import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle
from server import *
import orbmodule
-#process_id = {}
-# salome_subdir variable is used for composing paths like $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR/share/salome/resources, etc.
-# before moving to SUIT-based gui, instead of salome_subdir there was args['appname'] used.
-# but after - 'appname' = "SalomeApp", so using it in making the subdirectory is an error.
-salome_subdir = "salome"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def add_path(directory, variable_name):
- """Function helper to add environment variables"""
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- splitsym = ";"
- else:
- splitsym = ":"
- if not os.environ.has_key(variable_name):
- os.environ[variable_name] = ""
- pass
- if os.path.exists(directory):
- newpath=[]
- for _dir in os.environ[variable_name].split(splitsym):
- if os.path.exists(_dir):
- try:
- if not os.path.samefile(_dir, directory):
- newpath.append(_dir)
- except:
- if _dir != directory:
- newpath.append(_dir)
- else:
- if os.path.abspath(_dir) != os.path.abspath(directory):
- newpath.append(_dir)
- pass
- import string
- newpath[:0] = [ directory ]
- newpath = string.join(newpath, splitsym)
- os.environ[variable_name] = newpath
- if variable_name == "PYTHONPATH":
- sys.path[:0] = [directory]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def get_config():
- """
- Get list of modules, paths.
- Read args from launch configure xml file and command line options.
- Check variables <module>_ROOT_DIR and set list of used modules.
- Return args, modules_list, modules_root_dir
- """
- # read args from launch configure xml file and command line options
- import launchConfigureParser
- args = launchConfigureParser.args
- # Check variables <module>_ROOT_DIR
- # and set list of used modules (without KERNEL)
- modules_list = []
- if args.has_key("modules"):
- modules_list += args["modules"]
- # KERNEL must be last in the list to locate it at the first place in PATH
- if args["gui"] :
- modules_list[:0] = ["GUI"]
- modules_list[:0] = ["KERNEL"]
- modules_list.reverse()
- modules_root_dir = {}
- to_remove_list=[]
- for module in modules_list :
- module_variable=module.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"
- if not os.environ.has_key(module_variable):
- print "*******************************************************"
- print "*"
- print "* Environment variable",module_variable,"must be set"
- print "* Module", module, "will be not available"
- print "*"
- print "********************************************************"
- to_remove_list.append(module)
- continue
- pass
- module_root_dir = os.environ[module_variable]
- modules_root_dir[module]=module_root_dir
- for to_remove in to_remove_list:
- modules_list.remove(to_remove)
- while "KERNEL" in modules_list:
- modules_list.remove("KERNEL")
- pass
- while "GUI" in modules_list:
- modules_list.remove("GUI")
- pass
- if "SUPERV" in modules_list and not 'superv' in args['standalone']:
- args['standalone'].append("superv")
- pass
- return args, modules_list, modules_root_dir
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
- """Add to the PATH-variables modules specific paths"""
- python_version="python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[0:2]
- modules_root_dir_list = []
- if args["gui"] :
- modules_list = modules_list[:] + ["GUI"]
- modules_list = modules_list[:] + ["KERNEL"]
- for module in modules_list :
- if modules_root_dir.has_key(module):
- module_root_dir = modules_root_dir[module]
- modules_root_dir_list[:0] = [module_root_dir]
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin",salome_subdir),
- "PATH")
- if os.path.exists(module_root_dir + "/examples") :
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"examples"),
- pass
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",
- python_version,"site-packages",
- salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",
- python_version,"site-packages",
- salome_subdir,
- "shared_modules"),
- pass
- pass
- os.environ["SALOMEPATH"]=":".join(modules_root_dir_list)
- # set trace environment variable
- if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_trace"):
- os.environ["SALOME_trace"]="local"
- if args['file']:
- os.environ["SALOME_trace"]="file:"+args['file'][0]
- if args['logger']:
- os.environ["SALOME_trace"]="with_logger"
- # set environment for SMESH plugins
- if "SMESH" in modules_list:
- os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]="StdMeshers"
