-// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D\r
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\r
-// version 2.1 of the License.\r
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.\r
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\r
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\r
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com\r
-// SMESH SMESHClient : tool to update client mesh structure by mesh from server\r
-// File : SMESH_HexaBlocks.cxx\r
-// Author : \r
-// Module : SMESH\r
-#include <sstream>\r
-#include <algorithm>\r
-// CasCade includes\r
-#include <AIS_Shape.hxx>\r
-#include <Precision.hxx>\r
-#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>\r
-#include <BRepTools.hxx>\r
-#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>\r
-#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>\r
-#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>\r
-#include <GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve.hxx>\r
-#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>\r
-#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>\r
-#include <TopoDS.hxx>\r
-#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>\r
-#include <TopoDS_Compound.hxx>\r
-#include <gp_Pln.hxx>\r
-#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>\r
-#include <gp_Dir.hxx>\r
-#include <gp_Lin.hxx>\r
-#include <IntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector.hxx>\r
-// SMESH includes\r
-#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"\r
-#include "SMDS_MeshVolume.hxx"\r
-#include "SMESH_Gen.hxx"\r
-#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"\r
-#include "SMESHDS_Group.hxx"\r
-// HEXABLOCK includes\r
-#include "HexDocument.hxx"\r
-#include "HexVertex.hxx"\r
-#include "HexEdge.hxx"\r
-#include "HexQuad.hxx"\r
-#include "HexHexa.hxx"\r
-#include "HexPropagation.hxx"\r
-#include "HexShape.hxx"\r
-#include "HexGroups.hxx"\r
-// HEXABLOCKPLUGIN includes\r
-#include "HEXABLOCKPlugin_mesh.hxx"\r
-#include "HEXABLOCKPlugin_FromSkin_3D.hxx"\r
-// other includes\r
-#include "Basics_Utils.hxx"\r
-#include "utilities.h"\r
-#ifdef WNT\r
-#include <process.h>\r
-#include <unistd.h>\r
-#include <stdexcept>\r
-#ifndef EXCEPTION\r
-#define EXCEPTION(TYPE, MSG) {\\r
- std::ostringstream aStream;\\r
- aStream<<__FILE__<<"["<<__LINE__<<"]::"<<MSG;\\r
- throw TYPE(aStream.str());\\r
-#ifdef _DEBUG_\r
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;\r
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;\r
-static double HEXA_EPSILON = 1E-6; //1E-3; \r
-static double HEXA_QUAD_WAY = PI/4.; //3.*PI/8.;\r
-// static double HEXA_QUAD_WAY2 = 499999999.*PI/1000000000.;\r
-TopoDS_Shape string2shape( const string& brep )\r
- TopoDS_Shape shape;\r
- istringstream streamBrep(brep);\r
- BRep_Builder aBuilder;\r
- BRepTools::Read(shape, streamBrep, aBuilder);\r
- return shape;\r
-bool shape2coord(const TopoDS_Shape& aShape, double& x, double& y, double& z)\r
- if ( aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ){\r
- TopoDS_Vertex aPoint;\r
- aPoint = TopoDS::Vertex( aShape );\r
- gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( aPoint );\r
- x = aPnt.X();\r
- y = aPnt.Y();\r
- z = aPnt.Z();\r
- return(1);\r
- } else {\r
- return(0);\r
- };\r
-// SMESH_HexaBlocks::SMESH_HexaBlocks( SMESH_Mesh* theMesh ):\r
-SMESH_HexaBlocks::SMESH_HexaBlocks(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh):\r
- _total(0),\r
- _found(0),\r
- _notFound(0),\r
- _computeVertexOK(false),\r
- _computeEdgeOK(false),\r
- _computeQuadOK(false),\r
- _theMesh(&theMesh), //groups creation\r
- _theMeshDS(theMesh.GetMeshDS()) //meshing\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// Vertex computing\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertex(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)\r
- bool ok = false;\r
- ok = computeVertexByAssoc( vx );\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeVertexByModel( vx );\r
- }\r
- if (ok == true){\r
- _computeVertexOK = true;\r
- }\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertexByAssoc(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = NULL; // new node on mesh\r
- double x, y, z; //new node coordinates\r
- HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = vx.getAssociation();\r
- if ( assoc == NULL ){\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : ASSOC not found ");\r
- vx.printName();\r
- }\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- string strBrep = assoc->getBrep();\r
- TopoDS_Shape shape = string2shape( strBrep );\r
- ok = shape2coord( shape, x, y, z );\r
-// ASSERT(ok);\r
- if (!ok) throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("vertex association : shape2coord() error ")));\r
- newNode = _theMeshDS->AddNode(x, y, z);\r
- if (_node.count(&vx) >= 1 ) MESSAGE("_node : ALREADY");\r
- _node[&vx] = newNode;//needed in computeEdge()\r
- _vertex[newNode] = &vx;\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : ASSOC found ");\r
- vx.printName();\r
- MESSAGE("( "<< x <<","<< y <<","<< z <<" )");\r
- }\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertexByModel(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByModel() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = NULL; // new node on mesh\r
- double x, y, z; //new node coordinates\r
-// vx.printName();\r
-// std::cout << std::endl;\r
- x = vx.getX();\r
- y = vx.getY();\r
- z = vx.getZ();\r
- newNode = _theMeshDS->AddNode(x, y, z);\r
- if (_node.count(&vx) >= 1 ) MESSAGE("_node : ALREADY");\r
- _node[&vx] = newNode;//needed in computeEdge()\r
- _vertex[newNode] = &vx;\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("computeVertexByModel() :");\r
- vx.printName();\r
- MESSAGE("( "<< x <<","<< y <<","<< z <<" )");\r
- }\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByModel() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// Edge computing\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdge(HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)\r
- bool ok = false;\r
- ok = computeEdgeByAssoc( edge, law);\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeEdgeByShortestWire( edge, law);\r
- }\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeEdgeByPlanWire( edge, law);\r
- }\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeEdgeByIsoWire( edge, law);\r
- }\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeEdgeBySegment( edge, law);\r
- }\r
- if (ok == true){\r
- _computeEdgeOK = true;\r
- }\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByAssoc( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law )\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByAssoc(edgeID = "<<edge.getId()<<"): begin <<<<<<");\r
- ASSERT( _computeVertexOK );\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> associations = edge.getAssociations();\r
- if ( associations.size() == 0 ){\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- //vertex from edge\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx0 = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx1 = NULL;\r
- // way of discretization\r
- if (edge.getWay() == true){\r
- vx0 = edge.getVertex(0);\r
- vx1 = edge.getVertex(1);\r
- } else {\r
- vx0 = edge.getVertex(1);\r
- vx1 = edge.getVertex(0);\r
- }\r
- // nodes on mesh\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* FIRST_NODE = _node[vx0];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* LAST_NODE = _node[vx1];\r
- // A) Build myCurve\r
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > myCurve;\r
- double myCurve_length;\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double> myCurve_lengths;\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool> myCurve_ways;\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double> myCurve_starts;\r
- gp_Pnt myCurve_start( FIRST_NODE->X(), FIRST_NODE->Y(), FIRST_NODE->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt myCurve_end( LAST_NODE->X(), LAST_NODE->Y(), LAST_NODE->Z() );\r
- _buildMyCurve(\r
- associations,\r
- myCurve_start,\r
- myCurve_end,\r
- myCurve,\r
- myCurve_length,\r
- myCurve_lengths,\r
- myCurve_ways,\r
- myCurve_starts\r
- );\r
- // B) Build nodes and edges on mesh from myCurve\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* node_a = NULL;\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* node_b = NULL;\r
- SMDS_MeshEdge* edge_ab = NULL;\r
- SMESHNodes nodesOnEdge;\r
- SMESHEdges edgesOnEdge; //backup for group creation\r
-// Xx nodesXxOnEdge;\r
- node_a = FIRST_NODE;\r
- nodesOnEdge.push_back(FIRST_NODE);\r
-// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back(0.);\r
- // _nodeXx[FIRST_NODE] = 0.;\r
- gp_Pnt ptOnMyCurve;\r
- double u, myCurve_u;\r
- double myCurve_start_u = 0.;\r
- int nbNodes = law.getNodes(); //law of discretization\r
- if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("nbNodes -> "<<nbNodes);\r
- for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i){\r
- u = _Xx(i, law, nbNodes); //u between [0,1]\r
- myCurve_u = u*myCurve_length;\r
- if (MYDEBUG) {\r
- MESSAGE("u -> "<<u);\r
- MESSAGE("myCurve_u -> "<<myCurve_u);\r
- MESSAGE("myCurve_length -> "<<myCurve_length);\r
- }\r
- ptOnMyCurve = _getPtOnMyCurve( myCurve_u,\r
- myCurve_ways,\r
- myCurve_lengths,\r
- myCurve_starts,\r
- myCurve,\r
- myCurve_start_u\r
- );\r
- node_b = _theMeshDS->AddNode( ptOnMyCurve.X(), ptOnMyCurve.Y(), ptOnMyCurve.Z() );\r
- edge_ab = _theMeshDS->AddEdge( node_a, node_b );\r
- nodesOnEdge.push_back( node_b );\r
- edgesOnEdge.push_back( edge_ab );\r
-// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back( u );\r
- if (_nodeXx.count(node_b) >= 1 ) ASSERT(false);\r
- _nodeXx[node_b] = u;\r
- node_a = node_b;\r
- }\r
- edge_ab = _theMeshDS->AddEdge( node_a, LAST_NODE );\r
- nodesOnEdge.push_back( LAST_NODE );\r
- edgesOnEdge.push_back( edge_ab );\r
-// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back( 1. );\r
- // _nodeXx[LAST_NODE] = 1.;\r
- _nodesOnEdge[&edge] = nodesOnEdge;\r
- _edgesOnEdge[&edge] = edgesOnEdge;\r
-// _edgeXx[&edge] = nodesXxOnEdge;\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByShortestWire( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByShortestWire() not implemented");\r
- return false;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByPlanWire( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByPlanWire() not implemented");\r
- return false;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByIsoWire( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByIsoWire() not implemented");\r
- return false;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeBySegment(HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeBySegment() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- ASSERT( _computeVertexOK );\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- //vertex from edge\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx0 = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx1 = NULL;\r
- // way of discretization\r
- if (edge.getWay() == true){\r
- vx0 = edge.getVertex(0);\r
- vx1 = edge.getVertex(1);\r
- } else {\r
- vx0 = edge.getVertex(1);\r
- vx1 = edge.getVertex(0);\r
- }\r
- // nodes on mesh\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* FIRST_NODE = _node[vx0];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* LAST_NODE = _node[vx1];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* node_a = NULL; //new node (to be added)\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* node_b = NULL; //new node (to be added)\r
- // node and edge creation\r
- SMESHNodes nodesOnEdge;\r
- SMESHEdges edgesOnEdge;\r
- double u; //\r
- double newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ;\r
- SMDS_MeshEdge* newEdge = NULL;\r
- node_a = FIRST_NODE;\r
- nodesOnEdge.push_back(FIRST_NODE);\r
- //law of discretization\r
- int nbNodes = law.getNodes();\r
- if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("nbNodes -> "<<nbNodes);\r
- for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i){\r
- u = _Xx(i, law, nbNodes);\r
- newNodeX = FIRST_NODE->X() + u * ( LAST_NODE->X() - FIRST_NODE->X() );\r
- newNodeY = FIRST_NODE->Y() + u * ( LAST_NODE->Y() - FIRST_NODE->Y() );\r
- newNodeZ = FIRST_NODE->Z() + u * ( LAST_NODE->Z() - FIRST_NODE->Z() );\r
- node_b = _theMeshDS->AddNode(newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);\r
- newEdge = _theMeshDS->AddEdge(node_a, node_b);\r
- edgesOnEdge.push_back(newEdge);\r
- nodesOnEdge.push_back(node_b);\r
- if (_nodeXx.count(node_b) >= 1 ) ASSERT(false);\r
- _nodeXx[ node_b ] = u;\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_nodeXx <-"<<u);\r
- node_a = node_b;\r
- }\r
- newEdge = _theMeshDS->AddEdge(node_a, LAST_NODE);\r
- nodesOnEdge.push_back(LAST_NODE);\r
- edgesOnEdge.push_back(newEdge);\r
- _nodesOnEdge[&edge] = nodesOnEdge;\r
- _edgesOnEdge[&edge] = edgesOnEdge;\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeBySegment() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// Quad computing\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadWays( HEXA_NS::Document* doc )\r
- std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> quadWays;\r
- std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > edgeWays;\r
- std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> skinQuad;\r
- std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> workingQuad;\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad* first_q = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex *e_0, *e_1 = NULL;\r
- // FIRST STEP: eliminate free quad + internal quad\r
- int nTotalQuad = doc->countQuad();\r
- for (int i=0; i < nTotalQuad; ++i ){\r
- q = doc->getQuad(i);\r
- switch ( q->getNbrParents() ){ // parent == hexaedron\r
- case 0: case 2: quadWays[q] = true; break;\r
- case 1: skinQuad.push_back(q); break;\r
- default: if ( q->getNbrParents() > 2 ) ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // SECOND STEP: setting edges ways \r
- while ( skinQuad.size()>0 ){\r
- for ( std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*>::iterator it = skinQuad.begin(); it != skinQuad.end(); it++ ){\r
- _searchInitialQuadWay( *it, e_0, e_1 );\r
- if ( e_0 != NULL and e_1 != NULL ){\r
- q = first_q = *it;\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if ( e_0 == NULL and e_1 == NULL ) ASSERT(false);// should never happened, \r
- for ( int j=0 ; j < 4 ; ++j ){\r
- e = q->getEdge(j);\r
- if ( (e_0 == e->getVertex(0)) and (e_1 == e->getVertex(1)) or \r
- (e_0 == e->getVertex(1)) and (e_1 == e->getVertex(0)) ){\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- edgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );\r
- workingQuad.push_back(q);\r
- while ( workingQuad.size() > 0 ){\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("COMPUTE QUAD WAY ... ID ="<< q->getId());\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex *lastVertex=NULL, *firstVertex = NULL;\r
- int i = 0;\r
- std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > localEdgeWays;\r
- while ( localEdgeWays.size() != 4 ){\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i%4);\r
- if ( lastVertex == NULL ){\r
- if ( edgeWays.count(e) == 1 ){\r
- if ( q == first_q ){\r
- localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].first, edgeWays[e].second );\r
- } else {\r
- localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].second, edgeWays[e].first); \r
- }\r
- firstVertex = localEdgeWays[e].first;\r
- lastVertex = localEdgeWays[e].second;\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);\r
- \r
- if ( lastVertex == e_0 ){\r
- firstVertex = e_0; lastVertex = e_1;\r
- } else if ( lastVertex == e_1 ){\r
- firstVertex = e_1; lastVertex = e_0;\r
