namespace // internal utils
+ //================================================================================
+ /*!
+ * \brief Bnd_B3d with access to its center and half-size
+ */
+ struct BBox : public Bnd_B3d
+ {
+ gp_XYZ Center() const { return gp_XYZ( myCenter[0], myCenter[1], myCenter[2] ); }
+ gp_XYZ HSize() const { return gp_XYZ( myHSize[0], myHSize[1], myHSize[2] ); }
+ double Size() const { return 2 * myHSize[0]; }
+ };
* \brief Working data of an EDGE
BRepAdaptor_Curve myC3d;
double myLength;
list< ProbePnt > myPoints;
+ BBox myBBox;
typedef list< ProbePnt >::iterator TPntIter;
void AddPoint( TPntIter where, double u )
- myPoints.insert( where, ProbePnt( myC3d.Value( u ), u ));
+ TPntIter it = myPoints.insert( where, ProbePnt( myC3d.Value( u ), u ));
+ myBBox.Add( it->myP.XYZ() );
const ProbePnt& First() const { return myPoints.front(); }
const ProbePnt& Last() const { return myPoints.back(); }
const TopoDS_Edge& Edge() const { return myC3d.Edge(); }
- };
- //================================================================================
- /*!
- * \brief Bnd_B3d with access to its center and half-size
- */
- struct BBox : public Bnd_B3d
- {
- gp_XYZ Center() const { return gp_XYZ( myCenter[0], myCenter[1], myCenter[2] ); }
- gp_XYZ HSize() const { return gp_XYZ( myHSize[0], myHSize[1], myHSize[2] ); }
- double Size() const { return 2 * myHSize[0]; }
+ bool IsTooDistant( const SMESH_Octree::box_type* faceBox, double maxSegSize ) const
+ {
+ gp_XYZ hsize = myBBox.HSize() + gp_XYZ( maxSegSize, maxSegSize, maxSegSize );
+ return faceBox->IsOut ( SMESH_Octree::box_type( myBBox.Center(), hsize ));
+ }
const BBox* GetBox() const { return (BBox*) getBox(); }
double GetMinSize() { return getData()->myMinSize; }
+ //================================================================================
+ /*!
+ * \brief Adaptive wire discertizator.
+ */
+ class AdaptiveAlgo : public StdMeshers_Regular_1D
+ {
+ public:
+ AdaptiveAlgo(int hypId, int studyId, SMESH_Gen* gen);
+ virtual bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & aShape );
+ virtual bool Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
+ const TopoDS_Shape & theShape,
+ MapShapeNbElems& theResMap);
+ void SetHypothesis( const StdMeshers_Adaptive1D* hyp );
+ private:
+ bool makeSegments();
+ const StdMeshers_Adaptive1D* myHyp;
+ SMESH_Mesh* myMesh;
+ vector< EdgeData > myEdges;
+ SegSizeTree* mySizeTree;
+ };
* \brief Data of triangle used to locate it in an octree and to find distance
struct Triangle
Bnd_B3d myBox;
+ bool myIsChecked; // to mark treated trias instead of using std::set
// data for DistToProjection()
gp_XYZ myN0, myEdge1, myEdge2, myNorm, myPVec;
double myInvDet, myMaxSize2;
class ElementBndBoxTree;
struct ElemTreeData : public SMESH_TreeLimit
+ vector< int > myWorkIDs[8];
virtual const Bnd_B3d* GetBox(int elemID) const = 0;
struct TriaTreeData : public ElemTreeData
vector< Triangle > myTrias;
double myFaceTol;
double myTriasDeflection;
+ BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface;
const ElementBndBoxTree* myTree;
const Poly_Array1OfTriangle* myPolyTrias;
const TColgp_Array1OfPnt* myNodes;
bool myOwnNodes;
+ vector< int > myFoundTriaIDs;
TriaTreeData( const TopoDS_Face& face, ElementBndBoxTree* triaTree );
~TriaTreeData() { if ( myOwnNodes ) delete myNodes; myNodes = NULL; }
virtual const Bnd_B3d* GetBox(int elemID) const { return &myTrias[elemID].myBox; }
ElementBndBoxTree(const TopoDS_Face& face);
