print " %d. Test Med " % step; step+=1
print "======================================================================"
-import SALOME_MED
+import xmed
+from xmed import properties
+from xmed.fieldproxy import FieldProxy
-medFileName = ""
-medFile = os.path.join(os.getenv('DATA_DIR'), 'MedFiles', medFileName)
-med_comp = salome.myStudy.FindComponent("MED")
+# Load some test data in the MedDataManager
+filepath = properties.testFilePath
+fieldHandlerList = xmed.dataManager.getFieldHandlerList()
-if not med_comp:
- med = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "MED")
+fieldHandler0 = fieldHandlerList[0]
+print "---Field Handler 0:\n%s" % fieldHandler0
+fieldHandler1 = fieldHandlerList[1]
+print "---Field Handler 1:\n%s" % fieldHandler1
- print
- print "--- Read med file structure from %s ..." % medFile
- med.readStructFileWithFieldType(medFile, salome.myStudyName)
- print "OK"
- pass
+print "--- The addition of two fields can be done using field handler directly."
+addFieldHandler = xmed.calculator.add(fieldHandler0, fieldHandler1)
+print "--- Result handler:\n%s" % addFieldHandler
+print "--- Or with a field proxy that easy the writing of operations."
+fieldProxy0 = FieldProxy(fieldHandler0)
+fieldProxy1 = FieldProxy(fieldHandler1)
+resHandler = fieldProxy0 + fieldProxy1
+if resHandler is None:
+ print "Error: result handler is None!"
- print
- print "This script cannot work properly, because there is"
- print "some MED component data already existing in the study."
- print "Execution aborted."
- print
- print "Skipping test for MED..."
- pass
+ print "--- Result handler:\n%s" % resHandler
+ print "OK"
import VISU
+medFileName = ""
+medFile = os.path.join(os.getenv('DATA_DIR'), 'MedFiles', medFileName)
aMeshName = "maa1"
anEntity = VISU.NODE
field_name = "fieldnodedouble"
import visu_gui
visu = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "VISU")
- if not med_comp:
- print
- print "--- Get med object from study ..."
- med_obj = visu_gui.visu.getMedObjectFromStudy()
- if not med_obj:
- raise RuntimeError, "Med object is not found in the study"
- print "OK"
- print
- print "--- Get field from study ..."
- field = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(3,1)
- if not field:
- raise RuntimeError, "Field object is not found in the study"
- print "OK"
- print
- print "--- Import field to the VISU ..."
- aTimeStampId = -1
- result1 = visu.ImportMedField(field)
- if not result1:
- raise RuntimeError, "Can't import field"
- print "OK"
- print
- print "--- Create mesh presentation ..."
- mesh1 = visu.MeshOnEntity(result1, aMeshName, anEntity);
- if not mesh1:
- raise RuntimeError, "Can't create mesh presentation"
- print "OK"
- print
- print "--- Create scalar map ..."
- scalarMap1 = visu.ScalarMapOnField(result1, aMeshName, anEntity, field_name, aTimeStampId)
- if not scalarMap1:
- raise RuntimeError, "Can't create scalar map"
- print "OK"
- pass # if not med_comp
print "--- Import med file %s to the VISU ..." % medFile
result2 = visu.ImportFile(medFile);