- } else if ( firstVertex == e_0 ) {\r
- firstVertex = e_1; lastVertex = e_0;\r
- } else if ( firstVertex == e_1 ) {\r
- firstVertex = e_0; lastVertex = e_1;\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( firstVertex, lastVertex );\r
- if ( edgeWays.count(e) == 0 ){ // keep current value if present otherwise add it\r
- edgeWays[e] = localEdgeWays[e];\r
- }\r
- }\r
- ++i;\r
- }\r
- \r
- \r
- //add new working quad\r
- for ( int i=0 ; i < 4; ++i ){\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad* next_q = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i);\r
- for ( int j=0 ; j < e->getNbrParents(); ++j ){\r
- next_q = e->getParent(j);\r
- if ( next_q == q ){\r
- next_q = NULL;\r
- }\r
- int fromSkin = std::count( skinQuad.begin(), skinQuad.end(), next_q );\r
- if (fromSkin != 0){ \r
- int fromWorkingQuad = std::count( workingQuad.begin(), workingQuad.end(), next_q );\r
- if ( fromWorkingQuad == 0 ){\r
- workingQuad.push_front( next_q );\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- // setting quad way\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e0 = q->getEdge(0);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0_0 = e0->getVertex(0);\r
- \r
- if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].first ){\r
- quadWays[q] = true;\r
- } else if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].second ){\r
- quadWays[q] = false;\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- workingQuad.remove( q );\r
- skinQuad.remove( q );\r
- q = workingQuad.back();\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return quadWays;\r
-// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadWays( HEXA_NS::Document& doc, std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> initQuads )\r
-// {\r
-// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> quadWays;\r
-// // std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, bool> edgeWays;\r
-// // std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > edgeWays;\r
-// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > workingQuads;\r
-// \r
-// std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> skinQuad;\r
-// std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> notSkinQuad;\r
-// // std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> workingQuad;\r
-// HEXA_NS::Quad* first_q = NULL;\r
-// HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;\r
-// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = NULL;\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex *e_0, *e_1 = NULL;\r
-// \r
-// // FIRST STEP: eliminate free quad + internal quad\r
-// int nTotalQuad = doc.countQuad();\r
-// for (int i=0; i < nTotalQuad; ++i ){\r
-// q = doc.getQuad(i);\r
-// switch ( q->getNbrParents() ){ // parent == hexaedron\r
-// case 0: case 2: quadWays[q] = true; break;\r
-// // case 0: case 2: notSkinQuad.push_back(q); break; //CS_TEST\r
-// case 1: skinQuad.push_back(q); break;\r
-// default: if ( q->getNbrParents() > 2 ) ASSERT(false);\r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// \r
-// \r
-// // SECOND STEP\r
-// q = first_q = skinQuad.front();\r
-// e = q->getEdge(0);\r
-// e_0 = e->getVertex(0);\r
-// e_1 = e->getVertex(1);\r
-// \r
-// workingQuads[q] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );\r
-// \r
-// while ( workingQuads.size() > 0 ){\r
-// MESSAGE("CURRENT QUAD ------>"<< q->getId());\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex *lastVertex=NULL, *firstVertex = NULL;\r
-// int i = 0;\r
-// \r
-// std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > localEdgeWays;\r
-// while ( localEdgeWays.size() != 4 ){\r
-// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i%4);\r
-// if ( lastVertex == NULL ){\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);\r
-// \r
-// if ( (workingQuads[q].first == e_0 and workingQuads[q].second == e_1) \r
-// or (workingQuads[q].first == e_1 and workingQuads[q].second == e_0) ){\r
-// if ( q == first_q ){\r
-// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( workingQuads[q].first, workingQuads[q].second );\r
-// } else {\r
-// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( workingQuads[q].second, workingQuads[q].first);\r
-// }\r
-// firstVertex = localEdgeWays[e].first;\r
-// lastVertex = localEdgeWays[e].second;\r
-// }\r
-// } else {\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);\r
-// if ( lastVertex == e_0 ){\r
-// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );\r
-// firstVertex = e_0;\r
-// lastVertex = e_1;\r
-// } else if ( lastVertex == e_1 ){\r
-// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_1, e_0 );\r
-// firstVertex = e_1;\r
-// lastVertex = e_0;\r
-// } else if ( firstVertex == e_0 ) {\r
-// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_1, e_0 );\r
-// firstVertex = e_1;\r
-// lastVertex = e_0;\r
-// } else if ( firstVertex == e_1 ) {\r
-// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );\r
-// firstVertex = e_0;\r
-// lastVertex = e_1;\r
-// } else {\r
-// ASSERT(false);\r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// ++i;\r
-// }\r
-// \r
-// \r
-// //add new working quad\r
-// for ( int i=0 ; i < 4; ++i ){\r
-// HEXA_NS::Quad* next_q = NULL;\r
-// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i);\r
-// MESSAGE("NB PARENTS ="<< e->getNbrParents() );\r
-// for ( int j=0 ; j < e->getNbrParents(); ++j ){\r
-// next_q = e->getParent(j);\r
-// if ( next_q == q ){\r
-// next_q = NULL;\r
-// }\r
-// int fromSkin = std::count( skinQuad.begin(), skinQuad.end(), next_q );\r
-// if (fromSkin != 0){ \r
-// // int fromWorkingQuad = std::count( workingQuads.begin(), workingQuads.end(), next_q );\r
-// int fromWorkingQuad = workingQuads.count( next_q );\r
-// // MESSAGE("CHECK QUAD:"<< newWorkingQuad->getId()); \r
-// if ( fromWorkingQuad == 0 ){\r
-// // workingQuads.push_front( next_q );\r
-// workingQuads[ next_q ] = localEdgeWays[e];\r
-// // MESSAGE("EDGE :"<<e->getId()<<"ADD QUAD :"<< newWorkingQuad->getId()); \r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// \r
-// //setting quad way\r
-// HEXA_NS::Edge* e0 = q->getEdge(0);\r
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0_0 = e0->getVertex(0);\r
-// \r
-// if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].first ){\r
-// quadWays[q] = true;\r
-// } else if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].second ){\r
-// quadWays[q] = false;\r
-// } else {\r
-// ASSERT(false);\r
-// }\r
-// MESSAGE("quadWays ID ="<< q->getId() << ", WAY = " << quadWays[q] );\r
-// \r
-// // workingQuad.remove( q );\r
-// workingQuads.erase( q );\r
-// skinQuad.remove( q );\r
-// *workingQuads.begin();\r
-// q = (*workingQuads.begin()).first;\r
-// }\r
-// return quadWays;\r
-// }\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuad( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )\r
- bool ok = false;\r
- ok = computeQuadByAssoc(quad, way);\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeQuadByFindingGeom(quad, way);\r
- }\r
- if ( ok == false ){\r
- ok = computeQuadByLinearApproximation(quad, way);\r
- }\r
- if (ok == true){\r
- _computeQuadOK = true;\r
- }\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadByAssoc( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )\r
-// int id = quad.getId();\r
-// if ( id != 11 ) return false; //7\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- MESSAGE("quadID = "<<quad.getId());\r
- }\r
- ASSERT( _computeEdgeOK );\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- ArrayOfSMESHNodes nodesOnQuad; // nodes in this quad ( to be added on the mesh )\r
- SMESHFaces facesOnQuad;\r
- SMDS_MeshFace* newFace = NULL;\r
- std::vector<double> xx, yy;\r
- // Elements for quad computation\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;\r
-// bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, eh, eb, eg, ed, S1, S2, S3, S4 );\r
- bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, nodesOnQuad, xx, yy );\r
- if ( initOk == false ){\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> shapes = quad.getAssociations();\r
- if ( shapes.size() == 0 ){\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return false;\r
- } \r
- TopoDS_Shape shapeOrCompound = _getShapeOrCompound( shapes );\r
-// bool quadWay = _computeQuadWay( quad, S1, S2, S3, S4, &shapeOrCompound );\r
-// bool quadWay = _computeQuadWay( quad );\r
- std::map<SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_Pnt> interpolatedPoints;\r
- int iSize = nodesOnQuad.size();\r
- int jSize = nodesOnQuad[0].size();\r
- S1 = nodesOnQuad[0][0];\r
-// S2 = nodesOnQuad[bNodes.size()-1][0];\r
- S2 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][0];\r
- S4 = nodesOnQuad[0][jSize-1];\r
- S3 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][jSize-1];\r
- for (int j = 1; j < jSize; ++j){\r
- for (int i = 1; i < iSize; ++i){\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j-1];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = nodesOnQuad[i][j-1];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n4 = nodesOnQuad[i][j];\r
- if ( n4 == NULL ){\r
- double newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ;\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Ph = nodesOnQuad[i][jSize-1]; //dNodes[h_i];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pb = nodesOnQuad[i][0]; //bNodes[b_i];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pg = nodesOnQuad[0][j]; //gNodes[g_j];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pd = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][j]; //dNodes[d_j];\r
- double u = xx[i];\r
- double v = yy[j];\r
- _nodeInterpolationUV(u, v, Pg, Pd, Ph, Pb, S1, S2, S3, S4, newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);\r
- gp_Pnt newPt = gp_Pnt( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );//interpolated point \r
- gp_Pnt pt1;\r
- gp_Pnt pt3;\r
- if ( interpolatedPoints.count(n1) > 0 ){\r
- pt1 = interpolatedPoints[n1];\r
- } else {\r
- pt1 = gp_Pnt( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z() );\r
- }\r
- if ( interpolatedPoints.count(n3) > 0 ){\r
- pt3 = interpolatedPoints[n3];\r
- } else {\r
- pt3 = gp_Pnt( n3->X(), n3->Y(), n3->Z() );\r
- }\r
- gp_Vec vec1( newPt, pt1 );\r
- gp_Vec vec2( newPt, pt3 );\r
- gp_Pnt ptOnShape = _intersect(newPt, vec1, vec2, shapeOrCompound);\r
- newNodeX = ptOnShape.X();\r
- newNodeY = ptOnShape.Y();\r
- newNodeZ = ptOnShape.Z();\r
- n4 = _theMeshDS->AddNode( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );\r
- nodesOnQuad[i][j] = n4;\r
- interpolatedPoints[ n4 ] = newPt;\r
- if (MYDEBUG) {\r
- MESSAGE("u parameter is "<<u);\r
- MESSAGE("v parameter is "<<v);\r
- MESSAGE("point interpolated ("<<newPt.X()<<","<<newPt.Y()<<","<<newPt.Z()<<" )");\r
- MESSAGE("point on shape ("<<newNodeX<<","<<newNodeY<<","<<newNodeZ<<" )");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("n1 (" << n1->X() << "," << n1->Y() << "," << n1->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("n2 (" << n2->X() << "," << n2->Y() << "," << n2->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("n4 (" << n4->X() << "," << n4->Y() << "," << n4->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("n3 (" << n3->X() << "," << n3->Y() << "," << n3->Z() << ")");\r
- }\r
- if ( way == true ){\r
- if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 )");\r
- newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 );\r
- } else {\r
- if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 )");\r
- newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 );\r
- }\r
- facesOnQuad.push_back(newFace);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- _quadNodes[ &quad ] = nodesOnQuad;\r
- _facesOnQuad[&quad] = facesOnQuad;\r
- \r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadByFindingGeom( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByFindingGeom() not implemented");\r
- return false;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::_computeQuadInit(\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad& quad,\r
- ArrayOfSMESHNodes& nodesOnQuad,\r
- std::vector<double>& xx, std::vector<double>& yy)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_computeQuadInit() : begin ---------------");\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge *eh, *eb, *eg, *ed;\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge *e1, *e2, *e3, *e4;\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex *e1_0, *e1_1, *e2_0, *e2_1, *e3_0, *e3_1, *e4_0, *e4_1;\r
- e1 = quad.getEdge(0);\r
- e2 = quad.getEdge(1);\r
- e3 = quad.getEdge(2);\r
- e4 = quad.getEdge(3);\r
- e1_0 = e1->getVertex(0); e1_1 = e1->getVertex(1);\r
- e2_0 = e2->getVertex(0); e2_1 = e2->getVertex(1);\r
- e3_0 = e3->getVertex(0); e3_1 = e3->getVertex(1);\r
- e4_0 = e4->getVertex(0); e4_1 = e4->getVertex(1);\r
- //S1, S2\r
- S1 = _node[e1_0]; S2 = _node[e1_1];\r
- eb = e1; eh = e3;\r
- //S4\r
- if ( e1_0 == e2_0 ){\r
- S4 = _node[e2_1];\r
- eg = e2; ed = e4;\r
- } else if ( e1_0 == e2_1 ){\r
- S4 = _node[e2_0];\r
- eg = e2; ed = e4;\r
- } else if ( e1_0 == e4_0 ){\r
- S4 = _node[e4_1];\r
- eg = e4; ed = e2;\r
- } else if ( e1_0 == e4_1 ){\r
- S4 = _node[e4_0];\r
- eg = e4; ed = e2;\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- //S3\r
- if ( S4 == _node[e3_0] ){\r
- S3 = _node[e3_1];\r
- } else if ( S4 == _node[e3_1] ){\r
- S3 = _node[e3_0];\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- SMESHNodes hNodes = _nodesOnEdge[eh];\r
- SMESHNodes bNodes = _nodesOnEdge[eb];\r
- SMESHNodes gNodes = _nodesOnEdge[eg];\r
- SMESHNodes dNodes = _nodesOnEdge[ed];\r
- nodesOnQuad.resize( bNodes.size(), SMESHNodes(gNodes.size(), static_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(NULL)) );\r
- int i, j, _i, _j;\r
-// int &b_i = i, &h_i = i, &g_j = j, &d_j = j;\r
- int *b_i = &i, *h_i = &i, *g_j = &j, *d_j = &j;\r
- bool uWay = true, vWay = true;\r
- if ( bNodes[0] != S1 ){\r
- b_i = &_i;\r
- uWay = false;\r
- ASSERT( bNodes[bNodes.size()-1] == S1 );\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT( bNodes[0] == S1);\r
- }\r
- if ( hNodes[0] != S4 ){\r
- h_i = &_i;\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT( hNodes[0] == S4 );\r
- }\r
- if ( gNodes[0] != S1 ){\r
- g_j = &_j;\r
- vWay = false;\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT( gNodes[0] == S1 );\r
- }\r
- if ( dNodes[0] != S2 ){\r
- d_j = &_j;\r
- } else {\r
- ASSERT( dNodes[0] == S2 );\r
- }\r
- //bNodes, hNodes\r
- double u;\r
- for (i = 0, _i = bNodes.size()-1; i < bNodes.size(); ++i, --_i){\r
- nodesOnQuad[i][0] = bNodes[*b_i];\r
- nodesOnQuad[i][gNodes.size()-1 ] = hNodes[*h_i];\r
- u = _nodeXx[ bNodes[*b_i] ];\r
- if ( uWay == true ){\r
- xx.push_back(u);\r
- } else {\r
- xx.push_back(1.-u);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if ( S1 != nodesOnQuad[0][0] ){\r
- MESSAGE("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ quadID = "<<quad.getId());\r
- }\r
-// ASSERT( S1 == nodesOnQuad[0][0] );\r
- //gNodes, dNodes\r
- double v;\r
- for (j = 0, _j = gNodes.size()-1; j < gNodes.size(); ++j, --_j){\r
- nodesOnQuad[0][j] = gNodes[*g_j];\r
- if ( S1 != nodesOnQuad[0][0] ){\r
- MESSAGE("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX quadID = "<<quad.getId());\r
- }\r
-// ASSERT( S1 == nodesOnQuad[0][0] );\r
- nodesOnQuad[bNodes.size()-1][j] = dNodes[*d_j];\r
- v = _nodeXx[ gNodes[*g_j] ];\r
- if ( vWay == true ){\r
- yy.push_back(v);\r
- } else {\r
- yy.push_back(1.-v);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- int iSize = nodesOnQuad.size();\r
- int jSize = nodesOnQuad[0].size();\r
- ASSERT( iSize = bNodes.size() );\r
- ASSERT( jSize = gNodes.size() );\r
-// ASSERT( S1 == nodesOnQuad[0][0] );\r
