out SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus theStatus )
raises ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
+ /*!
+ * Create Mesh object(s) importing data from given MED file
+ */
+ mesh_array CreateMeshesFromSAUV( in string theFileName,
+ out SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus theStatus )
+ raises ( SALOME::SALOME_Exception );
* Create Mesh object importing data from given STL file
void ExportMED( in string file, in boolean auto_groups )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ /*!
+ * Export Mesh to SAUV formatted file
+ * Write a temporary med file and use med2sauv
+ */
+ void ExportSAUV( in string file, in boolean auto_groups )
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* Return string representation of a MED file version comprising nbDigits
return aMeshes, aStatus
+ ## Creates a Mesh object(s) importing data from the given SAUV file
+ # @return a list of Mesh class instances
+ # @ingroup l2_impexp
+ def CreateMeshesFromSAUV( self,theFileName ):
+ aSmeshMeshes, aStatus = SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen.CreateMeshesFromSAUV(self,theFileName)
+ aMeshes = []
+ for iMesh in range(len(aSmeshMeshes)) :
+ aMesh = Mesh(self, self.geompyD, aSmeshMeshes[iMesh])
+ aMeshes.append(aMesh)
+ return aMeshes, aStatus
## Creates a Mesh object importing data from the given STL file
# @return an instance of Mesh class
# @ingroup l2_impexp
def ExportMED(self, f, auto_groups=0, version=MED_V2_2, overwrite=1):
self.mesh.ExportToMEDX(f, auto_groups, version, overwrite)
+ ## Exports the mesh in a file in SAUV format
+ # @param f is the file name
+ # @param auto_groups boolean parameter for creating/not creating
+ # the groups Group_On_All_Nodes, Group_On_All_Faces, ... ;
+ # the typical use is auto_groups=false.
+ # @ingroup l2_impexp
+ def ExportSAUV(self, f, auto_groups=0):
+ self.mesh.ExportSAUV(f, auto_groups)
## Exports the mesh in a file in DAT format
# @param f the file name
# @ingroup l2_impexp