using namespace XAO;
-std::string XaoExporter::readStringProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute,
- const bool& required, const std::string& defaultValue,
- const std::string& exception /*= std::string() */)
+namespace {
+ xmlDocPtr exportXMLDoc(Xao* xaoObject);
+ void exportGeometry(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xao);
+ void exportGeometricElements(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlNodePtr topology,
+ XAO::Dimension dim, const xmlChar* colTag, const xmlChar* eltTag);
+ void exportGroups(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao);
+ void exportFields(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao);
+ void exportStep(Step* step, Field* field, xmlNodePtr nodeSteps);
+ void parseXMLDoc(xmlDocPtr doc, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseXaoNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xaoNode, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseGeometryNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr geometryNode, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseShapeNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr shapeNode, Geometry* geometry);
+ void parseTopologyNode(xmlNodePtr topologyNode, Geometry* geometry);
+ void parseVerticesNode(xmlNodePtr verticesNode, Geometry* geometry);
+ void parseEdgesNode(xmlNodePtr edgesNode, Geometry* geometry);
+ void parseFacesNode(xmlNodePtr facesNode, Geometry* geometry);
+ void parseSolidsNode(xmlNodePtr solidsNode, Geometry* geometry);
+ void parseGroupsNode(xmlNodePtr groupsNode, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseGroupNode(xmlNodePtr groupNode, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseFieldsNode(xmlNodePtr fieldsNode, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseFieldNode(xmlNodePtr fieldNode, Xao* xaoObject);
+ void parseStepNode(xmlNodePtr stepNode, Field* field);
+ void parseStepElementNode(xmlNodePtr eltNode, Step* step);
+ std::string readStringProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute,
+ const bool& required, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& exception = std::string(""));
+ int readIntegerProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute,
+ const bool& required, const int& defaultValue, const std::string& exception = std::string(""));
+ std::string readStringProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute,
+ const bool& required, const std::string& defaultValue,
+ const std::string& exception /*= std::string() */)
+ {
xmlChar* strAttr = xmlGetProp(node, attribute);
if (strAttr == NULL)
std::string res = (char*)strAttr;
return res;
+ }
-int XaoExporter::readIntegerProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute,
- const bool& required, const int& defaultValue,
- const std::string& exception /*= std::string() */)
+ int readIntegerProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute,
+ const bool& required, const int& defaultValue,
+ const std::string& exception /*= std::string() */)
+ {
xmlChar* strAttr = xmlGetProp(node, attribute);
if (strAttr == NULL)
int res = XaoUtils::stringToInt((char*)strAttr);
return res;
-const bool XaoExporter::saveToFile(Xao* xaoObject, const std::string& fileName)
-throw (XAO_Exception)
- xmlDocPtr doc = exportXMLDoc(xaoObject);
- xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(fileName.c_str(), doc, "UTF-8", 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- return true;
-const std::string XaoExporter::saveToXml(Xao* xaoObject)
-throw (XAO_Exception)
- xmlDocPtr doc = exportXMLDoc(xaoObject);
+ }
- xmlChar *xmlbuff;
- int buffersize;
- xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- xmlCleanupGlobals();
- return (char*)xmlbuff;
-xmlDocPtr XaoExporter::exportXMLDoc(Xao* xaoObject)
+ xmlDocPtr exportXMLDoc(Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
// Creating the Xml document
xmlDocPtr masterDocument = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0");
xmlNodePtr xao = xmlNewNode(0, C_TAG_XAO);
exportFields(xaoObject, xao);
return masterDocument;
+ }
-void XaoExporter::exportGeometricElements(Geometry* xaoGeometry,
- xmlNodePtr topology, XAO::Dimension dim, const xmlChar* colTag, const xmlChar* eltTag)
+ void exportGeometricElements(Geometry* xaoGeometry,
+ xmlNodePtr topology, XAO::Dimension dim, const xmlChar* colTag, const xmlChar* eltTag)
+ {
xmlNodePtr vertices = xmlNewChild(topology, 0, colTag, 0);
xmlNewProp(vertices, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(xaoGeometry->countElements(dim)).c_str());
GeometricElementList::iterator it = xaoGeometry->begin(dim);
xmlNewProp(vertex, C_ATTR_ELT_NAME, BAD_CAST elt.getName().c_str());
xmlNewProp(vertex, C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE, BAD_CAST elt.getReference().c_str());
+ }
-void XaoExporter::exportGeometry(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xao)
+ void exportGeometry(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xao)
