >= 0) {
+ // set new param to update sketch
+ performSketchIteration();
+ return; // the execution will be called again with an updated sketch
+ } else {
+ myIterationMOI.clear(); // finish the iteration
+ }
+ }
+ // Getting creation method.
+ std::string aCreationMethod = string(CREATION_METHOD())->value();
+ // Flags for reverse path
+ bool isReverse = boolean(REVERSE_ID())->value();
+ // Flags for min torsion
+ bool withFrenet = boolean(FRENET_ID())->value();
+ // Getting nb sections.
+ myNbSections = integer(NBSECT_ID())->value();
+ // Getting path.
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aPathSelection = selection(PATH_OBJECT_ID());
+ if(!aPathSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Path selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aPathShape = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aPathSelection->value());
+ if(!aPathShape.get()) {
+ // Probaply it is a construction.
+ aPathShape = aPathSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aPathShape.get() || aPathShape->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Path shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Getting profile
+ ListOfShape aFacesList;
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList = selectionList(PROFILE_ID());
+ for(int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aFacesSelectionList->size(); anIndex++) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aFaceSel = aFacesSelectionList->value(anIndex);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFaceShape = aFaceSel->value();
+ if(aFaceShape.get() && !aFaceShape->isNull()) { // Getting face.
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ } else { // This may be the whole sketch result selected, check and get faces.
+ ResultPtr aContext = aFaceSel->context();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aContextShape = aContext->shape();
+ if(!aContextShape.get()) {
+ static const std::string aContextError = "Error: The selection context is bad.";
+ setError(aContextError);
+ return;
+ }
+ ResultConstructionPtr aConstruction = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(aContext);
+ if(!aConstruction.get()) {
+ static const std::string aFaceError = "Error: Can not find basis for extrusion.";
+ setError(aFaceError);
+ return;
+ }
+ int aFacesNum = aConstruction->facesNum();
+ for(int aFaceIndex = 0; aFaceIndex < aFacesNum || aFacesNum == -1; aFaceIndex++) {
+ aFaceShape = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aConstruction->face(aFaceIndex));
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Getting Bi-Normal
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aBiNormal;
+ if(aCreationMethod == "with binormal") {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aBiNormalSelection = selection(BINORMAL_ID());
+ if(!aBiNormalSelection.get()) {
+ setError("Error: Bi-Normal selection is empty.");
+ return;
+ }
+ aBiNormal = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aBiNormalSelection->value());
+ if(!aBiNormal.get()) {
+ // Probably it is a construction.
+ aBiNormal = aBiNormalSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
+ if(!aBiNormal.get() || aBiNormal->isNull()) {
+ setError("Error: Bi-Normal shape is null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Generating result for each shell and face.
+ int aResultIndex = 0;
+ //this is "fake" for loop
+ //we expect to only treat one face
+ //think I need the selectionlist to have access to sketch, not sure
+ for(ListOfShape::const_iterator anIter = aFacesList.cbegin(); anIter != aFacesList.cend(); anIter++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aBaseShape = *anIter;
+ GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox aPipeApproxLawAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox();
+ GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw aParameterLawAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw();
+ ObjectPtr aFeatureObj = mySelection->owner();
+ DocumentPtr aDocument = aFeatureObj->document();
+ if(checkParamLaws())
+ {
+ if (myIterationLOS.empty()) { // starts the iteration
+ myCPT = myNbSections - 1;
+ getParamLaws(aParameterLawAlgo);
+ myIterationUpdatedFacesSelectionList = aFeatureObj->data()->selectionList(PROFILE_ID());
+ // init the iteration by first modification of the sketch
+ performSketchIteration();
+ return;
+ } else { // perform the algo on already computed contours in the previous iteration
+ if(aCreationMethod == "simple"){
+ aPipeApproxLawAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(myIterationLOS, aPathShape, isReverse, myNbSections, withFrenet);
+ }
+ if(aCreationMethod == "with binormal"){
+ aPipeApproxLawAlgo = GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(myIterationLOS, aPathShape, aBiNormal, isReverse, myNbSections/*, crossSections*/);
+ }
+ myIterationLOS.clear();
+ myCPT = myNbSections - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!aPipeApproxLawAlgo.isDone()) {
+ static const std::string aPrismAlgoError = "Error: Pipe algorithm failed.";
+ setError(aPrismAlgoError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ // Check if shape is valid
+ if(!aPipeApproxLawAlgo.shape().get() || aPipeApproxLawAlgo.shape()->isNull()) {
+ static const std::string aShapeError = "Error: Resulting shape is Null.";
+ setError(aShapeError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ if(!aPipeApproxLawAlgo.isValid()) {
+ std::string aPrismAlgoError = "Error: Resulting shape is not valid.";
+ setError(aPrismAlgoError);
+ aResultIndex = 0;
+ //break;
+ }
+ ResultBodyPtr aResultBody = document()->createBody(data(), aResultIndex);
+ loadNamingDS(aPipeApproxLawAlgo, aResultBody, aBaseShape);
+ setResult(aResultBody, aResultIndex);
+ aResultIndex++;
+ cpt++;
+ }
+ removeResults(aResultIndex);
+void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::loadNamingDS(GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox& thePipeApproxLawAlgo,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_ResultBody> theResultBody,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBasis)
+ //load result
+ theResultBody->storeGenerated(theBasis, thePipeApproxLawAlgo.shape());
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeShape> aSubShapes = thePipeApproxLawAlgo.mapOfSubShapes();
+ //Insert lateral face : Face from Edge
+ const std::string aLatName = "LateralFace";
+ const int aLatTag = 1;
+ theResultBody->loadAndOrientGeneratedShapes(&thePipeApproxLawAlgo, theBasis, GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE, aLatTag, aLatName, *aSubShapes);
+ //Insert to faces
+ int aToFaceIndex = 1;
+ const std::string aToName = "ToFace";
+ int aToTag = 2;
+ const ListOfShape& aToFaces = thePipeApproxLawAlgo.toShapes();
+ for(ListOfShape::const_iterator anIt = aToFaces.cbegin(); anIt != aToFaces.cend(); anIt++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aToFace = *anIt;
+ if(aSubShapes->isBound(aToFace)) {
+ aToFace = aSubShapes->find(aToFace);
+ }
+ std::ostringstream aStr;
+ aStr << aToName << "_" << aToFaceIndex++;
+ theResultBody->generated(aToFace, aStr.str(), aToTag++);
+ }
+ //Insert from faces
+ int aFromFaceIndex = 1;
+ const std::string aFromName = "FromFace";
+ int aFromTag = aToTag > 10000 ? aToTag : 10000;
+ const ListOfShape& aFromFaces = thePipeApproxLawAlgo.fromShapes();
+ for(ListOfShape::const_iterator anIt = aFromFaces.cbegin(); anIt != aFromFaces.cend(); anIt++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromFace = *anIt;
+ if(aSubShapes->isBound(aFromFace)) {
+ aFromFace = aSubShapes->find(aFromFace);
+ }
+ std::ostringstream aStr;
+ aStr << aFromName << "_" << aFromFaceIndex++;
+ theResultBody->generated(aFromFace, aStr.str(), aFromTag++);
+ }
+ListOfShape makeProfileList(AttributeSelectionListPtr aFacesSelectionList){
+ ListOfShape aFacesList;
+ for(int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aFacesSelectionList->size(); anIndex++) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aFaceSel = aFacesSelectionList->value(anIndex);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFaceShape = aFaceSel->value();
+ if(aFaceShape.get() && !aFaceShape->isNull()) { // Getting face.
