- // Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// few STL include files
-#include <map>
// few Med Memory include files
-#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_SkyLineArray.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ConnectZone.hxx"
+// few STL include files
+#include <map>
using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
#include "MEDPARTITIONER.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_SkyLineArray.hxx"
// few STL include files
#include <map>
#include <string>
-// few Med Memory include files
-// #include "MEDMEM_STRING.hxx"
-// #include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
-// #include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MEDPARTITIONER_SkyLineArray.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_Topology.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
#include "BBTree.txx"
+ //if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"TODO ~JointFinder"<<endl;
void JointFinder::findCommonDistantNodes()
int nbdomain=_topology->nbDomain();
- for (int i=0; i<nbdomain;i++)
- {
- _distant_node_cell[i].resize(nbdomain);
- _node_node[i].resize(nbdomain);
- }
+ for (int i=0; i<nbdomain; i++)
+ {
+ _distant_node_cell[i].resize(nbdomain);
+ _node_node[i].resize(nbdomain);
+ }
int nbproc=_domain_selector->nbProcs();
- std::vector<BBTree<3>* > bbtree(nbdomain);
- std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> rev(nbdomain);
- std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>revIndx(nbdomain);
+ std::vector<BBTree<3>* > bbtree(nbdomain,(BBTree<3>*) 0);
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> rev(nbdomain,(DataArrayInt*) 0);
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> revIndx(nbdomain,(DataArrayInt*) 0);
int meshDim;
int spaceDim;
- for (int mydomain=0;mydomain<nbdomain;mydomain++)
+ //init rev and revIndx and bbtree for my domain (of me:proc n)
+ for (int mydomain=0; mydomain<nbdomain; mydomain++)
+ {
+ if(!_domain_selector->isMyDomain(mydomain)) continue;
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* myMesh=_mesh_collection.getMesh(mydomain);
+ meshDim=myMesh->getMeshDimension();
+ spaceDim= myMesh->getSpaceDimension();
+ rev[mydomain] = ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ revIndx[mydomain] = ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ myMesh->getReverseNodalConnectivity(rev[mydomain],revIndx[mydomain]);
+ double* bbx=new double[2*spaceDim*myMesh->getNumberOfNodes()];
+ for (int i=0; i<myMesh->getNumberOfNodes()*spaceDim; i++)
+ {
+ const double* coords=myMesh->getCoords()->getConstPointer();
+ bbx[2*i]=(coords[i])-1e-12;
+ bbx[2*i+1]=bbx[2*i]+2e-12;
+ }
+ bbtree[mydomain]=new BBTree<3> (bbx,0,0,myMesh->getNumberOfNodes(),-1e-12);
+ delete[] bbx;
+ }
+ //send my domains to other proc an receive other domains from other proc
+ for (int isource=0; isource<nbdomain; isource++)
+ {
+ for (int itarget=0; itarget<nbdomain; itarget++)
- if(! _domain_selector->isMyDomain(mydomain)) continue;
- const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* myMesh=_mesh_collection.getMesh(mydomain);
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* sourceMesh=_mesh_collection.getMesh(isource);
+ if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(isource)&&_domain_selector->isMyDomain(itarget)) continue;
+ if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(isource))
+ {
+ //preparing data for treatment on target proc
+ int targetProc = _domain_selector->getProcessorID(itarget);
+ std::vector<double> vec(spaceDim*sourceMesh->getNumberOfNodes());
+ //cvw cout<<"\nproc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : numberOfNodes "<<sourceMesh->getNumberOfNodes()<<endl;
+ std::copy(sourceMesh->getCoords()->getConstPointer(),sourceMesh->getCoords()->getConstPointer()+sourceMesh->getNumberOfNodes()*spaceDim,&vec[0]);
+ sendDoubleVec(vec,targetProc);
+ //retrieving target data for storage in commonDistantNodes array
+ std::vector<int> localCorrespondency;
+ recvIntVec(localCorrespondency, targetProc);
+ //cvw cout<<"\nproc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : nodeCellCorrespondency ";
+ for (int i=0; i<localCorrespondency.size()/2; i++)
+ {
+ _distant_node_cell[isource][itarget].insert(std::make_pair(localCorrespondency[2*i],localCorrespondency[2*i+1]));
+ //cvw cout<<" "<<localCorrespondency[2*i]<<"/"<<localCorrespondency[2*i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(itarget))
+ {
+ //receiving data from source proc
+ int sourceProc = isource%nbproc;
+ std::vector<double> recvVec;
+ recvDoubleVec(recvVec,sourceProc);
+ std::map<int,int> commonNodes; // (local nodes, distant nodes) list
+ //cvw cout<<"\nproc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : commonNodes ";
+ for (int inode=0; inode<(recvVec.size()/meshDim); inode++)
+ {
+ double* bbox=new double[2*spaceDim];
+ for (int i=0; i<spaceDim; i++)
+ {
+ bbox[2*i]=recvVec[inode*spaceDim+i]-1e-12;
+ bbox[2*i+1]=bbox[2*i]+2e-12;
+ }
+ std::vector<int> inodes;
+ bbtree[itarget]->getIntersectingElems(bbox,inodes);
+ delete[] bbox;
- meshDim=myMesh->getMeshDimension();
- spaceDim= myMesh->getSpaceDimension();
- rev[mydomain] = ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
- revIndx[mydomain] = ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
- myMesh->getReverseNodalConnectivity(rev[mydomain],revIndx[mydomain]);
- double* bbx=new double[2*spaceDim*myMesh->getNumberOfNodes()];
- for (int i=0; i<myMesh->getNumberOfNodes()*spaceDim;i++)
+ if (inodes.size()>0)
+ {
+ commonNodes.insert(std::make_pair(inodes[0],inode));
+ //cvw cout<<" "<<inodes[0]<<"/"<<inode;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<int> nodeCellCorrespondency;
+ for (std::map<int,int>::iterator iter=commonNodes.begin(); iter!=commonNodes.end(); iter++)
- const double* coords=myMesh->getCoords()->getConstPointer();
- bbx[2*i]=(coords[i])-1e-12;
- bbx[2*i+1]=bbx[2*i]+2e-12;
+ _node_node[itarget][isource].push_back(std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second));//storing node pairs in a vector
+ const int* revIndxPtr=revIndx[itarget]->getConstPointer();
+ const int* revPtr=rev[itarget]->getConstPointer();
+ for (int icell=revIndxPtr[iter->first]; icell<revIndxPtr[iter->first+1]; icell++)
+ {
+ nodeCellCorrespondency.push_back(iter->second); //
+ int globalCell=_topology->convertCellToGlobal(itarget,revPtr[icell]);
+ nodeCellCorrespondency.push_back(globalCell);
+ //nodeCellCorrespondency.push_back(revPtr[icell]); //need to set at global numerotation
+ //cout<<"processor "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : isource "<<isource<<" itarget "<<itarget<<
+ // " node "<<iter->second<<" cellLoc "<<revPtr[icell]<<" cellGlob "<<globalCell<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : JointFinder sendIntVec "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<std::endl; //cvwdebug
+ sendIntVec(nodeCellCorrespondency, sourceProc); //itarget proc send to other (otherLocalNode-itargetGlobalCell)
- bbtree[mydomain]=new BBTree<3> (bbx,0,0,myMesh->getNumberOfNodes(),-1e-12);
+ }
+ }
+ //free rev(nbdomain) revIndx(nbdomain) bbtree(nbdomain)
+ for (int i=0; i<nbdomain; i++)
+ {
+ if (rev[i]!=0) rev[i]->decrRef();
+ if (revIndx[i]!=0) revIndx[i]->decrRef();
+ if (bbtree[i]!=0) delete bbtree[i];
- for (int isource=0;isource<nbdomain;isource++)
- for (int itarget=0;itarget<nbdomain;itarget++)
- {
- const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* sourceMesh=_mesh_collection.getMesh(isource);
- if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(isource)&&_domain_selector->isMyDomain(itarget)) continue;
- if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(isource))
- {
- //preparing data for treatment on target proc
- int targetProc = _domain_selector->getProcessorID(itarget);
- std::vector<double> vec(spaceDim*sourceMesh->getNumberOfNodes());
- std::copy(sourceMesh->getCoords()->getConstPointer(),sourceMesh->getCoords()->getConstPointer()+sourceMesh->getNumberOfNodes()*spaceDim,&vec[0]);
- _domain_selector->sendDoubleVec (vec,targetProc);
- //retrieving target data for storage in commonDistantNodes array
- std::vector<int> localCorrespondency;
- _domain_selector->recvIntVec(localCorrespondency, targetProc);
- for (int i=0; i<localCorrespondency.size()/2;i++)
- _distant_node_cell[isource][itarget].insert(std::make_pair(localCorrespondency[2*i],localCorrespondency[2*i+1]));
- }
- if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(itarget))
- {
- //receiving data from source proc
- int sourceProc = isource%nbproc;
- std::vector<double> recvVec;
- _domain_selector->recvDoubleVec(recvVec,sourceProc);
- std::map<int,int> commonNodes; // (local nodes, distant nodes) list
- for (int inode=0; inode<(recvVec.size()/meshDim);inode++)
- {
- double* bbox=new double[2*spaceDim];
- for (int i=0; i<spaceDim;i++)
- {
- bbox[2*i]=recvVec[inode*spaceDim+i]-1e-12;
- bbox[2*i+1]=bbox[2*i]+2e-12;
- }
- std::vector<int> inodes;
- bbtree[itarget]->getIntersectingElems(bbox,inodes);
- delete[] bbox;
- if (inodes.size()>0) commonNodes.insert(std::make_pair(inodes[0],inode));
- }
- std::vector<int> nodeCellCorrespondency;
- for (std::map<int,int>::iterator iter=commonNodes.begin();iter!=commonNodes.end();iter++)
- {
- _node_node[itarget][isource].push_back(std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second));//storing node pairs in a vector
- const int*revIndxPtr=revIndx[itarget]->getConstPointer();
- const int*revPtr=rev[itarget]->getConstPointer();
- for (int icell=revIndxPtr[iter->first];icell<revIndxPtr[iter->first+1];icell++)
- {
- nodeCellCorrespondency.push_back(iter->second);
- nodeCellCorrespondency.push_back(revPtr[icell]);
- }
- }
- _domain_selector->sendIntVec(nodeCellCorrespondency, sourceProc);
- }
- }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100)
+ std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : end JointFinder::findCommonDistantNodes"<<std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<std::multimap<int,int> > > & JointFinder::getDistantNodeCell()
return _distant_node_cell;
return _node_node;
+void JointFinder::print()
+//it is for debug on small arrays under mpi 2,3 cpus
+ int nbdomain=_topology->nbDomain();
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>0)
+ cout<<"\nJointFinder print node-node (nn)iproc|itarget|isource|i|inodefirst-inodesecond\n\n"<<
+ "JointFinder print distantNode=cell (nc)iproc|itarget|isource|inode=icell\n\n";
+ for (int isource=0; isource<nbdomain; isource++)
+ {
+ for (int itarget=0; itarget<nbdomain; itarget++)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<_node_node[itarget][isource].size(); i++)
+ cout<<" nn"<<_domain_selector->rank()<<itarget<<"|"<<isource<<"|"<<i<<"|"<<
+ _node_node[itarget][isource][i].first<<"-"<<
+ _node_node[itarget][isource][i].second;
+ }
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : JointFinder _distant_node_cell itarget/isource/inode=icell"<<endl;
+ for (int isource=0; isource<nbdomain; isource++)
+ {
+ for (int itarget=0; itarget<nbdomain; itarget++)
+ {
+ std::multimap<int,int>::iterator it;
+ for (it=_distant_node_cell[isource][itarget].begin() ; it!=_distant_node_cell[isource][itarget].end(); it++)
+ {
+ cout<<" nc"<<_domain_selector->rank()<<"|"<<itarget<<"|"<<isource<<"|"<<(*it).first<<"="<<(*it).second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
JointFinder(const MESHCollection& mc);
+ ~JointFinder();
void findCommonDistantNodes();
+ void print();
std::vector<std::vector<std::multimap<int,int> > >& getDistantNodeCell();
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > > >& getNodeNode();
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::multimap<int,int> > > _distant_node_cell;
const MESHCollection& _mesh_collection;
const ParaDomainSelector* _domain_selector;
const Topology* _topology;
- std::vector<std::vector<std::multimap<int,int> > > _distant_node_cell;
+ //std::vector<std::vector<std::multimap<int,int> > > _distant_node_cell;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > > > _node_node;
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingNormalizedUnstructuredMesh.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingMemArray.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_JointFinder.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_UserGraph.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+#include <mpi.h>
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_METISGraph.hxx"
- _create_empty_groups(false)
+ _create_empty_groups(false),
+ _joint_finder(0)
* \param topology topology containing the cell mappings
-MESHCollection::MESHCollection(MESHCollection& initialCollection, Topology* topology, bool family_splitting, bool create_empty_groups)
+ MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ Topology* topology,
+ bool family_splitting,
+ bool create_empty_groups) //cvwat04
: _name(initialCollection._name),
- _create_empty_groups(create_empty_groups)
+ _create_empty_groups(create_empty_groups),
+ _joint_finder(0)
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > new2oldIds(initialCollection.getTopology()->nbDomain());
- castCellMeshes(initialCollection, new2oldIds);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) std::cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : castCellMeshes"<<std::endl;
+ castCellMeshes(initialCollection, new2oldIds);
//defining the name for the collection and the underlying meshes
- /////////////////:
- // treating faces
+ /////////////////
+ //treating faces
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) std::cout<<"treating faces"<<std::endl;
NodeMapping nodeMapping;
+ //nodeMapping contains the mapping between old nodes and new nodes
+ // (iolddomain,ioldnode)->(inewdomain,inewnode)
createNodeMapping(initialCollection, nodeMapping);
+ //cvw std::cout<<"castMeshes"<<std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > new2oldFaceIds;
- castMeshes(initialCollection.getFaceMesh(), this->getFaceMesh(),initialCollection, nodeMapping, new2oldFaceIds);
+ castFaceMeshes(initialCollection, nodeMapping, new2oldFaceIds);
//treating families
- _faceFamilyIds.resize(topology->nbDomain());
- _cellFamilyIds.resize(topology->nbDomain());
- //allocating family ids arrays
- for (int inew=0; inew<topology->nbDomain();inew++)
- {
- if(isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)) continue;
- _cellFamilyIds[inew]=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
- int nbCells=_mesh[inew]->getNumberOfCells();
- int* ptrCellIds=new int[nbCells];
- for (int i=0; i< nbCells;i++) ptrCellIds[i]=0;
- _cellFamilyIds[inew]->useArray(ptrCellIds,true, ParaMEDMEM::CPP_DEALLOC,nbCells,1);
- int nbFaces=_faceMesh[inew]->getNumberOfCells();
- _faceFamilyIds[inew]=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
- int* ptrFaceIds=new int[nbFaces];
- for (int i=0; i<nbFaces;i++) ptrFaceIds[i]=0;
- _faceFamilyIds[inew]->useArray(ptrFaceIds,true, ParaMEDMEM::CPP_DEALLOC,nbFaces,1);
- }
- //casting cell and face families on new meshes
- castIntField(initialCollection.getMesh(), this->getMesh(),initialCollection.getCellFamilyIds(),_cellFamilyIds);
- castIntField(initialCollection.getFaceMesh(), this->getFaceMesh(),initialCollection.getFaceFamilyIds(),_faceFamilyIds);
- ///////////////////////
- ////treating groups
- //////////////////////
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose)
+ if (isParallelMode()) std::cout<<"ParallelMode on "<<topology->nbDomain()<<" Domains"<<std::endl;
+ else std::cout<<"NOT ParallelMode on "<<topology->nbDomain()<<" Domains"<<std::endl;
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>10) std::cout<<"treating cell and face families"<<std::endl;
+ castIntField2(initialCollection.getMesh(),
+ this->getMesh(),
+ initialCollection.getCellFamilyIds(),
+ "cellFamily");
+ castIntField2(initialCollection.getFaceMesh(),
+ this->getFaceMesh(),
+ initialCollection.getFaceFamilyIds(),
+ "faceFamily");
+ //////////////////
+ //treating groups
+ //////////////////
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) std::cout<<"treating groups"<<std::endl;
+ //////////////////
+ //treating fields
+ //////////////////
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) std::cout<<"treating fields"<<std::endl;
+ //cvwat08
+ castAllFields(initialCollection,"cellFieldDouble");
+ //castAllFields(initialCollection,"faceFieldsIds");
-Creates the meshes using the topology underlying he mesh collection and the mesh data coming from the ancient collection
+Creates the meshes using the topology underlying he mesh collection and the mesh data
+coming from the ancient collection
\param initialCollection collection from which the data is extracted to create the new meshes
-void MESHCollection::castCellMeshes(MESHCollection& initialCollection, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds)
+void MESHCollection::castCellMeshes(
+ MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds)
- if (_topology==0) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Topology has not been defined on call to castCellMeshes");
- _mesh.resize(_topology->nbDomain());
+ if (_topology==0) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Topology has not been defined on call to castCellMeshes"));
- //splitting the initial domains into smaller bits
+ int nbNewDomain=_topology->nbDomain();
+ int nbOldDomain=initialCollection.getTopology()->nbDomain();
+ _mesh.resize(nbNewDomain);
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ //if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) std::cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : castCellMeshes splitting"<<std::endl;
+ //splitting the initial domains into smaller bits
std::vector<std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> > splitMeshes;
- splitMeshes.resize(_topology->nbDomain());
- for (int inew=0; inew<_topology->nbDomain();inew++)
- {
- splitMeshes[inew].resize(initialCollection.getTopology()->nbDomain());
- std::fill(&(splitMeshes[inew][0]),&(splitMeshes[inew][0])+splitMeshes[inew].size(),(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)0);
- }
+ splitMeshes.resize(nbNewDomain);
+ for (int inew=0; inew<nbNewDomain; inew++)
+ {
+ splitMeshes[inew].resize(nbOldDomain, (ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)0);
+ /*std::fill( &(splitMeshes[inew][0]),
+ &(splitMeshes[inew][0])+splitMeshes[inew].size(),
+ (ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)0 );*/
+ }
- for (int iold=0; iold<initialCollection.getTopology()->nbDomain();iold++)
+ for (int iold=0; iold<nbOldDomain; iold++)
+ {
+ if (!isParallelMode() || initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold))
- if (!isParallelMode() || initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold))
- {
- int size=(initialCollection._mesh)[iold]->getNumberOfCells();
- std::vector<int> globalids(size);
- initialCollection.getTopology()->getCellList(iold, &globalids[0]);
- std::vector<int> ilocalnew(size);
- std::vector<int> ipnew(size);
- _topology->convertGlobalCellList(&globalids[0],size,&ilocalnew[0],&ipnew[0]);
- new2oldIds[iold].resize(_topology->nbDomain());
- for (int i=0; i<ilocalnew.size();i++)
- {
- new2oldIds[iold][ipnew[i]].push_back(i);
- }
- for (int inew=0;inew<_topology->nbDomain();inew++)
- {
- splitMeshes[inew][iold]=(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)(initialCollection.getMesh())[iold]->buildPartOfMySelf(&new2oldIds[iold][inew][0],&new2oldIds[iold][inew][0]+new2oldIds[iold][inew].size(),true);
- }
- }
+ int size=(initialCollection._mesh)[iold]->getNumberOfCells();
+ std::vector<int> globalids(size);
+ initialCollection.getTopology()->getCellList(iold, &globalids[0]);
+ std::vector<int> ilocalnew(size); //local
+ std::vector<int> ipnew(size); //idomain old
+ //cvw work locally
+ _topology->convertGlobalCellList(&globalids[0],size,&ilocalnew[0],&ipnew[0]);
+ new2oldIds[iold].resize(nbNewDomain);
+ for (int i=0; i<ilocalnew.size(); i++)
+ {
+ new2oldIds[iold][ipnew[i]].push_back(i);
+ }
+ for (int inew=0; inew<nbNewDomain; inew++)
+ {
+ splitMeshes[inew][iold]=(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)
+ (initialCollection.getMesh())[iold]->buildPartOfMySelf(
+ &new2oldIds[iold][inew][0],
+ &new2oldIds[iold][inew][0]+new2oldIds[iold][inew].size(),
+ true);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>400)
+ std::cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : a splitMesh iold inew NbCells "<<iold<<" "<<inew<<" "
+ <<splitMeshes[inew][iold]->getNumberOfCells()<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
if (isParallelMode())
- {
- for (int iold=0; iold<initialCollection.getTopology()->nbDomain();iold++)
- for(int inew=0;inew<_topology->nbDomain();inew++)
- {
- if (initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)) continue;
- if(initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold))
- _domain_selector->sendMesh(*(splitMeshes[inew][iold]),_domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
- if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- _domain_selector->recvMesh(splitMeshes[inew][iold],_domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
- }
- }
+ {
+ //if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300) std::cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : castCellMeshes send/receive"<<std::endl;
+ for (int iold=0; iold<nbOldDomain; iold++)
+ for(int inew=0; inew<nbNewDomain; inew++)
+ {
+ if (initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)) continue;
+ if(initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold))
+ _domain_selector->sendMesh(*(splitMeshes[inew][iold]),_domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
+ if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ _domain_selector->recvMesh(splitMeshes[inew][iold],_domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
+ }
+ }
//fusing the split meshes
- for (int inew=0; inew<_topology->nbDomain() ;inew++)
- {
- std::vector<const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> meshes;
- for (int i=0; i< splitMeshes[inew].size();i++)
- if (splitMeshes[inew][i]!=0) meshes.push_back(splitMeshes[inew][i]);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>200) std::cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : castCellMeshes fusing"<<std::endl;
+ for (int inew=0; inew<nbNewDomain ;inew++)
+ {
+ std::vector<const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> meshes;
+ for (int i=0; i< splitMeshes[inew].size();i++)
+ if (splitMeshes[inew][i]!=0)
+ if (splitMeshes[inew][i]->getNumberOfCells()>0)
+ meshes.push_back(splitMeshes[inew][i]);
- if (!isParallelMode()||_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- {
- _mesh[inew]=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::MergeUMeshes(meshes);
- bool areNodesMerged;
- int nbNodesMerged;
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* array=_mesh[inew]->mergeNodes(1e-12,areNodesMerged,nbNodesMerged);
- array->decrRef(); // array is not used in this case
- _mesh[inew]->zipCoords();
- }
- for (int i=0; i< splitMeshes[inew].size();i++)
- if (splitMeshes[inew][i]!=0) splitMeshes[inew][i]->decrRef();
- }
+ if (!isParallelMode()||_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ {
+ if (meshes.size()==0)
+ {
+ _mesh[inew]=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh();
+ //throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("castCellMeshes fusing : no meshes"));
+ cout<<"WARNING : castCellMeshes fusing : no meshes try another number of processors"<<endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _mesh[inew]=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::MergeUMeshes(meshes);
+ bool areNodesMerged;
+ int nbNodesMerged;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* array=_mesh[inew]->mergeNodes(1e-12,areNodesMerged,nbNodesMerged);
+ array->decrRef(); // array is not used in this case
+ _mesh[inew]->zipCoords();
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i< splitMeshes[inew].size(); i++)
+ if (splitMeshes[inew][i]!=0) splitMeshes[inew][i]->decrRef();
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300) std::cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : castCellMeshes end fusing"<<std::endl;
void MESHCollection::createNodeMapping( MESHCollection& initialCollection, NodeMapping& nodeMapping)
+ using std::vector;
+ using std::make_pair;
// NodeMapping reverseNodeMapping;
for (int iold=0; iold<initialCollection.getTopology()->nbDomain();iold++)
bbox=new double[nvertices*6];
ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* coords = initialCollection.getMesh(iold)->getCoords();
double* coordsPtr=coords->getPointer();
for (int i=0; i<nvertices*3;i++)
tree=new BBTree<3>(bbox,0,0,nvertices,1e-9);
- for (int inew=0; inew<_topology->nbDomain(); inew++)
+ for (int inew=0; inew<_topology->nbDomain(); inew++) //cvwat12
//sending meshes for parallel computation
if (isParallelMode() && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew) && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold))
for (int inode=0; inode<mesh->getNumberOfNodes();inode++)
double* coordsPtr=coords->getPointer()+inode*3;
- std::vector<int> elems;
+ vector<int> elems;
- if (elems.size()==0) continue;
+ if (elems.size()==0) continue;
- }
+ }
+ mesh->decrRef();
else if (!isParallelMode() || (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold)))
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* coords = getMesh(inew)->getCoords();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* coords = getMesh(inew)->getCoords();
for (int inode=0; inode<_mesh[inew]->getNumberOfNodes();inode++)
double* coordsPtr=coords->getPointer()+inode*3;
- std::vector<int> elems;
+ vector<int> elems;
- if (elems.size()==0) continue;
+ if (elems.size()==0) continue;
+//getNodeIds(meshCell, meshFace, nodeIds)
+//(put the biggest mesh in One)
+//if no corresponding node then inodeCell==-1
+void getNodeIds(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& meshOne, ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& meshTwo, vector<int>& nodeIds)
+ using std::vector;
+ if (!&meshOne || !&meshTwo) return; //empty or not existing
+ double* bbox;
+ BBTree<3>* tree;
+ int nv1=meshOne.getNumberOfNodes();
+ bbox=new double[nv1*6];
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* coords=meshOne.getCoords();
+ double* coordsPtr=coords->getPointer();
+ for (int i=0; i<nv1*3; i++)
+ {
+ bbox[i*2]=coordsPtr[i]-1e-6;
+ bbox[i*2+1]=coordsPtr[i]+1e-6;
+ }
+ tree=new BBTree<3>(bbox,0,0,nv1,1e-9);
+ int nv2=meshTwo.getNumberOfNodes();
+ nodeIds.resize(nv2,-1);
+ coords=meshTwo.getCoords();
+ for (int inode=0; inode<nv2; inode++)
+ {
+ double* coordsPtr=coords->getPointer()+inode*3;
+ vector<int> elems;
+ tree->getElementsAroundPoint(coordsPtr,elems);
+ if (elems.size()==0) continue;
+ nodeIds[inode]=elems[0];
+ }
+ delete tree;
+ delete[] bbox;
creates the face meshes on the new domains from the faces on the old domain and the node mapping
faces at the interface are duplicated
-void MESHCollection::castMeshes(std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastFrom,std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastTo, MESHCollection& initialCollection,const NodeMapping& nodeMapping, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds)
+void MESHCollection::castFaceMeshes(MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ const std::multimap<std::pair<int,int>, std::pair<int,int> >& nodeMapping,
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds)
//splitMeshes structure will contain the partition of
//the old faces on the new ones
- // splitMeshes[4][2] contains the faces from old domain 2
- // that have to be added to domain 4
+ //splitMeshes[4][2] contains the faces from old domain 2
+ //that have to be added to domain 4
+ using std::vector;
+ using std::map;
+ using std::multimap;
+ using std::pair;
+ using std::make_pair;
+ vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastFrom=initialCollection.getFaceMesh();
+ vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastTo=this->getFaceMesh();
vector< vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> > splitMeshes;
int newSize=_topology->nbDomain();
- splitMeshes.resize ( newSize );
+ int fromSize=meshesCastFrom.size();
+ splitMeshes.resize(newSize);
+ for (int inew=0;inew<newSize;inew++) splitMeshes[inew].resize(fromSize);
+ new2oldIds.resize(fromSize);
+ for (int iold=0;iold<fromSize;iold++) new2oldIds[iold].resize(newSize);
+ //init null pointer for empty meshes
for (int inew=0;inew<newSize;inew++)
+ {
+ for (int iold=0;iold<fromSize;iold++)
- splitMeshes[inew].resize(meshesCastFrom.size());
+ splitMeshes[inew][iold]=0; //null for empty meshes
+ new2oldIds[iold][inew].clear();
- new2oldIds.resize(meshesCastFrom.size());
+ }
//loop over the old domains to analyse the faces and decide
//on which new domain they belong
- for (int iold=0; iold<meshesCastFrom.size();iold++)
+ for (int iold=0; iold<fromSize;iold++)
+ {
+ if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold)) continue;
+ if (meshesCastFrom[iold] != 0)
- if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold)) continue;
- new2oldIds[iold].resize(newSize);
- for (int ielem=0;ielem<meshesCastFrom[iold]->getNumberOfCells();ielem++)
- {
- std::vector<int> nodes;
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem<meshesCastFrom[iold]->getNumberOfCells(); ielem++)
+ {
+ vector<int> nodes;
map <int,int> faces;
//are incremented for each target node
//the face is considered as going to target domains if the counter of the domain
//is equal to the number of nodes
- for (int inode=0;inode<nodes.size();inode++)
- {
+ for (int inode=0; inode<nodes.size(); inode++)
+ {
typedef multimap<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int> >::const_iterator MI;
int mynode=nodes[inode];
pair <MI,MI> myRange = nodeMapping.equal_range(make_pair(iold,mynode));
for (MI iter=myRange.first; iter!=myRange.second; iter++)
- {
+ {
int inew=iter->second.first;
if (faces.find(inew)==faces.end())
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- for (map<int,int>::iterator iter=faces.begin();
- iter!=faces.end();
- iter++)
- {
+ for (map<int,int>::iterator iter=faces.begin(); iter!=faces.end(); iter++)
+ {
if (iter->second==nodes.size())
+ //cvw eligible but may be have to be face of a cell of this->getMesh()[inew]?
+ //it is not sure here...
