+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_API.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_API.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_API.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Globals.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include "MEDSPLITTER_API.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-// Implementation
-const char* multipr::getVersion()
- return "1.0.4";
-void multipr::partitionneDomaine(const char* pMEDfilename, const char* pMeshName)
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMeshName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the sequential mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- cout << "Read sequential MED file: " << pMEDfilename << ": please wait... " << endl;
- multipr::Mesh mesh;
- mesh.readSequentialMED(pMEDfilename, pMeshName);
- cout << mesh << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build distributed mesh from groups
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- cout << "Build distributed mesh: please wait... " << endl;
- multipr::MeshDis* meshDis = NULL;
- try
- {
- meshDis = mesh.splitGroupsOfElements();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write distributed mesh
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- cout << "Write distributed mesh: please wait... " << endl;
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(pMEDfilename, ".med");
- meshDis->writeDistributedMED(strPrefix.c_str());
- delete meshDis;
- }
- catch (RuntimeException& e)
- {
- delete meshDis;
- throw e;
- }
-void multipr::partitionneGrain(
- const char* pMEDfilename,
- const char* pGroupName,
- int pNbParts,
- int pPartitionner)
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pGroupName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pGroupName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNbParts < 2) throw IllegalArgumentException("pNbParts should be >= 2", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pPartitionner != MULTIPR_METIS) && (pPartitionner != MULTIPR_SCOTCH)) throw NullArgumentException("pPartitionner should be METIS (0) or SCOTCH (1)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Read distributed MED file: " << pMEDfilename << ": please wait... " << endl);
- int ret = MEDformatConforme(pMEDfilename);
- if (ret == 0) throw IOException("waiting for a distributed MED file (not a sequential one)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- multipr::MeshDis meshDis;
- meshDis.readDistributedMED(pMEDfilename);
- cout << meshDis << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Split the given part (pGroupName)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pPartitionner == MULTIPR_METIS)
- {
- cout << "Use METIS" << endl;
- }
- else if (pPartitionner == MULTIPR_SCOTCH)
- {
- cout << "Use SCOTCH" << endl;
- }
- meshDis.splitPart(pGroupName, pNbParts, pPartitionner);
- cout << meshDis << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write new distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- string strPrefix = multipr::removeExtension(pMEDfilename, ".med");
- meshDis.writeDistributedMED(strPrefix.c_str());
-void multipr::decimePartition(
- const char* pMEDfilename,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- double pTMed,
- double pTLow,
- double pRadius,
- int pBoxing)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check arguments
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pPartName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pFieldName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pFieldName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pFieldIt < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("pFieldIt: invalid field iteration; should be >= 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pTMed < 0.0) throw IllegalArgumentException("med res.: threshold must be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pTMed >= pTLow) throw IllegalArgumentException("threshold for med res. must be < threshold for low res.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pRadius <= 0.0) throw IllegalArgumentException("radius should be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pBoxing < 1) || (pBoxing > 200)) throw IllegalArgumentException("boxing should be in [1..200]", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- cout << "--decim file=" << pMEDfilename << " part=" << pPartName << " filter=" << pFilterName << " tmed=" << pTMed << " tlow=" << pTLow << " radius=" << pRadius << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Read distributed MED file: " << pMEDfilename << ": please wait... " << endl);
- int ret = MEDformatConforme(pMEDfilename);
- if (ret == 0) throw IOException("waiting for a distributed MED file (not a sequential one)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- multipr::MeshDis meshDis;
- meshDis.readDistributedMED(pMEDfilename);
- cout << meshDis << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create 3 resolutions of the given part
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- meshDis.decimatePart(
- pPartName,
- pFieldName,
- pFieldIt,
- pFilterName,
- pTMed,
- pTLow,
- pRadius,
- pBoxing);
- cout << meshDis << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write new distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(pMEDfilename, ".med"); // get prefix from the original MED filename
- meshDis.writeDistributedMED(strPrefix.c_str());
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_API.hxx
- *
- * \brief Main header of the high level MULTIPR API.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-namespace multipr
-enum Partitionner
-}; // enum Partitionner
- * \fn const char* getVersion()
- * \brief returns the current version of the MULTIPR API.
- * \return the current version of the MULTIPR API.
- */
-const char* getVersion();
- * \fn int partitionneDomaine(const char* medFilename, const char* meshName)
- * \brief creates a distributed MED file (v2.3) by extracting all the groups from the mesh of a sequential MED file.
- * Assumes:
- * - the file is in MED format and can be read using MED file v2.3.
- * - the file is sequential (not a distributed MED).
- * - the file only contains TETRA10 elements (dimension of space and mesh is 3).
- * - the file have no profil.
- * \param medFilename filename of any valid sequential MED file with TETRA10 elements only.
- * \param meshName name of the mesh to be distributed.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
-void partitionneDomaine(
- const char* medFilename,
- const char* meshName);
- * \fn int partitionneGrain(const char* medFilename, const char* groupName, int nbParts, int partitionner)
- * \brief creates a distributed MED file (V2.3) by splitting a group of a MED file previously created by partitionneDomaine.
- * Assumes:
- * - the file is a distributed MED file, previously created by partitionneDomaine()
- * (=> each part only contain 1 mesh, TETRA10 elements only)
- * - nbPart > 1
- * \param medFilename filename of any valid distributed MED file previously created by partitionneDomaine().
- * \param partName name of the part to be splitted.
- * \param nbParts number of parts; must be > 1.
- * \param partitionner use value MULTIPR_METIS for Metis or MULTIPR_SCOTCH for Scotch.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
- void partitionneGrain(
- const char* medFilename,
- const char* partName,
- int nbParts,
- int partitionner=MULTIPR_METIS);
- * \fn int decimePartition(const char* medFilename, const char* partName, const char* fieldName, int fieldIt, const char* filterName, double tmed, double tlow, double radius);
- * \brief creates 3 resolutions of the given part of a distributed MED file (V2.3).
- * Assumes:
- * - the file is a distributed MED file, previously created by partitionneDomaine() or partitionneGrain()
- * (=> each part only contain 1 mesh, TETRA10 elements only)
- * \param medFilename filename of any valid distributed MED file previously created by partitionneDomaine or partitionneGrain.
- * \param partName name of the part to be decimated.
- * \param fieldName name of the field used for decimation.
- * \param fieldIt iteration (time step) of the field.
- * \param filterName name of the filter to be used.
- * \param tmed threshold used for medium resolution.
- * \param tlow threshold used for low resolution; tmed must be less than tlow
- * \param radius radius used to determine the neighbourhood.
- * \param boxing number of cells along each axis; must be >= 1; e.g. if 100 then acceleration grid will have 100*100*100 = 10**6 cells.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
-void decimePartition(
- const char* medFilename,
- const char* partName,
- const char* fieldName,
- int fieldIt,
- const char* filterName,
- double tmed,
- double tlow,
- double radius,
- int boxing);
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-#endif // MULTIPR_API_HXX
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_PointOfField.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class DecimationAccel implementation
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, DecimationAccel& pA)
- pOs << "DecimationAccel:" << endl;
- return pOs;
-// Class DecimationAccelGrid
- mGrid = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void DecimationAccelGrid::reset()
- mNum = 0;
- mMin[0] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMin[1] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMin[2] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMax[0] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMax[1] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMax[2] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mInvLen[0] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mInvLen[1] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mInvLen[2] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mSize[0] = 0;
- mSize[1] = 0;
- mSize[2] = 0;
- if (mGrid != NULL)
- {
- delete[] mGrid;
- mGrid = NULL;
- }
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-void DecimationAccelGrid::create(const std::vector<PointOfField>& pPts)
- // check if grid have been initialized
- if (mSize[0] == 0) throw IllegalStateException("call setSize() before", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // compute bbox of the grid
- computeBBox(pPts);
- // allocate the grid
- int size = mSize[0] * mSize[1] * mSize[2];
- mGrid = new vector<PointOfField>[size];
- // fill the grid
- mNum = pPts.size();
- for (int i = 0 ; i < mNum ; i++)
- {
- vector<PointOfField>& cell = getCell(pPts[i]);
- cell.push_back(pPts[i]);
- }
-void DecimationAccelGrid::configure(const char* pArgv)
- // check arguments
- if (pArgv == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- int sizeX = 0;
- int sizeY = 0;
- int sizeZ = 0;
- int ret = sscanf(pArgv, "%d %d %d", &sizeX, &sizeY, &sizeZ);
- if (ret != 3) throw IllegalArgumentException("expected 3 parameters", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (sizeX <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("number of cells along X-axis must be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (sizeY <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("number of cells along Y-axis must be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (sizeZ <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("number of cells along Z-axis must be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- mSize[0] = sizeX;
- mSize[1] = sizeY;
- mSize[2] = sizeZ;
-void DecimationAccelGrid::getCellCoord(
- med_float pX, med_float pY, med_float pZ,
- int* pIx, int* pIy, int* pIz) const
- med_float cx = (pX - mMin[0]) * mInvLen[0];
- med_float cy = (pY - mMin[1]) * mInvLen[1];
- med_float cz = (pZ - mMin[2]) * mInvLen[2];
- // clamp all indices to avoid overflow
- *pIx = med_int(cx);
- if (*pIx >= mSize[0]) *pIx = mSize[0] - 1;
- else if (*pIx < 0) *pIx = 0;
- *pIy = med_int(cy);
- if (*pIy >= mSize[1]) *pIy = mSize[1] - 1;
- else if (*pIy < 0) *pIy = 0;
- *pIz = med_int(cz);
- if (*pIz >= mSize[2]) *pIz = mSize[2] - 1;
- else if (*pIz < 0) *pIz = 0;
-int DecimationAccelGrid::getCellIndex(int pI, int pJ, int pK) const
- int index = pK * (mSize[0] * mSize[1]) + pJ * mSize[0] + pI;
- return index;
-vector<PointOfField>& DecimationAccelGrid::getCell(const PointOfField& pPt)
- int ix, iy, iz;
- getCellCoord(
- pPt.mXYZ[0], pPt.mXYZ[1], pPt.mXYZ[2],
- &ix, &iy, &iz);
- int index = getCellIndex(ix, iy, iz);
- return mGrid[index];
-vector<PointOfField> DecimationAccelGrid::findNeighbours(
- med_float pCenterX,
- med_float pCenterY,
- med_float pCenterZ,
- med_float pRadius) const
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Determine the axis aligned bounding box of the sphere ((x, y, z), r)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_float sphereBBoxMin[3];
- med_float sphereBBoxMax[3];
- sphereBBoxMin[0] = pCenterX - pRadius;
- sphereBBoxMin[1] = pCenterY - pRadius;
- sphereBBoxMin[2] = pCenterZ - pRadius;
- sphereBBoxMax[0] = pCenterX + pRadius;
- sphereBBoxMax[1] = pCenterY + pRadius;
- sphereBBoxMax[2] = pCenterZ + pRadius;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Determine the cells of the grid intersected by the sphere ((x, y, z), r)
- // => range of cells are [iMinCell[0], iMaxCell[0]] x [iMinCell[1], iMaxCell[1]] x [iMinCell[2], iMaxCell[2]]
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- int iMinCell[3];
- int iMaxCell[3];
- getCellCoord(sphereBBoxMin[0], sphereBBoxMin[1], sphereBBoxMin[2],
- &iMinCell[0], &iMinCell[1], &iMinCell[2]);
- getCellCoord(sphereBBoxMax[0], sphereBBoxMax[1], sphereBBoxMax[2],
- &iMaxCell[0], &iMaxCell[1], &iMaxCell[2]);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Collect points of the field which are in the sphere
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- vector<PointOfField> res;
-// debug
-cout << "Center = " << pCenterX << " " << pCenterY << " " << pCenterZ << endl;
-cout << "Radius = " << pRadius << endl;
-cout << "Visited cells : [" << iMinCell[0] << " ; " << iMaxCell[0] << "] x ["<< iMinCell[1] << " ; " << iMaxCell[1] << "] x [" << iMinCell[2] << " ; " << iMaxCell[2] << "]" << endl;
- // for all the cells in the grid intersected by the sphere ((x, y, z), r)
- for (int i = iMinCell[0] ; i <= iMaxCell[0] ; i++)
- {
- for (int j = iMinCell[1] ; j <= iMaxCell[1] ; j++)
- {
- for (int k = iMinCell[2] ; k <= iMaxCell[2] ; k++)
- {
- int idCell = getCellIndex(i, j, k);
-//printf("DEBUG: visited cell(%d %d %d) -> %d\n", i, j, k, idCell);
- vector<PointOfField>& cell = mGrid[idCell];
- // for all the points in the current cell
- for (vector<PointOfField>::const_iterator itPoint = cell.begin() ; itPoint != cell.end() ; itPoint++)
- {
- const PointOfField& currentPt = *itPoint;
- // test if currentPt is in the sphere ((x, y, z), r)
- med_float vecX = currentPt.mXYZ[0] - pCenterX;
- med_float vecY = currentPt.mXYZ[1] - pCenterY;
- med_float vecZ = currentPt.mXYZ[2] - pCenterZ;
- med_float norm = med_float( sqrt( vecX*vecX + vecY*vecY + vecZ*vecZ ) );
- if (norm < pRadius)
- {
- // only add the point if it is different from (x, y, z)
- if ((currentPt.mXYZ[0] != pCenterX) ||
- (currentPt.mXYZ[1] != pCenterY) ||
- (currentPt.mXYZ[2] != pCenterZ))
- {
- res.push_back(currentPt);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
-void DecimationAccelGrid::computeBBox(const std::vector<PointOfField>& pPts)
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < 3 ; itDim++)
- {
- mMin[itDim] = numeric_limits<med_float>::max();
- mMax[itDim] = -mMin[itDim];
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pPts.size() ; i++)
- {
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < 3 ; itDim++)
- {
- med_float coord = pPts[i].mXYZ[itDim];
- if (coord < mMin[itDim]) mMin[itDim] = coord;
- if (coord > mMax[itDim]) mMax[itDim] = coord;
- }
- }
- mInvLen[0] = med_float(mSize[0]) / (mMax[0] - mMin[0]);
- mInvLen[1] = med_float(mSize[1]) / (mMax[1] - mMin[1]);
- mInvLen[2] = med_float(mSize[2]) / (mMax[2] - mMin[2]);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, DecimationAccelGrid& pG)
- pOs << "DecimationAccelGrid:" << endl;
- pOs << " Num=" << pG.mNum << endl;
- pOs << " Size=" << pG.mSize[0] << " x " << pG.mSize[1] << " x " << pG.mSize[2] << endl;
- pOs << " BBox=[" << pG.mMin[0] << " ; " << pG.mMax[0] << "] x [" << pG.mMin[1] << " ; " << pG.mMax[1] << "] x [" << pG.mMin[2] << " ; " << pG.mMax[2] << "]" << endl;
- pOs << " Inv len.=" << pG.mInvLen[0] << " ; " << pG.mInvLen[1] << " ; " << pG.mInvLen[2] << endl;
- if (pG.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- int checkNumCells = 0;
- int numCells = pG.mSize[0] * pG.mSize[1] * pG.mSize[2];
- for (int i = 0 ; i < numCells ; i++)
- {
- vector<PointOfField>& cell = pG.mGrid[i];
- cout << " Cell " << i << ": #=" << cell.size() << ": " << endl;
- for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < cell.size() ; j++)
- {
- cout << " " << cell[j] << endl;
- }
- checkNumCells += cell.size();
- }
- if (pG.mNum != checkNumCells) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.hxx
- *
- * \brief Interface DecimationAccel: acceleration structure used for decimation.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-namespace multipr
-// Predeclaration
-class PointOfField;
-// Interface DecimationAccel
-class DecimationAccel
- /**
- * Builds an empty DecimationAccel (default constructor).
- */
- DecimationAccel() { /* do nothing */ }
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- virtual ~DecimationAccel() { /* do nothing */ }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Interface. Configures this acceleration structure. String is used for genericity.
- * \param pArgv all the configuration parameters in a string.
- */
- virtual void configure(const char* pArgv) = 0;
- /**
- * Interface. Creates a new acceleration structure and fills it with the given list of points.
- * \param pPts list of points to be inserted in the acceleration structure.
- */
- virtual void create(const std::vector<PointOfField>& pPts) = 0;
- /**
- * Interface. Finds all the points in a sphere defined by its center (x,y,z) and its radius.
- * \param pCenterX x-coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- * \param pCenterY y-coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- * \param pCenterZ z-coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- * \param pRadius radius of the sphere.
- * \return all the points in a sphere defined by its center (x,y,z) and its radius.
- */
- virtual std::vector<PointOfField> findNeighbours(
- med_float pCenterX,
- med_float pCenterY,
- med_float pCenterZ,
- med_float pRadius) const = 0;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any GaussLoc to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pA any DecimationAccel.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, DecimationAccel& pA);
- bool mFlagPrintAll; /** Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- DecimationAccel(const DecimationAccel&);
- // do not allow copy
- DecimationAccel& operator=(const DecimationAccel&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const DecimationAccel&);
-}; // class DecimationAccel
-// Interface DecimationFilter and factory to build filters.
-class DecimationAccelGrid : public DecimationAccel
- /**
- * Builds an empty DecimationAccelGrid (default constructor).
- */
- DecimationAccelGrid();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- virtual ~DecimationAccelGrid();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Configures this acceleration structure. String is used for genericity.
- * \param pArgv assumes "size_x size_y size_z": number of cells along each axis.
- */
- virtual void configure(const char* pArgv);
- /**
- * Creates a new acceleration structure and fills it with the given list of points.
- * setSize() must have been called before.
- * \param pPts list of points to be inserted in the acceleration structure.
- * \throw IllegalStateException if setSize() has not been called before.
- */
- virtual void create(const std::vector<PointOfField>& pPts);
- /**
- * Finds all the points in a sphere defined by its center (x,y,z) and its radius.
- * \param pCenterX x-coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- * \param pCenterY y-coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- * \param pCenterZ z-coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- * \param pRadius radius of the sphere.
- * \return all the points in a sphere defined by its center (x,y,z) and its radius.
- */
- virtual std::vector<PointOfField> findNeighbours(
- med_float pCenterX,
- med_float pCenterY,
- med_float pCenterZ,
- med_float pRadius) const;
- /**
- * Returns the coordinates of the cell which contain the point (x,y,z).
- * Clamping is performed on (pIx, pIy, pIz) to avoid out of bounds.
- * \param pX (in) X-coordinates of the point.
- * \param pY (in) Y-coordinates of the point.
- * \param pZ (in) Z-coordinates of the point.
- * \param pIx (out) X-index of the cell which contain the point (x,y,z).
- * \param pIy (out) Y-index.
- * \param pIz (out) Z-index.
- */
- void getCellCoord(
- med_float pX, med_float pY, med_float pZ,
- int* pIx, int* pIy, int* pIz) const;
- /**
- * Returns the index of the cell whose coordinates are (i, j, k).
- * \param pI
- * \param pJ
- * \param pK
- * \return the index of the cell (i, j, k).
- */
- int getCellIndex(int pI, int pJ, int pK) const;
- /**
- * Returns the list of points contained in the cell of pPt.
- * \param pPt any point which coordinates are in the bbox of this acceleration structure.
- * \return the list of points contained in the cell of pPt.
- */
- std::vector<PointOfField>& getCell(const PointOfField& pPt);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Dumps any GaussLoc to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pG any DecimationAccelGrid.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, DecimationAccelGrid& pG);
- /**
- * Computes the axis-aligned bounding box of a set of points.
- * Sets the fields mMin/mMax.
- * \param pPts list of points.
- */
- void computeBBox(const std::vector<PointOfField>& pPts);
- int mNum; /**< Number of points in the grid. */
- med_float mMin[3]; /**< Bounding box, min corner. */
- med_float mMax[3]; /**< Bounding box, max corner. */
- med_float mInvLen[3]; /**< 1/length of cells, along each dimension; used to accelerate getCellCoord(). */
- med_int mSize[3]; /**< Number of cells along each dimension. */
- std::vector<PointOfField>* mGrid; /**< Flatten grid structure; each cell is a vector of PointOfField. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- DecimationAccelGrid(const DecimationAccelGrid&);
- // do not allow copy
- DecimationAccelGrid& operator=(const DecimationAccelGrid&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const DecimationAccelGrid&);
-}; // class DecimationAccelGrid
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Field.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_PointOfField.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class DecimationFilter implementation
-// Factory used to build all filters from their name.
-DecimationFilter* DecimationFilter::create(const char* pFilterName)
- if (pFilterName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("filter name should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strcmp(pFilterName, "Filtre_GradientMoyen") == 0)
- {
- return new DecimationFilterGradAvg();
- }
- else
- {
- throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown filter", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-// Class DecimationFilterGradAvg
- // do nothing
- // do nothing
-Mesh* DecimationFilterGradAvg::apply(Mesh* pMesh, const char* pArgv, const char* pNameNewMesh)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Retrieve and check parameters
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pMesh == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMesh should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pArgv == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pArgv should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNameNewMesh == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNameNewMesh should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- char fieldName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- int fieldIt;
- double threshold;
- double radius;
- int boxing; // number of cells along axis (if 100 then grid will have 100*100*100 = 10**6 cells)
- int ret = sscanf(pArgv, "%s %d %lf %lf %d",
- fieldName,
- &fieldIt,
- &threshold,
- &radius,
- &boxing);
- if (ret != 5) throw IllegalArgumentException("wrong number of arguments for filter GradAvg; expected 5 parameters", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Retrieve field = for each point: get its coordinate and the value of the field
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Field* field = pMesh->getFieldByName(fieldName);
- if (field == NULL) throw IllegalArgumentException("field not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((fieldIt < 1) || (fieldIt > field->getNumberOfTimeSteps())) throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid field iteration", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- vector<PointOfField> points;
- pMesh->getAllPointsOfField(field, fieldIt, points);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Creates acceleration structure used to compute gradient
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DecimationAccel* accel = new DecimationAccelGrid();
- char strCfg[256]; // a string is used for genericity
- sprintf(strCfg, "%d %d %d", boxing, boxing, boxing);
- accel->configure(strCfg);
- accel->create(points);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Collects elements of the mesh to be kept
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- set<int> elementsToKeep;
- int numElements = pMesh->getNumberOfElements();
- int numGaussPointsByElt = points.size() / numElements; // for a TETRA10, should be 5 for a field of elements and 10 for a field of nodes
- // for each element
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < numElements ; itElt++)
- {
- bool keepElement = false;
- // for each Gauss point of the current element
- for (int itPtGauss = 0 ; itPtGauss < numGaussPointsByElt ; itPtGauss++)
- {
- const PointOfField& currentPt = points[itElt * numGaussPointsByElt + itPtGauss];
- vector<PointOfField> neighbours = accel->findNeighbours(
- currentPt.mXYZ[0],
- currentPt.mXYZ[1],
- currentPt.mXYZ[2],
- radius);
- // if no neighbours => keep element
- if (neighbours.size() == 0)
- {
- keepElement = true;
- break;
- }
- // otherwise compute gradient...
- med_float normGrad = computeNormGrad(currentPt, neighbours);
- // debug
- //cout << (itElt * numGaussPointsByElt + j) << ": " << normGrad << endl;
- if ((normGrad >= threshold) || isnan(normGrad))
- {
- keepElement = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (keepElement)
- {
- // add index of the element to keep (index must start at 1)
- elementsToKeep.insert(itElt + 1);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cleans
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- delete accel;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create the final mesh by extracting elements to keep from the current mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* newMesh = pMesh->createFromSetOfElements(elementsToKeep, pNameNewMesh);
- return newMesh;
-void DecimationFilterGradAvg::getGradientInfo(
- Mesh* pMesh,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- double pRadius,
- int pBoxing,
- double* pOutGradMin,
- double* pOutGradAvg,
- double* pOutGradMax)
- if (pMesh == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMesh should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pFieldName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pFieldName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Field* field = pMesh->getFieldByName(pFieldName);
- if (field == NULL) throw IllegalArgumentException("field not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pFieldIt < 1) || (pFieldIt > field->getNumberOfTimeSteps())) throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid field iteration", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- vector<PointOfField> points;
- pMesh->getAllPointsOfField(field, pFieldIt, points);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Creates acceleration structure used to compute gradient
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DecimationAccel* accel = new DecimationAccelGrid();
- char strCfg[256]; // a string is used for genericity
- sprintf(strCfg, "%d %d %d", pBoxing, pBoxing, pBoxing);
- accel->configure(strCfg);
- accel->create(points);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Collects elements of the mesh to be kept
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- int numElements = pMesh->getNumberOfElements();
- int numGaussPointsByElt = points.size() / numElements; // for a TETRA10, should be 5 for a field of elements and 10 for a field of nodes
- *pOutGradMax = -1e300;
- *pOutGradMin = 1e300;
- *pOutGradAvg = 0.0;
- int count = 0;
- //cout << "numElements=" << numElements << endl;
- //cout << "num gauss pt by elt=" << numGaussPointsByElt << endl;
- // for each element
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < numElements ; itElt++)
- {
- // for each Gauss point of the current element
- for (int itPtGauss = 0 ; itPtGauss < numGaussPointsByElt ; itPtGauss++)
- {
- const PointOfField& currentPt = points[itElt * numGaussPointsByElt + itPtGauss];
- vector<PointOfField> neighbours = accel->findNeighbours(
- currentPt.mXYZ[0],
- currentPt.mXYZ[1],
- currentPt.mXYZ[2],
- pRadius);
- // if no neighbours => keep element
- if (neighbours.size() == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // otherwise compute gradient...
- med_float normGrad = computeNormGrad(currentPt, neighbours);
- // debug
- //cout << (itElt * numGaussPointsByElt + j) << ": " << normGrad << endl;
- if (!isnan(normGrad))
- {
- if (normGrad > *pOutGradMax) *pOutGradMax = normGrad;
- if (normGrad < *pOutGradMin) *pOutGradMin = normGrad;
- *pOutGradAvg += normGrad;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (count != 0) *pOutGradAvg /= double(count);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cleans
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- delete accel;
-med_float DecimationFilterGradAvg::computeNormGrad(const PointOfField& pPt, const std::vector<PointOfField>& pNeighbours) const
- med_float gradX = 0.0;
- med_float gradY = 0.0;
- med_float gradZ = 0.0;
- // for each neighbour
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pNeighbours.size() ; i++)
- {
- const PointOfField& neighbourPt = pNeighbours[i];
- med_float vecX = neighbourPt.mXYZ[0] - pPt.mXYZ[0];
- med_float vecY = neighbourPt.mXYZ[1] - pPt.mXYZ[1];
- med_float vecZ = neighbourPt.mXYZ[2] - pPt.mXYZ[2];
- med_float norm = med_float( sqrt( vecX*vecX + vecY*vecY + vecZ*vecZ ) );
- med_float val = neighbourPt.mVal - pPt.mVal;
- val /= norm;
- gradX += vecX * val;
- gradY += vecY * val;
- gradZ += vecZ * val;
- }
- med_float invSize = 1.0 / med_float(pNeighbours.size());
- gradX *= invSize;
- gradY *= invSize;
- gradZ *= invSize;
- med_float norm = med_float( sqrt( gradX*gradX + gradY*gradY + gradZ*gradZ ) );
- return norm;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx
- *
- * \brief Interface DecimationFilter: filter used for decimation.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-namespace multipr
-// Predeclaration
-class Mesh;
-class PointOfField;
-// Interface DecimationFilter and factory to build filters.