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ } else { // This may be the whole sketch result selected, check and get faces.
+ ResultPtr aContext = aFaceSel->context();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aContextShape = aContext->shape();
+ if(!aContextShape.get()) {
+ static const std::string aContextError = "Error: The selection context is bad.";
+ return aFacesList;
+ }
+ ResultConstructionPtr aConstruction = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(aContext);
+ if(!aConstruction.get()) {
+ static const std::string aFaceError = "Error: Can not find basis for extrusion.";
+ return aFacesList;
+ }
+ int aFacesNum = aConstruction->facesNum();
+ for(int aFaceIndex = 0; aFaceIndex < aFacesNum || aFacesNum == -1; aFaceIndex++) {
+ aFaceShape = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_Shape>(aConstruction->face(aFaceIndex));
+ aFacesList.push_back(aFaceShape);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aFacesList;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw.h
+#ifndef FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw_H_
+#define FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw_H_
+#include <FeaturesPlugin.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultParameter.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelection.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Attribute.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultBody.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+class GeomAPI_Shape;
+class ModelAPI_ResultBody;
+/** \class FeaturesPlugin_Pipe
+ * \ingroup Plugins
+ * \brief Feature for creation of Pipe from the planar face.
+ * Pipe creates the lateral faces based on edges of the base face and
+ * the start and end faces and/or start and end angles.
+ */
+class FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw : public ModelAPI_Feature
+ public:
+ /// Pipe kind.
+ inline static const std::string& ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_PipeApproxLaw_ID("PipeApproxLaw");
+ return MY_PipeApproxLaw_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of references sketch entities list, it should contain a sketch result or
+ /// a pair a sketch result to sketch face.
+ inline static const std::string& PROFILE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_PROFILE_LIST_ID("profile");
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of an Pipe path.
+ inline static const std::string& PATH_OBJECT_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_PATH_ID("path_object");
+ return MY_PATH_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of Bi-Normal.
+ inline static const std::string& BINORMAL_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_BINORMAL_ID("binormal");
+ return MY_BINORMAL_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of ParmLaws
+ inline static const std::string& VARIABLE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_VARIABLE_ID("Parameter_laws");
+ return MY_VARIABLE_ID;
+ }
+ /// Attribute name of nb cross-sections
+ inline static const std::string& NBSECT_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_NBSECT_ID("nb_sect");
+ return MY_NBSECT_ID;
+ }
+ /// attribute name of flag of minimizetorsion
+ inline static const std::string& FRENET_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_FRENET_ID("use_Frenet");
+ return MY_FRENET_ID;
+ }
+ /// attribute name of flag of reverse direction
+ inline static const std::string& REVERSE_ID()
+ {
+ static const std::string MY_REVERSE_ID("reverse_direction");
+ return MY_REVERSE_ID;
+ }
+ /// attribute name for creation method
+ inline static const std::string& CREATION_METHOD()
+ {
+ static const std::string METHOD_ATTR("CreationMethod");
+ return METHOD_ATTR;
+ }
+ /// \return the kind of a feature.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual const std::string& getKind()
+ {
+ static std::string MY_KIND = FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::ID();
+ return MY_KIND;
+ }
+ /// Creates a new part document if needed.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
+ /// Request for initialization of data model of the feature: adding all attributes.
+ FEATURESPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void initAttributes();
+ /// Use plugin manager for features creation.
+ FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw();
+ /// Load Naming data structure of the feature to the document.
+ void loadNamingDS(GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox& thePipeApproxLawAlgo,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_ResultBody> theResultBody,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBasis);
+ /// does the update of sketch that will call "execution" of this feature
+ void performSketchIteration();
+ bool checkParamLaws();
+ void FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::getParamLaws(GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw& aParameterLawAlgo);
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr mySelection;
+ AttributePtr myParameter;
+ /// fields needed for iteration of updated sketch
+ std::map<int, std::vector<double>> myIterationMOI; ///< empty means iteration is not started
+ std::vector<ResultParameterPtr> myVectResultParameterPtr;
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr myIterationUpdatedFacesSelectionList;
+ ListOfShape myIterationLOS;
+ int myCPT;
+ int myNbLaws;
+ int myNbSections;
#include <FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorTransform.h>
#include <FeaturesPlugin_Validators.h>
+#include <FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox.h>
+#include <FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw.h>
+#include <FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Session.h>
#include <string>
new FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorUnionSelection);
new FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorUnionArguments);
+ aFactory->registerValidator("FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorParameterLaw",
+ new FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorParameterLaw);
// register this plugin
return FeaturePtr(new FeaturesPlugin_RemoveSubShapes);
} else if (theFeatureID == FeaturesPlugin_Union::ID()) {
return FeaturePtr(new FeaturesPlugin_Union);
+ } else if (theFeatureID == FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw::ID()) {
+ return FeaturePtr(new FeaturesPlugin_ParameterLaw);
+ }else if (theFeatureID == FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw::ID()) {
+ return FeaturePtr(new FeaturesPlugin_PipeApproxLaw);
+ }else if (theFeatureID == FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox::ID()) {
+ return FeaturePtr(new FeaturesPlugin_PipeApprox);
// feature of such kind is not found
return false;
+bool FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorParameterLaw::isValid(const AttributePtr& theAttribute,
+ const std::list<std::string>& theArguments,
+ Events_InfoMessage& theError) const
+ bool isLawValid = true;
+ //if(theArguments.empty()) {
+ // theError = "Error: Validator parameters is empty.";
+ // return false;
+ //}
+ std::string anAttributeType = theAttribute->attributeType();
+ std::string anAttirbuteID = theAttribute->id();
+ if (anAttributeType == ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList::typeId()) {
+ AttributeSelectionListPtr aSelectionListAttr =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList>(theAttribute);
+ // all context objects should be sketch entities
+ for (int i = 0, aSize = aSelectionListAttr->size(); i < aSize ; i++) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aSelectAttr = aSelectionListAttr->value(i);
+ ObjectPtr anObject = aSelectAttr->context();
+ if (!anObject.get())
+ isLawValid = false;
+ else {
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anObject);
+ isLawValid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (anAttributeType == ModelAPI_AttributeSelection::typeId()) {
+ AttributeSelectionPtr aSelectAttr =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeSelection>(theAttribute);
+ ObjectPtr anObject = aSelectAttr->context();
+ // a context of the selection attribute is a feature result. It can be a case when the result
+ // of the feature is null, e.g. the feature is modified and has not been executed yet.
+ // The validator returns an invalid result here. The case is an extrusion built on a sketch
+ // feature. A new sketch element creation leads to an empty result.
+ if (!anObject.get())
+ isLawValid = false;
+ else {
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anObject);
+ isLawValid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return isLawValid;
\ No newline at end of file
virtual bool isNotObligatory(std::string theFeature, std::string theAttribute);
+class FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorParameterLaw: public ModelAPI_AttributeValidator
+ //! \return true if attribute has selection type listed in the parameter arguments.
+ //! \param[in] theAttribute the checked attribute.
+ //! \param[in] theArguments arguments of the attribute.
+ //! \param[out] theError error message.