-// ASSERT( S2 == nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][0]);\r
-// ASSERT( S4 == nodesOnQuad[0][jSize-1]);\r
-// ASSERT( S3 == nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][jSize-1]);\r
- return ok;\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadByLinearApproximation( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )\r
-// int id = quad.getId();\r
-// if ( quad.getId() != 66 ) return false; //7, 41\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- MESSAGE("quadID = "<<quad.getId());\r
- }\r
- ASSERT( _computeEdgeOK );\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- ArrayOfSMESHNodes nodesOnQuad; // nodes in this quad ( to be added on the mesh )\r
- SMESHFaces facesOnQuad;\r
- SMDS_MeshFace* newFace = NULL;\r
- std::vector<double> xx, yy;\r
- // Elements for quad computation\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3; \r
-// bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, eh, eb, eg, ed, S1, S2, S3, S4 );\r
- bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, nodesOnQuad, xx, yy );\r
- if ( initOk == false ){\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- int iSize = nodesOnQuad.size();\r
- int jSize = nodesOnQuad[0].size();\r
- S1 = nodesOnQuad[0][0];\r
-// S2 = nodesOnQuad[bNodes.size()-1][0];\r
- S2 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][0];\r
- S4 = nodesOnQuad[0][jSize-1];\r
- S3 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][jSize-1];\r
- for (int j = 1; j < jSize; ++j){\r
- for (int i = 1; i < iSize; ++i){\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j-1];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = nodesOnQuad[i][j-1];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* n4 = nodesOnQuad[i][j];\r
- if ( n4 == NULL ){\r
- double newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ;\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Ph = nodesOnQuad[i][jSize-1]; //dNodes[h_i];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pb = nodesOnQuad[i][0]; //bNodes[b_i];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pg = nodesOnQuad[0][j]; //gNodes[g_j];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pd = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][j]; //dNodes[d_j];\r
- double u = xx[i];\r
- double v = yy[j];\r
- _nodeInterpolationUV(u, v, Pg, Pd, Ph, Pb, S1, S2, S3, S4, newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);\r
- n4 = _theMeshDS->AddNode( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );\r
- nodesOnQuad[i][j] = n4;\r
- }\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("n1 (" << n1->X() << "," << n1->Y() << "," << n1->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("n2 (" << n2->X() << "," << n2->Y() << "," << n2->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("n4 (" << n4->X() << "," << n4->Y() << "," << n4->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("n3 (" << n3->X() << "," << n3->Y() << "," << n3->Z() << ")");\r
- }\r
- if ( way == true ){\r
- if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 )");\r
- newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 );\r
- } else {\r
- if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 )");\r
- newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 );\r
- }\r
- facesOnQuad.push_back(newFace);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- _quadNodes[ &quad ] = nodesOnQuad;\r
- _facesOnQuad[&quad] = facesOnQuad;\r
- \r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// Hexa computing\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeHexa( HEXA_NS::Document* doc )\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeHexa() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- bool ok=false;\r
- SMESH_MesherHelper aHelper(*_theMesh);\r
- TopoDS_Shape shape = _theMesh->GetShapeToMesh();\r
- aHelper.SetSubShape( shape );\r
- aHelper.SetElementsOnShape( true );\r
- SMESH_Gen* gen = _theMesh->GetGen();\r
- SMESH_HexaFromSkin_3D algo( gen->GetANewId(), 0, gen, doc );\r
- algo.InitComputeError();\r
- try {\r
- ok = algo.Compute( *_theMesh, &aHelper, _volumesOnHexa, _node );\r
- } catch(...) {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESH_HexaFromSkin_3D error!!! ");\r
- }\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("SMESH_HexaFromSkin_3D.comment = "<<algo.GetComputeError()->myComment);\r
- MESSAGE("computeHexa() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- }\r
- return ok;\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// Document computing\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeDoc( HEXA_NS::Document* doc )\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeDoc() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- bool ok = true;\r
- // A) Vertex computation\r
- \r
- int nVertex = doc->countVertex();\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* vertex = NULL;\r
- for (int j=0; j <nVertex; ++j ){ //Computing each vertex of the document\r
- vertex = doc->getVertex(j);\r
- ok = computeVertex(*vertex);\r
- }\r
- // B) Edges computation\r
- int nbPropa = 0;\r
- HEXA_NS::Propagation* propa = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Law* law = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Edges edges;\r
- nbPropa = doc->countPropagation();\r
- for (int j=0; j < nbPropa; ++j ){//Computing each edge's propagations of the document\r
- propa = doc->getPropagation(j);\r
- edges = propa->getEdges();\r
- law = propa->getLaw();\r
-// ASSERT( law );\r
- if (law == NULL){\r
- law = doc->getLaw(0); // default law\r
- }\r
- for( HEXA_NS::Edges::const_iterator iter = edges.begin();\r
- iter != edges.end();\r
- ++iter ){\r
- ok = computeEdge(**iter, *law);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // C) Quad computation\r
- std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> quadWays = computeQuadWays(doc);\r
- int nQuad = doc->countQuad();\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;\r
- for (int j=0; j <nQuad; ++j ){ //Computing each quad of the document\r
- q = doc->getQuad(j);\r
- int id = q->getId();\r
- if ( quadWays.count(q) > 0 )\r
- ok = computeQuad( *q, quadWays[q] );\r
- else\r
- }\r
- // D) Hexa computation: Calling HexaFromSkin algo\r
- ok = computeHexa(doc);\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeDoc() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return ok;\r
-void SMESH_HexaBlocks::buildGroups(HEXA_NS::Document* doc)\r
- MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. hexas= " << doc->countHexa());\r
- MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. quads= " << doc->countQuad());\r
- MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. edges= " << doc->countEdge());\r
- MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. nodes= " << doc->countVertex());\r
- // Looping on each groups of the document\r
- for ( int i=0; i < doc->countGroup(); i++ ){\r
- _fillGroup( doc->getGroup(i) );\r
- };\r
- MESSAGE("_addGroups() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------\r
-double SMESH_HexaBlocks::_Xx( double i, HEXA_NS::Law law, double nbNodes) //, double pos0 )\r
- double result;\r
- double u0;\r
- HEXA_NS::KindLaw k = law.getKind();\r
- double coeff = law.getCoefficient();\r
- switch (k){\r
- case HEXA_NS::Uniform:\r
- result = (i+1)/(nbNodes+1);\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "_Xx():" << " Uniform u("<<i<< ")"<< " = " << result);\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::Arithmetic:\r
- u0 = 1./(nbNodes + 1.) - (coeff*nbNodes)/2.;\r
-// ASSERT(u0>0);\r
- if ( u0 <= 0 ) throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Arithmetic discretization : check coefficient")));\r
- if (i==0){\r
- result = u0;\r
- } else {\r
- result = (i + 1.)*u0 + coeff*i*(i+1.)/2.;\r
- };\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "_Xx():" << " Arithmetic u("<<i<< ")"<< " = " << result);\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::Geometric:\r
- u0 = (1.-coeff)/(1.-pow(coeff, nbNodes + 1) ) ;\r
-// ASSERT(u0>0);\r
- if ( u0 <= 0 ) throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Geometric discretization : check coefficient")));\r
- if (i==0){\r
- result = u0;\r
- } else {\r
- result = u0 * (1.- pow(coeff, i + 1) )/(1.-coeff) ;\r
- };\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "_Xx():" << " Geometric u("<<i<< ")"<< " = " << result);\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
-double SMESH_HexaBlocks::_edgeLength(const TopoDS_Edge & E)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_edgeLength() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- double UMin = 0, UMax = 0;\r
- if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E))\r
- return 0;\r
- TopLoc_Location L;\r
- Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, L, UMin, UMax);\r
- GeomAdaptor_Curve AdaptCurve(C);\r
- double length = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(AdaptCurve, UMin, UMax);\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_edgeLength() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return length;\r
-void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_buildMyCurve(\r
- const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*>& associations, //IN\r
- const gp_Pnt& myCurve_start, //IN\r
- const gp_Pnt& myCurve_end, //IN\r
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve, //INOUT\r
- double& myCurve_length, //INOUT\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lengths,//INOUT\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool>& myCurve_ways, //INOUT\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_starts ) //INOUT\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_buildMyCurve() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- bool myCurve_way = true;\r
- myCurve_length = 0.;\r
- BRepAdaptor_Curve* thePreviousCurve = NULL;\r
- BRepAdaptor_Curve* theCurve = NULL;\r
- gp_Pnt theCurve_start, theCurve_end;\r
- gp_Pnt thePreviousCurve_start , thePreviousCurve_end;\r
- for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = associations.begin();\r
- assoc != associations.end();\r
- ++assoc ){\r
- string theBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();\r
- TopoDS_Shape theShape = string2shape( theBrep );\r
- TopoDS_Edge theEdge = TopoDS::Edge( theShape );\r
- double theCurve_length = _edgeLength( theEdge );\r
- if (MYDEBUG)\r
- MESSAGE("_edgeLength ->"<<theCurve_length);\r
- if ( theCurve_length > 0 ){\r
- double f, l;\r
- Handle(Geom_Curve) testCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(theEdge, f, l);\r
- theCurve = new BRepAdaptor_Curve( theEdge );\r
- GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_start(*theCurve, theCurve_length*(*assoc)->debut, theCurve->FirstParameter() );\r
- GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_end(*theCurve, theCurve_length*(*assoc)->fin, theCurve->FirstParameter() );\r
- double u_start = discret_start.Parameter();\r
- double u_end = discret_end.Parameter();\r
- ASSERT( discret_start.IsDone() && discret_end.IsDone() );\r
- theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( u_start);\r
- theCurve_end = theCurve->Value( u_end );\r
-// double u_start = (l-f)*(*assoc)->debut;\r
-// double u_end = (l-f)*(*assoc)->fin;\r
-// theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( (l-f)*(*assoc)->debut );\r
-// theCurve_end = theCurve->Value( (l-f)*(*assoc)->fin );\r
- theCurve_length = theCurve_length*( (*assoc)->fin - (*assoc)->debut );\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("testCurve->f ->"<<f);\r
- MESSAGE("testCurve->l ->"<<l);\r
- MESSAGE("testCurve->FirstParameter ->"<<testCurve->FirstParameter());\r
- MESSAGE("testCurve->LastParameter ->"<<testCurve->LastParameter());\r
- MESSAGE("FirstParameter ->"<<theCurve->FirstParameter());\r
- MESSAGE("LastParameter ->"<<theCurve->LastParameter());\r
- MESSAGE("theCurve_length ->"<<theCurve_length);\r
- MESSAGE("(*assoc)->debut ->"<<(*assoc)->debut );\r
- MESSAGE("(*assoc)->fin ->"<<(*assoc)->fin );\r
- MESSAGE("u_start ->"<<u_start);\r
- MESSAGE("u_end ->"<<u_end);\r
- MESSAGE("myCurve_start( "<<myCurve_start.X()<<", "<<myCurve_start.Y()<<", "<<myCurve_start.Z()<<") ");\r
- MESSAGE("theCurve_start( "<<theCurve_start.X()<<", "<<theCurve_start.Y()<<", "<<theCurve_start.Z()<<") ");\r
- MESSAGE("myCurve_end( "<<myCurve_end.X()<<", "<<myCurve_end.Y()<<", "<<myCurve_end.Z()<<") "); \r
- MESSAGE("theCurve_end( "<<theCurve_end.X()<<", "<<theCurve_end.Y()<<", "<<theCurve_end.Z()<<") ");\r
- }\r
- if ( thePreviousCurve == NULL ){ \r
- // working on first valid association: it can be the first or last curve.\r
- // using myCurve_start and myCurve_end to check it out.\r
- // gp_Pnt theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( f + theCurveLength*assoc->debut );\r
- // setting myCurve_way and first curve way\r
- if ( myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON) ){\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON)");\r
- myCurve_way = true;\r
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = true;\r
- } else if ( myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON) ){\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON)");\r
- myCurve_way = true;\r
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = false;\r
- } else if ( myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON) ){\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON)");\r
- myCurve_way = false;\r
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = true;\r
- } else if ( myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON) ){\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON)");\r
- myCurve_way = false;\r
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = false;\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... bad script?");\r
-// ASSERT(false);\r
- throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("edge association : check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- // it is not the first or last curve.\r
- // ways are calculated between previous and new one.\r
- if ( thePreviousCurve_end.IsEqual( theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON )\r
- or thePreviousCurve_start.IsEqual( theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON ) ){\r
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = !myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// opposite WAY \r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("opposite WAY");\r
- } else if ( thePreviousCurve_end.IsEqual( theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON )\r
- or thePreviousCurve_start.IsEqual( theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON ) ){\r
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// same WAY \r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("same WAY");\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... bad script?");\r
-// ASSERT(false);\r
- throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("edge association : check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));\r
- }\r
- }\r
- myCurve_starts[theCurve] = u_start;\r
- myCurve_lengths[theCurve] = theCurve_length;\r
- myCurve_length += theCurve_length;\r
- myCurve.push_back( theCurve );\r
- thePreviousCurve = theCurve;\r
- thePreviousCurve_start = theCurve_start;\r
- thePreviousCurve_end = theCurve_end;\r
- }//if ( theCurveLength > 0 ){\r
- }// for\r
- if ( myCurve_way == false ){\r
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > tmp( myCurve.size() ); \r
- std::copy( myCurve.rbegin(), myCurve.rend(), tmp.begin() );\r
- myCurve = tmp;\r
- }\r
- if (MYDEBUG) {\r
- MESSAGE("myCurve_way was :"<<myCurve_way);\r