- if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_StdMeshersResources"):
- os.environ["SALOME_StdMeshersResources"] \
- = modules_root_dir["SMESH"]+"/share/"+args["appname"]+"/resources"
- pass
- if args.has_key("SMESH_plugins"):
- for plugin in args["SMESH_plugins"]:
- plugin_root = ""
- if os.environ.has_key(plugin+"_ROOT_DIR"):
- plugin_root = os.environ[plugin+"_ROOT_DIR"]
- else:
- # workaround to avoid modifications of existing environment
- if os.environ.has_key(plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"):
- plugin_root = os.environ[plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"]
- pass
- pass
- if plugin_root != "":
- os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"] \
- = os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]+":"+plugin
- if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"):
- os.environ["SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"] \
- = plugin_root+"/share/"+args["appname"]+"/resources"
- add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",python_version,
- "site-packages",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",salome_subdir),
- add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",salome_subdir),
- "PATH")
- pass
- pass
- # set environment for SUPERV module
- os.environ["ENABLE_MACRO_NODE"]="1"
- # set resources variables if not yet set
- # Done now by
- #if os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR"):
- #if not os.getenv("SUITRoot"): os.environ["SUITRoot"] = os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR") + "/share/salome"
- #if not os.getenv("SalomeAppConfig"): os.environ["SalomeAppConfig"] = os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR") + "/share/salome/resources"
- # set CSF_PluginDefaults variable only if it is not customized
- # by the user
- if not os.getenv("CSF_PluginDefaults"):
- os.environ["CSF_PluginDefaults"] \
- = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
- os.environ["CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults"] \
- = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
- if "GEOM" in modules_list:
- print "GEOM OCAF Resources"
- os.environ["CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults"] \
- = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
- print "GEOM Shape Healing Resources"
- os.environ["CSF_ShHealingDefaults"] \
- = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
+import setenv
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print "command = ", command
if sys.platform == "win32":
import win32pm
- pid = win32pm.spawnpid( string.join(command, " ") )
+ pid = win32pm.spawnpid( string.join(command, " "),'-nc' )
pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, command[0], command)
def __init__(self,args):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.SCMD1=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server' + ".exe",'-common']
- else:
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server','-common']
+ #if sys.platform == "win32":
+ # self.SCMD1=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server' + ".exe",'-common']
+ #else:
+ self.SCMD1=['SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server','-common']
if home_dir is not None:
#print " ", module_cata
- "share",salome_subdir,
+ "share",setenv.salome_subdir,
def __init__(self,args):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOMEDS_Server' + ".exe"]
- else:
- self.CMD=['SALOMEDS_Server']
+# if sys.platform == "win32":
+# self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOMEDS_Server' + ".exe"]
+# else:
+ self.CMD=['SALOMEDS_Server']
# ---
def __init__(self,args):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Registry_Server'+ ".exe", '--salome_session','theSession']
- else:
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Registry_Server', '--salome_session','theSession']
+# if sys.platform == "win32":
+# self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Registry_Server'+ ".exe", '--salome_session','theSession']
+# else:
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_Registry_Server', '--salome_session','theSession']
# ---
def __init__(self,args):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Container' + ".exe",'FactoryServer']
- else:
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Container','FactoryServer']
+# if sys.platform == "win32":
+# self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Container' + ".exe",'FactoryServer']
+# else:
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_Container','FactoryServer']