+ virtual bool isValid(const AttributePtr& theAttribute,
+ const std::list<std::string>& theArguments,
+ Events_InfoMessage& theError) const;
--- /dev/null
+ <toolbox id="CreationMethod">
+ <box id="parameter law" title="" icon="">
+ <stringvalue id="variable" label="Name" icon=":pictures/expression.png" placeholder="Please input the parameter name">
+ <!--validator id="Parameters_VariableValidator"/-->
+ </stringvalue>
+ <shape_selector id="law_reference"
+ label="Select a reference line"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="By convention, create a line from Left to Right"
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="law_definition"
+ label="Select a definition curve"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip=""
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="edge"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <boolvalue id="reverse_direction"
+ label="Reverse"
+ default="false"
+ tooltip="Reverse path direction"/>
+ </box>
+ </toolbox>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!-- Copyright -->
+ <toolbox id="CreationMethod">
+ <box id="simple" title="Simple pipeApprox by objects and path" icon="">
+ <multi_selector id="profile"
+ label="Select the profile"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the profile"
+ type_choice="faces">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGeneration" parameters="face"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="path_object"
+ label="Select a path"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Select edges for a path"
+ shape_types="edge wire">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePath"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ </box>
+ <box id="with law" title="" icon="">
+ <shape_selector id="law_reference"
+ label="Select a reference line"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip=""
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="law_definition"
+ label="Select a definition curve"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip=""
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="edge"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <multi_selector id="profile"
+ label="Select the profile"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the profile"
+ type_choice="faces">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGeneration" parameters="face"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="path_object"
+ label="Select a path"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Select edges for a path"
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePath"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ </box>
+ <box id="binormal" title="Pipe by objects, path and Bi-Normal" icon="">
+ <shape_selector id="binormal"
+ label="Bi-Normal:"
+ tooltip="Select an edge for Bi-Normal"
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <multi_selector id="profile"
+ label="Select the profile"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the profile"
+ type_choice="faces">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGeneration" parameters="face"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="path_object"
+ label="Select a path"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Select edges for a path"
+ shape_types="edge wire">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePath"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ </box>
+ </toolbox>
--- /dev/null
+ <toolbox id="CreationMethod">
+ <box id="simple" title="" icon="icons/Features/pipe_locations_32x32.png">
+ <multi_selector id="profile"
+ label="Select the profile"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the profile"
+ type_choice="faces">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGeneration" parameters="face"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <!-- shape_selector id="path_object"
+ label="Path object:"
+ tooltip="Select an edge or wire for path"
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="edge"/>
+ </shape_selector> -->
+ <shape_selector id="path_object"
+ label="Select a path"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Select edges for a path"
+ shape_types="edge wire">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePath"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <multi_selector id="Parameter_laws"
+ label="Select the laws"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the laws"
+ type_choice="Objects">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorParameterLaw"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <integervalue
+ id="nb_sect"
+ label="Number of sections for approx"
+ default="50"
+ min ="2"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Please input the number of sections for approx, by default 50">
+ </integervalue>
+ <boolvalue id="use_Frenet"
+ label="use frenet trihedron"
+ default="false"
+ tooltip="Use Frenet (by default try to minimize torsion)"/>
+ <boolvalue id="reverse_direction"
+ label="Reverse"
+ default="false"
+ tooltip="Reverse path direction"/>
+ </box>
+ <box id="with binormal" title="" icon="icons/Features/pipe_binormal_32x32.png">
+ <multi_selector id="profile"
+ label="Select the profile"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the profile"
+ type_choice="faces">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorBaseForGeneration" parameters="face"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="path_object"
+ label="Path object:"
+ tooltip="Select an edge or wire for path"
+ shape_types="edge wire">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorPipePath"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <shape_selector id="binormal"
+ label="Bi-Normal:"
+ tooltip="Select an edge for Bi-Normal"
+ shape_types="edge">
+ <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
+ </shape_selector>
+ <multi_selector id="Parameter_laws"
+ label="Select the laws"
+ icon=":icons/sketch.png"
+ tooltip="Select the laws"
+ type_choice="Objects">
+ <validator id="FeaturesPlugin_ValidatorParameterLaw"/>
+ </multi_selector>
+ <integervalue
+ id="nb_sect"
+ label="Number of sections for approx"
+ default="50"
+ min ="2"
+ icon=""
+ tooltip="Please input the number of sections for approx, by default 50">
+ </integervalue>
+ <boolvalue id="reverse_direction"
+ label="Reverse"
+ default="false"
+ tooltip="Reverse path direction"/>
+ </box>
+ </toolbox>
\ No newline at end of file
<feature id="Pipe" title="Pipe" tooltip="Generates extrusion along a path" icon="icons/Features/pipe.png">
<source path="pipe_widget.xml"/>
+ </group>
+ <group id="Parametric Pipe">
+ <feature id="PipeApprox" title="PipeApprox" tooltip="Create a Pipe by approx" icon="icons/Features/pipe.png">
+ <source path="pipeapprox_widget.xml"/>
+ </feature>
+ <feature id="ParameterLaw" title="ParameterLaw" tooltip="Create a ParameterLaw" icon="">
+ <source path="parameterlaw_widget.xml"/>
+ </feature>
+ <feature id="PipeApproxLaw" title="PipeApproxLaw" tooltip="Create a Pipe by approx with law" icon="icons/Features/pipe_locations_32x32.png">
+ <source path="pipeapproxlaw_widget.xml"/>
+ </feature>
<group id="Boolean">
<feature id="Boolean" title="Boolean" tooltip="Perform boolean operations with solids" icon="icons/Features/cut.png"
+ GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.h
+ GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.h
+ GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.cpp
+ GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.cpp
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.cpp
+#include "GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.h"
+//trier les include un jour...
+//#include <GeomAPI_Face.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Lin.h>
+#include <Geom_Line.hxx>
+#include <gp_Lin.hxx>
+#include <GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_DFLoader.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShapeList.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools.h>
+#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <BRepAlgoAPI_Cut.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx>
+#include <BRepCheck_Analyzer.hxx>
+#include <BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe.hxx>
+#include <GeomFill_Trihedron.hxx>
+#include <BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell.hxx>
+#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
+#include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
+#include <GeomLib_IsPlanarSurface.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pln.hxx>
+#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
+#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
+#include <GProp_PGProps.hxx>
+#include <Extrema_ExtPElC.hxx>
+#include "GeomAPI.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Edge.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Wire.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Pnt.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Dir.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Ax3.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Curve.h"
+#include <GeomAPI.hxx>
+#include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Geom2d_BezierCurve.hxx>
+#include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx>
+#include <GeomAPI_IntCS.hxx>
+#include <BRepAlgo_NormalProjection.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
+#include <BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve.hxx>
+#include <BRepAdaptor_HCurve.hxx>
+#include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
+#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
+#include <BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections.hxx>
+#include "GeomAlgoAPI_Placement.h"
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx>
+#include "GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShape.h"
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_PlanarEdges.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_SketchBuilder.h>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx>
+//#define NB_SECT 50
+/// \return solid created from face or shell.
