return self.editor.TriToQuadObject(theObject, Functor, MaxAngle)
## Splits quadrangles into triangles.
- #
# @param IDsOfElements the faces to be splitted.
# @param theCriterion is a numerical functor, in terms of enum SMESH.FunctorType, used to
# choose a diagonal for splitting. If @a theCriterion is None, which is a default
Functor = self.smeshpyD.GetFunctor(theCriterion)
return self.editor.QuadToTriObject(theObject, Functor)
+ ## Splits each of given quadrangles into 4 triangles. A node is added at the center of
+ # a quadrangle.
+ # @param theElements the faces to be splitted. This can be either mesh, sub-mesh,
+ # group or a list of face IDs. By default all quadrangles are split
+ # @ingroup l2_modif_cutquadr
+ def QuadTo4Tri (self, theElements=[]):
+ if isinstance( theElements, Mesh ):
+ theElements = theElements.mesh
+ elif not theElements:
+ theElements = self.mesh
+ elif isinstance( theElements, list ):
+ theElements = self.GetIDSource( theElements, SMESH.FACE )
+ return self.editor.QuadTo4Tri( theElements )
## Splits quadrangles into triangles.
# @param IDsOfElements the faces to be splitted
# @param Diag13 is used to choose a diagonal for splitting.
# @param theToBiQuad If True, converts the mesh to bi-quadratic
# @ingroup l2_modif_tofromqu
def ConvertToQuadratic(self, theForce3d, theSubMesh=None, theToBiQuad=False):
+ if isinstance( theSubMesh, Mesh ):
+ theSubMesh = theSubMesh.mesh
if theToBiQuad:
+ error = self.editor.GetLastError()
+ if error and error.comment:
+ print error.comment
## Converts the mesh from quadratic to ordinary,
# deletes old quadratic elements, \n replacing