- MESSAGE("_buildMyCurve() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- }\r
-gp_Pnt SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getPtOnMyCurve( \r
- const double& myCurve_u, //IN\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool>& myCurve_ways, //IN\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lengths,//IN\r
- std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_starts, //IN\r
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve, //INOUT\r
- double& myCurve_start ) //INOUT\r
-// std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_firsts,\r
-// std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lasts,\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_getPtOnMyCurve() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- gp_Pnt ptOnMyCurve;\r
- // looking for curve which contains parameter myCurve_u \r
- BRepAdaptor_Curve* curve = myCurve.front();\r
- double curve_start = myCurve_start;\r
- double curve_end = curve_start + myCurve_lengths[curve];\r
- double curve_u;\r
- GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret;\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("looking for curve: myCurve_u = "<<myCurve_u);\r
- MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_start = "<<curve_start);\r
- MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_end = "<<curve_end);\r
- MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_lenght = "<<myCurve_lengths[curve]);\r
- }\r
- while ( not ( (myCurve_u >= curve_start) and (myCurve_u <= curve_end) ) ) {\r
- ASSERT( myCurve.size() != 0 );\r
- myCurve.pop_front();\r
- curve = myCurve.front();\r
- curve_start = curve_end;\r
- curve_end = curve_start + myCurve_lengths[curve];\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("go next curve: curve_lenght = "<<myCurve_lengths[curve]);\r
- MESSAGE("go next curve: curve_start = "<<curve_start);\r
- MESSAGE("go next curve: curve_end = "<<curve_end);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- myCurve_start = curve_start;\r
- // compute point\r
- if ( myCurve_ways[curve] ){\r
-// curve_u = myCurve_firsts[curve] + (myCurve_u - curve_start);\r
-// discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, (myCurve_u - curve_start), curve->FirstParameter() );\r
- discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, (myCurve_u - curve_start), myCurve_starts[curve] );\r
- } else {\r
-// discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, myCurve_lengths[curve]- (myCurve_u - curve_start), curve->FirstParameter() );\r
- discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, myCurve_lengths[curve]- (myCurve_u - curve_start), myCurve_starts[curve] );\r
- }\r
- ASSERT(discret.IsDone());\r
- curve_u = discret.Parameter();\r
- ptOnMyCurve = curve->Value( curve_u );\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("curve found!");\r
- MESSAGE("curve_u = "<< curve_u);\r
- MESSAGE("curve way = "<< myCurve_ways[curve]);\r
- MESSAGE("_getPtOnMyCurve() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- }\r
- return ptOnMyCurve;\r
-void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_nodeInterpolationUV(double u, double v,\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* Pg, SMDS_MeshNode* Pd, SMDS_MeshNode* Ph, SMDS_MeshNode* Pb,\r
- SMDS_MeshNode* S1, SMDS_MeshNode* S2, SMDS_MeshNode* S3, SMDS_MeshNode* S4,\r
- double& xOut, double& yOut, double& zOut )\r
-{ \r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("_nodeInterpolationUV() IN:");\r
- MESSAGE("u ( "<< u <<" )");\r
- MESSAGE("v ( "<< v <<" )");\r
- MESSAGE("S1 (" << S1->X() << "," << S1->Y() << "," << S1->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("S2 (" << S2->X() << "," << S2->Y() << "," << S2->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("S4 (" << S4->X() << "," << S4->Y() << "," << S4->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("S3 (" << S3->X() << "," << S3->Y() << "," << S3->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("Pg (" << Pg->X() << "," << Pg->Y() << "," << Pg->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("Pd (" << Pd->X() << "," << Pd->Y() << "," << Pd->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("Ph (" << Ph->X() << "," << Ph->Y() << "," << Ph->Z() << ")");\r
- MESSAGE("Pb (" << Pb->X() << "," << Pb->Y() << "," << Pb->Z() << ")");\r
- }\r
- xOut = ((1.-u)*Pg->X() + v*Ph->X() + u*Pd->X() + (1.-v)*Pb->X()) - (1.-u)*(1.-v)*S1->X() - u*(1.-v)*S2->X() - u*v*S3->X() - (1.-u)*v*S4->X();\r
- yOut = ((1.-u)*Pg->Y() + v*Ph->Y() + u*Pd->Y() + (1.-v)*Pb->Y()) - (1.-u)*(1.-v)*S1->Y() - u*(1.-v)*S2->Y() - u*v*S3->Y() - (1.-u)*v*S4->Y();\r
- zOut = ((1.-u)*Pg->Z() + v*Ph->Z() + u*Pd->Z() + (1.-v)*Pb->Z()) - (1.-u)*(1.-v)*S1->Z() - u*(1.-v)*S2->Z() - u*v*S3->Z() - (1.-u)*v*S4->Z();\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("_nodeInterpolationUV() OUT("<<xOut<<","<<yOut<<","<<zOut<<" )");\r
- }\r
-TopoDS_Shape SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getShapeOrCompound( const std::vector<HEXA_NS::Shape*>& shapesIn)\r
- ASSERT( shapesIn.size()!=0 );\r
- if (shapesIn.size() == 1) {\r
- HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = shapesIn.front(); \r
- string strBrep = assoc->getBrep();\r
- return string2shape( strBrep );\r
- } else {\r
- TopoDS_Compound aCompound;\r
- BRep_Builder aBuilder;\r
- aBuilder.MakeCompound( aCompound );\r
- for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = shapesIn.begin();\r
- assoc != shapesIn.end();\r
- ++assoc ){\r
- string strBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();\r
- TopoDS_Shape shape = string2shape( strBrep );\r
- aBuilder.Add( aCompound, shape );\r
- }\r
- return aCompound;\r
- }\r
-gp_Pnt SMESH_HexaBlocks::_intersect( const gp_Pnt& Pt,\r
- const gp_Vec& u, const gp_Vec& v,\r
- const TopoDS_Shape& shape,\r
- Standard_Real tol )\r
- gp_Pnt result;\r
- gp_Vec normale = u^v;\r
- gp_Dir dir(normale);\r
- gp_Lin li( Pt, dir );\r
- Standard_Real s = -Precision::Infinite();\r
- Standard_Real e = +Precision::Infinite();\r
- IntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector inter;\r
- inter.Load(shape, tol);\r
-// inter.Load(S, tol);\r
- inter.Perform(li, s, e);//inter.PerformNearest(li, s, e);\r
- if ( inter.IsDone() && (inter.NbPnt()==1) ) {\r
- result = inter.Pnt(1);//first\r
- if (MYDEBUG){\r
- MESSAGE("_intersect() : OK");\r
- for ( int i=1; i <= inter.NbPnt(); ++i ){\r
- gp_Pnt tmp = inter.Pnt(i);\r
- MESSAGE("_intersect() : pnt("<<i<<") = ("<<tmp.X()<<","<<tmp.Y()<<","<<tmp.Z()<<" )");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- _found +=1;\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_intersect() : KO");\r
- result = Pt;\r
- _notFound +=1;\r
- }\r
- _total+=1;\r
- return result;\r
-// parameters q : IN, v0: INOUT, v1: INOUT\r
-void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_searchInitialQuadWay( HEXA_NS::Quad* q, HEXA_NS::Vertex*& v0, HEXA_NS::Vertex*& v1 )\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_searchInitialQuadWay() : begin");\r
- v0 = NULL; v1 = NULL;\r
- if ( q->getNbrParents() != 1 ) return; // q must be a skin quad\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* qA = q->getVertex(0);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* qB = q->getVertex(1);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* qC = q->getVertex(2);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* qD = q->getVertex(3);\r
- // searching for vertex on opposed quad\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex *qAA = NULL, *qBB = NULL, *qCC = NULL, *qDD = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = q->getParent(0);\r
- for( int i=0; i < h->countEdge(); ++i ){\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e = h->getEdge(i);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0 = e->getVertex(0);\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* e1 = e->getVertex(1);\r
- if ( e0 == qA and e1 != qB and e1 != qC and e1 != qD ){\r
- qAA = e1;\r
- } else if ( e1 == qA and e0 != qB and e0 != qC and e0 != qD ){\r
- qAA = e0;\r
- } else if ( e0 == qB and e1 != qA and e1 != qC and e1 != qD ){\r
- qBB = e1;\r
- } else if ( e1 == qB and e0 != qA and e0 != qC and e0 != qD ){\r
- qBB = e0;\r
- } else if ( e0 == qC and e1 != qA and e1 != qB and e1 != qD ){\r
- qCC = e1;\r
- } else if ( e1 == qC and e0 != qA and e0 != qB and e0 != qD ){\r
- qCC = e0;\r
- } else if ( e0 == qD and e1 != qA and e1 != qB and e1 != qC ){\r
- qDD = e1;\r
- } else if ( e1 == qD and e0 != qA and e0 != qB and e0 != qC ){\r
- qDD = e0;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // working on final value ( point on CAO ), not on model\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *nA = _node[qA], *nAA = _node[qAA];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *nB = _node[qB], *nBB = _node[qBB];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *nC = _node[qC], *nCC = _node[qCC];\r
- SMDS_MeshNode *nD = _node[qD], *nDD = _node[qDD];\r
- gp_Pnt pA( nA->X(), nA->Y(), nA->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pB( nB->X(), nB->Y(), nB->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pC( nC->X(), nC->Y(), nC->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pD( nD->X(), nD->Y(), nD->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pAA( nAA->X(), nAA->Y(), nAA->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pBB( nBB->X(), nBB->Y(), nBB->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pCC( nCC->X(), nCC->Y(), nCC->Z() );\r
- gp_Pnt pDD( nDD->X(), nDD->Y(), nDD->Z() );\r
- gp_Vec AB( pA, pB );\r
- gp_Vec AC( pA, pC );\r
- gp_Vec normP = AB^AC; \r
- gp_Dir dirP( normP );\r
- // building plane for point projection\r
- gp_Pln plnP( gp_Pnt(nA->X(), nA->Y(), nA->Z()), dirP);\r
- TopoDS_Shape sPlnP = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plnP).Face();\r
- // PAAA is the result of PAA projection\r
- gp_Pnt pAAA = _intersect( pAA, AB, AC, sPlnP );\r
- gp_Pnt pBBB = _intersect( pBB, AB, AC, sPlnP );\r
- gp_Pnt pCCC = _intersect( pCC, AB, AC, sPlnP );\r
- gp_Pnt pDDD = _intersect( pDD, AB, AC, sPlnP );\r
- gp_Dir AA( gp_Vec(pAA, pAAA) );\r
- gp_Dir BB( gp_Vec(pBB, pBBB) );\r
- gp_Dir CC( gp_Vec(pCC, pCCC) );\r
- gp_Dir DD( gp_Vec(pDD, pDDD) );\r
- // eventually, we are able to know if the input quad is a good client!\r
- // exit the fonction otherwise\r
- if ( AA.IsOpposite(BB, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;\r
- if ( BB.IsOpposite(CC, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;\r
- if ( CC.IsOpposite(DD, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;\r
- // ok, give the input quad the good orientation by\r
- // setting 2 vertex \r
- if ( !dirP.IsOpposite(AA, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) { //OK\r
- v0 = qA; v1 = qB;\r
- } else {\r
- v0 = qB; v1 = qA;\r
- }\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_searchInitialQuadWay() : end");\r
-SMESH_Group* SMESH_HexaBlocks::_createGroup(HEXA_NS::Group& grHex)\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_createGroup() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- std::string aGrName = grHex.getName();\r
- HEXA_NS::EnumGroup grHexKind = grHex.getKind();\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("aGrName"<<aGrName);\r
- SMDSAbs_ElementType aGrType;\r
- switch ( grHexKind ){\r
- case HEXA_NS::HexaCell : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Volume; break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::QuadCell : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Face ; break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Edge ; break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::HexaNode : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::QuadNode : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::Vertex_Node: aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;\r
- default : ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- int aId;\r
- SMESH_Group* aGr = _theMesh->AddGroup(aGrType, aGrName.c_str(), aId);\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_createGroup() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
- return aGr;\r
-void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_fillGroup(HEXA_NS::Group* grHex )\r
- MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : : begin <<<<<<");\r
- SMESH_Group* aGr = _createGroup( *grHex );\r
- HEXA_NS::EltBase* grHexElt = NULL;\r
- HEXA_NS::EnumGroup grHexKind = grHex->getKind();\r
- int grHexNbElt = grHex->countElement();\r
- MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : kind = " << grHexKind);\r
- MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : count= " << grHexNbElt);\r
- MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : : end <<<<<<");\r
- return; // FKL TO DO\r
- // A)Looking for elements ID\r
- std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> aGrEltIDs;\r
- for ( int n=0; n<grHexNbElt; ++n ){\r
- grHexElt = grHex->getElement(n);\r
- switch ( grHexKind ){\r
- case HEXA_NS::HexaCell:\r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(h);\r
- if ( _volumesOnHexa.count(h)>0 ){\r
- SMESHVolumes volumes = _volumesOnHexa[h];\r
- for ( SMESHVolumes::iterator aVolume = volumes.begin(); aVolume != volumes.end(); ++aVolume ){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aVolume);\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF VOLUME: volume for hexa (id = "<<h->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::QuadCell:\r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad* q = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(q);\r
- if ( _facesOnQuad.count(q)>0 ){\r
- SMESHFaces faces = _facesOnQuad[q];\r
- for ( SMESHFaces::iterator aFace = faces.begin(); aFace != faces.end(); ++aFace ){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aFace);\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF FACE: face for quad (id = "<<q->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell:\r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(e);\r
- if ( _edgesOnEdge.count(e)>0 ){\r
- SMESHEdges edges = _edgesOnEdge[e];\r
- for ( SMESHEdges::iterator anEdge = edges.begin(); anEdge != edges.end(); ++anEdge ){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(*anEdge);\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF Edge: edge for edge (id = "<<e->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: \r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(h);\r
- if ( _volumesOnHexa.count(h)>0 ){\r
- SMESHVolumes volumes = _volumesOnHexa[h];\r
- for ( SMESHVolumes::iterator aVolume = volumes.begin(); aVolume != volumes.end(); ++aVolume ){\r
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeIter = (*aVolume)->nodesIterator();\r
- while( aNodeIter->more() ){\r
- const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = \r
- dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( aNodeIter->next() );\r
- if ( aNode ){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(aNode);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF HEXA NODES: nodes on hexa (id = "<<h->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::QuadNode:\r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Quad* q = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(q);\r
- if ( _quadNodes.count(q)>0 ){\r
- ArrayOfSMESHNodes nodesOnQuad = _quadNodes[q];\r
- for ( ArrayOfSMESHNodes::iterator nodes = nodesOnQuad.begin(); nodes != nodesOnQuad.end(); ++nodes){\r
- for ( SMESHNodes::iterator aNode = nodes->begin(); aNode != nodes->end(); ++aNode){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aNode);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF QUAD NODES: nodes on quad (id = "<<q->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode:\r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Edge* e = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(e);\r