+static TopoDS_Solid makeSolidFromShape(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape);
+GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw::GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theDefShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theRefShape,
+ bool isReverse)
+ build(theDefShape, theRefShape, isReverse);
+void GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw::build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theDefShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theRefShape,
+ const bool isReverse)
+ if(!theDefShape || !theRefShape) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Getting Def
+ TopoDS_Edge aDefEdge;
+ if(theDefShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aDefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theDefShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ // Getting Ref
+ TopoDS_Edge aRefEdge;
+ if(theRefShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aRefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theRefShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult;
+ double defFirst, defLast, refFirst, refLast;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aDefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aDefEdge, defFirst, defLast);
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ double aTemp = defFirst;
+ defFirst = defLast;
+ defLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ //recover Ref line
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aRefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aRefEdge, refFirst, refLast);
+ GeomAdaptor_Curve aRefAdaptorCurve = GeomAdaptor_Curve(aRefCurve);
+ gp_Pnt rFP, rLP;
+ gp_XYZ rF, rL;
+ aRefCurve->D0(refFirst, rFP);
+ aRefCurve->D0(refLast, rLP);
+ rF = rFP.XYZ();
+ rL = rLP.XYZ();
+ rL.Subtract(rF);
+ gp_Lin aRefLin = gp_Lin(rFP, rL);
+ refFirst = aRefAdaptorCurve.FirstParameter();
+ refLast = aRefAdaptorCurve.LastParameter();
+ gp_Pnt DF;
+ aDefCurve->D0(defFirst, DF);
+ //to store edges for the final result
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge mkEdge;
+ TopTools_ListOfShape aEL;
+ //project First Point of the def curve on the ref line
+ // to get the translation vector
+ double Tol = 1.0e-10;
+ Extrema_ExtPElC aProjDF = Extrema_ExtPElC(DF, aRefLin, Tol, refFirst, refLast);
+ int nbDMin = aProjDF.NbExt();
+ nbDMin++;
+ int k = 1;
+ while(k < nbDMin && !aProjDF.IsMin(k))
+ {
+ k++;
+ }
+ Extrema_POnCurv DFPOC = aProjDF.Point(k);
+ gp_Pnt DFP = DFPOC.Value();
+ //get translation vector
+ // and make the translation transformation
+ // then do the transformation and recover curve.
+ gp_Vec aTransVec = rF - DFP.XYZ();
+ gp_Trsf aTrans = gp_Trsf();
+ aTrans.SetTranslation(aTransVec);
+ TopoDS_Edge aTransDefEdge;
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform* aBuilder = new BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(aDefEdge, aTrans, false);
+ if(aBuilder) {
+ if(aBuilder->IsDone()) {
+ aTransDefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aBuilder->Shape());
+ }
+ }
+ aEL.Append(aTransDefEdge);
+ double tdFirst, tdLast;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aTransDefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aTransDefEdge, tdFirst, tdLast);
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ double aTemp = tdFirst;
+ tdFirst = tdLast;
+ tdLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ //now project last point of the transDefEdge
+ // then make the needed edges for final result
+ gp_Pnt TDF, TDL;
+ aTransDefCurve->D0(tdLast, TDL);
+ aTransDefCurve->D0(tdFirst, TDF);
+ Extrema_ExtPElC aProjDL = Extrema_ExtPElC(TDL, aRefLin, Tol, refFirst, refLast);
+ nbDMin = aProjDF.NbExt();
+ nbDMin++;
+ k = 1;
+ while(k < nbDMin && !aProjDF.IsMin(k))
+ {
+ k++;
+ }
+ Extrema_POnCurv DLPOC = aProjDL.Point(k);
+ gp_Pnt DLP = DLPOC.Value();
+ mkEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(rFP, DLP);
+ if(mkEdge.IsDone())
+ aEL.Append(mkEdge.Edge());
+ mkEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(DLP, TDL);
+ if(mkEdge.IsDone())
+ aEL.Append(mkEdge.Edge());
+ mkEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(TDF, rFP);
+ if(mkEdge.IsDone())
+ aEL.Append(mkEdge.Edge());
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWire;
+ mkWire.Add(aEL);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace mkFace;
+ if(mkWire.IsDone())
+ mkFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(mkWire.Wire());
+ if(mkFace.IsDone())
+ aResult = mkFace.Face();
+ // Setting result.
+ if(aResult.IsNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ this->setShape(aShape);
+ this->setDone(true);
+std::vector<double> GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw::getVectorOfScalar(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theDef,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theRef,
+ const bool isReverse,
+ const int nbSect)
+ std::vector<double> result;
+ // Getting law
+ // DEF
+ TopoDS_Edge aDefEdge;
+ if(theDef->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aDefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theDef->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ // REF
+ TopoDS_Edge aRefEdge;
+ if(theRef->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aRefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theRef->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ double d, dFirst, dLast, rFirst, rLast;
+ //recover Def curve
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aDefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aDefEdge, dFirst, dLast);
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ //aPathCurve = aPathCurve->Reversed();
+ double aTemp = dFirst;
+ dFirst = dLast;
+ dLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ d = dFirst;
+ const double dStep = abs(dLast - dFirst) / (nbSect - 1);
+ double coeffReverse = 1.0;
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ coeffReverse = -1.0;
+ }
+ //recover Ref line
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aRefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aRefEdge, rFirst, rLast);
+ GeomAdaptor_Curve aRefAdaptorCurve = GeomAdaptor_Curve(aRefCurve);
+ gp_Pnt rFP, rLP;
+ gp_XYZ rF, rL;
+ aRefCurve->D0(rFirst, rFP);
+ aRefCurve->D0(rLast, rLP);
+ rF = rFP.XYZ();
+ rL = rLP.XYZ();
+ rL.Subtract(rF);
+ gp_Lin aRefLin = gp_Lin(rFP, rL);
+ rFirst = aRefAdaptorCurve.FirstParameter();
+ rLast = aRefAdaptorCurve.LastParameter();
+ gp_Pnt D;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbSect; ++i)
+ {
+ //get value for param
+ //will calculate from law
+ aDefCurve->D0(d, D);
+ double Tol = 1.0e-10;
+ Extrema_ExtPElC aCalcD = Extrema_ExtPElC(D, aRefLin, Tol, rFirst, rLast);
+ int nbDMin = aCalcD.NbExt();
+ nbDMin++;
+ int k = 1;
+ while(k < nbDMin && !aCalcD.IsMin(k))
+ {
+ k++;
+ }
+ double ii = aCalcD.SquareDistance(k);
+ ii = sqrt(ii);
+ result.push_back(ii);
+ d+= (coeffReverse*dStep);
+ }
+ return result;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw.h
+// Created:
+// Author:
+#ifndef GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw_H_
+#define GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw_H_
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_MakeSweep.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Face.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+class GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw : public GeomAlgoAPI_MakeSweep
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw();
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_ParameterLaw(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theDefShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theRefShape,
+ bool isReverse);
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT std::vector<double> getVectorOfScalar(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theDef,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theRef,
+ const bool isReverse,
+ const int nbSect);
+ /// Builds resulting shape.
+ void build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theDef,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theRef,
+ const bool isReverse);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.cpp
+#include "GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.h"
+//trier les include un jour...