void GetElementsInSphere( const gp_XYZ& center,
- const double radius, std::set<int> & foundElemIDs) const;
+ const double radius, vector<int> & foundElemIDs) const;
ElemTreeData* GetElemData() const { return (ElemTreeData*) myLimit; }
TriaTreeData* GetTriaData() const { return (TriaTreeData*) myLimit; }
TriaTreeData::TriaTreeData( const TopoDS_Face& face, ElementBndBoxTree* triaTree )
- : myTree(NULL), myPolyTrias(NULL), myNodes(NULL), myOwnNodes(false), myTriasDeflection(0)
+ : myTriasDeflection(0), mySurface( face ),
+ myTree(NULL), myPolyTrias(NULL), myNodes(NULL), myOwnNodes(false)
TopLoc_Location loc;
Handle(Poly_Triangulation) tr = BRep_Tool::Triangulation( face, loc );
void TriaTreeData::SetSizeByTrias( SegSizeTree& sizeTree, double deflection ) const
- if ( myTriasDeflection <= std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
+ if ( mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane ||
+ myTriasDeflection <= std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
const double factor = deflection / myTriasDeflection;
- Standard_Integer n1,n2,n3;
+ bool isConstSize;
+ switch( mySurface.GetType() ) {
+ case GeomAbs_Cylinder:
+ case GeomAbs_Sphere:
+ case GeomAbs_Torus:
+ isConstSize = true; break;
+ default:
+ isConstSize = false;
+ }
+ typedef std::pair<int,int> TLink;
+ TLink link;
+ map< TLink, double > lenOfDoneLink;
+ map< TLink, double >::iterator link2len;
+ Standard_Integer n[4];
gp_Pnt p[4];
double a[3];
+ bool isDone[3];
+ double size = -1., maxLinkLen;
+ int jLongest;
+ int nbLinks = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i <= myPolyTrias->Upper(); ++i )
- // compute minimal altitude of a triangle
- myPolyTrias->Value( i ).Get( n1,n2,n3 );
- p[0] = myNodes->Value( n1 );
- p[1] = myNodes->Value( n2 );
- p[2] = myNodes->Value( n3 );
+ // get corners of a triangle
+ myPolyTrias->Value( i ).Get( n[0],n[1],n[2] );
+ n[3] = n[0];
+ p[0] = myNodes->Value( n[0] );
+ p[1] = myNodes->Value( n[1] );
+ p[2] = myNodes->Value( n[2] );
p[3] = p[0];
- a[0] = p[0].Distance( p[1] );
- a[1] = p[1].Distance( p[2] );
- a[2] = p[2].Distance( p[3] );
- double maxSide = Max( a[0], Max( a[1], a[2] ));
- double s = 0.5 * ( a[0] + a[1] + a[2] );
- double area = sqrt( s * (s - a[0]) * (s - a[1]) * (s - a[2]));
- double sz = 2 * area / maxSide; // minimal altitude
+ // get length of links and find the longest one
+ maxLinkLen = 0;
for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
- int nb = 2 * int( a[j] / sz + 0.5 );
- for ( int k = 1; k <= nb; ++k )
+ if ( n[j] < n[j+1] )
+ link = TLink( n[j], n[j+1] );
+ else
+ link = TLink( n[j+1], n[j] );
+ link2len = lenOfDoneLink.insert( make_pair( link, -1. )).first;
+ isDone[j] = !((*link2len).second < 0 );
+ a[j] = isDone[j] ? (*link2len).second : (*link2len).second = p[j].Distance( p[j+1] );
+ if ( isDone[j] )
+ lenOfDoneLink.erase( link2len );
+ if ( a[j] > maxLinkLen )
+ {
+ maxLinkLen = a[j];
+ jLongest = j;
+ }
+ }
+ // compute minimal altitude of a triangle
+ if ( !isConstSize || size < 0. )
+ {
+ double maxSide = Max( a[0], Max( a[1], a[2] ));
+ double s = 0.5 * ( a[0] + a[1] + a[2] );
+ double area = sqrt( s * (s - a[0]) * (s - a[1]) * (s - a[2]));
+ size = 2 * area / maxSide; // minimal altitude
+ }
+ // set size to the size tree
+ if ( !isDone[ jLongest ] || !isConstSize )
+ {
+ ++nbLinks;
+ int nb = Max( 1, int( a[jLongest] / size / 2 ));
+ for ( int k = 0; k <= nb; ++k )
double r = double( k ) / nb;