# ---
def __init__(self,args):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Container' + ".exe",'SuperVisionContainer']
- else:
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Container','SuperVisionContainer']
+# if sys.platform == "win32":
+# self.CMD=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Container' + ".exe",'SuperVisionContainer']
+# else:
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_Container','SuperVisionContainer']
# ---
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.SCMD1=[os.environ["GUI_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Session_Server' + ".exe"]
- else:
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_Session_Server']
+# if sys.platform == "win32":
+# self.SCMD1=[os.environ["GUI_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_Session_Server' + ".exe"]
+# else:
+ self.SCMD1=['SALOME_Session_Server']
if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
#print " ", module_cata
- salome_subdir,"resources",
+ setenv.salome_subdir,"resources",
if (self.args["gui"]) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + [string.join(cata_path,':')] + self.SCMD2
def __init__(self,args):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.SCMD1=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_ContainerManagerServer' + ".exe"]
- else:
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_ContainerManagerServer']
+# if sys.platform == "win32":
+# self.SCMD1=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_ContainerManagerServer' + ".exe"]
+# else:
+ self.SCMD1=['SALOME_ContainerManagerServer']
if args["gui"] :
if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
os.environ["CSF_PluginDefaults"] \
= os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
+ setenv.salome_subdir,"resources")
os.environ["CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults"] \
= os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
+ setenv.salome_subdir,"resources")
if "GEOM" in modules_list:
print "GEOM OCAF Resources"
os.environ["CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults"] \
= os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
+ setenv.salome_subdir,"resources")
print "GEOM Shape Healing Resources"
os.environ["CSF_ShHealingDefaults"] \
= os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",
- salome_subdir,"resources")
+ setenv.salome_subdir,"resources")
print "ARGS = ",args
if ('study' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0):
def main():
"""Salome launch as a main application"""
- args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = get_config()
+ args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = setenv.get_config()
- set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ #invokation of set_env moved to separate file
+ #set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ setenv.main()
clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
return clt,args
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle
+# this file is extraction of set_env from
+# for reusage in automated tests
+# salome_subdir variable is used for composing paths like $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR/share/salome/resources, etc.
+# before moving to SUIT-based gui, instead of salome_subdir there was args['appname'] used.
+# but after - 'appname' = "SalomeApp", so using it in making the subdirectory is an error.
+salome_subdir = "salome"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_path(directory, variable_name):
+ """Function helper to add environment variables"""
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ splitsym = ";"
+ else:
+ splitsym = ":"
+ if not os.environ.has_key(variable_name):
+ os.environ[variable_name] = ""
+ pass
+ if os.path.exists(directory):
+ newpath=[]
+ for _dir in os.environ[variable_name].split(splitsym):
+ if os.path.exists(_dir):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.samefile(_dir, directory):
+ newpath.append(_dir)
+ except:
+ if _dir != directory:
+ newpath.append(_dir)
+ else:
+ if os.path.abspath(_dir) != os.path.abspath(directory):
+ newpath.append(_dir)
+ pass
+ import string
+ newpath[:0] = [ directory ]
+ newpath = string.join(newpath, splitsym)
+ os.environ[variable_name] = newpath
+ if variable_name == "PYTHONPATH":
+ sys.path[:0] = [directory]
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_config():
+ """
+ Get list of modules, paths.
+ Read args from launch configure xml file and command line options.
+ Check variables <module>_ROOT_DIR and set list of used modules.