+ //done before writeMedfile on option?... see filterFaceOnCell()
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
//creating the splitMeshes from the face ids
for (int inew=0;inew<_topology->nbDomain();inew++)
- {
- splitMeshes[inew][iold]=(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)(meshesCastFrom[iold]->buildPartOfMySelf(&new2oldIds[iold][inew][0],&new2oldIds[iold][inew][0]+new2oldIds[iold][inew].size(),true));
- splitMeshes[inew][iold]->zipCoords();
- }
+ {
+ if (meshesCastFrom[iold]->getNumberOfCells() > 0) //cvw
+ {
+ splitMeshes[inew][iold]=
+ (ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*)
+ ( meshesCastFrom[iold]->buildPartOfMySelf(
+ &new2oldIds[iold][inew][0],
+ &new2oldIds[iold][inew][0]+new2oldIds[iold][inew].size(),
+ true)
+ );
+ splitMeshes[inew][iold]->zipCoords();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //std::cout<<"one empty mesh from "<<iold<<std::endl; //cvw
+ splitMeshes[inew][iold]=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : castFaceMeshes empty mesh from iodDomain "<<iold<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
// send/receive stuff
if (isParallelMode())
- for (int iold=0; iold<meshesCastFrom.size();iold++)
+ {
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *empty=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh();
+ for (int iold=0; iold<fromSize; iold++)
for (int inew=0; inew<newSize; inew++)
+ /*std::cout<<"iold inew "<<iold<<" "<<inew<<" "<<
+ _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold)<<" "<<
+ _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)<<std::endl;*/
if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- _domain_selector->sendMesh(*(splitMeshes[inew][iold]), _domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
+ if (splitMeshes[inew][iold] != 0) {
+ //cvw std::cout<<"send NOT empty mesh "<<splitMeshes[inew][iold]->getName()<<" "<<inew<<"<-"<<iold<<std::endl;
+ _domain_selector->sendMesh(*(splitMeshes[inew][iold]), _domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
+ }
+ else {
+ //std::cout<<"send empty mesh "<<inew<<"<-"<<iold<<std::endl;
+ _domain_selector->sendMesh(*(empty), _domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
+ }
if (!_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- _domain_selector->recvMesh(splitMeshes[inew][iold], _domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
+ _domain_selector->recvMesh(splitMeshes[inew][iold], _domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
+ empty->decrRef();
+ }
//recollecting the bits of splitMeshes to fuse them into one
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300) std::cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : fuse splitMeshes"<<std::endl;
- for (int inew=0; inew < newSize;inew++)
+ for (int inew=0; inew < newSize; inew++)
vector<const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> myMeshes;
- for (int iold=0; iold < meshesCastFrom.size();iold++)
+ for (int iold=0; iold<fromSize; iold++)
- if (splitMeshes[inew][iold] !=0)
- myMeshes.push_back(splitMeshes[inew][iold]);
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *umesh=splitMeshes[inew][iold];
+ if (umesh!=0)
+ if (umesh->getNumberOfCells()>0) {
+ myMeshes.push_back(umesh);
+ }
+ //else {
+ // std::cout<<"one empty mesh "<<inew<<" "<<iold<<std::endl;
+ //}
- meshesCastTo[inew]=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::MergeUMeshes(myMeshes);
+ if (myMeshes.size()>0)
+ {
+ meshesCastTo[inew]=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::MergeUMeshes(myMeshes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //std::cout<<"one empty meshes to merge "<<inew<<std::endl;
+ //ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *empty=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New(); //empty one
+ //empty->setName("emptyMesh");
+ //empty->setMeshDimension(3);
+ //empty->allocateCells(0);
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *empty=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh();
+ meshesCastTo[inew]=empty;
+ }
// meshesCastTo[inew]->zipCoords();
- for (int iold=0; iold < meshesCastFrom.size();iold++)
+ for (int iold=0; iold<fromSize; iold++)
if (splitMeshes[inew][iold]!=0) splitMeshes[inew][iold]->decrRef();
+ //if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1) std::cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : end fuse"<<std::endl;
-void MESHCollection::castIntField(std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastFrom,std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastTo, std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& arrayFrom, std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& arrayTo)
+void MESHCollection::remapIntField(
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
+ const int* fromArray,
+ int* toArray)
- vector<vector<const ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> > splitIds;
- splitIds.resize(meshesCastTo.size());
- // send / recv operations
- for (int inew=0; inew < meshesCastTo.size();inew++)
- for (int iold=0; iold < meshesCastFrom.size();iold++)
+ using std::vector;
+ if (sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()<=0) return; //empty mesh could exist
+ //cvw std::cout<<"remapIntField "<<sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()<<" "<<targetMesh.getNumberOfCells()<<std::endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* sourceCoords=sourceMesh.getBarycenterAndOwner();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* targetCoords=targetMesh.getBarycenterAndOwner();
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* tmpMesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New();
+ tmpMesh->setCoords(sourceCoords);
+ vector<int> c;
+ vector<int> cI;
+ tmpMesh->getNodeIdsNearPoints(targetCoords->getConstPointer(),targetMesh.getNumberOfCells(),1e-10,c,cI);
+ if (cI.size()!= targetMesh.getNumberOfCells()+1)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error in source/target projection"));
+ for (int itargetnode=0; itargetnode<targetMesh.getNumberOfCells();itargetnode++)
+ {
+ if (cI[itargetnode]==cI[itargetnode+1]) continue;
+ int isourcenode=c[cI[itargetnode]];
+ toArray[itargetnode]=fromArray[isourcenode];
+ }
+ sourceCoords->decrRef();
+ targetCoords->decrRef();
+ tmpMesh->decrRef();
+void MESHCollection::castIntField2( //cvwat08
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastFrom,
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastTo,
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& arrayFrom,
+ std::string nameArrayTo)
+ using std::vector;
+ int ioldMax=meshesCastFrom.size();
+ int inewMax=meshesCastTo.size();
+ // send-recv operations
+ for (int inew=0; inew<inewMax; inew++)
+ {
+ for (int iold=0; iold<ioldMax; iold++)
+ {
+ //sending arrays for distant domains
+ if (isParallelMode() && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ {
+ //send mesh
+ _domain_selector->sendMesh(*meshesCastFrom[iold],_domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
+ //send vector
+ int size=arrayFrom[iold]->getNumberOfTuples(); //cvw may be -1!
+ vector<int>sendIds;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>400) std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : castIntField sendIntVec size "<<size<<std::endl;
+ if (size>0) //no empty
+ {
+ sendIds.resize(size);
+ std::copy(arrayFrom[iold]->getPointer(),arrayFrom[iold]->getPointer()+size,&sendIds[0]);
+ }
+ else //empty
+ {
+ size=0;
+ sendIds.resize(size);
+ }
+ //std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : castIntField sendIntVec "<<size<<std::endl;
+ sendIntVec(sendIds, _domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
+ }
+ //receiving arrays from distant domains
+ if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ {
+ //receive mesh
+ vector<int> recvIds;
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* recvMesh;
+ _domain_selector->recvMesh(recvMesh,_domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
+ //receive vector
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>400) std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : castIntField recIntVec "<<std::endl;
+ recvIntVec(recvIds, _domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
+ remapIntField2(inew,iold,*recvMesh,*meshesCastTo[inew],&recvIds[0],nameArrayTo);
+ recvMesh->decrRef(); //cww is it correct?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //local contributions and aggregation
+ for (int inew=0; inew<inewMax; inew++)
+ {
+ for (int iold=0; iold<ioldMax; iold++)
+ if (!isParallelMode() || ( _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)))
+ {
+ remapIntField2(inew,iold,*meshesCastFrom[iold],*meshesCastTo[inew],arrayFrom[iold]->getConstPointer(),nameArrayTo);
+ }
+ }
+void MESHCollection::remapIntField2(int inew,int iold,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
+ const int* fromArray,
+ string nameArrayTo)
+//here we store ccI for next use in future call of castAllFields and remapDoubleField2
+ using std::vector;
+ //cout<<"remapIntField2 "<<cle2ToStr(nameArrayTo,inew,iold)<<endl;
+ if (sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()<=0) return; //empty mesh could exist
+ //cvw std::cout<<"remapIntField "<<sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()<<" "<<targetMesh.getNumberOfCells()<<std::endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* sourceCoords=sourceMesh.getBarycenterAndOwner();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* targetCoords=targetMesh.getBarycenterAndOwner();
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* tmpMesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New();
+ tmpMesh->setCoords(sourceCoords);
+ vector<int> c;
+ vector<int> cI;
+ vector<int> ccI; //memorize intersection target<-source(inew,iold)
+ string str,cle;
+ str=nameArrayTo+"_toArray";
+ cle=cle1ToStr(str,inew);
+ int* toArray;
+ int targetSize=targetMesh.getNumberOfCells();
+ //first time iold : create and initiate
+ if (_mapDataArrayInt.find(cle)==_mapDataArrayInt.end())
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"create "<<cle<<" size "<<targetSize<<endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* p=DataArrayInt::New();
+ p->alloc(targetSize,1);
+ p->fillWithZero();
+ toArray=p->getPointer();
+ _mapDataArrayInt[cle]=p;
+ }
+ else //other times iold: refind and complete
+ {
+ toArray=_mapDataArrayInt.find(cle)->second->getPointer();
+ }
+ tmpMesh->getNodeIdsNearPoints(targetCoords->getConstPointer(),targetSize,1e-10,c,cI);
+ if (cI.size()!=targetSize+1)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error in source/target projection"));
+ for (int itargetnode=0; itargetnode<targetSize; itargetnode++)
+ {
+ if (cI[itargetnode]==cI[itargetnode+1]) continue;
+ int isourcenode=c[cI[itargetnode]];
+ toArray[itargetnode]=fromArray[isourcenode];
+ //memorize intersection
+ ccI.push_back(itargetnode); //next we'll do toArray[ccI[i]]=fromArray[ccI[i+1]]
+ ccI.push_back(isourcenode);
+ }
+ //ccI.push_back(sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()); //additionnal information at end??
+ //memories intersection for future same job on fields (if no existing cle=no intersection)
+ str=cle2ToStr(nameArrayTo+"_ccI",inew,iold);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>700) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : map memorize '"<<str<<"'\n";
+ _mapDataArrayInt[str]=createDataArrayIntFromVector(ccI, 2);
+ sourceCoords->decrRef();
+ targetCoords->decrRef();
+ tmpMesh->decrRef();
+void MESHCollection::castAllFields(MESHCollection& initialCollection, string nameArrayTo) //cvwat08
+ using std::vector;
+ if (nameArrayTo!="cellFieldDouble")
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error castAllField only on cellFieldDouble"));
+ string nameTo="typeData=6"; //resume the type of field casted
+ // send-recv operations
+ int ioldMax=initialCollection.getMesh().size();
+ int inewMax=this->getMesh().size();
+ int iFieldMax=initialCollection.getFieldDescriptions().size();
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"castAllFields with:\n"<<reprVectorOfString(initialCollection.getFieldDescriptions())<<endl;
+ //std::vector<std::string> initialCollection.getFieldDescriptions()
+ //getFieldDescriptions() is a string description of field coherent and tested and set BEFORE.
+ //see collection.prepareFieldDescriptions()
+ for (int ifield=0; ifield<iFieldMax; ifield++)
+ {
+ string descriptionField=initialCollection.getFieldDescriptions()[ifield];
+ if (descriptionField.find(nameTo)==string::npos) continue; //only nameTo accepted in Fields name description
+ for (int inew=0; inew<inewMax; inew++)
+ {
+ for (int iold=0; iold<ioldMax; iold++)
- vector<int> recvIntVec;
//sending arrays for distant domains
if (isParallelMode() && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- {
- _domain_selector->sendMesh(*meshesCastFrom[iold],_domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
- int size=arrayFrom[iold]->getNumberOfTuples();
- vector<int>sendIds(size);
- std::copy(arrayFrom[iold]->getPointer(),arrayFrom[iold]->getPointer()+size,&sendIds[0]);
- _domain_selector->sendIntVec(sendIds, _domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew));
- }
+ {
+ int target=_domain_selector->getProcessorID(inew);
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* field=initialCollection.getField(descriptionField,iold); //cvwat14
+ //getField look for and read it if not done, and assume decrRef() in ~MESHCollection;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10)
+ std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : castAllFields sendDouble"<<std::endl;
+ sendDataArrayDouble(field, target);
+ }
//receiving arrays from distant domains
- if (isParallelMode()&&!_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- {
- vector<int> recvIds;
- ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* recvMesh;
- _domain_selector->recvMesh(recvMesh,_domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
- _domain_selector->recvIntVec(recvIds, _domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
- remapIntField(*recvMesh,*meshesCastTo[inew],&recvIds[0],arrayTo[inew]->getPointer());
- }
+ if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ {
+ int source=_domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold);
+ //receive vector
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10)
+ std::cout<<"proc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : castAllFields recvDouble"<<std::endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* field=recvDataArrayDouble(source);
+ remapDoubleField3(inew,iold,field,nameArrayTo,descriptionField);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //local contributions and aggregation
+ for (int inew=0; inew<inewMax; inew++)
+ {
+ for (int iold=0; iold<ioldMax; iold++)
+ if (!isParallelMode() || ( _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)))
+ {
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* field=initialCollection.getField(descriptionField,iold); //cvwat14
+ remapDoubleField3(inew,iold,field,nameArrayTo,descriptionField);
+ }
+ }
- //local contributions and aggregation
- for (int inew=0; inew < meshesCastTo.size();inew++)
+void MESHCollection::remapDoubleField3(int inew, int iold,
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* fromArray,
+ string nameArrayTo,
+ string descriptionField)
+//here we use 'cellFamily_ccI inew iold' set in remapIntField2
+ using std::vector;
+ if (nameArrayTo!="cellFieldDouble")
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error remapDoubleField3 only on cellFieldDouble"));
+ string cle=cle2ToStr("cellFamily_ccI",inew,iold);
+ map<string,ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>::iterator it1;
+ it1=_mapDataArrayInt.find(cle);
+ if (it1==_mapDataArrayInt.end())
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : remapDoubleField3 cle '"<<cle<<"' not found"<<endl;
+ cerr<<" trying remap of field double on cells : "<<descriptionField<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //create ccI in remapIntField2
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* ccI=it1->second;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : remapDoubleField3 "<<cle<<" size "<<ccI->getNbOfElems()<<endl;
+ //cout<<descriptionField<<endl;
+ int nbcell=this->getMesh()[inew]->getNumberOfCells(); //number of cell of mesh
+ int nbcomp=fromArray->getNumberOfComponents();
+ int nbPtGauss=strToInt(extractFromDescription(descriptionField, "nbPtGauss="));
+ //int nbk=fromArray->getNumberOfTuples();
+ //cle=reprGenericDescription(descriptionField)+" "+intToStr(inew);
+ string tag="inewFieldDouble="+intToStr(inew);
+ cle=descriptionField+serializeFromString(tag);
+ //cout<<"descriptionField in remapDoubleField3 : "<<descriptionField<<endl;
+ int fromArrayNbOfElem=fromArray->getNbOfElems();
+ int fromArrayNbOfComp=fromArray->getNumberOfComponents();
+ int fromArrayNbOfCell=fromArrayNbOfElem/fromArrayNbOfComp/nbPtGauss;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ {
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" nbcell "<<nbcell<<" nbcomp "<<nbcomp<<" nbPtGauss "<<nbPtGauss<<
+ " fromArray nbOfElems "<<fromArrayNbOfElem<<
+ " nbTuples "<<fromArray->getNumberOfTuples()<<
+ " nbcells "<<fromArrayNbOfCell<<
+ " nbComponents "<<fromArray->getNumberOfComponents()<<endl;
+ }
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* field=0;
+ map<string,ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble*>::iterator it2;
+ it2=_mapDataArrayDouble.find(cle);
+ if (it2==_mapDataArrayDouble.end())
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : remapDoubleField3 cle '"<<cle<<"' not found and create it"<<endl;
+ field=DataArrayDouble::New();
+ _mapDataArrayDouble[cle]=field;
+ field->alloc(nbcell*nbPtGauss,nbcomp);
+ field->fillWithZero();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ field=it2->second;
+ if (field->getNumberOfTuples()!=nbcell*nbPtGauss || field->getNumberOfComponents()!=nbcomp)
- for (int iold=0; iold < meshesCastFrom.size();iold++)
- if (!isParallelMode() || ( _domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew)))
- {
- remapIntField(*meshesCastFrom[iold],*meshesCastTo[inew],arrayFrom[iold]->getConstPointer(),arrayTo[inew]->getPointer());
- }
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : remapDoubleField3 pb of size "<<
+ " trying remap of field double on cells : \n"<<descriptionField<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : remapDoubleField3 "<<cle<<" size "<<ccI->getNbOfElems()<<endl;
+ if (nbPtGauss==1)
+ {
+ field->setPartOfValuesAdv(fromArray,ccI);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //replaced by setPartOfValuesAdv if nbPtGauss==1
+ int iMax=ccI->getNbOfElems();
+ int* pccI=ccI->getPointer();
+ double* pField=field->getPointer();
+ double* pFrom=fromArray->getPointer();
+ int itarget, isource, delta=nbPtGauss*nbcomp;
+ for (int i=0; i<iMax; i=i+2) //cell
+ {
+ itarget=pccI[i];
+ isource=pccI[i+1];
+ if ((itarget<0) || (itarget>=nbcell) || (isource<0) || (isource>=fromArrayNbOfCell))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error field override"));
+ int ita=itarget*delta;
+ int iso=isource*delta;
+ for (int k=0; k<delta; k++) pField[ita+k]=pFrom[iso+k]; //components and gausspoints
+ }
-void MESHCollection::remapIntField(const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
- const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
- const int* fromArray,
- int* toArray)
+void MESHCollection::remapFields(
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
+ mapOfFields* fromFields,
+ mapOfFields* toFields)
+ //const int* fromArray,int* toArray)
+ using std::vector;
+ if (sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()<=0) return; //empty mesh could exist
+ //cvw std::cout<<"remapIntField "<<sourceMesh.getNumberOfCells()<<" "<<targetMesh.getNumberOfCells()<<std::endl;
ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* sourceCoords=sourceMesh.getBarycenterAndOwner();
ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* targetCoords=targetMesh.getBarycenterAndOwner();
ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* tmpMesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New();
- vector<int>c;
+ vector<int> c;
vector<int> cI;
- if (cI.size()!= targetMesh.getNumberOfCells()+1) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Error in source/target projection");
+ if (cI.size()!= targetMesh.getNumberOfCells()+1)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error in source/target projection"));
for (int itargetnode=0; itargetnode<targetMesh.getNumberOfCells();itargetnode++)
if (cI[itargetnode]==cI[itargetnode+1]) continue;
int isourcenode=c[cI[itargetnode]];
- }
+ }
/*! constructing the MESH collection from a distributed file
* \param filename name of the master file containing the list of all the MED files
-MESHCollection::MESHCollection(const string& filename)
+MESHCollection::MESHCollection(const std::string& filename)
: _topology(0),
- _create_empty_groups(false)
+ _create_empty_groups(false),
+ _joint_finder(0)
// char filenamechar[256];
// strcpy(filenamechar,filename.c_str());
_driver=new MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver(this);
_driver->read (filename.c_str());
_driver_type = MedXML;
- delete _driver;
- try
- {
- _driver=new MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver(this);
- _driver->read (filename.c_str());
- _driver_type=MedAscii;
- }
- {
- delete _driver;
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("file does not comply with any recognized format");
- }
- }
+ catch(...)
+ { // Handle all exceptions
+ if ( _driver ) delete _driver; _driver=0;
+ try
+ {
+ _driver=new MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver(this);
+ _driver->read (filename.c_str());
+ _driver_type=MedAscii;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ if ( _driver ) delete _driver; _driver=0;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("file does not comply with any recognized format"));
+ }
+ }
for ( int idomain = 0; idomain < _mesh.size(); ++idomain )
if ( _mesh[idomain] && _mesh[idomain]->getNumberOfNodes() > 0 )
_i_non_empty_mesh = idomain;
* \param filename - name of the master file containing the list of all the MED files
* \param domainSelector - selector of domains to load
-MESHCollection::MESHCollection(const string& filename, ParaDomainSelector& domainSelector)
+MESHCollection::MESHCollection(const std::string& filename, ParaDomainSelector& domainSelector) //cvwat01
: _topology(0),
- _domain_selector( domainSelector.nbProcs() > 1 ? & domainSelector : 0 ),
+ //cvw _domain_selector( domainSelector.nbProcs() > 1 ? & domainSelector : 0 ),
+ _domain_selector( &domainSelector ),
- _create_empty_groups(false)
+ _create_empty_groups(false),
+ _joint_finder(0)
- try
+ std::string myfile=filename;
+ std::size_t found=myfile.find(".xml");
+ if (found!=std::string::npos) //file .xml
+ {
+ try
- _driver=new MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver(this);
+ _driver=new MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver(this); //cvwat02
_driver->read ( (char*)filename.c_str(), _domain_selector );
_driver_type = MedXML;
+ catch(...)
+ { // Handle all exceptions
+ if ( _driver ) delete _driver; _driver=0;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("file .xml does not comply with any recognized format"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ found=myfile.find(".med");
+ if (found!=std::string::npos) //file .med single
+ {
+ //make a temporary file .xml and retry MedXMLDriver
+ std::string xml="\
+<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n \
+<root>\n \
+ <version maj=\"2\" min=\"3\" ver=\"1\"/>\n \
+ <description what=\"\" when=\"\"/>\n \
+ <content>\n \
+ <mesh name=\"$meshName\"/>\n \
+ </content>\n \
+ <splitting>\n \
+ <subdomain number=\"1\"/>\n \
+ <global_numbering present=\"no\"/>\n \
+ </splitting>\n \
+ <files>\n \
+ <subfile id=\"1\">\n \
+ <name>$fileName</name>\n \
+ <machine>localhost</machine>\n \
+ </subfile>\n \
+ </files>\n \
+ <mapping>\n \
+ <mesh name=\"$meshName\">\n \
+ <chunk subdomain=\"1\">\n \
+ <name>$meshName</name>\n \
+ </chunk>\n \
+ </mesh>\n \
+ </mapping>\n \
+ std::vector<std::string> meshNames=MEDLoader::GetMeshNames(myfile.c_str());
+ xml.replace(xml.find("$fileName"),9,myfile);
+ xml.replace(xml.find("$meshName"),9,meshNames[0]);
+ xml.replace(xml.find("$meshName"),9,meshNames[0]);
+ xml.replace(xml.find("$meshName"),9,meshNames[0]);
+ //std::cout<<xml<<std::endl;
+ std::string nameFileXml=myfile;
+ nameFileXml.replace(nameFileXml.find(".med"),4,".xml");
+ nameFileXml="medpartitioner_"+nameFileXml;
+ if (_domain_selector->rank()==0) //only on to write it
+ {
+ std::ofstream f(nameFileXml.c_str());
+ f<<xml;
+ f.close();
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //wait for creation of nameFileXml
+ try
+ {
+ _driver=new MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver(this);
+ _driver->read ( (char*)nameFileXml.c_str(), _domain_selector );
+ _driver_type = MedXML;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ { // Handle all exceptions
+ if ( _driver ) delete _driver; _driver=0;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("file medpartitioner_xxx.xml does not comply with any recognized format"));
+ }
+ }
+ else //no extension
- delete _driver;
_driver=new MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver(this);
_driver->read ( (char*)filename.c_str(), _domain_selector );
+ catch(...)
- delete _driver;
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("file does not comply with any recognized format");
+ if ( _driver ) delete _driver; _driver=0;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("file name with no extension does not comply with any recognized format"));
+ }
+ /*done in MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver read
if ( isParallelMode() )
// to know nb of cells on each proc to compute global cell ids from locally global
- _domain_selector->gatherNbOf( getMesh() );
+ _domain_selector->gatherNbOf( getMesh() );*/
// find non-empty domain mesh
for ( int idomain = 0; idomain < _mesh.size(); ++idomain )
if ( _mesh[idomain] && _mesh[idomain]->getNumberOfNodes() > 0 )
_i_non_empty_mesh = idomain;
+ try
+ {
+ //check for all proc/file compatibility of _fieldDescriptions
+ //*MyGlobals::_fileNames=allgathervVectorOfString(*MyGlobals::_fileNames);
+ _fieldDescriptions=allgathervVectorOfString(MyGlobals::_fieldDescriptions); //cvwat07
+ }
+ catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : INTERP_KERNEL_Exception : "<<e.what()<<endl;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Something wrong verifying coherency of files med ands fields"));
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ //check for all proc/file compatibility of _familyInfo //cvwat05
+ vector<string> v2=allgathervVectorOfString(vectorizeFromMapOfStringInt(_familyInfo));
+ _familyInfo=devectorizeToMapOfStringInt(v2);
+ }
+ catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : INTERP_KERNEL_Exception : "<<e.what()<<endl;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Something wrong merging all familyInfo"));
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ //check for all proc/file compatibility of _groupInfo
+ vector<string> v2=allgathervVectorOfString(
+ vectorizeFromMapOfStringVectorOfString(_groupInfo));
+ _groupInfo=deleteDuplicatesInMapOfStringVectorOfString(
+ devectorizeToMapOfStringVectorOfString(v2));
+ }
+ catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : INTERP_KERNEL_Exception : "<<e.what()<<endl;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Something wrong merging all groupInfo"));
+ }
+ //std::vector< std::string > _meshes=MEDLoader::GetMeshNames(filename);
+ //std::vector< std::string > _fields=MEDLoader::GetAllFieldNamesOnMesh(filename,meshname[0]);
+ //cout<<"number of fields "<<_fields.size()<<endl;
/*! constructing the MESH collection from a sequential MED-file
* \param filename MED file
* \param meshname name of the mesh that is to be read
-MESHCollection::MESHCollection(const string& filename, const string& meshname)
+MESHCollection::MESHCollection(const std::string& filename, const std::string& meshname)
: _name(meshname),
- _create_empty_groups(false)
+ _create_empty_groups(false),
+ _joint_finder(0)
//char filenamechar[256];
//char meshnamechar[256];
- // strcpy(filenamechar,filename.c_str());
+ //strcpy(filenamechar,filename.c_str());
try // avoid memory leak in case of inexistent filename
retrieveDriver()->readSeq (filename.c_str(),meshname.c_str());
- catch ( MED_EXCEPTION& e )
+ catch (...)
if ( _driver ) delete _driver; _driver=0;
- throw e;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("problem reading .med files"));
if ( _mesh[0] && _mesh[0]->getNumberOfNodes() > 0 )
_i_non_empty_mesh = 0;
for (int i=0; i<_mesh.size();i++)
- {
- if (_mesh[i]!=0) _mesh[i]->decrRef();
- if (_cellFamilyIds[i]!=0) _cellFamilyIds[i]->decrRef();
- }
+ if (_mesh[i]!=0) _mesh[i]->decrRef();
+ for (int i=0; i<_cellFamilyIds.size();i++)
+ if (_cellFamilyIds[i]!=0) _cellFamilyIds[i]->decrRef();
for (int i=0; i<_faceMesh.size();i++)
- {
- if (_faceMesh[i]!=0) _faceMesh[i]->decrRef();
- if (_faceFamilyIds[i]!=0) _faceFamilyIds[i]->decrRef();
- }
+ if (_faceMesh[i]!=0) _faceMesh[i]->decrRef();
+ for (int i=0; i<_faceFamilyIds.size();i++)
+ if (_faceFamilyIds[i]!=0) _faceFamilyIds[i]->decrRef();
+ for (map<string, ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>::iterator it=_mapDataArrayInt.begin() ; it!=_mapDataArrayInt.end(); it++ )
+ if ((*it).second!=0) (*it).second->decrRef();
+ for (map<string, ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble*>::iterator it=_mapDataArrayDouble.begin() ; it!=_mapDataArrayDouble.end(); it++ )
+ if ((*it).second!=0) (*it).second->decrRef();
if (_driver !=0) {delete _driver; _driver=0;}
if (_topology!=0 && _owns_topology) {delete _topology; _topology=0;}
+ if (_joint_finder!=0) {delete _joint_finder; _joint_finder=0;}
/*! constructing the MESH collection from a file
* The method creates as many MED-files as there are domains in the
* \param filename name of the master file that will contain the list of the MED files
-void MESHCollection::write(const string& filename)
+void MESHCollection::write(const std::string& filename)
//building the connect zones necessary for writing joints
// if (_topology->nbDomain()>1)
// buildConnectZones();
//suppresses link with driver so that it can be changed for writing
- if (_driver!=0)delete _driver;
+ if (_driver!=0) delete _driver;
//char filenamechar[256];
_driver=new MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver(this);
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("Unrecognized driver");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Unrecognized driver"));
return _driver;
/*! gets an existing driver
-MESHCollectionDriver* MESHCollection::getDriver() const
+MESHCollectionDriver* MESHCollection::getDriver() const {
return _driver;
// /*! retrieves the mesh dimension*/
-int MESHCollection::getMeshDimension() const
+int MESHCollection::getMeshDimension() const {
return _i_non_empty_mesh < 0 ? -1 : _mesh[_i_non_empty_mesh]->getMeshDimension();
-vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& MESHCollection::getMesh()
+std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& MESHCollection::getMesh() {
return _mesh;
-vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& MESHCollection::getFaceMesh()
+std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& MESHCollection::getFaceMesh() {
return _faceMesh;
-ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* MESHCollection::getMesh(int idomain) const
+ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* MESHCollection::getMesh(int idomain) const {
return _mesh[idomain];
-ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* MESHCollection::getFaceMesh(int idomain)
+ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* MESHCollection::getFaceMesh(int idomain) {
return _faceMesh[idomain];
+std::vector<MEDPARTITIONER::CONNECTZONE*>& MESHCollection::getCZ() {
return _connect_zones;
-Topology* MESHCollection::getTopology() const
+Topology* MESHCollection::getTopology() const {
return _topology;
-void MESHCollection::setTopology(Topology* topo)
+void MESHCollection::setTopology(Topology* topo) {
if (_topology!=0)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("Erreur : topology is already set");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("topology is already set"));
_topology = topo;
/*! Method creating the cell graph
* \param array returns the pointer to the structure that contains the graph
* \param edgeweight returns the pointer to the table that contains the edgeweights
* (only used if indivisible regions are required)
-void MESHCollection::buildCellGraph(MEDPARTITIONER::MEDSKYLINEARRAY* & array,int *& edgeweights )
+void MESHCollection::buildCellGraph(MEDPARTITIONER::MEDSKYLINEARRAY* & array, int *& edgeweights ) //cvwat09
+ using std::multimap;
+ using std::vector;
+ using std::make_pair;
+ using std::pair;
multimap< int, int > node2cell;
multimap< int, int > cell2cell;
+ multimap< int, int > cell2node;
+ vector<vector<multimap<int,int> > > commonDistantNodes;
+ int nbdomain=_topology->nbDomain();
+ if (isParallelMode())
+ {
+ _joint_finder=new JointFinder(*this);
+ _joint_finder->findCommonDistantNodes();
+ commonDistantNodes=_joint_finder->getDistantNodeCell();
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>500) _joint_finder->print();
+ //looking for reverse nodal connectivity i global numbering
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomain; idomain++)
+ {
+ if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(idomain)) continue;
+ /*obsolete
+ int offsetCell=0, offsetNode=0;
+ if (isParallelMode())
+ {
+ offsetCell=_domain_selector->getDomainCellShift(idomain);
+ offsetNode=_domain_selector->getDomainNodeShift(idomain);
+ }*/
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* index=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* revConn=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ int nbNodes=_mesh[idomain]->getNumberOfNodes();
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" idomain "<<idomain<<" nbNodes "<<nbNodes<<" offsetCell "<<offsetCell<<" offsetNode "<<offsetNode<<endl;
+ _mesh[idomain]->getReverseNodalConnectivity(revConn,index);
+ //problem saturation over 1 000 000 nodes for 1 proc
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" getReverseNodalConnectivity done on "<<nbNodes<<" nodes"<<endl;
+ int* index_ptr=index->getPointer();
+ int* revConnPtr=revConn->getPointer();
+ //if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" create node2cell on local nodes with global numerotation idomain|inode|icell\n";
+ for (int i=0; i<nbNodes; i++)
+ {
+ for (int icell=index_ptr[i]; icell<index_ptr[i+1]; icell++)
+ {
+ /*cvw local
+ node2cell.insert(make_pair(i, revConnPtr[icell]));
+ cout<<" "<<idomain<<"|"<<i<<"|"<<revConnPtr[icell];
+ cell2node.insert(make_pair(revConnPtr[icell], i));
+ */
+ int globalNode=_topology->convertNodeToGlobal(idomain,i);
+ int globalCell=_topology->convertCellToGlobal(idomain,revConnPtr[icell]);
+ node2cell.insert(make_pair(globalNode, globalCell));
+ //cvw cout<<" "<<idomain<<"|"<<i<<"#"<< globalNode<<"|"<<revConnPtr[icell]<<"#"<<globalCell;
+ cell2node.insert(make_pair(globalCell, globalNode));
+ }
+ }
+ revConn->decrRef();
+ index->decrRef();
+ //vector<vector<multimap<int,int> > > dNC=getDistantNodeCell()
+ for (int iother=0; iother<nbdomain; iother++)
+ {
+ std::multimap<int,int>::iterator it;
+ int isource=idomain;
+ int itarget=iother;
+ for (it=_joint_finder->_distant_node_cell[isource][itarget].begin();
+ it!=_joint_finder->_distant_node_cell[isource][itarget].end(); it++)
+ {
+ int globalNode=_topology->convertNodeToGlobal(idomain,(*it).first);
+ int globalCell=(*it).second;
+ node2cell.insert(make_pair(globalNode, globalCell));
+ //cout<<"processor "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : isource "<<isource<<" itarget "<<itarget<<
+ // " "<<(*it).first<<"~"<<globalNode<<"~"<<globalCell<<endl;
+ cell2node.insert(make_pair(globalCell, globalNode));
+ }
+ }
+ } //endfor idomain
+ //creating graph arcs (cell to cell relations)
+ //arcs are stored in terms of (index,value) notation
+ // 0 3 5 6 6
+ // 1 2 3 2 3 3
+ // means 6 arcs (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)
+ // in present version arcs are not doubled but reflexive (1,1) arcs are present for each cell
+ //warning here one node have less than or equal effective number of cell with it
+ //but cell could have more than effective nodes
+ //because other equals nodes in other domain (with other global inode)
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" creating graph arcs on nbNodes "<<_topology->nbNodes()<<endl;
+ for (int inode=0; inode<_topology->nbNodes(); inode++) //on all nodes
+ {
+ typedef multimap<int,int>::const_iterator MI;
+ pair <MI,MI> myRange=node2cell.equal_range(inode);
+ for (MI cell1=myRange.first; cell1!=myRange.second; cell1++) //on cells with inode
+ {
+ pair <MI,MI> myNodes1=cell2node.equal_range(cell1->second); //nodes of one cell
+ for (MI cell2=myRange.first; cell2!=myRange.second; cell2++) //on one of these cell
+ {
+ if (cell1->second!=cell2->second) //in cells of my domain
+ {
+ pair <MI,MI> myNodes2=cell2node.equal_range(cell2->second); //on nodes of this cell
+ int nbcn=0; //number of common nodes between cells: at least 3 for cells
+ for (MI it1=myNodes1.first; it1!=myNodes1.second; ++it1)
+ {
+ for (MI it2=myNodes2.first; it2!=myNodes2.second; ++it2)
+ {
+ if ((*it1).second==(*it2).second)
+ {
+ nbcn=nbcn+1 ; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nbcn>=3) //cvw TODO if 2d cells set at 2
+ cell2cell.insert(make_pair(cell1->second,cell2->second));
+ //note here there is some global numerotation of cell which come from other domain (not mydomain)
+ //cout<<" "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<"!"<<cell1->second<<"!"<<cell2->second; //cvw
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" create skylinearray"<<endl;
+ //filling up index and value to create skylinearray structure
+ vector <int> index,value;
+ index.push_back(0);
+ int idep=0;
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomain; idomain++)
+ {
+ if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(idomain)) continue;
+ int nbCells=_mesh[idomain]->getNumberOfCells();
+ for (int icell=0; icell<nbCells; icell++)
+ {
+ int size=0;
+ int globalCell=_topology->convertCellToGlobal(idomain,icell);
+ multimap<int,int>::iterator it;
+ pair<multimap<int,int>::iterator,multimap<int,int>::iterator> ret;
+ ret=cell2cell.equal_range(globalCell);
+ //cout<<" "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<"$"<<icell<<"$"<<globalCell;
+ for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it)
+ {
+ //cout<<" "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<"$"<<icell<<"$"<<globalCell<<"$"<<(*it).second<<endl;
+ int ival=(*it).second; //no adding one existing yet
+ for (int i=idep ; i<idep+size ; i++)
+ {
+ if (value[i]==ival)
+ {
+ ival=-1; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ival!=-1)
+ {
+ value.push_back(ival);
+ //cout<<"|"<<ival;
+ size++;
+ }
+ }
+ //cout<<" ";
+ idep=index[index.size()-1]+size;
+ index.push_back(idep);
+ }
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"\nproc "<<_domain_selector->rank()<<" : end MESHCollection::buildCellGraph "<<
+ index.size()-1<<" "<<value.size()<<std::endl;
+ if (index.size()>1)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) cout<<index[i]<<" ";
+ cout<<"... "<<index[index.size()-1]<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<15; ++i) cout<<value[i]<<" ";
+ int ll=index[index.size()-1]-1;
+ cout<<"... ("<<ll<<") "<<value[ll-1]<<" "<<value[ll]<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+void MESHCollection::buildCellGraph_old(MEDPARTITIONER::MEDSKYLINEARRAY* & array,int *& edgeweights ) //cvwat09
+ using std::multimap;
+ using std::vector;
+ using std::make_pair;
+ using std::pair;
+ multimap< int, int > node2cell;
+ multimap< int, int > cell2cell;
vector<vector<multimap<int,int> > > commonDistantNodes;
int nbdomain=_topology->nbDomain();
if (isParallelMode())
//looking for reverse nodal connectivity i global numbering
- for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomain;idomain++)
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomain; idomain++)
if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(idomain)) continue;
int offset=0, procOffset=0;
if (isParallelMode())
- offset=_domain_selector->getDomainShift(idomain);
- procOffset=_domain_selector->getProcShift()+1;
+ offset=_domain_selector->getDomainCellShift(idomain);
+ procOffset=_domain_selector->getProcShift();
ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* index=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* revConn=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
int* globalRevConnPtr=globalRevConn->getPointer();
for (int i=0; i<_mesh[idomain]->getNumberOfNodes();i++)
- for (int icell=index_ptr[i]; icell<index_ptr[i+1];icell++)
- node2cell.insert(make_pair(globalNodeIds[i],globalRevConnPtr[icell]+procOffset));
+ for (int icell=index_ptr[i]; icell<index_ptr[i+1]; icell++)
+ {
+ node2cell.insert(make_pair(globalNodeIds[i], globalRevConnPtr[icell]+procOffset));
+ }
if (isParallelMode())
int ilocnode=iter->first;
int icell=iter->second;
- node2cell.insert(make_pair(globalNodeIds[ilocnode],icell+offset));
+ node2cell.insert(make_pair(globalNodeIds[ilocnode],icell+offset));
- // }
// means 6 arcs (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)
// in present version arcs are not doubled but reflexive (1,1) arcs are present for each cell
+ //warning here one node have effective number of cell with it
+ //but cell could have more than effective nodes
+ //is it normal??? because other equals nodes in other domain (with other inode)???
