myLocalVisu = None
myDelay = None
mySession = None
+def changeBlankToUnderScore(stringWithBlank):
+ blank = ' '
+ underscore = '_'
+ decompString = split(stringWithBlank,blank)
+ length = len(decompString)
+ stringWithUnderScore = decompString[0]
+ for i in range(1,length):
+ stringWithUnderScore += underscore
+ stringWithUnderScore += decompString[i]
+ return stringWithUnderScore
def Initialize(theORB, theNamingService, theLifeCycleCORBA, theStudyManager, theStudy, theDelay) :
global myORB, myNamingService, myLifeCycleCORBA, myLocalStudyManager, myLocalStudy
global mySession, myLocalVisu, myDelay
return [aStudy, myViewManager, myView]
raise RuntimeError, "Error: There is no shuch file."
-def getMedObjectFromStudy(theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+##def getMedObjectFromStudy(theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+## if theStudy is None:
+## theStudy = myLocalStudy
+## mySO = theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
+## anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+## obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+## myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.MED)
+## return myObj
+def getMedObjectFromStudy(file, theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+ objNameInStudy = "MED_OBJECT_FROM_FILE_"+file
+ compNameInStudy= "MED"
if theStudy is None:
theStudy = myLocalStudy
- mySO = theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
- anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
- obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
- myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.MED)
- return myObj
-def getMedSObject(theStudy = myLocalStudy ):
- return theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
+ listOfSO = theStudy.FindObjectByName(objNameInStudy,compNameInStudy)
+ listLength = len(listOfSO)
+ if (listLength == 0) :
+ print "PROBLEME ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
+ return None
+ elif (listLength > 1) :
+ print "PROBLEME there are more than one instance of ",objNameInStudy," in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
+ return None
+ mySO = listOfSO[0]
+ if (mySO == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study"
+ return mySO
+ else:
+ anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+ obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+ myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.MED)
+ if (myObj == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," has been found in the Study but with the wrong type"
+ return myObj
+##def getMedSObject(theStudy = myLocalStudy ):
+## return theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
+def getMedSObject(file, theStudy = myLocalStudy ):
+ objNameInStudy = "MED_OBJECT_FROM_FILE_"+file
+ compNameInStudy= "MED"
-def getFieldObjectFromStudy(number, subnumber, theStudy = myLocalStudy):
if theStudy is None:
theStudy = myLocalStudy
- mySO = theStudy.FindObject("MEDFIELD")
- if mySO is None:
- raise Runtime, "getFieldObjectFromStudy mySO is None"
- mysub = mySO.FindSubObject(number)[1]
- if mysub:
- mysubsub = mysub.FindSubObject(subnumber)[1]
- if mysubsub:
- Builder = theStudy.NewBuilder()
- anAttr = Builder.FindOrCreateAttribute(mysubsub, "AttributeIOR")
- obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
- myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDINT)
- if (myObj == None):
- myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDDOUBLE)
- return myObj
- else:
- print "ERROR: No Field Object stored in this Study"
+ listOfSO = theStudy.FindObjectByName(objNameInStudy,compNameInStudy)
+ listLength = len(listOfSO)
+ if (listLength == 0) :
+ print "PROBLEME ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
+ return None
+ elif (listLength > 1) :
+ print "PROBLEME there are more than one instance of ",objNameInStudy," in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
return None
+ mySO = listOfSO[0]
+ return mySO
+##def getFieldObjectFromStudy(number, subnumber, theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+## if theStudy is None:
+## theStudy = myLocalStudy
+## mySO = theStudy.FindObject("MEDFIELD")
+## if mySO is None:
+## raise Runtime, "getFieldObjectFromStudy mySO is None"
+## mysub = mySO.FindSubObject(number)[1]
+## if mysub:
+## mysubsub = mysub.FindSubObject(subnumber)[1]
+## if mysubsub:
+## Builder = theStudy.NewBuilder()
+## anAttr = Builder.FindOrCreateAttribute(mysubsub, "AttributeIOR")
+## obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+## myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDINT)
+## if (myObj == None):
+## myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDDOUBLE)
+## return myObj
+## else:
+## print "ERROR: No Field Object stored in this Study"
+## return None
+def getFieldObjectFromStudy(dt, it, fieldName, supportName, meshName,
+ theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+ meshNameStudy = changeBlankToUnderScore(meshName)
+ if theStudy is None:
+ theStudy = myLocalStudy
+ objNameInStudy = "/Med/MEDFIELD/"+fieldName+"/("+str(dt)+","+str(it)+")_ON_"+supportName+"_OF_"+meshNameStudy
+ mySO = theStudy.FindObjectByPath(objNameInStudy)
+ if (mySO == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study"
+ return mySO
+ else:
+ anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+ obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+ myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDINT)
+ if (myObj == None):
+ myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDDOUBLE)
+ if (myObj == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," has been found in the Study but with the wrong type"
+ return myObj
def SObjectToObject(theSObject) :
# global myORB
print "aMedComp.readStructFileWithFieldType...",
- aMedSObj = getMedSObject(myLocalStudy)
+ print "reading the med file is OK ..."
+ # taking the absolute name of theFileName (without the path to it)
+ decompFileName = split(theFileName,"/")
+ lenDecomp = len(decompFileName)
+ absFileName = decompFileName[lenDecomp-1]
+ aMedSObj = getMedSObject(absFileName,myLocalStudy)
if aMedSObj is None : raise RuntimeError, "Error"
else : print "OK"
else : print "OK"
aVISUObjList.extend(CreatePrsForResult(theVisu, aResult, myView, thePrsTypeList, thePictureDir, thePictureExt))
aFolderIter = myLocalStudy.NewChildIterator(aMedSObj.GetFather());
while aFolderIter.More() :
aFolderSObj = aFolderIter.Value()
myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
medFile = ""
+absMedFile = medFile
medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
print medFile
if os.access(medFile, os.R_OK) :
- if os.access(medFile, os.W_OK) :
- med_comp.readStructFileWithFieldType(medFile,studyCurrent)
- med_obj = visu_gui.visu.getMedObjectFromStudy()
- print "med_obj - ", med_obj
- myField = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(2,1)
- anEntity = VISU.NODE
- aTimeStampId = 0
+ print "Reading the .med file ",medFile," and pushing corba objects in the SALOME study"
+ med_comp.readStructFileWithFieldType(medFile,studyCurrent)
+ med_obj = visu_gui.visu.getMedObjectFromStudy(absMedFile)
+ print "med_obj - ", med_obj
+ nbOfMeshes = med_obj.getNumberOfMeshes()
+ print "in this med file there is(are) ",nbOfMeshes," mesh(es),"
+ meshNames = med_obj.getMeshNames()
+ meshName = meshNames[0]
+ supportName = "SupportOnAll_MED_NOEUD"
+ nbOfFields = med_obj.getNumberOfFields()
+ print "and ",nbOfFields," field(s)."
+ fieldNames = med_obj.getFieldNames()
+ fieldName = fieldNames[1]
+ nbOfIt = med_obj.getFieldNumberOfIteration(fieldName)
+ print "the field ",fieldName," has ",nbOfIt," iteration(s)"
+ dtitsfield = med_obj.getFieldIterations(fieldName)
+ dtitfield = dtitsfield[0:2]
+ dt = dtitfield[0]
+ it = dtitfield[1]
+## myField = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(2,1)
+ # the first iteration of the second field
+ myField = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(dt, it, fieldName,
+ supportName,
+ meshName)
+ anEntity = VISU.NODE
+ aTimeStampId = 0
- myResult1 = myVisu.ImportMedField(myField)
- aMesh1 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity);
+ myResult1 = myVisu.ImportMedField(myField)
+ aMesh1 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity);
- aScalarMap1= myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
- aVectors = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ aScalarMap1= myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
+ aVectors = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- myResult2 = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
- aMeshName = "maa1"
- anEntity = VISU.NODE
- aMesh2 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity)
+ myResult2 = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+ aMeshName = "maa1"
+ anEntity = VISU.NODE
+ aMesh2 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity)
- aScalarMap2 = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
- aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ aScalarMap2 = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
+ aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- sg.updateObjBrowser(0)
- else : print "We have no permission to rewrite medFile, so readStructFileWithFieldType can't open this file";
+ sg.updateObjBrowser(0)
else : print "We have no permission to read medFile, it will not be opened";
if sys.exc_type == SALOME.SALOME_Exception :