- sizeTree.SetSize( r * p[j].XYZ() + ( 1-r ) * p[j+1].XYZ(), sz * factor );
+ sizeTree.SetSize( r * p[ jLongest ].XYZ() + ( 1-r ) * p[ jLongest+1 ].XYZ(),
+ size * factor );
- sizeTree.SetSize(( p[0].XYZ() + p[1].XYZ() + p[2].XYZ()) / 3., sz * factor );
//cout << "SetSizeByTrias, i="<< i << " " << sz * factor << endl;
+ // cout << "SetSizeByTrias, nn tria="<< myPolyTrias->Upper()
+ // << " nb links" << nbLinks << " isConstSize="<<isConstSize
+ // << " " << size * factor << endl;
double minDist2 = 1e100;
const double tol2 = myFaceTol * myFaceTol;
- std::set<int> foundElemIDs;
- myTree->GetElementsInSphere( p.XYZ(), radius, foundElemIDs );
+ TriaTreeData* me = const_cast<TriaTreeData*>( this );
+ me->myFoundTriaIDs.clear();
+ myTree->GetElementsInSphere( p.XYZ(), radius, me->myFoundTriaIDs );
- std::set<int>::iterator id = foundElemIDs.begin();
Standard_Integer n[ 3 ];
- for ( ; id != foundElemIDs.end(); ++id )
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < myFoundTriaIDs.size(); ++i )
+ Triangle& t = me->myTrias[ myFoundTriaIDs[i] ];
+ if ( t.myIsChecked )
+ continue;
+ t.myIsChecked = true;
double d, minD2 = minDist2;
bool avoidTria = false;
- myPolyTrias->Value( *id+1 ).Get( n[0],n[1],n[2] );
+ myPolyTrias->Value( myFoundTriaIDs[i]+1 ).Get( n[0],n[1],n[2] );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
const gp_Pnt& pn = myNodes->Value(n[i]);
if ( !avoidTria )
- const Triangle& t = myTrias[ *id ];
if ( minD2 < t.myMaxSize2 && t.DistToProjection( p, d ))
minD2 = Min( minD2, d*d );
minDist2 = Min( minDist2, minD2 );
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < myFoundTriaIDs.size(); ++i )
+ me->myTrias[ myFoundTriaIDs[i] ].myIsChecked = false;
return sqrt( minDist2 );
const Bnd_B3d* elemBox = data->GetBox( _elementIDs[i] );
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- if ( !elemBox->IsOut( *myChildren[j]->getBox() ))
- ((ElementBndBoxTree*)myChildren[j])->_elementIDs.push_back( _elementIDs[i] );
+ if ( !elemBox->IsOut( *myChildren[ j ]->getBox() ))
+ data->myWorkIDs[ j ].push_back( _elementIDs[i] );
SMESHUtils::FreeVector( _elementIDs ); // = _elements.clear() + free memory
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
ElementBndBoxTree* child = static_cast<ElementBndBoxTree*>( myChildren[j] );
+ child->_elementIDs = data->myWorkIDs[ j ];
if ( child->_elementIDs.size() <= theMaxNbElemsInLeaf )
child->myIsLeaf = true;
+ data->myWorkIDs[ j ].clear();
- void ElementBndBoxTree::GetElementsInSphere( const gp_XYZ& center,
- const double radius,
- std::set<int> & foundElemIDs) const
+ void ElementBndBoxTree::GetElementsInSphere( const gp_XYZ& center,
+ const double radius,
+ vector<int> & foundElemIDs) const
if ( const box_type* box = getBox() )
ElemTreeData* data = GetElemData();
for ( int i = 0; i < _elementIDs.size(); ++i )
if ( !data->GetBox( _elementIDs[i] )->IsOut( center, radius ))
- foundElemIDs.insert( _elementIDs[i] );
+ foundElemIDs.push_back( _elementIDs[i] );
//purpose : Returns an algorithm that works using this hypothesis
-StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D* StdMeshers_Adaptive1D::GetAlgo() const
+SMESH_Algo* StdMeshers_Adaptive1D::GetAlgo() const
if ( !myAlgo )
- StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D* newAlgo =
- new StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D( _gen->GetANewId(), _studyId, _gen );
+ AdaptiveAlgo* newAlgo =
+ new AdaptiveAlgo( _gen->GetANewId(), _studyId, _gen );
newAlgo->SetHypothesis( this );
