#include <iostream.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
+#include "SALOME_Component_i.hxx"
#include "MPIContainer_i.hxx"
#include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
#include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
#include "OpUtil.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "Container_init_python.hxx"
using namespace std;
// L'appel au registry SALOME ne se fait que pour le process 0
// Load component
-Engines::Component_ptr Engines_MPIContainer_i::load_impl(const char* nameToRegister,
- const char* componentName)
+void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Shutdown()
int ip;
+ MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] shutdown of MPI Corba Server");
+ if( _numproc == 0 ){
+ _NS->Destroy_FullDirectory(_containerName.c_str());
+ for(ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Shutdown();
+ }
+ _orb->shutdown(0);
+// Load a component library
+bool Engines_MPIContainer_i::load_component_Library(const char* componentName)
if( _numproc == 0 ){
// Invocation du chargement du composant dans les autres process
- for(ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ for(int ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Asload_component_Library(componentName);
+ }
+ return Lload_component_Library(componentName);
+void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Asload_component_Library(const char* componentName)
+ Lload_component_Library(componentName);
+bool Engines_MPIContainer_i::Lload_component_Library(const char* componentName)
+ string aCompName = componentName;
+ // --- try dlopen C++ component
+ string impl_name = string ("lib") + aCompName + string("Engine.so");
+ SCRUTE(impl_name);
+ _numInstanceMutex.lock(); // lock to be alone
+ // (see decInstanceCnt, finalize_removal))
+ if (_toRemove_map[impl_name]) _toRemove_map.erase(impl_name);
+ if (_library_map[impl_name])
+ {
+ MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] Library " << impl_name << " already loaded");
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void* handle;
+ handle = dlopen( impl_name.c_str() , RTLD_LAZY ) ;
+ if ( handle )
+ {
+ _library_map[impl_name] = handle;
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFOS("[" << _numproc << "] Can't load shared library : " << impl_name);
+ INFOS("[" << _numproc << "] error dlopen: " << dlerror());
+ }
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock();
+ // --- try import Python component
+ INFOS("[" << _numproc << "] try import Python component "<<componentName);
+ if (_isSupervContainer)
+ {
+ INFOS("[" << _numproc << "] Supervision Container does not support Python Component Engines");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_library_map[aCompName])
+ {
+ return true; // Python Component, already imported
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PyObject *mainmod = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ PyObject *globals = PyModule_GetDict(mainmod);
+ PyObject *pyCont = PyDict_GetItemString(globals, "pyCont");
+ PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(pyCont,
+ "import_component",
+ "s",componentName);
+ int ret= PyInt_AsLong(result);
+ SCRUTE(ret);
+ if (ret) // import possible: Python component
+ {
+ _library_map[aCompName] = (void *)pyCont; // any non O value OK
+ MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] import Python: "<<aCompName<<" OK");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Create an instance of component
+Engines_MPIContainer_i::create_component_instance( const char* componentName,
+ CORBA::Long studyId)
+ if( _numproc == 0 ){
+ // Invocation du chargement du composant dans les autres process
+ for(int ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Ascreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
+ }
+ return Lcreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
+void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Ascreate_component_instance( const char* componentName,
+ CORBA::Long studyId)
+ Lcreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
+Engines_MPIContainer_i::Lcreate_component_instance( const char* genericRegisterName, CORBA::Long studyId)
+ if (studyId < 0) {
+ INFOS("studyId must be > 0 for mono study instance, =0 for multiStudy");
+ return Engines::Component::_nil() ;
+ }
+ Engines::Component_var iobject = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
+ Engines::MPIObject_var pobj;
+ string aCompName = genericRegisterName;
+ if (_library_map[aCompName]) { // Python component
+ if (_isSupervContainer) {
+ INFOS("Supervision Container does not support Python Component Engines");
+ return Engines::Component::_nil();
+ }
+ _numInstanceMutex.lock() ; // lock on the instance number
+ _numInstance++ ;
+ int numInstance = _numInstance ;
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock() ;
+ char aNumI[12];
+ sprintf( aNumI , "%d" , numInstance ) ;