+//#include <GeomAPI_Face.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Lin.h>
+#include <Geom_Line.hxx>
+#include <gp_Lin.hxx>
+#include <GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_DFLoader.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShapeList.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools.h>
+#include "GeomConvert_ApproxCurve.hxx"
+#include "Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx"
+#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <BRepTools.hxx>
+#include <BRepAlgoAPI_Cut.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx>
+#include <BRepCheck_Analyzer.hxx>
+#include <BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe.hxx>
+#include <GeomFill_Trihedron.hxx>
+#include <BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell.hxx>
+#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
+#include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
+#include <GeomLib_IsPlanarSurface.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pln.hxx>
+#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
+#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
+#include <GProp_PGProps.hxx>
+#include <Extrema_ExtPElC.hxx>
+#include "GeomAPI.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Edge.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Wire.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Pnt.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Dir.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Ax3.h"
+#include "GeomAPI_Curve.h"
+#include <GeomAPI.hxx>
+#include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Geom2d_BezierCurve.hxx>
+#include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx>
+#include <GeomAPI_IntCS.hxx>
+#include <BRepAlgo_NormalProjection.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Adaptor3d_Curve.hxx>
+#include <BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve.hxx>
+#include <BRepAdaptor_HCurve.hxx>
+#include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
+#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
+#include <BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections.hxx>
+#include "GeomAlgoAPI_Placement.h"
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx>
+#include "GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShape.h"
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_PlanarEdges.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_SketchBuilder.h>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx>
+#include <TopAbs_Orientation.hxx>
+//the define are only for the pipe not using ParamLaws
+#define THRUSECT
+#define NB_SECT 50
+//based on the GeomAlgoAPI_Revolution
+/// \return solid created from face or shell.
+static TopoDS_Solid makeSolidFromShape(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape);
+/// to make wire from a face after transformation, to use in thruSections
+static TopoDS_Wire makeWireFromTransf(const TopoDS_Shape &theSourceShape,
+ gp_Trsf theTrsf);
+// Constructors
+GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theProfileShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePathShape)
+ build(theProfileShape, thePathShape);
+GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theProfileShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePathShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBiNormal)
+ build(theProfileShape, thePathShape, theBiNormal);
+GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theProfileShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePathShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theDef,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theRef)
+ build(theProfileShape, thePathShape, theDef, theRef);
+GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(ListOfShape theProfileShapeList,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePath,
+ bool isReverse,
+ int nbSect,
+ bool withFrenet)
+ build(theProfileShapeList, thePath, isReverse, nbSect, withFrenet);
+GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(ListOfShape theProfileShapeList,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePath,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBinormal,
+ bool isReverse,
+ int nbSect)
+ build(theProfileShapeList, thePath, theBinormal, isReverse, nbSect);
+// BUILD() when doing simple pipe with ThruSect
+void GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theProfileShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape)
+ if(!theProfileShape || !thePathShape) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Getting profile.
+ TopoDS_Face aProfileFace = TopoDS::Face(theProfileShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ // Getting path
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aPathShape = thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ TopoDS_Edge aPathEdge;
+ if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aPathEdge = TopoDS::Edge(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult;
+ double u, aFirst, aLast;
+ //recover curve
+ aPathEdge.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD );
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aPathCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aPathEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ u = aFirst;
+ const double uStep = (aLast - aFirst) / (NB_SECT - 1);
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ const Standard_Boolean isSolid = Standard_True;
+ const Standard_Boolean isRuled = Standard_False;
+ const Standard_Real pres3d = 1.0e-02;
+ //building thrusection algo)
+ BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections* aGenerator = new BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(isSolid, isRuled, pres3d);
+ if(!aGenerator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aGenerator->SetSmoothing(Standard_True);
+ aGenerator->SetMaxDegree(5);
+ aGenerator->CheckCompatibility(Standard_False);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aCompoundResult;
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> > aCompoundResultList;
+ //iterating on sections
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec T, N, Vx;
+ aPathCurve->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ Vx = T ^ N; //Vx should be in the plane of (P,D1,D2) so that (P,D1,Vx) is orthogonal
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0(P, T, Vx);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NB_SECT; ++i)
+ {
+ u += uStep;
+ aPathCurve->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ Vx = T ^ N;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfileFace, aTrsf);
+ // Add section to skinner
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aForCompoundShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aForCompoundShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aWire));
+ aCompoundResultList.push_back(aForCompoundShape);
+ }
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ aGenerator->Build();
+ if (!aGenerator->IsDone()){
+ return;
+ }
+ aResult = aGenerator->Shape();
+ // Setting naming.
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromShape(new GeomAPI_Shape), aToShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aFromShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->FirstShape()));
+ aToShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->LastShape()));
+ this->addFromShape(aFromShape);
+ this->addToShape(aToShape);
+ // Setting result.
+ if(aResult.IsNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ this->setShape(aShape);
+ this->setDone(true);
+ aCompoundResult = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::compound(aCompoundResultList);
+ this->setShape(aCompoundResult);
+ this->setDone(true);
+void GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theProfileShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theBiNormal)
+ if(!theProfileShape || !thePathShape || !theBiNormal) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Getting profile.
+ TopoDS_Face aProfileFace = TopoDS::Face(theProfileShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ // Getting path
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aPathShape = thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ TopoDS_Edge aPathEdge;
+ if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aPathEdge = TopoDS::Edge(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ // Getting binormal
+ TopoDS_Shape aBiNormalShape = theBiNormal->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ TopoDS_Edge aBiNormalEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aBiNormalShape);
+ double aFirst, aLast;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aBiNormalCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aBiNormalEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ Handle(Geom_Line) aBiNormalLine = Handle(Geom_Line)::DownCast(aBiNormalCurve);
+ gp_Dir aBiNormalDir = aBiNormalLine->Lin().Direction();
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult;
+ double u;
+ //recover curve
+ aPathEdge.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD );
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aPathCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aPathEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ u = aFirst;
+ const double uStep = (aLast - aFirst) / (NB_SECT - 1);
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ const Standard_Boolean isSolid = Standard_True;
+ const Standard_Boolean isRuled = Standard_False;
+ const Standard_Real pres3d = 1.0e-02;
+ //building thrusection algo)
+ BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections* aGenerator = new BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(isSolid, isRuled, pres3d);
+ if(!aGenerator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aGenerator->SetSmoothing(Standard_True);
+ aGenerator->SetMaxDegree(5);
+ aGenerator->CheckCompatibility(Standard_False);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aCompoundResult;
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> > aCompoundResultList;
+ //iterating on sections
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec T, Vx;
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, T);
+ //Vx should be in the plane of (P,D1,D2) so that (P,D1,Vx) is orthogonal
+ //if D2 undefined, replace it with "binormal"
+ Vx = T ^ aBiNormalDir;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0(P, T, Vx);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NB_SECT; ++i)
+ {
+ u += uStep;
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, T);
+ Vx = T ^ aBiNormalDir;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfileFace, aTrsf);
+ // Add section to skinner
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aForCompoundShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aForCompoundShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aWire));
+ aCompoundResultList.push_back(aForCompoundShape);
+ }
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ aGenerator->Build();
+ if (!aGenerator->IsDone()){
+ return;
+ }
+ aResult = aGenerator->Shape();
+ // Setting naming.
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromShape(new GeomAPI_Shape), aToShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aFromShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->FirstShape()));
+ aToShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->LastShape()));
+ this->addFromShape(aFromShape);
+ this->addToShape(aToShape);
+ // Setting result.