((StdMeshers_Adaptive1D*) this)->myAlgo = newAlgo;
-StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D::StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D(int hypId,
- int studyId,
- SMESH_Gen* gen)
+AdaptiveAlgo::AdaptiveAlgo(int hypId,
+ int studyId,
+ SMESH_Gen* gen)
: StdMeshers_Regular_1D( hypId, studyId, gen ),
-void StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D::SetHypothesis( const StdMeshers_Adaptive1D* hyp )
+void AdaptiveAlgo::SetHypothesis( const StdMeshers_Adaptive1D* hyp )
myHyp = hyp;
-bool StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
- const TopoDS_Shape & theShape,
- double* theProgress,
- int* theProgressTic)
+bool AdaptiveAlgo::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
+ const TopoDS_Shape & theShape)
- *theProgress = 0.01;
+ //*theProgress = 0.01;
if ( myHyp->GetMinSize() > myHyp->GetMaxSize() )
return error( "Bad parameters: min size > max size" );
+ myMesh = &theMesh;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper( theMesh );
const double grading = 0.7;
IncrementalMesh im( theMesh.GetShapeToMesh(), myHyp->GetDeflection(), /*Relatif=*/false);
box = im.GetBox();
- *theProgress = 0.3;
+ //*theProgress = 0.3;
// holder of segment size at each point
SegSizeTree sizeTree( box, grading, myHyp->GetMinSize(), myHyp->GetMaxSize() );
+ mySizeTree = & sizeTree;
// minimal segment size that sizeTree can store with reasonable tree height
const double minSize = Max( myHyp->GetMinSize(), 1.1 * sizeTree.GetMinSize() );
- // working data of EDGEs
- vector< EdgeData > edges;
+ // fill myEdges - working data of EDGEs
// sort EDGEs by length
multimap< double, TopoDS_Edge > edgeOfLength;
if ( !SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( edge) )
edgeOfLength.insert( make_pair( EdgeLength( edge ), edge ));
- edges.resize( edgeOfLength.size() );
+ myEdges.clear();
+ myEdges.resize( edgeOfLength.size() );
multimap< double, TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator len2edge = edgeOfLength.begin();
for ( int iE = 0; len2edge != edgeOfLength.end(); ++len2edge, ++iE )
const TopoDS_Edge & edge = len2edge->second;
- EdgeData& eData = edges[ iE ];
+ EdgeData& eData = myEdges[ iE ];
eData.myC3d.Initialize( edge );
eData.myLength = EdgeLength( edge );
eData.AddPoint( eData.myPoints.end(), eData.myC3d.FirstParameter() );
eData.AddPoint( eData.myPoints.end(), eData.myC3d.LastParameter() );
+ if ( _computeCanceled ) return false;
// Take into account size of already existing segments
SMDS_EdgeIteratorPtr segIterator = theMesh.GetMeshDS()->edgesIterator();
const SMDS_MeshElement* seg = segIterator->next();
sizeTree.SetSize( SMESH_TNodeXYZ( seg->GetNode( 0 )), SMESH_TNodeXYZ( seg->GetNode( 1 )));
+ if ( _computeCanceled ) return false;
// Set size of segments according to the deflection
StdMeshers_Regular_1D::_value[ DEFLECTION_IND ] = myHyp->GetDeflection();
list< double > params;
- for ( int iE = 0; iE < edges.size(); ++iE )
+ for ( int iE = 0; iE < myEdges.size(); ++iE )
- EdgeData& eData = edges[ iE ];
+ EdgeData& eData = myEdges[ iE ];
//cout << "E " << theMesh.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( eData.Edge() ) << endl;
double f = eData.First().myU, l = eData.Last().myU;
EdgeData::TPntIter pIt2 = eData.myPoints.begin(), pIt1 = pIt2++;
for ( ; pIt2 != eData.myPoints.end(); ++pIt1, ++pIt2 )
sizeTree.SetSize( (*pIt1).myP, (*pIt2).myP );
+ if ( _computeCanceled ) return false;
// Limit size of segments according to distance to closest FACE