+ string instanceName = aCompName + "_inst_" + aNumI ;
+ string component_registerName =
+ _containerName + "/" + instanceName;
+ PyObject *mainmod = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ PyObject *globals = PyModule_GetDict(mainmod);
+ PyObject *pyCont = PyDict_GetItemString(globals, "pyCont");
+ PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(pyCont,
+ "create_component_instance",
+ "ssl",
+ aCompName.c_str(),
+ instanceName.c_str(),
+ studyId);
+ string iors = PyString_AsString(result);
+ SCRUTE(iors);
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = _orb->string_to_object(iors.c_str());
+ iobject = Engines::Component::_narrow( obj ) ;
+ pobj = Engines::MPIObject::_narrow(obj) ;
+ if( _numproc == 0 )
+ _NS->Register(iobject, component_registerName.c_str()) ;
+ // Root recupere les ior des composants des autre process
+ BCastIOR(_orb,pobj,false);
+ return iobject._retn();
+ }
+ //--- try C++
+ string impl_name = string ("lib") + genericRegisterName +string("Engine.so");
+ void* handle = _library_map[impl_name];
+ if ( !handle ) {
+ INFOS("shared library " << impl_name <<"must be loaded before instance");
+ return Engines::Component::_nil() ;
+ }
+ else {
+ iobject = createMPIInstance(genericRegisterName,
+ handle,
+ studyId);
+ return iobject._retn();
+ }
+Engines_MPIContainer_i::createMPIInstance(string genericRegisterName,
+ void *handle,
+ int studyId)
+ Engines::Component_var iobject;
+ Engines::MPIObject_var pobj;
+ // --- find the factory
+ string aGenRegisterName = genericRegisterName;
+ string factory_name = aGenRegisterName + string("Engine_factory");
+ SCRUTE(factory_name) ;
+ typedef PortableServer::ObjectId * (*MPIFACTORY_FUNCTION)
+ (int,int,
+ CORBA::ORB_ptr,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId *,
+ const char *,
+ const char *) ;
+ = (MPIFACTORY_FUNCTION) dlsym(handle, factory_name.c_str());
+ char *error ;
+ if ( (error = dlerror() ) != NULL) {
+ // Try to load a sequential component
+ MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] Try to load a sequential component");
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock() ;
+ iobject = Engines_Container_i::createInstance(genericRegisterName,handle,studyId);
+ if( CORBA::is_nil(iobject) ) return Engines::Component::_duplicate(iobject);
+ }
+ // --- create instance
+ iobject = Engines::Component::_nil() ;
+ try
+ {
+ _numInstanceMutex.lock() ; // lock on the instance number
+ _numInstance++ ;
+ int numInstance = _numInstance ;
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock() ;
+ char aNumI[12];
+ sprintf( aNumI , "%d" , numInstance ) ;
+ string instanceName = aGenRegisterName + "_inst_" + aNumI ;
+ string component_registerName =
+ _containerName + "/" + instanceName;
+ // --- Instanciate required CORBA object
+ PortableServer::ObjectId *id ; //not owner, do not delete (nore use var)
+ id = (MPIComponent_factory) ( _nbproc,_numproc,_orb, _poa, _id, instanceName.c_str(),
+ aGenRegisterName.c_str() ) ;
+ // --- get reference & servant from id
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = _poa->id_to_reference(*id);
+ iobject = Engines::Component::_narrow( obj ) ;
+ pobj = Engines::MPIObject::_narrow(obj) ;
+ Engines_Component_i *servant =
+ dynamic_cast<Engines_Component_i*>(_poa->reference_to_servant(iobject));
+ ASSERT(servant);
+ //SCRUTE(servant->pd_refCount);
+ servant->_remove_ref(); // compensate previous id_to_reference
+ //SCRUTE(servant->pd_refCount);
+ _listInstances_map[instanceName] = iobject;
+ _cntInstances_map[aGenRegisterName] += 1;
+ SCRUTE(aGenRegisterName);
+ SCRUTE(_cntInstances_map[aGenRegisterName]);
+ //SCRUTE(servant->pd_refCount);
+ bool ret_studyId = servant->setStudyId(studyId);
+ ASSERT(ret_studyId);
+ // --- register the engine under the name
+ // containerName(.dir)/instanceName(.object)
+ if( _numproc == 0 ){
+ _NS->Register( iobject , component_registerName.c_str() ) ;
+ MESSAGE( component_registerName.c_str() << " bound" ) ;
+ }
+ // Root recupere les ior des composants des autre process
+ BCastIOR(_orb,pobj,false);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ INFOS( "Container_i::createInstance exception catched" ) ;
+ }
+ return iobject._retn();
+// Load component
+Engines::Component_ptr Engines_MPIContainer_i::load_impl(const char* nameToRegister,
+ const char* componentName)
+ if( _numproc == 0 ){
+ // Invocation du chargement du composant dans les autres process
+ for(int ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
END_OF("[" << _numproc << "] MPIContainer_i::Lfinalize_removal");
-// Load component
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Shutdown()
- int ip;
- MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] shutdown of MPI Corba Server");
- if( _numproc == 0 ){
- _NS->Destroy_FullDirectory(_containerName.c_str());
- for(ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
- (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Shutdown();
- }
- _orb->shutdown(0);