int mincell,maxcell;
if (isParallelMode())
- mincell=_domain_selector->getProcShift()+1;
+ mincell=_domain_selector->getProcShift();
for (int i=0; i<nbdomain;i++)
if (_domain_selector->isMyDomain(i)) maxcell+=_mesh[i]->getNumberOfCells();
- for (int inode=0; inode<_topology->nbNodes();inode++)
+ for (int inode=0; inode<_topology->nbNodes(); inode++) //on all nodes
typedef multimap<int,int>::const_iterator MI;
pair <MI,MI> myRange = node2cell.equal_range(inode);
- for (MI cell1=myRange.first; cell1!=myRange.second; cell1++)
+ for (MI cell1=myRange.first; cell1!=myRange.second; cell1++) //on cells with inode
- for (MI cell2 = myRange.first; cell2!=myRange.second; cell2++)
+ for (MI cell2 = myRange.first; cell2!=myRange.second; cell2++) //on one of these cell
- if (cell1->second!=cell2->second&&cell1->second>=mincell&&cell1->second<maxcell) cell2cell.insert(make_pair(cell1->second,cell2->second));
+ if (cell1->second!=cell2->second && cell1->second>=mincell && cell1->second<maxcell) //in cells of my domain
+ {
+ cell2cell.insert(make_pair(cell1->second,cell2->second));
+ }
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" end create skylinearray"<<endl;
//filling up index and value to create skylinearray structure
multimap<int,int>::const_iterator iter;
vector <int> index,value;
+ int idep=0;
while (iter != cell2cell.end())
+ {
+ multimap<int,int>::const_iterator next_iter = cell2cell.upper_bound(iter->first);
+ int size=0;
+ for (multimap<int,int>::const_iterator current_iter=iter; current_iter!=next_iter; current_iter++)
- multimap<int,int>::const_iterator next_iter = cell2cell.upper_bound(iter->first);
- int size=0;
- for (multimap<int,int>::const_iterator current_iter=iter; current_iter!=next_iter; current_iter++)
+ int ival=current_iter->second; //no adding one existing yet
+ for (int i=idep ; i<idep+size ; i++)
+ {
+ if (value[i]==ival)
- value.push_back(current_iter->second);
- size++;
+ ival=-1;
+ break;
- index.push_back(index[index.size()-1]+size);
- iter=next_iter;
+ }
+ if (ival!=-1)
+ {
+ value.push_back(ival);
+ size++;
+ }
+ idep=index[index.size()-1]+size;
+ index.push_back(idep);
+ iter=next_iter;
+ }
- cout<< "end of graph creation"<<endl;
/*! Creates the partition corresponding to the cell graph and the partition number
* returns a topology based on the new graph
-Topology* MESHCollection::createPartition(int nbdomain,
+Topology* MESHCollection::createPartition(int nbdomain, //cvwat06
Graph::splitter_type split,
- const string& options_string,
+ const std::string& options_string,
int* user_edge_weights,
int* user_vertices_weights)
- if (nbdomain <1) throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("Number of subdomains must be >0");
+ using std::cout;
+ using std::endl;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : MESHCollection::createPartition : Building cell graph"<<endl;
+ if (nbdomain <1) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Number of subdomains must be > 0"));
int* edgeweights=0;
- cout<<"Building cell graph";
+ //cout<<"Building cell graph... ";
// if ( _domain_selector )
// buildCellGraphParallel(array,edgeweights);
// else
- buildCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
+ buildCellGraph(array,edgeweights); //cvwat09
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" :end barrier CellGraph done"<<endl;
Graph* cellGraph;
switch (split)
case Graph::METIS:
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"METISGraph"<<endl;
cellGraph=(Graph*)(new METISGraph(array,edgeweights));
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("METIS Graph is not available. Check your products, please.");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("METIS Graph is not available. Check your products, please."));
case Graph::SCOTCH:
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"SCOTCHGraph"<<endl;
cellGraph=(Graph*)(new SCOTCHGraph(array,edgeweights));
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("SCOTCH Graph is not available. Check your products, please.");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("SCOTCH Graph is not available. Check your products, please."));
if (user_vertices_weights!=0)
- cout<<"Partitioning graph";
- cellGraph->partGraph(nbdomain,options_string,_domain_selector);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>10) cout<<"partitioning graph on "<<nbdomain<<" domains"<<endl;
+ cellGraph->partGraph(nbdomain, options_string, _domain_selector); //cvwat10
- cout<<"Building new topology";
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>10) cout<<"building new topology"<<endl;
//cellGraph is a shared pointer
- Topology* topology = new ParallelTopology (cellGraph, nbdomain, getMeshDimension());
+ Topology* topology=new ParallelTopology (cellGraph, getTopology(), nbdomain, getMeshDimension());
if (edgeweights!=0) delete[] edgeweights;
// if (array!=0) delete array;
- cout<<"End of partition creation";
delete cellGraph;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>11) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : end MESHCollection::createPartition"<<endl;
return topology;
Topology* MESHCollection::createPartition(const int* partition)
+ using std::set;
int* edgeweights=0;
cellGraph=(Graph*)(new UserGraph(array, partition, _topology->nbCells()));
//cellGraph is a shared pointer
- Topology* topology = new ParallelTopology (cellGraph, nbdomain, getMeshDimension());
+ Topology* topology = new ParallelTopology (cellGraph, getTopology(), nbdomain, getMeshDimension());
// if (array!=0) delete array;
delete cellGraph;
for (int i=0; i<_topology->nbDomain(); i++)
- ostringstream oss;
+ std::ostringstream oss;
if (!isParallelMode() || _domain_selector->isMyDomain(i))
+ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* MESHCollection::getField(std::string descriptionField, int iold)
+//getField look for and read it if not done, and assume decrRef() in ~MESHCollection;
+//something like MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f2=MEDLoader::ReadFieldCell(name.c_str(),f1->getMesh()->getName(),0,f1->getName(),0,1);
+ {
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ string tag="ioldFieldDouble="+intToStr(iold);
+ string descriptionIold=descriptionField+serializeFromString(tag);
+ if (_mapDataArrayDouble.find(descriptionIold)!=_mapDataArrayDouble.end())
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300) cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : YET READ getField : "<<descriptionIold<<endl;
+ DataArrayDouble* res=_mapDataArrayDouble[descriptionIold];
+ //cout<<res->reprZip()<<endl;
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>200) cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : TO BE READ getField : "<<descriptionIold<<endl;
+ string description, fileName, meshName, fieldName;
+ int idomain, typeField, DT, IT, entity;
+ idomain=iold;
+ fileName=MyGlobals::_fileNames[iold];
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : in "<<fileName<<" "<<iold<<" "<<descriptionIold<<endl;
+ //cout<<"\n\n"<<"ON_CELLS "<<ON_CELLS<<" ON_NODES "<<ON_NODES<<" ON_GAUSS_PT "<<ON_GAUSS_PT<<" ON_GAUSS_NE "<<ON_GAUSS_NE<<endl;;
+ //fieldDescriptionToData(descriptionField, &idomain, &fileName, &meshName, &fieldName, &typeField, &DT, &IT);
+ fieldShortDescriptionToData(descriptionIold, fieldName, typeField, entity, DT, IT);
+ meshName=MyGlobals::_meshNames[iold];
+ //MEDCouplingFieldDouble* f2=MEDLoader::ReadFieldCell(
+ // fileName.c_str(), meshName.c_str(), meshDimRelToMax, fieldName.c_str(), DT, IT);
+ MEDCouplingFieldDouble* f2=MEDLoader::ReadField((ParaMEDMEM::TypeOfField) typeField,
+ fileName.c_str(), meshName.c_str(), 0, fieldName.c_str(), DT, IT);
+ DataArrayDouble* res=f2->getArray();
+ //to know names of components
+ vector <string> browse=browseFieldDouble(f2);
+ //done yet
+ //double time=f2->getTime(IT,DT);
+ //browse.push_back("time="+doubleToStr(time));
+ string localFieldInformation=descriptionIold+serializeFromVectorOfString(browse);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : localFieldInformation : "<<localFieldInformation<<endl;
+ MyGlobals::_generalInformations.push_back(localFieldInformation);
+ res->incrRef(); //free field, keep res
+ f2->decrRef();
+ _mapDataArrayDouble[descriptionIold]=res;
+ //duplicate it! because f2->decRef!!
+ //DataArrayDouble* res=f2->getArray()->deepCpy();
+ //f2->decrRef();
+ //cout<<res->reprZip()<<endl;
+ //have to put it in map for next needs.. decRef later...~MESHCollection
+ return res;
+void MESHCollection::prepareFieldDescriptions()
+//to have unique valid fields names/pointers/descriptions for partitionning
+//filter _fieldDescriptions to be in all procs compliant and equal
+ int nbfiles=MyGlobals::_fileNames.size(); //nb domains
+ vector<string> r2;
+ //from allgatherv then vector(procs) of serialised vector(fields) of vector(description) data
+ for (int i=0; i<_fieldDescriptions.size(); i++)
+ {
+ vector<string> r1=deserializeToVectorOfString(_fieldDescriptions[i]);
+ for (int i=0; i<r1.size(); i++) r2.push_back(r1[i]);
+ }
+ //here vector(procs*fields) of serialised vector(description) data
+ _fieldDescriptions=r2;
+ int nbfields=_fieldDescriptions.size(); //on all domains
+ if ((nbfields%nbfiles)!=0)
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0)
+ {
+ cerr<<"\nERROR : incoherent number of fields references in all files .med\n"<<endl
+ <<"fileMedNames :"<<endl
+ <<reprVectorOfString(MyGlobals::_fileNames)
+ <<"fieldDescriptions :"<<endl
+ <<reprVectorOfString(MyGlobals::_fieldDescriptions); //cvwat07
+ }
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("incoherent number of fields references in all files .med\n"));
+ }
+ _fieldDescriptions.resize(nbfields/nbfiles);
+ for (int i=0; i<_fieldDescriptions.size(); i++)
+ {
+ string str=_fieldDescriptions[i];
+ str=eraseTagSerialized(str,"idomain=");
+ str=eraseTagSerialized(str,"fileName=");
+ _fieldDescriptions[i]=str;
+ }
+//returns true if inodes of a face are in inodes of a cell
+bool isFaceOncell(vector< int >& inodesFace,vector< int >& inodesCell)
+ int ires=0;
+ int nbok=inodesFace.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<nbok; i++)
+ {
+ int ii=inodesFace[i];
+ if (ii<0) cout<<"isFaceOncell problem inodeface<0"<<endl;
+ for (int j=0; j<inodesCell.size(); j++)
+ {
+ if (ii==inodesCell[j])
+ {
+ ires=ires+1; break; //inode of face found
+ }
+ }
+ if (ires<i+1) break; //inode of face not found do not continue...
+ }
+ return (ires==nbok);
+void MESHCollection::filterFaceOnCell()
+ //meshesCells=_mesh;
+ //meshesFaces=_faceMesh;
+ for (int inew=0; inew<_topology->nbDomain(); inew++)
+ {
+ if (isParallelMode() && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>200)
+ std::cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : filterFaceOnCell on inewDomain "<<inew<<
+ " nbOfFaces "<<_faceMesh[inew]->getNumberOfCells()<<endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* mcel=_mesh[inew];
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* mfac=_faceMesh[inew];
+ //to have cellnode=f(facenode)... inodeCell=nodeIds[inodeFace]
+ vector<int> nodeIds;
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : nodeIds beg "<<inew<<" "<<mcel<<" "<<mfac<<endl;
+ getNodeIds(*mcel, *mfac, nodeIds);
+ if (nodeIds.size()==0) continue; //one empty mesh nothing to do
+ DataArrayInt *revNodalCel=DataArrayInt::New();
+ DataArrayInt *revNodalIndxCel=DataArrayInt::New();
+ mcel->getReverseNodalConnectivity(revNodalCel,revNodalIndxCel);
+ int *revC=revNodalCel->getPointer();
+ int *revIndxC=revNodalIndxCel->getPointer();
+ vector< int > faceOnCell;
+ vector< int > faceNotOnCell;
+ int nbface=mfac->getNumberOfCells();
+ for (int iface=0; iface<nbface; iface++)
+ {
+ bool ok;
+ vector< int > inodesFace;
+ mfac->getNodeIdsOfCell(iface, inodesFace);
+ int nbnodFace=inodesFace.size();
+ //set inodesFace in mcel
+ for (int i=0; i<nbnodFace; i++) inodesFace[i]=nodeIds[inodesFace[i]];
+ int inod=inodesFace[0];
+ if (inod<0) cout<<"filterFaceOnCell problem 1"<<endl;
+ int nbcell=revIndxC[inod+1]-revIndxC[inod];
+ for (int j=0; j<nbcell; j++) //look for each cell with inod
+ {
+ int icel=revC[revIndxC[inod]+j];
+ vector< int > inodesCell;
+ mcel->getNodeIdsOfCell(icel, inodesCell);
+ ok=isFaceOncell(inodesFace, inodesCell);
+ if (ok) break;
+ }
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ faceOnCell.push_back(iface);
+ //if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) cout<<"face on cell "<<iface<<" "<<faceOnCell.size()-1<<endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ faceNotOnCell.push_back(iface);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) cout<<"face NOT on cell "<<iface<<" "<<faceOnCell.size()-1<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ revNodalCel->decrRef();
+ revNodalIndxCel->decrRef();
+ string cle;
+ cle=cle1ToStr("filterFaceOnCell",inew);
+ _mapDataArrayInt[cle]=createDataArrayIntFromVector(faceOnCell);
+ cle=cle1ToStr("filterNotFaceOnCell",inew);
+ _mapDataArrayInt[cle]=createDataArrayIntFromVector(faceNotOnCell);
+ /*ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* index=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* revConn=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ _mesh[idomain]->getReverseNodalConnectivity(revConn,index);
+ int* index_ptr=index->getPointer();*/
+ /*if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose)
+ {
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : nodeIds end "<<inew<<" "<<nodeIds.size()<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<nodeIds.size(); i++) cout<<" "<<nodeIds[i];
+ cout<<endl;
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+void MESHCollection::buildBoundaryOnCellMeshes()
+//no used... yet
+ //cout<<"buildBoundaryOnCellMeshes"<<endl;
+ //meshesCells=_mesh;
+ //meshesFaces=_faceMesh;
+ for (int inew=0; inew<_topology->nbDomain(); inew++)
+ {
+ if (isParallelMode() && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1) std::cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : filterFaceOnCell on "<<inew<<" "<<_faceMesh[inew]->getNumberOfCells()<<endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* mcel=_mesh[inew];
+ //ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& mfac=_faceMesh[inew];
+ DataArrayInt *desc=DataArrayInt::New();
+ DataArrayInt *descIndx=DataArrayInt::New();
+ DataArrayInt *revDesc=DataArrayInt::New();
+ DataArrayInt *revDescIndx=DataArrayInt::New();
+ //
+ MEDCouplingUMesh *meshDM1=mcel->buildDescendingConnectivity(desc,descIndx,revDesc,revDescIndx);
+ revDesc->decrRef();
+ desc->decrRef();
+ descIndx->decrRef();
+ int nbOfCells=meshDM1->getNumberOfCells();
+ const int *revDescIndxC=revDescIndx->getConstPointer();
+ std::vector<int> boundaryCells;
+ for(int i=0; i<nbOfCells; i++)
+ if(revDescIndxC[i+1]-revDescIndxC[i]==1)
+ boundaryCells.push_back(i);
+ revDescIndx->decrRef();
+ bool keepCoords=true;
+ MEDCouplingUMesh *ret=(MEDCouplingUMesh *)meshDM1->buildPartOfMySelf(&boundaryCells[0],&boundaryCells[0]+boundaryCells.size(),keepCoords);
+ meshDM1->decrRef();
+ //don't know what to do with result yet..
+ //_faceMesh[inew]->decrRef();
+ //_faceMesh[inew]=ret;
+ }
+ }
#include "MEDPARTITIONER.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_Graph.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
//#include "MEDPARTITIONER_FaceModel.hxx"
//#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include <vector>
//creation of a user specified partition
Topology* createPartition(const int* partition);
- // //retrieving list of types
-// void getTypeList(int* cell_list,int nb_cells,MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity,
-// MED_EN::medGeometryElement* type_list) const ;
-// //getting list of coordinates
-// void getCoordinates(int* node_list,int nb_nodes, double* coordinates) const ;
-// //getting connectivities
-// void getNodeConnectivity( const int* cell_list,int nb_cells,MED_EN::medEntityMesh,MED_EN::medGeometryElement type, int* type_connectivity) const ;
-// void getPolygonNodeConnectivity(const int* cell_list,int nb_cells,MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity,
-// vector<int>& type_connectivity, vector<int>& connectivity_index) const;
-// void getPolyhedraNodeConnectivity(const int* cell_list,int nb_cells,MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity,
-// vector<int>& type_connectivity, vector<int>& connectivity_index, vector<int>& face_connectivity_index) const;
-// void getFaceConnectivity( const int* cell_list,int nb_cells,MED_EN::medEntityMesh,MED_EN::medGeometryElement type, int* type_connectivity) const ;
-// //void getFaceConnectivity( const int* cell_list,int nb_cells,MED_EN::medGeometryElement type, int* type_connectivity) const ;
-// //getting mesh dimension
+ //getting mesh dimension
int getMeshDimension() const ;
-// //getting space dimension
-// int getSpaceDimension() const ;
-// //getting system of coordinates
-// std::string getSystem() const;
+ //getting a reference to mesh vector
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& getMesh();
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& getFaceMesh();
+ std::vector<std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> >& getGroupMeshes();
-// //getting name of the mesh
-// std::string getMeshName() const;
-// //return constituent entity
-// MED_EN::medEntityMesh getSubEntity() const;
-// //getting a reference to mesh vector
- std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& getMesh() ;
- std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& getFaceMesh() ;
- std::vector<std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> >&getGroupMeshes();
ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* getMesh(int idomain) const;
ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* getFaceMesh(int idomain);
std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& getGroupMeshes(int idomain);
std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& getCellFamilyIds() {return _cellFamilyIds;}
std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& getFaceFamilyIds() {return _faceFamilyIds;}
- std::map<std::string,int>& getFamilyInfo(){return _familyInfo;}
- std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >& getGroupInfo(){return _groupInfo;}
-// //getting a reference to connect zones vector
+ std::map<std::string, ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& getMapDataArrayInt() {return _mapDataArrayInt;}
+ std::map<std::string, ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble*>& getMapDataArrayDouble() {return _mapDataArrayDouble;}
+ std::map<std::string,int>& getFamilyInfo() {return _familyInfo;}
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >& getGroupInfo() {return _groupInfo;}
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* getField(std::string descriptionField, int iold);
+ std::vector<std::string>& getFieldDescriptions() {return _fieldDescriptions;}
+ void prepareFieldDescriptions();
+ void filterFaceOnCell();
+ //getting a reference to connect zones vector
//getting a pointer to topology
Topology* getTopology() const ;
ParaDomainSelector* getParaDomainSelector() const{return _domain_selector;}
- //settig a new topology
+ //settig a new topology
void setTopology(Topology* topology);
//getting/setting the name of the global mesh (as opposed
void setDescription(const std::string& name) { _description=name;}
//creates the node mapping between an old collection and the present one
- void createNodeMapping( MESHCollection& initialCollection, std::multimap<std::pair<int,int>,std::pair<int,int> >& nodeMapping);
+ void createNodeMapping(MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ std::multimap<std::pair<int,int>,std::pair<int,int> >& nodeMapping);
- void castCellMeshes(MESHCollection& initialCollection, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds);
+ void castCellMeshes(MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds);
//creates faces on the new collection
- void castFaceMeshes( MESHCollection& initialCollection,const std::multimap<std::pair<int,int>,std::pair<int,int> >& nodeMapping);
+ void castFaceMeshes(MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ const std::multimap<std::pair<int,int>, std::pair<int,int> >& nodeMapping,
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& new2oldIds);
- //creates faces on the new collection
- void castMeshes(std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshCastFrom,std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshCastTo, MESHCollection& initialCollection,const std::multimap<std::pair<int,int>,std::pair<int,int> >& nodeMapping, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& old2newIds);
- void castIntField(std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastFrom,std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastTo, std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& arrayFrom, std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& arrayTo);
+ void castIntField2(std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastFrom,
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshesCastTo,
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*>& arrayFrom,
+ std::string nameArrayTo);
+ void castAllFields(MESHCollection& initialCollection,
+ std::string nameArrayTo);
void findCommonDistantNodes(std::vector<std::vector<std::multimap<int,int> > >& commonDistantNodes);
-void remapIntField(const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
- const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
- const int* fromArray,
- int* toArray);
+ void remapIntField(const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
+ const int* fromArray,
+ int* toArray);
+ void remapIntField2(int inew, int iold,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& sourceMesh,
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& targetMesh,
+ const int* fromArray,
+ std::string nameArrayTo);
+ void remapDoubleField3(int inew, int iold,
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* fromArray,
+ std::string nameArrayTo,
+ std::string descriptionField);
//!link to mesh_collection topology
- Topology* _topology;
+ Topology* _topology;
//!control over topology
- bool _owns_topology;
+ bool _owns_topology;
//!link to graph
- // Graph* _cell_graph;
+ //Graph* _cell_graph;
//! Driver for read/write operations
- MESHCollectionDriver* _driver;
+ MESHCollectionDriver* _driver;
//! Parallelizer - mark of parallel execution mode
- ParaDomainSelector* _domain_selector;
+ ParaDomainSelector* _domain_selector;
//!links to meshes
- std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> _mesh;
- std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> _faceMesh;
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> _mesh;
+ std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> _faceMesh;
- //!index of a non empty mesh within _mesh (in parallel mode all of meshes can be empty)
- int _i_non_empty_mesh;
+ //!index of a non empty mesh within _mesh (in parallel mode all of meshes can be empty)
+ int _i_non_empty_mesh;
//!links to connectzones
std::vector<MEDPARTITIONER::CONNECTZONE*> _connect_zones;
//!family ids storages
std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> _cellFamilyIds;
std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> _faceFamilyIds;
+ //!DataArrayInt* storages
+ std::map<std::string, ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt*> _mapDataArrayInt;
+ //!DataArrayDouble* storages
+ std::map<std::string, ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble*> _mapDataArrayDouble;
+ std::vector<std::string> _fieldDescriptions; //fields to be partitioned
//!group family conversion
- std::map<std::string,int> _familyInfo;
+ std::map<std::string, int> _familyInfo;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > _groupInfo;
//!list of groups that are not to be splitted
- std::vector<std::string> _indivisible_regions;
+ std::vector<std::string> _indivisible_regions;
//!name of global mesh
- std::string _name;
+ std::string _name;
//!description of global mesh
- std::string _description;
+ std::string _description;
//! specifies the driver associated to the collection
- DriverType _driver_type;
+ DriverType _driver_type;
/*! flag specifying that the splitter should create boundary constituent entity
so that they are written in joints*/
- bool _subdomain_boundary_creates;
+ bool _subdomain_boundary_creates;
/*! flag specifying that families must be preserved by the
- bool _family_splitting;
+ bool _family_splitting;
/*! flag specifying that groups must be created on all domains,
even if they are empty*/
- bool _create_empty_groups;
+ bool _create_empty_groups;
JointFinder* _joint_finder;
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
#include "MEDFileMesh.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
extern "C" {
#include "med.h"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionDriver.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollection.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
+using namespace std;
//template inclusion
//#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionDriver.H"
* */
int MESHCollectionDriver::readSeq(const char* filename, const char* meshname)
- //const char* LOC = "MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollectionDriver::readSeq()";
- _filename.resize(1);
- _filename[0]=string(filename);
+ cout<<"readSeq"<<endl;
+ MyGlobals::_fileNames.resize(1);
+ MyGlobals::_fileNames[0]=string(filename);
ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh* mfm=ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New(filename,meshname);
//puts the only mesh in the mesh vector
+ /*cvw
vector<int*> cellglobal,nodeglobal,faceglobal;
//connectzone argument is 0
ParallelTopology* aPT = new ParallelTopology
((_collection->getMesh()), (_collection->getCZ()), cellglobal, nodeglobal, faceglobal);
+ */
+ ParallelTopology* aPT = new ParallelTopology((_collection->getMesh()));
return 0;
-void MESHCollectionDriver::readSubdomain(vector<int*>& cellglobal,
+void MESHCollectionDriver::readSubdomain(vector<int*>& cellglobal, //cvwat03
vector<int*>& faceglobal,
vector<int*>& nodeglobal, int idomain)
- string meshname=_meshname[idomain];
- string file=_filename[idomain];
+ string meshname=MyGlobals::_meshNames[idomain];
+ string file=MyGlobals::_fileNames[idomain];
- cout << "Reading "<<_meshname[idomain]<<" in "<<_filename[idomain]<<endl;
+ //cout << "Reading "<<meshname<<" in "<<file<<endl; //cvw
ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh* mfm=ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New(file.c_str(),meshname.c_str());
- (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]=mfm->getLevel0Mesh(false);
- (_collection->getFaceMesh())[idomain]=mfm->getLevelM1Mesh(false);
+ vector<int> nonEmpty=mfm->getNonEmptyLevels();
+ try
+ {
+ (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]=mfm->getLevel0Mesh(false);
+ //reading families groups
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* cellIds(mfm->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(0)->deepCpy());
+ (_collection->getCellFamilyIds())[idomain]=cellIds;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh(); // or 0 if you want tests;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* empty=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ empty->alloc(0,1);
+ (_collection->getCellFamilyIds())[idomain]=empty;
+ cout<<"\nNO Level0Mesh (Cells)\n";
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (nonEmpty.size()>1 && nonEmpty[1]==-1)
+ {
+ (_collection->getFaceMesh())[idomain]=mfm->getLevelM1Mesh(false);
+ //reading families groups
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* faceIds(mfm->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(-1)->deepCpy());
+ (_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]=faceIds;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw "no faces";
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ //ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh *umesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New(); //empty one
+ //umesh->setMeshDimension(3);
+ //umesh->allocateCells(0);
+ //int nb=umesh->getNumberOfCells(); //no use if no allocateCells(0)! because thrown exception
+ //cout<<"\nempty mesh"<<nb<<endl;
+ (_collection->getFaceMesh())[idomain]=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh(); // or 0 if you want test;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* empty=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ (_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]=empty;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : NO LevelM1Mesh (Faces)\n";
+ }
+ //reading groups
+ _collection->getFamilyInfo()=mfm->getFamilyInfo();
+ _collection->getGroupInfo()=mfm->getGroupInfo();
+ mfm->decrRef();
+ vector<string> localInformation;
+ string str;
+ localInformation.push_back(str+"ioldDomain="+intToStr(idomain));
+ localInformation.push_back(str+"meshName="+meshname);
+ MyGlobals::_generalInformations.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(localInformation));
+ vector<string> localFields=browseAllFieldsOnMesh(file, meshname, idomain); //cvwat07
+ if (localFields.size()>0)
+ MyGlobals::_fieldDescriptions.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(localFields));
+ //cout<< "End Reading "<<meshname<<" in "<<file<<endl;
- //reading families
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* cellIds(mfm->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(0)->deepCpy());
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* faceIds(mfm->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(-1)->deepCpy());
- (_collection->getCellFamilyIds())[idomain]=cellIds;
- (_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]=faceIds;
+void MESHCollectionDriver::readSubdomain(int idomain)
+ string meshname=MyGlobals::_meshNames[idomain];
+ string file=MyGlobals::_fileNames[idomain];
+ //cout << "Reading "<<meshname<<" in "<<file<<endl; //cvw
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh* mfm=ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New(file.c_str(),meshname.c_str());
+ vector<int> nonEmpty=mfm->getNonEmptyLevels();
+ try
+ {
+ (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]=mfm->getLevel0Mesh(false);
+ //reading families groups
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* cellIds(mfm->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(0)->deepCpy());
+ (_collection->getCellFamilyIds())[idomain]=cellIds;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh(); // or 0 if you want tests;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* empty=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ empty->alloc(0,1);
+ (_collection->getCellFamilyIds())[idomain]=empty;
+ cout<<"\nNO Level0Mesh (Cells)\n";
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (nonEmpty.size()>1 && nonEmpty[1]==-1)
+ {
+ (_collection->getFaceMesh())[idomain]=mfm->getLevelM1Mesh(false);
+ //reading families groups
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* faceIds(mfm->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(-1)->deepCpy());
+ (_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]=faceIds;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw "no faces";
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ (_collection->getFaceMesh())[idomain]=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh(); // or 0 if you want test;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* empty=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ (_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]=empty;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : NO LevelM1Mesh (Faces)\n";
+ }
//reading groups
- cout <<"End of Read"<<endl;
+ vector<string> localInformation;
+ string str;
+ localInformation.push_back(str+"ioldDomain="+intToStr(idomain));
+ localInformation.push_back(str+"meshName="+meshname);
+ MyGlobals::_generalInformations.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(localInformation));
+ vector<string> localFields=browseAllFieldsOnMesh(file, meshname, idomain); //cvwat07
+ if (localFields.size()>0)
+ MyGlobals::_fieldDescriptions.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(localFields));
+ //cout<< "End Reading "<<meshname<<" in "<<file<<endl;
vector<const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> meshes;
ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* cellMesh=_collection->getMesh(idomain);
- ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*faceMesh =_collection->getFaceMesh(idomain);
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* faceMesh=_collection->getFaceMesh(idomain);
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* faceMeshFilter=0;
+ string finalMeshName=extractFromDescription(MyGlobals::_generalInformations[0], "finalMeshName=");
+ string cleFilter=cle1ToStr("filterFaceOnCell",idomain);
+ DataArrayInt* filter=0;
+ if (_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cleFilter)!=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().end())
+ {
+ filter=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cleFilter)->second;
+ int* index=filter->getPointer();
+ faceMeshFilter=(MEDCouplingUMesh *) faceMesh->buildPartOfMySelf(index,index+filter->getNbOfElems(),true);
+ faceMesh=faceMeshFilter;
+ }
+ cellMesh->setName(finalMeshName.c_str());
- // faceMesh->zipCoords();
+ //cellMesh->zipCoords();
+ //faceMesh->zipCoords();
- faceMesh->tryToShareSameCoordsPermute(*cellMesh,1e-10);
- meshes.push_back(faceMesh);
- MEDLoader::WriteUMeshes(distfilename.c_str(), meshes,true);
- ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh* mfm=ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New(distfilename.c_str(),_collection->getMesh(idomain)->getName());
- mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(-1,(_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]);
+ if (faceMesh->getNumberOfCells()>0)
+ {
+ faceMesh->tryToShareSameCoordsPermute(*cellMesh, 1e-10);
+ meshes.push_back(faceMesh);
+ }
+ /*do not work
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh* mfm2=ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New();
+ MEDFileUMesh* mfm2 = static_cast<MEDFileUMesh*>(cellMesh->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0));
+ MEDFileUMesh* mfm2 = ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New(cellMesh);
+ string fname="FUM_"+distfilename;
+ mfm2->setMeshAtLevel(0, cellMesh );
+ mfm2->setMeshAtLevel(-1, faceMesh );
+ mfm2->write(fname.c_str(),0);
+ mfm2->decrRef();
+ */
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* boundaryMesh=0;
+ //ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* boundaryMesh1=0;
+ //ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* finalboundaryMesh=0;
+ if (MyGlobals::_creates_boundary_faces>0)
+ {
+ //try to write Boundary meshes
+ bool keepCoords=false; //TODO or true
+ boundaryMesh=(MEDCouplingUMesh *) cellMesh->buildBoundaryMesh(keepCoords);
+ boundaryMesh->setName("boundaryMesh");
+ //cout<<"boundaryMesh "<<boundaryMesh->getNumberOfCells()<<endl;
+ //do not work if faceMesh present yet //The mesh dimension of meshes must be different each other!