for ( int iF = 1; iF <= faceMap.Extent(); ++iF )
+ if ( _computeCanceled ) return false;
const TopoDS_Face & face = TopoDS::Face( faceMap( iF ));
// cout << "FACE " << iF << "/" << faceMap.Extent()
// << " id-" << theMesh.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( face ) << endl;
ElementBndBoxTree triaTree( face ); // tree of FACE triangulation
TriaTreeData* triaSearcher = triaTree.GetTriaData();
- if ( BRepAdaptor_Surface( face ).GetType() != GeomAbs_Plane )
- triaSearcher->SetSizeByTrias( sizeTree, myHyp->GetDeflection() );
+ triaSearcher->SetSizeByTrias( sizeTree, myHyp->GetDeflection() );
- for ( int iE = 0; iE < edges.size(); ++iE )
+ for ( int iE = 0; iE < myEdges.size(); ++iE )
- EdgeData& eData = edges[ iE ];
+ EdgeData& eData = myEdges[ iE ];
// check if the face is in topological contact with the edge
bool isAdjFace = ( helper.IsSubShape( helper.IthVertex( 0, eData.Edge()), face ) ||
helper.IsSubShape( helper.IthVertex( 1, eData.Edge()), face ));
+ if ( isAdjFace && triaSearcher->mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane )
+ continue;
bool sizeDecreased = true;
for (int iLoop = 0; sizeDecreased; ++iLoop ) //repeat until segment size along the edge becomes stable
+ double maxSegSize = 0;
// get points to check distance to the face
EdgeData::TPntIter pIt2 = eData.myPoints.begin(), pIt1 = pIt2++;
- pIt1->mySegSize = sizeTree.GetSize( pIt1->myP );
+ maxSegSize = pIt1->mySegSize = sizeTree.GetSize( pIt1->myP );
for ( ; pIt2 != eData.myPoints.end(); )
pIt2->mySegSize = sizeTree.GetSize( pIt2->myP );
- double curSize = Min( pIt1->mySegSize, pIt2->mySegSize );
+ double curSize = Min( pIt1->mySegSize, pIt2->mySegSize );
+ maxSegSize = Max( pIt2->mySegSize, maxSegSize );
if ( pIt1->myP.Distance( pIt2->myP ) > curSize )
double midU = 0.5*( pIt1->myU + pIt2->myU );
gp_Pnt midP = eData.myC3d.Value( midU );
double midSz = sizeTree.GetSize( midP );
pIt2 = eData.myPoints.insert( pIt2, EdgeData::ProbePnt( midP, midU, midSz ));
+ eData.myBBox.Add( midP.XYZ() );
// check if the face is more distant than a half of the current segment size,
// if not, segment size is decreased
+ if ( iLoop == 0 && eData.IsTooDistant( triaTree.getBox(), maxSegSize ))
+ break;
+ //cout << "E " << theMesh.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( eData.Edge() ) << endl;
sizeDecreased = false;
const gp_Pnt* avoidPnt = & eData.First().myP;
for ( pIt1 = eData.myPoints.begin(); pIt1 != eData.myPoints.end(); )
if ( iLoop > 20 )
#ifdef _DEBUG_
- cout << "Infinite loop in StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D::Compute()" << endl;
+ cout << "Infinite loop in AdaptiveAlgo::Compute()" << endl;
sizeDecreased = false;
} // while ( sizeDecreased )
- } // loop on edges
+ } // loop on myEdges
- *theProgress = 0.3 + 0.3 * iF / double( faceMap.Extent() );
- if ( _computeCanceled )
- return false;
+ //*theProgress = 0.3 + 0.3 * iF / double( faceMap.Extent() );
} // loop on faceMap
+ return makeSegments();
- // Create segments
+ * \brief Create segments
+ */
+bool AdaptiveAlgo::makeSegments()
SMESH_HypoFilter quadHyp( SMESH_HypoFilter::HasName( "QuadraticMesh" ));
- _quadraticMesh = theMesh.GetHypothesis( edges[0].Edge(), quadHyp, /*andAncestors=*/true );
+ _quadraticMesh = myMesh->GetHypothesis( myEdges[0].Edge(), quadHyp, /*andAncestors=*/true );
+ SMESH_MesherHelper helper( *myMesh );
helper.SetIsQuadratic( _quadraticMesh );
- for ( int iE = 0; iE < edges.size(); ++iE )