-// Should be derivated to implement new filter.
-class DecimationFilter
- /**
- * Decimation filter factory. Must be used to build any new filter from its name.
- * \param pFilterName name of the filter to be instanciated.
- * \return a new instance of the given filter.
- */
- static DecimationFilter* create(const char* pFilterName);
- /**
- * Builds an empty DecimationFilter (default constructor).
- */
- DecimationFilter() { /* do nothing */ }
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- virtual ~DecimationFilter() { /* do nothing */ }
- /**
- * Interface. Creates a new Mesh by decimating the given Mesh with this DecimationFilter.
- * \param pMesh any mesh to be decimated; must not be NULL.
- * \param pArgv all the arguments of the filter as a string; must not be NULL.
- * \param pNameNewMesh name of the decimated mesh; must not be NULL.
- * \return the decimated mesh.
- */
- virtual Mesh* apply(Mesh* pMesh, const char* pArgv, const char* pNameNewMesh) = 0;
- // do not allow copy constructor
- DecimationFilter(const DecimationFilter&);
- // do not allow copy
- DecimationFilter& operator=(const DecimationFilter&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const DecimationFilter&);
-}; // class DecimationFilter
-// Filter : Average Gradient
-class DecimationFilterGradAvg : public DecimationFilter
- /**
- * Builds an empty DecimationFilterGradAvg (default constructor).
- */
- DecimationFilterGradAvg();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- virtual ~DecimationFilterGradAvg();
- /**
- * Creates a new Mesh by decimating the given Mesh with this DecimationFilter.
- *
- * For each element
- * Keep this element if all its points (related to a field) have a |gradient| > threshold.
- *
- * For each point, gradient is computed by considering all the neighbours in a sphere of radius r.
- *
- * \param pMesh any mesh to be decimated; must not be NULL.
- * \param pArgv all the arguments of the filter as a string; must not be NULL.
- * for GradAvg, expected "fieldName fieldIt threshold radius boxing" (5 parameters).
- * \param pNameNewMesh name of the decimated mesh; must not be NULL.
- * \return the decimated mesh.
- */
- virtual Mesh* apply(Mesh* pMesh, const char* pArgv, const char* pNameNewMesh);
- /**
- * Returns information about gradient.
- */
- void getGradientInfo(
- Mesh* pMesh,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- double pRadius,
- int pBoxing,
- double* pOutGradMin,
- double* pOutGradAvg,
- double* pOutGradMax);
- /**
- * Returns the norm of the gradient of the field at the given point.
- * Sub-method used by apply().
- * \param pPt any point in the field.
- * \param pNeigbours neighbourhood of pPt.
- * \return the norm of the gradient of the field in pPt.
- */
- med_float computeNormGrad(const PointOfField& pPt, const std::vector<PointOfField>& pNeighbours) const;
- // do not allow copy constructor
- DecimationFilterGradAvg(const DecimationFilterGradAvg&);
- // do not allow copy
- DecimationFilterGradAvg& operator=(const DecimationFilterGradAvg&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const DecimationFilterGradAvg&);
-}; // class DecimationFilterGradAvg
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Elements.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Elements.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Elements.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Elements implementation
- mId = NULL;
- mFamIdent = NULL;
- mNames = NULL;
- mCon = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void Elements::reset()
- mNum = 0;
- mEntity = MED_MAILLE;
- mGeom = MED_NONE;
- mNumNodesByElt = 0;
- mDim = 0;
- if (mId != NULL) { delete[] mId; mId = NULL; }
- if (mFamIdent != NULL) { delete[] mFamIdent; mFamIdent = NULL; }
- if (mNames != NULL) { delete[] mNames; mNames = NULL; }
- if (mCon != NULL) { delete[] mCon; mCon = NULL; }
- mSetOfNodes.clear();
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-med_int Elements::getFamilyIdentifier(med_int pIndex) const
- if ((pIndex < 0) || (pIndex >= mNum)) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mFamIdent[pIndex];
-const med_int* Elements::getConnectivity(int pIndex) const
- if ((pIndex < 0) || (pIndex >= mNum)) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mCon + mNumNodesByElt * pIndex;
-void Elements::getCoordinates(med_int pIndexElt, const Nodes* pNodes, med_float* pCoo, int pFirst) const
- if ((pIndexElt < 0) || (pIndexElt >= mNum)) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNodes == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pCoo == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // get the list of nodes of the element
- const med_int* con = getConnectivity(pIndexElt);
- med_float* destCoo = pCoo;
- int size = sizeof(med_float) * mDim;
- // for each node of the element
- int n = (mNumNodesByElt < pFirst) ? mNumNodesByElt : pFirst;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
- {
- // get index of node (MED index start at 1)
- med_int indexNode = con[i] - 1;
- // get coordinates of this node
- const med_float* srcCoo = pNodes->getCoordinates(indexNode);
- // copy coordinates to destCoo
- memcpy(destCoo, srcCoo, size);
- // prepare next point
- destCoo += mDim;
- }
-Elements* Elements::extractSubSet(const set<med_int>& pSetIndices) const
- Elements* subset = new Elements();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy parameters
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- subset->mNum = pSetIndices.size();
- subset->mEntity = mEntity;
- subset->mGeom = mGeom; // e.g. 310 for a TETRA10
- subset->mNumNodesByElt = mNumNodesByElt; // e.g. 10 for a TETRA10
- subset->mDim = mDim; // e.g. 3 for a TETRA10
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Allocate arrays
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- subset->mFamIdent = new med_int[subset->mNum];
- subset->mCon = new med_int[mNumNodesByElt * subset->mNum];
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy subset of familys id and connectivity.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_int* destCon = subset->mCon;
- set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pSetIndices.begin();
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < subset->mNum; itElt++)
- {
- med_int srcIndex = (*itSet) - 1; // MED index start at 1
- subset->mFamIdent[itElt] = mFamIdent[srcIndex];
- med_int* srcCon = mCon + srcIndex * mNumNodesByElt;
- memcpy(destCon, srcCon, sizeof(med_int) * mNumNodesByElt);
- destCon += mNumNodesByElt;
- itSet++;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy subset of identifiers if necessary
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (isIdentifiers())
- {
- itSet = pSetIndices.begin();
- subset->mId = new med_int[subset->mNum];
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < subset->mNum; itElt++)
- {
- med_int srcIndex = (*itSet) - 1; // MED index start at 1
- subset->mId[itElt] = mId[srcIndex];
- itSet++;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy subset of names if necessary
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (isNames())
- {
- itSet = pSetIndices.begin();
- subset->mNames = new char[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * subset->mNum + 1];
- char* destPtr = subset->mNames;
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < subset->mNum; itElt++)
- {
- med_int srcIndex = (*itSet) - 1; // MED index start at 1
- char* srcPtr = mNames + srcIndex * MED_TAILLE_PNOM;
- memcpy(destPtr, srcPtr, MED_TAILLE_PNOM);
- destPtr += MED_TAILLE_PNOM;
- itSet++;
- }
- subset->mNames[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * subset->mNum] = '\0';
- }
- return subset;
-const set<med_int>& Elements::getSetOfNodes()
- // lazy get: test if mSetOfNodes has already been built
- if (mSetOfNodes.size() == 0)
- {
- buildSetOfNodes();
- }
- return mSetOfNodes;
-set<med_int> Elements::getSetOfFamilies() const
- // set of families is empty at the beginning
- set<med_int> setOfFamilies;
- // for each element, add its family to the set
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < mNum ; itElt++)
- {
- setOfFamilies.insert(mFamIdent[itElt]);
- }
- return setOfFamilies;
-void Elements::remap()
- // build set of nodes if necessary
- if (mSetOfNodes.size() == 0)
- {
- buildSetOfNodes();
- }
- // build the map for indices convertion
- map<med_int, med_int> mapOldIndexToNewIndex;
- med_int newIndex = 1; // MED index start at 1
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itSet = mSetOfNodes.begin(); itSet != mSetOfNodes.end() ; itSet++)
- {
- med_int oldIndex = (*itSet);
- mapOldIndexToNewIndex.insert(make_pair(oldIndex, newIndex));
- newIndex++;
- }
- // for each node referenced by this set of elements
- for (int itNode = 0, size = mNum * mNumNodesByElt ; itNode < size ; itNode++)
- {
- // convert old index to new index (remap)
- mCon[itNode] = mapOldIndexToNewIndex[mCon[itNode]];
- }
- buildSetOfNodes();
-void Elements::buildSetOfNodes()
- if (mSetOfNodes.size() != 0)
- {
- mSetOfNodes.clear();
- }
- // for each node referenced by this set of elements
- for (int itNode = 0, size = mNum * mNumNodesByElt ; itNode < size ; itNode++)
- {
- // add the node to the set
- mSetOfNodes.insert(mCon[itNode]);
- }
-void Elements::readMED(
- med_idt pMEDfile,
- char* pMeshName,
- med_int pMeshDim,
- med_entite_maillage pEntity,
- med_geometrie_element pGeom)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pMeshDim < 1) || (pMeshDim > 3)) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- mEntity = pEntity;
- mGeom = pGeom;
- mNumNodesByElt = mGeom % 100;
- mDim = mGeom / 100;
- mNum = MEDnEntMaa(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- MED_CONN, // type of information requested = CONNECTIVITY
- pEntity,
- pGeom,
- MED_NOD); // nodal connectivity
- if (mNum < 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading information about elements in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mCon = new med_int[mNumNodesByElt * mNum];
- mNames = new char[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * mNum + 1];
- mId = new med_int[mNum];
- mFamIdent = new med_int[mNum];
- med_booleen isNames;
- med_booleen isIdentifiers;
- med_err ret = MEDelementsLire(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- pMeshDim,
- mCon,
- mNames,
- &isNames,
- mId,
- &isIdentifiers,
- mFamIdent,
- mNum,
- mEntity,
- mGeom,
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading elements in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (!isNames)
- {
- delete[] mNames;
- mNames = NULL;
- }
- if (!isIdentifiers)
- {
- delete[] mId;
- mId = NULL;
- }
-void Elements::writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName, med_int pMeshDim)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pMeshDim < 1) || (pMeshDim > 3)) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // special case: if no elements => do nothing
- if (mNum == 0) return;
- med_err ret = MEDelementsEcr(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- pMeshDim,
- mCon,
- mNames,
- isNames()?MED_VRAI:MED_FAUX,
- mId,
- isIdentifiers()?MED_VRAI:MED_FAUX,
- mFamIdent,
- mNum,
- mEntity,
- mGeom,
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while writing elements in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Elements& pE)
- char strEntity[16];
- switch (pE.mEntity)
- {
- case MED_MAILLE: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_MAILLE"); break;
- case MED_FACE: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_FACE"); break;
- case MED_ARETE: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_ARETE"); break;
- case MED_NOEUD: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_NOEUD"); break;
- default: strcpy(strEntity, "UNKNOWN"); break;
- }
- pOs << "Elements: " << endl;
- pOs << " #number =" << pE.mNum << endl;
- pOs << " Entity =" << strEntity << endl;
- pOs << " Geom =" << pE.mGeom << endl;
- pOs << " Has names?" << (pE.isNames()?"yes":"no") << endl;
- pOs << " Has id ?" << (pE.isIdentifiers()?"yes":"no") << endl;
- {
- set<med_int> setOfFam = pE.getSetOfFamilies();
- if (setOfFam.size() == 0)
- {
- pOs << " Families: #fam=0" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itFam = setOfFam.end();
- itFam--;
- pOs << " Families: #fam=" << setOfFam.size() << " id_min=" << (*(setOfFam.begin())) << " id_max=" << (*itFam) << endl;
- if (pE.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- for (int i = 0 ; i < pE.mNum; i++)
- {
- pOs << " Elt " << (i + 1) << ": " << pE.mFamIdent[i] << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- set<med_int> setOfNodes = pE.getSetOfNodes();
- if (setOfNodes.size() == 0)
- {
- pOs << " Connectivity: #nodes=0" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itNode = setOfNodes.end();
- itNode--;
- pOs << " Connectivity: #nodes=" << setOfNodes.size() << " id_min=" << (*(setOfNodes.begin())) << " id_max=" << (*itNode) << endl;
- if (pE.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- for (int i = 0 ; i < pE.mNum ; i++)
- {
- pOs << " Elt " << (i + 1) << ": ";
- for (int j = 0 ; j < pE.mNumNodesByElt ; j++)
- {
- pOs << pE.mCon[i * pE.mNumNodesByElt + j] << " ";
- }
- pOs << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (pE.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- if (pE.isIdentifiers())
- {
- pOs << " Num (identifier): " << endl;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < pE.mNum; i++)
- {
- pOs << " Elt " << (i + 1) << ": " << pE.mId[i] << " " << endl;
- }
- }
- if (pE.isNames())
- {
- pE.mNames[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * pE.mNum] = '\0';
- pOs << " Names: |" << pE.mNames << "|" << endl;
- }
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Elements.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class Elements = table of elements in a mesh.
- * All elements share the same type (e.g. MED_MAILLE) and the same geometric description (e.g. TETRA10).
- * Each element has a family and a table of connectivity.
- * Optional: each element has a name and an id.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace multipr
-// Predeclaration
-class Nodes;
-// Class Elements
-class Elements
- /**
- * Builds an empty set of elements (default constructor).
- */
- Elements();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Elements();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns true iff this object contains no elements (table of elements is empty).
- * \return true iff this object contains no elements.
- */
- bool isEmpty() const { return (mNum == 0); }
- /**
- * Returns true iff elements have a name.
- * \return true iff elements have a name.
- */
- bool isNames() const { return (mNames != NULL); }
- /**
- * Returns true iff elements have an identifier (= a number).
- * \return true iff elements have an identifier (= a number).
- */
- bool isIdentifiers() const { return (mId != NULL); }
- /**
- * Returns the number of elements.
- * \return the number of elements.
- */
- int getNumberOfElements() const { return mNum; }
- /**
- * Returns the type of primitives (e.g. MED_TETRA10).
- * \return the type of primitives
- */
- med_geometrie_element getTypeOfPrimitives() const { return mGeom; }
- /**
- * Returns the number of nodes that composed an element.
- * \return the number of nodes that composed an element.
- */
- int getNumberOfNodesByElement() const { return mNumNodesByElt; }
- /**
- * Returns the family associated with an element.
- * \param pIndex index of any element in [0..NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS-1].
- * \return the family associated with an element.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pIndex is invalid.
- */
- med_int getFamilyIdentifier(med_int pIndex) const;
- /**
- * Returns the connectivity of one element.
- * \param pIndex must be in [0..NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS-1].
- * \return a pointer towards the table of connectivity of the element.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pIndex is invalid.
- */
- const med_int* getConnectivity(int pIndex) const;
- /**
- * Returns the coordinates of all the nodes of one element.
- * \param pIndexElt must be in [0..NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS-1].
- * \param pNodes table of nodes, used to retrieve coordinates.
- * \param pCoo (out) table of coordinates of nodes (e.g. 30 = 3 * 10 med_float for a TETRA10).
- * \param pFirst only get the pFirst coordinates.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pIndex is invalid.
- */
- void getCoordinates(med_int pIndexElt, const Nodes* pNodes, med_float* pCoo, int pFirst = 100) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Constructor. Creates a subset of this set of elements from a set of indices.
- * \param pSetIndices set of indices (start at 1).
- * \return a restriction of this set of elements.
- */
- Elements* extractSubSet(const std::set<med_int>& pSetIndices) const;
- /**
- * Returns the set of indices (starting at 1) of all nodes used by this set of elements.
- * \return the set of indices of all nodes used by this set of elements.
- */
- const std::set<med_int>& getSetOfNodes();
- /**
- * Returns the set of families referenced by this set of elements.
- * Each family is described by its identifier.
- * \return Returns the set of families referenced by this set of elements.
- */
- std::set<med_int> getSetOfFamilies() const;
- /**
- * Remaps this set of elements such that indices of nodes are continous 1 2 3 4 5 ... *
- * This method is intended to be used after extractSubSet().
- */
- void remap();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads a set of elements from a MED file.
- * You must give: name of mesh, dimension of the mesh, type of entity and type of elements.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for reading.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh.
- * \param pMeshDim dimension of the mesh.
- * \param pEntity entity to be read (e.g. MED_MAILLE).
- * \param pGeom type of primitves to be read (e.g. MED_TETRA10).
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED(
- med_idt pMEDfile,
- char* pMeshName,
- med_int pMeshDim,
- med_entite_maillage pEntity,
- med_geometrie_element pGeom);
- /**
- * Writes this set of elements to a MED file.
- * WARNING: mesh must have been created and added to the MED file before.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for writing.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh.
- * \param pMeshDim dimension of the mesh.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName, med_int pMeshDim);
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any Elements to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pE any Elements.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Elements& pE);
- /**
- * Builds the set of nodes used by this set of elements.
- * If the set already exist, then it is cleared and a new set is computed.
- */
- void buildSetOfNodes();
- med_int mNum; /**< Number of elements. */
- med_entite_maillage mEntity; /**< Type of entity, e.g. MED_MAILLE. */
- med_geometrie_element mGeom; /**< Type of primitive, e.g. MED_TETRA10. */
- int mDim; /**< Dimension of elements = mGeom / 100. */
- int mNumNodesByElt; /**< Number of nodes by element = mGeom % 100. */
- med_int* mId; /**< Optional; for each element, its identifier; NULL if undefined. */
- med_int* mFamIdent; /**< For each element, its family (identifier). */
- char* mNames; /**< Optional; for each element, its name; NULL if undefined. */
- med_int* mCon; /**< For each element, list of nodes (index in 1..*) = table of connectivity. */
- std::set<med_int> mSetOfNodes; /**< Set of all nodes used by this set of elements. */
- bool mFlagPrintAll; /** Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Elements(const Elements&);
- // do not allow copy
- Elements& operator=(const Elements&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Elements&);
-}; // class Elements
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx
- *
- * \brief All the exceptions used by MULTIPR.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace multipr
-// Class RuntimeException
-// Super class for all exceptions used by the module MULTIPR
-class RuntimeException
- /**
- * Constructor. Build a new RuntimeException.
- * \param pMsg message to be associated with this exception.
- * \param pFile name of the file where the probem occur (you can use the macro __FILE__); "unknown" by default.
- * \param pLine number of the line where the probem occur (you can use the macro __LINE__); 0 by default.
- */
- RuntimeException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile = "unknown",
- int pLine = 0)
- {
- mMsg = pMsg;
- mFile = pFile;
- mLine = pLine;
- mType = "RuntimeException";
- }
- /**
- * Dumps info about this exception to the given output stream.
- */
- void dump(std::ostream& pOs) const
- {
- pOs << "MULTIPR: " << mType << " (" << mFile << ", line " << mLine << "): " << mMsg << std::endl;
- }
- std::string mMsg; /**< Message associated with this exception. */
- std::string mFile; /**< Name of the source file where the problem occurs (macro __FILE__ can be used to retrieve this field). */
- int mLine; /**< Number of the line where the problem occurs (macro __LINE__ can be used to retrieve this field). */
- std::string mType; /**< Type of this exception. */
-// Class NullArgumentException
-// Should be used when an unexpected NULL pointer occurs
-class NullArgumentException : public RuntimeException
- NullArgumentException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : RuntimeException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "NullArgumentException";
- }
-// Class IllegalArgumentException
-// Should be used when an invalid parameter is detected (check precondition)
-class IllegalArgumentException : public RuntimeException
- IllegalArgumentException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : RuntimeException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "IllegalArgumentException";
- }
-// Class IllegalStateException
-// Should be used when the internal state of an object is invalid
-class IllegalStateException : public RuntimeException
- IllegalStateException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : RuntimeException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "IllegalStateException";
- }
-// Class IndexOutOfBoundsException
-// Should be used when an index is out of bounds
-class IndexOutOfBoundsException : public RuntimeException
- IndexOutOfBoundsException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : RuntimeException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "IndexOutOfBoundsException";
- }
-// Class IOException
-// Should be used when any i/o error occurs
-class IOException : public RuntimeException
- IOException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : RuntimeException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "IOException";
- }
-// Class FileNotFoundException
-// Should be used to indicate that a file has not been found
-class FileNotFoundException : public IOException
- FileNotFoundException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : IOException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "FileNotFoundException";
- }
-// Class UnsupportedOperationException
-// Should be used when a function/method is not yet implemented or
-// if an operation is not supported in a given context
-class UnsupportedOperationException : public RuntimeException
- UnsupportedOperationException(
- const std::string& pMsg,
- const std::string& pFile="unknown",
- int pLine=0) : RuntimeException(pMsg, pFile, pLine)
- {
- mType = "UnsupportedOperationException";
- }
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Family.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Family.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Family.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Attributs implementation
- mId = NULL;
- mVal = NULL;
- mDesc = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-Attributs& Attributs::operator=(const Attributs& pAttr)
- if (this != &pAttr) // check for self-assignement
- {
- reset();
- mNum = pAttr.mNum;
- if (mNum < 0) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pAttr.mId != NULL)
- {
- mId = new med_int[mNum];
- memcpy(mId, pAttr.mId, sizeof(med_int) * mNum);
- }
- if (pAttr.mVal != NULL)
- {
- mVal = new med_int[mNum];
- memcpy(mVal, pAttr.mVal, sizeof(med_int) * mNum);
- }
- if (pAttr.mDesc != NULL)
- {
- mDesc = new char[MED_TAILLE_DESC * mNum + 1];
- memcpy(mDesc, pAttr.mDesc, MED_TAILLE_DESC * mNum + 1);
- }
- }
- return *this;
-void Attributs::reset()
- mNum = 0;
- if (mId != NULL) { delete[] mId; mId = NULL; }
- if (mVal != NULL) { delete[] mVal; mVal = NULL; }
- if (mDesc != NULL) { delete[] mDesc; mDesc = NULL; }
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Attributs& pA)
- if (pA.mNum == 0)
- {
- pOs << "NONE" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << endl << " #attr=" << pA.mNum << endl;
- if (pA.mId != NULL)
- {
- pOs << " Id =[";
- for (int i = 0 ; i < pA.mNum ; i++)
- {
- pOs << pA.mId[i] << " ";
- }
- pOs << "]" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Id =NULL" << endl;
- }
- if (pA.mVal != NULL)
- {
- pOs << " Val =[";
- for (int i = 0 ; i < pA.mNum ; i++)
- {
- pOs << pA.mVal[i] << " ";
- }
- pOs << "]" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Val =NULL";
- }
- if (pA.mDesc != NULL)
- {
- pOs << " Desc=|" << pA.mDesc << "|" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Desc=NULL" << endl;
- }
- }
- return pOs;
-// Class Family implementation
- reset();
- reset();
-void Family::reset()
- mName[0] = '\0';
- mId = 0;
- mStrNameGroups = "";
- mElt.clear();
- mNameGroups.clear();
- mAttributs.reset();
- mIsFamilyOfNodes = true;
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-void Family::insertElt(med_int pIndexElt)
- if (pIndexElt < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mElt.insert(pIndexElt);
-void Family::buildGroups(vector<Group*>& pGroups, map<string, Group*>& pGroupNameToGroup) const
- // pGroups / pGroupNameToGroup can be empty or not
- // for each group in this family
- for (unsigned itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < mNameGroups.size() ; itGroup++)
- {
- const string& keyName = mNameGroups[itGroup];
- // check if the group already exist
- map<string, Group*>::iterator it = pGroupNameToGroup.find(keyName);
- Group* group = NULL;
- if (it != pGroupNameToGroup.end())
- {
- // the group already exists
- group = (*it).second;
- }
- else
- {
- // a new group have been identified: create a new entry
- group = new Group();
- group->setName(keyName);
- group->setIsGroupOfNodes(isFamilyOfNodes());
- pGroups.push_back(group);
- pGroupNameToGroup.insert(make_pair(keyName, group));
- }
- // add all elements of the this family to the group
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itElt = mElt.begin() ; itElt != mElt.end() ; itElt++)
- {
- group->insertElt(*itElt);
- }
- }
-Family* Family::extractGroup(const char* pGroupName)
- Family* family = new Family();
- strcpy(family->mName, mName);
- family->mId = mId;
- family->mAttributs = mAttributs;
- if (pGroupName == NULL)
- {
- family->mStrNameGroups = mStrNameGroups;
- family->mNameGroups = mNameGroups;
- }
- else
- {
- if (strlen(pGroupName) > MED_TAILLE_LNOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pGroupName) == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strstr(mStrNameGroups.c_str(), pGroupName) == 0)
- {
- // pGroupName found in the list of groups => just keep pGroupName
- family->mStrNameGroups = mStrNameGroups;
- family->mNameGroups = mNameGroups;
- }
- else
- {
- // pGroupName not found in the current list of groups
- // probably not a group of the same nature => keep all the groups
- family->mStrNameGroups = pGroupName;
- family->mNameGroups.push_back(pGroupName);
- }
- }
- return family;
-void Family::readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName, med_int pIndex)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pIndex < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- med_int numGroups = MEDnGroupe(pMEDfile, pMeshName, pIndex);
- if (numGroups < 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading number of groups in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- med_int numAttr = MEDnAttribut(pMEDfile, pMeshName, pIndex);
- med_int* attrId = new med_int[numAttr];
- med_int* attrVal = new med_int[numAttr];
- char* attrDesc = new char[MED_TAILLE_DESC * numAttr + 1];
- attrDesc[0] = '\0';
- char* nameGroups = new char[MED_TAILLE_LNOM * numGroups + 1];
- nameGroups[0] = '\0';
- med_err ret = MEDfamInfo(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- pIndex,
- mName,
- &mId,
- attrId,
- attrVal,
- attrDesc,
- &numAttr,
- nameGroups,
- &numGroups);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading family information in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- attrDesc[MED_TAILLE_DESC * numAttr] = '\0';
- mAttributs.mNum = numAttr;
- mAttributs.mId = attrId;
- mAttributs.mVal = attrVal;
- mAttributs.mDesc = attrDesc;
- mStrNameGroups = nameGroups;
- // split nameGroups
- for (int itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < numGroups ; itGroup++)
- {
- char str[MED_TAILLE_LNOM + 1];
- strncpy(str, nameGroups + itGroup * MED_TAILLE_LNOM, MED_TAILLE_LNOM);
- str[MED_TAILLE_LNOM] = '\0';
- mNameGroups.push_back(str);
- }
- delete[] nameGroups;
- // MEDfamLire is not necessary as we used MEDnoeudsLire/MEDelementsLire instead
-void Family::writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(mName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mAttributs.mVal == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mAttributs.mDesc == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mAttributs.mId == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- med_err ret = MEDfamCr(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- mName,
- mId,
- mAttributs.mId,
- mAttributs.mVal,
- mAttributs.mDesc,
- mAttributs.mNum,
- const_cast<char*>(mStrNameGroups.c_str()),
- mNameGroups.size());
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while creating family in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // MEDfamEcr is not necessary as we used MEDnoeudsEcr/MEDelementsEcr instead
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Family& pF)
- pOs << "Family: " << endl;
- pOs << " Name =|" << pF.mName << "| size=" << strlen(pF.mName) << endl;
- pOs << " Id =" << pF.mId << endl;
- pOs << " Family of =" << (pF.isFamilyOfNodes()?"NODES":"ELEMENTS") << endl;
- pOs << " Groups: #groups=" << pF.mNameGroups.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < pF.mNameGroups.size() ; itGroup++)
- {
- pOs << " Group " << (itGroup + 1) << ": |" << pF.mNameGroups[itGroup] << "| size=" << pF.mNameGroups[itGroup].length() << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Attributs: " << pF.mAttributs;
- if (pF.mElt.size() != 0)
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pF.mElt.end();
- itSet--;
- pOs << " Elements: #elt=" << pF.mElt.size() << " min_id=" << (*(pF.mElt.begin())) << " max_id=" << (*itSet) << endl;
- if (pF.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- pOs << " ";
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pF.mElt.begin() ; itSet != pF.mElt.end() ; itSet++)
- {
- pOs << (*itSet) << " ";
- }
- pOs << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Elements: #elt=0" << endl;
- }
- return pOs;
-// Class Group implementation
- reset();
- reset();
-void Group::reset()
- mName = "";
- mElt.clear();
- mIsGroupOfNodes = true;
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-void Group::setName(const string& pName)
- if (pName.length() > MED_TAILLE_LNOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mName = pName;
-void Group::insertElt(med_int pIndexElt)
- if (pIndexElt < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mElt.insert(pIndexElt);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Group& pG)
- pOs << "Group: " << endl;
- pOs << " Name =|" << pG.mName << "| size=" << pG.mName.length() << endl;
- pOs << " Group of =" << (pG.isGroupOfNodes()?"NODES":"ELEMENTS") << endl;
- if (pG.mElt.size() != 0)
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pG.mElt.end();
- itSet--;
- pOs << " Elements: #elt=" << pG.mElt.size() << " min_id=" << (*(pG.mElt.begin())) << " max_id=" << (*itSet) << endl;
- if (pG.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- pOs << " ";
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pG.mElt.begin() ; itSet != pG.mElt.end() ; itSet++)
- {
- pOs << (*itSet) << " ";
- }
- pOs << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Elements: #elt=0" << endl;
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Family.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class Family, Group and Attributs used to wrap MED file structures.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-namespace multipr
-// Predeclaration
-class Group;
-// Class Attributs
-class Attributs
- /**
- * Builds an empty Attributs (default constructor).
