void Model_AttributeRefList::remove(const std::set<int>& theIndices)
+ std::shared_ptr<Model_Document> aDoc = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Document>(
+ owner()->document());
+ if (aDoc && !myRef->IsEmpty()) {
+ // collet labels that will be removed
+ TDF_LabelList aLabelsToRemove;
+ TDF_ListIteratorOfLabelList aLabIter(myRef->List());
+ for(int aCurrent = 0; aLabIter.More(); aLabIter.Next(), aCurrent++) {
+ if (theIndices.find(aCurrent) != theIndices.end())
+ aLabelsToRemove.Append(aLabIter.Value());
+ }
+ // remove labels
+ for(aLabIter.Initialize(aLabelsToRemove); aLabIter.More(); aLabIter.Next()) {
+ ObjectPtr anObj = aDoc->objects()->object(aLabIter.Value());
+ if (anObj.get()) {
+ myRef->Remove(aLabIter.Value());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aLabelsToRemove.IsEmpty()) {
+ owner()->data()->sendAttributeUpdated(this);
+ }
+ }
Model_AttributeRefList::Model_AttributeRefList(TDF_Label& theLabel)
#include "Model_Events.h"
#include "Model_Data.h"
+#include <TDF_AttributeIterator.hxx>
#include <TDF_ChildIterator.hxx>
+#include <TDF_RelocationTable.hxx>
#include <TopAbs_ShapeEnum.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+/// makes copy of all attributes on the given label and all sub-labels
+static void copyAttrs(TDF_Label theSource, TDF_Label theDestination) {
+ TDF_AttributeIterator anAttrIter(theSource);
+ for(; anAttrIter.More(); anAttrIter.Next()) {
+ Handle(TDF_Attribute) aTargetAttr;
+ if (!theDestination.FindAttribute(anAttrIter.Value()->ID(), aTargetAttr)) {
+ // create a new attribute if not yet exists in the destination
+ aTargetAttr = anAttrIter.Value()->NewEmpty();
+ theDestination.AddAttribute(aTargetAttr);
+ }
+ Handle(TDF_RelocationTable) aRelocTable = new TDF_RelocationTable(); // no relocation, empty map
+ anAttrIter.Value()->Paste(aTargetAttr, aRelocTable);
+ }
+ // copy the sub-labels content
+ TDF_ChildIterator aSubLabsIter(theSource);
+ for(; aSubLabsIter.More(); aSubLabsIter.Next()) {
+ copyAttrs(aSubLabsIter.Value(), theDestination.FindChild(aSubLabsIter.Value().Tag()));
+ }
void Model_AttributeSelectionList::remove(const std::set<int>& theIndices)
+ int anOldSize = mySize->Get();
+ int aRemoved = 0;
+ // iterate one by one and shifting the removed indicies
+ for(int aCurrent = 0; aCurrent < anOldSize; aCurrent++) {
+ if (theIndices.find(aCurrent) == theIndices.end()) { // not removed
+ if (aRemoved) { // but must be shifted to the removed position
+ TDF_Label aSource = mySize->Label().FindChild(aCurrent + 1);
+ TDF_Label aDest = mySize->Label().FindChild(aCurrent + 1 - aRemoved);
+ copyAttrs(aSource, aDest);
+ // remove the moved source
+ aSource.ForgetAllAttributes(Standard_True);
+ }
+ } else { // this is removed, so remove everything from this label
+ TDF_Label aLab = mySize->Label().FindChild(aCurrent + 1);
+ std::shared_ptr<Model_AttributeSelection> aOldAttr =
+ std::shared_ptr<Model_AttributeSelection>(new Model_AttributeSelection(aLab));
+ aOldAttr->setObject(owner());
+ REMOVE_BACK_REF(aOldAttr->context());
+ aLab.ForgetAllAttributes(Standard_True);
+ myTmpAttr.reset();
+ aRemoved++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aRemoved) { // remove was performed, so, update the size and this attribute
+ mySize->Set(anOldSize - aRemoved);
+ owner()->data()->sendAttributeUpdated(this);
+ }
int Model_AttributeSelectionList::size()
AttributeSelectionListPtr aSelectionListAttr = myFeature->data()->selectionList(attributeID());
if (aSelectionListAttr.get()) {
aDone = !anAttributeIds.empty();
- //aSelectionListAttr->remove(anAttributeIds);
- std::set<int>::const_iterator anIt = anAttributeIds.begin(), aLast = anAttributeIds.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++)
- aSelectionListAttr->removeLast();
+ aSelectionListAttr->remove(anAttributeIds);
else {
AttributeRefListPtr aRefListAttr = myFeature->data()->reflist(attributeID());
if (aRefListAttr.get()) {
aDone = !anAttributeIds.empty();
- //aRefListAttr->remove(anAttributeIds);
- std::set<int>::const_iterator anIt = anAttributeIds.begin(), aLast = anAttributeIds.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++)
- aRefListAttr->removeLast();
+ aRefListAttr->remove(anAttributeIds);
if (aDone) {