+ //boundaryMesh->checkCoherency();
+ //boundaryMesh->tryToShareSameCoordsPermute(*cellMesh, 1e-10);
+ //meshes.push_back(boundaryMesh);
+ //string boundary="boundary_"+distfilename;
+ /*try to find joint do no work
+ int rang=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ if (rang==1) (_collection->getParaDomainSelector())->sendMesh(*(boundaryMesh),0);
+ if (rang==0)
+ {
+ (_collection->getParaDomainSelector())->recvMesh(boundaryMesh1,1);
+ //vector<const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> meshes;
+ //vector<DataArrayInt* > corr;
+ //meshes.push_back(boundaryMesh);
+ //meshes.push_back(boundaryMesh1);
+ //need share the same coords
+ //boundaryMesh1->tryToShareSameCoordsPermute(*boundaryMesh, 1e-10);
+ //finalboundaryMesh=MEDCouplingUMesh::FuseUMeshesOnSameCoords(meshes,2, corr);
+ //boundaryMesh=finalboundaryMesh;
+ boundaryMesh->zipCoords();
+ boundaryMesh1->zipCoords();
+ finalboundaryMesh=MEDCouplingUMesh::MergeUMeshes(boundaryMesh,boundaryMesh1);
+ DataArrayInt* commonNodes=0;
+ commonNodes=finalboundaryMesh->zipCoordsTraducer();
+ boundaryMesh=finalboundaryMesh;
+ cout<<"zipcoords"<<commonNodes->repr()<<endl;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ MEDLoader::WriteUMeshes(distfilename.c_str(), meshes, true);
+ if (faceMeshFilter!=0) faceMeshFilter->decrRef();
+ if (boundaryMesh!=0)
+ {
+ //doing that testMesh becomes second mesh sorted by alphabetical order of name
+ MEDLoader::WriteUMesh(distfilename.c_str(), boundaryMesh, false);
+ boundaryMesh->decrRef();
+ }
+ //cout<<"familyInfo :\n"<<reprMapOfStringInt(_collection->getFamilyInfo())<<endl;
+ //cout<<"groupInfo :\n"<<reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(_collection->getGroupInfo())<<endl;
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh* mfm=ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh::New(distfilename.c_str(), _collection->getMesh(idomain)->getName());
+ /*example of adding new family
+ (_collection->getFamilyInfo())["FaceNotOnCell"]=-500;
+ vector<string> FaceNotOnCell;
+ FaceNotOnCell.push_back("FaceNotOnCell");
+ (_collection->getGroupInfo())["FaceNotOnCell"]=FaceNotOnCell;
+ */
+ //cvwat08
+ //without filter mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(-1,(_collection->getFaceFamilyIds())[idomain]);
+ string cle=cle1ToStr("faceFamily_toArray",idomain);
+ if (_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)!=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().end())
+ {
+ DataArrayInt* fam=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)->second;
+ DataArrayInt* famFilter=0;
+ if (filter!=0)
+ {
+ int* index=filter->getPointer();
+ int nbTuples=filter->getNbOfElems();
+ //not the good one...buildPartOfMySelf do not exist for DataArray
+ //Filter=fam->renumberAndReduce(index, filter->getNbOfElems());
+ famFilter=DataArrayInt::New();
+ famFilter->alloc(nbTuples,1);
+ int* pfamFilter=famFilter->getPointer();
+ int* pfam=fam->getPointer();
+ for (int i=0; i<nbTuples; i++) pfamFilter[i]=pfam[index[i]];
+ fam=famFilter;
+ mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(-1,fam);
+ famFilter->decrRef();
+ }
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<"cvw111 "<<nbTuples<<endl;
+ //mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(-1,fam);
+ // if (famFilter!=0) famFilter->decrRef();
+ }
+ /*example visualisation of filter
+ if (_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)!=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().end())
+ {
+ DataArrayInt* fam=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)->second;
+ string cle2=cle1ToStr("filterNotFaceOnCell",idomain);
+ if (_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle2)!=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().end())
+ {
+ DataArrayInt* filter=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle2)->second;
+ int* index=filter->getPointer();
+ int* pfam=fam->getPointer();
+ for (int i=0; i<filter->getNbOfElems(); i++) pfam[index[i]]=-500;
+ }
+ mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(-1,fam);
+ //mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(-1,_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)->second);
+ }
+ */
+ cle=cle1ToStr("cellFamily_toArray",idomain);
+ if (_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)!=_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().end())
+ mfm->setFamilyFieldArr(0,_collection->getMapDataArrayInt().find(cle)->second);
+ cle="/inewFieldDouble="+intToStr(idomain)+"/";
+ map<string,ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble*>::iterator it;
+ int nbfFieldFound=0;
+ for (it=_collection->getMapDataArrayDouble().begin() ; it!=_collection->getMapDataArrayDouble().end(); it++)
+ {
+ string desc=(*it).first;
+ size_t found=desc.find(cle);
+ if (found==string::npos) continue;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>20) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : write field "<<desc<<endl;
+ string meshName, fieldName;
+ int typeField, DT, IT, entity;
+ fieldShortDescriptionToData(desc, fieldName, typeField, entity, DT, IT);
+ double time=strToDouble(extractFromDescription(desc, "time="));
+ int typeData=strToInt(extractFromDescription(desc, "typeData="));
+ //int nbPtGauss=strToInt(extractFromDescription(desc, "nbPtGauss="));
+ string entityName=extractFromDescription(desc, "entityName=");
+ MEDCouplingFieldDouble* field=0;
+ if (typeData!=6)
+ {
+ cout<<"WARNING : writeMedFile : typeData "<<typeData<<" not implemented for fields\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (entityName=="MED_CELL")
+ {
+ //there is a field of idomain to write
+ field=MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New(ON_CELLS,ONE_TIME);
+ }
+ if (entityName=="MED_NODE_ELEMENT")
+ {
+ //there is a field of idomain to write
+ field=MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New(ON_GAUSS_NE,ONE_TIME);
+ }
+ if (!field)
+ {
+ cout<<"WARNING : writeMedFile : entityName "<<entityName<<" not implemented for fields\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ nbfFieldFound++;
+ field->setName(fieldName.c_str());
+ field->setMesh(mfm->getLevel0Mesh(false));
+ DataArrayDouble* da=(*it).second;
+ //get information for components etc..
+ vector<string> r1;
+ r1=selectTagsInVectorOfString(MyGlobals::_generalInformations,"fieldName="+fieldName);
+ r1=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r1,"typeField="+intToStr(typeField));
+ r1=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r1,"DT="+intToStr(DT));
+ r1=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r1,"IT="+intToStr(IT));
+ //not saved in file? field->setDescription(extractFromDescription(r1[0], "fieldDescription=").c_str());
+ int nbc=strToInt(extractFromDescription(r1[0], "nbComponents="));
+ //double time=strToDouble(extractFromDescription(r1[0], "time="));
+ if (nbc==da->getNumberOfComponents())
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<nbc; i++)
+ da->setInfoOnComponent(i,extractFromDescription(r1[0], "componentInfo"+intToStr(i)+"=").c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cerr<<"Problem On field "<<fieldName<<" : number of components unexpected "<<da->getNumberOfComponents()<<endl;
+ }
+ field->setArray(da);
+ field->setTime(time,DT,IT);
+ field->checkCoherency();
+ try
+ {
+ MEDLoader::WriteField(distfilename.c_str(),field,false);
+ //if entityName=="MED_NODE_ELEMENT"
+ //AN INTERP_KERNEL::EXCEPTION HAS BEEN THROWN : Not implemented other profile fitting from already written mesh for fields than on NODES and on CELLS.**********
+ //modification MEDLoader.cxx done
+ }
+ catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+ {
+ //cout trying rewrite all data, only one field defined
+ string tmp,newName=distfilename;
+ tmp+="_"+fieldName+"_"+intToStr(nbfFieldFound)+".med";
+ newName.replace(newName.find(".med"),4,tmp);
+ cout<<"WARNING : writeMedFile : new file name with only one field :"<<newName<<endl;
+ MEDLoader::WriteField(newName.c_str(),field,true);
+ }
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : write field "<<cle<<" done"<<endl;
+ }
- // writeSubdomain(idomain, nbdomains, distfilename.c_str(), domainSelector);
+void writeFieldNodeCellTryingToFitExistingMesh(const char *fileName, const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f)
+ med_int numdt,numo;
+ med_float dt;
+ int nbComp=f->getNumberOfComponents();
+ med_idt fid=appendFieldSimpleAtt(fileName,f,numdt,numo,dt);
+ std::list<MEDLoader::MEDFieldDoublePerCellType> split;
+ prepareCellFieldDoubleForWriting(f,thisMeshCellIdsPerType,split);
+ const double *pt=f->getArray()->getConstPointer();
+ int number=0;
+ for(std::list<MEDLoader::MEDFieldDoublePerCellType>::const_iterator iter=split.begin();iter!=split.end();iter++)
+ {
+ INTERP_KERNEL::AutoPtr<char> nommaa=MEDLoaderBase::buildEmptyString(MED_NAME_SIZE);
+ MEDLoaderBase::safeStrCpy(f->getMesh()->getName(),MED_NAME_SIZE,nommaa,MEDLoader::_TOO_LONG_STR);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::AutoPtr<char> profileName=MEDLoaderBase::buildEmptyString(MED_NAME_SIZE);
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Pfl" << f->getName() << "_" << number++;
+ MEDLoaderBase::safeStrCpy(oss.str().c_str(),MED_NAME_SIZE,profileName,MEDLoader::_TOO_LONG_STR);
+ const std::vector<int>& ids=(*iter).getCellIdPerType();
+ int *profile=new int [ids.size()];
+ std::transform(ids.begin(),ids.end(),profile,std::bind2nd(std::plus<int>(),1));
+ MEDprofileWr(fid,profileName,ids.size(),profile);
+ delete [] profile;
+ MEDfieldValueWithProfileWr(fid,f->getName(),numdt,numo,dt,MED_NODE_CELL,typmai3[(int)(*iter).getType()],MED_COMPACT_PFLMODE,profileName,
+ MED_NO_LOCALIZATION,MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_ALL_CONSTITUENT,(*iter).getNbOfTuple(),(const unsigned char*)pt);
+ pt+=(*iter).getNbOfTuple()*nbComp;
+ }
+ MEDfileClose(fid);
#include "MEDPARTITIONER.hxx"
+#include <vector>
#include <string>
int readSeq(const char*,const char*);
virtual void write(const char*, ParaDomainSelector* sel=0)=0;
-// virtual void readFields (vector <MEDMEM::FIELD<int> *>& filenames, char* fieldname,
-// int itnumber, int ordernumber) =0;
-// virtual void readFields (vector <MEDMEM::FIELD<double> *>& filenames, char* fieldname,
-// int itnumber, int ordernumber) =0;
-// virtual void writeFields(vector <MEDMEM::FIELD<int> *>& filenames, char* fieldname)=0;
-// virtual void writeFields(vector <MEDMEM::FIELD<double> *>& filenames, char* fieldname)=0;
-// void readFileStruct(vector <string>& field_names,vector<int>& iternumber,vector <int>& ordernumber,vector <int> & types);
-// int getFieldType(const std::string& fieldname);
-// // void exportFamily(vector<int*>,MED_EN::medEntityMesh, const string& name);
-// void readLoc2GlobCellConnect(int idomain, const set<int>& loc_domains, ParaDomainSelector* ds,
-// vector<int> & loc2glob_corr);
-// int readMeshDimension() const;
- void readSubdomain(vector<int*>& cellglobal,
- vector<int*>& faceglobal,
- vector<int*>& nodeglobal, int idomain);
+ void readSubdomain(std::vector<int*>& cellglobal,
+ std::vector<int*>& faceglobal,
+ std::vector<int*>& nodeglobal, int idomain);
+ void readSubdomain(int idomain);
void writeMedFile(int idomain, const std::string& distfilename);
-// void writeElementJoint(medEntityMesh entity ,
-// int icz,
-// int idomain,
-// int idistant,
-// char* mesh_name,
-// char* joint_name,
-// med_2_3::med_idt fid );
-// void jointSort(int* elems, int nbelems, bool is_first);
MESHCollection* _collection;
- std::vector <std::string> _filename;
- std::vector <std::string> _meshname;
+ //to Globals
+ //std::vector <std::string> _filename;
+ //std::vector <std::string> _meshname;
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
-//Debug macros
-#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollection.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
+using namespace std;
//template inclusion
//#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver.H"
int MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver::read(const char* filename, ParaDomainSelector* domainSelector)
- //ditributed meshes
+ //distributed meshes
vector<int*> cellglobal;
vector<int*> nodeglobal;
vector<int*> faceglobal;
int nbdomain;
// reading ascii master file
- try{
+ try
+ {
ifstream asciiinput(filename);
- if (!asciiinput)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDPARTITIONER read - Master File does not exist");
+ if (!asciiinput) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Master ASCII File does not exist"));
char charbuffer[512];
//reading number of domains
- cout << "nb domain "<<nbdomain<<endl;
+ //cout << "nb domain "<<nbdomain<<endl;
// asciiinput>>nbdomain;
- _filename.resize(nbdomain);
- _meshname.resize(nbdomain);
+ MyGlobals::_fileNames.resize(nbdomain);
+ MyGlobals::_meshNames.resize(nbdomain);
- if (nbdomain == 0)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Empty ASCII master file");
+ if (nbdomain == 0) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Empty ASCII master file"));
for (int i=0; i<nbdomain;i++)
//reading information about the domain
string mesh;
int idomain;
+ asciiinput >> mesh >> idomain >> MyGlobals::_meshNames[i] >> host >> MyGlobals::_fileNames[i];
- asciiinput >> mesh >> idomain >> _meshname[i] >> host >> _filename[i];
- //Setting the name of the global mesh (which is the same
- //for all the subdomains)
+ //Setting the name of the global mesh (which should be is the same for all the subdomains)
if (i==0)
if (idomain!=i+1)
- cerr<<"Error : domain must be written from 1 to N in asciifile descriptor"<<endl;
- return 1;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("domain must be written from 1 to N in ASCII file descriptor"));
if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->isMyDomain(i))
readSubdomain(cellglobal,faceglobal,nodeglobal, i);
}//of try
- cerr << "I/O error reading parallel MED file"<<endl;
- throw;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("I/O error reading parallel MED file"));
//creation of topology from mesh and connect zones
if (nodeglobal[i]!=0) delete[] nodeglobal[i];
if (faceglobal[i]!=0) delete[] faceglobal[i];
return 0;
-/*! writes the collection of meshes in a
- * MED v2.3 file
+/*! writes the collection of meshes in a MED v2.3 file
* with the connect zones being written as joints
* \param filename name of the ascii file containing the meshes description
void MESHCollectionMedAsciiDriver::write(const char* filename, ParaDomainSelector* domainSelector)
- int nbdomains= _collection->getMesh().size();
- _filename.resize(nbdomains);
+ int nbdomains=_collection->getMesh().size();
+ vector<string> filenames;
+ filenames.resize(nbdomains);
//loop on the domains
- for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomains;idomain++)
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomains; idomain++)
string distfilename;
ostringstream suffix;
- suffix << filename<< idomain+1 <<".med";
+ suffix<<filename<<idomain+1<<".med";
- _filename[idomain]=distfilename;
+ filenames[idomain]=distfilename;
if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->isMyDomain( idomain ) )
if ( !_collection->getMesh()[idomain]->getNumberOfCells()==0 ) continue;//empty domain
// writeSubdomain(idomain, nbdomains, distfilename.c_str(), domainSelector);
if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->rank() == 0 )
ofstream file(filename);
+ file << "#MED Fichier V 2.3"<<" "<<endl;
+ file << "#"<<" "<<endl;
+ file << _collection->getMesh().size()<<" "<<endl;
- file <<"#MED Fichier V 2.3"<<" "<<endl;
- file <<"#"<<" "<<endl;
- file<<_collection->getMesh().size()<<" "<<endl;
- for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomains;idomain++)
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nbdomains; idomain++)
file << _collection->getName() <<" "<< idomain+1 << " "
<< (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getName() << " localhost "
- << _filename[idomain] << " "<<endl;
+ << filenames[idomain] << " "<<endl;
#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "MEDMEM_Utilities.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
//MEDSPLITTER includes
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollection.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
+using namespace std;
//template inclusion
//#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver.H"
int MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver::read(const char* filename, ParaDomainSelector* domainSelector)
- const char* LOC = "MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollectionDriver::read()";
- //ditributed meshes
+ //distributed meshes //cvwat02
+ /*cvw
vector<int*> cellglobal;
vector<int*> nodeglobal;
- vector<int*> faceglobal;
+ vector<int*> faceglobal;*/
int nbdomain;
// reading ascii master file
- MESSAGE_MED("Start reading");
// Setting up the XML tree corresponding to filename
xmlDocPtr master_doc=xmlParseFile(filename);
- if (!master_doc)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("MEDPARTITIONER XML read - Master File does not exist o r is not compliant with XML scheme");
+ if (!master_doc)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("XML Master File does not exist or is not compliant with XML scheme"));
//number of domains
xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(master_doc);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST "//splitting/subdomain", xpathCtx);
if (xpathObj==0 || xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr ==0)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("MEDPARTITIONER read - XML Master File does not contain /MED/splitting/subdomain node");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("XML Master File does not contain /MED/splitting/subdomain node"));
/* as subdomain has only one property which is "number"
* it suffices to take the content of its first child */
//mesh name
+ xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj);
xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST "//content/mesh", xpathCtx);
if (xpathObj==0 || xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr ==0)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("MEDPARTITIONER read - XML Master File does not contain /MED/content/mesh node");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("XML Master File does not contain /MED/content/mesh node"));
_collection->setName( (const char*)xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->properties->children->content);
- cout << "nb domain " << nbdomain << endl;
- _filename.resize(nbdomain);
- _meshname.resize(nbdomain);
+ //cout << "nb domain " << nbdomain << endl;
+ MyGlobals::_fileNames.resize(nbdomain);
+ MyGlobals::_meshNames.resize(nbdomain);
+ /*cvw
+ */
// retrieving the node which contains the file names
const char filechar[]="//files/subfile";
+ xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj);
xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST filechar, xpathCtx);
if (xpathObj==0 || xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr ==0)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("MEDPARTITIONER read - XML Master File does not contain /MED/files/subfile nodes");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("XML Master File does not contain /MED/files/subfile nodes"));
int nbfiles = xpathObj->nodesetval ->nodeNr;
for (int i=0; i<nbfiles;i++)
//reading information about the domain
string host;
+ /*cvw
+ */
//reading file names
xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObjfilename =
xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST name_search_string.str().c_str(),xpathCtx);
if (xpathObjfilename->nodesetval ==0)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("MED XML reader : Error retrieving file name ");
- _filename[i]=(const char*)xpathObjfilename->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->children->content;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error retrieving a file name from subfile of XML Master File"));
+ MyGlobals::_fileNames[i]=(const char*)xpathObjfilename->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->children->content;
//reading the local mesh names
xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathMeshObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST mesh_search_string.str().c_str(),xpathCtx);
if (xpathMeshObj->nodesetval ==0)
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("MED XML reader : Error retrieving mesh name ");
- _meshname[i]=(const char*)xpathMeshObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->children->content;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error retrieving mesh name from chunk of XML Master File"));
+ MyGlobals::_meshNames[i]=(const char*)xpathMeshObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->children->content;
if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->isMyDomain(i))
- readSubdomain(cellglobal, faceglobal, nodeglobal, i);
+ readSubdomain(i); //cvwat03
+ //cvw readSubdomain(cellglobal, faceglobal, nodeglobal, i); //cvwat03
}//loop on domains
- MESSAGE_MED("end of read");
}//of try
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("I/O error reading parallel MED file");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("I/O error reading parallel MED file"));
+ ParallelTopology* aPT = new ParallelTopology(_collection->getMesh());
//creation of topology from mesh and connect zones
+ if ( _collection->isParallelMode() )
+ {
+ //to know nb of cells on each proc to compute global cell ids from locally global
+ domainSelector->gatherNbOf(_collection->getMesh());
+ }
+ /*cvw
ParallelTopology* aPT = new ParallelTopology
((_collection->getMesh()), (_collection->getCZ()), cellglobal, nodeglobal, faceglobal);
+ */
+ /*cvw
for (int i=0; i<nbdomain; i++)
if (cellglobal[i]!=0) delete[] cellglobal[i];
if (nodeglobal[i]!=0) delete[] nodeglobal[i];
if (faceglobal[i]!=0) delete[] faceglobal[i];
- }
+ }*/
return 0;
void MESHCollectionMedXMLDriver::write(const char* filename, ParaDomainSelector* domainSelector)
- const char* LOC = "MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollectionDriver::writeXML()";
xmlDocPtr master_doc = 0;
xmlNodePtr root_node = 0, node, node2;
// xmlDTDPtr dtd = 0;
xmlNewProp(mesh_node, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST _collection->getName().c_str());
int nbdomains= _collection->getMesh().size();
- _filename.resize(nbdomains);
+ //vector<string> filenames;
+ //filenames.resize(nbdomains);
//loop on the domains
+ string finalMeshName=extractFromDescription(MyGlobals::_generalInformations[0], "finalMeshName=");
for (int idomain=nbdomains-1; idomain>=0;idomain--)
string distfilename;
ostringstream suffix;
- suffix << filename<< idomain+1 <<".med";
+ suffix<<filename<<idomain+1<<".med";
+ //filenames[idomain]=distfilename;
- _filename[idomain]=distfilename;
- MESSAGE_MED("File name "<<distfilename);
if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->isMyDomain( idomain ) )
- {
- if ( (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getNumberOfCells()==0 ) continue;//empty domain
- writeMedFile(idomain,distfilename);
+ {
+ if ( (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getNumberOfCells()==0 ) continue; //empty domain
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1)
+ cout<<"proc "<<domainSelector->rank()<<" : writeMedFile "<<distfilename
+ << " "<<(_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getNumberOfCells()<<" cells"
+ << " "<<(_collection->getFaceMesh())[idomain]->getNumberOfCells()<<" faces"
+ << " "<<(_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getNumberOfNodes()<<" nodes"<<endl;
+ writeMedFile(idomain,distfilename);
+ }
- //updating the ascii description file
- node = xmlNewChild(file_node, 0, BAD_CAST "subfile",0);
- sprintf (buff,"%d",idomain+1);
- xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "id", BAD_CAST buff);
- xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "name",BAD_CAST distfilename.c_str());
- xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "machine",BAD_CAST "localhost");
- node = xmlNewChild(mesh_node,0, BAD_CAST "chunk",0);
- xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "subdomain", BAD_CAST buff);
- xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getName());
- }
+ if (domainSelector->rank()==0)
+ {
+ //updating the ascii description file
+ node = xmlNewChild(file_node, 0, BAD_CAST "subfile",0);
+ sprintf (buff,"%d",idomain+1);
+ xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "id", BAD_CAST buff);
+ xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "name",BAD_CAST distfilename.c_str());
+ xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "machine",BAD_CAST "localhost");
+ node = xmlNewChild(mesh_node,0, BAD_CAST "chunk",0);
+ xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "subdomain", BAD_CAST buff);
+ xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST finalMeshName.c_str());
+ //xmlNewChild(node,0,BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST (_collection->getMesh())[idomain]->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ //create the ascii description file
+ if (domainSelector->rank()==0)
+ {
+ string myfile(filename);
+ myfile.append(".xml");
+ _master_filename=myfile;
+ if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->rank() == 0 )
+ xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(myfile.c_str(), master_doc, "UTF-8", 1);
+ //xmlFreeDoc(master_doc);
+ //xmlCleanupParser();
- string myfile(filename);
- myfile.append(".xml");
- _master_filename=myfile;
- if ( !domainSelector || domainSelector->rank() == 0 )
- xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(myfile.c_str(), master_doc, "UTF-8", 1);
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_METISGraph.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
+#include "InterpKernelException.hxx"
+#include <iostream>
using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
-void METISGraph::partGraph(int ndomain,
- const std::string& options_string,
+void METISGraph::partGraph(int ndomain, //cvwat10
+ const std::string& options_string,
ParaDomainSelector* parallelizer)
+ using std::vector;
+ vector<int> ran,vx,va; //for randomize
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : METISGraph::partGraph"<<endl;
// number of graph vertices
- int n = _graph->getNumberOf();
+ int n=_graph->getNumberOf();
int * xadj=const_cast<int*>(_graph->getIndex());
- int * adjncy = const_cast<int*>(_graph->getValue());
+ int * adjncy=const_cast<int*>(_graph->getValue());
int * vwgt=_cellweight;
int * adjwgt=_edgeweight;
int wgtflag=(_edgeweight!=0)?1:0+(_cellweight!=0)?2:0;
//base 0 or 1
int base=0;
- int nparts = ndomain;
+ int nparts=ndomain;
- int options[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
+ /*
+ (0=default_option,option,random_seed) see defs.h
+ #define PMV3_OPTION_DBGLVL 1
+ #define PMV3_OPTION_SEED 2
+ #define PMV3_OPTION_IPART 3
+ #define PMV3_OPTION_PSR 3
+ seems no changes int options[4]={1,0,33,0}; //test for a random seed of 33
+ */
+ int options[4]={0,0,0,0};
// output parameters
int edgecut;
- int* partition = new int[n];
+ int* partition=new int[n];
- cout << "ParMETIS : n="<<n<<endl;
+ //if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : METISGraph::partGraph n="<<n<<endl;
if (nparts >1)
if ( parallelizer )
// distribution of vertices of the graph among the processors
- int * vtxdist = parallelizer ? parallelizer->getNbVertOfProcs() : 0;
- MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
- cout<<"vtxdist[1]"<<" "<<vtxdist[2]<<endl;
- ParMETIS_PartKway( vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, adjwgt, &wgtflag,
- &base, &nparts, options, &edgecut, partition, &comm );
- if (n<8 && nparts==3)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- partition[i]=i%3;
- }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>100)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank
+ <<" : METISGraph::partGraph ParMETIS_PartKway"<<endl;
+ int * vtxdist=parallelizer->getProcVtxdist();
+ try
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>200)
+ {
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : vtxdist :";
+ for (int i=0; i<MyGlobals::_world_size+1; ++i) cout<<vtxdist[i]<<" ";
+ cout<<endl;
+ int lgxadj=vtxdist[MyGlobals::_rank+1]-vtxdist[MyGlobals::_rank];
+ //cout<<"lgxadj "<<lgxadj<<" "<<n<<endl;
+ if (lgxadj>0)
+ {
+ cout<<"\nproc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : lgxadj "<<lgxadj<<" lgadj "<<xadj[lgxadj+1]<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) cout<<xadj[i]<<" ";
+ cout<<"... "<<xadj[lgxadj]<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<15; ++i) cout<<adjncy[i]<<" ";
+ int ll=xadj[lgxadj]-1;
+ cout<<"... ["<<ll<<"] "<<adjncy[ll-1]<<" "<<adjncy[ll]<<endl;
+ /*for (int i=0; i<=ll; ++i) {
+ if (adjncy[i]<0) cout<<"***cvw00 error: adjncy[i]<0 "<<i<<endl;
+ }*/
+ int imaxx=0;
+ //for (int ilgxadj=0; ilgxadj<lgxadj; ilgxadj++)
+ for (int ilgxadj=0; ilgxadj<lgxadj; ilgxadj++)
+ {
+ int ilg=xadj[ilgxadj+1]-xadj[ilgxadj];
+ /*if (ilg<0) cout<<"***cvw01 error: ilg<0 in xadj "<<ilgxadj<<endl;
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>1000)
+ {
+ cout<<"\n -cell "<<ilgxadj<<" "<<ilg<<" :";
+ for (int i=0; i<ilg; i++) cout<<" "<<adjncy[xadj[ilgxadj]+i];
+ }*/
+ if (ilg>imaxx) imaxx=ilg;
+ }
+ cout<<"\nproc "<<MyGlobals::_rank
+ <<" : on "<<lgxadj<<" cells, max neighbourg number (...for one cell) is "<<imaxx<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((MyGlobals::_randomize!=0 || MyGlobals::_atomize!=0) && MyGlobals::_world_size==1)
+ {
+ //randomize initially was for test on ParMETIS error (sometimes)
+ //due to : seems no changes int options[4]={1,0,33,0}; //test for a random seed of 33
+ //it was keeped
+ ran=createRandomSize(n);
+ randomizeAdj(&xadj[0],&adjncy[0],ran,vx,va);
+ ParMETIS_PartKway( //cvwat11
+ vtxdist, &vx[0], &va[0], vwgt,
+ adjwgt, &wgtflag, &base, &nparts, options,
+ &edgecut, partition, &comm );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : barrier ParMETIS_PartKway done"<<endl;
+ ParMETIS_PartKway( //cvwat11
+ vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, vwgt,
+ adjwgt, &wgtflag, &base, &nparts, options,
+ &edgecut, partition, &comm );
+ }
+/*doc from parmetis.h
+ void __cdecl ParMETIS_PartKway(
+ idxtype *vtxdist, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *adjncy, idxtype *vwgt,
+ idxtype *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts, int *options,
+ int *edgecut, idxtype *part, MPI_Comm *comm);
+ void __cdecl ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(
+ idxtype *vtxdist, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *adjncy, idxtype *vwgt,
+ idxtype *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *ncon, int *nparts,
+ float *tpwgts, float *ubvec, int *options, int *edgecut, idxtype *part,
+ MPI_Comm *comm);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ //helas ParMETIS "Error! Key -2 not found!" not catched...