+ Return args, modules_list, modules_root_dir
+ """
+ # read args from launch configure xml file and command line options
+ import launchConfigureParser
+ args = launchConfigureParser.args
+ # Check variables <module>_ROOT_DIR
+ # and set list of used modules (without KERNEL)
+ modules_list = []
+ if args.has_key("modules"):
+ modules_list += args["modules"]
+ # KERNEL must be last in the list to locate it at the first place in PATH
+ if args["gui"] :
+ modules_list[:0] = ["GUI"]
+ modules_list[:0] = ["KERNEL"]
+ modules_list.reverse()
+ modules_root_dir = {}
+ to_remove_list=[]
+ for module in modules_list :
+ module_variable=module.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"
+ if not os.environ.has_key(module_variable):
+ print "*******************************************************"
+ print "*"
+ print "* Environment variable",module_variable,"must be set"
+ print "* Module", module, "will be not available"
+ print "*"
+ print "********************************************************"
+ to_remove_list.append(module)
+ continue
+ pass
+ module_root_dir = os.environ[module_variable]
+ modules_root_dir[module]=module_root_dir
+ for to_remove in to_remove_list:
+ modules_list.remove(to_remove)
+ while "KERNEL" in modules_list:
+ modules_list.remove("KERNEL")
+ pass
+ while "GUI" in modules_list:
+ modules_list.remove("GUI")
+ pass
+ if "SUPERV" in modules_list and not 'superv' in args['standalone']:
+ args['standalone'].append("superv")
+ pass
+ return args, modules_list, modules_root_dir
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
+ """Add to the PATH-variables modules specific paths"""
+ python_version="python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[0:2]
+ modules_root_dir_list = []
+ if args["gui"] :
+ modules_list = modules_list[:] + ["GUI"]
+ modules_list = modules_list[:] + ["KERNEL"]
+ for module in modules_list :
+ if modules_root_dir.has_key(module):
+ module_root_dir = modules_root_dir[module]
+ modules_root_dir_list[:0] = [module_root_dir]
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",salome_subdir),
+ "PATH")
+ else:
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin",salome_subdir),
+ "PATH")
+ if os.path.exists(module_root_dir + "/examples") :
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"examples"),
+ pass
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",
+ python_version,"site-packages",
+ salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",
+ python_version,"site-packages",
+ salome_subdir,
+ "shared_modules"),
+ pass
+ pass
+ os.environ["SALOMEPATH"]=":".join(modules_root_dir_list)
+ # set trace environment variable
+ if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_trace"):
+ os.environ["SALOME_trace"]="local"
+ if args['file']:
+ os.environ["SALOME_trace"]="file:"+args['file'][0]
+ if args['logger']:
+ os.environ["SALOME_trace"]="with_logger"
+ # set environment for SMESH plugins
+ if "SMESH" in modules_list:
+ os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]="StdMeshers"
+ if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_StdMeshersResources"):
+ os.environ["SALOME_StdMeshersResources"] \
+ = modules_root_dir["SMESH"]+"/share/"+args["appname"]+"/resources"
+ pass
+ if args.has_key("SMESH_plugins"):
+ for plugin in args["SMESH_plugins"]:
+ plugin_root = ""
+ if os.environ.has_key(plugin+"_ROOT_DIR"):
+ plugin_root = os.environ[plugin+"_ROOT_DIR"]
+ else:
+ # workaround to avoid modifications of existing environment
+ if os.environ.has_key(plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"):
+ plugin_root = os.environ[plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"]
+ pass
+ pass
+ if plugin_root != "":
+ os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"] \
+ = os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]+":"+plugin
+ if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"):
+ os.environ["SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"] \
+ = plugin_root+"/share/"+args["appname"]+"/resources"
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",python_version,
+ "site-packages",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",salome_subdir),
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",salome_subdir),
+ "PATH")
+ pass
+ pass
+ # set environment for SUPERV module
+ os.environ["ENABLE_MACRO_NODE"]="1"
+ # set resources variables if not yet set
+ # Done now by
+ #if os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR"):
+ #if not os.getenv("SUITRoot"): os.environ["SUITRoot"] = os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR") + "/share/salome"
+ #if not os.getenv("SalomeAppConfig"): os.environ["SalomeAppConfig"] = os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR") + "/share/salome/resources"
+ # set CSF_PluginDefaults variable only if it is not customized
+ # by the user
+ if not os.getenv("CSF_PluginDefaults"):
+ os.environ["CSF_PluginDefaults"] \
+ = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",
+ salome_subdir,"resources")
+ os.environ["CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults"] \
+ = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",
+ salome_subdir,"resources")
+ if "GEOM" in modules_list:
+ print "GEOM OCAF Resources"
+ os.environ["CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults"] \
+ = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",
+ salome_subdir,"resources")
+ print "GEOM Shape Healing Resources"
+ os.environ["CSF_ShHealingDefaults"] \
+ = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",
+ salome_subdir,"resources")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main():
+ args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = get_config()
+ set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ return args
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import user
+ args = main()