- if ( _nodesOnEdge.count(e)>0 ){\r
- SMESHNodes nodes = _nodesOnEdge[e];\r
- for ( SMESHNodes::iterator aNode = nodes.begin(); aNode != nodes.end(); ++aNode){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aNode);\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF EDGE NODES: nodes on edge (id = "<<e->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case HEXA_NS::Vertex_Node:\r
- {\r
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(grHexElt);\r
- ASSERT(v);\r
- if ( _node.count(v)>0 ){\r
- aGrEltIDs.push_back(_node[v]);\r
- } else {\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF VERTEX NODES: nodes for vertex (id = "<<v->getId()<<") not found");\r
- }\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- default : ASSERT(false);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // B)Filling the group on SMESH\r
- SMESHDS_Group* aGroupDS = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( aGr->GetGroupDS() );\r
- for ( int i=0; i < aGrEltIDs.size(); i++ ) {\r
- aGroupDS->SMDSGroup().Add( aGrEltIDs[i] );\r
- };\r
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : end >>>>>>>>");\r
-// not used, for backup purpose only:\r
-void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getCurve( const std::vector<HEXA_NS::Shape*>& shapesIn,\r
- Handle_Geom_Curve& curveOut, double& curveFirstOut, double& curveLastOut )\r
-// std::cout<<"------------------- _getCurve ------------ "<<std::endl;\r
- GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve* gen = NULL;\r
- double curvesLenght = 0.;\r
- double curvesFirst = shapesIn.front()->debut;\r
- double curvesLast = shapesIn.back()->fin;\r
- for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = shapesIn.begin();\r
- assoc != shapesIn.end();\r
- ++assoc ){\r
- string strBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();\r
- TopoDS_Shape shape = string2shape( strBrep );\r
- TopoDS_Edge Edge = TopoDS::Edge(shape);\r
- double f, l;\r
- Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(Edge, f, l);\r
- curvesLenght += l-f;\r
- Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) bCurve = Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve)::DownCast(curve);\r
- if ( gen == NULL ){\r
- gen = new GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve(bCurve);\r
- } else {\r
- bool bb=gen->Add(bCurve, Precision::Confusion(), Standard_True, Standard_False, 1);\r
- ASSERT(bb);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- curveFirstOut = curvesFirst/curvesLenght;\r
- curveLastOut = curvesLenght - (1.-curvesLast)/curvesLenght;\r
- curveOut = gen->BSplineCurve();\r
- std::cout<<"curvesFirst -> "<<curvesFirst<<std::endl;\r
- std::cout<<"curvesLast -> "<<curvesLast<<std::endl;\r
- std::cout<<"curvesLenght -> "<<curvesLenght<<std::endl;\r
- std::cout<<"curveFirstOut -> "<<curveFirstOut<<std::endl;\r
- std::cout<<"curveLastOut -> "<<curveLastOut<<std::endl;\r
-// bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::_areSame(double a, double b)\r
-// {\r
-// return fabs(a - b) < HEXA_EPSILON;\r
-// }\r
-// // MESSAGE("Angular() :" << dir2.IsOpposite(dir1, Precision::Angular()));\r
-// // ASSERT( dir2.IsParallel(dir1, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) );\r
-// // bool test2 = norm2.IsOpposite(norm1, HEXA_QUAD_WAY2) == norm3.IsOpposite(norm1, HEXA_QUAD_WAY2);\r
-// // way = norm1.IsOpposite(norm3.Reversed(), HEXA_QUAD_WAY2);\r
-// gp_Pnt p( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() );\r
-// gp_Pnt ptOnPlane;\r
-// gp_Pnt ptOnSurface;\r
-// gp_Pnt ptOnPlaneOrSurface;\r
-// // gp_Vec norm2(p1, p);\r
-// TopoDS_Shape planeOrSurface;\r
-// \r
-// \r
-// gp_Pln pln(p1, dir1);\r
-// TopoDS_Shape shapePln = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(pln).Face();\r
-// ptOnPlane = _intersect( p, a1, b1, shapePln );\r
-// ptOnPlaneOrSurface = ptOnPlane;\r
-// \r
-// \r
-// // if ( assoc != NULL ){\r
-// // MESSAGE("_computeQuadWay with assoc");\r
-// for( int i=0; i < h->countEdge(); ++i ){ \r
-// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = h->getEdge(i);\r
-// if ( e->definedBy(v1,v2) ){\r
-// const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> assocs = e->getAssociations();\r
-// if ( assocs.size() != 0 ){\r
-// HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = assocs[0]; //CS_TODO\r
-// string theBrep = assoc->getBrep();\r
-// TopoDS_Shape theShape = string2shape( theBrep );\r
-// ptOnSurface = _intersect( p, a1, b1, theShape );\r
-// if ( !ptOnSurface.IsEqual(p, HEXA_EPSILON) ){\r
-// ptOnPlaneOrSurface = ptOnSurface;\r
-// } \r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// }\r
-// \r
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// File : SMESH_HexaBlocks.cxx
+// Author :
+// Module : SMESH
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+// CasCade includes
+#include <AIS_Shape.hxx>
+#include <Precision.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <BRepTools.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
+#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
+#include <GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve.hxx>
+#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Compound.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pln.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+#include <gp_Dir.hxx>
+#include <gp_Lin.hxx>
+#include <IntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector.hxx>
+// SMESH includes
+#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
+#include "SMDS_MeshVolume.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_Gen.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
+#include "SMESHDS_Group.hxx"
+// HEXABLOCK includes
+#include "HexDocument.hxx"
+#include "HexVertex.hxx"
+#include "HexEdge.hxx"
+#include "HexQuad.hxx"
+#include "HexHexa.hxx"
+#include "HexPropagation.hxx"
+#include "HexShape.hxx"
+#include "HexGroups.hxx"
+#include "HEXABLOCKPlugin_mesh.hxx"
+#include "HEXABLOCKPlugin_FromSkin_3D.hxx"
+// other includes
+#include "Basics_Utils.hxx"
+#include "utilities.h"
+#ifdef WNT
+#include <process.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#ifndef EXCEPTION
+#define EXCEPTION(TYPE, MSG) {\
+ std::ostringstream aStream;\
+ aStream<<__FILE__<<"["<<__LINE__<<"]::"<<MSG;\
+ throw TYPE(aStream.str());\
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+static double HEXA_EPSILON = 1E-6; //1E-3;
+static double HEXA_QUAD_WAY = PI/4.; //3.*PI/8.;
+// static double HEXA_QUAD_WAY2 = 499999999.*PI/1000000000.;
+TopoDS_Shape string2shape( const string& brep )
+ TopoDS_Shape shape;
+ istringstream streamBrep(brep);
+ BRep_Builder aBuilder;
+ BRepTools::Read(shape, streamBrep, aBuilder);
+ return shape;
+bool shape2coord(const TopoDS_Shape& aShape, double& x, double& y, double& z)
+ if ( aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ){
+ TopoDS_Vertex aPoint;
+ aPoint = TopoDS::Vertex( aShape );
+ gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( aPoint );
+ x = aPnt.X();
+ y = aPnt.Y();
+ z = aPnt.Z();
+ return(1);
+ } else {
+ return(0);
+ };
+// SMESH_HexaBlocks::SMESH_HexaBlocks( SMESH_Mesh* theMesh ):
+SMESH_HexaBlocks::SMESH_HexaBlocks(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh):
+ _total(0),
+ _found(0),
+ _notFound(0),
+ _computeVertexOK(false),
+ _computeEdgeOK(false),
+ _computeQuadOK(false),
+ _theMesh(&theMesh), //groups creation
+ _theMeshDS(theMesh.GetMeshDS()) //meshing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// Vertex computing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertex(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)
+ bool ok = false;
+ ok = computeVertexByAssoc( vx );
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeVertexByModel( vx );
+ }
+ if (ok == true){
+ _computeVertexOK = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertexByAssoc(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ bool ok = true;
+ SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = NULL; // new node on mesh
+ double x, y, z; //new node coordinates
+ HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = vx.getAssociation();
+ if ( assoc == NULL ){
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : ASSOC not found ");
+ vx.printName();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ string strBrep = assoc->getBrep();
+ TopoDS_Shape shape = string2shape( strBrep );
+ ok = shape2coord( shape, x, y, z );
+// ASSERT(ok);
+ if (!ok) throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("vertex association : shape2coord() error ")));
+ newNode = _theMeshDS->AddNode(x, y, z);
+ if (_node.count(&vx) >= 1 ) MESSAGE("_node : ALREADY");
+ _node[&vx] = newNode;//needed in computeEdge()
+ _vertex[newNode] = &vx;
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : ASSOC found ");
+ vx.printName();
+ MESSAGE("( "<< x <<","<< y <<","<< z <<" )");
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertexByModel(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByModel() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ bool ok = true;
+ SMDS_MeshNode* newNode = NULL; // new node on mesh
+ double x, y, z; //new node coordinates
+// vx.printName();
+// std::cout << std::endl;
+ x = vx.getX();
+ y = vx.getY();
+ z = vx.getZ();
+ newNode = _theMeshDS->AddNode(x, y, z);
+ if (_node.count(&vx) >= 1 ) MESSAGE("_node : ALREADY");
+ _node[&vx] = newNode;//needed in computeEdge()
+ _vertex[newNode] = &vx;
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("computeVertexByModel() :");
+ vx.printName();
+ MESSAGE("( "<< x <<","<< y <<","<< z <<" )");
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeVertexByModel() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// Edge computing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdge(HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)
+ bool ok = false;
+ ok = computeEdgeByAssoc( edge, law);
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeEdgeByShortestWire( edge, law);
+ }
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeEdgeByPlanWire( edge, law);
+ }
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeEdgeByIsoWire( edge, law);
+ }
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeEdgeBySegment( edge, law);
+ }
+ if (ok == true){
+ _computeEdgeOK = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByAssoc( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law )
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByAssoc(edgeID = "<<edge.getId()<<"): begin <<<<<<");
+ ASSERT( _computeVertexOK );
+ bool ok = true;
+ const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> associations = edge.getAssociations();
+ if ( associations.size() == 0 ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ //vertex from edge
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx0 = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx1 = NULL;
+ // way of discretization
+ if (edge.getWay() == true){
+ vx0 = edge.getVertex(0);
+ vx1 = edge.getVertex(1);
+ } else {
+ vx0 = edge.getVertex(1);
+ vx1 = edge.getVertex(0);
+ }
+ // nodes on mesh
+ SMDS_MeshNode* FIRST_NODE = _node[vx0];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* LAST_NODE = _node[vx1];
+ // A) Build myCurve
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > myCurve;
+ double myCurve_length;
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double> myCurve_lengths;
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool> myCurve_ways;
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double> myCurve_starts;
+ gp_Pnt myCurve_start( FIRST_NODE->X(), FIRST_NODE->Y(), FIRST_NODE->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt myCurve_end( LAST_NODE->X(), LAST_NODE->Y(), LAST_NODE->Z() );
+ _buildMyCurve(
+ associations,
+ myCurve_start,
+ myCurve_end,
+ myCurve,
+ myCurve_length,
+ myCurve_lengths,
+ myCurve_ways,
+ myCurve_starts
+ );
+ // B) Build nodes and edges on mesh from myCurve
+ SMDS_MeshNode* node_a = NULL;
+ SMDS_MeshNode* node_b = NULL;
+ SMDS_MeshEdge* edge_ab = NULL;
+ SMESHNodes nodesOnEdge;
+ SMESHEdges edgesOnEdge; //backup for group creation
+// Xx nodesXxOnEdge;
+ node_a = FIRST_NODE;
+ nodesOnEdge.push_back(FIRST_NODE);
+// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back(0.);
+ // _nodeXx[FIRST_NODE] = 0.;
+ gp_Pnt ptOnMyCurve;
+ double u, myCurve_u;
+ double myCurve_start_u = 0.;
+ int nbNodes = law.getNodes(); //law of discretization
+ if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("nbNodes -> "<<nbNodes);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i){
+ u = _Xx(i, law, nbNodes); //u between [0,1]
+ myCurve_u = u*myCurve_length;
+ if (MYDEBUG) {
+ MESSAGE("u -> "<<u);
+ MESSAGE("myCurve_u -> "<<myCurve_u);
+ MESSAGE("myCurve_length -> "<<myCurve_length);
+ }
+ ptOnMyCurve = _getPtOnMyCurve( myCurve_u,
+ myCurve_ways,
+ myCurve_lengths,
+ myCurve_starts,
+ myCurve,
+ myCurve_start_u
+ );
+ node_b = _theMeshDS->AddNode( ptOnMyCurve.X(), ptOnMyCurve.Y(), ptOnMyCurve.Z() );
+ edge_ab = _theMeshDS->AddEdge( node_a, node_b );
+ nodesOnEdge.push_back( node_b );
+ edgesOnEdge.push_back( edge_ab );
+// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back( u );
+ if (_nodeXx.count(node_b) >= 1 ) ASSERT(false);
+ _nodeXx[node_b] = u;
+ node_a = node_b;
+ }
+ edge_ab = _theMeshDS->AddEdge( node_a, LAST_NODE );
+ nodesOnEdge.push_back( LAST_NODE );
+ edgesOnEdge.push_back( edge_ab );
+// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back( 1. );
+ // _nodeXx[LAST_NODE] = 1.;
+ _nodesOnEdge[&edge] = nodesOnEdge;
+ _edgesOnEdge[&edge] = edgesOnEdge;
+// _edgeXx[&edge] = nodesXxOnEdge;
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByShortestWire( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByShortestWire() not implemented");
+ return false;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByPlanWire( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByPlanWire() not implemented");
+ return false;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeByIsoWire( HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByIsoWire() not implemented");
+ return false;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeEdgeBySegment(HEXA_NS::Edge& edge, HEXA_NS::Law& law)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeBySegment() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ ASSERT( _computeVertexOK );
+ bool ok = true;
+ //vertex from edge
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx0 = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* vx1 = NULL;
+ // way of discretization
+ if (edge.getWay() == true){
+ vx0 = edge.getVertex(0);
+ vx1 = edge.getVertex(1);
+ } else {
+ vx0 = edge.getVertex(1);
+ vx1 = edge.getVertex(0);
+ }
+ // nodes on mesh
+ SMDS_MeshNode* FIRST_NODE = _node[vx0];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* LAST_NODE = _node[vx1];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* node_a = NULL; //new node (to be added)
+ SMDS_MeshNode* node_b = NULL; //new node (to be added)
+ // node and edge creation
+ SMESHNodes nodesOnEdge;
+ SMESHEdges edgesOnEdge;
+ double u; //
+ double newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ;
+ SMDS_MeshEdge* newEdge = NULL;
+ node_a = FIRST_NODE;
+ nodesOnEdge.push_back(FIRST_NODE);
+ //law of discretization
+ int nbNodes = law.getNodes();
+ if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("nbNodes -> "<<nbNodes);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i){
+ u = _Xx(i, law, nbNodes);
+ newNodeX = FIRST_NODE->X() + u * ( LAST_NODE->X() - FIRST_NODE->X() );