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in ParMETIS_PartKway"));
+ }
+ if (n<8 && nparts==3)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) partition[i]=i%3;
+ }
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("ParMETIS is not available. Check your products, please.");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("ParMETIS is not available. Check your products, please."));
+ //throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("ParMETIS is not available. Check your products, please."));
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank
+ <<" : METISGraph::partGraph METIS_PartGraph Recursive or Kway"<<endl;
if (options_string != "k")
METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&n, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, adjwgt, &wgtflag,
&base, &nparts, options, &edgecut, partition);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- partition[i]=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) partition[i]=0;
- std::vector<int> index(n+1);
- std::vector<int> value(n);
+ vector<int> index(n+1);
+ vector<int> value(n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if (ran.size()>0 && MyGlobals::_atomize==0) //there is randomize
- index[i+1]=index[i]+1;
- value[i]=partition[i];
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"randomize"<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ index[i+1]=index[i]+1;
+ value[ran[i]]=partition[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ index[i+1]=index[i]+1;
+ value[i]=partition[i];
+ }
//creating a skylinearray with no copy of the index and partition array
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_Graph.hxx"
#include <string>
// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_UserGraph.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
+#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
-using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
-using namespace MED_EN;
+//using namespace MED_EN;
using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
bool ParaDomainSelector::isOnDifferentHosts() const
- if ( _world_size < 2 )
- return false;
+ if ( _world_size < 2 ) return false;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
char name_here[ MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME+1 ], name_there[ MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME+1 ];
MPI_Sendrecv((void*)&name_here[0], MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME, MPI_CHAR, next_proc, tag,
(void*)&name_there[0], MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME, MPI_CHAR, prev_proc, tag,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- return string(name_here) != string(name_there);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<rank()<<" : names "<<name_here<<" "<<name_there<<endl;
+ //bug: (isOnDifferentHosts here and there) is not (isOnDifferentHosts somewhere)
+ //return string(name_here) != string(name_there);
+ int sum_same=-1;
+ int same=1;
+ if (string(name_here) != string(name_there)) same=0;
+ MPI_Allreduce( &same, &sum_same, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ //cout<<"proc "<<rank()<<" : sum_same "<<sum_same<<endl;
+ return (sum_same != nbProcs());
- * \brief Gather info on nb of entities on each processor and return total nb.
+ * \brief Gather info on nb of cell entities on each processor and return total nb.
* Is called
* 1) for MED_CELL to know global id shift for domains at graph construction;
-int ParaDomainSelector::gatherNbOf(
- const vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& domain_meshes)
+void ParaDomainSelector::gatherNbOf(const vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& domain_meshes)
// get nb of elems of each domain mesh
- int nb_domains = domain_meshes.size();
- vector<int> nb_elems( nb_domains, 0 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nb_domains; ++i )
+ int nb_domains=domain_meshes.size();
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : gatherNbOf "<<nb_domains<<endl;
+ vector<int> nb_elems(nb_domains*2, 0); //NumberOfCells & NumberOfNodes
+ for (int i=0; i<nb_domains; ++i)
if ( domain_meshes[i] )
- nb_elems[i] = domain_meshes[i]->getNumberOfCells();
+ {
+ nb_elems[i*2] = domain_meshes[i]->getNumberOfCells();
+ nb_elems[i*2+1] = domain_meshes[i]->getNumberOfNodes();
+ }
// receive nb of elems from other procs
- vector<int> all_nb_elems( nb_domains );
+ vector<int> all_nb_elems( nb_domains*2 );
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Allreduce((void*)&nb_elems[0], (void*)&all_nb_elems[0], nb_domains,
+ MPI_Allreduce((void*)&nb_elems[0], (void*)&all_nb_elems[0], nb_domains*2,
- int total_nb = std::accumulate( all_nb_elems.begin(), all_nb_elems.end(), 0 );
- vector<int>& elem_shift_by_domain = _cell_shift_by_domain;
- // fill elem_shift_by_domain
- vector< int > ordered_nbs, domain_order( nb_domains );
- ordered_nbs.push_back(0);
- for ( int iproc = 0; iproc < nbProcs(); ++iproc )
- for ( int idomain = 0; idomain < nb_domains; ++idomain )
- if ( getProcessorID( idomain ) == iproc )
+ int total_nb_cells=0, total_nb_nodes=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<nb_domains; ++i)
+ {
+ total_nb_cells+=all_nb_elems[i*2];
+ total_nb_nodes+=all_nb_elems[i*2+1];
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>10)
+ cout<<"totalNbCells "<<total_nb_cells<<" totalNbNodes "<<total_nb_nodes<<endl;
+ vector<int>& cell_shift_by_domain=_cell_shift_by_domain;
+ vector<int>& node_shift_by_domain=_node_shift_by_domain;
+ vector<int>& face_shift_by_domain=_face_shift_by_domain;
+ vector< int > ordered_nbs_cell, ordered_nbs_node, domain_order(nb_domains);
+ ordered_nbs_cell.push_back(0);
+ ordered_nbs_node.push_back(0);
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc<nbProcs(); ++iproc)
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nb_domains; ++idomain)
+ if (getProcessorID( idomain )==iproc)
- domain_order[ idomain ] = ordered_nbs.size() - 1;
- ordered_nbs.push_back( ordered_nbs.back() + all_nb_elems[idomain] );
+ domain_order[idomain] = ordered_nbs_cell.size() - 1;
+ ordered_nbs_cell.push_back( ordered_nbs_cell.back() + all_nb_elems[idomain*2] );
+ ordered_nbs_node.push_back( ordered_nbs_node.back() + all_nb_elems[idomain*2+1] );
- elem_shift_by_domain.resize( nb_domains+1, 0 );
- for ( int idomain = 0; idomain < nb_domains; ++idomain )
- elem_shift_by_domain[ idomain ] = ordered_nbs[ domain_order[ idomain ]];
- elem_shift_by_domain.back() = ordered_nbs.back(); // to know total nb of elements
+ cell_shift_by_domain.resize( nb_domains+1, 0 );
+ node_shift_by_domain.resize( nb_domains+1, 0 );
+ face_shift_by_domain.resize( nb_domains+1, 0 );
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<nb_domains; ++idomain)
+ {
+ cell_shift_by_domain[ idomain ] = ordered_nbs_cell[ domain_order[ idomain ]];
+ node_shift_by_domain[ idomain ] = ordered_nbs_node[ domain_order[ idomain ]];
+ }
+ cell_shift_by_domain.back() = ordered_nbs_cell.back(); // to know total nb of elements
+ node_shift_by_domain.back() = ordered_nbs_node.back(); // to know total nb of elements
- // fill _nb_vert_of_procs
- _nb_vert_of_procs.resize( _world_size+1, 0 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nb_domains; ++i )
- {
- int rank = getProcessorID( i );
- _nb_vert_of_procs[ rank+1 ] += all_nb_elems[ i ];
- }
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>300)
+ {
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : cellShiftByDomain ";
+ for (int i=0; i<=nb_domains; ++i) cout<<cell_shift_by_domain[i]<<"|";
+ cout<<endl;
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : nodeShiftBy_domain ";
+ for (int i=0; i<=nb_domains; ++i) cout<<node_shift_by_domain[i]<<"|";
+ cout<<endl;
+ }
+ // fill _nb_vert_of_procs (is Vtxdist)
+ _nb_vert_of_procs.resize(_world_size+1);
_nb_vert_of_procs[0] = 0; // base = 0
- for ( int i = 1; i < _nb_vert_of_procs.size(); ++i )
- _nb_vert_of_procs[ i ] += _nb_vert_of_procs[ i-1 ]; // to CSR format
+ for (int i=0; i<nb_domains; ++i)
+ {
+ int rank = getProcessorID(i);
+ _nb_vert_of_procs[rank+1] += all_nb_elems[i*2];
+ }
+ for (int i=1; i<_nb_vert_of_procs.size(); ++i)
+ _nb_vert_of_procs[i] += _nb_vert_of_procs[i-1]; // to CSR format : cumulated
- evaluateMemory();
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>200)
+ {
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : gatherNbOf : vtxdist is ";
+ for (int i = 0; i <= _world_size; ++i) cout<<_nb_vert_of_procs[i]<<" ";
+ cout<<endl;
+ }
- return total_nb;
+ evaluateMemory();
+ return;
* \brief Return distribution of the graph vertices among the processors
- * \retval int* - array conatining nb of vertices on all processors
+ * \retval int* - array containing nb of vertices (=cells) on all processors
- * gatherNbOf( MED_CELL ) must be called before.
+ * gatherNbOf() must be called before.
* The result array is to be used as the first arg of ParMETIS_V3_PartKway() and
* is freed by ParaDomainSelector.
-#define gatherNbOf_NOT_CALLED(meth) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception \
-("ParaDomainSelector::" #meth "(): gatherNbOf( MED_CELL ) must be called before")
-int* ParaDomainSelector::getNbVertOfProcs() const
+int* ParaDomainSelector::getProcVtxdist() const
- if ( _nb_vert_of_procs.empty() )
- gatherNbOf_NOT_CALLED(getNbVertOfProcs);
+ if (_nb_vert_of_procs.empty()) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("_nb_vert_of_procs not set"));
return (int*) & _nb_vert_of_procs[0];
* \brief Return nb of cells in domains with lower index.
- * gatherNbOf( MED_CELL ) must be called before.
+ * gatherNbOf() must be called before.
* Result added to local id on given domain gives id in the whole distributed mesh
-int ParaDomainSelector::getDomainShift(int domainIndex) const
+int ParaDomainSelector::getDomainCellShift(int domainIndex) const
- if ( _cell_shift_by_domain.empty() )
- gatherNbOf_NOT_CALLED(getDomainShift);
+ if (_cell_shift_by_domain.empty()) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("_cell_shift_by_domain not set"));
+ return _cell_shift_by_domain[domainIndex];
- return _cell_shift_by_domain[ domainIndex ];
+int ParaDomainSelector::getDomainNodeShift(int domainIndex) const
+ evaluateMemory();
+ if (_node_shift_by_domain.empty()) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("_node_shift_by_domain not set"));
+ return _node_shift_by_domain[domainIndex];
- * \brief Return nb of cells on processors with lower rank.
+ * \brief Return nb of nodes on processors with lower rank.
- * gatherNbOf( MED_CELL ) must be called before.
+ * gatherNbOf() must be called before.
* Result added to global id on this processor gives id in the whole distributed mesh
-int ParaDomainSelector::getProcShift() const
+int ParaDomainSelector::getProcNodeShift() const
- if ( _nb_vert_of_procs.empty() )
- gatherNbOf_NOT_CALLED(getProcShift);
- return _nb_vert_of_procs[_rank]-1;
+ if (_nb_vert_of_procs.empty()) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("_nb_vert_of_procs not set"));
+ //cout<<"_nb_vert_of_procs "<<_nb_vert_of_procs[0]<<" "<<_nb_vert_of_procs[1]<<endl;
+ return _nb_vert_of_procs[_rank];
void ParaDomainSelector::gatherNbCellPairs()
- const char* LOC = "MEDPARTITIONER::ParaDomainSelector::gatherNbCellPairs(): ";
if ( _nb_cell_pairs_by_joint.empty() )
_nb_cell_pairs_by_joint.resize( _nb_result_domains*(_nb_result_domains+1), 0);
// namely that each joint is treated on one proc only
for ( int j = 0; j < _nb_cell_pairs_by_joint.size(); ++j )
if ( _nb_cell_pairs_by_joint[j] != send_buf[j] && send_buf[j]>0 )
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("invalid nb of cell pairs");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("invalid nb of cell pairs"));
int id = total_nb_faces + 1;
if ( _nb_cell_pairs_by_joint.empty() )
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDPARTITIONER::ParaDomainSelector::getFisrtGlobalIdOfSubentity(), "
- "gatherNbCellPairs() must be called before");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("gatherNbCellPairs() must be called before"));
int joint_id = jointId( loc_domain, dist_domain );
for ( int j = 0; j < joint_id; ++j )
id += _nb_cell_pairs_by_joint[ j ];
if (_nb_result_domains < 0)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("ParaDomainSelector::jointId(): setNbDomains() must be called before()");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("setNbDomains() must be called before"));
if ( local_domain < distant_domain )
swap( local_domain, distant_domain );
void ParaDomainSelector::sendMesh(const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& mesh, int target) const
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>600) cout<<"proc "<<_rank<<" : sendMesh '"<<mesh.getName()<<"' size "<<mesh.getNumberOfCells()<<" to "<<target<<endl;
// First stage : sending sizes
// ------------------------------
vector<int> tinyInfoLocal;
//Getting tiny info of local mesh to allow the distant proc to initialize and allocate
//the transmitted mesh.
+ //cout<<"sendMesh getTinySerializationInformation "<<mesh.getName()<<endl;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
int tinySize=tinyInfoLocal.size();
+ //cout<<"MPI_Send cvw11 "<<tinySize<<endl;
MPI_Send(&tinySize, 1, MPI_INT, target, 1113, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- MPI_Send(&tinyInfoLocal[0], tinyInfoLocal.size(), MPI_INT, target, 1112,
+ //cout<<"MPI_Send cvw22 "<<tinyInfoLocal.size()<<endl;
+ MPI_Send(&tinyInfoLocal[0], tinyInfoLocal.size(), MPI_INT, target, 1112, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt *v1Local=0;
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *v2Local=0;
- //serialization of local mesh to send data to distant proc.
- mesh.serialize(v1Local,v2Local);
- int nbLocalElems;
- int* ptLocal=0;
- if(v1Local)
+ if (mesh.getNumberOfCells()>0) //no sends if empty
+ {
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt *v1Local=0;
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *v2Local=0;
+ //serialization of local mesh to send data to distant proc.
+ mesh.serialize(v1Local,v2Local);
+ int nbLocalElems=0;
+ int* ptLocal=0;
+ if(v1Local) //cvw if empty getNbOfElems() is 1!
- nbLocalElems=v1Local->getNbOfElems();
+ nbLocalElems=v1Local->getNbOfElems(); //cvw if empty be 1!
- #ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Send(ptLocal, nbLocalElems, MPI_INT,
- target, 1111, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- #endif
- double *ptLocal2=0;
- if(v2Local)
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Send(ptLocal, nbLocalElems, MPI_INT, target, 1111, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ int nbLocalElems2=0;
+ double *ptLocal2=0;
+ if(v2Local) //cvw if empty be 0!
- nbLocalElems=v2Local->getNbOfElems();
+ nbLocalElems2=v2Local->getNbOfElems();
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Send(ptLocal2, nbLocalElems, MPI_DOUBLE,
- target, 1110, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ MPI_Send(ptLocal2, nbLocalElems2, MPI_DOUBLE, target, 1110, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- if(v1Local)
- v1Local->decrRef();
- if(v2Local)
- v2Local->decrRef();
+ if(v1Local) v1Local->decrRef();
+ if(v2Local) v2Local->decrRef();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //cout<<"sendMesh empty Mesh cvw3344 "<<endl;
+ }
+ //cout<<"end sendMesh "<<mesh.getName()<<endl;
/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill mesh \a mesh.
To be used with \a sendMesh method.
\param mesh pointer to mesh that is filled
\param source processor id of the incoming messages
void ParaDomainSelector::recvMesh(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*& mesh, int source)const
// First stage : exchanging sizes
// ------------------------------
vector<int> tinyInfoDistant;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
MPI_Status status;
int tinyVecSize;
- MPI_Recv(&tinyVecSize, 1, MPI_INT,source,1113,MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ MPI_Recv(&tinyVecSize, 1, MPI_INT, source, 1113, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
MPI_Recv(&tinyInfoDistant[0], tinyVecSize, MPI_INT,source,1112,MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt *v1Distant=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
- ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *v2Distant=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
- //Building the right instance of copy of distant mesh.
- ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet *distant_mesh_tmp=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::BuildInstanceFromMeshType((ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMeshType)tinyInfoDistant[0]);
- std::vector<std::string> unusedTinyDistantSts;
- mesh=dynamic_cast<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> (distant_mesh_tmp);
+ //there was tinyInfoLocal.push_back(mesh.getNumberOfCells());
+ int NumberOfCells=tinyInfoDistant[tinyVecSize-1];
+ //cout<<"recvMesh NumberOfCells "<<NumberOfCells<<endl;
+ if (NumberOfCells>0)
+ {
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt *v1Distant=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *v2Distant=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ //Building the right instance of copy of distant mesh.
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet *distant_mesh_tmp=
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::BuildInstanceFromMeshType(
+ (ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMeshType) tinyInfoDistant[0]);
+ std::vector<std::string> unusedTinyDistantSts;
+ mesh=dynamic_cast<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*> (distant_mesh_tmp);
- mesh->resizeForUnserialization(tinyInfoDistant,v1Distant,v2Distant,unusedTinyDistantSts);
- int nbDistElem=0;
- int *ptDist=0;
- if(v1Distant)
+ mesh->resizeForUnserialization(tinyInfoDistant,v1Distant,v2Distant,unusedTinyDistantSts);
+ int nbDistElem=0;
+ int *ptDist=0;
+ if(v1Distant)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Recv(ptDist, nbDistElem, MPI_INT,
- source,1111,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ MPI_Recv(ptDist, nbDistElem, MPI_INT, source,1111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- int nbLocalElems=0;
- double *ptDist2=0;
- nbDistElem=0;
- if(v2Distant)
+ double *ptDist2=0;
+ nbDistElem=0;
+ if(v2Distant)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Recv(ptDist2, nbDistElem, MPI_DOUBLE,source, 1110, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- //
- //finish unserialization
- mesh->unserialization(tinyInfoDistantD,tinyInfoDistant,v1Distant,v2Distant,unusedTinyDistantSts);
- if(v1Distant)
- v1Distant->decrRef();
- if(v2Distant)
- v2Distant->decrRef();
-Sends content of \a vec to processor \a target. To be used with \a recvDoubleVec method.
-\param vec vector to be sent
-\param target processor id of the target
-void ParaDomainSelector::sendDoubleVec(const std::vector<double>& vec, int target)const
- int size=vec.size();
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Send(&size,1,MPI_INT,target,1211, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- MPI_Send(const_cast<double*>(&vec[0]), size,MPI_DOUBLE, target, 1212, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill vector<int> vec.
-To be used with \a sendDoubleVec method.
-\param vec vector that is filled
-\param source processor id of the incoming messages
- */
-void ParaDomainSelector::recvDoubleVec(std::vector<double>& vec, int source)const
- int size;
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Status status;
- MPI_Recv(&size,1,MPI_INT,source,1211, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- vec.resize(size);
- MPI_Recv(&vec[0],size,MPI_DOUBLE,source, 1212, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
-Sends content of \a vec to processor \a target. To be used with \a recvIntVec method.
-\param vec vector to be sent
-\param target processor id of the target
-void ParaDomainSelector::sendIntVec(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target)const
- int size=vec.size();
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Send(&size,1,MPI_INT,target,1211, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- MPI_Send(const_cast<int*>(&vec[0]), size,MPI_INT, target, 1212, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill vector<int> vec.
-To be used with \a sendIntVec method.
-\param vec vector that is filled
-\param source processor id of the incoming messages
- */
-void ParaDomainSelector::recvIntVec(std::vector<int>& vec, int source)const
- int size;
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
- MPI_Status status;
- MPI_Recv(&size,1,MPI_INT,source,1211, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- vec.resize(size);
- MPI_Recv(&vec[0],size,MPI_INT,source, 1212, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
+ MPI_Recv(ptDist2, nbDistElem, MPI_DOUBLE,source, 1110, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ //finish unserialization
+ mesh->unserialization(tinyInfoDistantD,tinyInfoDistant,v1Distant,v2Distant,unusedTinyDistantSts);
+ if(v1Distant) v1Distant->decrRef();
+ if(v2Distant) v2Distant->decrRef();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mesh=createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh();
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>600) cout<<"proc "<<_rank<<" : recvMesh '"<<mesh->getName()<<"' size "<<mesh->getNumberOfCells()<<" from "<<source<<endl;
#include "MEDPARTITIONER.hxx"
-#include <MEDMEM_define.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class MEDPARTITIONER_EXPORT ParaDomainSelector
ParaDomainSelector(bool mesure_memory=false);
- //!< return processor rank
+ // return processor rank
int rank() const { return _rank; }
- //!< return number of processors
+ // return number of processors
int nbProcs() const { return _world_size; }
// Return true if is running on different hosts
bool isOnDifferentHosts() const;
// Return true if the domain with domainIndex is to be loaded on this proc
bool isMyDomain(int domainIndex) const;
// Return processor id where the domain with domainIndex resides
int getProcessorID(int domainIndex) const;
- //!< Set nb of required domains. (Used to sort joints via jointId())
+ //Set nb of required domains. (Used to sort joints via jointId())
void setNbDomains(int nb) { _nb_result_domains = nb; }
// Return identifier for a joint
int jointId( int local_domain, int distant_domain ) const;
+ int getNbTotalCells() { return _cell_shift_by_domain.back(); }
+ int getNbTotalNodes() { return _node_shift_by_domain.back(); };
+ int getNbTotalFaces() { return _face_shift_by_domain.back(); };
// Return domain order
- //int getDomianOrder(int domainIndex, int nb_domains) const;
- // Collect nb of entities on procs and return total nb
- int gatherNbOf(
- //MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity,
-const std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& domain_meshes);
+ //int getDomainOrder(int domainIndex, int nb_domains) const;
+ // Collect nb of entities on procs
+ void gatherNbOf(const std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& domain_meshes);
// Return distribution of the graph vertices among the processors
- int* getNbVertOfProcs() const;
- // Return nb of cells on processors with lower rank
- int getProcShift() const;
+ int* getProcVtxdist() const;
+ // Return nb of nodes on processors with lower rank
+ int getProcNodeShift() const;
// Return nb of cells in domains with lower index
- int getDomainShift(int domainIndex) const;
+ int getDomainCellShift(int domainIndex) const;
+ // Return nb of nodes in domains with lower index
+ int getDomainNodeShift(int domainIndex) const;
// Gather graphs from all processors into one
std::auto_ptr<Graph> gatherGraph(const Graph* graph) const;
// Set nb of cell/cell pairs in a joint between domains
void setNbCellPairs( int nb_cell_pairs, int dist_domain, int loc_domain );
// Gather size of each proc/proc joint
void gatherNbCellPairs();
// Return nb of cell/cell pairs in a joint between domains on different procs
int getNbCellPairs( int dist_domain, int loc_domain ) const;
// Return the first global id of sub-entity for the joint
int getFisrtGlobalIdOfSubentity( int loc_domain, int dist_domain ) const;
// Send-receive local ids of joint faces
int* exchangeSubentityIds( int loc_domain, int dist_domain,
const std::vector<int>& loc_ids_here ) const;
// Return time passed from construction in seconds
double getPassedTime() const;
int evaluateMemory() const;
void sendMesh(const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh& mesh, int target) const;
void recvMesh(ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*& mesh, int source) const;
- void sendDoubleVec(const std::vector<double>& vec, int target) const;
- void recvDoubleVec(std::vector<double>& vec, int source) const;
- void sendIntVec(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target) const;
- void recvIntVec(std::vector<int>& vec, int source) const;
int _rank, _world_size; // my rank and nb of processors
int _nb_result_domains; // required nb of domains
//int _total_nb_faces; // nb of faces in the whole mesh without proc/proc joint faces
std::vector< int > _nb_cell_pairs_by_joint;
std::vector< int > _nb_vert_of_procs; // graph vertices
std::vector< int > _cell_shift_by_domain;
+ std::vector< int > _node_shift_by_domain;
std::vector< int > _face_shift_by_domain;
double _init_time;
bool _mesure_memory;
int _init_memory, _max_memory;
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
#include "InterpKernelHashMap.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollection.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ConnectZone.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Utilities.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
-#ifndef WNT
-using namespace __gnu_cxx;
-using namespace std;
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+#include <mpi.h>
using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
+using namespace std;
//empty constructor
+//!constructing topology according to mesh collection without global numerotation (use setGlobalNumerotation later)
+ParallelTopology::ParallelTopology(const vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshes)
+ _nb_domain=meshes.size();
+ _nb_cells.resize(_nb_domain);
+ _nb_nodes.resize(_nb_domain);
+ // _nb_faces.resize(_nb_domain);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"new ParallelTopology\n";
+ _loc_to_glob.resize(0); //precaution, need gatherNbOf() setGlobalNumerotation()
+ _node_loc_to_glob.resize(0); //precaution, need gatherNbOf() setGlobalNumerotation()
+ //_face_loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
+ _mesh_dimension = -1;
+ bool parallel_mode = false;
+ for (int idomain=0; !parallel_mode && idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
+ parallel_mode = (!meshes[idomain]);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>20 && !parallel_mode) cout<<"WARNING : ParallelTopology contructor without parallel_mode"<<endl;
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
+ {
+ if ( !meshes[idomain] ) continue;
+ if (_mesh_dimension==-1)
+ {
+ _mesh_dimension = meshes[idomain]->getMeshDimension();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_mesh_dimension!=meshes[idomain]->getMeshDimension())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("meshes dimensions incompatible"));
+ }
+ _nb_cells[idomain]=meshes[idomain]->getNumberOfCells();
+ _nb_nodes[idomain]=meshes[idomain]->getNumberOfNodes();
+ //note: in parallel mode _nb_cells and _nb_nodes are not complete now, needs gatherNbOf()
+ }
+//!constructing _loc_to_glob etc by default, needs gatherNbOf() done
+void ParallelTopology::setGlobalNumerotationDefault(ParaDomainSelector* domainSelector)
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"setGlobalNumerotationDefault on "<<_nb_domain<<" domains\n";
+ if (_loc_to_glob.size()!=0) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("a global numerotation is done yet"));
+ _loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
+ _node_loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
+ //warning because _nb_cells[idomain] is 0 if not my domain(s)
+ //we set loc_to_glob etc.. only for my domain(s)
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>500) cout<<"(c)idomain|ilocalCell|iglobalCell"<<endl;
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
+ {
+ _loc_to_glob[idomain].resize(_nb_cells[idomain]);
+ int domainCellShift=domainSelector->getDomainCellShift(idomain);
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_cells[idomain]; i++)
+ {
+ int global=domainCellShift+i ;
+ _glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(global,make_pair(idomain,i)));
+ _loc_to_glob[idomain][i]=global;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>500) cout<<"c"<<idomain<<"|"<<i<<"|"<<global<<" ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>500) MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>500) cout<<endl;
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>500) cout<<"(n)idomain|ilocalNode|iglobalNode"<<endl;
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
+ {
+ _node_loc_to_glob[idomain].resize(_nb_nodes[idomain]);
+ int domainNodeShift=domainSelector->getDomainNodeShift(idomain);
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_nodes[idomain]; i++)
+ {
+ int global=domainNodeShift+i ;
+ _node_glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(global,make_pair(idomain,i)));
+ _node_loc_to_glob[idomain][i]=global;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>500) cout<<"n"<<idomain<<"|"<<i<<"|"<<global<<" ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>500) MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>500) cout<<endl;
+ _nb_total_cells=domainSelector->getNbTotalCells();
+ _nb_total_nodes=domainSelector->getNbTotalNodes();
+ _nb_total_faces=domainSelector->getNbTotalFaces();
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>200) cout<<"globalNumerotation default done meshDimension "<<_mesh_dimension<<" nbTotalCells "<<_nb_total_cells<<" nbTotalNodes "<<_nb_total_nodes<<endl;
//!constructing topology according to mesh collection
ParallelTopology::ParallelTopology(const vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>& meshes,
vector<int*>& cellglobal,
vector<int*>& nodeglobal,
- vector<int*>& faceglobal):_nb_domain(meshes.size())/*,_mesh_dimension(meshes[0]->getMeshDimension())*/
+ vector<int*>& faceglobal)
+ _nb_domain=meshes.size();
int index_global=0;
int index_node_global=0;
int index_face_global=0;
// _nb_faces.resize(_nb_domain);
// _face_loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
- //MED_EN::medEntityMesh constituent_entity;
bool parallel_mode = false;
for (int idomain=0; !parallel_mode && idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
parallel_mode = (!meshes[idomain]);
for (int idomain=0; idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
- if ( !meshes[idomain] )
- continue;
+ if ( !meshes[idomain] ) continue;
_mesh_dimension = meshes[idomain]->getMeshDimension();
- //constituent_entity = (_mesh_dimension == 3 ? MED_EN::MED_FACE : MED_EN::MED_EDGE );
//creating cell maps
// cout << "Nb cells (domain "<<idomain<<") = "<<_nb_cells[idomain];
if (cellglobal[idomain]==0 || parallel_mode)
- MESSAGE_MED("Creating global numbering");
+ //int cellDomainShift=_cell_shift_by_domain[idomain];
//creating global numbering from scratch
for (int i=0; i<_nb_cells[idomain]; i++)
- _glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(index_global,make_pair(idomain,i+1)));
- _loc_to_glob[idomain][i]=index_global;
- // cout<<"glob:"<<index_global<<" --> ("<<idomain<<","<<i+1<<")"<<endl;
+ int global=i ;//cellDomainShift+i;
+ _glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(global,make_pair(idomain,i)));
+ _loc_to_glob[idomain][i]=global;
+ //cvw cout<<idomain<<"|"<<i<<"|"<<global<<" ";
//using global numbering coming from a previous numbering
- MESSAGE_MED("Using former global numbering");
for (int i=0; i<_nb_cells[idomain]; i++)
int global=cellglobal[idomain][i];
- MESSAGE_MED ("nb total cells "<< _nb_total_cells);
- MESSAGE_MED("nb total nodes "<< _nb_total_nodes);
- SCRUTE_MED(_nb_total_cells);
- SCRUTE_MED(_nb_total_faces);
- SCRUTE_MED(_nb_total_nodes);
//!constructing ParallelTopology from an old topology and a graph
-ParallelTopology::ParallelTopology(Graph* graph, int nb_domain, int mesh_dimension):
- _nb_domain(nb_domain),
- _nb_cells(graph->nbVertices()),
- _mesh_dimension(mesh_dimension)
+ParallelTopology::ParallelTopology(Graph* graph, Topology* oldTopology, int nb_domain, int mesh_dimension)
+ _nb_domain=nb_domain;
+ //cvw !!whatisit! _nb_cells=graph->nbVertices();
+ _mesh_dimension=mesh_dimension;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>200)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : new topology oldNbDomain "<<
+ oldTopology->nbDomain()<<" newNbDomain "<<_nb_domain<<endl;
+ _nb_cells.resize(_nb_domain,0);
+ _nb_nodes.resize(_nb_domain,0);
+ _nb_faces.resize(_nb_domain,0);
+ _loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
+ _node_loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
+ _face_loc_to_glob.resize(_nb_domain);
+ const int* part=graph->getPart(); //all cells for this proc (may be more domains)
+ _nb_total_cells=graph->nbVertices(); //all cells for this proc (may be more domains)
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : topology from partition, nbTotalCells "<<_nb_total_cells<<endl;
+ int icellProc=0; //all cells of my domains are concatenated in part
+ for (int iold=0; iold<oldTopology->nbDomain(); iold++)
+ {
+ int ioldNbCell=oldTopology->getCellNumber(iold);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : cell number old domain "<<iold<<" : "<<ioldNbCell<<endl;
+ //if not my old domains getCellNumber is 0
+ std::vector<int> globalids(ioldNbCell);
+ oldTopology->getCellList(iold, &globalids[0]); //unique global numerotation
+ for (int icell=0; icell<ioldNbCell; icell++)
+ {
+ int idomain=part[icellProc];
+ _nb_cells[idomain]++;
+ icellProc++;
+ int iGlobalCell=globalids[icell];
+ _loc_to_glob[idomain].push_back(iGlobalCell);
+ _glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(iGlobalCell, make_pair(idomain, _nb_cells[idomain])));
+ }
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>300)
+ for (int idomain=0; idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : nbCells in new domain "<<idomain<<" : "<<_nb_cells[idomain]<<endl;
+//!constructing ParallelTopology from an old topology and a graph
+ParallelTopology::ParallelTopology(Graph* graph, Topology* oldTopology, int nb_domain, int mesh_dimension)
+ _nb_domain=nb_domain;
+ //cvw !!whatisit! _nb_cells=graph->nbVertices();
+ _mesh_dimension=mesh_dimension;
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : new topology from partition old nbDomain "<<
+ oldTopology->nbDomain()<<" new nbDomain "<<_nb_domain<<endl;
- for (int i=0; i<_nb_domain; i++)
- _nb_cells[i]=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_domain; i++) _nb_cells[i]=0;
+ const int* part=graph->getPart();
+ _nb_total_cells=graph->nbVertices();
- const int* part = graph-> getPart();
- _nb_total_cells= graph->nbVertices();
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : topology from partition, _nb_total_cells "<<_nb_total_cells<<endl;
for (int icell=0; icell<_nb_total_cells; icell++)
int idomain = part[icell];
- //_loc_to_glob[make_pair(idomain,_nb_cells[idomain])]=icell+1;
+ //cvw problem _nb_cells[idomain] is not only on this proc...