- */
- Attributs();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Attributs();
- /**
- * Assignment operator (deep copy).
- * \param pAttr any Atttibuts to be copied.
- * \return a reference towards the copy.
- */
- Attributs& operator=(const Attributs& pAttr);
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Dumps any Attributs to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pA any Attributs.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Attributs& pA);
- med_int mNum; /**< Number of attributes. */
- med_int* mId; /**< Table of identifiers: for each attribute, its identifier. */
- med_int* mVal; /**< Table of values; for each attribute, its value. */
- char* mDesc; /**< Table of description; for each attribute, its description. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Attributs(const Attributs&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Attributs&);
-}; // class Attribut
-// Class Family
-class Family
- /**
- * Builds an empty Family (default constructor).
- */
- Family();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Family();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the identifier (= number) of this Family.
- * \return the identifier of this Family.
- */
- med_int getId() const { return mId; }
- /**
- * Returns the name of this Family.
- * \return the name of this Family.
- */
- const char* getName() const { return mName; }
- /**
- * Returns true if this Family if a family of nodes, false if is a family of elements (=cells)).
- * \return true iff this Family if a family of nodes.
- */
- bool isFamilyOfNodes() const { return mIsFamilyOfNodes; }
- /**
- * Sets whether this Family is a family of nodes or family of elements (= cells).
- * \param pIsFamilyOfNodes flag.
- */
- void setIsFamilyOfNodes(bool pIsFamilyOfNodes) { mIsFamilyOfNodes = pIsFamilyOfNodes; }
- /**
- * Inserts a new element (by its index) into this Family.
- * \param pIndexElt index of the element to be added; must be >= 1.
- * \throw IllegalArgumentException if pIndexElt <= 0.
- */
- void insertElt(med_int pIndexElt);
- /**
- * Returns the number of elements in this Family.
- * \return the number of elements in this Family.
- */
- int getSize() const { return mElt.size(); }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Adds all the groups of this Family into the set of groups described by (pGroups, pGroupNameToGroup).
- * \param pGroups current list of groups.
- * \param pGroupNameToGroup table (map) to retrieve a Group* from its name.
- */
- void buildGroups(
- std::vector<Group*>& pGroups,
- std::map<std::string, Group*>& pGroupNameToGroup) const;
- /**
- * Constructor. Returns a copy of this family restricted to the given group if pGroupName != NULL.
- * Examples:
- * 1. If current family have 3 groups "A", "B" and "C" and pGroupName="B", then the new family will only reference the group "B"
- * 2. If current family have 3 groups "A", "B" and "C" and pGroupName="D", then the new family will reference groups "A", "B" and "C".
- * WARNING: elements are not copied
- * \param pGroupName name of the group to keep.
- * \return a copy of this family.
- */
- Family* extractGroup(const char* pGroupName);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads a Family from a MED file.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for reading.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh.
- * \param pIndex index of the family to be read (must be >= 1).
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName, med_int pIndex);
- /**
- * Writes this Family to a MED file.
- * WARNING: mesh must have been created and added to the MED file before.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for writing.
- * \param pPeshName name of the mesh.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName);
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any Family to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pF any Family.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Family& pF);
- char mName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1]; /** Name of the Family */
- med_int mId; /**< Id: > 0 if family of nodes; < 0 if family of elements. */
- std::set<med_int> mElt; /**< Set of all the elements (by their index in 1..*). */
- std::string mStrNameGroups; /**< A string with name of all groups which contain the Family. */
- std::vector<std::string> mNameGroups; /**< List of groups (by name) which contain the Family. */
- Attributs mAttributs; /**< All the attributed related to the Family. */
- bool mIsFamilyOfNodes; /**< Is it a family of nodes or a family of elements? */
- bool mFlagPrintAll; /** Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Family(const Family&);
- // do not allow copy
- Family& operator=(const Family&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Family&);
-}; // class Family
-// Class Group
-class Group
- /**
- * Builds an empty group (default constructor).
- */
- Group();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Group();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns true if it is a group of nodes, false if it is a group of elements.
- * \return true if it is a group of nodes, false if it is a group of elements.
- */
- bool isGroupOfNodes() const { return mIsGroupOfNodes; }
- /**
- * Sets whether it is a group of nodes or a group of elements.
- * \param pIsGroupOfNodes true for a group of nodes, false for a group of elements.
- */
- void setIsGroupOfNodes(bool pIsGroupOfNodes) { mIsGroupOfNodes = pIsGroupOfNodes; }
- /**
- * Returns the name of this Group.
- * \return the name of this Group.
- */
- const std::string& getName() const { return mName; }
- /**
- * Sets the name of this Group.
- * \param pName new name of this Group (length of name must not exceed MED_TAILLE_LNOM).
- */
- void setName(const std::string& pName);
- /**
- * Adds the index of a new element to this Group.
- * \param pIndexElt must be >= 1.
- */
- void insertElt(med_int pIndexElt);
- /**
- * Returns the set of all the elements referenced in this Group.
- * \return the set of all the elements referenced in this Group.
- */
- const std::set<med_int>& getSetOfElt() const { return mElt; }
- /**
- * Returns the number of elements referenced in this Group.
- * \return the number of elements referenced in this Group.
- */
- int getSize() const { return mElt.size(); }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any Group to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pG any Group.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Group& pG);
- std::string mName; /**< Name of the group. */
- std::set<med_int> mElt; /**< All elements of this group; each element is referenced by its index >= 1; each element is unique. */
- bool mIsGroupOfNodes; /**< Is it a group of nodes or a group of elements? */
- bool mFlagPrintAll; /** Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Group(const Group&);
- // do not allow copy
- Group& operator=(const Group&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Group&);
-}; // class Group
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Field.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Field.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Field.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Field implementation
- reset();
- reset();
-void Field::reset()
- mName[0] = '\0';
- mEntity = MED_NOEUD;
- mGeom = MED_NONE;
- mType = MED_FLOAT64;
- mSizeOfType = 8;
- mNumComponents = 0;
- mStrComponent = "";
- mStrUnit = "";
- mNGauss.clear();
- mDT.clear();
- mNumDT.clear();
- mDTUnit.clear();
- mNumO.clear();
- mGaussLoc.clear();
- mProfil.clear();
- mSizeOfData.clear();
- mNVal.clear();
- for (unsigned it = 0 ; it < mVal.size() ; it++)
- {
- delete[] mVal[it];
- }
- mVal.clear();
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-bool Field::isEmpty() const
- return (mNGauss.size() == 0);
-int Field::getNumberOfGaussPointsByElement(int pTimeStepIt) const
- if ((pTimeStepIt < 1) || (pTimeStepIt > int(mNGauss.size()))) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mNGauss[pTimeStepIt - 1];
-const string& Field::getNameGaussLoc(int pTimeStepIt) const
- if ((pTimeStepIt < 1) || (pTimeStepIt > int(mNGauss.size()))) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mGaussLoc[pTimeStepIt - 1];
-const unsigned char* Field::getValue(int pTimeStepIt, int pIndex) const
- if ((pTimeStepIt < 1) || (pTimeStepIt > int(mNGauss.size()))) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pIndex < 1) || (pIndex > mNVal[pTimeStepIt - 1] / mNGauss[pTimeStepIt - 1])) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // size of one data = size of type * number of components * number of Gauss points
- int sizeOfOneData = mSizeOfType * mNumComponents * mNGauss[pTimeStepIt - 1];
- unsigned char* ret = mVal[pTimeStepIt - 1] + (pIndex - 1) * sizeOfOneData;
- return ret;
-Field* Field::extractSubSet(const set<med_int>& pSetIndices) const
- Field* subset = new Field();
- memcpy(subset->mName, mName, MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1);
- subset->mEntity = mEntity;
- subset->mGeom = mGeom;
- subset->mType = mType;
- subset->mSizeOfType = mSizeOfType;
- subset->mNumComponents = mNumComponents;
- subset->mStrComponent = mStrComponent;
- subset->mStrUnit = mStrUnit;
- subset->mNGauss = mNGauss;
- subset->mDT = mDT;
- subset->mNumDT = mNumDT;
- subset->mDTUnit = mDTUnit;
- subset->mNumO = mNumO;
- subset->mGaussLoc = mGaussLoc;
- subset->mProfil = mProfil;
- // for each time step
- for (unsigned itTimeStep = 0 ; itTimeStep < mNGauss.size() ; itTimeStep++)
- {
- if (mProfil[itTimeStep].size() != 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // WARNING : do not manage profil for the moment
- // if there is a profil,
- // 1. we should set mProfil to NO_PROFIL for this time_step
- // 2. we should extract data according to the profil
- int nval = pSetIndices.size() * subset->mNGauss[itTimeStep];
- subset->mNVal.push_back(nval);
- int sizeOfData = nval * mSizeOfType * mNumComponents;
- subset->mSizeOfData.push_back(sizeOfData);
- unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[sizeOfData];
- unsigned char* dest = data;
- int sizeOfOneData = mSizeOfType * mNumComponents * subset->mNGauss[itTimeStep];
- // for each element to extract
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pSetIndices.begin() ; itSet != pSetIndices.end() ; itSet++)
- {
- int indexElt = (*itSet);
- // MED index start at 1.
- if (indexElt < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- unsigned char* src = mVal[itTimeStep] + (indexElt - 1) * sizeOfOneData;
- memcpy(dest, src, sizeOfOneData);
- dest += sizeOfOneData;
- }
- subset->mVal.push_back(data);
- }
- return subset;
-void Field::getSetOfGaussLoc(set<string>& pSetOfGaussLoc) const
- for (unsigned itGaussLoc = 0 ; itGaussLoc < mGaussLoc.size() ; itGaussLoc++)
- {
- const string& gaussLocName = mGaussLoc[itGaussLoc];
- if (gaussLocName.length() != 0)
- {
- pSetOfGaussLoc.insert(gaussLocName);
- }
- }
-void Field::readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pIndex, char* pMeshName)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pIndex < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- mNumComponents = MEDnChamp(pMEDfile, pIndex);
- if (mNumComponents < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- char* strComponent = new char[mNumComponents * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- char* strUnit = new char[mNumComponents * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- strComponent[0] = '\0';
- strUnit[0] = '\0';
- med_err ret = MEDchampInfo(
- pMEDfile,
- pIndex,
- mName,
- &(mType),
- strComponent,
- strUnit,
- mNumComponents);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mStrComponent = strComponent;
- mStrUnit = strUnit;
- delete[] strUnit;
- delete[] strComponent;
- switch (mType)
- {
- case MED_FLOAT64: mSizeOfType = 8; break;
- case MED_INT64: mSizeOfType = 8; break;
- case MED_INT32: mSizeOfType = 4; break;
- case MED_INT: mSizeOfType = 4; break;
- default: throw IllegalStateException("should not be there", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read fields over nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool fieldOnNodes = false;
- {
- med_int numTimeStepNodes = MEDnPasdetemps(
- pMEDfile,
- mName,
- (med_geometrie_element) 0);
- if (numTimeStepNodes < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (numTimeStepNodes != 0)
- {
- fieldOnNodes = true;
- mEntity = MED_NOEUD;
- mGeom = (med_geometrie_element) 0;
- readMEDtimeSteps(pMEDfile, numTimeStepNodes, pMeshName);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read fields over elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- med_int numTimeStepElt = MEDnPasdetemps(
- pMEDfile,
- mName,
- if (numTimeStepElt < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (numTimeStepElt != 0)
- {
- if (fieldOnNodes) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mEntity = MED_MAILLE;
- mGeom = MED_TETRA10;
- readMEDtimeSteps(pMEDfile, numTimeStepElt, pMeshName);
- }
- }
-void Field::readMEDtimeSteps(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pNumberOfTimeSteps, char* pMeshName)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNumberOfTimeSteps < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- char strEntity[8];
- switch (mEntity)
- {
- case MED_ARETE:
- case MED_FACE:
- case MED_MAILLE: strcpy(strEntity, "CELLS"); break;
- case MED_NOEUD: strcpy(strEntity, "NODES"); break;
- default: strcpy(strEntity, "UNKNOWN"); break;
- }
- // iterates over time step
- for (int itTimeStep = 1 ; itTimeStep <= pNumberOfTimeSteps ; itTimeStep++)
- {
- med_int ngauss;
- med_int numdt;
- med_int numo;
- char dtunit[MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- med_float dt;
- char maa[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- med_booleen local;
- med_int nmaa;
- med_err ret = MEDpasdetempsInfo(
- pMEDfile,
- mName,
- mEntity,
- mGeom,
- itTimeStep,
- &ngauss,
- &numdt,
- &numo,
- dtunit,
- &dt,
- maa,
- &local,
- &nmaa);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading #timesteps in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // mesh must be local
- if (local != MED_VRAI) throw IllegalStateException("only local fields are currently supported", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // #mesh must be 1
- if (nmaa != 1) throw IllegalStateException("field shoud be associated with 1 mesh only", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // mesh must be pMeshName
- // if field does not apply on the current mesh, skip
- if (strcmp(maa, pMeshName) != 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- mNGauss.push_back(ngauss);
- mDT.push_back(dt);
- mNumDT.push_back(numdt);
- mDTUnit.push_back(dtunit);
- mNumO.push_back(numo);
- med_int nval = MEDnVal(
- pMEDfile,
- mName,
- mEntity,
- mGeom,
- numdt,
- numo,
- pMeshName,
- if (nval < 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading field in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mNVal.push_back(nval);
- char gaussLocName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- char profilName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- int sizeOfData = mSizeOfType * mNumComponents * nval;
- mSizeOfData.push_back(sizeOfData);
- unsigned char* fieldData = new unsigned char[sizeOfData];
- ret = MEDchampLire(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- mName,
- fieldData,
- gaussLocName,
- profilName,
- mEntity,
- mGeom,
- numdt,
- numo);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading field in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mGaussLoc.push_back(gaussLocName);
- mProfil.push_back(profilName);
- mVal.push_back(fieldData);
- }
-void Field::writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mNumComponents < 1) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- med_err ret = MEDchampCr(
- pMEDfile,
- mName, // name of the field
- mType, // type of data (MED_FLOAT64, MED_INT32, etc.)
- const_cast<char*>(mStrComponent.c_str()), // name of components
- const_cast<char*>(mStrUnit.c_str()), // name of units
- mNumComponents); // number of components
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while creating field in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // for each time step
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < mNGauss.size() ; i++)
- {
- // skip if no values
- if (mNVal[i] == 0) continue;
- ret = MEDchampEcr(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName, // name of the mesh (first call to MEDchampEcr => name of reference)
- mName, // name of the field
- mVal[i], // data (= values)
- MED_FULL_INTERLACE, // data organization
- mNVal[i], // number of values
- const_cast<char*>(mGaussLoc[i].c_str()), // name of Gauss reference
- MED_ALL, // components to be selected
- const_cast<char*>(mProfil[i].c_str()), // name of profil
- mEntity, // type of entity (MED_NOEUD, MED_MAILLE, etc.)
- mGeom, // type of geometry (TETRA10, etc.)
- mNumDT[i], // time step iteration
- const_cast<char*>(mDTUnit[i].c_str()), // unit of time step
- mDT[i], // time key
- mNumO[i]); // order number
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while writing field in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Field& pF)
- char strEntity[16];
- switch (pF.mEntity)
- {
- case MED_MAILLE: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_MAILLE"); break;
- case MED_FACE: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_FACE"); break;
- case MED_ARETE: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_ARETE"); break;
- case MED_NOEUD: strcpy(strEntity, "MED_NOEUD"); break;
- default: strcpy(strEntity, "UNKNOWN"); break;
- }
- char strType[16];
- switch (pF.mType)
- {
- case MED_FLOAT64: strcpy(strType, "MED_FLOAT64"); break;
- case MED_INT32: strcpy(strType, "MED_INT32"); break;
- case MED_INT64: strcpy(strType, "MED_INT64"); break;
- case MED_INT: strcpy(strType, "MED_INT"); break;
- default: strcpy(strType, "UNKNOWN"); break;
- }
- pOs << "Field: " << endl;
- pOs << " Name =|" << pF.mName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Entity =" << strEntity << endl;
- pOs << " Geom =" << pF.mGeom << endl;
- pOs << " Type =" << strType << " (size=" << pF.mSizeOfType << ")" << endl;
- pOs << " #Components=" << pF.mNumComponents << endl;
- pOs << " Name component=|" << pF.mStrComponent << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Unit component=|" << pF.mStrUnit << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " #Time steps=" << pF.mNGauss.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned itTimeStep = 0 ; itTimeStep < pF.mNGauss.size() ; itTimeStep++)
- {
- pOs << " Time=" << pF.mDT[itTimeStep];
- pOs << " it=" << pF.mNumDT[itTimeStep];
- pOs << " order=" << pF.mNumO[itTimeStep];
- pOs << " #gauss=" << pF.mNGauss[itTimeStep];
- pOs << " #val=" << pF.mNVal[itTimeStep];
- pOs << " sizeof_val=" << pF.mSizeOfData[itTimeStep];
- pOs << " gauss_loc=|" << ((pF.mGaussLoc[itTimeStep].size() == 0)?"NONE":pF.mGaussLoc[itTimeStep]) << "| size=" << pF.mGaussLoc[itTimeStep].size();
- pOs << " profil=|" << ((pF.mProfil[itTimeStep].size() == 0)?"NONE":pF.mProfil[itTimeStep]) << "| size=" << pF.mProfil[itTimeStep].size() << endl;
- if (pF.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- cout << " Values: ";
- switch (pF.mType)
- {
- case MED_FLOAT64:
- {
- med_float* src = reinterpret_cast<med_float*>(pF.mVal[itTimeStep]);
- for (int itVal = 0 ; itVal < pF.mNVal[itTimeStep] * pF.mNumComponents ; itVal++)
- {
- cout << src[itVal] << " ";
- }
- }
- break;
- case MED_INT:
- case MED_INT32:
- {
- med_int* src = reinterpret_cast<med_int*>(pF.mVal[itTimeStep]);
- for (int itVal = 0 ; itVal < pF.mNVal[itTimeStep] * pF.mNumComponents ; itVal++)
- {
- cout << src[itVal] << " ";
- }
- }
- break;
- case MED_INT64:
- // not yet implemented
- throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- default:
- // should not be there
- throw IllegalStateException("should not be there", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Field.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class Field used to wrap MED file fields.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-namespace multipr
-// Class Field
-class Field
- /**
- * Builds an empty field (default constructor).
- */
- Field();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Field();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns true iff this field is empty (no data).
- * \return true if this field is empty, false otherwise.
- */
- bool isEmpty() const;
- /**
- * Returns true iff this field apply on nodes (otherwise, information are related to elements).
- * \return true iff this field apply on nodes.
- */
- bool isFieldOnNodes() const { return (mEntity == MED_NOEUD); }
- /**
- * Returns the name of this Field.
- * \return the name of this Field.
- */
- const char* getName() const { return mName; }
- /**
- * Returns the number of time steps in this Field.
- * \return the number of time steps in this Field.
- */
- int getNumberOfTimeSteps() const { return mNGauss.size(); }
- /**
- * Returns the numeric type of information contained in this Field (e.g. MED_FLOAT64).
- * \return the numeric type of this Field.
- */
- med_type_champ getType() const { return mType; }
- /**
- * Returns the number of components of this Field.
- * \return the number of components of this Field.
- */
- int getNumberOfComponents() const { return mNumComponents; }
- /**
- * Returns the number of Gauss points for each element at the given time step.
- * \param pTimeStepIt iteration of the field; must be in [1..MAX_ITERATION].
- * \return number of Gauss points in the elements of this Field at the given iteration.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pTimeStepIt not in [1..MAX_ITERATION].
- */
- int getNumberOfGaussPointsByElement(int pTimeStepIt) const;
- /**
- * Returns the name of the Gauss localization related to the given iteration.
- * \param pTimeStepIt iteration of the field; must be in [1..MAX_ITERATION].
- * \return the name of the Gauss localization related to the given iteration.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pTimeStepIt not in [1..MAX_ITERATION].
- */
- const std::string& getNameGaussLoc(int pTimeStepIt) const;
- /**
- * Returns a pointer towards the first value of this Field for the given element at the given time step.
- * \param pTimeStepIt iteration of the field; must be in [1..MAX_ITERATION].
- * \param pIndex index of the element; must be >= 1.
- * \return the value of this Field for the given element at the given time step.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pTimeStepIt or pIndex are invalid.
- */
- const unsigned char* getValue(int pTimeStepIt, int pIndex) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Creates a subset of this Field restricted to a set of elements (NODES or CELLS).
- * This method performs a projection of this Field on the given set of elements.
- * \param pSetIndices WARNING: indices start at 1.
- * \return a new Field restricted to the given set of elements.
- */
- Field* extractSubSet(const std::set<med_int>& pSetIndices) const;
- /**
- * Adds the set of GaussLoc used by this Field into the given set.
- * \param pSetOfGauss any set of Gauss localisation.
- */
- void getSetOfGaussLoc(std::set<std::string>& pSetOfGaussLoc) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads a field from a MED file.
- * If the field is not related to the given mesh, the result is an empty field.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for reading.
- * \param pIndex index of the field to be read; must be >= 1.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh (a field is always related to a mesh).
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pIndex, char* pMeshName);
- /**
- * Writes this field to a MED file. The field is linked to the given mesh.
- * WARNING: all related Gauss info must have been added to the MED file before.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for writing.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName);
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any Field to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pF any Field.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Field& pF);
- /**
- * Reads all the information related to its field and a given time step (by its index).
- * \param pMEDfile MED file handle.
- * \param pNumberOfTimeSteps number of timesteps (iteration) to be read.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMEDtimeSteps(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pNumberOfTimeSteps, char* pMeshName);
- char mName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- med_entite_maillage mEntity; // type of entity, e.g. MED_MAILLE
- med_geometrie_element mGeom; // type of primitives, e.g. MED_TETRA10 (MED_NONE for a field on nodes)
- med_type_champ mType; // type of field, e.g. MED_FLOAT64, MED_INT32
- int mSizeOfType; // 8 for MED_FLOAT64, 4 for MED_INT32, etc.
- med_int mNumComponents;
- std::string mStrComponent;
- std::string mStrUnit;
- // Information related to time steps.
- // Each vector should contain the same number of elements.
- // Number of time step = mNGauss.size() = mDT.size() = ...