+ {
// Geometric part
xmlNodePtr geometry = xmlNewChild(xao, 0, C_TAG_GEOMETRY, 0);
xmlNewProp(geometry, C_ATTR_GEOMETRY_NAME, BAD_CAST xaoGeometry->getName().c_str());
exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::EDGE, C_TAG_EDGES, C_TAG_EDGE);
exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::FACE, C_TAG_FACES, C_TAG_FACE);
exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::SOLID, C_TAG_SOLIDS, C_TAG_SOLID);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::exportGroups(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao)
+ void exportGroups(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao)
+ {
xmlNodePtr groups = xmlNewChild(xao, 0, C_TAG_GROUPS, 0);
xmlNewProp(groups, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(xaoObject->countGroups()).c_str());
xmlNewProp(elt, C_ATTR_ELEMENT_INDEX, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(grpElt).c_str());
+ }
-void XaoExporter::exportFields(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao)
+ void exportFields(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao)
+ {
xmlNodePtr fields = xmlNewChild(xao, 0, C_TAG_FIELDS, 0);
xmlNewProp(fields, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(xaoObject->countFields()).c_str());
exportStep(step, field, nodeSteps);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::exportStep(Step* step, Field* field, xmlNodePtr nodeSteps)
+ void exportStep(Step* step, Field* field, xmlNodePtr nodeSteps)
+ {
xmlNodePtr nodeStep = xmlNewChild(nodeSteps, 0, C_TAG_STEP, 0);
xmlNewProp(nodeStep, C_ATTR_STEP_NUMBER, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(step->getStep()).c_str());
if (step->getStamp() >= 0)
xmlNewProp(nodeValue, C_ATTR_VALUE_COMPONENT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(j).c_str());
-const bool XaoExporter::readFromFile(const std::string& fileName, Xao* xaoObject)
-throw (XAO_Exception)
- // parse the file and get the DOM
- xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(fileName.c_str(), NULL, options);
- if (doc == NULL)
- {
- throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO file");
- }
- parseXMLDoc(doc, xaoObject);
- return true;
-const bool XaoExporter::setXML(const std::string& xml, Xao* xaoObject)
-throw (XAO_Exception)
- xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadDoc(BAD_CAST xml.c_str(), "", NULL, options);
- if (doc == NULL)
- {
- throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO stream");
- }
+ }
- parseXMLDoc(doc, xaoObject);
- return true;
-void XaoExporter::parseXMLDoc(xmlDocPtr doc, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseXMLDoc(xmlDocPtr doc, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
// Get the root element node
xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
if (xmlStrcmp(root->name , C_TAG_XAO) != 0)
xmlFreeDoc(doc); // free document
xmlCleanupParser(); // free globals
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseXaoNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xaoNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseXaoNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xaoNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
std::string version = readStringProp(xaoNode, C_ATTR_XAO_VERSION, false, "");
if (version != "")
else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_FIELDS) == 0)
parseFieldsNode(node, xaoObject);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseGeometryNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr geometryNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseGeometryNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr geometryNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
// get the shape and topo nodes
xmlNodePtr shapeNode = NULL;
xmlNodePtr topoNode = NULL;
parseTopologyNode(topoNode, geometry);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseShapeNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr shapeNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ void parseShapeNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr shapeNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ {
if (geometry->getFormat() == XAO::BREP)
xmlChar* data = xmlNodeGetContent(shapeNode->children);
throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Shape format not supported: "
<< XaoUtils::shapeFormatToString(geometry->getFormat()));
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseTopologyNode(xmlNodePtr topologyNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ void parseTopologyNode(xmlNodePtr topologyNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ {
for (xmlNodePtr node = topologyNode->children; node; node = node->next)
if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_VERTICES) == 0)
else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_SOLIDS) == 0)