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : topology from partition, houston! there is a bug in _loc_to_glob and _glob_to_loc"<<endl;
- _glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(icell,make_pair(idomain,_nb_cells[idomain])));
+ _glob_to_loc.insert(make_pair(icell, make_pair(idomain, _nb_cells[idomain])));
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : glob_to_loc.insert : "<<icell<<" "<<idomain<<" "<<_nb_cells[idomain]<<endl;
for (int idomain=0; idomain<_nb_domain; idomain++)
- MESSAGE_MED("Nombre de cellules dans le domaine "<< idomain <<" : "<<_nb_cells[idomain]);
- SCRUTE_MED(_nb_total_cells);
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : Nb cells in new domain "<<idomain<<" : "<<_nb_cells[idomain]<<endl;
void ParallelTopology::convertGlobalNodeList(const int* node_list, int nbnode, int* local, int* ip)
if (_node_glob_to_loc.empty())
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("convertGlobalNodeList - Node mapping has not yet been built");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Node mapping has not yet been built"));
for (int i=0; i< nbnode; i++)
pair<int,int> local_node = _node_glob_to_loc.find(node_list[i])->second;
void ParallelTopology::convertGlobalNodeList(const int* node_list, int nbnode, int* local, int ip)
if (_node_glob_to_loc.empty())
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("convertGlobalNodeList - Node mapping has not yet been built");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Node mapping has not yet been built"));
for (int i=0; i< nbnode; i++)
void ParallelTopology::convertGlobalNodeListWithTwins(const int* node_list, int nbnode, int*& local, int*& ip,int*& full_array, int& size)
if (_node_glob_to_loc.empty())
- throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION("convertGlobalNodeList - Node mapping has not yet been built");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Node mapping has not yet been built"));
for (int i=0; i< nbnode; i++)
//!to a distributed array with local cell numbers
void ParallelTopology::convertGlobalCellList(const int* cell_list, int nbcell, int* local, int* ip)
- for (int i=0; i< nbcell; i++)
+ for (int i=0; i<nbcell; i++)
+ //cvw INTERP_KERNEL::HashMap<int, pair<int,int> >::const_iterator iter = _glob_to_loc.find(cell_list[i]);
INTERP_KERNEL::HashMap<int, pair<int,int> >::const_iterator iter = _glob_to_loc.find(cell_list[i]);
- ip[i]=(iter->second).first;
- local[i]=(iter->second).second;
+ if (iter == _glob_to_loc.end())
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : KO cell_list["<<i<<"] : "<<cell_list[i]<<endl;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("ParallelTopology::convertGlobalCellList : Cell not found"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ip[i]=(iter->second).first; //no domain
+ local[i]=(iter->second).second; //no local cell
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : OK cell_list["<<i<<"] : "<<cell_list[i]<<" "<<ip[i]<<" "<<local[i]<<endl;
+ }
INTERP_KERNEL::HashMap<int, pair<int,int> >::const_iterator iter = _face_glob_to_loc.find(face_list[i]);
if (iter == _face_glob_to_loc.end())
- throw MED_EXCEPTION("convertGlobalFaceList - Face not found");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("ParallelTopology::convertGlobalFaceList : Face not found"));
//replacing a table of global numbering with a table with local numberings
// type_connectivity contains global connectivity for each type in input
// type_connectivity contains local connectivity for each type in output
if ((it->second).first==idomain)
- }
+ }
* \brief Return max global face number
int ParallelTopology::getMaxGlobalFace() const
int max = 0;
#include "InterpKernelHashMap.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_Topology.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
template<> struct hash< std::pair<int,int> >
return hash< int >()( x.first*1000000+x.second );
+ ParallelTopology(const std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>&);
ParallelTopology(const std::vector<ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh*>&,
- ParallelTopology(Graph* graph, int nbdomain, int mesh_dimension);
+ ParallelTopology(Graph* graph, Topology* oldTopology, int nbdomain, int mesh_dimension);
+ void setGlobalNumerotationDefault(ParaDomainSelector* domainSelector);
//!converts a list of global cell numbers
//!to a distributed array with local cell numbers
void convertGlobalNodeList(const int*, int,int*,int*);
return _nb_total_cells;
int nbNodes() const
- {return _nb_total_nodes;}
+ {
+ return _nb_total_nodes;
+ }
inline int nbCells( int idomain) const
return _nb_cells[idomain];
//!retrieving number of nodes
inline int getNodeNumber(int idomain) const
//!retrieving list of nodes in global numbers
inline void getNodeList(int idomain, int* list) const
- for (int i=0; i<_nb_nodes[idomain];i++)
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_nodes[idomain]; i++)
return _cell_loc_to_glob_fuse[idomain];
const std::vector<int> & getFusedCellNumbers(int idomain) const
return _cell_loc_to_glob_fuse[idomain];
for (int i=0; i<_nb_cells[idomain];i++)
inline int getFaceNumber(int idomain) const
return -1;
//!adding a face to the topology
inline void appendFace(int idomain, int ilocal, int iglobal)
//return max global face number
int getMaxGlobalFace() const;
bool hasCellWithNodes( const MESHCollection&, int dom, const std::set<int>& nodes );
//!mapping global -> local
typedef INTERP_KERNEL::HashMultiMap<int,std::pair<int,int> > TGlob2DomainLoc;
std::vector<std::vector <int> > _cell_loc_to_glob_fuse; // glob nums after fusing
std::vector<std::vector <int> > _face_loc_to_glob_fuse; // glob nums after fusing
//!mapping global -> local
typedef INTERP_KERNEL::HashMultiMap<int,std::pair<int,int> > TGlob2LocsMap;
TGlob2LocsMap _face_glob_to_loc;
//!mapping local -> global
std::vector<std::vector <int> > _face_loc_to_glob;
std::vector<int> _nb_cells;
std::vector<int> _nb_nodes;
std::vector<int> _nb_faces;
int _nb_total_cells;
int _nb_total_nodes;
int _nb_total_faces;
int _nb_domain;
int _mesh_dimension;
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_SkyLineArray.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Utilities.hxx"
#include <vector>
- MESSAGE_MED("Constructeur MEDSKYLINEARRAY sans parametre");
+ //MESSAGE_MED("Constructeur MEDSKYLINEARRAY sans parametre");
//if (_index != NULL) delete [] _index;
//if (_value != NULL) delete [] _value;
// Constructeur par recopie
- // Avec ce constructeur la mémoire pour le tableau de valeur et le
- // tableau d'index est réservée. Il suffit d'effectuer les séquences
+ // Avec ce constructeur la m�moire pour le tableau de valeur et le
+ // tableau d'index est r�serv�e. Il suffit d'effectuer les s�quences
// d'appels suivantes pour initialiser le MEDSKYLINEARRAY
- // 1) setIndex(index) puis <count> fois setI(i,&listValeurN°I) avec i dans 1..count
- // rem : listValeurN°I est dupliquée
+ // 1) setIndex(index) puis <count> fois setI(i,&listValeurN�I) avec i dans 1..count
+ // rem : listValeurN�I est dupliqu�e
// 2) appeler <length> fois setIJ(i,j,valeur) avec i dans 1..count et avec j dans 1..count
MEDSKYLINEARRAY( const std::vector<int>& index, const std::vector<int>& value );
//void setMEDSKYLINEARRAY( const int count, const int length, int* index , int* value ) ;
- inline int getNumberOf() const;
- inline int getLength() const;
- inline const int* getIndex() const;
- inline const int* getValue() const;
+ inline int getNumberOf() const;
+ inline int getLength() const;
+ inline const int* getIndex() const;
+ inline const int* getValue() const;
// ---------------------------------------
-//#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
//#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include <map>
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoaderBase.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileUtilities.hxx"
+#include "CellModel.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
+#include "InterpKernelException.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr.hxx"
+#include "InterpKernelAutoPtr.hxx"
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_verbose=0;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_is0verbose=0;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_rank=-1;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_world_size=-1;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_randomize=0;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_atomize=0;
+int MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_creates_boundary_faces=0;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_fileNames;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_meshNames;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_fieldDescriptions;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::MyGlobals::_generalInformations;
+string MEDPARTITIONER::trim(string& s, const string& drop)
+ string r=s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(drop)+1);
+ return r.erase(0,r.find_first_not_of(drop));
+string MEDPARTITIONER::intToStr(int i)
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<i;
+ return oss.str();
+int MEDPARTITIONER::strToInt(string s)
+ int res;
+ istringstream iss(s);
+ iss>>res;
+ return res;
+string MEDPARTITIONER::doubleToStr(double i)
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<i;
+ return oss.str();
+double MEDPARTITIONER::strToDouble(string s)
+ double res;
+ istringstream iss(s);
+ iss>>res;
+ return res;
+bool MEDPARTITIONER::testArg(const char *arg, const char *argExpected, string& argValue)
+ argValue="";
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<strlen(arg); i++)
+ {
+ if (arg[i]=='=') break;
+ if (arg[i]!=argExpected[i]) return false;
+ }
+ for (int j=i+1; j<strlen(arg); j++) argValue+=arg[j];
+ //cout<<"found at "<<i<<" "<<argValue<<endl;
+ return true;
+vector<int> MEDPARTITIONER::createRandomSize(int size)
+ vector<int> res(size);
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++) res[i]=i;
+ //cvw TODO srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
+ srand( MyGlobals::_randomize );
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ int ii=rand()%size;
+ int tmp=res[ii];
+ res[ii]=res[i];
+ res[i]=tmp;
+ }
+ //cout<<"createRandomSize "<<size<<endl;
+ if (size<50) { for (int i=0; i<size; i++) cout<<res[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; }
+ return res;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::randomizeAdj(int* xadj, int* adjncy, vector<int>& ran, vector<int>& vx, vector<int>& va)
+//randomize a xadj and adjncy, renumbering vertices belong rand.
+//work only on one processor!!!!
+ if (MyGlobals::_world_size>1)
+ {
+ cerr<<"randomizeAdj only on one proc!"<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ int size=ran.size();
+ vector<int> invran(size);
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++) invran[ran[i]]=i;
+ vx.resize(size+1);
+ int lga=xadj[size];
+ va.resize(lga);
+ int jj=0;
+ vx[0]=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ int ir=ran[i];
+ int ii=xadj[ir];
+ int lgj=xadj[ir+1]-ii;
+ for (int j=0; j<lgj; j++)
+ {
+ //va[jj]=adjncy[ii]; //for first debug only
+ va[jj]=invran[adjncy[ii]];
+ jj=jj+1;
+ ii=ii+1;
+ }
+ vx[i+1]=jj;
+ }
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testRandomize()
+ //int xadj[6]={0,2,5,9,12,13}; //for first debug only
+ //int adjncy[13]={1,4,0,2,4,1,3,4,2,4,4,3,4};
+ int xadj[6]={0,2,5,9,12,13};
+ int adjncy[13]={0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4};
+ cout<<"testRandomize"<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<6; i++) cout<<xadj[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<13; i++) cout<<adjncy[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
+ int size=5;
+ vector<int> r=createRandomSize(size);
+ vector<int> vx,va;
+ randomizeAdj(&xadj[0],&adjncy[0],r,vx,va);
+ for (int i=0; i<vx.size(); i++) cout<<vx[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<va.size(); i++) cout<<va[i]<<" "; cout<<endl;
+string MEDPARTITIONER::reprVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec)
+ if (vec.size()==0) return string(" NONE\n");
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ oss<<" -> '"<<*i<<"'"<<endl;
+ return oss.str();
+string MEDPARTITIONER::reprVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, string sep)
+ if (vec.size()==0) return string(" NONE\n");
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ oss<<sep<<*i;
+ return oss.str();
+string MEDPARTITIONER::reprMapOfStringInt(const map<string,int>& mymap)
+ if (mymap.size()==0) return string(" NONE\n");
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (map<string,int>::const_iterator i=mymap.begin(); i!=mymap.end(); ++i)
+ oss<<" -> ["<<(*i).first<<"]="<<(*i).second<<endl;
+ return oss.str();
+string MEDPARTITIONER::reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(const map< string,vector<string> >& mymap)
+ if (mymap.size()==0) return string(" NONE\n");
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (map< string,vector<string> >::const_iterator i=mymap.begin(); i!=mymap.end(); ++i)
+ oss<<" -> ["<<(*i).first<<"]="<<endl<<reprVectorOfString((*i).second)<<endl;
+ return oss.str();
+string MEDPARTITIONER::reprFieldDescriptions(const vector<string>& vec, string sep)
+ if (vec.size()==0) return string(" NONE\n");
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ oss<<" ->";
+ oss<<reprVectorOfString(deserializeToVectorOfString(*i), sep)<<endl;
+ /*vector<string> vec2=deserializeToVectorOfString(*i);
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator j=vec2.begin(); j!=vec2.end(); ++j)
+ oss<<reprVectorOfString(deserializeToVectorOfString(*j), sep)<<endl;*/
+ }
+ return oss.str();
+string MEDPARTITIONER::serializeFromString(const string& s)
+//a string "hello" gives a string " 5/hello/"
+//serialized_FromVectorOfString_string+serializeFromString("toto") is
+//equivalent to vector<string>.push_back("toto") on serialized_FromVectorOfString_string
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<setw(5)<<s.size()<<"/"<<s<<"/";
+ return oss.str();
+string MEDPARTITIONER::serializeFromVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec)
+//a vector of string gives a string
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ oss<<setw(5)<<(*i).size()<<"/"<<*i<<"/";
+ //string res(oss.str());
+ return oss.str();
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::deserializeToVectorOfString(const string& str)
+//a string gives a vector of string
+ //vector<string> res=new vector<string>;
+ vector<string> res;
+ size_t pos=0;
+ size_t posmax=str.size();
+ if (posmax==0) return res; //empty vector
+ size_t length;
+ while (pos < posmax-6) //setw(5)+" "
+ {
+ istringstream iss(str.substr(pos,5));
+ iss>>length;
+ //cout<<"length "<<length<<endl;
+ if ((str[pos+5]!='/') || (str[pos+6+length]!='/'))
+ {
+ cerr<<"Error on string '"<<str<<"'"<<endl;;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error on string"));
+ }
+ res.push_back(str.substr(pos+6,length));
+ pos=pos+6+length+1;
+ }
+ return res;
+string MEDPARTITIONER::eraseTagSerialized(string fromStr, string tag)
+ vector<string> vec=deserializeToVectorOfString(fromStr);
+ vector<string> res;
+ for (int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (vec[i].find(tag)==string::npos) res.push_back(vec[i]);
+ }
+ return MEDPARTITIONER::serializeFromVectorOfString(res);
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::vectorizeFromMapOfStringInt(const map<string,int>& mymap)
+//elements first and second of map give one elements in result vector of string
+//converting formatted the int second as firsts characters ending at first slash
+ vector<string> res;
+ for (map<string,int>::const_iterator i=mymap.begin(); i!=mymap.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<(*i).second<<"/"<<(*i).first;
+ res.push_back(oss.str());
+ }
+ return res;
+map<string,int> MEDPARTITIONER::devectorizeToMapOfStringInt(const vector<string>& vec)
+//if existing identicals (first,second) in vector no problem, else Exception
+ map<string,int> res;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ size_t pos=0;
+ size_t posmax=(*i).size();
+ size_t found=(*i).find('/'); //first slash
+ if ((found==string::npos) || (found<1))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error aIntNumber/anyString is expected"));
+ int second;
+ istringstream iss((*i).substr(pos,found));
+ iss>>second;
+ string first=(*i).substr(pos+found+1,posmax-found);
+ map<string,int>::iterator it=res.find(first);
+ if (it!=res.end())
+ if ((*it).second!=second)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error not the same map value"));
+ res[first]=second;
+ }
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::vectorizeFromMapOfStringVectorOfString(const map< string,vector<string> >& mymap)
+//elements first and second of map give one elements in result vector of string
+//adding key map and length of second vector as first string in each serialized vector
+//one serialized vector per key map
+ vector<string> res;
+ for (map< string,vector<string> >::const_iterator i=mymap.begin(); i!=mymap.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ vector<string> vs=(*i).second; //a vector of string;
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<"Keymap/"<<(*i).first<<"/"<<(*i).second.size();
+ vs.insert(vs.begin(), oss.str());
+ res.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(vs));
+ }
+ return res;
+map< string,vector<string> > MEDPARTITIONER::devectorizeToMapOfStringVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec)
+//if existing identicals keymap in vector no problem
+//duplicates in second vector
+ map< string,vector<string> > res;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ vector<string> vs=deserializeToVectorOfString(*i);
+ string enTete=vs[0];
+ size_t posmax=enTete.size();
+ size_t foundKey=enTete.find("Keymap/");
+ size_t foundSizeVector=enTete.find_last_of('/');
+ if ((foundKey==string::npos) || (foundKey!=0) || ((foundKey+7)>=foundSizeVector))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error Keymap/anyString/aIntNumber is expected"));
+ int sizeVector;
+ istringstream iss(enTete.substr(foundSizeVector+1,posmax-foundSizeVector));
+ iss>>sizeVector;
+ string keymap=enTete.substr(foundKey+7,foundSizeVector-foundKey-7);
+ //cout<<keymap<<" : sizeVector="<<enTete.substr(foundSizeVector+1,posmax-foundSizeVector)<<endl;
+ for (int i=1; i<=sizeVector; i++)
+ res[keymap].push_back(vs[i]); //add unconditionnaly,so merge duplicates in second vector
+ }
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::selectTagsInVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, string tag)
+ vector<string> res;
+ if (vec.size()==0) return res;
+ //shit for unique and unique_copy for the duplicate CONSECUTIVE elements
+ //I do not want to sort
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if ((*i).find(tag)!=string::npos) res.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::deleteDuplicatesInVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec)
+ vector<string> res;
+ if (vec.size()==0) return res;
+ //shit for unique and unique_copy for the duplicate CONSECUTIVE elements
+ //I do not want to sort
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ bool found=false;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator j=res.begin(); j!=res.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ if ((*i).compare(*j)==0)
+ {
+ found=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) res.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ return res;
+map< string,vector<string> > MEDPARTITIONER::deleteDuplicatesInMapOfStringVectorOfString(const map< string,vector<string> >& mymap)
+ map< string,vector<string> > res;
+ for (map< string,vector<string> >::const_iterator i=mymap.begin(); i!=mymap.end(); ++i)
+ res[(*i).first]=deleteDuplicatesInVectorOfString((*i).second);
+ return res;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::sendVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, const int target)
+//non conseille, interblocages, utiliser sendAndReceive
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("use sendAndReceiveVectorOfString please."));
+ string str=serializeFromVectorOfString(vec);
+ int tag=111000;
+ int size=str.length();
+ MPI_Send( &size, 1, MPI_INT, target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ MPI_Send( (void*)str.data(), str.length(), MPI_CHAR, target, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : send to "<<target<<" '"<<str<<"'"<<endl;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::recvVectorOfString(const int source)
+//non conseille, interblocages, utiliser sendAndReceive
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("use sendAndReceiveVectorOfString please."));
+ int recSize=0;
+ int tag=111000;
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(&recSize, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ string recData(recSize,'x');
+ MPI_Recv((void*)recData.data(), recSize, MPI_CHAR, 1, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : receive from "<<source<<" '"<<recData<<"'"<<endl;
+ return deserializeToVectorOfString(recData);
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::sendAndReceiveVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, const int source, const int target)
+//not optimized but suffisant
+//return empty vector if i am not target
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ /*for test
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<"sendAndReceive from "<<setw(3)<<source<<" to "<<setw(3)<<target<<"-";
+ string str(oss.str());*/
+ MPI_Status status;
+ int tag = 111001;
+ if (rank == source)
+ {
+ string str=serializeFromVectorOfString(vec);
+ int size=str.length();
+ MPI_Send( &size, 1, MPI_INT, target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ //cout<<"proc "<<source<<" : send "<<size<<endl;
+ MPI_Send( (void*)str.data(), str.length(), MPI_CHAR, target, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ //cout<<"proc "<<source<<" : send '"<<str<<"'"<<endl;
+ }
+ int recSize=0;
+ if (rank == target)
+ {
+ MPI_Recv(&recSize, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<target<<" : receive "<<recSize<<endl;
+ string recData(recSize,'x');
+ MPI_Recv((void*)recData.data(), recSize, MPI_CHAR, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<target<<" : receive '"<<recData<<"'"<<endl;
+ return deserializeToVectorOfString(recData); //not empty one for target proc
+ }
+ vector<string> res;
+ return res; //empty one for other proc
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::allgathervVectorOfString(const vector<std::string>& vec)
+//strings NO need all same size!!!!
+ int world_size=MyGlobals::_world_size;
+ string str=serializeFromVectorOfString(vec);
+ /*for test
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<"allgatherv from "<<setw(3)<<rank<<" to all"<<"-";
+ string str(oss.str());*/
+ vector<int> indexes(world_size);
+ int size=str.length();
+ MPI_Allgather(&size, 1, MPI_INT,
+ &indexes[0], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ /*{
+ ostringstream oss;
+ for (int i=0; i<world_size; i++) oss<<" "<<indexes[i];
+ cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : receive '"<<oss.str()<<"'"<<endl;
+ }*/
+ //calcul of displacement
+ vector< int > disp(1,0);
+ for (int i=0; i<world_size; i++) disp.push_back( disp.back() + indexes[i] );
+ string recData(disp.back(),'x');
+ MPI_Allgatherv((void*)str.data(), str.length(), MPI_CHAR,
+ (void*)recData.data(), &indexes[0], &disp[0], MPI_CHAR,
+ //really extraordinary verbose for debug
+ vector<string> deserial=deserializeToVectorOfString(recData);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ {
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : receive '"<<recData<<"'"<<endl;
+ cout<<"deserialize is : a vector of size "<<deserial.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprVectorOfString(deserial)<<endl;
+ }
+ return deserial;
+//void MEDPARTITIONER::sendrecvVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, const int source, const int target)
+string MEDPARTITIONER::cle1ToStr(string s, int inew)
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<s<<" "<<inew;
+ return oss.str();
+void MEDPARTITIONER::cle1ToData(string cle, string& s, int& inew)
+ size_t posmax=cle.size();
+ size_t found=cle.find(' ');
+ if ((found==string::npos) || (found<1))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error 'aStringWithoutWhitespace aInt' is expected"));
+ s=cle.substr(0,found);
+ istringstream iss(cle.substr(found,posmax-found));
+ iss>>inew;
+string MEDPARTITIONER::cle2ToStr(string s, int inew, int iold)
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<s<<" "<<inew<<" "<<iold;
+ return oss.str();
+void MEDPARTITIONER::cle2ToData(string cle, string& s, int& inew, int& iold)
+ size_t posmax=cle.size();
+ size_t found=cle.find(' ');
+ if ((found==string::npos) || (found<1))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error 'aStringWithoutWhitespace aInt aInt' is expected"));
+ s=cle.substr(0,found);
+ istringstream iss(cle.substr(found,posmax-found));
+ iss>>inew>>iold;
+string MEDPARTITIONER::extractFromDescription(string description,string tag)
+ size_t found=description.find(tag);
+ if ((found==string::npos) || (found<1))
+ {
+ cerr<<"ERROR : not found '"<<tag<<"' in '"<<description<<"'\n";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Error"));
+ }
+ size_t beg=found;
+ size_t end=beg;
+ if (description[found-1]!='/')
+ {
+ //find without '/'... and pray looking for first whitespace
+ //something like 'idomain=0 fileName=tmp.med meshName=...'
+ end=description.size();
+ beg+=tag.length();
+ string res=description.substr(beg,end-beg);
+ found=res.find(' ');
+ if (found==string::npos) found=res.length();
+ res=res.substr(0,found);
+ //cout<<"find without '/' !"<<tag<<"!"<<res<<"!"<<endl;
+ return res;
+ }
+ size_t lg=strToInt(description.substr(found-6,found));
+ beg+=tag.length();
+ //cout<<"find with '/' !"<<tag<<"!"<<description.substr(beg,lg-tag.length())<<"!"<<lg<<endl;
+ return description.substr(beg,lg-tag.length());
+void MEDPARTITIONER::fieldDescriptionToData(string description,
+ int& idomain, string& fileName, string& meshName, string& fieldName, int& typeField, int& DT, int& IT)
+ idomain=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"idomain="));
+ fileName=extractFromDescription(description,"fileName=");
+ meshName=extractFromDescription(description,"meshName=");
+ fieldName=extractFromDescription(description,"fieldName=");
+ typeField=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"typeField="));
+ DT=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"DT="));
+ IT=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"IT="));
+ cout<<"idomain="<<idomain<<" fileName="<<fileName<<" meshName="<<meshName<<" fieldName="<<fieldName<<endl;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::fieldShortDescriptionToData(string description,
+ string& fieldName, int& typeField, int& entity, int& DT, int& IT)
+ //*meshName=extractFromDescription(description,"meshName=");
+ fieldName=extractFromDescription(description,"fieldName=");
+ typeField=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"typeField="));
+ entity=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"entity="));
+ DT=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"DT="));
+ IT=strToInt(extractFromDescription(description,"IT="));
+ //cout<<" meshName="<<*meshName<<" fieldName="<<*fieldName<<endl;
+ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* MEDPARTITIONER::createDataArrayIntFromVector(vector<int>& v)
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* p=DataArrayInt::New();
+ p->alloc(v.size(),1);
+ std::copy(v.begin(),v.end(),p->getPointer());
+ return p;
+ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* MEDPARTITIONER::createDataArrayIntFromVector(vector<int>& v, int nbComponents)
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* p=DataArrayInt::New();
+ if (v.size()%nbComponents!=0)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem size modulo nbComponents != 0"));
+ p->alloc(v.size()/nbComponents,nbComponents);
+ std::copy(v.begin(),v.end(),p->getPointer());
+ return p;
+ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* MEDPARTITIONER::createDataArrayDoubleFromVector(vector<double>& v)
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* p=DataArrayDouble::New();
+ p->alloc(v.size(),1);
+ std::copy(v.begin(),v.end(),p->getPointer());
+ return p;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::browseFieldDouble(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble* fd)
+//quick almost human readable information on a field double
+/* example done by fd->simpleRepr() :
+FieldDouble with name : "VectorFieldOnCells"
+Description of field is : ""
+FieldDouble space discretization is : P0
+FieldDouble time discretization is : One time label. Time is defined by iteration=0 order=1 and time=2.
+Time unit is : ""
+FieldDouble nature of field is : NoNature
+FieldDouble default array has 3 components and 30000 tuples.