+ if(aResult.IsNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ this->setShape(aShape);
+ this->setDone(true);
+ aCompoundResult = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::compound(aCompoundResultList);
+ this->setShape(aCompoundResult);
+ this->setDone(true);
+// BUILD() when using a law directly defined in the feature (pipeapprox)
+void GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theProfileShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theDef,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theRef)
+ if(!theProfileShape || !thePathShape || !theDef || !theRef) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Getting profile.
+ TopoDS_Face aProfileFace = TopoDS::Face(theProfileShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ // Getting path
+ //const TopoDS_Shape& aPathShape = thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ TopoDS_Edge aPathEdge;
+ if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aPathEdge = TopoDS::Edge(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ // Getting law
+ // DEF
+ TopoDS_Edge aDefEdge;
+ if(theDef->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aDefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theDef->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ // REF
+ TopoDS_Edge aRefEdge;
+ if(theRef->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aRefEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theRef->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult;
+ double u, aFirst, aLast;
+ double d, dFirst, dLast, rFirst, rLast;
+ //recover curve
+ aPathEdge.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD );
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aPathCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aPathEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ u = aFirst;
+ const double uStep = (aLast - aFirst) / (NB_SECT - 1);
+ //recover Def curve
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aDefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aDefEdge, dFirst, dLast);
+ d = dFirst;
+ const double dStep = (dLast - dFirst) / (NB_SECT - 1);
+ //recover Ref line
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aRefCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aRefEdge, rFirst, rLast);
+ GeomAdaptor_Curve aRefAdaptorCurve = GeomAdaptor_Curve(aRefCurve);
+ gp_Pnt rFP, rLP;
+ gp_XYZ rF, rL;
+ aRefCurve->D0(rFirst, rFP);
+ aRefCurve->D0(rLast, rLP);
+ rF = rFP.XYZ();
+ rL = rLP.XYZ();
+ rL.Subtract(rF);
+ gp_Lin aRefLin = gp_Lin(rFP, rL);
+ rFirst = aRefAdaptorCurve.FirstParameter();
+ rLast = aRefAdaptorCurve.LastParameter();
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ const Standard_Boolean isSolid = Standard_True;
+ const Standard_Boolean isRuled = Standard_False;
+ const Standard_Real pres3d = 1.0e-02;
+ //building thrusection algo)
+ BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections* aGenerator = new BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(isSolid, isRuled, pres3d);
+ if(!aGenerator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aGenerator->SetSmoothing(Standard_True);
+ aGenerator->SetMaxDegree(5);
+ aGenerator->CheckCompatibility(Standard_False);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aCompoundResult;
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> > aCompoundResultList;
+ //iterating on sections
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Trsf bTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P, D, C;
+ gp_Vec T, N, Vx;
+ aPathCurve->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ //Vx should be in the plane of (P,D1,D2) so that (P,D1,Vx) is orthogonal
+ Vx = T ^ N;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0(P, T, Vx);
+ //get center for scaling
+ GProp_PGProps aCConstr = GProp_PGProps();
+ TopExp_Explorer aVertexExp(aProfileFace, TopAbs_VERTEX);
+ for (; aVertexExp.More(); aVertexExp.Next()) {
+ TopoDS_Vertex aVS = TopoDS::Vertex(aVertexExp.Current());
+ gp_Pnt aP = BRep_Tool::Pnt(aVS);
+ aCConstr.AddPoint(aP);
+ }
+ C = aCConstr.CentreOfMass();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NB_SECT; ++i)
+ {
+ u += uStep;
+ aPathCurve->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ Vx = T ^ N;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ //set scale
+ //will calculate from law
+ d+= dStep;
+ aDefCurve->D0(d, D);
+ double Tol = 1.0e-10;
+ Extrema_ExtPElC aCalcD = Extrema_ExtPElC(D, aRefLin, Tol, rFirst, rLast);
+ int nbDMin = aCalcD.NbExt();
+ nbDMin++;
+ int k = 1;
+ while(k < nbDMin && !aCalcD.IsMin(k))
+ {
+ k++;
+ }
+ double ii = aCalcD.SquareDistance(k);
+ ii = sqrt(ii);
+ //for the scale maybe get init "length" to divide ii by it?
+ bTrsf.SetScale(C, ii);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform* aBuilder = new BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(aProfileFace, bTrsf, true);
+ TopoDS_Shape aScaledPorfileFace = aBuilder->Shape();
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aScaledPorfileFace, aTrsf);
+ // Add section to skinner
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aForCompoundShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aForCompoundShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aWire));
+ aCompoundResultList.push_back(aForCompoundShape);
+ }
+#ifdef THRUSECT
+ aGenerator->Build();
+ if (!aGenerator->IsDone()){
+ return;
+ }
+ aResult = aGenerator->Shape();
+ // Setting naming.
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromShape(new GeomAPI_Shape), aToShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aFromShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->FirstShape()));
+ aToShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->LastShape()));
+ this->addFromShape(aFromShape);
+ this->addToShape(aToShape);
+ // Setting result.
+ if(aResult.IsNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ this->setShape(aShape);
+ this->setDone(true);
+ aCompoundResult = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::compound(aCompoundResultList);
+ this->setShape(aCompoundResult);
+ this->setDone(true);
+// BUILD() when using paramLaws
+void GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::build(const ListOfShape& theProfileShapeList,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape,
+ const bool isReverse,
+ const int nbSect,
+ const bool withFrenet)
+ if(!theProfileShapeList.size() || !thePathShape) {
+ return;
+ }
+ double coeffReverse = 1.0;
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ coeffReverse = -1.0;
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult;
+ BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections* aGenerator;
+ const Standard_Boolean isSolid = Standard_True;
+ const Standard_Boolean isRuled = Standard_False;
+ const Standard_Real pres3d = 1.0e-02;
+ aGenerator = new BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(isSolid, isRuled, pres3d);
+ if(!aGenerator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aGenerator->SetSmoothing(Standard_True);
+ aGenerator->SetMaxDegree(5);
+ aGenerator->CheckCompatibility(Standard_False);
+ //used for dump
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aCompoundResult;
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aCompoundPointResult;
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> > aCompoundResultList;
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> > aCompoundPointList;
+ // Getting path
+ double u, aFirst, aLast, uStep;
+ TopoDS_Edge aPathEdge;
+ TopoDS_Wire aPathWire;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aPathCurve;
+ if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aPathEdge = TopoDS::Edge(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ //recover curve
+ aPathCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aPathEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ double aTemp = aFirst;
+ aFirst = aLast;
+ aLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ u = aFirst;
+ uStep = abs(aLast - aFirst) / (nbSect - 1);
+ //iterating on sections
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec T, N, Vx;
+ double Tol = 1.0e-10;
+ //Vx should be in the plane of (P,D1,D2) so that (P,D1,Vx) is orthogonal
+ aPathCurve->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ if(!withFrenet && (N.X() == 0) && (N.Y() == 0) && (N.Z() == 0))
+ {
+ //no 2nd derivative to help find a normal oriented towards the curvature
+ //use random orthogonal vecotr to T
+ N.SetX(-T.Y());
+ N.SetY(T.X());
+ N.SetZ(0.0);
+ Vx = N ^ T;
+ Vx = T ^ Vx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //use standard Frenet
+ //need to add error management...