+ vector< double > nbSegs, params;
+ for ( int iE = 0; iE < myEdges.size(); ++iE )
- EdgeData& eData = edges[ iE ];
+ EdgeData& eData = myEdges[ iE ];
// estimate roughly min segement size on the EDGE
double edgeMinSize = myHyp->GetMaxSize();
EdgeData::TPntIter pIt1 = eData.myPoints.begin();
for ( ; pIt1 != eData.myPoints.end(); ++pIt1 )
- edgeMinSize = Min( edgeMinSize, sizeTree.GetSize( pIt1->myP ));
+ edgeMinSize = Min( edgeMinSize, mySizeTree->GetSize( pIt1->myP ));
const double f = eData.myC3d.FirstParameter(), l = eData.myC3d.LastParameter();
const double parLen = l - f;
int nbDiv = int ( eData.myLength / edgeMinSize * nbDivSeg );
// compute nb of segments
- vector< double > nbSegs;
bool toRecompute = true;
double maxSegSize = 0;
//cout << "E " << theMesh.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( eData.Edge() ) << endl;
for ( size_t i = 1, segCount = 1; i < nbSegs.size(); ++i )
p2 = eData.myC3d.Value( f + parLen * i / nbDiv );
- double locSize = Min( sizeTree.GetSize( p2 ), myHyp->GetMaxSize() );
+ double locSize = Min( mySizeTree->GetSize( p2 ), myHyp->GetMaxSize() );
double nb = p1.Distance( p2 ) / locSize;
// if ( nbSegs.size() < 30 )
// cout << "locSize " << locSize << " nb " << nb << endl;
// get nodes on VERTEXes
TopoDS_Vertex vf = helper.IthVertex( 0, eData.Edge(), false );
TopoDS_Vertex vl = helper.IthVertex( 1, eData.Edge(), false );
- theMesh.GetSubMesh( vf )->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::COMPUTE );
- theMesh.GetSubMesh( vl )->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::COMPUTE );
- const SMDS_MeshNode * nf = VertexNode( vf, theMesh.GetMeshDS() );
- const SMDS_MeshNode * nl = VertexNode( vl, theMesh.GetMeshDS() );
+ myMesh->GetSubMesh( vf )->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::COMPUTE );
+ myMesh->GetSubMesh( vl )->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::COMPUTE );
+ const SMDS_MeshNode * nf = VertexNode( vf, myMesh->GetMeshDS() );
+ const SMDS_MeshNode * nl = VertexNode( vl, myMesh->GetMeshDS() );
if ( !nf || !nl )
return error("No node on vertex");
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
const int ID = 0;
const SMDS_MeshNode *n1 = nf, *n2;
- list< double >::const_iterator u = params.begin();
- for ( ; u != params.end(); ++u, n1 = n2 )
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i, n1 = n2 )
- gp_Pnt p2 = eData.myC3d.Value( *u );
- n2 = helper.AddNode( p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z(), ID, *u );
+ gp_Pnt p2 = eData.myC3d.Value( params[i] );
+ n2 = helper.AddNode( p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z(), ID, params[i] );
helper.AddEdge( n1, n2, ID, /*force3d=*/false );
helper.AddEdge( n1, nl, ID, /*force3d=*/false );
- *theProgress = 0.6 + 0.4 * iE / double( edges.size() );
+ eData.myPoints.clear();
+ //*theProgress = 0.6 + 0.4 * iE / double( myEdges.size() );
if ( _computeCanceled )
return false;
} // loop on EDGEs
+ myEdges.clear();
- * \brief Creates segments on all given EDGEs
+ * \brief Predict number of segments on all given EDGEs
-bool StdMeshers_AdaptiveAlgo_1D::Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
- const TopoDS_Shape & theShape,
- MapShapeNbElems& theResMap)
+bool AdaptiveAlgo::Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh & theMesh,
+ const TopoDS_Shape & theShape,
+ MapShapeNbElems& theResMap)
// initialize fields of inherited StdMeshers_Regular_1D
StdMeshers_Regular_1D::_hypType = DEFLECTION;