- std::vector<med_int> mNGauss; /**< For each time step, number of Gauss points in the field. */
- std::vector<med_float> mDT; /**< For each time step, value of time step. */
- std::vector<med_int> mNumDT; /**< For each time step, iteration number. */
- std::vector<std::string> mDTUnit; /**< For each time step, units. */
- std::vector<med_int> mNumO; /**< For each time step, order number. */
- std::vector<std::string> mGaussLoc; /**< For each time step, name of Gauss localization to be used (empty if none). */
- std::vector<std::string> mProfil; /**< For each time step, name of the profil to be used (empty if none). */
- std::vector<int> mSizeOfData; /**< For each time step, sizeof data (mVal) in bytes. */
- std::vector<med_int> mNVal; /**< For each time step, number of values. */
- std::vector<unsigned char*> mVal; /**< For each time step, raw data; can be MED_FLOAT64, MED_INT32, etc. see mType. */
- bool mFlagPrintAll; /**< Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Field(const Field&);
- // do not allow copy
- Field& operator=(const Field&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Field&);
-}; // class Field
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_GaussLoc.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class GaussLoc implementation
- mRefCoo = NULL;
- mGaussCoo = NULL;
- mWeight = NULL;
- reset();
-GaussLoc::GaussLoc(const GaussLoc& pGaussLoc)
- mRefCoo = NULL;
- mGaussCoo = NULL;
- mWeight = NULL;
- strcpy(mName, pGaussLoc.mName);
- mGeom = pGaussLoc.mGeom;
- mDim = pGaussLoc.mDim;
- mNumNodes = pGaussLoc.mNumNodes;
- mNumGauss = pGaussLoc.mNumGauss;
- if (mDim != (mGeom / 100)) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mNumNodes != (mGeom % 100)) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pGaussLoc.mRefCoo != NULL)
- {
- mRefCoo = new med_float[mDim * mNumNodes];
- memcpy(mRefCoo, pGaussLoc.mRefCoo, sizeof(med_float) * mDim * mNumNodes);
- }
- if (pGaussLoc.mGaussCoo != NULL)
- {
- mGaussCoo = new med_float[mDim * mNumGauss];
- memcpy(mGaussCoo, pGaussLoc.mGaussCoo, sizeof(med_float) * mDim * mNumGauss);
- }
- if (pGaussLoc.mWeight != NULL)
- {
- mWeight = new med_float[mNumGauss];
- memcpy(mWeight, pGaussLoc.mWeight, sizeof(med_float) * mNumGauss);
- }
- reset();
-void GaussLoc::reset()
- mName[0] = '\0';
- mGeom = MED_NONE;
- mDim = 0;
- mNumNodes = 0;
- mNumGauss = 0;
- if (mRefCoo != NULL) { delete[] mRefCoo; mRefCoo = NULL; }
- if (mGaussCoo != NULL) { delete[] mGaussCoo; mGaussCoo = NULL; }
- if (mWeight != NULL) { delete[] mWeight; mWeight = NULL; }
-void GaussLoc::getCoordGaussPoints(
- const med_float* pCooElt,
- med_float* pCooGaussPoints) const
- // debug
- //printArray2D(pCooElt, mNumNodes, mDim, "Node");
- // WARNING: assumes TETRA10 !!!
- // This method is not completely generic and should be extended to support all cases.
- if (mGeom != MED_TETRA10) throw UnsupportedOperationException("only support TETRA10 for the moment", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- const med_float* pt1 = pCooElt;
- const med_float* pt2 = pt1 + mDim;
- const med_float* pt3 = pt2 + mDim;
- const med_float* pt4 = pt3 + mDim;
- const med_float* coeff = mGaussCoo;
- med_float* dest = pCooGaussPoints;
- // for each Gauss point
- for (int i = 0 ; i < mNumGauss ; i++)
- {
- dest[0] = pt2[0] + (pt4[0] - pt2[0]) * coeff[0] + (pt1[0] - pt2[0]) * coeff[1] + (pt3[0] - pt2[0]) * coeff[2];
- dest[1] = pt2[1] + (pt4[1] - pt2[1]) * coeff[0] + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) * coeff[1] + (pt3[1] - pt2[1]) * coeff[2];
- dest[2] = pt2[2] + (pt4[2] - pt2[2]) * coeff[0] + (pt1[2] - pt2[2]) * coeff[1] + (pt3[2] - pt2[2]) * coeff[2];
- // prepare next point
- coeff += mDim;
- dest += mDim;
- }
-void GaussLoc::readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pIndex)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("pMEDfile should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pIndex < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("pIndex should be >= 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- med_err ret = MEDgaussInfo(
- pMEDfile,
- pIndex,
- mName,
- &mGeom,
- &mNumGauss);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading Gauss localization information in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mDim = mGeom / 100;
- mNumNodes = mGeom % 100;
- mRefCoo = new med_float[mDim * mNumNodes];
- mGaussCoo = new med_float[mDim * mNumGauss];
- mWeight = new med_float[mNumGauss];
- ret = MEDgaussLire(
- pMEDfile,
- mRefCoo,
- mGaussCoo,
- mWeight,
- mName);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading Gauss localization in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-void GaussLoc::writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mNumGauss < 0) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mRefCoo == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mGaussCoo == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mWeight == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(mName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- med_err ret = MEDgaussEcr(
- pMEDfile,
- mGeom,
- mRefCoo,
- mNumGauss,
- mGaussCoo,
- mWeight,
- mName);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while writing Gauss localization", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, GaussLoc& pG)
- pOs << "Gauss ref:" << endl;
- pOs << " Name =|" << pG.mName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Geom =" << pG.mGeom << endl;
- pOs << " #Pt Gauss=" << pG.mNumGauss << endl;
- pOs << " Ref nodes coords.: (#nodes=" << pG.mNumNodes << " dim=" << pG.mDim << ")" << endl;
- for (int itNode = 0 ; itNode < pG.mNumNodes ; itNode++)
- {
- pOs << " Node " << (itNode + 1) << ": ";
- for (int itDim = 0; itDim < pG.mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- pOs << pG.mRefCoo[itNode * pG.mDim + itDim] << " ";
- }
- pOs << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Gauss coords. and weight:" << endl;
- for (int itGauss = 0 ; itGauss < pG.mNumGauss ; itGauss++)
- {
- pOs << " Pt " << (itGauss+1) << ": ";
- for (int itDim = 0; itDim < pG.mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- pOs << pG.mGaussCoo[itGauss * pG.mDim + itDim] << " ";
- }
- pOs << "weight=" << pG.mWeight[itGauss];
- pOs << endl;
- }
- // debug
- //med_float res[15];
- //pG.getCoordGaussPoints(pG.mRefCoo, res);
- //printArray2D(res, pG.mNumGauss, pG.mDim, "Gauss pt");
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class GaussLoc. Allow to locate all the Gauss points in an element of reference (e.g. a TETRA10).
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace multipr
-// Class GaussLoc
-class GaussLoc
- /**
- * Builds an empty Gauss reference (default constructor).
- */
- GaussLoc();
- /**
- * Copy constructor (deep copy).
- * \param pGaussLoc the GaussLoc to copy.
- */
- GaussLoc(const GaussLoc& pGaussLoc);
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~GaussLoc();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the name of this GaussLoc.
- * \return the name of this GaussLoc.
- */
- std::string getName() const { return mName; }
- /**
- * Returns dimension of Gauss points which is also the dimension of reference nodes.
- * \return dimension of Gauss points.
- */
- int getDim() const { return mDim; }
- /**
- * Returns number of Gauss points.
- * \return number of Gauss points.
- */
- int getNumGaussPoints() const { return mNumGauss; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the coordinates of all the Gauss points for a given element.
- * \param pCooElt (in) coordinates of nodes of an element.
- * \param pCoo (out) coordinates of all the Gauss points (interlaced); memory must have been allocated.
- */
- void getCoordGaussPoints(const med_float* pCooElt, med_float* pCooGaussPoints) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads a GaussLoc object from a MED file.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for reading.
- * \param pIndex index of the gauss localization to be read; must be >= 1.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pIndex);
- /**
- * Writes this GaussLoc object to the given MED file.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for writing.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile);
- /**
- * Dumps any GaussLoc to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pF any Field.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, GaussLoc& pG);
- char mName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1]; /**< Name of the Gauss info. */
- med_geometrie_element mGeom; /**< Type of elements, e.g. TETRA10 (code is 310). */
- int mDim; /**< Dimension of nodes, e.g. 3 for a TETRA10. */
- int mNumNodes; /**< Number of nodes in the reference element, e.g. 10 for a TETRA10. */
- med_int mNumGauss; /**< Number of Gauss points. */
- med_float* mRefCoo; /**< Table of coordinates of nodes.
- Example: for a TETRA10: 10 nodes, 3 components => 30 med_float. */
- med_float* mGaussCoo; /**< Table of coordinates of Gauss points. */
- med_float* mWeight; /**< Table of weights of Gauss points. */
- // do not allow copy
- GaussLoc& operator=(const GaussLoc&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const GaussLoc&);
-}; // class GaussLoc
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Globals.hxx
- *
- * \brief Some useful macros.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Some useful macros
-#define ENABLE_LOG 0
-#define MULTIPR_LOG(STR) if (ENABLE_LOG) cout << STR;
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Mesh.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Elements.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Family.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Profil.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Field.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_PointOfField.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Globals.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_API.hxx"
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Mesh implementation
- mNodes = NULL;
- mElements = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void Mesh::reset()
- mMEDfilename[0] = '\0';
- mMEDfile = 0;
- mMeshName[0] = '\0';
- mMeshUName[0] = '\0';
- mMeshDesc[0] = '\0';
- mMeshDim = -1;
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < 3 ; itDim++)
- {
- mMeshBBoxMin[itDim] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMeshBBoxMax[itDim] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- }
- if (mNodes != NULL) { delete mNodes; mNodes = NULL; }
- if (mElements != NULL) { delete mElements; mElements = NULL; }
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- delete mFamilies[itFam];
- }
- mFamilies.clear();
- mFamIdToFam.clear();
- for (unsigned itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < mGroups.size() ; itGroup++)
- {
- delete mGroups[itGroup];
- }
- mGroups.clear();
- mGroupNameToGroup.clear();
- for (unsigned itGaussLoc = 0 ; itGaussLoc < mGaussLoc.size() ; itGaussLoc++)
- {
- delete mGaussLoc[itGaussLoc];
- }
- mGaussLoc.clear();
- mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.clear();
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- delete mFields[itField];
- }
- mFields.clear();
- for (unsigned itProfil = 0 ; itProfil < mProfils.size() ; itProfil++)
- {
- delete mProfils[itProfil];
- }
- mProfils.clear();
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-vector<string> Mesh::getNameScalarFields() const
- vector<string> res;
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- // only get scalar fields, not vectorial fields
- // (because, currently, decimation can only be performed on scalar fields)
- if (currentField->getNumberOfComponents() == 1)
- {
- res.push_back(currentField->getName());
- }
- }
- return res;
-int Mesh::getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- if (strcmp(currentField->getName(), pFieldName) == 0)
- {
- return currentField->getNumberOfTimeSteps();
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Field* Mesh::getFieldByName(const char* pFieldName) const
- if (pFieldName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pFieldName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Field* retField = NULL;
- // for each field
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- if (strcmp(pFieldName, currentField->getName()) == 0)
- {
- // field found!
- retField = currentField;
- break;
- }
- }
- return retField;
-GaussLoc* Mesh::getGaussLocByName(const char* pGaussLocName) const
- if (pGaussLocName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pGaussLocName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- map<string, GaussLoc*>::const_iterator itGaussLoc = mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.find(pGaussLocName);
- GaussLoc* retGaussLoc = NULL;
- if (itGaussLoc != mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.end())
- {
- retGaussLoc = (*itGaussLoc).second;
- }
- return retGaussLoc;
-int Mesh::getNumberOfElements() const
- if (mElements == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mElements->getNumberOfElements();
-Mesh* Mesh::createFromSetOfElements(const std::set<med_int>& pSetOfElements, const char* pNewMeshName)
- if (pNewMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNewMeshName", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create a new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build name of the new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshName, pNewMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh name=|" << mesh->mMeshName << "|" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill general infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshUName, mMeshUName);
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshDesc, mMeshDesc);
- mesh->mMeshDim = mMeshDim;
- mesh->mMeshType = mMeshType;
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh u. name=|" << mesh->mMeshUName << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh desc=|" << mesh->mMeshDesc << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh dim=" << mesh->mMeshDim << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh Type=" << mesh->mMeshType << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build nodes and elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // get all elements involved
- mesh->mElements = mElements->extractSubSet(pSetOfElements);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- // get all nodes involved
- const set<med_int> setOfNodes = mesh->mElements->getSetOfNodes();
- mesh->mNodes = mNodes->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mNodes)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remap nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mElements->remap();
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Build fam.:" << endl);
- // get families of nodes
- {
- set<med_int> famOfNodes = mesh->mNodes->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfNodes.begin() ; itFam != famOfNodes.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- cout << (*famSrc) << endl;
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(NULL);
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- // get families of elements
- {
- set<med_int> famOfElt = mesh->mElements->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfElt.begin() ; itFam != famOfElt.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(NULL);
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Finalize:");
- // fill families with elements and build groups
- mesh->finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create new fields and collect Gauss
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each field
- set<string> newSetOfGauss;
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- Field* newField;
- if (currentField->isFieldOnNodes())
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- }
- else
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(pSetOfElements);
- }
- if (!newField->isEmpty())
- {
- mesh->mFields.push_back(newField);
- newField->getSetOfGaussLoc(newSetOfGauss);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Collect fields: ok: #gauss=" << newSetOfGauss.size() << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build Gauss infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (set<string>::iterator itSet = newSetOfGauss.begin() ; itSet != newSetOfGauss.end(); itSet++)
- {
- const string& keyName = (*itSet);
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = getGaussLocByName(keyName.c_str());
- if (gaussLoc != NULL)
- {
- GaussLoc* copyGaussLoc = new GaussLoc(*gaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLoc.push_back(copyGaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.insert(make_pair(copyGaussLoc->getName(), copyGaussLoc));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute bbox
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mNodes->getBBox(mesh->mMeshBBoxMin, mesh->mMeshBBoxMax);
- return mesh;
-Mesh* Mesh::createFromGroup(const Group* pGroup, const char* pNewMeshName)
- if (pGroup == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pGroup should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNewMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNewMeshName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pNewMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("pNewMeshName length too long", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create a new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build name of the new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshName, pNewMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh name=|" << mesh->mMeshName << "|" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill general infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshUName, mMeshUName);
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshDesc, mMeshDesc);
- mesh->mMeshDim = mMeshDim;
- mesh->mMeshType = mMeshType;
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh u. name=|" << mesh->mMeshUName << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh desc=|" << mesh->mMeshDesc << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh dim=" << mesh->mMeshDim << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh Type=" << mesh->mMeshType << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build nodes and elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // get all elements involved
- const set<med_int> setOfElt = pGroup->getSetOfElt();
- mesh->mElements = mElements->extractSubSet(setOfElt);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- // get all nodes involved
- const set<med_int> setOfNodes = mesh->mElements->getSetOfNodes();
- mesh->mNodes = mNodes->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mNodes)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remap nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mElements->remap();
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Build fam.:" << endl);
- // get families of nodes
- {
- set<med_int> famOfNodes = mesh->mNodes->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfNodes.begin() ; itFam != famOfNodes.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(pGroup->getName().c_str());
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- // get families of elements
- {
- set<med_int> famOfElt = mesh->mElements->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfElt.begin() ; itFam != famOfElt.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(pGroup->getName().c_str());
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Finalize:");
- // fill families with elements and build groups
- mesh->finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create new fields and collect Gauss
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each field
- set<string> newSetOfGauss;
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- Field* newField;
- if (currentField->isFieldOnNodes())
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- }
- else
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(setOfElt);
- }
- if (!newField->isEmpty())
- {
- mesh->mFields.push_back(newField);
- newField->getSetOfGaussLoc(newSetOfGauss);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Collect fields: ok: #gauss=" << newSetOfGauss.size() << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build Gauss infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (set<string>::iterator itSet = newSetOfGauss.begin() ; itSet != newSetOfGauss.end(); itSet++)
- {
- const string& keyName = (*itSet);
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = getGaussLocByName(keyName.c_str());
- if (gaussLoc != NULL)
- {
- GaussLoc* copyGaussLoc = new GaussLoc(*gaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLoc.push_back(copyGaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.insert(make_pair(copyGaussLoc->getName(), copyGaussLoc));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute bbox
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mNodes->getBBox(mesh->mMeshBBoxMin, mesh->mMeshBBoxMax);
- return mesh;
-MeshDis* Mesh::splitGroupsOfElements()
- MeshDis* meshDis = new MeshDis();
- meshDis->setSequentialMEDFilename(mMEDfilename);
- // get prefix from the original MED filename
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(mMEDfilename, ".med");
- int numGroup = 1;
- // for each group
- for (unsigned itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < mGroups.size() ; itGroup++)
- {
- Group* currentGroup = mGroups[itGroup];
- // skip this group if it is a group of nodes
- if (currentGroup->isGroupOfNodes())
- {
- continue;
- }
- char strPartName[256];
- sprintf(strPartName, "%s_%d", mMeshName, numGroup);
- char strMEDfilename[256];
- sprintf(strMEDfilename, "%s_grain%d.med", strPrefix.c_str(), numGroup);
- Mesh* mesh = createFromGroup(currentGroup, mMeshName);
- // skip the group which contain all the others groups, even it contains only 1 group
- if ((mesh->mElements->getNumberOfElements() == mElements->getNumberOfElements()) && (mGroups.size() > 1))
- {
- delete mesh;
- continue;
- }
- meshDis->addMesh(
- mMeshName,
- numGroup,
- strPartName,
- "localhost",
- strMEDfilename,
- mesh);
- numGroup++;
- }
- return meshDis;
-Mesh* Mesh::decimate(
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pArgv,
- const char* pNameNewMesh)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check parameters
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pFilterName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pFilterName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pArgv == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pArgv should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNameNewMesh == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNameNewMesh should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Instanciate filter used for decimation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DecimationFilter* filter = DecimationFilter::create(pFilterName);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create new mesh by decimating current one
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* decimatedMesh = filter->apply(this, pArgv, pNameNewMesh);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cleans
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- delete filter;
- return decimatedMesh;
-void Mesh::getAllPointsOfField(Field* pField, int pTimeStepIt, std::vector<PointOfField>& pPoints)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check arguments
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pField == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("field should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pTimeStepIt < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid field iteration; should be >= 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mMeshDim != 3) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pField->getType() != MED_FLOAT64) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pField->getNumberOfComponents() != 1) throw UnsupportedOperationException("field have more than 1 component (vectorial field, expected scalar field)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Collect points
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pField->isFieldOnNodes())
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 1: field of nodes
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mNodes == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("no nodes in the current mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // for each node
- for (int itNode = 0, size = mNodes->getNumberOfNodes() ; itNode < size ; itNode++)
- {
- // collect coordinates and value of the point
- const med_float* coo = mNodes->getCoordinates(itNode);
- const med_float* val =
- reinterpret_cast<const med_float*>(pField->getValue(pTimeStepIt, itNode + 1));
- // add new point
- pPoints.push_back(PointOfField(coo[0], coo[1], coo[2], val[0]));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 2: field of elements
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mElements == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("no elements in the current mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mElements->getTypeOfPrimitives() != MED_TETRA10) throw UnsupportedOperationException("only support TETRA10 mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- const string& nameGaussLoc = pField->getNameGaussLoc(pTimeStepIt);
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = getGaussLocByName(nameGaussLoc.c_str());
- if (gaussLoc == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("no Gauss localization for these elements", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- int numGauss = pField->getNumberOfGaussPointsByElement(pTimeStepIt);
- int size = gaussLoc->getDim() * gaussLoc->getNumGaussPoints();
- med_float* cooGaussPts = new med_float[size];
- int dim = mElements->getTypeOfPrimitives() / 100;
- int numNodes = mElements->getTypeOfPrimitives() % 100;
- size = dim * numNodes;
- med_float* cooNodes = new med_float[size];
- // for each elements
- for (int itElt = 0, size = mElements->getNumberOfElements() ; itElt < size ; itElt++)
- {
- // get coordinates of nodes of the current elements
- mElements->getCoordinates(itElt, mNodes, cooNodes, 4);
- // compute coordinates of gauss points
- gaussLoc->getCoordGaussPoints(cooNodes, cooGaussPts);
- //printArray2D(cooGaussPts, 5, 3, "Gauss pt"); // debug
- const med_float* val =
- reinterpret_cast<const med_float*>(pField->getValue(pTimeStepIt, itElt + 1));
- // for each point of Gauss of the element
- med_float* srcCoo = cooGaussPts;
- for (int itPtGauss = 0 ; itPtGauss < numGauss ; itPtGauss++)
- {
- pPoints.push_back(PointOfField(srcCoo[0], srcCoo[1], srcCoo[2], val[itPtGauss]));
- srcCoo += 3;
- }
- }
- delete[] cooNodes;
- delete[] cooGaussPts;
- }
-float Mesh::evalDefaultRadius(int pN) const
- if (mFields.size() == 0) return 1.0f;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute default radius
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_float volumeBBox =
- (mMeshBBoxMax[0] - mMeshBBoxMin[0]) *
- (mMeshBBoxMax[1] - mMeshBBoxMin[1]) *
- (mMeshBBoxMax[2] - mMeshBBoxMin[2]);
- if (isnan(volumeBBox))
- {
- return 1.0f;
- }
- const med_float k = 0.8; // considered 80% of the volume
- // get nunmber of gauss points in the field
- try
- {
- Field* anyField = mFields[mFields.size()-1];
- int numTimeSteps = anyField->getNumberOfTimeSteps();
- int numGaussPoints = getNumberOfElements() * anyField->getNumberOfGaussPointsByElement(numTimeSteps-1);
- med_float radius = med_float(pow( (3.0/4.0) * pN * k * volumeBBox / (3.1415 * numGaussPoints), 1.0/3.0));
- return float(radius);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- return 1.0f;
- }
-med_geometrie_element CELL_TYPES[MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_MAILLE] =
- "MED_SEG2",
- "MED_SEG3",
- "MED_TRIA3",
- "MED_TRIA6",
- "MED_QUAD4",
- "MED_QUAD8",
- "MED_TETRA10",
- "MED_HEXA8",
- "MED_HEXA20",
- "MED_PENTA15",
- "MED_PYRA5",
- "MED_PYRA13"
-void Mesh::readSequentialMED(const char* pMEDfilename, const char* pMeshName)
- reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check arguments
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Check arguments: ");
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMeshName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- strncpy(mMEDfilename, pMEDfilename, 256);
- strncpy(mMeshName, pMeshName, MED_TAILLE_NOM);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open MED file (READ_ONLY)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Open MED file: ");
- mMEDfile = MEDouvrir(mMEDfilename, MED_LECTURE); // open MED file for reading
- if (mMEDfile <= 0) throw FileNotFoundException("MED file not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check valid HDF format
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Format HDF: ");
- if (MEDformatConforme(mMEDfilename) != 0) throw IOException("invalid file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Get MED version
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("MED version: ");
- med_int verMajor, verMinor, verRelease;
- med_err ret = MEDversionLire(mMEDfile, &verMajor, &verMinor, &verRelease);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("error while reading MED version", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(verMajor << "." << verMinor << "." << verRelease << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check that there is no profil
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("#profils must be 0: ");
- med_int nbProfils = MEDnProfil(mMEDfile);
- if (nbProfils != 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read all Gauss localizations
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- readGaussLoc();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read scalars (should be 0)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Scalars: ");
- med_int nbScalars = MEDnScalaire(mMEDfile);
- if (nbScalars != 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(nbScalars << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find the mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // read number of meshes
- MULTIPR_LOG("Num meshes: ");
- med_int nbMeshes = MEDnMaa(mMEDfile);
- if (nbMeshes <= 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading number of meshes in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(nbMeshes << ": OK\n");
- med_int meshIndex = -1;
- // iteration over mesh to find the mesh we want
- // for each mesh in the file (warning: first mesh is number 1)
- for (int itMesh = 1 ; itMesh <= nbMeshes ; itMesh++)
- {
- char meshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- ret = MEDmaaInfo(
- mMEDfile,
- itMesh,
- meshName,
- &mMeshDim,
- &mMeshType,
- mMeshDesc);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading mesh information in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh: |" << meshName << "|");
- // test if the current mesh is the mesh we want
- if (strcmp(pMeshName, meshName) == 0)
- {
- // *** mesh found ***
- MULTIPR_LOG(" OK (found)\n");
- meshIndex = itMesh;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // not the mesh we want: skip this mesh
- MULTIPR_LOG(" skipped\n");
- }
- }
- if (meshIndex == -1)
- {
- throw IllegalStateException("mesh not found in the given MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check mesh validity
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // dimension of the mesh must be 3 (= 3D mesh)
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh is 3D: ");
- if (mMeshDim != 3) throw UnsupportedOperationException("dimension of the mesh should be 3; other dimension not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // mesh must not be a grid
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh is not a grid: ");
- if (mMeshType != MED_NON_STRUCTURE)
- throw UnsupportedOperationException("grid not supported", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // mesh must only contain TETRA10 elements
- MULTIPR_LOG("Only TETRA10: ");
- med_connectivite connectivite = MED_NOD; // NODAL CONNECTIVITY ONLY
- bool onlyTETRA10 = true;
- int numTetra10 = -1;
- for (int itCell = 0 ; itCell < MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_MAILLE ; itCell++)
- {
- med_int meshNumCells = MEDnEntMaa(
- mMEDfile,
- mMeshName,
- CELL_TYPES[itCell],
- connectivite);
- if ((meshNumCells > 0) && (strcmp(CELL_NAMES[itCell], "MED_TETRA10") != 0))
- {
- onlyTETRA10 = false;
- break;
- }
- if (strcmp(CELL_NAMES[itCell], "MED_TETRA10") == 0)
- {
- numTetra10 = meshNumCells;
- }
- }
- if (!onlyTETRA10) throw UnsupportedOperationException("mesh should only contain TETRA10 elements", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numTetra10 << ": OK\n");
- // everything is OK...