parseSolidsNode(node, geometry);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseVerticesNode(xmlNodePtr verticesNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ void parseVerticesNode(xmlNodePtr verticesNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ {
int count = readIntegerProp(verticesNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1);
geometry->setVertex(index, name, reference);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseEdgesNode(xmlNodePtr edgesNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ void parseEdgesNode(xmlNodePtr edgesNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ {
int count = readIntegerProp(edgesNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1);
geometry->setEdge(index, name, reference);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseFacesNode(xmlNodePtr facesNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ void parseFacesNode(xmlNodePtr facesNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ {
int count = readIntegerProp(facesNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1);
geometry->setFace(index, name, reference);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseSolidsNode(xmlNodePtr solidsNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ void parseSolidsNode(xmlNodePtr solidsNode, Geometry* geometry)
+ {
int count = readIntegerProp(solidsNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1);
geometry->setSolid(index, name, reference);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseGroupsNode(xmlNodePtr groupsNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseGroupsNode(xmlNodePtr groupsNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
for (xmlNodePtr node = groupsNode->children; node; node = node->next)
if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_GROUP) == 0)
parseGroupNode(node, xaoObject);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseGroupNode(xmlNodePtr groupNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseGroupNode(xmlNodePtr groupNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
std::string strDimension = readStringProp(groupNode, C_ATTR_GROUP_DIM, true, "");
XAO::Dimension dim = XaoUtils::stringToDimension(strDimension);
Group* group = xaoObject->addGroup(dim);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseFieldsNode(xmlNodePtr fieldsNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseFieldsNode(xmlNodePtr fieldsNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
for (xmlNodePtr node = fieldsNode->children; node; node = node->next)
if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_FIELD) == 0)
parseFieldNode(node, xaoObject);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseFieldNode(xmlNodePtr fieldNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ void parseFieldNode(xmlNodePtr fieldNode, Xao* xaoObject)
+ {
std::string strDimension = readStringProp(fieldNode, C_ATTR_FIELD_DIMENSION, true, "");
XAO::Dimension dim = XaoUtils::stringToDimension(strDimension);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseStepNode(xmlNodePtr stepNode, Field* field)
+ void parseStepNode(xmlNodePtr stepNode, Field* field)
+ {
int stepNumber = readIntegerProp(stepNode, C_ATTR_STEP_NUMBER, true, -1);
Step* step = field->addNewStep(stepNumber);
parseStepElementNode(eltNode, step);
+ }
-void XaoExporter::parseStepElementNode(xmlNodePtr eltNode, Step* step)
+ void parseStepElementNode(xmlNodePtr eltNode, Step* step)
+ {
int index = readIntegerProp(eltNode, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, true, -1);
for (xmlNodePtr valNode = eltNode->children; valNode; valNode = valNode->next)
step->setStringValue(index, component, value);
+ }
+const bool XaoExporter::saveToFile(Xao* xaoObject, const std::string& fileName)
+throw (XAO_Exception)
+ xmlDocPtr doc = exportXMLDoc(xaoObject);
+ xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(fileName.c_str(), doc, "UTF-8", 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
+ xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ return true;
+const std::string XaoExporter::saveToXml(Xao* xaoObject)
+throw (XAO_Exception)
+ xmlDocPtr doc = exportXMLDoc(xaoObject);
+ xmlChar *xmlbuff;
+ int buffersize;
+ xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
+ xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ xmlCleanupGlobals();
+ return (char*)xmlbuff;
+const bool XaoExporter::readFromFile(const std::string& fileName, Xao* xaoObject)
+throw (XAO_Exception)
+ // parse the file and get the DOM
+ xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(fileName.c_str(), NULL, options);
+ if (doc == NULL)
+ {
+ throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO file");
+ }
+ parseXMLDoc(doc, xaoObject);
+ return true;
+const bool XaoExporter::setXML(const std::string& xml, Xao* xaoObject)
+throw (XAO_Exception)
+ xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadDoc(BAD_CAST xml.c_str(), "", NULL, options);
+ if (doc == NULL)
+ {
+ throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO stream");
+ }
+ parseXMLDoc(doc, xaoObject);
+ return true;