+ Vx = N ^ T;
+ Vx = T ^ Vx;
+ //currently force "crash", which means need for binormal,
+ }
+ gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0(P, T, Vx);
+ for(ListOfShape::const_reverse_iterator anIter = theProfileShapeList.crbegin(); anIter != theProfileShapeList.crend(); anIter++) {
+ const TopoDS_Face aProfile = TopoDS::Face((*anIter)->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ if(withFrenet)
+ {
+ //normal frenet frame
+ aPathCurve->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ Vx = N ^ T;
+ Vx = T ^ Vx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //iterative placement of the frames
+ //based on http://webhome.cs.uvic.ca/~blob/courses/305/notes/pdf/ref-frames.pdf
+ //might need to be checked
+ //process from lines 816-837 is valid (tested and debugged)
+ //and work based on global transformation from start to actual and not iterative
+ gp_Vec aux;
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, aux);
+ if (T.IsParallel(aux, Tol))
+ {
+ if(T.IsOpposite(aux, Tol))
+ {
+ Vx.Reverse();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gp_Vec cross(T);
+ cross.Cross(aux);
+ double alpha = T.AngleWithRef(aux, cross);
+ gp_Ax1 axe(gp::Origin(), cross.XYZ());
+ //have T and Vx for the new frame
+ Vx.Rotate(axe, alpha);
+ }
+ T = aux;
+ }
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfile, aTrsf);
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ //for dump
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aForCompoundShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aForCompoundShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aWire));
+ aCompoundResultList.push_back(aForCompoundShape);
+ //
+ u += (coeffReverse*uStep);
+ }
+ }else if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::WIRE){
+ aPathWire = TopoDS::Wire(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ BRepTools::Write(aPathWire, "C:/Users/occ/Desktop/pathDump.brep");
+ Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve) aPathCompCurve = new (BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve) (aPathWire);
+ Standard_Real aTol = Precision::Confusion();
+ GeomAbs_Shape aContinuity = GeomAbs_C2 /*highest supported continuity*/;
+ Standard_Integer aMaxSeg = 10000, /*max number of spans*/
+ aMaxDeg = 9; /*max degree, consistent with settings in Algo*/
+ GeomConvert_ApproxCurve anApproxPath (aPathCompCurve, aTol, aContinuity, aMaxSeg, aMaxDeg);
+ Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplinePath = anApproxPath.Curve();
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge * aBE = new BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aBSplinePath);
+ TopoDS_Edge aBSE = aBE->Edge();
+ BRepTools::Write(aBSE, "C:/Users/occ/Desktop/pathBspline.brep");
+ aFirst = aBSplinePath->FirstParameter();
+ aLast = aBSplinePath->LastParameter();
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ double aTemp = aFirst;
+ aFirst = aLast;
+ aLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ u = aFirst;
+ uStep = abs(aLast - aFirst) / (nbSect - 1);
+ //iterating on sections
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Trsf bTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec T, N, Vx;
+ gp_Ax1 axe0;
+ double Tol = 1.0e-10;
+ //Vx should be in the plane of (P,D1,D2) so that (P,D1,Vx) is orthogonal
+ aBSplinePath->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ if(!withFrenet && (N.X() == 0) && (N.Y() == 0) && (N.Z() == 0))
+ {
+ //no 2nd derivative to help find a normal oriented towards the curvature
+ //use random orthogonal vecotr to T
+ if(T.X() == 0)
+ {
+ N.SetX(0.0);
+ N.SetY(-T.Z());
+ N.SetZ(T.Y());
+ }else if (T.Y() == 0)
+ {
+ N.SetX(-T.Z());
+ N.SetY(0.0);
+ N.SetZ(T.X());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ N.SetX(-T.Y());
+ N.SetY(T.X());
+ N.SetZ(0.0);
+ }
+ //can first derivative be null ? assume not
+ Vx = N ^ T;
+ axe0 = gp_Ax1(gp::Origin(), Vx.XYZ());
+ Vx = T ^ Vx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //use standard Frenet
+ //no checks to force "crash" if withFrenet, which means need for binormal, to add error
+ Vx = N ^ T;
+ axe0 = gp_Ax1(gp::Origin(), Vx.XYZ());
+ Vx = T ^ Vx;
+ }
+ const gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0(P, T, Vx);
+ const gp_Pnt P0(P);
+ const gp_Vec T0(T);
+ double alpha = 0.0;
+ for(ListOfShape::const_reverse_iterator anIter = theProfileShapeList.crbegin(); anIter != theProfileShapeList.crend(); anIter++) {
+ const TopoDS_Face aProfile = TopoDS::Face((*anIter)->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ if(withFrenet)
+ {
+ //normal frenet frame
+ aBSplinePath->D2(u, P, T, N);
+ Vx = N ^ T;
+ Vx = T ^ Vx;
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfile, aTrsf);
+ }
+ else
+ {//this works better, not iterative anymore but global from initial place to actual
+ gp_Pnt Paux;
+ gp_Vec Taux;
+ aBSplinePath->D1(u, Paux, Taux);
+ bTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ if (T0.IsParallel(Taux, Tol))
+ {
+ if(T0.IsOpposite(Taux, Tol))
+ {
+ bTrsf.SetMirror(axe0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gp_Vec cross(Taux);
+ cross.Cross(T);
+ double angle = T0.AngleWithRef(Taux, cross);
+ bTrsf.SetRotation(axe0, angle);
+ }
+ gp_Vec VT(Paux.XYZ() - P0.XYZ());
+ bTrsf.SetTranslationPart(VT);
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfile, bTrsf);
+ }
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ //for dump
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aForCompoundShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aForCompoundShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aWire));
+ aCompoundResultList.push_back(aForCompoundShape);
+ //ForDump
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex coucou(P);
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aForCompoundPoint(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aForCompoundPoint->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(coucou.Vertex()));
+ aCompoundPointList.push_back(aForCompoundPoint);
+ //
+ u += (coeffReverse*uStep);
+ }
+ }
+ aGenerator->Build();
+ aResult = aGenerator->Shape();
+ // Setting naming.
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromShape(new GeomAPI_Shape), aToShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aFromShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->LastShape()));
+ aToShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->FirstShape()));
+ this->addFromShape(aFromShape);
+ this->addToShape(aToShape);
+ // Setting result.