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check num joint = 0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Num joints: ");
- med_int numJoints = MEDnJoint(mMEDfile, mMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numJoints << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check num equivalence = 0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Num equivalences: ");
- med_int numEquiv = MEDnEquiv(mMEDfile, mMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numEquiv << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mNodes = new Nodes();
- mNodes->readMED(mMEDfile, mMeshName, mMeshDim);
- mNodes->getBBox(mMeshBBoxMin, mMeshBBoxMax);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mElements = new Elements();
- mElements->readMED(mMEDfile, mMeshName, mMeshDim, MED_MAILLE, MED_TETRA10);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- readFamilies();
- finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- readFields();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close the MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Close MED file: ");
- ret = MEDfermer(mMEDfile);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while closing MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-void Mesh::writeMED(const char* pMEDfilename)
- MULTIPR_LOG("Write MED: " << pMEDfilename << endl);
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMEDfilename) == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("pMEDfilename size is 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- remove(pMEDfilename);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create the new MED file (WRITE_ONLY)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_idt newMEDfile = MEDouvrir(const_cast<char*>(pMEDfilename), MED_CREATION);
- if (newMEDfile == -1) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write scalars
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // no scalars to write
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create mesh: must be created first
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_err ret = MEDmaaCr(
- newMEDfile,
- mMeshName,
- mMeshDim,
- mMeshDesc);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Create mesh: |" << mMeshName << "|: OK" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write nodes and elements (mesh must exist)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mNodes->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write nodes: ok" << endl);
- mElements->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName, mMeshDim);
- MULTIPR_LOG(" write elt: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write families (mesh must exist)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* fam = mFamilies[itFam];
- fam->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName);
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write families: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write profil
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // no profil
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write Gauss localization (must be written before fields)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itGaussLoc = 0 ; itGaussLoc < mGaussLoc.size() ; itGaussLoc++)
- {
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = mGaussLoc[itGaussLoc];
- gaussLoc->writeMED(newMEDfile);
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write Gauss: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* field = mFields[itField];
- field->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName);
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write fields: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close the new MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ret = MEDfermer(newMEDfile);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-void Mesh::readGaussLoc()
- MULTIPR_LOG("Gauss ref: ");
- med_int numGauss = MEDnGauss(mMEDfile);
- if (numGauss < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numGauss << ": OK\n");
- for (int itGauss = 1 ; itGauss <= numGauss ; itGauss++)
- {
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = new GaussLoc();
- gaussLoc->readMED(mMEDfile, itGauss);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*gaussLoc) << endl);
- mGaussLoc.push_back(gaussLoc);
- mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.insert(make_pair(gaussLoc->getName(), gaussLoc));
- }
-void Mesh::readFamilies()
- med_int numFamilies = MEDnFam(mMEDfile, mMeshName);
- if (numFamilies <= 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- for (int itFam = 1 ; itFam <= numFamilies ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* fam = new Family();
- fam->readMED(mMEDfile, mMeshName, itFam);
- mFamilies.push_back(fam);
- }
-void Mesh::finalizeFamiliesAndGroups()
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build mapping between family id and pointers towards families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* fam = mFamilies[itFam];
- mFamIdToFam.insert(make_pair(fam->getId(), fam));
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill families of nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int itNode = 1 ; itNode <= mNodes->getNumberOfNodes() ; itNode++)
- {
- // get family of the ith nodes
- int famIdent = mNodes->getFamIdent(itNode - 1); // MED nodes start at 1
- map<med_int, Family*>::iterator itFam = mFamIdToFam.find(famIdent);
- if (itFam == mFamIdToFam.end()) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Family* fam = (*itFam).second;
- // insert the current node to its family
- fam->insertElt(itNode);
- fam->setIsFamilyOfNodes(true);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill families of elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int itElt = 1 ; itElt <= mElements->getNumberOfElements() ; itElt++)
- {
- // get family of the ith element (MED index start at 1)
- int famIdent = mElements->getFamilyIdentifier(itElt - 1);
- map<med_int, Family*>::iterator itFam = mFamIdToFam.find(famIdent);
- if (itFam == mFamIdToFam.end()) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Family* fam = (*itFam).second;
- // insert the current node its family
- fam->insertElt(itElt);
- fam->setIsFamilyOfNodes(false);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build groups
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each family
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- mFamilies[itFam]->buildGroups(mGroups, mGroupNameToGroup);
- }
-void Mesh::readFields()
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read number of fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Read fields: ");
- med_int numFields = MEDnChamp(mMEDfile, 0);
- if (numFields <= 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numFields << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Iterate over fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each field, read number of components and others infos
- for (int itField = 1 ; itField <= numFields ; itField++)
- {
- Field* field = new Field();
- field->readMED(mMEDfile, itField, mMeshName);
- // if the nth field does not apply on our mesh => slip it
- if (field->isEmpty())
- {
- delete field;
- }
- else
- {
- mFields.push_back(field);
- }
- }
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Mesh& pM)
- pOs << "Mesh: " << endl;
- pOs << " MED file =|" << pM.mMEDfilename << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Name =|" << pM.mMeshName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Unv name =|" << pM.mMeshUName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Desc =|" << pM.mMeshDesc << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Dim =" << pM.mMeshDim << endl;
- pOs << " Type =" << ((pM.mMeshType == MED_STRUCTURE)?"STRUCTURE":"NON_STRUCTURE") << endl;
- pOs << " BBox =[" << pM.mMeshBBoxMin[0] << " ; " << pM.mMeshBBoxMax[0] << "] x [" << pM.mMeshBBoxMin[1] << " ; " << pM.mMeshBBoxMax[1] << "] x [" << pM.mMeshBBoxMin[2] << " ; " << pM.mMeshBBoxMax[2] << "]" << endl;
- if (pM.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mNodes)) << endl;
- cout << (*(pM.mElements)) << endl;
- pOs << " Families : #=" << pM.mFamilies.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mFamilies.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mFamilies[i])) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Groups : #=" << pM.mGroups.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mGroups.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mGroups[i])) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Gauss loc: #=" << pM.mGaussLoc.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mGaussLoc.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mGaussLoc[i])) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Fields : #=" << pM.mFields.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mFields.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mFields[i])) << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Nodes : #=" << pM.mNodes->getNumberOfNodes() << endl;
- const set<med_int>& setOfNodes = pM.mElements->getSetOfNodes();
- if (setOfNodes.size() == 0)
- {
- pOs << " Elt : #=" << pM.mElements->getNumberOfElements() << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itNode = setOfNodes.end();
- itNode--;
- pOs << " Elt : #=" << pM.mElements->getNumberOfElements() << " node_id_min=" << (*(setOfNodes.begin())) << " node_id_max=" << (*itNode) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Families : #=" << pM.mFamilies.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Groups : #=" << pM.mGroups.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Gauss loc: #=" << pM.mGaussLoc.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Fields : #=" << pM.mFields.size() << endl;
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class Mesh used by the MULTIPR API; used to wrap MED file meshes.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-namespace multipr
-// Pre-declaration
-class GaussLoc;
-class Profil;
-class Nodes;
-class Elements;
-class Family;
-class Field;
-class Group;
-class MeshDis;
-class PointOfField;
-// Class Mesh
- * Assumes:
- * - 3D mesh in a 3D space
- * - Unstructured mesh (not a grid)
- * - Nodal connectivity
- * - Cartesian coordinates system
- * Always use FULL_INTERLACE arrays
- */
-class Mesh
- /**
- * Builds an empty Mesh (default constructor).
- */
- Mesh();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Mesh();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the name of this Mesh.
- * \return the name of this Mesh.
- */
- const char* getName() const { return mMeshName; }
- /**
- * Returns the name of all the scalar fields.
- * \return the name of all the scalar fields.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getNameScalarFields() const;
- /**
- * Returns the number of iteration for a given field.
- * \return the number of iteration for a given field.
- */
- int getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const;
- /**
- * Returns a Field from its name; NULL if it does not exist.
- * \param pFieldName name of the field to be retrieved.
- * \return the Field pFieldName of it exists, NULL otherwise.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pFieldName is NULL.
- */
- Field* getFieldByName(const char* pFieldName) const;
- /**
- * Returns a GaussLoc from its name; NULL if it does not exist.
- * \param pGaussLocName name of the GaussLoc to be retrieved.
- * \return the GaussLoc pGaussLocName if it exists, NULL otherwise.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pGaussLocName is NULL.
- */
- GaussLoc* getGaussLocByName(const char* pGaussLocName) const;
- /**
- * Returns the number of elements.
- * \return the number of elements.
- */
- int getNumberOfElements() const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Creates a Mesh from a subset of its elements (cells).
- * \param pSetOfElements subset of elements to keep.
- * \param pNewMeshName name of the new Mesh.
- * \return a new Mesh which is a restriction of this Mesh to the given set of elements.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pNewMeshName is NULL.
- */
- Mesh* createFromSetOfElements(const std::set<med_int>& pSetOfElements, const char* pNewMeshName);
- /**
- * Creates a Mesh from one of its group.
- * \param pGroup any group of this Mesh.
- * \param pNewMeshName name of the new Mesh.
- * \return a new Mesh which is a restriction of this Mesh to pGroup.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pGroup or pNewMeshName is NULL.
- */
- Mesh* createFromGroup(const Group* pGroup, const char* pNewMeshName);
- /**
- * Creates a distributed mesh (MeshDis) by creating a new mesh for each group of elements in this Mesh.
- * \return a distributed mesh from groups of this Mesh.
- */
- MeshDis* splitGroupsOfElements();
- /**
- * Creates a new mesh by decimating this one.
- * \param pFilterName name of the filter to be used for decimation (e.g. Filtre_GradientMoyen); should not be NULL.
- * \param pArgv all the arguments for filtering as a single string.
- * \param pNameNewMesh name of the new mesh.
- * \return the decimated mesh.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if one of the arguments is NULL.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs while decimating data.
- */
- Mesh* decimate(
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pArgv,
- const char* pNameNewMesh);
- /**
- * Gets all the points in a field. Each point has coordinates and a value.
- * \param pField any field of this Mesh.
- * \param pTimeStepIt time step iteration.
- * \param pPoints (out) list of points.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pField is NULL.
- * \throw IllegalArgumentException if pTimeStepIt is invalid.
- */
- void getAllPointsOfField(Field* pField, int pTimeStepIt, std::vector<PointOfField>& pPoints);
- /**
- * Returns a default value for neighborhood radius.
- * Return value is such that, for any point in the field, average number of neighbours is pN.
- * \param pN average number of neighbours.
- * \return a default value for neighborhood radius; 1.0 if some error occurs.
- */
- float evalDefaultRadius(int pN) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads a Mesh from a sequential MED file. Resets the object before.
- * \param pMEDfilename
- * \param pMeshName
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readSequentialMED(const char* pMEDfilename, const char* pMeshName);
- /**
- * Writes this Mesh and all related things into a MED file.
- * \param pMEDfilename
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(const char* pMEDfilename);
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any Mesh to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pM any Mesh.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Mesh& pM);
- /**
- * Reads all Gauss localizations in the current MED file.
- * \throw IOException if an i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readGaussLoc();
- /**
- * Reads families in the currentMED file and build groups.
- * \throw IOException if an i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readFamilies();
- /**
- * Finalizes the constructions of families and groups.
- * Fill structures with elements.
- */
- void finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- /**
- * Reads fields related to this mesh in the current MED file.
- * \throw IOException if an i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readFields();
- /**
- * Name of the associated MED file.
- */
- char mMEDfilename[256];
- /**
- * MED file handle.
- */
- med_idt mMEDfile;
- /**
- * Name of this mesh.
- */
- char mMeshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- /**
- * Universal name of this mesh.
- */
- char mMeshUName[MED_TAILLE_DESC + 1];
- /**
- * Description.
- */
- char mMeshDesc[MED_TAILLE_DESC + 1];
- /**
- * Dimension.
- */
- med_int mMeshDim;
- /**
- * Type of mesh (MED_NON_STRUCTURE or MED_STRUCTURE (=grid))
- */
- med_maillage mMeshType;
- /**
- * Axis aligned bounding box of this mesh.
- */
- med_float mMeshBBoxMin[3];
- med_float mMeshBBoxMax[3];
- /**
- * All the nodes used by this mesh.
- */
- Nodes* mNodes;
- /**
- * All the TETRA10 elements used by this mesh.
- */
- Elements* mElements;
- /**
- * Table of families used by this mesh.
- */
- std::vector<Family*> mFamilies;
- /**
- * Map to retrieve a Family from its name.
- */
- std::map<med_int, Family*> mFamIdToFam;
- /**
- * Table of groups used by this mesh.
- */
- std::vector<Group*> mGroups;
- /**
- * Map to retrieve a Group from its name.
- */
- std::map<std::string, Group*> mGroupNameToGroup;
- /**
- * Table of GaussLoc.
- */
- std::vector<GaussLoc*> mGaussLoc;
- /**
- * Map to retrieve a Gauss info from its name.
- */
- std::map<std::string, GaussLoc*> mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc;
- /**
- * Table of fields related to this mesh.
- * Number of fiels = mFields.size().
- */
- std::vector<Field*> mFields;
- /**
- * Table of profils.
- */
- std::vector<Profil*> mProfils;
- /**
- * Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<.
- */
- bool mFlagPrintAll;
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Mesh(const Mesh&);
- // do not allow copy
- Mesh& operator=(const Mesh&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Mesh&);
-}; // class Mesh
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_MeshDis.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Globals.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_API.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_ProgressCallback.hxx"
-#include "MEDSPLITTER_API.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Global variables (exported)
-// callback used to report progress about a long task (e.g. save to disk)
-MULTIPR_ProgressCallback* gProgressCallback = NULL;
-// callback used to report empty meshes
-MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback* gEmptyMeshCallback = NULL;
-// Class MeshDisEntry implementation
- mMesh = NULL;
- mCollection = NULL;
- mOldCollection = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void MeshDisPart::reset()
- mMeshName[0] = '\0';
- mId = 0;
- mPartName[0] = '\0';
- mPath[0] = '\0';
- mMEDFileName[0] = '\0';
- if (mMesh != NULL)
- {
- delete mMesh;
- mMesh = NULL;
- }
- mSplit = 0;
- if (mCollection != NULL)
- {
- delete mCollection;
- mCollection = NULL;
- }
- if (mOldCollection != NULL)
- {
- delete mOldCollection;
- mOldCollection = NULL;
- }
-const char* MeshDisPart::getMEDFileNameSuffix() const
- // Examples:
- // "agregat100grains_12pas_grain97.med" -> "grain97"
- // "agregat100grains_12pas_grain100_part2.med" -> "grain100_part2"
- // "aagregat100grains_12pas_grain98_gradmoy-low-25.0-0.3.med" -> "grain98_gradmoy-low-25-0.3"
- string prefix = removeExtension(mMEDFileName, ".med");
- prefix.erase(0, prefix.rfind("grain"));
- return prefix.c_str();
-void MeshDisPart::create(
- OnNextWrite pToDoOnNextWrite,
- const char* pMeshName,
- int pId,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pPath,
- const char* pMEDFileName,
- Mesh* pMesh)
- if (pToDoOnNextWrite == MULTIPR_UNDEFINED) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pId < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pPath == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMEDFileName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- mToDoOnNextWrite = pToDoOnNextWrite;
- strcpy(mMeshName, pMeshName);
- mId = pId;
- strcpy(mPartName, pPartName);
- strcpy(mPath, pPath);
- strcpy(mMEDFileName, pMEDFileName);
- mMesh = pMesh;
-void MeshDisPart::readMED()
- if (mMesh != NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mCollection != NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mOldCollection != NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mMesh = new Mesh();
- mMesh->readSequentialMED(mMEDFileName, mMeshName);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, MeshDisPart& pM)
- switch (pM.mToDoOnNextWrite)
- {
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_UNDEFINED:
- pOs << "undefined";
- break;
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_KEEP_AS_IT:
- pOs << pM.mMeshName << " " << pM.mId << " " << pM.mPartName << " " << pM.mPath << " " << pM.mMEDFileName;
- break;
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_MESH:
- pOs << pM.mMeshName << " " << pM.mId << " " << pM.mPartName << " " << pM.mPath << " " << pM.mMEDFileName;
- break;
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_PARTS:
- pOs << pM.mMeshName << " " << pM.mId << " " << pM.mPartName << " " << pM.mPath << " " << pM.mMEDFileName << " SPLIT " << pM.mSplit;
- break;
- default: throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- return pOs;
-// Class MeshDis implementation
- reset();
- reset();
-void MeshDis::reset()
- mSequentialMEDFilename[0] = '\0';
- mDistributedMEDFilename[0] = '\0';
- for (unsigned itPart = 0 ; itPart != mParts.size() ; itPart++)
- {
- MeshDisPart* part = mParts[itPart];
- delete part;
- }
- mParts.clear();
- //mProgressCallback = NULL;
-void MeshDis::setSequentialMEDFilename(const char* pFilename)
- strcpy(mSequentialMEDFilename, pFilename);
-void MeshDis::addMesh(
- MeshDisPart::OnNextWrite pToDoOnNextWrite,
- const char* pMeshName,
- int pId,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pPath,
- const char* pMEDFileName,
- Mesh* pMesh)
- MeshDisPart* part = new MeshDisPart();
- part->create(
- pToDoOnNextWrite,
- pMeshName,
- pId,
- pPartName,
- pPath,
- pMEDFileName,
- pMesh);
- mParts.push_back(part);
-void MeshDis::insertMesh(
- MeshDisPart::OnNextWrite pToDoOnNextWrite,
- const char* pMeshName,
- int pId,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pPath,
- const char* pMEDFileName,
- Mesh* pMesh,
- int pPosition)
- MeshDisPart* part = new MeshDisPart();
- part->create(
- pToDoOnNextWrite,
- pMeshName,
- pId,
- pPartName,
- pPath,
- pMEDFileName,
- pMesh);
- mParts.insert(mParts.begin() + pPosition, part);
- // rename id of following parts
- for (unsigned i = pPosition + 1 ; i < mParts.size() ; i++)
- {
- mParts[i]->mId++;
- }
-void MeshDis::removeParts(const char* pPrefixPartName)
- if (pPrefixPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- char strPrefix[256];
- sprintf(strPrefix, "%s_", pPrefixPartName);
- for (vector<MeshDisPart*>::iterator itPart = mParts.begin() ; itPart != mParts.end() ; itPart++)
- {
- MeshDisPart* currentPart = (*itPart);
- // remove part which have the same name and all sub_parts
- // e.g. if pPrefixPartName="PART_4" => remove "PART_4" and "PART_4_*", but not "PART41"
- if ((strcmp(currentPart->getPartName(), pPrefixPartName) == 0) ||
- startsWith(currentPart->getPartName(), strPrefix))
- {
- mParts.erase(itPart);
- // decrement id of following parts
- for (vector<MeshDisPart*>::iterator itPart2 = itPart ; itPart2 != mParts.end() ; itPart2++)
- {
- (*itPart2)->mId--;
- }
- itPart--;
- if (currentPart->mMEDFileName != NULL)
- {
- remove(currentPart->mMEDFileName);
- }
- delete currentPart;
- }
- }
-MeshDisPart* MeshDis::findPart(const char* pPartName)
- if (pPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MeshDisPart* part = NULL;
- for (unsigned itPart = 0 ; itPart < mParts.size() ; itPart++)
- {
- MeshDisPart* currentPart = mParts[itPart];
- if (strcmp(currentPart->getPartName(), pPartName) == 0)
- {
- part = currentPart;
- break;
- }
- }
- return part;
-vector<string> MeshDis::getMeshes() const
- vector<string> res;
- if (mParts.size() > 0)
- {
- MeshDisPart* part = mParts[0];
- const char* meshName = part->getMeshName();
- res.push_back(meshName);
- }
- return res;
-vector<string> MeshDis::getFields() const
- vector<string> res;
- if (mParts.size() == 0)
- {
- return res;
- }
- // all the parts of the distributed MED file should have the same fields
- // => just return the name of fields of the first part
- switch (mParts[0]->mToDoOnNextWrite)
- {
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_KEEP_AS_IT:
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_PARTS:
- {
- vector<pair<string, int> > tmp = multipr::getListScalarFields(mParts[0]->getMEDFileName());
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < tmp.size() ; i++)
- {
- res.push_back(tmp[i].first);
- }
- return res;
- }
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_MESH:
- return mParts[0]->mMesh->getNameScalarFields();
- default:
- throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-int MeshDis::getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const
- if (mParts.size() == 0)
- {
- // no parts in this distributed MED file => no fields => #iteration = 0
- return 0;
- }
- // all the parts of the distributed MED file should have the same fields
- // => just return the number of iteration found in the field of the first part
- switch (mParts[0]->mToDoOnNextWrite)
- {
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_KEEP_AS_IT:
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_PARTS:
- {
- vector<pair<string, int> > tmp = multipr::getListScalarFields(mParts[0]->getMEDFileName());
- for (int i = 0 ; i < tmp.size() ; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(tmp[i].first.c_str(), pFieldName) == 0)
- {
- return tmp[i].second;
- }
- }
- // pFieldName not found in the list of fields
- return 0;
- }
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_MESH:
- return mParts[0]->mMesh->getTimeStamps(pFieldName);
- default:
- throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-string MeshDis::getPartInfo(const char* pPartName)
- MeshDisPart* part = findPart(pPartName);
- if (part != NULL)
- {
- char num[16];
- sprintf(num, "%d", part->mId);
- string res =
- string(part->mMeshName) +
- string(" ") +
- string(num) +
- string(" ") +
- string(part->mPartName) +
- string(" ") +
- string(part->mPath) +
- string(" ") +
- string(part->mMEDFileName);
- return res;
- }
- else
- {
- // part not found => return empty string
- return "";
- }
-void MeshDis::splitPart(const char* pPartName, int pNbParts, int pPartitionner)
- cout << "MULTIPR: MeshDis::splitPart()" << endl;
- if (pPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNbParts < 2) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pPartitionner != MULTIPR_METIS) && (pPartitionner != MULTIPR_SCOTCH)) throw IllegalArgumentException("should be 0=METIS or 1=SCOTCH", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- cout << "MULTIPR: file=" << __FILE__ << " line=" << __LINE__ << " args OK" << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find the MED file corresponding to the given part
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MeshDisPart* part = findPart(pPartName);
- if (part == NULL)
- {
- throw IllegalArgumentException("part not found in this distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- cout << "MULTIPR: file=" << __FILE__ << " line=" << __LINE__ << " find part OK" << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Load the sequential MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollection* collection;
- collection = new MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollection(part->getMEDFileName(), part->getMeshName());
- cout << "MULTIPR: file=" << __FILE__ << " line=" << __LINE__ << " MEDSPLITTER collection OK" << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Partition the group
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MEDSPLITTER::Topology* topology;
- if (pPartitionner == MULTIPR_METIS)
- {
- try
- {
- topology = collection->createPartition(pNbParts, MEDSPLITTER::Graph::METIS);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- throw RuntimeException("MEDSPLITTER error: createPartition(), using METIS", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- else if (pPartitionner == MULTIPR_SCOTCH)
- {
- try
- {
- cout << "MULTIPR: file=" << __FILE__ << " line=" << __LINE__ << " try to create partition using SCOTCH: #parts=" << pNbParts << endl;
- topology = collection->createPartition(pNbParts, MEDSPLITTER::Graph::SCOTCH);
- cout << "MULTIPR: file=" << __FILE__ << " line=" << __LINE__ << " assigned SCOTCH" << endl;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- throw RuntimeException("MEDSPLITTER error: createPartition(), using SCOTCH", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- throw IllegalStateException("unknown partitionner", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- try
- {
- MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollection* newCollection = new MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollection(*collection, topology);
- part->mToDoOnNextWrite = MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_PARTS;
- part->mSplit = pNbParts;
- part->mOldCollection = collection;
- part->mCollection = newCollection;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- cout << "MEDSPLITTER error: new MESHCollection()" << endl;
- throw RuntimeException("MEDSPLITTER error: new MESHCollection()", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-void MeshDis::decimatePart(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- med_int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- med_float pTMed,
- med_float pTLow,
- med_float pRadius,
- int pBoxing)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check arguments
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("partname should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pFieldName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("fieldname should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pFieldIt < med_int(1)) throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid field iteration; should be >= 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pTMed < 0.0) throw IllegalArgumentException("med res.: threshold must be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pTMed >= pTLow) throw IllegalArgumentException("threshold for med res. must be < threshold for low res.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pRadius <= med_float(0.0)) throw IllegalArgumentException("radius should be > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pBoxing < 1) || (pBoxing > 200)) throw IllegalArgumentException("boxing should be in [1..200]", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find the MED file corresponding to the given part
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MeshDisPart* part = findPart(pPartName);
- if (part == NULL)
- {
- throw IllegalArgumentException("part not found in the given distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Load the associated sequential MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (part->mMesh == NULL)
- {
- part->readMED();
- }
- Mesh* meshFull = part->mMesh;
- cout << (*meshFull) << endl;
- const char* originalFilename = part->getMEDFileName();
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(originalFilename, ".med");
- // debug
- //cout << (*this) << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Decimates the given mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // arguments for decimation are passed as a string for genericity
- char argv[256];
- char newPartName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- char newMEDFileName[256];
- // *** create a new mesh = MEDIUM resolution ***
- sprintf(argv, "%s %d %lf %lf %d", pFieldName, pFieldIt, pTMed, pRadius, pBoxing);
- sprintf(newPartName, "%s_MED", pPartName);
- sprintf(newMEDFileName, "%s_gradmoy-med-%s-%s.med",
- strPrefix.c_str(),
- realToString(pTMed).c_str(),
- realToString(pRadius).c_str());
- {
- Mesh* meshMedium = meshFull->decimate(pFilterName, argv, part->getMeshName());
- cout << (*meshMedium) << endl;
- insertMesh(
- part->getMeshName(),
- part->mId + 1,
- newPartName,
- "localhost",
- newMEDFileName,
- meshMedium,
- part->mId + 0);
- if ((meshMedium->getNumberOfElements() == 0) && (gEmptyMeshCallback != NULL))
- {
- gEmptyMeshCallback->reportEmptyMesh(newPartName);
- }
- }
- // *** create a new mesh = LOW resolution ***
- sprintf(argv, "%s %d %lf %lf %d", pFieldName, pFieldIt, pTLow, pRadius, pBoxing);
- sprintf(newPartName, "%s_LOW", pPartName);
- sprintf(newMEDFileName, "%s_gradmoy-low-%s-%s.med",
- strPrefix.c_str(),
- realToString(pTLow).c_str(),
- realToString(pRadius).c_str());
- {
- Mesh* meshLow = meshFull->decimate(pFilterName, argv, part->getMeshName());
- cout << (*meshLow) << endl;
- insertMesh(
- part->getMeshName(),
- part->mId + 2,
- newPartName,
- "localhost",
- newMEDFileName,
- meshLow,
- part->mId + 1);
- if ((meshLow->getNumberOfElements() == 0) && (gEmptyMeshCallback != NULL))
- {
- gEmptyMeshCallback->reportEmptyMesh(newPartName);
- }
- }
- // debug
- //cout << (*this) << endl;
-string MeshDis::evalDecimationParams(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pFilterParams)
- MeshDisPart* part = findPart(pPartName);
- if (part == NULL)
- {
- return "";
- }
- try
- {
- if (part->mMesh == NULL)
- {
- part->readMED();
- }
- multipr::DecimationFilter* filter = multipr::DecimationFilter::create(pFilterName);
- if (filter == NULL)
- {
- return "";
- }
- multipr::DecimationFilterGradAvg* filterGrad = dynamic_cast<multipr::DecimationFilterGradAvg*>(filter);
- if (filterGrad != NULL)
- {
- int mode;
- int ret = sscanf(pFilterParams, "%d", &mode);
- // mode 2 = GET RADIUS
- if ((ret == 1) && (mode == 2))
- {
- double radius = part->mMesh->evalDefaultRadius(8);
- char res[256];
- sprintf(res, "%f", radius);
- return res;
- }
- float radius;
- int boxing;
- ret = sscanf(pFilterParams, "%d %f %d", &mode, &radius, &boxing);
- // mode 1 = GET GRADIENT MIN, MAX and AVG
- if ((ret == 3) && (mode == 1))
- {
- double gradMin = 0.1, gradAvg = 0.15, gradMax = 0.2;
- filterGrad->getGradientInfo(
- part->mMesh,
- pFieldName,
- pFieldIt,
- radius,
- boxing,
- &gradMin,
- &gradAvg,
- &gradMax);
- char res[2048];
- sprintf(res, "%f %f %f", gradMin, gradAvg, gradMax);
- return res;
- }
- }
- delete filter;
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- }
- return "";
-int MeshDis::computeNumParts()
- int numParts = 0;
- for (unsigned itPart = 0 ; itPart < mParts.size() ; itPart++)
- {
- switch (mParts[itPart]->mToDoOnNextWrite)
- {
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_KEEP_AS_IT:
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_MESH:
- numParts++;
- break;
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_PARTS:
- numParts += mParts[itPart]->mSplit;
- break;
- default: throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- return numParts;
-void MeshDis::readDistributedMED(const char* pMEDfilename)
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("filename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- const int MAX_SIZEOF_LINE = 1024;
- reset();
- strcpy(mDistributedMEDFilename, pMEDfilename);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open master file (ASCII file)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ifstream fileMaster(mDistributedMEDFilename);
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while opening MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read header
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- char charbuffer[MAX_SIZEOF_LINE];
- fileMaster.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // check format
- if ((charbuffer[0] != '#') ||
- (charbuffer[1] != ' ') ||
- (charbuffer[2] != 'M') ||
- (charbuffer[3] != 'E') ||
- (charbuffer[4] != 'D'))
- throw IOException("not a valid distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ((charbuffer[0] == '#') || (strlen(charbuffer) == 0))
- {
- char* strTag = NULL;
- if ((charbuffer[0] == '#') && ((strTag = strstr(charbuffer, "[SOURCE]=")) != NULL))
- {
- char strSequentialMEDFilename[256];
- int ret = sscanf(strTag, "[SOURCE]=%s", strSequentialMEDFilename);
- if (ret == 1)
- {
- setSequentialMEDFilename(strSequentialMEDFilename);
- }
- }
- fileMaster.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- // read number of parts
- int nbParts = atoi(charbuffer);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read infos about sub-parts
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- char lMeshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- int lId;
- char lPartName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- char lPath[256];
- char lMEDFileName[256];
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbParts ; i++)
- {
- fileMaster.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ((charbuffer[0] == '#') || (strlen(charbuffer) == 0))
- {
- fileMaster.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- lMeshName[0] = '\0';
- lId = 0;
- lPartName[0] = '\0';
- lPath[0] = '\0';
- lMEDFileName[0] = '\0';
- int ret = sscanf(charbuffer, "%s %d %s %s %s",
- lMeshName,
- &lId,
- lPartName,
- lPath,
- lMEDFileName);
- if (ret != 5) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MED master file; bad format", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //cout << "DBG: read: " << lMeshName << " " << lId << " " << lPartName << endl;
- addMesh(
- lMeshName,
- lId,
- lPartName,
- lPath,
- lMEDFileName,
- NULL);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close master file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- fileMaster.close();
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while closing MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- * Retrieves the output of MEDSPLITTER and convert it for MULTIPR.