+FieldDouble default array has following info on components : "vx" "vy" "vz"
+Mesh support information :
+Unstructured mesh with name : "testMesh"
+Description of mesh : ""
+Time attached to the mesh [unit] : 0 []
+Iteration : -1 Order : -1
+Mesh dimension : 3
+Space dimension : 3
+Info attached on space dimension : "" "" ""
+Number of nodes : 33201
+Number of cells : 30000
+Cell types present : NORM_HEXA8
+ vector<string> res;
+ //res.push_back("fieldName="); res.back()+=fd->getName();
+ //not saved in file? res.push_back("fieldDescription="); res.back()+=fd->getDescription();
+ //ret << "FieldDouble space discretization is : " << _type->getStringRepr() << "\n";
+ //ret << "FieldDouble time discretization is : " << _time_discr->getStringRepr() << "\n";
+ //ret << "FieldDouble nature of field is : " << MEDCouplingNatureOfField::getRepr(_nature) << "\n";
+ if (fd->getArray())
+ {
+ int nb=fd->getArray()->getNumberOfComponents();
+ res.push_back("nbComponents="); res.back()+=intToStr(nb);
+ //ret << "FieldDouble default array has " << nbOfCompo << " components and " << getArray()->getNumberOfTuples() << " tuples.\n";
+ //ret << "FieldDouble default array has following info on components : ";
+ for (int i=0; i<nb; i++)
+ {
+ //ret << "\"" << getArray()->getInfoOnComponent(i) << "\" ";
+ res.push_back("componentInfo");
+ res.back()+=intToStr(i)+"="+fd->getArray()->getInfoOnComponent(i);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res.push_back("nbComponents=0"); //unknown
+ }
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::browseAllFields(const string& myfile)
+//quick almost human readable information on all fields in a .med file
+ vector<string> res;
+ vector<string> meshNames=MEDLoader::GetMeshNames(myfile.c_str());
+ for (int i=0; i<meshNames.size(); i++)
+ {
+ vector<string> fieldNames=
+ MEDLoader::GetAllFieldNamesOnMesh(myfile.c_str(),meshNames[i].c_str());
+ for (int j = 0; j < fieldNames.size(); j++)
+ {
+ vector< ParaMEDMEM::TypeOfField > typeFields=
+ MEDLoader::GetTypesOfField(myfile.c_str(), meshNames[i].c_str(), fieldNames[j].c_str());
+ for (int k = 0; k < typeFields.size(); k++)
+ {
+ vector< pair< int, int > > its=
+ MEDLoader::GetFieldIterations(typeFields[k], myfile.c_str(), meshNames[i].c_str(), fieldNames[j].c_str());
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"fieldName "<<fieldNames[j].c_str()<<" typeField "<<typeFields[k]<<" its.size() "<<its.size()<<endl;
+ for (int m = 0; m < its.size(); m++)
+ {
+ vector<string> resi;
+ resi.push_back("fileName="); resi.back()+=myfile;
+ resi.push_back("meshName="); resi.back()+=meshNames[i];
+ resi.push_back("fieldName="); resi.back()+=fieldNames[j];
+ resi.push_back("typeField="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)typeFields[k]);
+ resi.push_back("DT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)its[m].first);
+ resi.push_back("IT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)its[m].second);
+ res.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(resi));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::browseAllFieldsOnMesh(const string& myfile, const string& mymesh, int idomain)
+//quick almost human readable information on all fields on a mesh in a .med file using MEDFILEBROWSER
+ vector<string> res;
+ vector<string> meshNames;
+ meshNames.push_back(mymesh);
+ for (int i=0; i<meshNames.size(); i++)
+ {
+ }
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::GetInfosOfField(const char *fileName, const char *meshName, int idomain)
+const int lggeom=10;
+const med_geometry_type GEOMTYPE[lggeom]={ //MED_N_CELL_FIXED_GEO] = {
+ //MED_SEG2,
+ //MED_SEG3,
+ //MED_SEG4,
+ //MED_TRIA3,
+ //MED_QUAD4,
+ //MED_TRIA6,
+ //MED_TRIA7,
+ //MED_QUAD8,
+ //MED_QUAD9,
+const char * const GEOMTYPENAME[lggeom]={
+ //"MED_POINT1",
+ //"MED_SEG2",
+ //"MED_SEG3",
+ //"MED_SEG4",
+ //"MED_TRIA3",
+ //"MED_QUAD4",
+ //"MED_TRIA6",
+ //"MED_TRIA7",
+ //"MED_QUAD8",
+ //"MED_QUAD9",
+ "MED_PYRA5",
+ "MED_HEXA8",
+ "MED_OCTA12",
+ "MED_TETRA10",
+ "MED_PYRA13",
+ "MED_PENTA15",
+ "MED_HEXA20",
+ "MED_HEXA27",
+const int lgentity=3;
+const med_entity_type ENTITYTYPE[lgentity]={ //MED_N_ENTITY_TYPES+2]={
+const char * const ENTITYTYPENAME[lgentity]={ //MED_N_ENTITY_TYPES+2]={
+ //"MED_FACE",
+ //"MED_ARETE",
+ vector<string> res;
+ med_idt fid=MEDfileOpen(fileName,MED_ACC_RDONLY);
+ med_int nbFields=MEDnField(fid);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>20) cout<<"on filename "<<fileName<<" nbOfField "<<nbFields<<endl;
+ //
+ med_field_type typcha;
+ med_int numdt=0,numo=0;
+ med_float dt=0.0;
+ char *maa_ass=MEDLoaderBase::buildEmptyString(MED_NAME_SIZE);
+ char *nomcha=MEDLoaderBase::buildEmptyString(MED_NAME_SIZE);
+ med_bool localmesh;
+ //
+ for(int i=1; i<=nbFields; i++)
+ {
+ med_int ncomp=MEDfieldnComponent(fid,i);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::AutoPtr<char> comp=new char[ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
+ INTERP_KERNEL::AutoPtr<char> unit=new char[ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
+ INTERP_KERNEL::AutoPtr<char> dt_unit=new char[MED_LNAME_SIZE+1];
+ med_int nbPdt;
+ MEDfieldInfo(fid,i,nomcha,maa_ass,&localmesh,&typcha,comp,unit,dt_unit,&nbPdt);
+ std::string curFieldName=MEDLoaderBase::buildStringFromFortran(nomcha,MED_NAME_SIZE+1);
+ std::string curMeshName=MEDLoaderBase::buildStringFromFortran(maa_ass,MED_NAME_SIZE+1);
+ for (int k=1; k<=nbPdt; k++)
+ {
+ MEDfieldComputingStepInfo(fid,nomcha,k,&numdt,&numo,&dt);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ cout<<"on filename "<<fileName<<" field "<<i<<" fieldName "<<curFieldName<<" meshName "<<curMeshName<<
+ " typ "<<typcha<<" nbComponent "<<ncomp<<" nbPdt "<<nbPdt<<" noPdt "<<k<<
+ " ndt "<<numdt<<" nor "<<numo<<" dt "<<dt<<endl;
+ for (int ie=0; ie<lgentity; ie++)
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j<lggeom; j++)
+ {
+ int profilesize=0,nbi=0;
+ med_entity_type enttype=ENTITYTYPE[ie];
+ //enttype=MED_NODE;enttype=MED_CELL;enttype=MED_NODE_ELEMENT;
+ char pflname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
+ char locname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
+ med_int nbofprofile=MEDfieldnProfile(fid,nomcha,numdt,numo,enttype,GEOMTYPE[j],pflname,locname);
+med_proto.h firefox file:///export/home/.../med-3.0.3/doc/html.dox/index.html
+MEDfieldnValueWithProfileByName(const med_idt fid, const char * const fieldname,const med_int numdt,const med_int numit,
+ const med_entity_type entitype, const med_geometry_type geotype, const char * const profilename,
+ const med_storage_mode storagemode,med_int * const profilesize,
+ char * const localizationname, med_int * const nbofintegrationpoint);
+MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(const med_idt fid, const char * const fieldname,const med_int numdt,const med_int numit,
+ const med_entity_type entitype, const med_geometry_type geotype,
+ const int profileit,
+ const med_storage_mode storagemode,char * const profilename ,med_int * const profilesize,
+ char * const localizationname, med_int * const nbofintegrationpoint);
+ int profileit=1;
+ if (enttype==MED_NODE)
+ {
+ med_geometry_type mygeomtype=MED_UNDEF_ENTITY_TYPE;
+ med_int nbOfVal=MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(fid,nomcha,numdt,numo,enttype,mygeomtype,profileit,
+ MED_COMPACT_PFLMODE,pflname,&profilesize,locname,&nbi);
+ if (nbOfVal>0)
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ cout<<"on filename "<<fileName<<" entity "<<enttype<<" nbOfVal with "<<
+ nbofprofile<<" profile(s) for geomType (AUCUN) nbOfVal "<<
+ nbOfVal<<" profilName '"<<pflname<<"' profileSize "<<profilesize<<" nbPtGauss "<<nbi<<endl;
+ vector<string> resi;
+ resi.push_back("idomain="); resi.back()+=intToStr(idomain);
+ resi.push_back("fileName="); resi.back()+=fileName;
+ resi.push_back("meshName="); resi.back()+=curMeshName;
+ resi.push_back("fieldName="); resi.back()+=curFieldName;
+ resi.push_back("typeField="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)ON_NODES);
+ resi.push_back("typeData="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)typcha); //6 for double?
+ resi.push_back("nbComponent="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)ncomp);
+ resi.push_back("DT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)numdt);
+ resi.push_back("IT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)numo);
+ resi.push_back("time="); resi.back()+=doubleToStr(dt);
+ resi.push_back("entity="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)enttype);
+ resi.push_back("entityName="); resi.back()+=ENTITYTYPENAME[ie];
+ resi.push_back("nbOfVal="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)nbOfVal);
+ resi.push_back("profilName="); resi.back()+=pflname;
+ resi.push_back("profileSize="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)profilesize);
+ resi.push_back("nbPtGauss="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)nbi);
+ res.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(resi));
+ }
+ break; //on nodes no need to scute all geomtype
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ med_geometry_type mygeomtype=GEOMTYPE[j];
+ med_int nbOfVal=MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(fid,nomcha,numdt,numo,enttype,mygeomtype,profileit,
+ MED_COMPACT_PFLMODE,pflname,&profilesize,locname,&nbi);
+ if (nbOfVal>0)
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ cout<<"on filename "<<fileName<<" entity "<<enttype<<" nbOfVal with "<<
+ nbofprofile<<" profile(s) for geomType "<<
+ GEOMTYPE[j]<<" "<<GEOMTYPENAME[j]<<" nbOfVal "<<
+ nbOfVal<<" profilName '"<<pflname<<"' profileSize "<<profilesize<<" nbPtGauss "<<nbi<<endl;
+ int typeField=-1; //unknown
+ if (enttype==MED_CELL) typeField=ON_CELLS;
+ if (enttype==MED_NODE_ELEMENT) typeField=ON_GAUSS_NE;
+ //if (enttype==??) typeField=ON_GAUSS_PT;
+ vector<string> resi;
+ resi.push_back("idomain="); resi.back()+=intToStr(idomain);
+ resi.push_back("fileName="); resi.back()+=fileName;
+ resi.push_back("meshName="); resi.back()+=curMeshName;
+ resi.push_back("fieldName="); resi.back()+=curFieldName;
+ resi.push_back("typeField="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)typeField);
+ resi.push_back("typeData="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)typcha); //6 for double?
+ resi.push_back("nbComponent="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)ncomp);
+ resi.push_back("DT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)numdt);
+ resi.push_back("IT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)numo);
+ resi.push_back("time="); resi.back()+=doubleToStr(dt);
+ resi.push_back("entity="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)enttype);
+ resi.push_back("entityName="); resi.back()+=ENTITYTYPENAME[ie];
+ resi.push_back("geomType="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)GEOMTYPE[j]);
+ resi.push_back("geomTypeName="); resi.back()+=GEOMTYPENAME[j];
+ resi.push_back("nbOfVal="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)nbOfVal);
+ resi.push_back("profilName="); resi.back()+=pflname;
+ resi.push_back("profileSize="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)profilesize);
+ resi.push_back("nbPtGauss="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)nbi);
+ if (typeField==-1)
+ {
+ cout<<"WARNING : unknown typeField for entity type "<<enttype<<endl<<
+ serializeFromVectorOfString(resi)<<endl;
+ continue; //do not register push_back
+ }
+ res.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(resi));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] maa_ass;
+ delete [] nomcha;
+ MEDfileClose(fid);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>10) cout<<"detected fields:\n"<<reprVectorOfString(res)<<endl;
+ return res;
+vector<string> MEDPARTITIONER::browseAllFieldsOnMesh(const string& myfile, const string& mymesh, int idomain)
+//quick almost human readable information on all fields on a mesh in a .med file
+ vector<string> res=GetInfosOfField(myfile.c_str(),mymesh.c_str(),idomain);
+ return res;
+ /*obsolete do no work on GetTypesOfField ON_GAUSS_NE
+ vector<string> res;
+ vector<string> meshNames;
+ meshNames.push_back(mymesh);
+ for (int i=0; i<meshNames.size(); i++)
+ {
+ vector<string> fieldNames=
+ MEDLoader::GetAllFieldNamesOnMesh(myfile.c_str(),meshNames[i].c_str());
+ for (int j=0; j<fieldNames.size(); j++)
+ {
+ vector< ParaMEDMEM::TypeOfField > typeFields=
+ MEDLoader::GetTypesOfField(myfile.c_str(), meshNames[i].c_str(), fieldNames[j].c_str());
+ //if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"fieldName "<<fieldNames[j].c_str()<<"typeField.size "<<typeFields.size()<<endl;
+ if (typeFields.size()==0) {
+ cerr<<"problem : fieldNames "<<fieldNames[j]<<" without GetTypesOfField ! Type of field specified not managed"<<endl;
+ //typeFields.push_back(ON_GAUSS_NE);
+ }
+ for (int k=0; k<typeFields.size(); k++)
+ {
+ vector< pair< int, int > > its;
+ its=MEDLoader::GetFieldIterations(typeFields[k], myfile.c_str(), meshNames[i].c_str(), fieldNames[j].c_str());
+ //if (typeFields[k]==ON_GAUSS_NE) its.push_back(make_pair(5,6));
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>100) cout<<"fieldName "<<fieldNames[j].c_str()<<" typeField "<<typeFields[k]<<" its.size() "<<its.size()<<endl;
+ for (int m = 0; m < its.size(); m++)
+ {
+ vector<string> resi;
+ resi.push_back("idomain="); resi.back()+=intToStr(idomain);
+ resi.push_back("fileName="); resi.back()+=myfile;
+ resi.push_back("meshName="); resi.back()+=meshNames[i];
+ resi.push_back("fieldName="); resi.back()+=fieldNames[j];
+ resi.push_back("typeField="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)typeFields[k]);
+ resi.push_back("DT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)its[m].first);
+ resi.push_back("IT="); resi.back()+=intToStr((int)its[m].second);
+ //cout<<"browseAllFieldsOnMesh add "<<resi.size()<<endl;
+ res.push_back(serializeFromVectorOfString(resi));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ */
+Sends content of \a vec to processor \a target. To be used with \a recvDoubleVec method.
+\param vec vector to be sent
+\param target processor id of the target
+void MEDPARTITIONER::sendDoubleVec(const std::vector<double>& vec, int target)
+ int tag = 111002;
+ int size=vec.size();
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : --> sendDoubleVec "<<size<<endl;
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Send(&size, 1, MPI_INT, target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ MPI_Send(const_cast<double*>(&vec[0]), size, MPI_DOUBLE, target, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill vector<int> vec.
+To be used with \a sendDoubleVec method.
+\param vec vector that is filled
+\param source processor id of the incoming messages
+ */
+std::vector<double>* MEDPARTITIONER::recvDoubleVec(int source)
+ int tag = 111002;
+ int size;
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(&size, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : <-- recvDoubleVec "<<size<<endl;;
+ std::vector<double>* vec=new std::vector<double>;
+ vec->resize(size);
+ MPI_Recv(&vec[0], size, MPI_DOUBLE, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ return vec;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::recvDoubleVec(std::vector<double>& vec, int source)
+ int tag = 111002;
+ int size;
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(&size, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : <-- recvDoubleVec "<<size<<endl;;
+ vec.resize(size);
+ MPI_Recv(&vec[0], size, MPI_DOUBLE, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+Sends content of \a vec to processor \a target. To be used with \a recvIntVec method.
+\param vec vector to be sent
+\param target processor id of the target
+void MEDPARTITIONER::sendIntVec(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target)
+ int tag = 111003;
+ int size=vec.size();
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : --> sendIntVec "<<size<<endl; //cvw
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Send(&size, 1, MPI_INT, target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ MPI_Send(const_cast<int*>(&vec[0]), size,MPI_INT, target, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill vector<int> vec.
+To be used with \a sendIntVec method.
+\param vec vector that is filled
+\param source processor id of the incoming messages
+ */
+std::vector<int>* MEDPARTITIONER::recvIntVec(int source)
+ int tag = 111003;
+ int size;
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(&size, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : <-- recvIntVec "<<size<<endl; //cvw
+ std::vector<int>* vec=new std::vector<int>;
+ vec->resize(size);
+ MPI_Recv(&vec[0], size, MPI_INT, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ return vec;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::recvIntVec(std::vector<int>& vec, int source)
+ int tag = 111003;
+ int size;
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(&size, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : <-- recvIntVec "<<size<<endl; //cvw
+ vec.resize(size);
+ MPI_Recv(&vec[0], size, MPI_INT, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
+Sends content of \a dataArrayInt to processor \a target.
+To be used with \a recvDataArrayInt method.
+\param da dataArray to be sent
+\param target processor id of the target
+void MEDPARTITIONER::sendDataArrayInt(ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* da, int target)
+ if (da==0) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem send DataArrayInt* NULL"));
+ int tag = 111004;
+ int size[3];
+ size[0]=da->getNbOfElems();
+ size[1]=da->getNumberOfTuples();
+ size[2]=da->getNumberOfComponents();
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : --> sendDataArrayInt "<<size[0]<<endl; //cvw
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Send(&size, 3, MPI_INT, target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ const int * p=da->getPointer();
+ MPI_Send(const_cast<int*>(&p[0]), size[0] ,MPI_INT, target, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill dataArrayInt da.
+To be used with \a sendIntVec method.
+\param da dataArrayInt that is filled
+\param source processor id of the incoming messages
+ */
+ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* MEDPARTITIONER::recvDataArrayInt(int source)
+//std::vector<int>& vec, int source)const
+ int tag = 111004;
+ int size[3];
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(size, 3, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : <-- recvDataArrayInt "<<size[0]<<endl; //cvw
+ if (size[0]!=(size[1]*size[2]))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in recvDataArrayInt incoherent sizes"));
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* da=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ da->alloc(size[1],size[2]);
+ int * p=da->getPointer();
+ MPI_Recv(const_cast<int*>(&p[0]), size[0], MPI_INT, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ return da;
+Sends content of \a dataArrayInt to processor \a target.
+To be used with \a recvDataArrayDouble method.
+\param da dataArray to be sent
+\param target processor id of the target
+void MEDPARTITIONER::sendDataArrayDouble(ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* da, int target)
+ if (da==0) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem send DataArrayDouble* NULL"));
+ int tag = 111005;
+ int size[3];
+ size[0]=da->getNbOfElems();
+ size[1]=da->getNumberOfTuples();
+ size[2]=da->getNumberOfComponents();
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : --> sendDataArrayDouble "<<size[0]<<endl; //cvw
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Send(&size, 3, MPI_INT, target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ double * p=da->getPointer();
+ MPI_Send(const_cast<double*>(&p[0]), size[0] ,MPI_DOUBLE, target, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+/*! Receives messages from proc \a source to fill dataArrayDouble da.
+To be used with \a sendDoubleVec method.
+\param da dataArrayDouble that is filled
+\param source processor id of the incoming messages
+ */
+ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* MEDPARTITIONER::recvDataArrayDouble(int source)
+//std::vector<int>& vec, int source)const
+ int tag = 111005;
+ int size[3];
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Recv(size, 3, MPI_INT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1000)
+ cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : <-- recvDataArrayDouble "<<size[0]<<endl; //cvw
+ if (size[0]!=(size[1]*size[2]))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in recvDataArrayDouble incoherent sizes"));
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* da=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ da->alloc(size[1],size[2]);
+ double * p=da->getPointer();
+ MPI_Recv(const_cast<double*>(&p[0]), size[0], MPI_DOUBLE, source, tag+100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
+ return da;
+ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* MEDPARTITIONER::createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh()
+ //create empty MEDCouplingUMesh* dim 3
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* umesh=ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::New();
+ umesh->setMeshDimension(3);
+ umesh->allocateCells(0);
+ umesh->finishInsertingCells();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble *myCoords=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ myCoords->alloc(0,3);
+ umesh->setCoords(myCoords);
+ umesh->setName("EMPTY");
+ myCoords->decrRef();
+ umesh->checkCoherency();
+ return umesh;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testVectorOfStringMPI()
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ int world_size=MyGlobals::_world_size;
+ vector<string> myVector;
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<"hello from "<<setw(5)<<rank<<" "<<string(rank+1,'n')<<
+ " next is an empty one";
+ myVector.push_back(oss.str());
+ myVector.push_back("");
+ myVector.push_back("next is an singleton");
+ myVector.push_back("1");
+ if (rank==0)
+ {
+ /*
+ string s0=serializeFromVectorOfString(myVector);
+ cout<<"s0 is : a string '"<<s0<<"'"<<endl;
+ vector<string> v0=deserializeToVectorOfString(s0);
+ cout<<"v0 is : a vector of size "<<v0.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprVectorOfString(v0)<<endl;
+ */
+ string s0=serializeFromVectorOfString(myVector);
+ vector<string> res=deserializeToVectorOfString(s0);
+ if (res.size()!=myVector.size())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in (de)serialise VectorOfString incoherent sizes"));
+ for (int i=0; i<myVector.size(); i++)
+ if (res[i]!=myVector[i])
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in (de)serialise VectorOfString incoherent elements"));
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<world_size; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j<world_size; j++)
+ {
+ vector<string> res=sendAndReceiveVectorOfString(myVector, i, j);
+ if ((rank==j) && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : receive \n"<<reprVectorOfString(res)<<endl;
+ if (rank==j)
+ {
+ if (res.size()!=myVector.size())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in sendAndReceiveVectorOfString incoherent sizes"));
+ for (int i=1; i<myVector.size(); i++) //first is different
+ if (res[i]!=myVector[i])
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in sendAndReceiveVectorOfString incoherent elements"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (res.size()!=0)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in sendAndReceiveVectorOfString size have to be 0"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vector<string> res=allgathervVectorOfString(myVector);
+ //sometimes for test
+ res=allgathervVectorOfString(myVector);
+ res=allgathervVectorOfString(myVector);
+ if (rank==0 && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : receive \n"<<reprVectorOfString(res)<<endl;
+ if (res.size()!=myVector.size()*world_size)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in allgathervVectorOfString incoherent sizes"));
+ int jj=-1;
+ for (int j=0; j<world_size; j++)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<myVector.size(); i++)
+ {
+ jj=jj+1;
+ if (i==0) continue; //first is different
+ if (res[jj]!=myVector[i])
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in allgathervVectorOfString incoherent elements"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose) cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : OK testVectorOfStringMPI END"<< endl;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testMapOfStringIntMPI()
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ //int world_size=MyGlobals::_world_size;
+ map<string,int> myMap;
+ myMap["one"]=1;
+ myMap["two"]=22; //a bug
+ myMap["three"]=3;
+ myMap["two"]=2; //last speaking override
+ if (rank==0)
+ {
+ vector<string> v2=vectorizeFromMapOfStringInt(myMap);
+ /*
+ cout<<"v2 is : a vector of size "<<v2.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprVectorOfString(v2)<<endl;
+ */
+ map<string,int> m3=devectorizeToMapOfStringInt(v2);
+ if (reprMapOfStringInt(m3)!=reprMapOfStringInt(myMap))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in (de)vectorize MapOfStringInt"));
+ }
+ vector<string> v2=allgathervVectorOfString(vectorizeFromMapOfStringInt(myMap));
+ if (rank==0 && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ {
+ cout<<"v2 is : a vector of size "<<v2.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprVectorOfString(v2)<<endl;
+ map<string,int> m2=devectorizeToMapOfStringInt(v2);
+ cout<<"m2 is : a map of size "<<m2.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprMapOfStringInt(m2)<<endl;
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose) cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : OK testMapOfStringIntMPI END"<< endl;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testMapOfStringVectorOfStringMPI()
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ //int world_size=MyGlobals::_world_size;
+ vector<string> myVector;
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss<<"hello from "<<setw(5)<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" "<<string(rank+1,'n')<<
+ " next is an empty one";
+ myVector.push_back(oss.str());
+ myVector.push_back("");
+ myVector.push_back("next is an singleton");
+ myVector.push_back("1");
+ if (rank==0)
+ {
+ map< string,vector<string> > m2;
+ m2["first key"]=myVector;
+ m2["second key"]=myVector;
+ vector<string> v2=vectorizeFromMapOfStringVectorOfString(m2);
+ map< string,vector<string> > m3=devectorizeToMapOfStringVectorOfString(v2);
+ if (rank==0 && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ cout<<"m2 is : a MapOfStringVectorOfString of size "<<m2.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(m2)<<endl;
+ cout<<"v2 is : a vector of size "<<v2.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprVectorOfString(v2)<<endl;
+ cout<<"m3 is : a map of size "<<m3.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(m3)<<endl;
+ if (reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(m3)!=reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(m2))
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in (de)vectorize MapOfStringVectorOfString"));
+ }
+ map< string,vector<string> > m4;
+ m4["1rst key"]=myVector;
+ m4["2snd key"]=myVector;
+ vector<string> v4=allgathervVectorOfString(vectorizeFromMapOfStringVectorOfString(m4));
+ if (rank==0 && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ {
+ map< string,vector<string> > m5=devectorizeToMapOfStringVectorOfString(v4);
+ map< string,vector<string> > m6=deleteDuplicatesInMapOfStringVectorOfString(m5);
+ cout<<"m5 is : a map of size "<<m5.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(m5)<<endl;
+ cout<<"m6 is : a map from m5 with deleteDuplicates of size "<<m6.size()<<endl;
+ cout<<reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(m6)<<endl;
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose) cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : OK testMapOfStringVectorOfStringMPI END"<< endl;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testDataArrayMPI()
+ int rank=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ //int
+ {
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* send=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* recv=0;
+ int nbOfTuples=5;
+ int numberOfComponents=3;
+ send->alloc(nbOfTuples,numberOfComponents);
+ vector<int> vals;
+ for (int j=0; j<nbOfTuples; j++)
+ for (int i=0; i<numberOfComponents; i++) vals.push_back((j+1)*10+i+1);
+ std::copy(vals.begin(),vals.end(),send->getPointer());
+ if (rank==0) sendDataArrayInt(send, 1);
+ if (rank==1) recv=recvDataArrayInt(0);
+ if (rank==1 && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ {
+ cout<<send->repr()<<endl;
+ cout<<recv->repr()<<endl;
+ }
+ if (rank==1)
+ {
+ if (send->repr()!=recv->repr())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in send&recv DataArrayInt"));
+ }
+ send->decrRef();
+ if (rank==1) recv->decrRef();
+ }
+ //double
+ {
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* send=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* recv=0;
+ int nbOfTuples=5;
+ int numberOfComponents=3;
+ send->alloc(nbOfTuples,numberOfComponents);
+ vector<double> vals;
+ for (int j=0; j<nbOfTuples; j++)
+ for (int i=0; i<numberOfComponents; i++) vals.push_back(double(j+1)+double(i+1)/10);
+ std::copy(vals.begin(),vals.end(),send->getPointer());
+ if (rank==0) sendDataArrayDouble(send, 1);
+ if (rank==1) recv=recvDataArrayDouble(0);
+ if (rank==1 && MyGlobals::_verbose>20)
+ {
+ cout<<send->repr()<<endl;
+ cout<<recv->repr()<<endl;
+ }
+ if (rank==1)
+ {
+ if (send->repr()!=recv->repr())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(LOCALIZED("Problem in send&recv DataArrayDouble"));
+ }
+ send->decrRef();
+ if (rank==1) recv->decrRef();
+ }
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose) cout<<"proc "<<rank<<" : OK testDataArrayMPI END"<< endl;
+ }
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testPersistantMpi0To1(int taille, int nb)
+ double temps_debut=MPI_Wtime();
+ int rang=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ vector<int> x, y;
+ int tag=111111;
+ MPI_Request requete0, requete1;
+ MPI_Status statut;
+ int ok=0;
+ string res;
+ if (rang==0)
+ {
+ x.resize(taille);
+ MPI_Ssend_init(&x[0], taille, MPI_INT, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD , &requete0);
+ for(int k=0; k<nb; k++)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i) x[i]=k;
+ //Envoi d’un gros message --> cela peut prendre du temps
+ MPI_Start(&requete0);
+ //Traitement sequentiel independant de "x"
+ //...
+ MPI_Wait(&requete0, &statut);
+ //Traitement sequentiel impliquant une modification de "x" en memoire
+ //x=...
+ }
+ MPI_Request_free(&requete0);
+ }
+ else if (rang == 1)
+ {
+ y.resize(taille);
+ MPI_Recv_init(&y[0], taille, MPI_INT, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD , &requete1);
+ for(int k=0; k<nb; k++)
+ {
+ //Pre-traitement sequentiel
+ //...
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i) y[i]=-1;
+ //Reception du gros message --> cela peut prendre du temps
+ MPI_Start(&requete1);
+ //Traitement sequentiel independant de "y"
+ //...
+ MPI_Wait(&requete1, &statut);
+ //Traitement sequentiel dependant de "y"
+ //...=f(y)
+ int nb=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i)
+ if (y[i]==k) nb++;
+ if (nb==taille) ok++;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>9)
+ {
+ res="0K"; if (nb!=taille) res="KO";
+ cout<<res<<k<<" ";
+ }
+ }
+ res="0K"; if (ok!=nb) res="MAUVAIS";
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1)
+ cout<<"resultat "<<res<<" time(sec) "<<MPI_Wtime()-temps_debut<<endl;
+ MPI_Request_free(&requete1);
+ }
+ //temps_fin=(MPI_WTIME()-temps_debut);
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testPersistantMpiRing(int taille, int nb)
+ double temps_debut=MPI_Wtime();
+ int befo, next, rang, wsize, tagbefo, tagnext;
+ rang=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ wsize=MyGlobals::_world_size;
+ befo=rang-1; if (befo<0) befo=wsize-1;
+ next=rang+1; if (next>=wsize) next=0;
+ vector<int> x, y;
+ tagbefo=111111+befo;
+ tagnext=111111+rang;
+ MPI_Request requete0, requete1;
+ MPI_Status statut1, statut2;
+ int ok=0;
+ string res;
+ //cout<<"ini|"<<rang<<'|'<<befo<<'|'<<next<<' ';
+ {
+ x.resize(taille);
+ y.resize(taille);
+ MPI_Ssend_init(&x[0], taille, MPI_INT, next, tagnext, MPI_COMM_WORLD , &requete0);
+ MPI_Recv_init(&y[0], taille, MPI_INT, befo, tagbefo, MPI_COMM_WORLD , &requete1);
+ //cout<<"isr|"<<rang<<'|'<<requete0<<'|'<<requete1<<' ';
+ for(int k=0; k<nb; k++)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i) x[i]=k+rang;
+ //Envoi d’un gros message --> cela peut prendre du temps
+ MPI_Start(&requete0);
+ //Reception du gros message --> cela peut prendre du temps
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i) y[i]=-1;
+ MPI_Start(&requete1);
+ //Traitement sequentiel independant de "x"
+ //...
+ //Traitement sequentiel independant de "y"
+ //...
+ //cout<<"dsr|"<<rang<<' ';
+ MPI_Wait(&requete1, &statut1);
+ //Traitement sequentiel dependant de "y"
+ //...=f(y)
+ int nb=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i)
+ if (y[i]==k+befo) nb++;
+ if (nb==taille) ok++;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>9)
+ {
+ res="0K"+intToStr(rang); if (nb!=taille) res="KO"+intToStr(rang);
+ cout<<res<<k<<" ";
+ }
+ MPI_Wait(&requete0, &statut2);
+ //Traitement sequentiel impliquant une modification de "x" en memoire
+ //x=...
