manager_msg_err="Error : command failed because sat was not able to find rpm command"
- # 1- search for an installed package manager (rpm on rh, apt on db)
- cmd_which_rpm=["which", "rpm"]
- cmd_which_apt=["which", "apt"]
+ # 1- search for an installed package manager (rpm on rh, apt or dpkg-query on db)
+ cmd_which_rpm = ["which", "rpm"]
+ cmd_which_apt = ["which", "apt"]
+ cmd_which_dpkg = ["which", "dpkg-query"]
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
# 1) we search for apt (debian based systems)
-,stdout=devnull, stderr=SP.STDOUT)
+,stdout=devnull, stderr=SP.STDOUT)
if completed==0 and linux=="DB":
- cmd_is_package_installed=["apt", "list", "--installed"]
+ cmd_is_package_installed = ["dpkg-query", "--no-pager", "-l"]
- # 2) if apt not found search for rpm (redhat)
-,stdout=devnull, stderr=SP.STDOUT) # only 3.8! ,capture_output=True)
- if completed==0 and linux=="RH":
- cmd_is_package_installed=["rpm", "-q"]
+ # 2) if dpkg not found search for apt
+ completed =, stdout=devnull, stderr=SP.STDOUT)
+ if completed == 0 and linux == "DB":
+ cmd_is_package_installed = ["apt", "list", "--installed"]
- # no package manager was found corresponding to dist_name
- raise src.SatException(manager_msg_err)
+ # 3) if apt not found search for rpm (redhat)
+,stdout=devnull, stderr=SP.STDOUT) # only 3.8! ,capture_output=True)
+ if completed==0 and linux=="RH":
+ cmd_is_package_installed=["rpm", "-q"]
+ else:
+ # no package manager was found corresponding to dist_name
+ raise src.SatException(manager_msg_err)
return cmd_is_package_installed
def check_system_pkg(check_cmd,pkg):
msg_status+=" (package is not installed!)\n"
+ elif check_cmd[0] == "dpkg-query":
+ # special treatment for dpkg-query
+ # some debian packages have version numbers in their name, we need to add a *
+ # also dpkg-query do not return status, we need to use grep
+ # and dpkg-query output is too messy for being used
+ cmd_is_package_installed[-1] = (
+ cmd_is_package_installed[-1] + "*"
+ ) # we don't specify in pyconf the exact name because of version numbers
+ p = SP.Popen(cmd_is_package_installed, stdout=SP.PIPE, stderr=FNULL)
+ try:
+ output = SP.check_output(["grep", "^ii"], stdin=p.stdout)
+ msg_status = src.printcolors.printcSuccess("OK")
+ except SP.CalledProcessError:
+ msg_status = src.printcolors.printcError("KO")
+ msg_status += " (package is not installed!)\n"
p=SP.Popen(cmd_is_package_installed, stdout=SP.PIPE, stderr=FNULL)
output, err = p.communicate()