+ newNodeY = FIRST_NODE->Y() + u * ( LAST_NODE->Y() - FIRST_NODE->Y() );
+ newNodeZ = FIRST_NODE->Z() + u * ( LAST_NODE->Z() - FIRST_NODE->Z() );
+ node_b = _theMeshDS->AddNode(newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);
+ newEdge = _theMeshDS->AddEdge(node_a, node_b);
+ edgesOnEdge.push_back(newEdge);
+ nodesOnEdge.push_back(node_b);
+ if (_nodeXx.count(node_b) >= 1 ) ASSERT(false);
+ _nodeXx[ node_b ] = u;
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_nodeXx <-"<<u);
+ node_a = node_b;
+ }
+ newEdge = _theMeshDS->AddEdge(node_a, LAST_NODE);
+ nodesOnEdge.push_back(LAST_NODE);
+ edgesOnEdge.push_back(newEdge);
+ _nodesOnEdge[&edge] = nodesOnEdge;
+ _edgesOnEdge[&edge] = edgesOnEdge;
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeBySegment() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// Quad computing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadWays( HEXA_NS::Document* doc )
+ std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> quadWays;
+ std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > edgeWays;
+ std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> skinQuad;
+ std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> workingQuad;
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* first_q = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex *e_0, *e_1 = NULL;
+ // FIRST STEP: eliminate free quad + internal quad
+ int nTotalQuad = doc->countQuad();
+ for (int i=0; i < nTotalQuad; ++i ){
+ q = doc->getQuad(i);
+ switch ( q->getNbrParents() ){ // parent == hexaedron
+ case 0: case 2: quadWays[q] = true; break;
+ case 1: skinQuad.push_back(q); break;
+ default: if ( q->getNbrParents() > 2 ) ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // SECOND STEP: setting edges ways
+ while ( skinQuad.size()>0 ){
+ for ( std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*>::iterator it = skinQuad.begin(); it != skinQuad.end(); it++ ){
+ _searchInitialQuadWay( *it, e_0, e_1 );
+ if ( e_0 != NULL and e_1 != NULL ){
+ q = first_q = *it;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( e_0 == NULL and e_1 == NULL ) ASSERT(false);// should never happened,
+ for ( int j=0 ; j < 4 ; ++j ){
+ e = q->getEdge(j);
+ if ( (e_0 == e->getVertex(0)) and (e_1 == e->getVertex(1)) or
+ (e_0 == e->getVertex(1)) and (e_1 == e->getVertex(0)) ){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ edgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );
+ workingQuad.push_back(q);
+ while ( workingQuad.size() > 0 ){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("COMPUTE QUAD WAY ... ID ="<< q->getId());
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex *lastVertex=NULL, *firstVertex = NULL;
+ int i = 0;
+ std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > localEdgeWays;
+ while ( localEdgeWays.size() != 4 ){
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i%4);
+ if ( lastVertex == NULL ){
+ if ( edgeWays.count(e) == 1 ){
+ if ( q == first_q ){
+ localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].first, edgeWays[e].second );
+ } else {
+ localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].second, edgeWays[e].first);
+ }
+ firstVertex = localEdgeWays[e].first;
+ lastVertex = localEdgeWays[e].second;
+ }
+ } else {
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
+ if ( lastVertex == e_0 ){
+ firstVertex = e_0; lastVertex = e_1;
+ } else if ( lastVertex == e_1 ){
+ firstVertex = e_1; lastVertex = e_0;
+ } else if ( firstVertex == e_0 ) {
+ firstVertex = e_1; lastVertex = e_0;
+ } else if ( firstVertex == e_1 ) {
+ firstVertex = e_0; lastVertex = e_1;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( firstVertex, lastVertex );
+ if ( edgeWays.count(e) == 0 ){ // keep current value if present otherwise add it
+ edgeWays[e] = localEdgeWays[e];
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ //add new working quad
+ for ( int i=0 ; i < 4; ++i ){
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* next_q = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i);
+ for ( int j=0 ; j < e->getNbrParents(); ++j ){
+ next_q = e->getParent(j);
+ if ( next_q == q ){
+ next_q = NULL;
+ }
+ int fromSkin = std::count( skinQuad.begin(), skinQuad.end(), next_q );
+ if (fromSkin != 0){
+ int fromWorkingQuad = std::count( workingQuad.begin(), workingQuad.end(), next_q );
+ if ( fromWorkingQuad == 0 ){
+ workingQuad.push_front( next_q );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // setting quad way
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e0 = q->getEdge(0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0_0 = e0->getVertex(0);
+ if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].first ){
+ quadWays[q] = true;
+ } else if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].second ){
+ quadWays[q] = false;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ workingQuad.remove( q );
+ skinQuad.remove( q );
+ q = workingQuad.back();
+ }
+ }
+ return quadWays;
+// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadWays( HEXA_NS::Document& doc, std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> initQuads )
+// {
+// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> quadWays;
+// // std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, bool> edgeWays;
+// // std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > edgeWays;
+// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > workingQuads;
+// std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> skinQuad;
+// std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> notSkinQuad;
+// // std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> workingQuad;
+// HEXA_NS::Quad* first_q = NULL;
+// HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;
+// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = NULL;
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex *e_0, *e_1 = NULL;
+// // FIRST STEP: eliminate free quad + internal quad
+// int nTotalQuad = doc.countQuad();
+// for (int i=0; i < nTotalQuad; ++i ){
+// q = doc.getQuad(i);
+// switch ( q->getNbrParents() ){ // parent == hexaedron
+// case 0: case 2: quadWays[q] = true; break;
+// // case 0: case 2: notSkinQuad.push_back(q); break; //CS_TEST
+// case 1: skinQuad.push_back(q); break;
+// default: if ( q->getNbrParents() > 2 ) ASSERT(false);
+// }
+// }
+// q = first_q = skinQuad.front();
+// e = q->getEdge(0);
+// e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
+// e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
+// workingQuads[q] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );
+// while ( workingQuads.size() > 0 ){
+// MESSAGE("CURRENT QUAD ------>"<< q->getId());
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex *lastVertex=NULL, *firstVertex = NULL;
+// int i = 0;
+// std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > localEdgeWays;
+// while ( localEdgeWays.size() != 4 ){
+// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i%4);
+// if ( lastVertex == NULL ){
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
+// if ( (workingQuads[q].first == e_0 and workingQuads[q].second == e_1)
+// or (workingQuads[q].first == e_1 and workingQuads[q].second == e_0) ){
+// if ( q == first_q ){
+// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( workingQuads[q].first, workingQuads[q].second );
+// } else {
+// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( workingQuads[q].second, workingQuads[q].first);
+// }
+// firstVertex = localEdgeWays[e].first;
+// lastVertex = localEdgeWays[e].second;
+// }
+// } else {
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
+// if ( lastVertex == e_0 ){
+// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );
+// firstVertex = e_0;
+// lastVertex = e_1;
+// } else if ( lastVertex == e_1 ){
+// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_1, e_0 );
+// firstVertex = e_1;
+// lastVertex = e_0;
+// } else if ( firstVertex == e_0 ) {
+// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_1, e_0 );
+// firstVertex = e_1;
+// lastVertex = e_0;
+// } else if ( firstVertex == e_1 ) {
+// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );
+// firstVertex = e_0;
+// lastVertex = e_1;
+// } else {
+// ASSERT(false);
+// }
+// }
+// ++i;
+// }
+// //add new working quad
+// for ( int i=0 ; i < 4; ++i ){
+// HEXA_NS::Quad* next_q = NULL;
+// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getEdge(i);
+// MESSAGE("NB PARENTS ="<< e->getNbrParents() );
+// for ( int j=0 ; j < e->getNbrParents(); ++j ){
+// next_q = e->getParent(j);
+// if ( next_q == q ){
+// next_q = NULL;
+// }
+// int fromSkin = std::count( skinQuad.begin(), skinQuad.end(), next_q );
+// if (fromSkin != 0){
+// // int fromWorkingQuad = std::count( workingQuads.begin(), workingQuads.end(), next_q );
+// int fromWorkingQuad = workingQuads.count( next_q );
+// // MESSAGE("CHECK QUAD:"<< newWorkingQuad->getId());
+// if ( fromWorkingQuad == 0 ){
+// // workingQuads.push_front( next_q );
+// workingQuads[ next_q ] = localEdgeWays[e];
+// // MESSAGE("EDGE :"<<e->getId()<<"ADD QUAD :"<< newWorkingQuad->getId());
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// //setting quad way
+// HEXA_NS::Edge* e0 = q->getEdge(0);
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0_0 = e0->getVertex(0);
+// if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].first ){
+// quadWays[q] = true;
+// } else if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].second ){
+// quadWays[q] = false;
+// } else {
+// ASSERT(false);
+// }
+// MESSAGE("quadWays ID ="<< q->getId() << ", WAY = " << quadWays[q] );
+// // workingQuad.remove( q );
+// workingQuads.erase( q );
+// skinQuad.remove( q );
+// *workingQuads.begin();
+// q = (*workingQuads.begin()).first;
+// }
+// return quadWays;
+// }
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuad( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )
+ bool ok = false;
+ ok = computeQuadByAssoc(quad, way);
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeQuadByFindingGeom(quad, way);
+ }
+ if ( ok == false ){
+ ok = computeQuadByLinearApproximation(quad, way);
+ }
+ if (ok == true){
+ _computeQuadOK = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadByAssoc( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )
+// int id = quad.getId();
+// if ( id != 11 ) return false; //7
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ MESSAGE("quadID = "<<quad.getId());
+ }
+ ASSERT( _computeEdgeOK );
+ bool ok = true;
+ ArrayOfSMESHNodes nodesOnQuad; // nodes in this quad ( to be added on the mesh )
+ SMESHFaces facesOnQuad;
+ SMDS_MeshFace* newFace = NULL;
+ std::vector<double> xx, yy;
+ // Elements for quad computation
+ SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;
+// bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, eh, eb, eg, ed, S1, S2, S3, S4 );
+ bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, nodesOnQuad, xx, yy );
+ if ( initOk == false ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> shapes = quad.getAssociations();
+ if ( shapes.size() == 0 ){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return false;
+ }
+ TopoDS_Shape shapeOrCompound = _getShapeOrCompound( shapes );
+// bool quadWay = _computeQuadWay( quad, S1, S2, S3, S4, &shapeOrCompound );
+// bool quadWay = _computeQuadWay( quad );
+ std::map<SMDS_MeshNode*, gp_Pnt> interpolatedPoints;
+ int iSize = nodesOnQuad.size();
+ int jSize = nodesOnQuad[0].size();
+ S1 = nodesOnQuad[0][0];
+// S2 = nodesOnQuad[bNodes.size()-1][0];
+ S2 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][0];
+ S4 = nodesOnQuad[0][jSize-1];
+ S3 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][jSize-1];
+ for (int j = 1; j < jSize; ++j){
+ for (int i = 1; i < iSize; ++i){
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j-1];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = nodesOnQuad[i][j-1];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n4 = nodesOnQuad[i][j];
+ if ( n4 == NULL ){
+ double newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ;
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Ph = nodesOnQuad[i][jSize-1]; //dNodes[h_i];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pb = nodesOnQuad[i][0]; //bNodes[b_i];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pg = nodesOnQuad[0][j]; //gNodes[g_j];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pd = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][j]; //dNodes[d_j];
+ double u = xx[i];
+ double v = yy[j];
+ _nodeInterpolationUV(u, v, Pg, Pd, Ph, Pb, S1, S2, S3, S4, newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);
+ gp_Pnt newPt = gp_Pnt( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );//interpolated point
+ gp_Pnt pt1;
+ gp_Pnt pt3;
+ if ( interpolatedPoints.count(n1) > 0 ){
+ pt1 = interpolatedPoints[n1];
+ } else {
+ pt1 = gp_Pnt( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z() );
+ }
+ if ( interpolatedPoints.count(n3) > 0 ){
+ pt3 = interpolatedPoints[n3];
+ } else {
+ pt3 = gp_Pnt( n3->X(), n3->Y(), n3->Z() );
+ }
+ gp_Vec vec1( newPt, pt1 );
+ gp_Vec vec2( newPt, pt3 );
+ gp_Pnt ptOnShape = _intersect(newPt, vec1, vec2, shapeOrCompound);
+ newNodeX = ptOnShape.X();
+ newNodeY = ptOnShape.Y();
+ newNodeZ = ptOnShape.Z();
+ n4 = _theMeshDS->AddNode( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );
+ nodesOnQuad[i][j] = n4;
+ interpolatedPoints[ n4 ] = newPt;
+ if (MYDEBUG) {
+ MESSAGE("u parameter is "<<u);
+ MESSAGE("v parameter is "<<v);
+ MESSAGE("point interpolated ("<<newPt.X()<<","<<newPt.Y()<<","<<newPt.Z()<<" )");
+ MESSAGE("point on shape ("<<newNodeX<<","<<newNodeY<<","<<newNodeZ<<" )");
+ }
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("n1 (" << n1->X() << "," << n1->Y() << "," << n1->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("n2 (" << n2->X() << "," << n2->Y() << "," << n2->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("n4 (" << n4->X() << "," << n4->Y() << "," << n4->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("n3 (" << n3->X() << "," << n3->Y() << "," << n3->Z() << ")");
+ }
+ if ( way == true ){
+ if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 )");
+ newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 );
+ } else {
+ if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 )");
+ newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 );
+ }
+ facesOnQuad.push_back(newFace);
+ }
+ }
+ _quadNodes[ &quad ] = nodesOnQuad;
+ _facesOnQuad[&quad] = facesOnQuad;
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadByFindingGeom( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByFindingGeom() not implemented");
+ return false;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::_computeQuadInit(
+ HEXA_NS::Quad& quad,
+ ArrayOfSMESHNodes& nodesOnQuad,
+ std::vector<double>& xx, std::vector<double>& yy)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_computeQuadInit() : begin ---------------");
+ bool ok = true;
+ SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;
+ HEXA_NS::Edge *eh, *eb, *eg, *ed;
+ HEXA_NS::Edge *e1, *e2, *e3, *e4;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex *e1_0, *e1_1, *e2_0, *e2_1, *e3_0, *e3_1, *e4_0, *e4_1;
+ e1 = quad.getEdge(0);
+ e2 = quad.getEdge(1);
+ e3 = quad.getEdge(2);
+ e4 = quad.getEdge(3);
+ e1_0 = e1->getVertex(0); e1_1 = e1->getVertex(1);
+ e2_0 = e2->getVertex(0); e2_1 = e2->getVertex(1);
+ e3_0 = e3->getVertex(0); e3_1 = e3->getVertex(1);
+ e4_0 = e4->getVertex(0); e4_1 = e4->getVertex(1);
+ //S1, S2
+ S1 = _node[e1_0]; S2 = _node[e1_1];
+ eb = e1; eh = e3;
+ //S4
+ if ( e1_0 == e2_0 ){
+ S4 = _node[e2_1];
+ eg = e2; ed = e4;
+ } else if ( e1_0 == e2_1 ){