+ }
+ res="0K"; if (ok!=nb) res="MAUVAIS";
+ temps_debut=MPI_Wtime()-temps_debut;
+ MPI_Request_free(&requete1);
+ MPI_Request_free(&requete0);
+ }
+ //temps_fin=(MPI_WTIME()-temps_debut);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1)
+ cout<<"resultat proc "<<rang<<" "<<res<<" time(sec) "<<temps_debut<<endl;
+void MEDPARTITIONER::testPersistantMpiRingOnCommSplit(int taille, int nb)
+ double temps_debut=MPI_Wtime();
+ int rang=MyGlobals::_rank;
+ MPI_Comm newcomm;
+ int couleur=1;
+ int rangMax=4;
+ if (rang>=rangMax) couleur=MPI_UNDEFINED;
+ cout<<"coul|"<<rang<<'|'<<couleur<<' ';
+ //MPI_Comm_dup (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &newcomm) ;
+ MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, couleur, rang, &newcomm);
+ int befo, next, wsize, tagbefo, tagnext;
+ wsize=rangMax;
+ if (wsize>MyGlobals::_world_size) wsize=MyGlobals::_world_size;
+ befo=rang-1; if (befo<0) befo=wsize-1;
+ next=rang+1; if (next>=wsize) next=0;
+ vector<int> x, y;
+ tagbefo=111111+befo;
+ tagnext=111111+rang;
+ MPI_Request requete0, requete1;
+ MPI_Status statut1, statut2;
+ int ok=0;
+ string res;
+ //cout<<"ini|"<<rang<<'|'<<befo<<'|'<<next<<' ';
+ if (couleur==1)
+ {
+ x.resize(taille);
+ y.resize(taille);
+ MPI_Ssend_init(&x[0], taille, MPI_INT, next, tagnext, newcomm , &requete0);
+ MPI_Recv_init(&y[0], taille, MPI_INT, befo, tagbefo, newcomm , &requete1);
+ //cout<<"isr|"<<rang<<'|'<<requete0<<'|'<<requete1<<' ';
+ for(int k=0; k<nb; k++)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i) x[i]=k+rang;
+ //Envoi d’un gros message --> cela peut prendre du temps
+ MPI_Start(&requete0);
+ //Reception du gros message --> cela peut prendre du temps
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i) y[i]=-1;
+ MPI_Start(&requete1);
+ //Traitement sequentiel independant de "x"
+ //...
+ //Traitement sequentiel independant de "y"
+ //...
+ //cout<<"dsr|"<<rang<<' ';
+ MPI_Wait(&requete1, &statut1);
+ //Traitement sequentiel dependant de "y"
+ //...=f(y)
+ int nb=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<taille; ++i)
+ if (y[i]==k+befo) nb++;
+ if (nb==taille) ok++;
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>9)
+ {
+ res="0K"+intToStr(rang); if (nb!=taille) res="KO"+intToStr(rang);
+ cout<<res<<k<<" ";
+ }
+ MPI_Wait(&requete0, &statut2);
+ //Traitement sequentiel impliquant une modification de "x" en memoire
+ //x=...
+ }
+ res="0K"; if (ok!=nb) res="MAUVAIS";
+ temps_debut=MPI_Wtime()-temps_debut;
+ MPI_Request_free(&requete1);
+ MPI_Request_free(&requete0);
+ }
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ cout<<"barrier|"<<rang<<"|"<<newcomm<<" ";
+ if (couleur==1) MPI_Comm_free(&newcomm);
+ //temps_fin=(MPI_WTIME()-temps_debut);
+ if (MyGlobals::_verbose>1)
+ cout<<"resultat proc "<<rang<<" "<<res<<" time(sec) "<<temps_debut<<endl;
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
- std::string trim(std::string& s,const std::string& drop = " ")
- {
- std::string r=s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(drop)+1);
- return r.erase(0,r.find_first_not_of(drop));
- }
+#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
+//# define LOCALIZED(message) #message , __FILE__ , __FUNCTION__ , __LINE__
+# define LOCALIZED(message) #message , __FUNCTION__ , __LINE__
+# define LOCALIZED(message) #message
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+ string trim(string& s,const string& drop);
+ string intToStr(int i);
+ string doubleToStr(double i);
+ int strToInt(string s);
+ double strToDouble(string s);
+ bool testArg(const char *arg, const char *argExpected, string& argValue);
+ vector<int> createRandomSize(int size);
+ void randomizeAdj(int* xadj, int* adjncy, vector<int>& ran, vector<int>& vx, vector<int>& va);
+ void testRandomize();
+ string reprVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec);
+ string reprVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, string sep);
+ string reprMapOfStringInt(const map<string,int>& mymap);
+ string reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(const map< string,vector<string> >& mymap);
+ string reprFieldDescriptions(const vector<string>& vec, string sep);
+ string serializeFromString(const string& s);
+ string serializeFromVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec);
+ vector<string> deserializeToVectorOfString(const string& str);
+ string eraseTagSerialized(string fromStr, string tag);
+ vector<string> vectorizeFromMapOfStringInt(const map<string,int>& mymap);
+ map<string,int> devectorizeToMapOfStringInt(const vector<string>& vec);
+ vector<string> vectorizeFromMapOfStringVectorOfString(const map< string,vector<string> >& mymap);
+ map< string,vector<string> > devectorizeToMapOfStringVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec);
+ vector<string> selectTagsInVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, string tag);
+ vector<string> deleteDuplicatesInVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec);
+ map< string,vector<string> > deleteDuplicatesInMapOfStringVectorOfString(const map< string,vector<string> >& mymap);
+ string cle1ToStr(string s, int inew);
+ void cle1ToData(string cle, string& s, int& inew);
+ string cle2ToStr(string s, int inew, int iold);
+ void cle2ToData(string cle, string& s, int& inew, int& iold);
+ string extractFromDescription(string description, string tag);
+ void fieldDescriptionToData(string description,
+ int& idomain, string& fileName, string& meshName, string& fieldName,
+ int& typeField, int& DT, int& IT);
+ void fieldShortDescriptionToData(string description,
+ string& fieldName, int& typeField, int& entity, int& DT, int& IT);
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* createDataArrayIntFromVector(vector<int>& v);
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* createDataArrayIntFromVector(vector<int>& v, int nbComponents);
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* createDataArrayDoubleFromVector(vector<double>& v);
+ void sendVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, const int target);
+ vector<string> recvVectorOfString(const int source);
+ //TODO void sendrecvVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, const int source, const int target);
+ vector<string> sendAndReceiveVectorOfString(const vector<string>& vec, const int source, const int target);
+ vector<string> allgathervVectorOfString(const vector<std::string>& vec);
+ vector<string> browseFieldDouble(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble* fd);
+ vector<string> browseAllFields(const string& myfile);
+ vector<string> browseAllFieldsOnMesh(const string& myfile, const string& mymesh, int idomain);
+ vector<string> GetInfosOfField(const char *fileName, const char *meshName, int idomain );
+ void sendDoubleVec(const std::vector<double>& vec, int target);
+ std::vector<double>* recvDoubleVec(int source);
+ void recvDoubleVec(std::vector<double>& vec, int source);
+ void sendIntVec(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target);
+ std::vector<int>* recvIntVec(int source);
+ void recvIntVec(std::vector<int>& vec, int source);
+ void sendDataArrayInt(ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* da, int target);
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* recvDataArrayInt(int source);
+ void sendDataArrayDouble(ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* da, int target);
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble* recvDataArrayDouble(int source);
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* createEmptyMEDCouplingUMesh();
+ void testVectorOfStringMPI();
+ void testMapOfStringIntMPI();
+ void testMapOfStringVectorOfStringMPI();
+ void testDataArrayMPI();
+ void testPersistantMpi0To1(int taille, int nb);
+ void testPersistantMpiRing(int taille, int nb);
+ void testPersistantMpiRingOnCommSplit(int taille, int nb);
+ class MyGlobals
+ {
+ public : static int _verbose; //0 to 1000 over 200 is debug
+ public : static int _rank;
+ public : static int _world_size;
+ public : static int _randomize;
+ public : static int _atomize;
+ public : static int _creates_boundary_faces;
+ public : static int _is0verbose; //cout if rank 0 and verbose
+ public : static vector<string> _fileNames; //on [iold]
+ public : static vector<string> _meshNames; //on [iold]
+ public : static vector<string> _fieldDescriptions;
+ //used for descriptions of components of fields for example...
+ public : static vector<string> _generalInformations;
+ };
+ /*int MyGlobals::_verbose=0;
+ int MyGlobals::_is0verbose=0;
+ int MyGlobals::_rank=-1;
+ int MyGlobals::_world_size=-1;*/
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-# MED MEDMEM : MED files in memory
+# MED : MED files in memory
include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
# this directory must be recompiled before Test folder
+ SUBDIRS=. Test
lib_LTLIBRARIES= libmedpartitioner.la
dist_libmedpartitioner_la_SOURCES= \
MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollectionDriver.cxx \
- -I$(srcdir)/../MEDMEM -I$(srcdir)/../MEDWrapper/V2_1/Core \
-I$(srcdir)/../INTERP_KERNEL/Bases -I$(srcdir)/../MEDCoupling \
-I$(srcdir)/../MEDLoader -I$(srcdir)/../INTERP_KERNEL
libmedpartitioner_la_LDFLAGS+= ${KERNEL_LDFLAGS} -lSALOMELocalTrace
+#libmedpartitioner_la_LDFLAGS+= $(MED2_LIBS) $(HDF5_LIBS) $(STDLIB) $(LIBXML_LIBS) $(MPI_LIBS) \
+# ../MEDMEM/libmedmem.la ../INTERP_KERNEL/libinterpkernel.la ../MEDCoupling/libmedcoupling.la ../MEDLoader/libmedloader.la
libmedpartitioner_la_LDFLAGS+= $(MED2_LIBS) $(HDF5_LIBS) $(STDLIB) $(LIBXML_LIBS) $(MPI_LIBS) \
- ../MEDMEM/libmedmem.la ../INTERP_KERNEL/libinterpkernel.la ../MEDCoupling/libmedcoupling.la ../MEDLoader/libmedloader.la
+ ../INTERP_KERNEL/libinterpkernel.la ../MEDCoupling/libmedcoupling.la ../MEDLoader/libmedloader.la
# Executables targets
bin_PROGRAMS= medpartitioner
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ndomains;
// Use boost::program_options for command-line options parsing
- po::options_description desc("Available options");
+ po::options_description desc("Available options of medpartitioner V1.0");
("help","produces this help message")
("mesh-only","prevents the splitter from creating the fields contained in the original file(s)")
if (!vm.count("distributed") && !vm.count("meshname") )
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : for a serial MED file, mesh name must be selected with --meshname=..."<<endl;
+ cout << "for a serial MED file, mesh name must be selected with --meshname=..."<<endl;
return 1;
// Primitive parsing of command-line options
- string desc ("Available options:\n"
+ string desc ("Available options of medpartitioner V1.0:\n"
"\t--help : produces this help message\n"
"\t--mesh-only : do not create the fields contained in the original file(s)\n"
"\t--distributed : specifies that the input file is distributed\n"
// Loading the mesh collection
MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection* collection;
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - reading input files "<<endl;
+ cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : reading input files "<<endl;
if (is_sequential)
collection = new MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection(input,meshname);
collection = new MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection(input);
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - computing partition "<<endl;
+ cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : computing partition "<<endl;
// Creating the graph and partitioning it
new_topo = collection->createPartition(ndomains,MEDPARTITIONER::Graph::SCOTCH);
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - creating new meshes"<<endl;
+ cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : creating new meshes"<<endl;
// Creating a new mesh collection from the partitioning
MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection new_collection(*collection, new_topo, split_families, empty_groups);
// new_collection.setSubdomainBoundaryCreates(creates_boundary_faces);
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - writing output files "<<endl;
+ cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : writing output files "<<endl;
// Casting the fields on the new collection
// Module : MED
+examples of launch
+rm ttmp* tttmp*
+export verb=11
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --input-file=blade.med --output-file=ttmp1_ --ndomains=2 --dump-cpu-memory --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 5 medpartitioner_para --input-file=blade.med --output-file=ttmp1_ --ndomains=2 --dump-cpu-memory --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 4 medpartitioner_para --input-file=ttmp1_.xml --output-file=tttmp1_ --ndomains=4 --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=tmp_testMesh_20x30x50.med --output-file=ttmp2_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=ttmp2_.xml --output-file=ttmp3_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=tmp_testMeshWithFaces_20x30x50.med --output-file=ttmp2_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=ttmp2_.xml --output-file=ttmp3_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=tmp_testMesh_20x30x50_WithVecFieldOnCells.med --output-file=ttmp2_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=tmp_testMesh_20x30x50_WithVecFieldOnNodes.med --output-file=ttmp2_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 2 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=2 --input-file=ttmp2_.xml --output-file=ttmp3_ --verbose=$verb
+mpirun -np 4 medpartitioner_para --ndomains=4 --input-file=tmp_testMeshHuge_20x30x50_6.xml --output-file=ttmp3_ --verbose=1
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_MESHCollection.hxx"
-#include "MEDPARTITIONER_Topology.hxx"
+//#include "MEDPARTITIONER_Topology.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParallelTopology.hxx"
#include "MEDPARTITIONER_ParaDomainSelector.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include "MEDPARTITIONER_utils.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_STRING.hxx"
-#include <cstdlib>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
#include <mpi.h>
-#include <fstream>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
namespace po=boost::program_options;
using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDPARTITIONER;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Defining options
// by parsing the command line
- //bool mesh_only = false;
- //bool is_sequential = true;
- bool xml_output_master=true;
- bool creates_boundary_faces=false;
+ //bool xml_output_master=true;
bool split_family=false;
bool empty_groups=false;
bool mesure_memory=false;
+ bool filter_face=true;
string input;
string output;
string meshname;
string library;
int ndomains;
- // Use boost::program_options for command-line options parsing
- po::options_description desc("Available options");
- desc.add_options()
- ("help","produces this help message")
- //("mesh-only","prevents the splitter from creating the fields contained in the original file(s)")
- //("distributed","specifies that the input file is distributed")
- ("input-file",po::value<string>(),"name of the input MED file")
- ("output-file",po::value<string>(),"name of the resulting file")
- //("meshname",po::value<string>(),"name of the input mesh")
+ int help=0;
+ int test=0;
+ MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MyGlobals::_world_size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MyGlobals::_rank);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" of "<<MyGlobals::_world_size<<endl; //cvw for debug
+ //testVectorOfStringMPI(); //cvw
+ //testRandomize();
+ // Primitive parsing of command-line options
+ string desc ("Available options of medpartitioner_para V1.0:\n"
+ "\t--help : produces this help message\n"
+ "\t--verbose : echoes arguments\n"
+ "\t--input-file=<string> : name of the input .med file or .xml master file\n"
+ "\t--output-file=<string> : name of the resulting file (without exension)\n"
+ "\t--ndomains=<number> : number of subdomains in the output file, default is 1\n"
- ("split-method",po::value<string>(&library)->default_value("metis"),"name of the splitting library (metis,scotch)")
+ "\t--split-method=<string> : name of the splitting library (metis/scotch), default is metis\n"
- ("ndomains",po::value<int>(&ndomains)->default_value(1),"number of subdomains in the output file")
- ("plain-master","creates a plain masterfile instead of an XML file")
- ("creates-boundary-faces","creates the necessary faces so that faces joints are created in the output files")
- ("family-splitting","preserves the family names instead of focusing on the groups")
- ("empty-groups","creates empty groups in zones that do not contain a group from the original domain")
- ("dump-cpu-memory","dumps passed CPU time and maximal increase of used memory");
- po::variables_map vm;
- po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc,argv,desc),vm);
- po::notify(vm);
+ "\t--creates-boundary-faces : creates boundary faces mesh in the output files\n"
+ //"\t--family-splitting : preserves the family names instead of focusing on the groups\n"
+ "\t--dump-cpu-memory : dumps passed CPU time and maximal increase of used memory\n"
+ //"\t--randomize=<number> : random seed for other partitionning (only on one proc)\n"
+ //"\t--atomize : do the opposite of a good partitionner (only on one proc)\n"
+ );
- if (vm.count("help"))
+ if (argc<=1) help=1;
+ string value;
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- cout<<desc<<"\n";
- return 1;
+ if (strlen(argv[i]) < 3)
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0) cerr << "bad argument : "<< argv[i] << endl;
+ MPI_Finalize(); return 1;
+ }
+ if (testArg(argv[i],"--verbose",value))
+ {
+ MyGlobals::_verbose=1;
+ if (value!="") MyGlobals::_verbose = atoi(value.c_str());
+ }
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--help",value)) help=1;
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--test",value)) test=1;
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--input-file",value)) input=value;
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--output-file",value)) output=value;
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--split-method",value)) library=value;
+ //else if (testArg(argv[i],"--family-splitting",value)) split_family=true;
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--ndomains",value)) ndomains=atoi(value.c_str());
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--randomize",value)) MyGlobals::_randomize=atoi(value.c_str());
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--atomize",value)) MyGlobals::_atomize=atoi(value.c_str());
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--creates-boundary-faces",value)) MyGlobals::_creates_boundary_faces=1;
+ //else if (testArg(argv[i],"--empty-groups",value)) empty_groups=true;
+ else if (testArg(argv[i],"--dump-cpu-memory",value)) mesure_memory=true;
+ else
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0) cerr << "unknown argument : "<< argv[i] << endl;
+ MPI_Finalize(); return 1;
+ }
- if (!vm.count("ndomains"))
- {
- cout << "ndomains must be specified !"<<endl;
- return 1;
- }
- ndomains = vm["ndomains"].as<int>();
- if (!vm.count("input-file") || !vm.count("output-file"))
+ if (MyGlobals::_randomize!=0 && MyGlobals::_world_size!=1)
- cout << "input-file and output-file names must be specified"<<endl;
- return 1;
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0) cerr << "randomize only available on 1 proc (mpirun -np 1)" << endl;
+ MyGlobals::_randomize=0;
-// if (!vm.count("distributed") && !vm.count("meshname") )
-// {
-// cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : for a serial MED file, mesh name must be selected with --meshname=..."<<endl;
-// return 1;
-// }
- input = vm["input-file"].as<string>();
- output = vm["output-file"].as<string>();
-// if (vm.count("mesh-only"))
-// mesh_only=true;
-// if (vm.count("distributed"))
-// is_sequential=false;
-// if (is_sequential)
-// meshname = vm["meshname"].as<string>();
- if (vm.count("plain-master"))
- xml_output_master=false;
- if (vm.count("creates-boundary-faces"))
- creates_boundary_faces=true;
- if (vm.count("split-families"))
- split_family=true;
- if (vm.count("empty-groups"))
- empty_groups=true;
- if (vm.count("dump-cpu-memory"))
- mesure_memory=true;
- // Primitive parsing of command-line options
- string desc ("Available options:\n"
- "\t--help : produces this help message\n"
- //"\t--mesh-only : do not create the fields contained in the original file(s)\n"
- //"\t--distributed : specifies that the input file is distributed\n"
- "\t--input-file=<string> : name of the input MED file\n"
- "\t--output-file=<string> : name of the resulting file\n"
- //"\t--meshname=<string> : name of the input mesh (not used with --distributed option)\n"
- "\t--ndomains=<number> : number of subdomains in the output file, default is 1\n"
- "\t--split-method=<string> : name of the splitting library (metis/scotch), default is metis\n"
+ library = "metis";
+ library = "scotch";
- "\t--plain-master : creates a plain masterfile instead of an XML file\n"
- "\t--creates-boundary-faces: creates the necessary faces so that faces joints are created in the output files\n"
- "\t--family-splitting : preserves the family names instead of focusing on the groups\n"
- "\t--dump-cpu-memory : dumps passed CPU time and maximal increase of used memory\n"
- );
- if (argc < 4) {
- cout << desc.c_str() << endl;
+ if (help==1)
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0) cout<<desc<<"\n";
+ MPI_Finalize(); return 0;
+ }
+ MyGlobals::_is0verbose=0;
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0) MyGlobals::_is0verbose=MyGlobals::_verbose;
+ //MyGlobals::_is0verbose=((MyGlobals::_rank==0) && MyGlobals::_verbose);
+ if (test==1) //only for debugger
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>0) cout<<"tests on "<<MyGlobals::_atomize<<" "<<ndomains<<endl;
+ //testPersistantMpi0To1(MyGlobals::_atomize, ndomains);
+ //testPersistantMpiRing(MyGlobals::_atomize, ndomains);
+ testPersistantMpiRingOnCommSplit(MyGlobals::_atomize, ndomains);
+ //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
+ testVectorOfStringMPI();
+ testMapOfStringIntMPI();
+ testMapOfStringVectorOfStringMPI();
+ testDataArrayMPI();
+ MPI_Finalize();
return 1;
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (strlen(argv[i]) < 3) {
- cout << desc.c_str() << endl;
- return 1;
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose)
+ {
+ cout << "medpartitioner_para V1.0 :" << endl;
+ cout << " input-file = " << input << endl;
+ cout << " output-file = " << output << endl;
+ cout << " split-method = " << library << endl;
+ //cout << " family-splitting = " << split_family << endl;
+ cout << " ndomains = " << ndomains << endl;
+ //cout << " xml_output_master = " << xml_output_master << endl;
+ cout << " creates_boundary_faces = " << MyGlobals::_creates_boundary_faces << endl;
+ //cout << " empty_groups = " << empty_groups<< endl;
+ cout << " dump-cpu-memory = " << mesure_memory<< endl;
+ cout << " verbose = " << MyGlobals::_verbose << endl;
+ //cout << " randomize = " << MyGlobals::_randomize << endl;
+ cout << " verbose = " << MyGlobals::_verbose << endl;
+ }
+ //testing whether it is possible to write a file at the specified location
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0)
+ {
+ string outputtest = output + ".testioms.";
+ ofstream testfile (outputtest.c_str());
+ if (testfile.fail())
+ {
+ cerr << "output-file directory does not exist or is in read-only access" << endl;
+ MPI_Finalize(); return 1;
+ //deletes test file
+ remove(outputtest.c_str());
+ }
+ // Beginning of the computation
-/* if (strncmp(argv[i],"--m",3) == 0) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i],"--mesh-only") == 0) {
- mesh_only = true;
- cout << "\tmesh-only = " << mesh_only << endl; // tmp
- }
- else if (strlen(argv[i]) > 11) { // "--meshname="
- meshname = (argv[i] + 11);
- cout << "\tmeshname = " << meshname << endl; // tmp
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--d",3) == 0) {
- is_sequential = false;
- cout << "\tis_sequential = " << is_sequential << endl; // tmp
- }
- else */if (strncmp(argv[i],"--i",3) == 0) {
- if (strlen(argv[i]) > 13) { // "--input-file="
- input = (argv[i] + 13);
- cout << "\tinput-file = " << input << endl; // tmp
- }
- }
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--o",3) == 0) {
- if (strlen(argv[i]) > 14) { // "--output-file="
- output = (argv[i] + 14);
- cout << "\toutput-file = " << output << endl; // tmp
- }
+ // Loading the mesh collection
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) cout << "Reading input files "<<endl;
+ try
+ {
+ MEDPARTITIONER::ParaDomainSelector parallelizer(mesure_memory);
+ MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection collection(input,parallelizer); //cvwat01
+ MEDPARTITIONER::ParallelTopology* aPT = (MEDPARTITIONER::ParallelTopology*) collection.getTopology();
+ aPT->setGlobalNumerotationDefault(collection.getParaDomainSelector());
+ //int nbfiles=MyGlobals::_fileMedNames->size(); //nb domains
+ //to have unique valid fields names/pointers/descriptions for partitionning
+ collection.prepareFieldDescriptions();
+ //int nbfields=collection.getFieldDescriptions().size(); //on all domains
+ //cout<<reprVectorOfString(collection.getFieldDescriptions());
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose)
+ {
+ cout<<"fileNames :"<<endl
+ <<reprVectorOfString(MyGlobals::_fileNames);
+ cout<<"fieldDescriptions :"<<endl
+ <<reprFieldDescriptions(collection.getFieldDescriptions()," "); //cvwat07
+ cout<<"familyInfo :\n"
+ <<reprMapOfStringInt(collection.getFamilyInfo())<<endl;
+ cout<<"groupInfo :\n"
+ <<reprMapOfStringVectorOfString(collection.getGroupInfo())<<endl;
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--s",3) == 0) {
- if (strlen(argv[i]) > 15) { // "--split-method="
- library = (argv[i] + 15);
- cout << "\tsplit-method = " << library << endl; // tmp
+ // Creating the graph and partitioning it
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) cout << "Computing partition "<<endl; //cvw
+ auto_ptr< MEDPARTITIONER::Topology > new_topo;
+ if (library == "metis") //cvwat06
+ new_topo.reset( collection.createPartition(ndomains,MEDPARTITIONER::Graph::METIS));
+ else
+ new_topo.reset( collection.createPartition(ndomains,MEDPARTITIONER::Graph::SCOTCH));
+ parallelizer.evaluateMemory();
+ // Creating a new mesh collection from the partitioning
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) cout << "Creating new meshes"<<endl; //cvwat04
+ MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection new_collection(collection,new_topo.get(),split_family,empty_groups);
+ //cout<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : new_collection done"<<endl;
+ parallelizer.evaluateMemory();
+ //if (!xml_output_master) new_collection.setDriverType(MEDPARTITIONER::MedAscii);
+ if (filter_face) new_collection.filterFaceOnCell();
+ //to get infos on all procs
+ //see meshName
+ vector<string> finalInformations;
+ vector<string> r1,r2;
+ r1=allgathervVectorOfString(MyGlobals::_generalInformations);
+ //if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>1000) cout << "generalInformations : \n"<<reprVectorOfString(r1);
+ r2=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r1,"ioldDomain=");
+ r2=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r2,"meshName=");
+ if (r2.size()==(collection.getMesh()).size())
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<r2.size(); i++) r2[i]=eraseTagSerialized(r2[i],"ioldDomain=");
+ r2=deleteDuplicatesInVectorOfString(r2);
+ if (r2.size()==1)
+ {
+ string finalMesh="finalMeshName="+extractFromDescription(r2[0], "meshName=");
+ finalInformations.push_back(serializeFromString(finalMesh));
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--f",3) == 0) { //"--family-splitting"
- split_family=true;
- cout << "\tfamily-splitting true" << endl; // tmp
+ if (finalInformations.size()==0)
+ {
+ if (MyGlobals::_rank==0)
+ cerr<<"Problem on final meshName : set at 'Merge'"<<endl;
+ finalInformations.push_back("finalMeshName=Merge");
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--n",3) == 0) {
- if (strlen(argv[i]) > 11) { // "--ndomains="
- ndomains = atoi(argv[i] + 11);
- cout << "\tndomains = " << ndomains << endl; // tmp
+ //see field info nbComponents & componentInfo (if fields present)
+ r2=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r1,"fieldName=");
+ r2=selectTagsInVectorOfString(r2,"nbComponents=");
+ //may be yes? or not?
+ for (int i=0; i<r2.size(); i++) r2[i]=eraseTagSerialized(r2[i],"ioldFieldDouble=");
+ r2=deleteDuplicatesInVectorOfString(r2);
+ for (int i=0; i<r2.size(); i++) finalInformations.push_back(r2[i]);
+ MyGlobals::_generalInformations=finalInformations;
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose)
+ cout << "generalInformations : \n"<<reprVectorOfString(finalInformations);
+ //new_collection.setSubdomainBoundaryCreates(creates_boundary_faces);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose) cout << "Writing "<<ndomains<<" output files "<<output<<"xx.med"<<" and "<<output<<".xml"<<endl;
+ new_collection.write(output);
+ if ( mesure_memory )
+ if ( parallelizer.isOnDifferentHosts() || MyGlobals::_rank==0 )
+ {
+ cout << "Elapsed time = " << parallelizer.getPassedTime()
+ << ", max memory usage = " << parallelizer.evaluateMemory() << " KB"
+ << endl;
- }
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--p",3) == 0) { // "--plain-master"
- xml_output_master = false;
- cout << "\txml_output_master = " << xml_output_master << endl; // tmp
- }
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--c",3) == 0) { // "--creates-boundary-faces"
- creates_boundary_faces = true;
- cout << "\tcreates_boundary_faces = " << creates_boundary_faces << endl; // tmp
- }
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--e",3) == 0) { // "--empty-groups"
- empty_groups = true;
- cout << "\tempty_groups = true" << endl; // tmp
- }
- else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--d",3) == 0) { // "--dump-cpu-memory"
- mesure_memory = true;
- cout << "\tdump-cpu-memory = true" << endl; // tmp
- }
- else {
- cout << desc.c_str() << endl;
- return 1;
- }
+ // Casting the fields on the new collection
+ // if (!mesh_only)
+ // new_collection.castAllFields(*collection);
+ if (MyGlobals::_is0verbose>0) cout<<"OK END"<< endl;
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
-// if (is_sequential && meshname.empty()) {
-// cout << "Mesh name must be given for sequential(not distributed) input file." << endl;
-// cout << desc << endl;
-// return 1;
-// }
- //testing whether it is possible to write a file at the specified location
- string outputtest = output + ".testioms.";
- ofstream testfile (outputtest.c_str());
- if (testfile.fail())
- {
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER : output-file directory does not exist or is in read-only access" << endl;
+ catch(const char *mess)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : "<<mess<<endl;
+ fflush(stderr);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : INTERP_KERNEL_Exception : "<<e.what()<<endl;
+ fflush(stderr);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : std_Exception : "<<e.what()<<endl;
+ fflush(stderr);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ cerr<<"proc "<<MyGlobals::_rank<<" : an unknown type exception error was occured"<<endl;
+ fflush(stderr);
+ MPI_Finalize();
return 1;
- //deletes test file
- remove(outputtest.c_str());
- // Beginning of the computation
- MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
- // Loading the mesh collection
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - reading input files "<<endl;
- MEDPARTITIONER::ParaDomainSelector parallelizer(mesure_memory);
- MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection collection(input,parallelizer);
- // Creating the graph and partitioning it
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - computing partition "<<endl;
- library = "metis";
- library = "scotch";
- cout << "\tsplit-method = " << library << endl; // tmp
- auto_ptr< MEDPARTITIONER::Topology > new_topo;
- if (library == "metis")
- new_topo.reset( collection.createPartition(ndomains,MEDPARTITIONER::Graph::METIS));
- else
- new_topo.reset( collection.createPartition(ndomains,MEDPARTITIONER::Graph::SCOTCH));
- parallelizer.evaluateMemory();
- // Creating a new mesh collection from the partitioning
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - creating new meshes"<<endl;
- MEDPARTITIONER::MESHCollection new_collection(collection,new_topo.get(),split_family,empty_groups);
- parallelizer.evaluateMemory();
- if (!xml_output_master)
- new_collection.setDriverType(MEDPARTITIONER::MedAscii);
- // new_collection.setSubdomainBoundaryCreates(creates_boundary_faces);
- cout << "MEDPARTITIONER - writing output files "<<endl;
- new_collection.write(output);
- if ( mesure_memory )
- if ( parallelizer.isOnDifferentHosts() || parallelizer.rank()==0 )
- {
- MEDMEM::STRING text("proc ");
- text << parallelizer.rank() << ": elapsed time = " << parallelizer.getPassedTime()
- << ", max memory usage = " << parallelizer.evaluateMemory() << " KB";
- cout << text << endl;
- }
- // Casting the fields on the new collection
-// if (!mesh_only)
-// new_collection.castAllFields(*collection);
- MPI_Finalize();
- return 0;