+ if(aResult.IsNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ this->setShape(aShape);
+ this->setDone(true);
+ //dump
+ aCompoundResult = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::compound(aCompoundResultList);
+ TopoDS_Compound aComp = TopoDS::Compound(aCompoundResult->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ BRepTools::Write(aComp, "C:/Users/occ/Desktop/forDump.brep");
+ aCompoundPointResult = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::compound(aCompoundPointList);
+ TopoDS_Compound aComp2 = TopoDS::Compound(aCompoundResult->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ BRepTools::Write(aComp2, "C:/Users/occ/Desktop/forDumpPoint.brep");
+void GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox::build(const ListOfShape& theProfileShapeList,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theBinormal,
+ const bool isReverse,
+ const int nbSect)
+ if(!theProfileShapeList.size() || !thePathShape || !theBinormal) {
+ return;
+ }
+ double coeffReverse = 1.0;
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ coeffReverse = -1.0;
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult;
+ BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections* aGenerator;
+ const Standard_Boolean isSolid = Standard_True;
+ const Standard_Boolean isRuled = Standard_False;
+ const Standard_Real pres3d = 1.0e-02;
+ aGenerator = new BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(isSolid, isRuled, pres3d);
+ if(!aGenerator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aGenerator->SetSmoothing(Standard_True);
+ aGenerator->SetMaxDegree(5);
+ aGenerator->CheckCompatibility(Standard_False);
+ // Getting binormal
+ TopoDS_Shape aBiNormalShape = theBinormal->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ TopoDS_Edge aBiNormalEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aBiNormalShape);
+ double aFirst, aLast;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aBiNormalCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aBiNormalEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ Handle(Geom_Line) aBiNormalLine = Handle(Geom_Line)::DownCast(aBiNormalCurve);
+ gp_Dir aBiNormalDir = aBiNormalLine->Lin().Direction();
+ // Getting path
+ double u, uStep;
+ TopoDS_Edge aPathEdge;
+ TopoDS_Wire aPathWire;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aPathCurve;
+ if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE) {
+ aPathEdge = TopoDS::Edge(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ //recover curve
+ aPathCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(aPathEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ double aTemp = aFirst;
+ aFirst = aLast;
+ aLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ u = aFirst;
+ const double uStep = abs(aLast - aFirst) / (nbSect - 1);
+ //iterating on sections
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec T, Vx;
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, T);
+ //Vx should be in the plane of (P,D1,D2) so that (P,D1,Vx) is orthogonal
+ //if D2 undefined, replace it with "binormal"
+ Vx = T ^ aBiNormalDir;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0(P, T, Vx);
+ int cpt = nbSect - 1;
+ for(ListOfShape::const_reverse_iterator anIter = theProfileShapeList.crbegin(); anIter != theProfileShapeList.crend(); anIter++) {
+ const TopoDS_Face aProfile = TopoDS::Face((*anIter)->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, T);
+ Vx = T ^ aBiNormalDir;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfile, aTrsf);
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ u += (coeffReverse*uStep);
+ cpt--;
+ }
+ }else if(thePathShape->shapeType() == GeomAPI_Shape::WIRE)
+ {
+ aPathWire = TopoDS::Wire(thePathShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve) aPathCompCurve = new (BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve) (aPathWire);
+ Standard_Real aTol = Precision::Confusion();
+ GeomAbs_Shape aContinuity = GeomAbs_C2 /*highest supported continuity*/;
+ Standard_Integer aMaxSeg = 10000, /*max number of spans*/
+ aMaxDeg = 9; /*max degree, consistent with settings in Algo*/
+ GeomConvert_ApproxCurve anApproxPath (aPathCompCurve, aTol, aContinuity, aMaxSeg, aMaxDeg);
+ Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplinePath = anApproxPath.Curve();
+ aFirst = aBSplinePath->FirstParameter();
+ aLast = aBSplinePath->LastParameter();
+ gp_Ax3 gp_Ax3_0;
+ if(isReverse)
+ {
+ double aTemp = aFirst;
+ aFirst = aLast;
+ aLast = aTemp;
+ }
+ u = aFirst;
+ uStep = abs(aLast-aFirst) / (nbSect - 1);
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire;
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = gp_Trsf();
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec T,Vx;
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, T);
+ Vx = T ^ aBiNormalDir;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ gp_Ax3_0 = gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx);
+ for(ListOfShape::const_reverse_iterator anIter = theProfileShapeList.crbegin(); anIter != theProfileShapeList.crend(); anIter++) {
+ const TopoDS_Face aProfile = TopoDS::Face((*anIter)->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ aPathCurve->D1(u, P, T);
+ Vx = T ^ aBiNormalDir;
+ Vx = Vx ^ T;
+ aTrsf.SetDisplacement(gp_Ax3_0, gp_Ax3(P, T, Vx));
+ aWire = makeWireFromTransf(aProfile, aTrsf);
+ aGenerator->AddWire(aWire);
+ u += (coeffReverse*uStep);
+ }
+ }
+ aGenerator->Build();
+ if (!aGenerator->IsDone()){
+ return;
+ }
+ aResult = aGenerator->Shape();
+ // Setting naming.
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aFromShape(new GeomAPI_Shape), aToShape(new GeomAPI_Shape);
+ aFromShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->LastShape()));
+ aToShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aGenerator->FirstShape()));
+ this->addFromShape(aFromShape);
+ this->addToShape(aToShape);
+ // Setting result.
+ if(aResult.IsNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ this->setShape(aShape);
+ this->setDone(true);
+TopoDS_Wire makeWireFromTransf(const TopoDS_Shape &theSourceShape,
+ gp_Trsf theTrsf)
+ TopoDS_Wire aResult;
+ if(theSourceShape.IsNull()) {
+ return aResult;
+ }
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform* aBuilder = new BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(theSourceShape, theTrsf, true);
+ if(!aBuilder) {
+ return aResult;
+ }
+ if(aBuilder->IsDone() != Standard_True) {
+ return aResult;
+ }
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWire;
+ TopExp_Explorer aEdgeExp(aBuilder->Shape(), TopAbs_EDGE);
+ for (; aEdgeExp.More(); aEdgeExp.Next()) {
+ TopoDS_Edge aES = TopoDS::Edge(aEdgeExp.Current());
+ mkWire.Add(aES);
+ }
+ aResult = mkWire.Wire();
+ return aResult;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright
+// File: GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox.h
+// Created:
+// Author:
+#ifndef GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox_H_
+#define GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox_H_
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_MakeSweep.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Face.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+/// \class GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox
+/// \ingroup DataAlgo
+/// \brief Allows to create the Pipe based on a given face and path.
+class GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox : public GeomAlgoAPI_MakeSweep
+ /// \brief Creates Pipe for the given shape.
+ /// \param[in] theBaseShape face for Pipe.
+ /// \param[in] thePath path for Pipe.
+ //basic pipe with thrusection algo
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theProfileShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePathShape);
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theProfileShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePathShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBiNormal);
+ //single law, does a "scaling"
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theProfileShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePathShape,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theDef,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theRef);
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(ListOfShape theProfileShapeList,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePath,
+ bool isReverse,
+ int nbSect,
+ bool withFrenet);
+ GEOMALGOAPI_EXPORT GeomAlgoAPI_PipeApprox(ListOfShape theProfileShapeList,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> thePath,
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theBinormal,
+ bool isReverse,
+ int nbSect);
+ /// Builds resulting shape.
+ void build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theProfileShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape);
+ void build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theProfileShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theBiNormal);
+ //
+ void build(const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theProfileShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePathShape,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theDef,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theRef);
+ //
+ void build(const ListOfShape& theProfileShapeList,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePath,
+ const bool isReverse,
+ const int nbSect,
+ const bool withFrenet);
+ void build(const ListOfShape& theProfileShapeList,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& thePath,
+ const std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>& theBinormal,
+ const bool isReverse,
+ const int nbSect);
\ No newline at end of file
"Feature '%1' is updated in infinitive loop").arg(theFeature->data()->name()).send();
return false;
- myProcessed[theFeature] = aCount + 1;
+ if(theFeature->getKind() == "PipeApproxLaw" || theFeature->getKind() == "PipeApprox")
+ {
+ std::map<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>, int >::iterator it;
+ for(it = myProcessed.begin(); it != myProcessed.end(); it++)
+ {
+ it->second = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myProcessed[theFeature] = aCount + 1;
+ }
// check this feature is not yet checked or processed