+ S4 = _node[e2_0];
+ eg = e2; ed = e4;
+ } else if ( e1_0 == e4_0 ){
+ S4 = _node[e4_1];
+ eg = e4; ed = e2;
+ } else if ( e1_0 == e4_1 ){
+ S4 = _node[e4_0];
+ eg = e4; ed = e2;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ //S3
+ if ( S4 == _node[e3_0] ){
+ S3 = _node[e3_1];
+ } else if ( S4 == _node[e3_1] ){
+ S3 = _node[e3_0];
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ SMESHNodes hNodes = _nodesOnEdge[eh];
+ SMESHNodes bNodes = _nodesOnEdge[eb];
+ SMESHNodes gNodes = _nodesOnEdge[eg];
+ SMESHNodes dNodes = _nodesOnEdge[ed];
+ nodesOnQuad.resize( bNodes.size(), SMESHNodes(gNodes.size(), static_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*>(NULL)) );
+ int i, j, _i, _j;
+// int &b_i = i, &h_i = i, &g_j = j, &d_j = j;
+ int *b_i = &i, *h_i = &i, *g_j = &j, *d_j = &j;
+ bool uWay = true, vWay = true;
+ if ( bNodes[0] != S1 ){
+ b_i = &_i;
+ uWay = false;
+ ASSERT( bNodes[bNodes.size()-1] == S1 );
+ } else {
+ ASSERT( bNodes[0] == S1);
+ }
+ if ( hNodes[0] != S4 ){
+ h_i = &_i;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT( hNodes[0] == S4 );
+ }
+ if ( gNodes[0] != S1 ){
+ g_j = &_j;
+ vWay = false;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT( gNodes[0] == S1 );
+ }
+ if ( dNodes[0] != S2 ){
+ d_j = &_j;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT( dNodes[0] == S2 );
+ }
+ //bNodes, hNodes
+ double u;
+ for (i = 0, _i = bNodes.size()-1; i < bNodes.size(); ++i, --_i){
+ nodesOnQuad[i][0] = bNodes[*b_i];
+ nodesOnQuad[i][gNodes.size()-1 ] = hNodes[*h_i];
+ u = _nodeXx[ bNodes[*b_i] ];
+ if ( uWay == true ){
+ xx.push_back(u);
+ } else {
+ xx.push_back(1.-u);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( S1 != nodesOnQuad[0][0] ){
+ MESSAGE("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ quadID = "<<quad.getId());
+ }
+// ASSERT( S1 == nodesOnQuad[0][0] );
+ //gNodes, dNodes
+ double v;
+ for (j = 0, _j = gNodes.size()-1; j < gNodes.size(); ++j, --_j){
+ nodesOnQuad[0][j] = gNodes[*g_j];
+ if ( S1 != nodesOnQuad[0][0] ){
+ MESSAGE("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX quadID = "<<quad.getId());
+ }
+// ASSERT( S1 == nodesOnQuad[0][0] );
+ nodesOnQuad[bNodes.size()-1][j] = dNodes[*d_j];
+ v = _nodeXx[ gNodes[*g_j] ];
+ if ( vWay == true ){
+ yy.push_back(v);
+ } else {
+ yy.push_back(1.-v);
+ }
+ }
+ int iSize = nodesOnQuad.size();
+ int jSize = nodesOnQuad[0].size();
+ ASSERT( iSize = bNodes.size() );
+ ASSERT( jSize = gNodes.size() );
+// ASSERT( S1 == nodesOnQuad[0][0] );
+// ASSERT( S2 == nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][0]);
+// ASSERT( S4 == nodesOnQuad[0][jSize-1]);
+// ASSERT( S3 == nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][jSize-1]);
+ return ok;
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeQuadByLinearApproximation( HEXA_NS::Quad& quad, bool way )
+// int id = quad.getId();
+// if ( quad.getId() != 66 ) return false; //7, 41
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ MESSAGE("quadID = "<<quad.getId());
+ }
+ ASSERT( _computeEdgeOK );
+ bool ok = true;
+ ArrayOfSMESHNodes nodesOnQuad; // nodes in this quad ( to be added on the mesh )
+ SMESHFaces facesOnQuad;
+ SMDS_MeshFace* newFace = NULL;
+ std::vector<double> xx, yy;
+ // Elements for quad computation
+ SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;
+// bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, eh, eb, eg, ed, S1, S2, S3, S4 );
+ bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, nodesOnQuad, xx, yy );
+ if ( initOk == false ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ int iSize = nodesOnQuad.size();
+ int jSize = nodesOnQuad[0].size();
+ S1 = nodesOnQuad[0][0];
+// S2 = nodesOnQuad[bNodes.size()-1][0];
+ S2 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][0];
+ S4 = nodesOnQuad[0][jSize-1];
+ S3 = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][jSize-1];
+ for (int j = 1; j < jSize; ++j){
+ for (int i = 1; i < iSize; ++i){
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = nodesOnQuad[i-1][j-1];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = nodesOnQuad[i][j-1];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n4 = nodesOnQuad[i][j];
+ if ( n4 == NULL ){
+ double newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ;
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Ph = nodesOnQuad[i][jSize-1]; //dNodes[h_i];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pb = nodesOnQuad[i][0]; //bNodes[b_i];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pg = nodesOnQuad[0][j]; //gNodes[g_j];
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pd = nodesOnQuad[iSize-1][j]; //dNodes[d_j];
+ double u = xx[i];
+ double v = yy[j];
+ _nodeInterpolationUV(u, v, Pg, Pd, Ph, Pb, S1, S2, S3, S4, newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);
+ n4 = _theMeshDS->AddNode( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );
+ nodesOnQuad[i][j] = n4;
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("n1 (" << n1->X() << "," << n1->Y() << "," << n1->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("n2 (" << n2->X() << "," << n2->Y() << "," << n2->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("n4 (" << n4->X() << "," << n4->Y() << "," << n4->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("n3 (" << n3->X() << "," << n3->Y() << "," << n3->Z() << ")");
+ }
+ if ( way == true ){
+ if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 )");
+ newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n1, n2, n3, n4 );
+ } else {
+ if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 )");
+ newFace = _theMeshDS->AddFace( n4, n3, n2, n1 );
+ }
+ facesOnQuad.push_back(newFace);
+ }
+ }
+ _quadNodes[ &quad ] = nodesOnQuad;
+ _facesOnQuad[&quad] = facesOnQuad;
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// Hexa computing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeHexa( HEXA_NS::Document* doc )
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeHexa() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ bool ok=false;
+ SMESH_MesherHelper aHelper(*_theMesh);
+ TopoDS_Shape shape = _theMesh->GetShapeToMesh();
+ aHelper.SetSubShape( shape );
+ aHelper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
+ SMESH_Gen* gen = _theMesh->GetGen();
+ SMESH_HexaFromSkin_3D algo( gen->GetANewId(), 0, gen, doc );
+ algo.InitComputeError();
+ try {
+ ok = algo.Compute( *_theMesh, &aHelper, _volumesOnHexa, _node );
+ } catch(...) {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SMESH_HexaFromSkin_3D error!!! ");
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("SMESH_HexaFromSkin_3D.comment = "<<algo.GetComputeError()->myComment);
+ MESSAGE("computeHexa() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ }
+ return ok;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// Document computing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeDoc( HEXA_NS::Document* doc )
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeDoc() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ bool ok = true;
+ // A) Vertex computation
+ int nVertex = doc->countVertex();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* vertex = NULL;
+ for (int j=0; j <nVertex; ++j ){ //Computing each vertex of the document
+ vertex = doc->getVertex(j);
+ ok = computeVertex(*vertex);
+ }
+ // B) Edges computation
+ int nbPropa = 0;
+ HEXA_NS::Propagation* propa = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Law* law = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Edges edges;
+ nbPropa = doc->countPropagation();
+ for (int j=0; j < nbPropa; ++j ){//Computing each edge's propagations of the document
+ propa = doc->getPropagation(j);
+ edges = propa->getEdges();
+ law = propa->getLaw();
+// ASSERT( law );
+ if (law == NULL){
+ law = doc->getLaw(0); // default law
+ }
+ for( HEXA_NS::Edges::const_iterator iter = edges.begin();
+ iter != edges.end();
+ ++iter ){
+ ok = computeEdge(**iter, *law);
+ }
+ }
+ // C) Quad computation
+ std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, bool> quadWays = computeQuadWays(doc);
+ int nQuad = doc->countQuad();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;
+ for (int j=0; j <nQuad; ++j ){ //Computing each quad of the document
+ q = doc->getQuad(j);
+ int id = q->getId();
+ if ( quadWays.count(q) > 0 )
+ ok = computeQuad( *q, quadWays[q] );
+ else
+ }
+ // D) Hexa computation: Calling HexaFromSkin algo
+ ok = computeHexa(doc);
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeDoc() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return ok;
+void SMESH_HexaBlocks::buildGroups(HEXA_NS::Document* doc)
+ MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. hexas= " << doc->countHexa());
+ MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. quads= " << doc->countQuad());
+ MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. edges= " << doc->countEdge());
+ MESSAGE("_addGroups() : : nb. nodes= " << doc->countVertex());
+ // Looping on each groups of the document
+ for ( int i=0; i < doc->countGroup(); i++ ){
+ _fillGroup( doc->getGroup(i) );
+ };
+ MESSAGE("_addGroups() : end >>>>>>>>");
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+double SMESH_HexaBlocks::_Xx( double i, HEXA_NS::Law law, double nbNodes) //, double pos0 )
+ double result;
+ double u0;
+ HEXA_NS::KindLaw k = law.getKind();
+ double coeff = law.getCoefficient();
+ switch (k){
+ case HEXA_NS::Uniform:
+ result = (i+1)/(nbNodes+1);
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "_Xx():" << " Uniform u("<<i<< ")"<< " = " << result);
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::Arithmetic:
+ u0 = 1./(nbNodes + 1.) - (coeff*nbNodes)/2.;
+// ASSERT(u0>0);
+ if ( u0 <= 0 ) throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Arithmetic discretization : check coefficient")));
+ if (i==0){
+ result = u0;
+ } else {
+ result = (i + 1.)*u0 + coeff*i*(i+1.)/2.;
+ };
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "_Xx():" << " Arithmetic u("<<i<< ")"<< " = " << result);
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::Geometric:
+ u0 = (1.-coeff)/(1.-pow(coeff, nbNodes + 1) ) ;
+// ASSERT(u0>0);
+ if ( u0 <= 0 ) throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Geometric discretization : check coefficient")));
+ if (i==0){
+ result = u0;
+ } else {
+ result = u0 * (1.- pow(coeff, i + 1) )/(1.-coeff) ;
+ };
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE( "_Xx():" << " Geometric u("<<i<< ")"<< " = " << result);
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+double SMESH_HexaBlocks::_edgeLength(const TopoDS_Edge & E)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_edgeLength() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ double UMin = 0, UMax = 0;
+ if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E))
+ return 0;
+ TopLoc_Location L;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, L, UMin, UMax);
+ GeomAdaptor_Curve AdaptCurve(C);
+ double length = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(AdaptCurve, UMin, UMax);
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_edgeLength() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return length;
+void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_buildMyCurve(
+ const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*>& associations, //IN
+ const gp_Pnt& myCurve_start, //IN
+ const gp_Pnt& myCurve_end, //IN
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve, //INOUT
+ double& myCurve_length, //INOUT
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lengths,//INOUT
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool>& myCurve_ways, //INOUT
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_starts ) //INOUT
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_buildMyCurve() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ bool myCurve_way = true;
+ myCurve_length = 0.;
+ BRepAdaptor_Curve* thePreviousCurve = NULL;
+ BRepAdaptor_Curve* theCurve = NULL;
+ gp_Pnt theCurve_start, theCurve_end;
+ gp_Pnt thePreviousCurve_start , thePreviousCurve_end;
+ for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = associations.begin();
+ assoc != associations.end();
+ ++assoc ){
+ string theBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();
+ TopoDS_Shape theShape = string2shape( theBrep );
+ TopoDS_Edge theEdge = TopoDS::Edge( theShape );
+ double theCurve_length = _edgeLength( theEdge );
+ if (MYDEBUG)
+ MESSAGE("_edgeLength ->"<<theCurve_length);
+ if ( theCurve_length > 0 ){
+ double f, l;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) testCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(theEdge, f, l);
+ theCurve = new BRepAdaptor_Curve( theEdge );
+ GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_start(*theCurve, theCurve_length*(*assoc)->debut, theCurve->FirstParameter() );
+ GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_end(*theCurve, theCurve_length*(*assoc)->fin, theCurve->FirstParameter() );
+ double u_start = discret_start.Parameter();
+ double u_end = discret_end.Parameter();
+ ASSERT( discret_start.IsDone() && discret_end.IsDone() );
+ theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( u_start);
+ theCurve_end = theCurve->Value( u_end );
+// double u_start = (l-f)*(*assoc)->debut;
+// double u_end = (l-f)*(*assoc)->fin;
+// theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( (l-f)*(*assoc)->debut );
+// theCurve_end = theCurve->Value( (l-f)*(*assoc)->fin );
+ theCurve_length = theCurve_length*( (*assoc)->fin - (*assoc)->debut );
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("testCurve->f ->"<<f);
+ MESSAGE("testCurve->l ->"<<l);
+ MESSAGE("testCurve->FirstParameter ->"<<testCurve->FirstParameter());
+ MESSAGE("testCurve->LastParameter ->"<<testCurve->LastParameter());
+ MESSAGE("FirstParameter ->"<<theCurve->FirstParameter());
+ MESSAGE("LastParameter ->"<<theCurve->LastParameter());
+ MESSAGE("theCurve_length ->"<<theCurve_length);
+ MESSAGE("(*assoc)->debut ->"<<(*assoc)->debut );
+ MESSAGE("(*assoc)->fin ->"<<(*assoc)->fin );
+ MESSAGE("u_start ->"<<u_start);
+ MESSAGE("u_end ->"<<u_end);
+ MESSAGE("myCurve_start( "<<myCurve_start.X()<<", "<<myCurve_start.Y()<<", "<<myCurve_start.Z()<<") ");
+ MESSAGE("theCurve_start( "<<theCurve_start.X()<<", "<<theCurve_start.Y()<<", "<<theCurve_start.Z()<<") ");
+ MESSAGE("myCurve_end( "<<myCurve_end.X()<<", "<<myCurve_end.Y()<<", "<<myCurve_end.Z()<<") ");
+ MESSAGE("theCurve_end( "<<theCurve_end.X()<<", "<<theCurve_end.Y()<<", "<<theCurve_end.Z()<<") ");
+ }
+ if ( thePreviousCurve == NULL ){
+ // working on first valid association: it can be the first or last curve.
+ // using myCurve_start and myCurve_end to check it out.
+ // gp_Pnt theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( f + theCurveLength*assoc->debut );
+ // setting myCurve_way and first curve way
+ if ( myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON)");
+ myCurve_way = true;
+ myCurve_ways[theCurve] = true;
+ } else if ( myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON)");
+ myCurve_way = true;
+ myCurve_ways[theCurve] = false;
+ } else if ( myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON)");
+ myCurve_way = false;
+ myCurve_ways[theCurve] = true;
+ } else if ( myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON)");
+ myCurve_way = false;
+ myCurve_ways[theCurve] = false;
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... bad script?");
+// ASSERT(false);
+ throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("edge association : check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // it is not the first or last curve.
+ // ways are calculated between previous and new one.