- */
-int convertMedsplitterToMultipr(ofstream& pFileMaster, const char* pTmpFilename, int pId, MeshDisPart* pPart, string pDestPath)
- MULTIPR_LOG("convert" << endl);
- const int MAX_SIZEOF_LINE = 1024;
- char charbuffer[MAX_SIZEOF_LINE];
- // Open medsplitter master file (ASCII file)
- ifstream fileMasterMedsplitter(pTmpFilename);
- if (fileMasterMedsplitter.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while opening MEDSPLITTER master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- fileMasterMedsplitter.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMasterMedsplitter.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MEDSPLITTER master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ((charbuffer[0] == '#') || (strlen(charbuffer) == 0))
- {
- fileMasterMedsplitter.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMasterMedsplitter.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MEDSPLITTER master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- // read number of parts
- int nbParts = atoi(charbuffer);
- //cout << "nb parts=" << nbParts << endl;
- char lMeshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- int lId;
- char lPartName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- char lPath[256];
- char lMEDFileName[256];
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbParts ; i++)
- {
- fileMasterMedsplitter.getline(charbuffer, MAX_SIZEOF_LINE);
- if (fileMasterMedsplitter.fail()) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // parses the current line
- lMeshName[0] = '\0';
- lId = 0;
- lPartName[0] = '\0';
- lPath[0] = '\0';
- lMEDFileName[0] = '\0';
- int ret = sscanf(charbuffer, "%s %d %s %s %s",
- lMeshName,
- &lId,
- lPartName,
- lPath,
- lMEDFileName);
- if (ret != 5) throw IOException("i/o error while reading MEDSPLITTER master file; bad format", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- string strDestFilename = pDestPath + multipr::getFilenameWithoutPath(lMEDFileName);
- if (strcmp(lMEDFileName, strDestFilename.c_str()) != 0)
- {
- multipr::copyFile(lMEDFileName, pDestPath.c_str());
- strcpy(lMEDFileName, strDestFilename.c_str());
- }
- pFileMaster << lMeshName << " " << (pId + i) << " " << pPart->getPartName() << "_" << (i + 1) << " " << lPath << " " << lMEDFileName << endl;
- }
- fileMasterMedsplitter.close();
- if (fileMasterMedsplitter.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while closing MEDSPLITTER master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // remove master file generated by MEDSPLITTER
- remove(pTmpFilename);
- return nbParts;
-void MeshDis::writeDistributedMED(const char* pMEDfilenamePrefix)
- if (pMEDfilenamePrefix == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build master filename
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- string strPrefix = string(pMEDfilenamePrefix);
- const char* strExtension = ".med";
- string strMasterFilename;
- // add suffix "_grains_maitre" iff it is not yet in the filename
- if (strstr(pMEDfilenamePrefix, "_grains_maitre") == 0)
- {
- strMasterFilename= strPrefix + "_grains_maitre" + strExtension;
- }
- else
- {
- strMasterFilename = strPrefix + strExtension;
- }
- string strDestPath = multipr::getPath(strMasterFilename.c_str());
- MULTIPR_LOG("Create master: " << strMasterFilename << endl);
- strcpy(mDistributedMEDFilename, strMasterFilename.c_str());
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create an ASCII master file for the resulting distributed mesh and write header
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- remove(strMasterFilename.c_str());
- ofstream fileMaster(strMasterFilename.c_str());
- if (fileMaster == 0) throw IOException("i/o error while creating MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- fileMaster << "# MED file v2.3 - Master file created by MULTIPR v" << getVersion() << endl;
- fileMaster << "#" << " " << endl;
- fileMaster << "# [SOURCE]=" << mSequentialMEDFilename << endl;
- fileMaster << "#" << " " << endl;
- fileMaster << computeNumParts() << endl;
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while writing MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create a new MED file (v2.3)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- int id = 1;
- if (gProgressCallback != NULL) gProgressCallback->start("Save mesh", mParts.size());
- try
- {
- // for each sub-meshes
- for (unsigned itPart = 0 ; itPart < mParts.size() ; itPart++)
- {
- switch (mParts[itPart]->mToDoOnNextWrite)
- {
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_KEEP_AS_IT:
- {
- mParts[itPart]->mId = id;
- id++;
- // copy file in another directory?
- string strSrcPath = multipr::getPath(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName());
- if (strSrcPath != strDestPath)
- {
- cout << "Write: KEEP_AS_IT: copy file" << endl;
- string strDestFilename = strDestPath + multipr::getFilenameWithoutPath(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName());
- multipr::copyFile(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName(), strDestPath.c_str());
- strcpy(mParts[itPart]->mMEDFileName, strDestFilename.c_str());
- }
- fileMaster << (*mParts[itPart]) << endl;
- cout << (*mParts[itPart]) << endl;
- break;
- }
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_MESH:
- {
- if (strlen(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName()) == 0) throw IOException("MED filename is empty", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mParts[itPart]->mMesh == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("invalid mesh (shoult not be NULL)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- string strDestFilename = strDestPath + multipr::getFilenameWithoutPath(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName());
- strcpy(mParts[itPart]->mMEDFileName, strDestFilename.c_str());
- mParts[itPart]->mMesh->writeMED(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName());
- mParts[itPart]->mId = id;
- id++;
- fileMaster << (*mParts[itPart]) << endl;
- cout << (*mParts[itPart]) << endl;
- break;
- }
- case MeshDisPart::MULTIPR_WRITE_PARTS:
- {
- // split this part using medsplitter
- if (mParts[itPart]->mOldCollection == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName(), ".med");
- char tmpFilename[256];
- sprintf(tmpFilename, "%s_part", strPrefix.c_str());
- mParts[itPart]->mCollection->write(tmpFilename);
- mParts[itPart]->mCollection->castAllFields(*(mParts[itPart]->mOldCollection));
- int ret = convertMedsplitterToMultipr(fileMaster, tmpFilename, id, mParts[itPart], strDestPath);
- id += ret;
- remove(mParts[itPart]->getMEDFileName());
- break;
- }
- default: throw IllegalStateException("should not be there", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- if (gProgressCallback != NULL) gProgressCallback->moveOn();
- }
- }
- catch (RuntimeException& e)
- {
- if (gProgressCallback != NULL) gProgressCallback->done();
- throw e;
- }
- if (gProgressCallback != NULL) gProgressCallback->done();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close master file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- fileMaster.close();
- if (fileMaster.fail()) throw IOException("i/o error while closing MED master file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, MeshDis& pM)
- pOs << "Mesh Dis.:" << endl;
- pOs << " Sequential filename (source) =|" << pM.mSequentialMEDFilename << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Distributed filename (master)=|" << pM.mDistributedMEDFilename << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " #Sub-meshes =" << pM.mParts.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned itPart = 0 ; itPart < pM.mParts.size() ; itPart++)
- {
- cout << " " << (itPart + 1) << ": " << (*(pM.mParts[itPart])) << endl;
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class MeshDis: distributed mesh.
- * = MASTER file (ASCII) -> list of sequential MED file.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-// include MEDSPLITTER used to split mesh using METIS or SCOTCH
-#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Family.hxx"
-#include "MEDSPLITTER_Graph.hxx"
-#include "MEDSPLITTER_MESHCollection.hxx"
-#include "MEDSPLITTER_Topology.hxx"
-namespace multipr
-// Pre-declaration
-class Mesh;
-// Class MeshDisPart = a sub-part of a distributed mesh.
-// It can be :
-// - a sequential MED file representing a Group (scenario 1)
-// - a sequential MED file representing a part of a Group (scenario 2 -> MEDSPLITTER)
-// - a lower resolution of a part (decimation)
-class MeshDisPart
- /**
- * Action to be done for this part on next writing on disk.
- */
- enum OnNextWrite
- {
- };
- /**
- * Builds an empty part of a distributed mesh (default constructor).
- */
- MeshDisPart();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~MeshDisPart();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- /**
- * Creates a MeshDisPart.
- * \param pToDoOnNextWrite
- * \param pMeshName
- * \param pId
- * \param pPartName
- * \param pPath
- * \param pMEDFileName file name excluding the path.
- * \param pMesh can be NULL.
- */
- void create(
- OnNextWrite pToDoOnNextWrite,
- const char* pMeshName,
- int pId,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pPath,
- const char* pMEDFileName,
- Mesh* pMesh);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the name of this part.
- * \return the name of this part.
- */
- const char* getPartName() const { return mPartName; }
- /**
- * Returns the name of the mesh of this part.
- * \return the name of the mesh of this part.
- */
- const char* getMeshName() const { return mMeshName; }
- /**
- * Returns the MED filename which contain this part.
- * \return the MED filename which contain this part.
- */
- const char* getMEDFileName() const { return mMEDFileName; }
- /**
- * Returns the suffix of the related MED filename (without .med extension).
- * For examples:
- * 1. "agregat100grains_12pas_grain97.med" -> "grain97"
- * 2. "agregat100grains_12pas_grain100_part2.med" -> "grain100_part2"
- * 3. "aagregat100grains_12pas_grain98_gradmoy-low-25.0-0.3.med" -> "grain98_gradmoy-low-25-0.3"
- */
- const char* getMEDFileNameSuffix() const;
- /**
- * Returns the action to be performed on this part on next write.
- * \return the action to be performed on this part on next write.
- */
- OnNextWrite getOnNextWrite() const { return mToDoOnNextWrite; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads the sequentiel MED file corresponding to this part.
- * \throw IOException if an i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED();
- /**
- * Dumps any MeshDisPart to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pM any MeshDisPart.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, MeshDisPart& pM);
- // MeshDisPart can be used:
- // 1 (KEEP_AS_IT) : To store data read from one line of an ASCII master file (distributed MED file)
- // 2 (WRITE_MESH) : As a temporary structure to store all infos about a mesh corresponding to a group (before writing on disk).
- // 3 (WRITE_PARTS) : As a temporary structure to store all infos about splitting using MEDSPLITTER.
- OnNextWrite mToDoOnNextWrite; /**< See enum OnNextWrite. */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 1, 2, and 3
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- char mMeshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1]; /**< Name of the mesh. */
- int mId; /**< Id of this part in [1..n]. */
- char mPartName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1]; /**< Name of this part. */
- char mPath[256]; /**< Path of the MED file. */
- char mMEDFileName[256]; /**< Name of the MED file which contain this part. */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 2: mesh of the related sequential MED file (can be NULL if not loaded)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* mMesh; /**< Mesh associated with this part; can be NULL. */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 3 only: temporary result of MEDSPLITTER
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- int mSplit; /**< For MEDSPLITTER: number of parts. Temporary. */
- MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollection* mCollection; /**< New data after splitting. */
- MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollection* mOldCollection; /**< Data before splitting (we need them when we want to write new data on disk. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- MeshDisPart(const MeshDisPart&);
- // do not allow copy
- MeshDisPart& operator=(const MeshDisPart&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const MeshDisPart&);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Friends
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- friend class MeshDis;
-}; // class MeshDisPart
-// Class MeshDis
-class MeshDis
- /**
- * Builds an empty mesh (default constructor).
- */
- MeshDis();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~MeshDis();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Clean memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Sets the name of the associated sequential MED file (=original MED file).
- * \param pFilename name of the associated sequential MED file.
- */
- void setSequentialMEDFilename(const char* pFilename);
- /**
- * Returns the name of this sequential MED file (=original MED file).
- * \return the name of this sequential MED file (=original MED file).
- */
- const char* getSequentialMEDFilename() const { return mSequentialMEDFilename; }
- /**
- * Returns the name of this distributed MED file (=name of the master file).
- * \return the name of this distributed MED file (=name of the master file).
- */
- const char* getDistributedMEDFilename() const { return mDistributedMEDFilename; }
- /**
- * Adds a new part to this distributed mesh.
- * Used by the split process (extract groups).
- * \param pToDoOnNextWrite
- * \param pMeshName
- * \param pId
- * \param pPartName
- * \param pPath
- * \param pMEDFileName
- * \param pMesh can be NULL.
- */
- void addMesh(
- MeshDisPart::OnNextWrite pToDoOnNextWrite,
- const char* pMeshName,
- int pId,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pPath,
- const char* pMEDFileName,
- Mesh* pMesh);
- /**
- * Inserts a new part to this distributed mesh.
- * Used by the decimation process.
- * \param pToDoOnNextWrite
- * \param pMeshName
- * \param pId
- * \param pPartName
- * \param pPath
- * \param pMEDFileName
- * \param pMesh can be NULL.
- * \param pPosition insert after this position. Start at 1.
- */
- void insertMesh(
- MeshDisPart::OnNextWrite pToDoOnNextWrite,
- const char* pMeshName,
- int pId,
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pPath,
- const char* pMEDFileName,
- Mesh* pMesh,
- int pPosition);
- /**
- * Removes all the part beginning by pPrefixPartName from this distributed mesh.
- * Example: if pPrefixPartName="PART_4" => remove "PART_4" and all sub-parts "PART_4_*", but not "PART41".
- * \param pPrefixPartName name of the part.
- */
- void removeParts(const char* pPrefixPartName);
- /**
- * Returns the current number of parts in this distributed mesh.
- * \return the current number of parts in this distributed mesh.
- */
- int getNumParts() const { return mParts.size(); }
- /**
- * Returns the nth part of this distributed mesh.
- * \param pIndex index of the part (in 0..getNumParts()-1).
- * \return the nth part of this distributed mesh.
- */
- MeshDisPart* getPart(int pIndex) const { return mParts[pIndex]; }
- /**
- * Returns the list of meshes contained in this distributed MED file.
- * \return the list of meshes contained in this distributed MED file.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getMeshes() const;
- /**
- * Returns the list of fields contained in this distributed MED file.
- * \return the list of fields contained in this distributed MED file.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getFields() const;
- /**
- * Returns the number of iteration for a given field.
- * \param pFieldName field name.
- * \return the number of iteration for a given field.
- */
- int getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const;
- /**
- * Returns all information about a part.
- * \param pPartName name of the part.
- * \return all information about a part.
- */
- std::string getPartInfo(const char* pPartName);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Finds a part of this distributed mesh by its name.
- * Returns NULL if the part does not exist.
- * \param pPartName part to be found; must not be NULL.
- * \return a pointer towards the part if it exists, NULL otherwise.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pPartName is NULL.
- */
- MeshDisPart* findPart(const char* pPartName);
- /**
- * Updates this distributed mesh by splitting one of its part.
- * This splitting method leans on medsplitter, by V. Bergeaud (CEA).
- * \param pPartName name of the part to be splitted.
- * \param pNbParts number of sub-parts.
- * \param pPartitionner MULTIPR_METIS or MULTIPR_SCOTCH.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
- void splitPart(const char* pPartName, int pNbParts, int pPartitionner);
- /**
- * Creates 3 resolution (CURRENT = FULL, MEDIUM and LOW) of a part of this distributed mesh.
- * Names of new meshes are <original_name>_MED and <original_name>_LOW.
- * \param pPartName
- * \param pFielName
- * \param pFieldIt
- * \param pFilterName
- * \param pTMed threshold used to generate MEDIUM resolution.
- * \param pTLow threshold used to generate LOW resolution (must be >= pTMed).
- * \param pRadius
- * \param pBoxing number of cells along each axis; e.g. if 100 then grid will have 100*100*100 = 10**6 cells; 100 by default.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
- void decimatePart(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- med_int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- med_float pTMed,
- med_float pTLow,
- med_float pRadius,
- int pBoxing = 100);
- /**
- * Returns useful information to configure decimation parameters.
- * Depends on part, field and filter: generic operation.
- * \param pPartName name of the part.
- * \param pFieldName name of the field used for decimation.
- * \param pFieldIt iteration (time step) of the field.
- * \param pFilterName name of the filter to be used.
- * \param pFilterParams params to be used with the filter (depends on filter; this string will be parsed).
- * \return
- */
- std::string evalDecimationParams(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pFilterParams);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads the master file of a distributed MED file.
- * \param pMEDfilename
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pMEDfilename is NULL.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readDistributedMED(const char* pMEDfilename);
- /**
- * Writes this distributed MED file (including master file and sub MED files if necessary).
- * \param pMEDfilenamePrefix
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pMEDfilename is NULL.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeDistributedMED(const char* pMEDfilenamePrefix);
- /**
- * Dumps any MeshDis to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pM any MeshDis.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, MeshDis& pM);
- /**
- * Recomputes the number of parts in this distributed mesh.
- * This method is used by writeDistributedMED().
- * \return the number of parts in this distributed mesh.
- */
- int computeNumParts();
- char mSequentialMEDFilename[256]; /**< Name of the original MED file used to build distribyuted MED. */
- char mDistributedMEDFilename[256]; /**< Name of this distributed MED file (= name of the master file). */
- std::vector<MeshDisPart*> mParts; /**< Table of sub-parts; a distributed mesh is composed of N sub-part, where N = mParts.size(). */
- //MULTIPR_ProgressCallback* mProgressCallback;
- // do not allow copy constructor
- MeshDis(const MeshDis&);
- // do not allow copy
- MeshDis& operator=(const MeshDis&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const MeshDis&);
-}; // class MeshDis
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Nodes.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Nodes implementation
- mId = NULL;
- mFamIdent = NULL;
- mNames = NULL;
- mCoo = NULL;
- mNamesCoo = NULL;
- mNamesUnitCoo = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void Nodes::reset()
- mNum = 0;
- mDim = 0;
- mCoordSystem = MED_CART;
- if (mId != NULL) { delete[] mId; mId = NULL; }
- if (mFamIdent != NULL) { delete[] mFamIdent; mFamIdent = NULL; }
- if (mNames != NULL) { delete[] mNames; mNames = NULL; }
- if (mCoo != NULL) { delete[] mCoo; mCoo = NULL; }
- if (mNamesCoo != NULL) { delete[] mNamesCoo; mNamesCoo = NULL; }
- if (mNamesUnitCoo != NULL) { delete[] mNamesUnitCoo; mNamesUnitCoo = NULL; }
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-const med_float* Nodes::getCoordinates(med_int pIndexNode) const
- if ((pIndexNode < 0) || (pIndexNode >= mNum)) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mCoo + pIndexNode * mDim;
-med_int Nodes::getFamIdent(med_int pIndexNode) const
- if ((pIndexNode < 0) || (pIndexNode >= mNum)) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mFamIdent[pIndexNode];
-void Nodes::getBBox(med_float pMin[3], med_float pMax[3]) const
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Special case: no nodes => bbox = [0 ; 0] x [0 ; 0] x [0 ; 0]
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mNum == 0)
- {
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- pMin[itDim] = med_float(0.0);
- pMax[itDim] = med_float(0.0);
- }
- return;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute axis-aligned bounding box
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- pMin[itDim] = numeric_limits<med_float>::max();
- pMax[itDim] = -pMin[itDim];
- }
- for (int itNode = 0 ; itNode < mNum ; itNode++)
- {
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- med_float coord = mCoo[itNode * mDim + itDim];
- if (coord < pMin[itDim]) pMin[itDim] = coord;
- if (coord > pMax[itDim]) pMax[itDim] = coord;
- }
- }
-set<med_int> Nodes::getSetOfFamilies() const
- set<med_int> setOfFamilies;
- // for each node, ad its family to the set
- for (int itNode = 0 ; itNode < mNum ; itNode++)
- {
- setOfFamilies.insert(mFamIdent[itNode]);
- }
- return setOfFamilies;
-Nodes* Nodes::extractSubSet(const set<med_int>& pSetIndices) const
- Nodes* subset = new Nodes();
- subset->mNum = pSetIndices.size();
- subset->mDim = mDim;
- subset->mCoordSystem = mCoordSystem;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Allocate arrays
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- subset->mFamIdent = new med_int[subset->mNum];
- subset->mCoo = new med_float[subset->mDim * subset->mNum];
- subset->mNamesCoo = new char[subset->mDim * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- subset->mNamesUnitCoo = new char[subset->mDim * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- memcpy(subset->mNamesCoo, mNamesCoo, subset->mDim * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1);
- memcpy(subset->mNamesUnitCoo, mNamesUnitCoo, subset->mDim * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy subset of familys id and coords.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- set<med_int>::iterator itSet = pSetIndices.begin();
- for (int i = 0 ; i < subset->mNum; i++)
- {
- med_int srcIndex = (*itSet) - 1; // MED index start at 1
- subset->mFamIdent[i] = mFamIdent[srcIndex];
- med_float* srcCoo = mCoo + srcIndex * mDim;
- med_float* destCoo = subset->mCoo + i * subset->mDim;
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- destCoo[itDim] = srcCoo[itDim];
- }
- itSet++;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy subset of identifiers if necessary
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (isIdentifiers())
- {
- itSet = pSetIndices.begin();
- subset->mId = new med_int[subset->mNum];
- for (int i = 0 ; i < subset->mNum; i++)
- {
- med_int srcIndex = (*itSet) - 1; // MED index start at 1
- subset->mId[i] = mId[srcIndex];
- itSet++;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copy subset of names if necessary
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (isNames())
- {
- subset->mNames = new char[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * subset->mNum + 1];
- char* destPtr = subset->mNames;
- itSet = pSetIndices.begin();
- for (int i = 0 ; i < subset->mNum; i++)
- {
- med_int srcIndex = (*itSet) - 1; // MED index start at 1
- char* srcPtr = mNames + srcIndex * MED_TAILLE_PNOM;
- memcpy(destPtr, srcPtr, MED_TAILLE_PNOM);
- destPtr += MED_TAILLE_PNOM;
- itSet++;
- }
- subset->mNames[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * subset->mNum] = '\0';
- }
- return subset;
-void Nodes::readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName, med_int pDim)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pDim != 3) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- mDim = pDim;
- mNum = MEDnEntMaa(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- med_geometrie_element(0),
- med_connectivite(0));
- if (mNum <= 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mId = new med_int[mNum];
- mFamIdent = new med_int[mNum];
- mNames = new char[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * mNum + 1];
- mCoo = new med_float[mDim * mNum];
- mNamesCoo = new char[mDim * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- mNamesUnitCoo = new char[mDim * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- mNames[0] = '\0';
- mNamesCoo[0] = '\0';
- mNamesUnitCoo[0] = '\0';
- med_booleen isIdentifiers;
- med_booleen isNames;
- med_err ret = MEDnoeudsLire(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- mDim,
- mCoo,
- &mCoordSystem,
- mNamesCoo,
- mNamesUnitCoo,
- mNames,
- &isNames,
- mId,
- &isIdentifiers,
- mFamIdent,
- mNum);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // check if coordinates system is CARTESIAN
- if (mCoordSystem != MED_CART) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (!isNames)
- {
- delete[] mNames;
- mNames = NULL;
- }
- if (!isIdentifiers)
- {
- delete[] mId;
- mId = NULL;
- }
-void Nodes::writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName) const
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((mDim < 1) || (mDim > 3)) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mFamIdent == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mCoo == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mNamesCoo == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mNamesUnitCoo == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // special case: if no nodes => do nothing
- if (mNum == 0) return;
- med_err ret = MEDnoeudsEcr(
- pMEDfile,
- pMeshName,
- mDim,
- mCoo,
- mCoordSystem,
- mNamesCoo,
- mNamesUnitCoo,
- mNames,
- isNames()?MED_VRAI:MED_FAUX,
- mId,
- isIdentifiers()?MED_VRAI:MED_FAUX,
- mFamIdent,
- mNum);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while writing nodes", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Nodes& pN)
- char strCoordSystem[16];
- switch (pN.mCoordSystem)
- {
- case MED_CART: strcpy(strCoordSystem, "CARTESIAN"); break;
- case MED_CYL: strcpy(strCoordSystem, "CYLINDRIC"); break;
- case MED_SPHER: strcpy(strCoordSystem, "SPHERIC"); break;
- default: strcpy(strCoordSystem, "UNKNOWN"); break;
- }
- pOs << "Nodes: " << endl;
- pOs << " #number =" << pN.mNum << endl;
- pOs << " Dimension =" << pN.mDim << endl;
- pOs << " Coord. system=" << strCoordSystem << endl;
- pOs << " Has names ?" << (pN.isNames()?"yes":"no") << endl;
- pOs << " Has id ?" << (pN.isIdentifiers()?"yes":"no") << endl;
- pOs << " Axis names =" << "|" << pN.mNamesCoo << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Unit axis =" << "|" << pN.mNamesUnitCoo << "|" << endl;
- {
- set<med_int> setOfFam = pN.getSetOfFamilies();
- if (setOfFam.size() == 0)
- {
- pOs << " Families: #fam=0" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itFam = setOfFam.end();
- itFam--;
- pOs << " Families: #fam=" << setOfFam.size() << " id_min=" << (*(setOfFam.begin())) << " id_max=" << (*itFam) << endl;
- }
- if (pN.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- for (int itNode = 0 ; itNode < pN.mNum; itNode++)
- {
- pOs << " Node " << (itNode+1) << ": " << pN.mFamIdent[itNode] << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- med_float bboxMin[3], bboxMax[3];
- pN.getBBox(bboxMin, bboxMax);
- pOs << " BBox: [" << bboxMin[0] << " ; " << bboxMax[0] << "] x [" << bboxMin[1] << " ; " << bboxMax[1] << "] x [" << bboxMin[2] << " ; " << bboxMax[2] << "]" << endl;
- if (pN.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- pOs << " Coordinates: " << endl;
- for (int itNode = 0 ; itNode < pN.mNum ; itNode++)
- {
- pOs << " Node " << (itNode+1) << ": ";
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < pN.mDim ; itDim++)
- {
- pOs << pN.mCoo[itNode * pN.mDim + itDim] << " ";
- }
- pOs << endl;
- }
- if (pN.isIdentifiers())
- {
- pOs << " Num: " << endl;
- for (int itNode = 0 ; itNode < pN.mNum; itNode++)
- {
- pOs << " Node " << (itNode+1) << ": " << pN.mId[itNode] << endl;
- }
- }
- if (pN.isNames())
- {
- pN.mNames[MED_TAILLE_PNOM * pN.mNum] = '\0';
- pOs << " Names: |" << pN.mNames << "|" << endl;
- }
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class Nodes = table of nodes.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
-namespace multipr
-// Class Nodes
-class Nodes
- /**
- * Builds an empty set of nodes (default constructor).
- */
- Nodes();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Nodes();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns true if nodes have a name.
- * \return true if nodes have a name.
- */
- bool isNames() const { return (mNames != NULL); }
- /**
- * Returns true if elements have an identifier (= a number).
- * \return true if elements have an identifier (= a number).
- */
- bool isIdentifiers() const { return (mId != NULL); }
- /**
- * Returns the coordinates of one node according to its index.
- * \param pIndexNode index of node in [0..NUMBER_OF_NODES-1].
- * \return the coordinates of one node.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pIndexNode is invalid.
- */
- const med_float* getCoordinates(med_int pIndexNode) const;
- /**
- * Returns the family of one node.
- * \param pIndexNode index of node in [0..NUMBER_OF_NODES-1].
- * \return the family of the given node.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if pIndexNode is invalid.
- */
- med_int getFamIdent(med_int pIndexNode) const;
- /**
- * Returns the number of nodes.
- * \return the number of nodes.
- */
- int getNumberOfNodes() const { return mNum; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the axis-aligned bounding box (CARTESIAN coordinates system) of this set of nodes.
- * \param pMin (out) coordinates of the min-corner of the bbox.
- * \param pMin (out) coordinates of the max-corner of the bbox.
- */
- void getBBox(med_float pMin[3], med_float pMax[3]) const;
- /**
- * Returns the set of families referenced by this set of nodes.
- * Each family is described by its identifier.
- * \return the set of families referenced by this set of nodes.
- */
- std::set<med_int> getSetOfFamilies() const;
- /**
- * Constructor. Creates a subset of this set of nodes from a set of indices.
- * \param pSetOfIndices set of indices; each index must be >= 1.
- * \return a subset of this set of nodes from a set of indices.
- */
- Nodes* extractSubSet(const std::set<med_int>& pSetIndices) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads all nodes of a mesh from a MED file.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for reading.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh to be read.
- * \param pDim dimension of the mesh.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName, med_int pDim);
- /**
- * Writes this set of nodes to a MED file. Nodes are associated with the given mesh.
- * WARNING: mesh must have been created and added to the MED file before.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for writing.
- * \param pMeshName any mesh of the MED file.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile, char* pMeshName) const;
- /**
- * Sets the flag which control the stream operator <<.
- * \param pFlag new flag value.
- */
- void setPrintAll(bool pFlag) { mFlagPrintAll = pFlag; }
- /**
- * Dumps any Nodes to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pN any Nodes.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Nodes& pN);
- med_int mNum; /**< Number of nodes in this set. */
- med_int mDim; /**< Dimension of nodes. */
- med_repere mCoordSystem; /**< Type of coordinates system; should be MED_CART for cartesian. */
- med_int* mId; /**< Optional; for each node, its identifier; NULL if undefined. */
- med_int* mFamIdent; /**< For each node, its identifier of its family. */
- char* mNames; /**< Optional; for each node, its name; NULL if undefined. */
- med_float* mCoo; /**< For each node, coordinates of node; array is interlaced: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ...*/
- char* mNamesCoo; /**< Names of axis of the coordinates system. */
- char* mNamesUnitCoo; /**< Unit of axis of the coordinates system. */
- bool mFlagPrintAll; /** Flag to control the behaviour of the stream operator <<. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Nodes(const Nodes&);
- // do not allow copy
- Nodes& operator=(const Nodes&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Nodes&);
-}; // class Nodes
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Obj.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Obj.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Obj.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Obj implementation
- mMeshDis = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void Obj::reset()
- mMEDfilename = "";
- mMeshName = "";
- if (mMeshDis != NULL) { delete mMeshDis; mMeshDis = NULL; }
-void Obj::create(const char* pMEDfilename)
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw multipr::NullArgumentException("file name must not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // reset everything before associating a new MED file to this object
- reset();
- mMEDfilename = pMEDfilename;
- // check if file exists
- FILE* f = fopen(pMEDfilename, "rb");
- if (f == 0)
- {
- // file does not exist
- throw FileNotFoundException("file not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- fclose(f);
- // test whether it is a sequential MED file or a distributed MED file
- med_idt file = MEDouvrir(const_cast<char*>(pMEDfilename), MED_LECTURE); // open sequential MED file for reading
- if (file > 0)
- {
- // sequential MED file has been sucessfuly openened
- // CASE 1: sequential MED file
- med_int ret = MEDfermer(file);
- if (ret != 0)
- {
- // error while closing sequential MED file
- throw multipr::IOException("i/o error while closing MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- cout << "Sequential MED file " << pMEDfilename << " has been successfuly opened" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- // CASE 2: distributed MED file?
- try
- {
- mMeshDis = new multipr::MeshDis();
- mMeshDis->readDistributedMED(pMEDfilename);
- cout << "Distributed MED file " << pMEDfilename << " has been successfuly opened" << endl;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- // neither a sequential MED file, nor a distributed MED file => error
- throw IOException("file is nor a sequential MED file, neither a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
-std::string Obj::getSequentialMEDFilename() const
- // partitionneGrain() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS)) throw IllegalStateException("unexpected operation", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mMeshDis->getSequentialMEDFilename();
-void Obj::setMesh(const char* pMeshName)
- // setMesh() is only available for sequential MED file (not distributed MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ)) throw IllegalStateException("expected a sequential MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mMeshName = pMeshName;
- // change state to MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ (in case of state=MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT)
-vector<string> Obj::getMeshes() const
- // test whether it is a sequential MED file or a distributed MED file
- if ((mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT) ||
- {
- // CASE 1: sequential MED file
- return multipr::getListMeshes(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- // CASE 2: distributed MED file
- if (mMeshDis == NULL)
- {
- throw IllegalStateException("distributed MED file should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- return mMeshDis->getMeshes();
- }
-vector<string> Obj::getFields() const
- // test whether it is a sequential MED file or a distributed MED file
- if ((mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT) ||
- {
- // CASE 1: sequential MED file
- vector<pair<string, int> > tmp = multipr::getListScalarFields(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- vector<string> res;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < tmp.size() ; i++)
- {
- res.push_back(tmp[i].first);
- }
- return res;
- }
- else
- {
- // CASE 2: distributed MED file
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("distributed MED file should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mMeshDis->getFields();
- }
-int Obj::getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const
- // test whether it is a sequential MED file or a distributed MED file
- if ((mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT) ||
- {
- // CASE 1: sequential MED file
- vector<pair<string, int> > tmp = multipr::getListScalarFields(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- for (int i = 0 ; i < tmp.size() ; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(tmp[i].first.c_str(), pFieldName) == 0)
- {
- return tmp[i].second;
- }
- }
- // pFieldName not found in the list of fields
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // CASE 2: distributed MED file
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("distributed MED file should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mMeshDis->getTimeStamps(pFieldName);
- }
-vector<string> Obj::getParts() const
- // getParts() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM)) throw IllegalStateException("expected a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return getListParts();
-string Obj::getPartInfo(const char* pPartName) const
- // getParts() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM)) throw IllegalStateException("expected a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("distributed MED file should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mMeshDis->getPartInfo(pPartName);
-void Obj::removeParts(const char* pPrefixPartName)
- // removePart() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM)) throw IllegalStateException("expected a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("distributed MED file should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mMeshDis->removeParts(pPrefixPartName);
-vector<string> Obj::partitionneDomaine()
- if (mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT) throw IllegalStateException("use setMesh() before", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // partitionneDomaine() is only available for sequential MED file (not distributed MED file)
- if (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ) throw IllegalStateException("unexpected operation", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the sequential mesh
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- cout << "Read sequential MED file: " << mMEDfilename << ": please wait... " << endl;
- Mesh mesh;
- mesh.readSequentialMED(mMEDfilename.c_str(), mMeshName.c_str());
- cout << mesh << endl;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build distributed mesh from groups
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- cout << "Build distributed mesh: please wait... " << endl;
- try
- {
- mMeshDis = mesh.splitGroupsOfElements();
- }
- catch (RuntimeException& e)
- {
- delete mMeshDis;
- mMeshDis = NULL;
- throw e;
- }
- return getListParts();
-vector<string> Obj::partitionneGrain(
- const char* pPartName,
- int pNbParts,
- int pPartitionner)
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("expected a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pPartName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNbParts < 2) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((pPartitionner != 0) && (pPartitionner != 1)) throw IllegalArgumentException("partitionner should be 0=METIS or 1=SCOTCH", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // partitionneGrain() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS)) throw IllegalStateException("unexpected operation", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // if distributed MED file is currently in memory, then write to disk before performing partitionneGrain()
- // (because MEDSPLIITER starts from a file)
- {
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- // Write distributed mesh
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- cout << "Write distributed mesh: please wait... " << endl;
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(mMEDfilename.c_str(), ".med");
- mMeshDis->writeDistributedMED(strPrefix.c_str());
- mMEDfilename = mMeshDis->getDistributedMEDFilename();
- delete mMeshDis;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- int ret = MEDformatConforme(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- if (ret == 0) throw IOException("waiting for a distributed MED file (not a sequential one)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- mMeshDis = new MeshDis();
- mMeshDis->readDistributedMED(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Split the given part (pGroupName)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mMeshDis->splitPart(pPartName, pNbParts, pPartitionner);
- cout << mMeshDis << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write new distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- string strPrefix = multipr::removeExtension(mMEDfilename.c_str(), ".med");
- mMeshDis->writeDistributedMED(strPrefix.c_str());
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the distributed mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- delete mMeshDis;
- mMeshDis = new MeshDis();
- //cout << "read dis MED file: filename=" << mMEDfilename << endl;
- mMeshDis->readDistributedMED(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- return getListParts();
-vector<string> Obj::decimePartition(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- double pTmed,
- double pTlow,
- double pRadius,
- int pBoxing)
- // decimePartition() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS)) throw IllegalStateException("unexpected operation", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("expected a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Decimate
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mMeshDis->decimatePart(
- pPartName,
- pFieldName,
- pFieldIt,
- pFilterName,
- pTmed,
- pTlow,
- pRadius,
- pBoxing);
- return getListParts();
-string Obj::evalDecimationParams(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pFilterParams)
- // decimePartition() is only available for distributed MED file (not sequential MED file)
- if ((mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM) &&
- (mState != MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS)) throw IllegalStateException("unexpected operation", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("expected a distributed MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- string res = mMeshDis->evalDecimationParams(
- pPartName,
- pFieldName,
- pFieldIt,
- pFilterName,
- pFilterParams);
- return res;
-vector<string> Obj::getListParts() const
- if (mMeshDis == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("not a distributed mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- vector<string> names;
- int numParts = mMeshDis->getNumParts();
- for (int i = 0 ; i < numParts ; i++)
- {
- names.push_back( mMeshDis->getPart(i)->getPartName() );
- }
- return names;
-void Obj::save(const char* pPath)
- static string prevPath = "";
- // only save file if it is a distributed MED file currently in memory or path has changed
- if ((mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM) || (strcmp(pPath, prevPath.c_str()) != 0))
- {
- prevPath = pPath;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write new distributed mesh
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- string filename;
- if (strlen(pPath) == 0)
- {
- filename = multipr::removeExtension(mMEDfilename.c_str(), ".med");
- }
- else
- {
- filename = string(pPath) + string("/") + multipr::getFilenameWithoutPath(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- }
- string strPrefix = multipr::removeExtension(filename.c_str(), ".med");
- mMeshDis->writeDistributedMED(strPrefix.c_str());
- mMEDfilename = mMeshDis->getDistributedMEDFilename();
- cout << "Write MED master file: " << mMEDfilename << ": OK" << endl;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the distributed mesh
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- delete mMeshDis;
- mMeshDis = new MeshDis();
- mMeshDis->readDistributedMED(mMEDfilename.c_str());
- }
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Obj& pO)
- pOs << "Obj:" << endl;
- pOs << " Name:" << pO.mMEDfilename << endl;
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class MULTIPR_Obj.
- * This class is used as an interface to implement MULTIPR services in the salome MODULE
- * as described in the spec/design doc.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace multipr
-class MeshDis;
-// Class Obj
-enum ObjState
-}; // enum ObjState
-class Obj
- /**
- * Builds an empty Gauss reference (default constructor).
- */
- Obj();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Obj();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- /**
- * Associate a MED file (sequential or distributed) with this object.
- * This method also:
- * - reset everything before starting
- * - determine if the given file is a sequential (SEQ) or a distributed (DIS) MED file
- * - read the ASCII master file if it is a distributed MED file
- * - set state
- */
- void create(const char* pMEDfilename);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns true iff this obj represents a valid sequential MED file.
- * \return true iff this obj represents a valid sequential MED file.
- */
- bool isValidSequentialMEDFile() const { return (mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ) || (mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_SEQ_INIT); }
- /**
- * Returns true iff this obj represents a valid distributed MED file.
- * \return true iff this obj represents a valid distributed MED file.
- */
- bool isValidDistributedMEDFile() const { return (mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS) || (mState == MULTIPR_OBJ_STATE_DIS_MEM); }
- /**
- * Returns the name of the associated MED file.
- * \return the name of the associated MED file.
- */
- std::string getMEDFilename() const { return mMEDfilename; }
- /**
- * Returns the name of the associated sequential MED file.
- * \return the name of the associated sequential MED file.
- */
- std::string getSequentialMEDFilename() const;
- /**
- * Defines the mesh to be processed.
- * \param pMeshName name of the mesh to be partitionned.
- */
- void setMesh(const char* pMeshName);
- /**
- * Returns the list of meshes contained in the sequential MED file.
- * Assumes this object encapsulates a sequential MED file.
- * \return the list of meshes contained in the sequential MED file.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getMeshes() const;
- /**
- * Returns the list of fields contained in the sequential MED file.
- * Assumes this object encapsulates a sequential MED file.
- * \return the list of fields contained in the sequential MED file.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getFields() const;
- /**
- * Returns the number of timestamps for a given field.
- * Assumes this object encapsulates a sequential MED file.
- * \param pFieldName name of any field.
- * \return the number of timestamps for a given field; 0 if field not found.
- */
- int getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const;
- /**
- * Returns the name of all partitions.
- * Assumes this object encapsulates a distributed MED file.
- * \return the name of all partitions.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getParts() const;
- /**
- * Returns all information about a part.
- * \param pPartName name of the part.
- * \return all information about a part.
- */
- std::string getPartInfo(const char* pPartName) const;
- /**
- * Removes all the part beginning by pPrefixPartName from the distributed MED file.
- * Example: if pPrefixPartName="PART_4" => remove "PART_4" and all sub-parts "PART_4_*", but not "PART41".
- * Assume this object encapsulates a distributed MED file.
- * \param pPrefixPartName name of the part.
- */
- void removeParts(const char* pPrefixPartName);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Algorithms
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Creates a distributed MED file (v2.3) by extracting all the groups from the current mesh of the current MED sequential MED file.
- * Assumes:
- * - the file is in MED format and can be read using MED file v2.3.
- * - the file is sequential (not a distributed MED).
- * - the file only contains TETRA10 elements (dimension of space and mesh is 3).
- * - the file have no profil.
- * \return the name of each part.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> partitionneDomaine();
- /**
- * Creates a distributed MED file (V2.3) by splitting a group of a MED file previously created by partitionneDomaine.
- * Assumes:
- * - the file is a distributed MED file, previously created by partitionneDomaine()
- * (=> each part only contain 1 mesh, TETRA10 elements only)
- * - nbPart > 1
- * \param pPartName name of the part to be splitted.
- * \param pNbParts number of parts; must be > 1.
- * \param pPartitionner use value 0=MULTIPR_METIS for Metis or 1=MULTIPR_SCOTCH for Scotch.
- * \return the name of each part.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> partitionneGrain(
- const char* pPartName,
- int pNbParts,
- int pPartitionner=0);
- /**
- * Creates 3 resolutions of the given part of a distributed MED file (V2.3).
- * Assumes:
- * - the file is a distributed MED file, previously created by partitionneDomaine() or partitionneGrain()
- * (=> each part only contain 1 mesh, TETRA10 elements only)
- * \param pPartName name of the part to be decimated.
- * \param pFieldName name of the field used for decimation.
- * \param pFieldIt iteration (time step) of the field.
- * \param pFilterName name of the filter to be used.
- * \param pTmed threshold used for medium resolution.
- * \param pTlow threshold used for low resolution; tmed must be less than tlow
- * \param pTadius radius used to determine the neighbourhood.
- * \param pBoxing number of cells along each axis; must be >= 1; e.g. if 100 then acceleration grid will have 100*100*100 = 10**6 cells.
- * \return the name of each part.
- * \throw RuntimeException if any error occurs.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> decimePartition(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- double pTmed,
- double pTlow,
- double pRadius,
- int pBoxing);
- /**
- * Returns useful information to configure decimation parameters.
- * Depends on part, field and filter: generic operation.
- * \param pPartName name of the part.
- * \param pFieldName name of the field used for decimation.
- * \param pFieldIt iteration (time step) of the field.
- * \param pFilterName name of the filter to be used.
- * \param pFilterParams params to be used with the filter (depends on filter; this string will be parsed).
- */
- std::string evalDecimationParams(
- const char* pPartName,
- const char* pFieldName,
- int pFieldIt,
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pFilterParams);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Saves the associated MED file if necessary.
- * \param pPath path where to save the file.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void save(const char* pPath);
- /**
- * Dumps any Obj to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pO any Obj.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Obj& pO);
- /**
- * Returns the list of parts contained in the current distributed mesh.
- * \return the list of parts contained in the current distributed mesh.
- * \throw IllegalStateException if the distributed mesh does not still exist.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getListParts() const;
- std::string mMEDfilename; /**< Name of the MED file: sequential or distributed. */
- std::string mMeshName; /**< Mesh to be partitionned. */
- ObjState mState; /**< State of this object. */
- MeshDis* mMeshDis; /**< Distributed mesh. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Obj(const Obj&);
- // do not allow copy
- Obj& operator=(const Obj&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Obj&);
-}; // class Obj
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-#endif // MULTIPR_OBJ_HXX
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_PointOfField.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class PointOfField used for decimation. PointOfField = a point in a field = coordinates + value.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-namespace multipr
-// Class PointOfField
-class PointOfField
- /**
- * Builds an empty set of elements (default constructor).
- */
- PointOfField() { reset(); }
- /**
- * Constructor.
- * \param pX x-coordinate of the point.
- * \param pY y-coordinate of the point.
- * \param pZ z-coordinate of the point.
- * \param pVal value of the field at the given point.
- */
- PointOfField(med_float pX, med_float pY, med_float pZ, med_float pVal)
- {
- mXYZ[0] = pX;
- mXYZ[1] = pY;
- mXYZ[2] = pZ;
- mVal = pVal;
- }
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~PointOfField() { reset(); }
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty).
- */
- void reset()
- {
- mXYZ[0] = std::numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mXYZ[1] = std::numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mXYZ[2] = std::numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mVal = std::numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- }
- /**
- * Dumps any PointOfField to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pP any PointOfField.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, PointOfField& pP)
- {
- pOs << "[ " << pP.mXYZ[0] << " ; " << pP.mXYZ[1] << " ; " << pP.mXYZ[2] << "]: " << pP.mVal;
- return pOs;
- }
- med_float mXYZ[3]; /**< 3D-position. */
- med_float mVal; /**< Value of the field at this point. */
-}; // class PointOfField
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Profil.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Profil.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Profil.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Profil implementation
- reset();
- reset();
-void Profil::reset()
- mName[0] = '\0';
- mTable.clear();
-void Profil::create(const char* pName)
- if (pName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- strcpy(mName, pName);
-const char* Profil::getName() const
- return mName;
-med_int Profil::get(med_int pIndex) const
- if ((pIndex < 0) || (pIndex >= med_int(mTable.size()))) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mTable[pIndex];
-void Profil::add(med_int pElt)
- mTable.push_back(pElt);
-void Profil::readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pIndexProfil)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pIndexProfil < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- reset();
- med_int numData;
- med_err ret = MEDprofilInfo(
- pMEDfile,
- pIndexProfil,
- mName,
- &numData);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- med_int* dataTmp = new med_int[numData];
- ret = MEDprofilLire(
- pMEDfile,
- dataTmp,
- mName);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- for (int itData = 0 ; itData < numData ; itData++)
- {
- mTable.push_back(dataTmp[itData]);
- }
- delete[] dataTmp;
-void Profil::writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile)
- if (pMEDfile == 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(mName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mTable.size() == 0) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- med_int* dataTmp = new med_int[mTable.size()];
- for (unsigned itData = 0 ; itData < mTable.size() ; itData++)
- {
- dataTmp[itData] = mTable[itData];
- }
- med_err ret = MEDprofilEcr(
- pMEDfile,
- dataTmp,
- mTable.size(),
- mName);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- delete[] dataTmp;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Profil& pP)
- pOs << "Profil:" << endl;
- pOs << " Name=|" << pP.mName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Size=" << pP.mTable.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Entities=[";
- for (unsigned itElt = 0; itElt < pP.mTable.size() ; itElt++)
- {
- pOs << pP.mTable[itElt] << " ";
- }
- pOs << "]";
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Profil.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class Profil used to managed MED profil.
- * Profil is just a list of indices related to elements (NODES, CELLS).
- * !!! currently not used !!!
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace multipr
-// Class Profil
-class Profil
- /**
- * Builds an empty profil (default constructor).
- */
- Profil();
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~Profil();
- /**
- * Resets this object in its state by default (empty). Cleans memory.
- */
- void reset();
- /**
- * Creates a profil from its name (reset before).
- * \param pName name of the profil to be created.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pName is NULL.
- */
- void create(const char* pName);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic accessors/mutators
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the name of this profil.
- * \return the name of this profil.
- */
- const char* getName() const;
- /**
- * Returns the nth elements of this profil.
- * \param pIndex index of the element to get; must be in [0..NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS-1].
- * \return the nth elements of this profil.
- * \throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is invalid.
- */
- med_int get(med_int pIndex) const;
- /**
- * Adds a new element to this profil.
- * \param pElt element to be added; must be >= 1.
- */
- void add(med_int pElt);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // I/O
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads a Profil from a MED file.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for reading.
- * \param pIndexProfil index of the profil to be read; must be >= 1.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void readMED(med_idt pMEDfile, med_int pIndexProfil);
- /**
- * Writes this profil to a MED file.
- * \param pMEDfile any valid MED file opened for writing.
- * \throw IOException if any i/o error occurs.
- */
- void writeMED(med_idt pMEDfile);
- /**
- * Dumps any Profil to the given output stream.
- * \param pOs any output stream.
- * \param pP any Profil.
- * \return the output stream pOs.
- */
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& pOs, Profil& pP);
- char mName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1]; /**< Name of the profil. */
- std::vector<med_int> mTable; /**< Table of elements. */
- // do not allow copy constructor
- Profil(const Profil&);
- // do not allow copy
- Profil& operator=(const Profil&);
- // do not allow operator ==
- bool operator==(const Profil&);
-}; // class Profil
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_ProgressCallback.hxx
- *
- * \brief Class MULTIPR_ProgressCallback
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-// Class MULTIPR_ProgressCallback
-// Used to provide feedback on the progress of a slow operation.
-class MULTIPR_ProgressCallback
- /**
- * Builds a new MULTIPR_ProgressCallback (default constructor).
- */
- MULTIPR_ProgressCallback() { init(100); }
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~MULTIPR_ProgressCallback() { /* do nothing */ }
- /**
- * Starts to provide feedback on the progress of a slow operation.
- * \param pTaskTitle name of the task to be monitored.
- * \param pNumSteps number of steps in the task.
- */
- virtual void start(const char* pTaskTitle, int pNumSteps) = 0;
- /**
- * Moves on the current amount of progress made.
- */
- void moveOn() { mCurrentStep++; float percent = float(mCurrentStep)/float(mTotalSteps)*100.0f; progress(percent); }
- /**
- * Termines to provide feedback.
- */
- virtual void done() = 0;
- /**
- * Resets this progress callback.
- * \param pNumSteps number of steps in the task to be monitored.
- */
- void init(int pNumSteps) { mCurrentStep = 0; mTotalSteps = pNumSteps; }
- /**
- * Callback. Called on each progress.
- * \param pPercent percent accomplished.
- */
- virtual void progress(float pPercent) = 0;
- int mCurrentStep;
- int mTotalSteps;
-}; // class MULTIPR_ProgressCallback
-// Class MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback
-// Used to provide feedback when an empty mesh is produced.
-class MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback
- /**
- * Builds a new MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback (default constructor).
- */
- MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback() { /* do nothing */ }
- /**
- * Destructor. Removes everything.
- */
- ~MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback() { /* do nothing */ }
- /**
- * Callback. Called each time an empty mesh is produced.
- * \param pInfo information related to the empty mesh.
- */
- virtual void reportEmptyMesh(std::string pInfo) = 0;
-}; // class MULTIPR_EmptyMeshCallback
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Utils.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Utils.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-// Implementation
-void multipr::trim(char* pStr, char pChar)
- int len = strlen(pStr) - 1;
- int p = len;
- while (pStr[p] == pChar)
- {
- p--;
- }
- if (p != len)
- {
- pStr[p + 1] = '\0';
- }
-bool multipr::startsWith(const char* pStr, const char* pStrPrefix)
- int i = 0;
- while ((pStr[i] != '\0') && (pStrPrefix[i] != '\0') && (pStr[i] == pStrPrefix[i]))
- {
- i++;
- }
- return (pStrPrefix[i] == '\0');
-string multipr::removeExtension(const char* pFilename, const char* pExtension)
- string strPrefix(pFilename);
- strPrefix.erase(strPrefix.rfind(pExtension), strlen(pExtension));
- return strPrefix;
-string multipr::getFilenameWithoutPath(const char* pFilename)
- char* res = strrchr(pFilename, '/');
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- return pFilename;
- }
- else
- {
- char* name = res + 1;
- return name;
- }
-string multipr::getPath(const char* pFilename)
- // find (reverse) the first occurrence of '/' in the given string
- char* res = strrchr(pFilename, '/');
- // if there is no '/'...
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- return "";
- }
- else
- {
- int size = res - pFilename + 1;
- char path[256];
- memcpy(path, pFilename, size);
- path[size] = '\0';
- return path;
- }
-void multipr::copyFile(const char* pFilename, const char* pDestDir)
- const char* srcDir = multipr::getPath(pFilename).c_str();
- if (strcmp(srcDir, pDestDir) == 0) return;
- const char* filenameWithoutPath = multipr::getFilenameWithoutPath(pFilename).c_str();
- char pDstFilename[256];
- sprintf(pDstFilename, "%s%s", pDestDir, filenameWithoutPath);
- // open binary source file
- FILE* src = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
- if (src == NULL) return;
- // open (create) binary destination file
- FILE* dst = fopen(pDstFilename, "wb");
- if (dst == NULL) return;
- const int size = 65536; // size of buffer is 64Kb
- char* buf = new char[size];
- int ret;
- ret = fread(buf, 1, size, src);
- while (ret != 0)
- {
- fwrite(buf, 1, ret, dst); // write to destination
- ret = fread(buf, 1, size, src); // read from source
- }
- delete[] buf;
- fclose(src);
- fclose(dst);
-void multipr::printArray2D(
- const med_float* pData,
- const int pNumElt,
- const int pDimElt,
- const char* pPrefix)
- for (int itElt = 0 ; itElt < pNumElt ; itElt++)
- {
- cout << pPrefix << " " << (itElt + 1) << ": ";
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < pDimElt ; itDim++)
- {
- cout << pData[itElt * pDimElt + itDim] << " ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
-string multipr::realToString(med_float mV)
- char str[32];
- sprintf(str, "%lf", mV);
- trim(str, '0');
- int len = strlen(str);
- if (str[len - 1] == '.')
- {
- str[len] = '0';
- str[len + 1] = '\0';
- }
- return string(str);
-vector<string> multipr::getListMeshes(const char* pMEDfilename)
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw multipr::NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- vector<string> res;
- med_err ret;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open MED file (READ_ONLY)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_idt file = MEDouvrir(const_cast<char*>(pMEDfilename), MED_LECTURE); // open MED file for reading
- if (file <= 0) throw multipr::IOException("MED file not found or not a sequential MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read name of meshes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_int nbMeshes = MEDnMaa(file);
- if (nbMeshes <= 0) throw multipr::IOException("i/o error while reading number of meshes in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // for each mesh in the file (warning: first mesh is number 1)
- for (int itMesh = 1 ; itMesh <= nbMeshes ; itMesh++)
- {
- char meshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- int meshDim;
- med_maillage meshType;
- char meshDesc[MED_TAILLE_DESC + 1];
- ret = MEDmaaInfo(
- file,
- itMesh,
- meshName,
- &meshDim,
- &meshType,
- meshDesc);
- if (ret != 0) throw multipr::IOException("i/o error while reading mesh information in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- res.push_back(meshName);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close the MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ret = MEDfermer(file);
- if (ret != 0) throw multipr::IOException("i/o error while closing MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return res;
-vector<pair<string,int> > multipr::getListScalarFields(const char* pMEDfilename)
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw multipr::NullArgumentException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- vector<pair<string, int> > res;
- med_err ret;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open MED file (READ_ONLY)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_idt file = MEDouvrir(const_cast<char*>(pMEDfilename), MED_LECTURE); // open MED file for reading
- if (file <= 0) throw multipr::IOException("MED file not found or not a sequential MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read number of fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_int numFields = MEDnChamp(file, 0);
- if (numFields <= 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // For each field, read its name
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int itField = 1 ; itField <= numFields ; itField++)
- {
- char name[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- med_type_champ type;
- med_int numComponents = MEDnChamp(file, itField);
- if (numComponents < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // collect scalar field only (not vectorial fields)
- if (numComponents != 1)
- continue;
- // temporary buffers
- char* strComponent = new char[numComponents * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- char* strUnit = new char[numComponents * MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1];
- strComponent[0] = '\0';
- strUnit[0] = '\0';
- med_err ret = MEDchampInfo(
- file,
- itField,
- name,
- &(type),
- strComponent,
- strUnit,
- numComponents);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- delete[] strUnit;
- delete[] strComponent;
- med_int numTimeStamps = MEDnPasdetemps(
- file,
- name,
- (med_geometrie_element) 0);
- if (numTimeStamps < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (numTimeStamps == 0)
- {
- numTimeStamps = MEDnPasdetemps(
- file,
- name,
- if (numTimeStamps < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- // add the pair(name, #time stamps) to the result
- res.push_back( make_pair(name, numTimeStamps) );
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close the MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ret = MEDfermer(file);
- if (ret != 0) throw multipr::IOException("i/o error while closing MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // return the list of fields
- return res;
-// EOF
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Utils.hxx
- *
- * \brief Some useful miscellaneous tools.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-extern "C"
- #include "med.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace multipr
- * Removes all the pChar at the end of the string.
- * \param pStr any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \param pChar any char; SPACE by default.
- * \return the same string where the ending spaces have been removed.
- */
-void trim(char* pStr, char pChar=' ');
- * Returns true iff the given string starts by prefix.
- * \param pStr any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \param pStrPrefix any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \return true iff the given string starts by prefix.
- */
-bool startsWith(const char* pStr, const char* pStrPrefix);
- * Removes the extension (suffix) of a filename.
- * Example: removeExtension("agregat100grains_12pas.med", ".med") -> "agregat100grains_12pas"
- * \param pPilename any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \param pExtension any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \return the filename without extension.
- */
-std::string removeExtension(const char* pFilename, const char* pExtension);
- * Returns the name of the file, excluding the path.
- * Example: getFilenameWithoutPath("/home/data/agregat100grains_12pas.med") -> "agregat100grains_12pas.med"
- * \param pPilename any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \return the name of the file, excluding the path.
- */
-std::string getFilenameWithoutPath(const char* pFilename);
- * Returns the path of the filename (which may be relative or absolute).
- * Example: getPath("/home/data/agregat100grains_12pas.med") -> "/home/data/"
- * \param pPilename any valid C string ending with the char '\0'.
- * \return the path of the filename (which may be relative or absolute).
- */
-std::string getPath(const char* pFilename);
- * Copies the given file into a directory.
- * \param pFilename name of any file to be copied.
- * \param pDestDir destination directory.
- */
-void copyFile(const char* pFilename, const char* pDestDir);
- * Prints all the elements of a 2D array.
- * \param pData all the data (should contain pNumberOfElements * pDimOfElements values)
- * \param pNumElt number of elements to display.
- * \param pDimElt Dimension of elements.
- * \param pPrefix string to display before each element.
- */
-void printArray2D(
- const med_float* pData,
- const int pNumElt,
- const int pDimElt,
- const char* pPrefix);
- * Converts any float value to a string (remove unecessary 0).
- * \param mV any float value.
- */
-std::string realToString(med_float mV);
- * Returns the name of all meshes contained in a sequential MED file.
- * \param pMEDfilename name of any valid sequential MED file; must not be NULL.
- * \return a list of mesh names.
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pMEDfilename is NULL.
- * \throw IOException if any other error occurs while reading MED file.
- */
- std::vector<std::string> getListMeshes(const char* pMEDfilename);
- /**
- * For each scalar field in a sequential MED file, returns its name and the related number of time stamps.
- * Do not returns info about vectorial fields (because, currently, decimation can only be performed on scalar fields).
- * \param pMEDfilename name of any valid sequential MED file; must not be NULL.
- * \return a list of (name, #time stamps).
- * \throw NullArgumentException if pMEDfilename is NULL.
- * \throw IOException if any other error occurs while reading MED file.
- */
- std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> > getListScalarFields(const char* pMEDfilename);
-} // namespace MULTIPR
-// EOF
LIB = libMULTIPREngine.la
-LIB_SRC = \
-MULTIPR_i.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Mesh.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Profil.cxx \
-MULTIPR_GaussLoc.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Field.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Nodes.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Elements.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Family.cxx \
-MULTIPR_MeshDis.cxx \
-MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.cxx \
-MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.cxx \
-MULTIPR_Utils.cxx \
LIB_CLIENT_IDL = SALOME_Component.idl SALOME_Exception.idl SALOMEDS.idl SALOME_GenericObj.idl Logger.idl
-MULTIPR_DecimationAccel.hxx \
-MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Elements.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Family.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Field.hxx \
-MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Globals.hxx \
-MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx \
-MULTIPR_PointOfField.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Profil.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Utils.hxx \
-MULTIPR_Obj.hxx \
-BIN = multipr
# additionnal information to compile and link file
+LDFLAGS += $(KERNEL_LDFLAGS) $(MED_LDFLAGS) $(MED2_LIBS) -lSalomeContainer -lOpUtil \
+ -lSALOMELocalTrace -lm -lmed -lmedsplitter -lmedmem -lmed_V2_1 -lMULTIPR_API
-LDFLAGS += $(KERNEL_LDFLAGS) $(MED_LDFLAGS) $(MED2_LIBS) -lSalomeContainer -lOpUtil -lm -lmed -lmedsplitter -lmedmem -lmed_V2_1 -lSALOMELocalTrace
# Executables targets
+++ /dev/null
-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file multipr.cxx
- *
- * \brief Standalone command line application of the MULTIPR component.
- * The application aims to reduce large data set to allow interactive visualization.
- * Its two main function are the following:
- * 1. Splits any TETRA10 mesh contained in a MED file.
- * a. Builds a distributed MED file by extracting all the groups from a sequential MED file.
- * b. Splits a part of distributed MED file.
- * 2. Decimates fields to produce multi-resolution data set.
- *
- * Return 0 if application succeed, 1 otherwise (failure).
- *
- * See http://www.salome-platform.org to learn more about Salome or MED.
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-#include "MULTIPR_API.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Obj.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-// This command line application can use 2 differents API to do the same work.
-// If MULTIPR_USE_OBJ_API is defined then this command line application used the MULTIPR_Obj API;
-// otherwise, it uses the MULTIPR_API
-const int MULTIPR_APP_OK = 0;
-const int MULTIPR_APP_FAILED = 1;
- * Enumerates all the usages of this application.
- */
-enum Usage
- * Enumerates all the possible errors.
- */
-enum Error
-// global variables used to configure the application
-int g_usage = 0;
-int g_errorCode = MULTIPR_APP_NO_ERROR;
-char* g_medFilename = NULL;
-char* g_meshName = NULL;
-char* g_partName = NULL;
-int g_nbParts = 0;
-int g_splitter = multipr::MULTIPR_METIS;
-char* g_filterName = NULL;
-char* g_fieldName = NULL;
-int g_fieldTimeStepIt = 0;
-float g_decimThresholdMed = 0.0f;
-float g_decimThresholdLow = 0.0f;
-float g_decimRadius = 0.0f;
-int g_boxing = 100;
- * \fn const char* getUsage(int usage)
- * \brief returns a string describing the usage of this application.
- */
-const char* getUsage(int usage)
- switch(usage)
- {
- return "--help: display help";
- return "--auto: perform all unit tests";
- return "--part1: extract all groups of a sequential MED file";
- return "--part2: split a part of a distributed MED file";
- return "--decim: generated level of details of a part of a distributed MED file";
- return "--info: prints all infos about a mesh in a sequential MED file";
- default:
- return "unknown";
- }
- * \fn void printDescription()
- * \brief prints a short description of this application.
- */
-void printDescription()
- cout << "Keywords:" << endl;
- cout << " Post-processing numerical simulation, Salome platform, " << endl;
- cout << " Large data set visualization, 3D meshes and fields" << endl;
- cout << "Description:" << endl;
- cout << " multipr is a partitionning/decimation tool of MED files." << endl;
- cout << " See http://www.salome-platform.org for information about MED or Salome." << endl;
- cout << " Note: current version only accept TETRA10 meshes." << endl;
- * \fn void printUsage()
- * \brief prints "how to use" manual of this tools.2NbPart
- */
-void printUsage()
- cout << "Usages:" << endl;
- cout << " --auto Autotest: performs some unit tests on the MULTIPR API" << endl;
- cout << " * Usage: --auto path (path where to find test file \"agregat100grains_12pas.med\")" << endl;
- cout << " --part1 Extracts all groups from a sequential MED file (V2.2 or higher)" << endl;
- cout << " * Usage: --part1 file.med meshName" << endl;
- cout << " --part2 Split a group of a distributed MED file (V2.3) produced with --part1" << endl;
- cout << " * Usage: --part2 file.med partName nbParts [splitter (0=METIS 1=SCOTCH)]" << endl;
- cout << " --decim Generates 3 level of details (full, medium and low) of a part" << endl;
- cout << " of a distributed MED file (V2.3)" << endl;
- cout << " * Usage: --decim file.med partName fieldName fieldIt filterName [...]" << endl;
- cout << " * Only one filter is currently available: Filtre_GradientMoyen" << endl;
- cout << " * Usage: --decim file.med partName fieldName fieldIt Filtre_GradientMoyen m l radius" << endl;
- cout << " where m=threshold for medium res. and l=threshold for low res.; assume m < l" << endl;
- cout << " --info Dumps all infos related to a mesh in a sequential MED file" << endl;
- cout << " * Usage: --info file.med [meshName]" << endl;
- cout << " --help Displays this help page" << endl;
- cout << endl;
- * \fn void printGlobals()
- * \brief print current state of all global variables.
- */
-void printGlobals()
- cout << endl;
- cout << "********************************************************************************" << endl;
- cout << "CONFIGURATION" << endl;
- cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "Mode : " << getUsage(g_usage) << endl;
- cout << "Med filename : " << ((g_medFilename != NULL) ? g_medFilename : "UNDEFINED") << endl;
- cout << "Mesh name : " << ((g_meshName != NULL) ? g_meshName : "UNDEFINED") << endl;
- cout << "Part name : " << ((g_partName != NULL) ? g_partName : "UNDEFINED") << endl;
- cout << "Nb parts : " << g_nbParts << endl;
- cout << "Decimation:" << endl;
- cout << " Field name : " << ((g_fieldName != NULL) ? g_fieldName : "UNDEFINED") << endl;
- cout << " Time step iteration : " << g_fieldTimeStepIt << endl;
- cout << " Filter name : " << ((g_filterName != NULL) ? g_filterName : "UNDEFINED") << endl;
- cout << " Threshold for med. res. : " << g_decimThresholdMed << endl;
- cout << " Threshold for low res. : " << g_decimThresholdLow << endl;
- cout << " Radius : " << g_decimRadius << endl;
- cout << " Boxing : " << g_boxing << endl;
- cout << "********************************************************************************" << endl;
- cout << endl;
- * \fn const char* getErrorMsg()
- * \brief returns the error message corresponding to current error code.
- * \return the current error message.
- */
-const char* getErrorMsg()
- switch (g_errorCode)
- {
- return "no error";
- return "unknown usage";
- return "wrong number of arguments";
- return "illegal argument";
- return "file not found";
- return "i/o error";
- default:
- return "error (undefined)";
- }
- * \fn void parseCommandLine(int argc, char** argv)
- * \brief parses the command line and configure this application.
- * \param argc number of arguments.
- * \param argv array of arguments.
- */
-void parseCommandLine(int argc, char** argv)
- if (argc == 1)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1],"--help") == 0)
- {
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--auto") == 0)
- {
- if (argc != 3)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- g_medFilename = argv[2];
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--part1") == 0)
- {
- if (argc != 4)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- g_medFilename = argv[2];
- g_meshName = argv[3];
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--part2") == 0)
- {
- if ((argc != 5) && (argc != 6))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- g_medFilename = argv[2];
- g_partName = argv[3];
- g_nbParts = atoi(argv[4]);
- if (argc == 6)
- {
- g_splitter = atoi(argv[5]);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--decim") == 0)
- {
- if ((argc != 10) && (argc != 11))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- g_medFilename = argv[2];
- g_partName = argv[3];
- g_fieldName = argv[4];
- g_fieldTimeStepIt = atoi(argv[5]);
- g_filterName = argv[6];
- g_decimThresholdMed = atof(argv[7]);
- g_decimThresholdLow = atof(argv[8]);
- g_decimRadius = atof(argv[9]);
- if (argc == 11)
- {
- g_boxing = atoi(argv[10]);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"--info") == 0)
- {
- if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- g_medFilename = argv[2];
- if (argc == 4)
- {
- g_meshName = argv[3];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- * \fn int runAutotest()
- * \brief performs some unit tests on the MULTIPR API.
- * \return MULTIPR_APP_OK if successful, MULTIPR_APP_FAILED if failure.
- */
-int runAutotest()
- cout << "Start autotest..." << endl;
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- try
- {
- string strMEDfilename = g_medFilename;
- strMEDfilename += "/agregat100grains_12pas.med";
- cout << "Test file: " << strMEDfilename << endl << endl;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test partionneDomaine() = extract groups from a sequential MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- multipr::partitionneDomaine(strMEDfilename.c_str(), "MAIL");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test partitionneGrain() = split a group from a distributed MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- string strDistributedMEDfilename = g_medFilename;
- strDistributedMEDfilename += "/agregat100grains_12pas_grains_maitre.med";
- multipr::partitionneGrain(
- strDistributedMEDfilename.c_str(),
- "MAIL_1",
- 4,
- multipr::MULTIPR_SCOTCH);
- multipr::partitionneGrain(
- strDistributedMEDfilename.c_str(),
- "MAIL_97",
- 3,
- multipr::MULTIPR_METIS);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test decimePartition() = generate 2 lower resolution of a mesh
- // using decimation based on gradient
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- multipr::decimePartition(
- strDistributedMEDfilename.c_str(),
- "MAIL_98",
- "SIG_____SIEF_ELGA_______________",
- 12,
- "Filtre_GradientMoyen",
- 10.0,
- 25.0,
- 0.3,
- 100);
- multipr::decimePartition(
- strDistributedMEDfilename.c_str(),
- "MAIL_92",
- "SIG_____SIEF_ELGA_______________",
- 11,
- "Filtre_GradientMoyen",
- 10.0,
- 25.0,
- 0.5,
- 10);
- multipr::decimePartition(
- strDistributedMEDfilename.c_str(),
- "MAIL_97_2",
- "SIG_____SIEF_ELGA_______________",
- 10,
- "Filtre_GradientMoyen",
- 10.0,
- 25.0,
- 0.4,
- 20);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test passed: OK!
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- cout << endl;
- cout << "Test passed: everything seems to be OK" << endl;
- cout << "OK" << endl << endl;
- }
- catch (multipr::RuntimeException& e)
- {
- e.dump(cout);
- cout << endl;
- cout << "Test failed" << endl;
- cout << "Failure" << endl << endl;
- }
- return ret;
- * \fn void runPartition1()
- * \brief builds a distributed MED file (v2.3) by extracting groups from a sequential MED file.
- * \return MULTIPR_APP_OK if successful, MULTIPR_APP_FAILED if failure.
- */
-int runPartition1()
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- try
- {
- multipr::partitionneDomaine(g_medFilename, g_meshName);
- }
- catch (multipr::RuntimeException& e)
- {
- e.dump(cout);
- }
- return ret;
- * \fn void runPartition2()
- * \brief builds a distributed MED file (v2.3) by splitting a part of a distributed MED file generated by runPartition1().
- * \return MULTIPR_APP_OK if successful, MULTIPR_APP_FAILED if failure.
- */
-int runPartition2()
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- try
- {
- multipr::partitionneGrain(
- g_medFilename,
- g_partName,
- g_nbParts,
- g_splitter);
- }
- catch (multipr::RuntimeException& e)
- {
- e.dump(cout);
- }
- return ret;
- * \fn int runDecimation()
- * \brief creates 3 resolutions of a part of a distributed MED file.
- * \return MULTIPR_APP_OK if successful, MULTIPR_APP_FAILED if failure.
- */
-int runDecimation()
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- try
- {
- multipr::decimePartition(
- g_medFilename,
- g_partName,
- g_fieldName,
- g_fieldTimeStepIt,
- g_filterName,
- g_decimThresholdMed,
- g_decimThresholdLow,
- g_decimRadius,
- g_boxing);
- }
- catch (multipr::RuntimeException& e)
- {
- e.dump(cout);
- }
- return ret;
- * \fn int runDumpMED()
- * \brief dumps info about a sequential MED file.
- * \return MULTIPR_APP_OK if successful, MULTIPR_APP_FAILED if failure.
- */
-int runDumpMED()
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- try
- {
- // if mesh is unknown, then list all the meshes in the given MED file
- if (g_meshName == NULL)
- {
- multipr::Obj obj;
- obj.create(g_medFilename);
- {
- // display list of meshes contained in the MED file
- vector<string> res = obj.getMeshes();
- cout << "List of meshes in this MED file:" << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < res.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << "Mesh " << (i + 1) << ": \"" << res[i] << "\"" << endl;
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- {
- // display list of fields contained in the MED file
- vector<string> names = obj.getFields();
- cout << "List of scalar fields in this MED file:" << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < names.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << "Field " << (i + 1) << ": \"" << names[i] << "\" #Time stamps=" << obj.getTimeStamps(names[i].c_str()) << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // display all infos about one mesh in a MED file
- multipr::Mesh mesh;
- mesh.readSequentialMED(g_medFilename, g_meshName);
- mesh.setPrintAll(true);
- cout << mesh << endl;
- }
- cout << "OK" << endl;
- }
- catch (multipr::RuntimeException& e)
- {
- e.dump(cout);
- }
- return ret;
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- try
- {
- // if mesh is unknown, then list all the meshes in the given MED file
- if (g_meshName == NULL)
- {
- {
- // display list of meshes contained in the MED file
- vector<string> res = multipr::getListMeshes(g_medFilename);
- cout << "List of meshes in this MED file:" << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < res.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << "Mesh " << (i + 1) << ": \"" << res[i] << "\"" << endl;
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- {
- // display list of fields contained in the MED file
- vector<pair<string,int> > res = multipr::getListScalarFields(g_medFilename);
- cout << "List of scalar fields in this MED file:" << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < res.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << "Field " << (i + 1) << ": \"" << res[i].first << "\" #Time stamps=" << res[i].second << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // display all infos about one mesh in a MED file
- multipr::Mesh mesh;
- mesh.readSequentialMED(g_medFilename, g_meshName);
- mesh.setPrintAll(true);
- cout << mesh << endl;
- }
- cout << "OK" << endl;
- }
- catch (multipr::RuntimeException& e)
- {
- e.dump(cout);
- }
- return ret;
- * \fn int run()
- * \brief applies partitioning/decimation according to global parameters.
- * \return MULTIPR_APP_OK if successful, MULTIPR_APP_FAILED if failure.
- */
-int run()
- printGlobals();
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK;
- switch (g_usage)
- {
- case MULTIPR_USAGE_AUTOTEST: ret = runAutotest(); break;
- case MULTIPR_USAGE_PARTITION1: ret = runPartition1(); break;
- case MULTIPR_USAGE_PARTITION2: ret = runPartition2(); break;
- case MULTIPR_USAGE_DECIMATION: ret = runDecimation(); break;
- case MULTIPR_USAGE_INFO: ret = runDumpMED(); break;
- default:
- cout << "ERROR: unknown usage" << endl;
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- * \fn int main(int argc, char** argv)
- * \brief entry point of the application.
- * \param argc number of arguments.
- * \param argv list of arguments.
- * \return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
- */
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
- string strTitle = string("multipr v") + string(multipr::getVersion()) + string(" - by EDF/CS - 03/2007");
- string strUnderline = "";
- for (int i = 0, len = strTitle.length() ; i < len ; i++) strUnderline += '=';
- cout << strTitle << endl;
- cout << strUnderline << endl;
- cout << "Version MULTIPR_Obj" << endl;
- #else
- cout << "Version MULTIPR_API" << endl;
- #endif
- parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
- int ret = MULTIPR_APP_OK; // assume no error at the beginning
- if (g_usage == MULTIPR_USAGE_UNKNOWN)
- {
- if (argc != 1)
- {
- // if usage is unknown and there are some arguments, print an error message
- cout << "ERROR: " << getErrorMsg() << endl;
- cout << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- // if no argument, print a description of this application
- printDescription();
- }
- printUsage();
- }
- else if (g_usage == MULTIPR_USAGE_DISPLAY_HELP)
- {
- printDescription();
- printUsage();
- }
- else
- {
- // the application seems to be configured properly: it can be executed
- ret = run();
- }
- return ret;
-// EOF
# .po files to transform in .qm
-PO_FILES = MULTIPR_msg_en.po MULTIPR_icons.po
+PO_FILES = MULTIPR_msg_en.po MULTIPR_icons.po
# Libraries targets
-LIB_CLIENT_IDL = SALOMEDS.idl SALOME_Exception.idl SALOME_ModuleCatalog.idl SALOMEDS_Attributes.idl SALOME_Component.idl SALOME_GenericObj.idl MULTIPR.idl Logger.idl
+LIB_CLIENT_IDL = SALOMEDS.idl SALOME_Exception.idl SALOME_ModuleCatalog.idl \
+ SALOMEDS_Attributes.idl SALOME_Component.idl SALOME_GenericObj.idl \
+ MULTIPR.idl Logger.idl
-LDFLAGS += $(KERNEL_LDFLAGS) $(GUI_LDFLAGS) $(MED_LDFLAGS) $(MED2_LIBS) -lSalomeApp -lmed -lmedsplitter -lmedmem -lmed_V2_1 -lSALOMELocalTrace -lMULTIPREngine
+ -lSALOMELocalTrace -lSalomeApp -lmed -lmedsplitter -lmedmem -lmed_V2_1 \