+ if ( thePreviousCurve_end.IsEqual( theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON )
+ or thePreviousCurve_start.IsEqual( theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON ) ){
+ myCurve_ways[theCurve] = !myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// opposite WAY
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("opposite WAY");
+ } else if ( thePreviousCurve_end.IsEqual( theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON )
+ or thePreviousCurve_start.IsEqual( theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON ) ){
+ myCurve_ways[theCurve] = myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// same WAY
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("same WAY");
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... bad script?");
+// ASSERT(false);
+ throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("edge association : check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));
+ }
+ }
+ myCurve_starts[theCurve] = u_start;
+ myCurve_lengths[theCurve] = theCurve_length;
+ myCurve_length += theCurve_length;
+ myCurve.push_back( theCurve );
+ thePreviousCurve = theCurve;
+ thePreviousCurve_start = theCurve_start;
+ thePreviousCurve_end = theCurve_end;
+ }//if ( theCurveLength > 0 ){
+ }// for
+ if ( myCurve_way == false ){
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > tmp( myCurve.size() );
+ std::copy( myCurve.rbegin(), myCurve.rend(), tmp.begin() );
+ myCurve = tmp;
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG) {
+ MESSAGE("myCurve_way was :"<<myCurve_way);
+ MESSAGE("_buildMyCurve() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ }
+gp_Pnt SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getPtOnMyCurve(
+ const double& myCurve_u, //IN
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool>& myCurve_ways, //IN
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lengths,//IN
+ std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_starts, //IN
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve, //INOUT
+ double& myCurve_start ) //INOUT
+// std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_firsts,
+// std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lasts,
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_getPtOnMyCurve() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ gp_Pnt ptOnMyCurve;
+ // looking for curve which contains parameter myCurve_u
+ BRepAdaptor_Curve* curve = myCurve.front();
+ double curve_start = myCurve_start;
+ double curve_end = curve_start + myCurve_lengths[curve];
+ double curve_u;
+ GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret;
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("looking for curve: myCurve_u = "<<myCurve_u);
+ MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_start = "<<curve_start);
+ MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_end = "<<curve_end);
+ MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_lenght = "<<myCurve_lengths[curve]);
+ }
+ while ( not ( (myCurve_u >= curve_start) and (myCurve_u <= curve_end) ) ) {
+ ASSERT( myCurve.size() != 0 );
+ myCurve.pop_front();
+ curve = myCurve.front();
+ curve_start = curve_end;
+ curve_end = curve_start + myCurve_lengths[curve];
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("go next curve: curve_lenght = "<<myCurve_lengths[curve]);
+ MESSAGE("go next curve: curve_start = "<<curve_start);
+ MESSAGE("go next curve: curve_end = "<<curve_end);
+ }
+ }
+ myCurve_start = curve_start;
+ // compute point
+ if ( myCurve_ways[curve] ){
+// curve_u = myCurve_firsts[curve] + (myCurve_u - curve_start);
+// discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, (myCurve_u - curve_start), curve->FirstParameter() );
+ discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, (myCurve_u - curve_start), myCurve_starts[curve] );
+ } else {
+// discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, myCurve_lengths[curve]- (myCurve_u - curve_start), curve->FirstParameter() );
+ discret = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint( *curve, myCurve_lengths[curve]- (myCurve_u - curve_start), myCurve_starts[curve] );
+ }
+ ASSERT(discret.IsDone());
+ curve_u = discret.Parameter();
+ ptOnMyCurve = curve->Value( curve_u );
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("curve found!");
+ MESSAGE("curve_u = "<< curve_u);
+ MESSAGE("curve way = "<< myCurve_ways[curve]);
+ MESSAGE("_getPtOnMyCurve() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ }
+ return ptOnMyCurve;
+void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_nodeInterpolationUV(double u, double v,
+ SMDS_MeshNode* Pg, SMDS_MeshNode* Pd, SMDS_MeshNode* Ph, SMDS_MeshNode* Pb,
+ SMDS_MeshNode* S1, SMDS_MeshNode* S2, SMDS_MeshNode* S3, SMDS_MeshNode* S4,
+ double& xOut, double& yOut, double& zOut )
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("_nodeInterpolationUV() IN:");
+ MESSAGE("u ( "<< u <<" )");
+ MESSAGE("v ( "<< v <<" )");
+ MESSAGE("S1 (" << S1->X() << "," << S1->Y() << "," << S1->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("S2 (" << S2->X() << "," << S2->Y() << "," << S2->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("S4 (" << S4->X() << "," << S4->Y() << "," << S4->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("S3 (" << S3->X() << "," << S3->Y() << "," << S3->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("Pg (" << Pg->X() << "," << Pg->Y() << "," << Pg->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("Pd (" << Pd->X() << "," << Pd->Y() << "," << Pd->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("Ph (" << Ph->X() << "," << Ph->Y() << "," << Ph->Z() << ")");
+ MESSAGE("Pb (" << Pb->X() << "," << Pb->Y() << "," << Pb->Z() << ")");
+ }
+ xOut = ((1.-u)*Pg->X() + v*Ph->X() + u*Pd->X() + (1.-v)*Pb->X()) - (1.-u)*(1.-v)*S1->X() - u*(1.-v)*S2->X() - u*v*S3->X() - (1.-u)*v*S4->X();
+ yOut = ((1.-u)*Pg->Y() + v*Ph->Y() + u*Pd->Y() + (1.-v)*Pb->Y()) - (1.-u)*(1.-v)*S1->Y() - u*(1.-v)*S2->Y() - u*v*S3->Y() - (1.-u)*v*S4->Y();
+ zOut = ((1.-u)*Pg->Z() + v*Ph->Z() + u*Pd->Z() + (1.-v)*Pb->Z()) - (1.-u)*(1.-v)*S1->Z() - u*(1.-v)*S2->Z() - u*v*S3->Z() - (1.-u)*v*S4->Z();
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("_nodeInterpolationUV() OUT("<<xOut<<","<<yOut<<","<<zOut<<" )");
+ }
+TopoDS_Shape SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getShapeOrCompound( const std::vector<HEXA_NS::Shape*>& shapesIn)
+ ASSERT( shapesIn.size()!=0 );
+ if (shapesIn.size() == 1) {
+ HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = shapesIn.front();
+ string strBrep = assoc->getBrep();
+ return string2shape( strBrep );
+ } else {
+ TopoDS_Compound aCompound;
+ BRep_Builder aBuilder;
+ aBuilder.MakeCompound( aCompound );
+ for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = shapesIn.begin();
+ assoc != shapesIn.end();
+ ++assoc ){
+ string strBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();
+ TopoDS_Shape shape = string2shape( strBrep );
+ aBuilder.Add( aCompound, shape );
+ }
+ return aCompound;
+ }
+gp_Pnt SMESH_HexaBlocks::_intersect( const gp_Pnt& Pt,
+ const gp_Vec& u, const gp_Vec& v,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
+ Standard_Real tol )
+ gp_Pnt result;
+ gp_Vec normale = u^v;
+ gp_Dir dir(normale);
+ gp_Lin li( Pt, dir );
+ Standard_Real s = -Precision::Infinite();
+ Standard_Real e = +Precision::Infinite();
+ IntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector inter;
+ inter.Load(shape, tol);
+// inter.Load(S, tol);
+ inter.Perform(li, s, e);//inter.PerformNearest(li, s, e);
+ if ( inter.IsDone() && (inter.NbPnt()==1) ) {
+ result = inter.Pnt(1);//first
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("_intersect() : OK");
+ for ( int i=1; i <= inter.NbPnt(); ++i ){
+ gp_Pnt tmp = inter.Pnt(i);
+ MESSAGE("_intersect() : pnt("<<i<<") = ("<<tmp.X()<<","<<tmp.Y()<<","<<tmp.Z()<<" )");
+ }
+ }
+ _found +=1;
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_intersect() : KO");
+ result = Pt;
+ _notFound +=1;
+ }
+ _total+=1;
+ return result;
+// parameters q : IN, v0: INOUT, v1: INOUT
+void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_searchInitialQuadWay( HEXA_NS::Quad* q, HEXA_NS::Vertex*& v0, HEXA_NS::Vertex*& v1 )
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_searchInitialQuadWay() : begin");
+ v0 = NULL; v1 = NULL;
+ if ( q->getNbrParents() != 1 ) return; // q must be a skin quad
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* qA = q->getVertex(0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* qB = q->getVertex(1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* qC = q->getVertex(2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* qD = q->getVertex(3);
+ // searching for vertex on opposed quad
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex *qAA = NULL, *qBB = NULL, *qCC = NULL, *qDD = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = q->getParent(0);
+ for( int i=0; i < h->countEdge(); ++i ){
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = h->getEdge(i);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0 = e->getVertex(0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* e1 = e->getVertex(1);
+ if ( e0 == qA and e1 != qB and e1 != qC and e1 != qD ){
+ qAA = e1;
+ } else if ( e1 == qA and e0 != qB and e0 != qC and e0 != qD ){
+ qAA = e0;
+ } else if ( e0 == qB and e1 != qA and e1 != qC and e1 != qD ){
+ qBB = e1;
+ } else if ( e1 == qB and e0 != qA and e0 != qC and e0 != qD ){
+ qBB = e0;
+ } else if ( e0 == qC and e1 != qA and e1 != qB and e1 != qD ){
+ qCC = e1;
+ } else if ( e1 == qC and e0 != qA and e0 != qB and e0 != qD ){
+ qCC = e0;
+ } else if ( e0 == qD and e1 != qA and e1 != qB and e1 != qC ){
+ qDD = e1;
+ } else if ( e1 == qD and e0 != qA and e0 != qB and e0 != qC ){
+ qDD = e0;
+ }
+ }
+ // working on final value ( point on CAO ), not on model
+ SMDS_MeshNode *nA = _node[qA], *nAA = _node[qAA];
+ SMDS_MeshNode *nB = _node[qB], *nBB = _node[qBB];
+ SMDS_MeshNode *nC = _node[qC], *nCC = _node[qCC];
+ SMDS_MeshNode *nD = _node[qD], *nDD = _node[qDD];
+ gp_Pnt pA( nA->X(), nA->Y(), nA->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pB( nB->X(), nB->Y(), nB->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pC( nC->X(), nC->Y(), nC->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pD( nD->X(), nD->Y(), nD->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pAA( nAA->X(), nAA->Y(), nAA->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pBB( nBB->X(), nBB->Y(), nBB->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pCC( nCC->X(), nCC->Y(), nCC->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt pDD( nDD->X(), nDD->Y(), nDD->Z() );
+ gp_Vec AB( pA, pB );
+ gp_Vec AC( pA, pC );
+ gp_Vec normP = AB^AC;
+ gp_Dir dirP( normP );
+ // building plane for point projection
+ gp_Pln plnP( gp_Pnt(nA->X(), nA->Y(), nA->Z()), dirP);
+ TopoDS_Shape sPlnP = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plnP).Face();
+ // PAAA is the result of PAA projection
+ gp_Pnt pAAA = _intersect( pAA, AB, AC, sPlnP );
+ gp_Pnt pBBB = _intersect( pBB, AB, AC, sPlnP );
+ gp_Pnt pCCC = _intersect( pCC, AB, AC, sPlnP );
+ gp_Pnt pDDD = _intersect( pDD, AB, AC, sPlnP );
+ gp_Dir AA( gp_Vec(pAA, pAAA) );
+ gp_Dir BB( gp_Vec(pBB, pBBB) );
+ gp_Dir CC( gp_Vec(pCC, pCCC) );
+ gp_Dir DD( gp_Vec(pDD, pDDD) );
+ // eventually, we are able to know if the input quad is a good client!
+ // exit the fonction otherwise
+ if ( AA.IsOpposite(BB, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;
+ if ( BB.IsOpposite(CC, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;
+ if ( CC.IsOpposite(DD, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;
+ // ok, give the input quad the good orientation by
+ // setting 2 vertex
+ if ( !dirP.IsOpposite(AA, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) { //OK
+ v0 = qA; v1 = qB;
+ } else {
+ v0 = qB; v1 = qA;
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_searchInitialQuadWay() : end");
+SMESH_Group* SMESH_HexaBlocks::_createGroup(HEXA_NS::Group& grHex)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_createGroup() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ std::string aGrName = grHex.getName();
+ HEXA_NS::EnumGroup grHexKind = grHex.getKind();
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("aGrName"<<aGrName);
+ SMDSAbs_ElementType aGrType;
+ switch ( grHexKind ){
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaCell : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Volume; break;
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadCell : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Face ; break;
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Edge ; break;
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaNode : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadNode : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode : aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;
+ case HEXA_NS::Vertex_Node: aGrType = SMDSAbs_Node ; break;
+ default : ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ int aId;
+ SMESH_Group* aGr = _theMesh->AddGroup(aGrType, aGrName.c_str(), aId);
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_createGroup() : end >>>>>>>>");
+ return aGr;
+void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_fillGroup(HEXA_NS::Group* grHex )
+ MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : : begin <<<<<<");
+ SMESH_Group* aGr = _createGroup( *grHex );
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase* grHexElt = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::EnumGroup grHexKind = grHex->getKind();
+ int grHexNbElt = grHex->countElement();
+ MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : kind = " << grHexKind);
+ MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : count= " << grHexNbElt);
+ MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : : end <<<<<<");
+ return; // FKL TO DO
+ // A)Looking for elements ID
+ std::vector<const SMDS_MeshElement*> aGrEltIDs;
+ for ( int n=0; n<grHexNbElt; ++n ){
+ grHexElt = grHex->getElement(n);
+ switch ( grHexKind ){
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaCell:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(h);
+ if ( _volumesOnHexa.count(h)>0 ){
+ SMESHVolumes volumes = _volumesOnHexa[h];
+ for ( SMESHVolumes::iterator aVolume = volumes.begin(); aVolume != volumes.end(); ++aVolume ){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aVolume);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF VOLUME: volume for hexa (id = "<<h->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadCell:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* q = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(q);
+ if ( _facesOnQuad.count(q)>0 ){
+ SMESHFaces faces = _facesOnQuad[q];
+ for ( SMESHFaces::iterator aFace = faces.begin(); aFace != faces.end(); ++aFace ){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aFace);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF FACE: face for quad (id = "<<q->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(e);
+ if ( _edgesOnEdge.count(e)>0 ){
+ SMESHEdges edges = _edgesOnEdge[e];
+ for ( SMESHEdges::iterator anEdge = edges.begin(); anEdge != edges.end(); ++anEdge ){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(*anEdge);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF Edge: edge for edge (id = "<<e->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaNode:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(h);
+ if ( _volumesOnHexa.count(h)>0 ){
+ SMESHVolumes volumes = _volumesOnHexa[h];
+ for ( SMESHVolumes::iterator aVolume = volumes.begin(); aVolume != volumes.end(); ++aVolume ){
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeIter = (*aVolume)->nodesIterator();
+ while( aNodeIter->more() ){
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode =
+ dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( aNodeIter->next() );
+ if ( aNode ){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(aNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF HEXA NODES: nodes on hexa (id = "<<h->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadNode:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* q = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(q);
+ if ( _quadNodes.count(q)>0 ){
+ ArrayOfSMESHNodes nodesOnQuad = _quadNodes[q];
+ for ( ArrayOfSMESHNodes::iterator nodes = nodesOnQuad.begin(); nodes != nodesOnQuad.end(); ++nodes){
+ for ( SMESHNodes::iterator aNode = nodes->begin(); aNode != nodes->end(); ++aNode){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aNode);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF QUAD NODES: nodes on quad (id = "<<q->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(e);
+ if ( _nodesOnEdge.count(e)>0 ){
+ SMESHNodes nodes = _nodesOnEdge[e];
+ for ( SMESHNodes::iterator aNode = nodes.begin(); aNode != nodes.end(); ++aNode){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(*aNode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF EDGE NODES: nodes on edge (id = "<<e->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::Vertex_Node:
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(grHexElt);
+ ASSERT(v);
+ if ( _node.count(v)>0 ){
+ aGrEltIDs.push_back(_node[v]);
+ } else {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GROUP OF VERTEX NODES: nodes for vertex (id = "<<v->getId()<<") not found");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default : ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // B)Filling the group on SMESH
+ SMESHDS_Group* aGroupDS = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( aGr->GetGroupDS() );
+ for ( int i=0; i < aGrEltIDs.size(); i++ ) {
+ aGroupDS->SMDSGroup().Add( aGrEltIDs[i] );
+ };
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_fillGroup() : end >>>>>>>>");
+// not used, for backup purpose only:
+void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getCurve( const std::vector<HEXA_NS::Shape*>& shapesIn,
+ Handle_Geom_Curve& curveOut, double& curveFirstOut, double& curveLastOut )
+// std::cout<<"------------------- _getCurve ------------ "<<std::endl;
+ GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve* gen = NULL;
+ double curvesLenght = 0.;
+ double curvesFirst = shapesIn.front()->debut;
+ double curvesLast = shapesIn.back()->fin;
+ for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = shapesIn.begin();
+ assoc != shapesIn.end();
+ ++assoc ){
+ string strBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();
+ TopoDS_Shape shape = string2shape( strBrep );
+ TopoDS_Edge Edge = TopoDS::Edge(shape);
+ double f, l;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(Edge, f, l);
+ curvesLenght += l-f;
+ Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) bCurve = Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve)::DownCast(curve);
+ if ( gen == NULL ){
+ gen = new GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve(bCurve);
+ } else {
+ bool bb=gen->Add(bCurve, Precision::Confusion(), Standard_True, Standard_False, 1);
+ ASSERT(bb);
+ }
+ }
+ curveFirstOut = curvesFirst/curvesLenght;
+ curveLastOut = curvesLenght - (1.-curvesLast)/curvesLenght;
+ curveOut = gen->BSplineCurve();
+ std::cout<<"curvesFirst -> "<<curvesFirst<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"curvesLast -> "<<curvesLast<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"curvesLenght -> "<<curvesLenght<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"curveFirstOut -> "<<curveFirstOut<<std::endl;
+ std::cout<<"curveLastOut -> "<<curveLastOut<<std::endl;
+// bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::_areSame(double a, double b)
+// {
+// return fabs(a - b) < HEXA_EPSILON;
+// }
+// // MESSAGE("Angular() :" << dir2.IsOpposite(dir1, Precision::Angular()));
+// // ASSERT( dir2.IsParallel(dir1, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) );
+// // bool test2 = norm2.IsOpposite(norm1, HEXA_QUAD_WAY2) == norm3.IsOpposite(norm1, HEXA_QUAD_WAY2);
+// // way = norm1.IsOpposite(norm3.Reversed(), HEXA_QUAD_WAY2);
+// gp_Pnt p( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() );
+// gp_Pnt ptOnPlane;
+// gp_Pnt ptOnSurface;
+// gp_Pnt ptOnPlaneOrSurface;
+// // gp_Vec norm2(p1, p);
+// TopoDS_Shape planeOrSurface;
+// gp_Pln pln(p1, dir1);
+// TopoDS_Shape shapePln = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(pln).Face();
+// ptOnPlane = _intersect( p, a1, b1, shapePln );
+// ptOnPlaneOrSurface = ptOnPlane;
+// // if ( assoc != NULL ){
+// // MESSAGE("_computeQuadWay with assoc");
+// for( int i=0; i < h->countEdge(); ++i ){
+// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = h->getEdge(i);
+// if ( e->definedBy(v1,v2) ){
+// const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> assocs = e->getAssociations();
+// if ( assocs.size() != 0 ){
+// HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = assocs[0]; //CS_TODO
+// string theBrep = assoc->getBrep();
+// TopoDS_Shape theShape = string2shape( theBrep );
+// ptOnSurface = _intersect( p, a1, b1, theShape );
+// if ( !ptOnSurface.IsEqual(p, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
+// ptOnPlaneOrSurface = ptOnSurface;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }