# ============
# Advanced options:
OPTION(SALOME_SMESH_USE_CGNS "Enable import/export to CGNS format" OFF)
SALOME_GUI_WITH_CORBA() #check whether GUI built with CORBA
## Prerequisites From GUI:
MESSAGE(WARNING "SHAPERSTUDY is not found; the corresponding tests will be omitted")
+# Find MEDCoupling
+# ================
+ FIND_PACKAGE(SalomeMEDCoupling REQUIRED) # will reload HDF5, MEDFile, XDR, etc ...
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "We absolutely need the MEDCoupling tool, please define MEDCOUPLING_ROOT_DIR !")
## SMESH specifics
# VTK is obligatiry for the SMESH
MESSAGE(STATUS "Build MEFISTO2D mesher using Fortran to C generator")
MESSAGE(FATAL "Fortran to C generator is not found: MEFISTO2D mesher cannot be compiled! Please define F2C_ROOT_DIR !")
"Install path: SALOME scripts")
"Install path: SALOME script data")
"Install path: SALOME Python scripts")
"Install path: SALOME application skeleton - scripts")
"Install path: SALOME application skeleton - Python")
"Install path: SALOME Python shared modules")
- "Install path: local SALOME CMake files")
+ "Install path: local SALOME CMake files")
"Install path: local SALOME config files (obsolete, to be removed)")
# Specific to SMESH:
"Install path: SALOME SMESH specific data")
"Install path: SALOME SMESH plugins")
+# Specific to ADAPT:
+# "Install path: SALOME ADAPT specific data")
+ "Install path: SALOME ADAPT samples")
+ "Install path: SALOME ADAPT Test files")
+ "Install path: SALOME ADAPT specific data")
# Accumulate environment variables for SMESH module
-# Sources
+# Sources
# ========
# List of targets in this project we want to make visible to the rest of the world.
# They all have to be INSTALL'd with the option "EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}TargetGroup"
SMESHControls MeshDriver MeshDriverDAT MeshDriverGMF MeshDriverMED
MeshDriverSTL MeshDriverUNV MEDWrapper
LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_exposed_targets
- LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_exposed_targets
+ LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_exposed_targets
# Build variables that will be expanded when configuring Salome<MODULE>Config.cmake:
# Install the export set for use with the install-tree
FILE ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets.cmake)
RENAME CTestTestfile.cmake)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Tests des adaptations par MGAdapt en standalone
+Copyright 2021 EDF
+__revision__ = "V04.04"
+#========================= Les imports - Début ===================================
+import sys
+import os
+import salome
+import SMESH
+from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
+smesh = smeshBuilder.New()
+#========================== Les imports - Fin ====================================
+#========================= Paramétrage - Début ===================================
+# 1. REPDATA = répertoire du cas
+REPDATA = "MGAdapt_med_files"
+# 2. Repérage des données
+D_DATA = dict()
+D_DATA["01"] = "01" # 2D plan ; carte locale
+D_DATA["02"] = "02" # 2D plan ; carte en arrière-plan
+D_DATA["03"] = "01" # 2D plan ; taille constante
+D_DATA["04"] = "04" # 3D ; carte locale et dernier pas de temps
+D_DATA["05"] = "04" # 3D ; carte locale et pas de temps n°1
+D_DATA["06"] = "06" # 2D non plan; carte locale
+D_DATA["07"] = "07" # 2D plan ; carte locale anisotrope
+D_DATA["08"] = "08" # 3D ; carte en arrière-plan anisotrope
+D_DATA["10"] = "10" # 2D plan ; carte locale et maillage initial quadratique
+D_DATA["11"] = "11" # 2D plan ; carte locale et maillage initial en quadrangles
+D_DATA["13"] = "13" # 3D ; carte locale en simple précision et dernier pas de temps
+#========================== Paramétrage - Fin ====================================
+class MGAdaptTest (object):
+ """Test de l'adaptation par MGAdapt
+Options facultatives
+Le(s) nom du/des tests à passer. Si aucun n'est donné, tous les cas sont passés.
+ """
+# A. La base
+ message_info = ""
+ _verbose = 0
+ _verbose_max = 0
+ affiche_aide_globale = 0
+# B. Les variables
+ l_cas = None
+ rep_test = None
+ nro_cas = None
+ cas = None
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def __init__ ( self, liste_option ):
+ """Le constructeur de la classe MGAdaptTest"""
+ self.l_cas = list()
+ for option in liste_option :
+ #print (option)
+ saux = option.upper()
+ #print (saux)
+ if saux in ( "-H", "-HELP" ):
+ self.affiche_aide_globale = 1
+ elif saux == "-V" :
+ self._verbose = 1
+ elif saux == "-VMAX" :
+ self._verbose = 1
+ self._verbose_max = 1
+ else :
+ self.l_cas.append(option)
+ if not self.l_cas:
+ for cle in D_DATA:
+ self.l_cas.append(cle)
+ self.l_cas.sort()
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("Liste des cas : {}".format(self.l_cas))
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def __del__(self):
+ """A la suppression de l'instance de classe"""
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("Suppression de l'instance de la classe.")
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _add_file_in (self, objet_adapt):
+ """Ajout du fichier med d'entrée
+Entrées/Sorties :
+ :objet_adapt: l'objet du module
+ """
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("_add_file_in pour {}".format(self.nro_cas))
+ ficmed = os.path.join (REPDATA, "test_{}.med".format(D_DATA[self.nro_cas]))
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("Fichier {}".format(ficmed))
+ if not os.path.isfile(ficmed):
+ erreur = 1
+ message = "Le fichier {} est inconnu.".format(ficmed)
+ else:
+ objet_adapt.setMEDFileIn(ficmed)
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ return erreur, message
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _add_file_out (self, objet_adapt):
+ """Ajout du fichier de sortie
+Entrées/Sorties :
+ :objet_adapt: l'objet du module
+ """
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("_add_file_out pour {}".format(self.nro_cas))
+ ficmed = os.path.join (REPDATA, "test_{}.adapt.tui.med".format(self.nro_cas))
+ if os.path.isfile(ficmed):
+ os.remove(ficmed)
+ objet_adapt.setMEDFileOut(ficmed)
+ if self._verbose:
+ print (". Maillage adapté dans le fichier {}".format(ficmed))
+ return
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _add_file_bkg (self, objet_adapt):
+ """Ajout du fichier med de fond
+Entrées/Sorties :
+ :objet_adapt: l'objet du module
+ """
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("_add_file_bkg pour {}".format(self.nro_cas))
+ ficmed = os.path.join (REPDATA, "test_{}_bg.med".format(D_DATA[self.nro_cas]))
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("Fichier {}".format(ficmed))
+ if not os.path.isfile(ficmed):
+ erreur = 1
+ message = "Le fichier {} est inconnu.".format(ficmed)
+ else:
+ objet_adapt.setMEDFileBackground(ficmed)
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ return erreur, message
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _hypo_creation (self, maptype, option, niveau=3):
+ """Création d'une hypothèse
+Entrées :
+ :maptype: type de carte : "Local", "Background", "Constant"
+ :option: nom du champ si "Local" ou "Background", valeur si "Constant"
+ :niveau: niveau de verbosité
+Sortie :
+ :hypo: l'objet hypothèse
+ """
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print ("_hypo_creation pour {} avec {}".format(maptype,option))
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ while not erreur :
+ #--- Création de l'hypothèse ---
+ hypo = smesh.CreateAdaptationHypothesis()
+ # Type de données
+ if ( maptype in ("Local", "Background", "Constant") ):
+ hypo.setSizeMapType(maptype)
+ else:
+ message = "Le type de carte {} est inconnu.".format(maptype)
+ erreur = 2
+ break
+ # Valeur
+ if ( maptype in ("Local", "Background") ):
+ hypo.setSizeMapFieldName(option)
+ else:
+ hypo.setConstantSize(option)
+ # Verbosité
+ self._hypo_verbose (hypo, niveau)
+ break
+ return erreur, message, hypo
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _hypo_verbose (self, hypo, niveau=10):
+ """Débogage des hypothèses
+Entrées :
+ :niveau: niveau de verbosité
+Entrées/Sorties :
+ :hypo: l'objet hypothèse
+ """
+ hypo.setVerbosityLevel(niveau)
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ hypo.setPrintLogInFile(True)
+ hypo.setKeepWorkingFiles(True)
+ hypo.setRemoveOnSuccess(False)
+ return
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _calcul (self, objet_adapt, hypo):
+ """Calcul
+Entrées :
+ :objet_adapt: l'objet du module
+ :hypo: l'objet hypothèse
+ """
+ #--- association de l'hypothese à l'objet de l'adaptation
+ objet_adapt.AddHypothesis(hypo)
+ #-- Calcul
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print (hypo.getCommandToRun())
+ erreur = objet_adapt.Compute(False)
+ if erreur:
+ message = "Echec dans l'adaptation."
+ else:
+ message = ""
+ return erreur, message
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _test_00 (self, objet_adapt):
+ """Test générique
+Entrées/Sorties :
+ :objet_adapt: l'objet du module
+ """
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ while not erreur :
+ #--- les fichiers MED ---#
+ erreur, message = self._add_file_in (objet_adapt)
+ if erreur:
+ break
+ self._add_file_out (objet_adapt)
+ if self.nro_cas in ("02", "08"):
+ erreur, message = self._add_file_bkg (objet_adapt)
+ if erreur:
+ break
+ #--- Création de l'hypothèse ---
+ if self.nro_cas in ("01", "04", "05", "06", "07", "10", "11", "13"):
+ maptype = "Local"
+ if self.nro_cas in ("01", "04", "05", "06", "07", "10"):
+ option = "TAILLE"
+ elif self.nro_cas in ("11",):
+ option = "Taille de maille"
+ elif self.nro_cas in ("13",):
+ option = "Elevation"
+ elif self.nro_cas in ("02", "08"):
+ maptype = "Background"
+ option = "TAILLE"
+ elif self.nro_cas in ("03",):
+ maptype = "Constant"
+ option = 0.5
+ if self._verbose:
+ niveau = 3
+ elif self._verbose_max:
+ niveau = 10
+ else:
+ niveau = 0
+ erreur, message, hypo = self._hypo_creation(maptype, option, niveau)
+ if erreur:
+ break
+ #-- Ajout des options
+ if self.nro_cas in ("04", "06", "07", "08", "10", "11"):
+ hypo.setTimeStepRankLast()
+ elif self.nro_cas in ("05",):
+ hypo.setTimeStepRank(1,1)
+ elif self.nro_cas in ("13",):
+ hypo.setTimeStepRank(0,0)
+ # options facultatives
+ if self.nro_cas in ("03",):
+ hypo.setOptionValue("adaptation", "surface")
+ #-- Calcul
+ try :
+ erreur, message = self._calcul (objet_adapt, hypo)
+ except :
+ erreur = 1871
+ message = "Erreur dans le calcul par SMESH"
+ break
+ return erreur, message
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def _traitement_cas (self ):
+ """Traitement d'un cas
+Sorties :
+ :erreur: code d'erreur
+ :message: message d'erreur
+ """
+ nom_fonction = __name__ + "/_traitement_cas"
+ blabla = "\nDans {} :".format(nom_fonction)
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print (blabla)
+# 1. Préalables
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ if self._verbose:
+ print ("Passage du cas '{}'".format(self.nro_cas))
+ if ( self.nro_cas in ("01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "10" ,"11" ,"13") ):
+ objet_adapt = smesh.Adaptation('MG_Adapt')
+ erreur, message = self._test_00 (objet_adapt)
+ del objet_adapt
+ else:
+ erreur = 1
+ message = "Le cas '{}' est inconnu.".format(self.nro_cas)
+ return erreur, message
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#=========================== Début de la méthode =================================
+ def lancement (self):
+ """Lancement
+Sorties :
+ :erreur: code d'erreur
+ :message: message d'erreur
+ """
+ nom_fonction = __name__ + "/lancement"
+ blabla = "\nDans {} :".format(nom_fonction)
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ if self._verbose_max:
+ print (blabla)
+ for nom_cas in self.l_cas:
+ self.nro_cas = nom_cas
+ erreur_t, message_t = self._traitement_cas ()
+ if erreur_t:
+ erreur += 1
+ message += "\nErreur n° {} pour le cas {} :\n".format(erreur_t,nom_cas)
+ message += message_t
+ if ( erreur and self._verbose_max ):
+ print (blabla, message)
+ return erreur, message
+#=========================== Fin de la méthode ==================================
+#========================== Fin de la classe ====================================
+# Lancement
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+# 1. Options
+ L_OPTIONS = list()
+ #L_OPTIONS.append("-h")
+ #L_OPTIONS.append("-v")
+ #L_OPTIONS.append("-vmax")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("01")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("02")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("03")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("07")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("10")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("11")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("04")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("05")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("06")
+ L_OPTIONS.append("08")
+ #L_OPTIONS.append("13")
+# 2. Lancement de la classe
+ #print ("L_OPTIONS :", L_OPTIONS)
+ if MGADAPT_TEST.affiche_aide_globale:
+ sys.stdout.write(MGADAPT_TEST.__doc__+"\n")
+ else:
+ if ERREUR:
+ sys.stdout.write(MGADAPT_TEST.__doc__+"\n")
+ MESSAGE_ERREUR += "\n {} erreur(s)\n".format(ERREUR)
+ sys.stderr.write(MESSAGE_ERREUR)
+ #raise Exception(MESSAGE_ERREUR)
+ assert(False)
+ #sys.exit(0)
+ MGAdaptTests_without_session.py
--- /dev/null
+.. _adaptation_page:
+Mesh module provides the possibility to perform different adaptations of a mesh.
+.. note::
+ A mesh adaptation based on splitting is available by the HOMARD module.
+.. _mg_adapt_anchor:
+For meshes made of triangles and/or tetrahedra, remeshing operations are available with the MG-Adapt plugin. The remeshing is based on wanted mesh sizes defined over the mesh or as a constant. The boundaries are dedeuced from the initial mesh.
+To start **Remeshing** operation, select **MG Adapt** tab in **Adaptation** dialog.
+.. image:: ../images/adaptation_01.png
+ :align: center
+* **Mesh In** is the initial mesh to remesh.
+* **Mesh Out** is the resulting mesh after remeshing. By default, the name of the initial mesh is kept and the file name is based on the name of the initial mesh.
+* **Size map definition** is a choice between **Local**, **Background** and **Constant**.
+- If the choice is **Background**, the name of the MED file must be given.
+- If the choice is **Local** or **Background**, the name of the field must be selected from the list, together with time step.
+.. image:: ../images/adaptation_02.png
+ :align: center
+.. note::
+ The exhaustive description of MG-Adapt can be read into its documentation. It can be reached by the general help button.
+**See Also** a sample TUI Script of :ref:`tui_adaptation_page`.
* :ref:`creating meshes <about_meshes_page>` in different ways:
- * by meshing geometrical models previously created or imported by the Geometry component;
+ * by meshing geometrical models previously created or imported by the Geometry component;
* bottom-up, using :ref:`mesh edition <modifying_meshes_page>`, especially :ref:`extrusion <extrusion_page>` and :ref:`revolution <revolution_page>`;
- * by generation of the 3D mesh from the 2D mesh not based on the geometry (:ref:`imported <importing_exporting_meshes_page>` for example);
+ * by generation of the 3D mesh from the 2D mesh not based on the geometry (:ref:`imported <importing_exporting_meshes_page>` for example);
* :ref:`importing and exporting meshes <importing_exporting_meshes_page>` in various formats;
-* :ref:`modifying meshes <modifying_meshes_page>` with a vast array of dedicated operations;
+* :ref:`modifying meshes <modifying_meshes_page>` with a vast array of dedicated operations;
* :ref:`creating groups <grouping_elements_page>` of mesh elements;
* filtering mesh entities (nodes or elements) using :ref:`Filters <filters_page>` functionality for :ref:`creating groups <grouping_elements_page>` and applying :ref:`mesh modifications <modifying_meshes_page>`;
* :ref:`viewing meshes <viewing_meshes_overview_page>` in the VTK viewer and :ref:`getting info <mesh_infos_page>` on mesh and its sub-objects;
+* :ref:`remeshing meshes <adaptation_page>`;
* applying to meshes :ref:`Quality Controls <quality_page>`, allowing to highlight important elements;
* taking various :ref:`measurements <measurements_page>` of the mesh objects.
Mesh module preferences are described in the :ref:`mesh_preferences_page` section of SALOME Mesh Help.
.. image:: ../images/image7.jpg
- :align: center
+ :align: center
.. centered::
Example of MESH module usage for engineering tasks
+ adaptation
- tools
+ tools
As soon as a mesh is created, it is possible to manage it via its own
methods, described in class :class:`smeshBuilder.Mesh` documentation.
-Class :class:`smeshstudytools.SMeshStudyTools` provides several methods to manipulate mesh objects in Salome study.
+Class :class:`smeshstudytools.SMeshStudyTools` provides several methods to manipulate mesh objects in Salome study.
A usual workflow to generate a mesh on geometry is following:
maxArea = mefisto.LocalLength( 100. )
netgen.SetMaxSize( 20. )
netgen.SetFineness( smeshBuilder.VeryCoarse )
#. :ref:`Compute the mesh <compute_anchor>` (generate mesh nodes and elements):
.. code-block:: python
An easiest way to start with Python scripting is to do something in
-GUI and then to get a corresponding Python script via
+GUI and then to get a corresponding Python script via
**File > Dump Study** menu item. Don't forget that you can get
all methods of any object in hand (e.g. a mesh group or a hypothesis)
by calling *dir()* Python built-in function.
+ tui_adaptation
--- /dev/null
+.. _tui_adaptation_page:
+.. _tui_mg_adapt:
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/adaptation_ex01.py
+ :language: python
+:download:`Download this script <../../../examples/adaptation_ex01.py>`
+**See Also** the GUI :ref:`adaptation_page`.
+ MG_ADAPT.idl
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/
+// File : MG_ADAPT.hxx
+#ifndef MG_ADAPT_IDL
+#define MG_ADAPT_IDL
+#include "SALOME_Component.idl"
+#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
+#include "SALOME_GenericObj.idl"
+#include "SALOMEDS.idl"
+#include "SMESH_Mesh.idl"
+module SMESH{
+ typedef sequence<string> str_array ;
+ struct MgAdaptHypothesisData
+ {
+ string myFileInDir, myMeshFileIn, myInMeshName, myMeshFileBackground, myOutMeshName,
+ myMeshFileOut, myFileOutDir, myFileSizeMapDir, myFieldName;
+ boolean fromMedFile;
+ boolean myPublish, myMeshOutMed;
+ boolean myUseLocalMap, myUseBackgroundMap, myUseConstantValue;
+ double myConstantValue;
+ long myRank, myTimeStep;
+ boolean myUseNoTimeStep, myUseLastTimeStep, myUseChosenTimeStep;
+ string myWorkingDir, myLogFile;
+ boolean myPrintLogInFile, myKeepFiles, myRemoveLogOnSuccess;
+ long myVerboseLevel;
+ };
+ interface MG_ADAPT : SALOME::GenericObj
+ {
+ //MG_ADAPT CreateMG_ADAPT(in PortableServer::POA_var poa);
+ void setData( inout MgAdaptHypothesisData data);
+ void setMedFileIn(in string MedFileIn );
+ string getMedFileIn();
+ void setMedFileOut(in string MedFileOut);
+ string getMedFileOut();
+ void setMeshName(in string s);
+ string getMeshName();
+ void setMeshNameOut(in string s);
+ string getMeshNameOut();
+ void setMeshOutMed(in boolean b);
+ boolean getMeshOutMed();
+ void setPublish(in boolean b);
+ boolean getPublish();
+ void setSizeMapFieldName(in string s);
+ string getSizeMapFieldName();
+ void setTimeStep(in long s);
+ long getTimeStep() ;
+ void setTimeStepRank(in long s, in long f);
+ long getRank();
+ void setTimeStepRankLast();
+ void setNoTimeStep();
+ void setLogFile(in string f);
+ string getLogFile();
+ void setVerbosityLevel(in long f);
+ long getVerbosityLevel();
+ void setRemoveOnSuccess(in boolean f);
+ boolean getRemoveOnSuccess();
+ MgAdaptHypothesisData getData();
+ void setUseLocalMap(in boolean f);
+ boolean getUseLocalMap();
+ void setUseBackgroundMap(in boolean f);
+ boolean getUseBackgroundMap();
+ void setUseConstantValue(in boolean f);
+ boolean getUseConstantValue();
+ void setConstantSize(in double f);
+ double getConstantSize() ;
+ void setSizeMapFile(in string f);
+ string getSizeMapFile();
+ void setFromMedFile(in boolean f);
+ boolean isFromMedFile();
+ void setKeepWorkingFiles(in boolean f);
+ boolean getKeepWorkingFiles();
+ void setPrintLogInFile(in boolean f);
+ boolean getPrintLogInFile();
+ void setWorkingDir(in string f);
+ string getWorkingDir() ;
+ void setSizeMapType(in string f);
+ boolean setAll();
+ string getCommandToRun() ;
+ void compute() raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ string getErrMsg();
+ string getFileName() ;
+ string getExeName();
+ void copyMgAdaptHypothesisData(in MgAdaptHypothesisData f ) ;
+ //void checkDirPath(inout string f);
+ boolean hasOptionDefined( in string optionName ) ;
+ void setOptionValue(in string optionName, in string optionValue) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ string getOptionValue(in string optionName, inout boolean isDefault) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ str_array getCustomOptionValuesStrVec() ;
+ str_array getOptionValuesStrVec() ;
+ };
+ interface MG_ADAPT_OBJECT : SALOME::GenericObj
+ {
+ void setMeshIn(in SMESH_Mesh theMesh ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setMEDFileIn(in string f) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setMEDFileOut(in string f) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setMEDFileBackground(in string f) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void AddHypothesis(in MG_ADAPT mg) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ long Compute(in boolean Publish) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ };
+#endif // MG_ADAPT_IDL
interface FilterManager;
interface SMESH_Pattern;
interface Measurements;
+ interface MG_ADAPT;
+ interface MG_ADAPT_OBJECT;
* Tags definition
SMESH_Pattern GetPattern();
Measurements CreateMeasurements();
Set the current mode
in GEOM::GEOM_Object theGeom,
in double theTolerance );
+ MG_ADAPT_OBJECT Adaptation(in string adaptType);
+ MG_ADAPT CreateAdaptationHypothesis();
+ adapt_mg_adapt.png
<parameter name="vol_precision" value="-6" />
<parameter name="selection_increment" value="0" />
<parameter name="controls_increment" value="2" />
+ <!-- Adaptation -->
+ <parameter name="mg_adapt_file_mesh_out" value="true" />
+ <parameter name="mg_adapt_publish_mesh_out" value="false" />
+ <parameter name="mg_adapt_size_map" value="Local" />
+ <parameter name="mg_adapt_time_step" value="None" />
<section name="smesh_help" >
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/User's Guide" value="%SMESH_ROOT_DIR%/share/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/index.html;;http://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/gui/SMESH/index.html"/>
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/Plug-ins/MacMesh plugin" value="%SMESH_ROOT_DIR%/share/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/MacMesh/index.html;;http://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/gui/SMESH/MacMesh/index.html"/>
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/Plug-ins/blocFissure plugin" value="%SMESH_ROOT_DIR%/share/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/blocFissure/index.html;;http://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/gui/SMESH/blocFissure/index.html"/>
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/Plug-ins/SpherePadder plugin" value="%SMESH_ROOT_DIR%/share/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/padder/index.html;;http://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/gui/SMESH/padder/index.html"/>
+ <parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/MG-Adapt plugin/User's Guide" value="%SMESH_ROOT_DIR%/share/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/index.html#adaptation;;http://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/gui/SMESH/index.html#adaptation"/>
+ <parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/MG-Adapt plugin/Reference" value="%MESHGEMS_ROOT_DIR%/Docs/mg-adapt_api_manual.pdf"/>
+ <parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/MG-Adapt plugin/Manual" value="%MESHGEMS_ROOT_DIR%/Docs/mg-adapt_user_manual.pdf"/>
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/MGCleaner plugin/User's Guide" value="%SMESH_ROOT_DIR%/share/doc/salome/gui/SMESH/MGCleaner/index.html;;http://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/gui/SMESH/MGCleaner/index.html"/>
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/MGCleaner plugin/Reference" value="%MESHGEMS_ROOT_DIR%/Docs/mg-cleaner_api_manual.pdf"/>
<parameter name="User's Guide/Mesh module/MGCleaner plugin/Manual" value="%MESHGEMS_ROOT_DIR%/Docs/mg-cleaner_user_manual.pdf"/>
- SMESHFiltersSelection
+ SMESHFiltersSelection
# additional preprocessor / compiler flags
+ ${MEDCoupling_medloader}
# --- headers ---
+ MG_ADAPT.hxx
# --- sources ---
+ MG_ADAPT.cxx
# --- rules ---
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// file : MG_ADAPT.cxx
+#include "MG_ADAPT.hxx"
+#include "MeshFormatReader.hxx"
+#include "MeshFormatWriter.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileMesh.hxx"
+#include "MCAuto.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileData.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileField.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#include <SALOME_NamingService.hxx>
+#include <Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx>
+#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+#include <utilities.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+using namespace MG_ADAPT;
+static std::string removeFile(std::string fileName, int& notOk)
+ std::string errStr;
+ notOk = std::remove(fileName.c_str());
+ if (notOk) errStr = ToComment("\n error while removing file : ") << fileName;
+ else errStr = ToComment("\n file : ") << fileName << " succesfully deleted! \n ";
+ return errStr;
+std::string remove_extension(const std::string& filename) {
+ size_t lastdot = filename.find_last_of(".");
+ if (lastdot == std::string::npos) return filename;
+ return filename.substr(0, lastdot);
+struct GET_DEFAULT // struct used to get default value from GetOptionValue()
+ bool isDefault;
+ operator bool* () {
+ return &isDefault;
+ }
+ data = new MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ data->myInMeshName = "";
+ data->fromMedFile = defaultFromMedFile();
+ data->myFileInDir = defaultWorkingDirectory();
+ data->myMeshFileIn = "";
+ data->myFileOutDir = defaultWorkingDirectory();
+ data->myOutMeshName = "";
+ data->myMeshFileOut = "";
+ data->myMeshOutMed = defaultMeshOutMed();
+ data->myPublish = defaultPublish();
+ data->myUseLocalMap = defaultUseLocalMap();
+ data->myUseBackgroundMap = defaultUseBackgroundMap();
+ data->myFileSizeMapDir = defaultWorkingDirectory();
+ data->myMeshFileBackground = "";
+ data->myUseConstantValue = defaultUseConstantValue();
+ data->myConstantValue = 0.0;
+ data->myFieldName = "";
+ data->myUseNoTimeStep = defaultUseNoTimeStep();
+ data->myUseLastTimeStep = defaultUseLastTimeStep();
+ data->myUseChosenTimeStep = defaultUseChosenTimeStep();
+ data->myTimeStep = -2;
+ data->myRank = -2;
+ data->myWorkingDir = defaultWorkingDirectory();
+ data->myLogFile = defaultLogFile();
+ data->myVerboseLevel = defaultVerboseLevel();
+ data->myPrintLogInFile = defaultPrintLogInFile();
+ data->myKeepFiles = defaultKeepFiles();
+ data->myRemoveLogOnSuccess = defaultRemoveLogOnSuccess();
+ buildModel();
+ setAll();
+MgAdapt::MgAdapt(MgAdaptHypothesisData* myData)
+ data = new MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ setData(myData);
+ buildModel();
+MgAdapt::MgAdapt( const MgAdapt& copy)
+ data = new MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ MgAdaptHypothesisData *copyData = copy.getData();
+ copyMgAdaptHypothesisData(copyData);
+ setAll();
+ this->_option2value = copy._option2value;
+ this->_customOption2value = copy._customOption2value;
+ this->_defaultOptionValues = copy._defaultOptionValues;
+ this->_doubleOptions = copy._doubleOptions;
+ this->_charOptions = copy._charOptions;
+ this->_boolOptions = copy._boolOptions;
+ delete data;
+void MgAdapt::buildModel()
+ const char* boolOptionNames[] = { "compute_ridges", // yes
+ "" // mark of end
+ };
+ // const char* intOptionNames[] = { "max_number_of_errors_printed", // 1
+ // "max_number_of_threads", // 4
+ // "" // mark of end
+ // };
+ const char* doubleOptionNames[] = { "max_memory", // 0
+ "" // mark of end
+ };
+ const char* charOptionNames[] = { "components", // "yes"
+ "adaptation", // both
+ "" // mark of end
+ };
+ int i = 0;
+ while (boolOptionNames[i][0])
+ {
+ _boolOptions.insert( boolOptionNames[i] );
+ _option2value[boolOptionNames[i++]].clear();
+ }
+ // i = 0;
+ // while (intOptionNames[i][0])
+ // _option2value[intOptionNames[i++]].clear();
+ i = 0;
+ while (doubleOptionNames[i][0]) {
+ _doubleOptions.insert(doubleOptionNames[i]);
+ _option2value[doubleOptionNames[i++]].clear();
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while (charOptionNames[i][0]) {
+ _charOptions.insert(charOptionNames[i]);
+ _option2value[charOptionNames[i++]].clear();
+ }
+ // default values to be used while MG-Adapt
+ _defaultOptionValues["adaptation" ] = "both";
+ _defaultOptionValues["components" ] = "outside components";
+ _defaultOptionValues["compute_ridges"] = "yes";
+ _defaultOptionValues["max_memory" ] = ToComment(defaultMaximumMemory());
+TOptionValues MgAdapt::getOptionValues() const
+ TOptionValues vals;
+ TOptionValues::const_iterator op_val = _option2value.begin();
+ for ( ; op_val != _option2value.end(); ++op_val )
+ vals.insert( make_pair( op_val->first, getOptionValue( op_val->first, GET_DEFAULT() )));
+ return vals;
+std::vector <std::string> MgAdapt::getOptionValuesStrVec() const
+ std::vector <std::string> vals;
+ TOptionValues::const_iterator op_val = _option2value.begin();
+ for ( ; op_val != _option2value.end(); ++op_val )
+ vals.push_back(op_val->first+":"+getOptionValue( op_val->first, GET_DEFAULT() ));
+ return vals;
+std::vector <std::string> MgAdapt::getCustomOptionValuesStrVec() const
+ std::vector <std::string> vals;
+ TOptionValues::const_iterator op_val;
+ for ( op_val = _customOption2value.begin(); op_val != _customOption2value.end(); ++op_val )
+ {
+ vals.push_back(op_val->first+":"+getOptionValue( op_val->first, GET_DEFAULT() ));
+ }
+ return vals;
+const TOptionValues& MgAdapt::getCustomOptionValues() const
+ return _customOption2value;
+void MgAdapt::setData(MgAdaptHypothesisData* myData)
+ copyMgAdaptHypothesisData(myData);
+ setAll();
+MgAdaptHypothesisData* MgAdapt::getData() const
+ return data;
+void MgAdapt::setMedFileIn(std::string fileName)
+ if ( isFileExist(fileName) )
+ {
+ medFileIn = fileName;
+ if (medFileOut == "") // default MED file Out
+ medFileOut = remove_extension( fileName )+ ".adapt.med";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "\nThe file " + fileName + " does not exist.\n" ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+std::string MgAdapt::getMedFileIn()
+ return medFileIn;
+void MgAdapt::setMedFileOut(std::string fileOut)
+ medFileOut = fileOut;
+std::string MgAdapt::getMedFileOut()
+ return medFileOut;
+void MgAdapt::setMeshOutMed(bool mybool)
+ meshOutMed = mybool;
+bool MgAdapt::getMeshOutMed()
+ return meshOutMed;
+void MgAdapt::setPublish(bool mybool)
+ publish = mybool;
+bool MgAdapt::getPublish()
+ return publish;
+void MgAdapt::setFieldName(std::string myFieldName)
+ fieldName = myFieldName;
+std::string MgAdapt::getFieldName()
+ return fieldName;
+void MgAdapt::setTimeStep(int time)
+ timeStep = time;
+int MgAdapt::getTimeStep() const
+ return timeStep;
+void MgAdapt::setRankTimeStep(int time, int myRank)
+ timeStep = time;
+ rank = myRank;
+int MgAdapt::getRank()
+ return rank;
+void MgAdapt::setTimeStepRankLast()
+ myUseLastTimeStep = true;
+ myUseChosenTimeStep = false;
+ myUseNoTimeStep = false;
+ //~med_int aRank, tmst;
+ //~std::string fieldFile = useBackgroundMap ? sizeMapFile : medFileIn;
+ //~getTimeStepInfos(fieldFile, tmst, aRank);
+ //~setRankTimeStep((int) tmst, (int) aRank);
+void MgAdapt::setNoTimeStep()
+ myUseLastTimeStep = false;
+ myUseChosenTimeStep = false;
+ myUseNoTimeStep = true;
+ //~int aRank = (int)MED_NO_IT;
+ //~int tmst = (int)MED_NO_DT ;
+ //~setRankTimeStep(tmst, aRank);
+void MgAdapt::setChosenTimeStepRank()
+ myUseLastTimeStep = false;
+ myUseChosenTimeStep = true;
+ myUseNoTimeStep = false;
+ //~int aRank = (int)MED_NO_IT;
+ //~int tmst = (int)MED_NO_DT ;
+ //~setRankTimeStep(tmst, aRank);
+void MgAdapt::setUseLocalMap(bool myLocal)
+ useLocalMap = myLocal;
+bool MgAdapt::getUseLocalMap()
+ return useLocalMap;
+void MgAdapt::setUseBackgroundMap(bool bckg)
+ useBackgroundMap = bckg;
+bool MgAdapt::getUseBackgroundMap()
+ return useBackgroundMap;
+void MgAdapt::setUseConstantValue(bool cnst)
+ useConstantValue = cnst;
+bool MgAdapt::getUseConstantValue()
+ return useConstantValue;
+void MgAdapt::setLogFile(std::string myLogFile)
+ logFile = myLogFile;
+std::string MgAdapt::getLogFile()
+ return logFile;
+void MgAdapt::setVerbosityLevel(int verboLevel)
+ verbosityLevel = verboLevel;
+int MgAdapt::getVerbosityLevel()
+ return verbosityLevel;
+void MgAdapt::setRemoveOnSuccess(bool rmons)
+ removeOnSuccess = rmons;
+bool MgAdapt::getRemoveOnSuccess()
+ return removeOnSuccess;
+void MgAdapt::setSizeMapFile(std::string mapFile)
+ if ( mapFile == "" || isFileExist(mapFile) )
+ {
+ sizeMapFile = mapFile;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "\nThe file " + mapFile + " does not exist.\n" ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+std::string MgAdapt::getSizeMapFile()
+ return sizeMapFile;
+void MgAdapt::setMeshName(std::string name)
+ meshName = name;
+std::string MgAdapt::getMeshName()
+ return meshName;
+void MgAdapt::setMeshNameOut(std::string name)
+ meshNameOut = name;
+std::string MgAdapt::getMeshNameOut()
+ return meshNameOut;
+void MgAdapt::setFromMedFile(bool mybool)
+ fromMedFile = mybool;
+bool MgAdapt::isFromMedFile()
+ return fromMedFile;
+void MgAdapt::setConstantValue(double cnst)
+ constantValue = cnst;
+double MgAdapt::getConstantValue() const
+ return constantValue;
+void MgAdapt::setWorkingDir(std::string dir)
+ workingDir = dir;
+std::string MgAdapt::getWorkingDir() const
+ return workingDir;
+void MgAdapt::setKeepWorkingFiles(bool mybool)
+ toKeepWorkingFiles = mybool;
+bool MgAdapt::getKeepWorkingFiles()
+ return toKeepWorkingFiles;
+void MgAdapt::setPrintLogInFile(bool print)
+ printLogInFile = print;
+bool MgAdapt::getPrintLogInFile()
+ return printLogInFile;
+bool MgAdapt::setAll()
+ setFromMedFile(data->fromMedFile);
+ std::string file;
+ checkDirPath(data->myFileInDir);
+ file = data->myFileInDir+data->myMeshFileIn;
+ setMedFileIn(file);
+ setMeshName(data->myInMeshName);
+ setMeshNameOut(data->myOutMeshName);
+ checkDirPath(data->myFileOutDir);
+ std::string out = data->myFileOutDir+data->myMeshFileOut;
+ setMedFileOut(out);
+ setPublish(data->myPublish);
+ setMeshOutMed(data->myMeshOutMed);
+ setUseLocalMap(data->myUseLocalMap);
+ setUseBackgroundMap(data->myUseBackgroundMap);
+ setUseConstantValue(data->myUseConstantValue);
+ std::string mapfile;
+ if (useBackgroundMap)
+ {
+ checkDirPath(data->myFileSizeMapDir);
+ mapfile = data->myFileSizeMapDir+data->myMeshFileBackground;
+ setFieldName(data->myFieldName);
+ }
+ else if (useConstantValue)
+ {
+ setConstantValue(data->myConstantValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mapfile ="";
+ setConstantValue(0.0);
+ setFieldName(data->myFieldName);
+ }
+ setSizeMapFile(mapfile);
+ if (data->myUseNoTimeStep)
+ setNoTimeStep();
+ else if (data->myUseLastTimeStep)
+ setTimeStepRankLast();
+ else
+ {
+ setChosenTimeStepRank();
+ setRankTimeStep(data->myTimeStep, data->myRank);
+ }
+ /* Advanced options */
+ setWorkingDir(data->myWorkingDir);
+ checkDirPath(data->myWorkingDir);
+ setLogFile(data->myWorkingDir+defaultLogFile());
+ setVerbosityLevel(data->myVerboseLevel);
+ setRemoveOnSuccess(data->myRemoveLogOnSuccess);
+ setPrintLogInFile(data->myPrintLogInFile);
+ setKeepWorkingFiles(data->myKeepFiles);
+ return true;
+void MgAdapt::checkDirPath(std::string& dirPath)
+ const char lastChar = *dirPath.rbegin();
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(lastChar != '\\') dirPath+='\\';
+ if(lastChar != '/') dirPath+='/';
+void MgAdapt::setOptionValue(const std::string& optionName,
+ const std::string& optionValue)
+throw (std::invalid_argument)
+// INFOS("setOptionValue");
+// std::cout << "optionName: " << optionName << ", optionValue: " << optionValue << std::endl;
+ TOptionValues::iterator op_val = _option2value.find(optionName);
+ if (op_val == _option2value.end())
+ {
+ op_val = _customOption2value.find( optionName );
+ _customOption2value[ optionName ] = optionValue;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (op_val->second != optionValue)
+ {
+ std::string lowerOptionValue = toLowerStr(optionValue);
+ const char* ptr = lowerOptionValue.c_str();
+ // strip white spaces
+ while (ptr[0] == ' ')
+ ptr++;
+ int i = strlen(ptr);
+ while (i != 0 && ptr[i - 1] == ' ')
+ i--;
+ // check value type
+ bool typeOk = true;
+ std::string typeName;
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ // empty string
+ }
+ else if (_charOptions.count(optionName))
+ {
+ // do not check strings
+ }
+ else if (_doubleOptions.count(optionName))
+ {
+ // check if value is double
+ toDbl(ptr, &typeOk);
+ typeName = "real";
+ }
+ else if (_boolOptions.count(optionName))
+ {
+ // check if value is bool
+ toBool(ptr, &typeOk);
+ typeName = "bool";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // check if value is int
+ toInt(ptr, &typeOk);
+ typeName = "integer";
+ }
+ if ( typeOk ) // check some specific values ?
+ {
+ }
+ if ( !typeOk )
+ {
+ std::string msg = "Advanced option '" + optionName + "' = '" + optionValue + "' but must be " + typeName;
+ throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
+ }
+ std::string value( ptr, i );
+// std::cout << "==> value: " << value << std::endl;
+ if ( _defaultOptionValues[ optionName ] == value ) value.clear();
+// std::cout << "==> value: " << value << std::endl;
+ op_val->second = value;
+ }
+//! Return option value. If isDefault provided, it can be a default value,
+// then *isDefault == true. If isDefault is not provided, the value will be
+// empty if it equals a default one.
+std::string MgAdapt::getOptionValue(const std::string& optionName, bool* isDefault) const
+throw (std::invalid_argument)
+// INFOS("getOptionValue");
+// std::cout << "optionName: " << optionName << ", isDefault: " << isDefault << std::endl;
+ TOptionValues::const_iterator op_val = _option2value.find(optionName);
+ if (op_val == _option2value.end())
+ {
+ op_val = _customOption2value.find(optionName);
+ if (op_val == _customOption2value.end())
+ {
+ std::string msg = "Unknown MG-Adapt option: <" + optionName + ">";
+ throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ std::string val = op_val->second;
+ if ( isDefault ) *isDefault = ( val.empty() );
+ if ( val.empty() && isDefault )
+ {
+ op_val = _defaultOptionValues.find( optionName );
+ if (op_val != _defaultOptionValues.end()) val = op_val->second;
+ }
+// std::cout << "==> val: " << val << std::endl;
+ return val;
+ * \brief Converts a string to a real value
+ */
+double MgAdapt::toDbl(const std::string& str, bool* isOk )
+throw (std::invalid_argument)
+ if ( str.empty() ) throw std::invalid_argument("Empty value provided");
+ char * endPtr;
+ double val = strtod(&str[0], &endPtr);
+ bool ok = (&str[0] != endPtr);
+ if ( isOk ) *isOk = ok;
+ if ( !ok )
+ {
+ std::string msg = "Not a real value:'" + str + "'";
+ throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
+ }
+ return val;
+ * \brief Converts a string to a lower
+ */
+std::string MgAdapt::toLowerStr(const std::string& str)
+ std::string s = str;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i <= s.size(); ++i )
+ s[i] = tolower( s[i] );
+ return s;
+ * \brief Converts a string to a bool
+ */
+bool MgAdapt::toBool(const std::string& str, bool* isOk )
+throw (std::invalid_argument)
+ std::string s = str;
+ if ( isOk ) *isOk = true;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i <= s.size(); ++i )
+ s[i] = tolower( s[i] );
+ if ( s == "1" || s == "true" || s == "active" || s == "yes" )
+ return true;
+ if ( s == "0" || s == "false" || s == "inactive" || s == "no" )
+ return false;
+ if ( isOk )
+ *isOk = false;
+ else
+ {
+ std::string msg = "Not a Boolean value:'" + str + "'";
+ throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
+ }
+ return false;
+ * \brief Converts a string to a integer value
+ */
+int MgAdapt::toInt(const std::string& str, bool* isOk )
+throw (std::invalid_argument)
+ if ( str.empty() ) throw std::invalid_argument("Empty value provided");
+ char * endPtr;
+ int val = (int)strtol( &str[0], &endPtr, 10);
+ bool ok = (&str[0] != endPtr);
+ if ( isOk ) *isOk = ok;
+ if ( !ok )
+ {
+ std::string msg = "Not an integer value:'" + str + "'";
+ throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
+ }
+ return val;
+bool MgAdapt::hasOptionDefined( const std::string& optionName ) const
+ bool isDefault = false;
+ try
+ {
+ getOptionValue( optionName, &isDefault );
+ }
+ catch ( std::invalid_argument )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !isDefault;
+ * \brief Return command to run MG-Tetra mesher excluding file prefix (-f)
+ */
+std::string MgAdapt::getCommandToRun(MgAdapt* hyp)
+ return hyp ? hyp->getCommandToRun() : ToComment("error with hypothesis!");
+int MgAdapt::compute(std::string& errStr)
+ std::string cmd = getCommandToRun();
+// std::cout << cmd << std::endl;
+ int err = 0;
+ execCmd( cmd.c_str(), err ); // run
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ errStr = ToComment("system(mg-adapt.exe ...) command failed with error: ") << strerror( errno );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ convertMeshFile(meshFormatOutputMesh, solFormatOutput);
+ }
+ if (!err) cleanUp();
+ return err;
+void MgAdapt::execCmd( const char* cmd, int& err)
+ err = 1;
+ std::array <char, 128> buffer;
+ std::streambuf* buf;
+outFileStream fileStream;
+ if (printLogInFile)
+ {
+ fileStream.open(logFile);
+ buf = fileStream.rdbuf();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buf = std::cout.rdbuf();
+ }
+ std::ostream logStream(buf);
+ std::unique_ptr <FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose );
+ if(!pipe)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!");
+ }
+ while(fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe.get()) !=nullptr )
+ {
+ logStream<<buffer.data() ;
+ }
+ err = 0;
+ * to delete tmp files .mesh, .sol and if needed
+ * the log file
+ *
+ */
+void MgAdapt::cleanUp()
+ int notOk;
+ std::string errStr;
+ if(toKeepWorkingFiles)
+ return;
+ if(removeOnSuccess && printLogInFile)
+ tmpFilesToBeDeleted.push_back(logFile);
+ std::vector< std::string>::iterator it = tmpFilesToBeDeleted.begin();
+ for (; it!=tmpFilesToBeDeleted.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ errStr=removeFile(*it, notOk);
+ if (notOk)
+ {
+ appendMsgToLogFile(errStr);
+ }
+ }
+void MgAdapt::appendMsgToLogFile(std::string& msg)
+ std::ofstream logStream;
+ logStream.open(logFile, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
+ logStream<< msg;
+ logStream.close();
+ * \brief Return command to run MG-Tetra mesher excluding file prefix (-f)
+ */
+std::string MgAdapt::getCommandToRun()
+ /*
+ || return system command with args and options
+ ||
+ */
+ std::string errStr;
+ std::string cmd = getExeName();
+ std::string meshIn(""), sizeMapIn(""), solFileIn("");
+ updateTimeStepRank();
+ convertMedFile(meshIn, solFileIn, sizeMapIn);
+ if (!isFileExist(meshIn) || !isFileExist(solFileIn))
+ {
+ errStr = ToComment(" failed to find .mesh or .sol file from converter ")<< strerror( errno );
+ return errStr;
+ }
+ tmpFilesToBeDeleted.push_back(meshIn);
+ tmpFilesToBeDeleted.push_back(solFileIn);
+ if(useBackgroundMap && !isFileExist(sizeMapIn))
+ {
+ errStr = ToComment(" failed to find .mesh size map file from converter ")<< strerror( errno );
+ return errStr;
+ }
+ cmd+= " --in "+ meshIn;
+ meshFormatOutputMesh = getFileName()+".mesh";
+ tmpFilesToBeDeleted.push_back(meshFormatOutputMesh);
+ cmd+= " --out "+ meshFormatOutputMesh;
+ if (useLocalMap || useConstantValue) cmd+= " --sizemap "+ solFileIn;
+ else // (useBackgroundMap)
+ {
+ cmd+= " --background_mesh "+ sizeMapIn ;
+ cmd+= " --background_sizemap "+ solFileIn;
+ tmpFilesToBeDeleted.push_back(sizeMapIn);
+ }
+ //~else
+ //~{
+ //~// constant value TODO
+ //~}
+ // Check coherence between mesh dimension and option fo adaptation
+ checkDimensionOptionAdaptation();
+// sizemap file is written only if level is higher than 3
+ if ( verbosityLevel > 3)
+ {
+ std::string solFileOut = getFileName()+".sol";
+ cmd+= " --write_sizemap "+ solFileOut;
+ solFormatOutput.push_back(solFileOut);
+ tmpFilesToBeDeleted.push_back(solFileOut);
+ }
+ std::string option, value;
+ bool isDefault;
+ const TOptionValues* options[] = { &_option2value, &_customOption2value };
+ for ( int iOp = 0; iOp < 2; ++iOp )
+ {
+ TOptionValues::const_iterator o2v = options[iOp]->begin();
+ for ( ; o2v != options[iOp]->end(); ++o2v )
+ {
+ option = o2v->first;
+ value = getOptionValue( option, &isDefault );
+ if ( isDefault )
+ continue;
+ if ( value.empty() )//value == NoValue() )
+ {
+ if ( _defaultOptionValues.count( option ))
+ continue; // non-custom option with no value
+ //value.clear();
+ }
+ if ( strncmp( "no", option.c_str(), 2 ) == 0 ) // options w/o values: --no_*
+ {
+ if ( !value.empty() && toBool( value ) == false )
+ continue;
+ value.clear();
+ }
+ if ( option[0] != '-' )
+ cmd += " --";
+ else
+ cmd += " ";
+// std::cout << "--- option: '" << option << ", value: '" << value <<"'"<< std::endl;
+ cmd += option + " " + value;
+ }
+ }
+ // Verbosity Level
+ if (verbosityLevel != defaultVerboseLevel())
+ {
+ cmd+= " --verbose "+ ToComment(verbosityLevel);
+ }
+ //~}
+//~cmd+= " >"
+#ifdef WIN32
+ cmd += " < NUL";
+// std::cout << "--- cmd :"<< std::endl;
+// std::cout << cmd << std::endl;
+ return cmd;
+bool MgAdapt::isFileExist(const std::string& fName)
+ if ( fName.empty() ) return false;
+ boost::system::error_code err;
+ bool res = boost::filesystem::exists( fName, err );
+ return err ? false : res;
+//function : defaultMaximumMemory
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#include <windows.h>
+#elif !defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+double MgAdapt::defaultMaximumMemory()
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366589.aspx
+ statex.dwLength = sizeof (statex);
+ long err = GlobalMemoryStatusEx (&statex);
+ if (err != 0)
+ {
+ double totMB = (double)statex.ullAvailPhys / 1024. / 1024.;
+ return (double)( 0.7 * totMB );
+ }
+#elif !defined(__APPLE__)
+ struct sysinfo si;
+ long err = sysinfo( &si );
+ if ( err == 0 )
+ {
+ long ramMB = si.totalram * si.mem_unit / 1024 / 1024;
+ return ( 0.7 * ramMB );
+ }
+ return 1024;
+//function : defaultWorkingDirectory
+std::string MgAdapt::defaultWorkingDirectory()
+ TCollection_AsciiString aTmpDir;
+ char *Tmp_dir = getenv("SALOME_TMP_DIR");
+ if(Tmp_dir != NULL)
+ {
+ aTmpDir = Tmp_dir;
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ aTmpDir = TCollection_AsciiString("C:\\");
+ aTmpDir = TCollection_AsciiString("/tmp/");
+ }
+ return aTmpDir.ToCString();
+ * \brief Return a unique file name
+ */
+std::string MgAdapt::getFileName() const
+ std::string aTmpDir = workingDir;
+ const char lastChar = *aTmpDir.rbegin();
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(lastChar != '\\') aTmpDir+='\\';
+ if(lastChar != '/') aTmpDir+='/';
+ TCollection_AsciiString aGenericName = (char*)aTmpDir.c_str();
+ aGenericName += "MgAdapt_";
+ aGenericName += getpid();
+ aGenericName += "_";
+ aGenericName += Abs((Standard_Integer)(long) aGenericName.ToCString());
+ return aGenericName.ToCString();
+//function : defaultLogFile
+std::string MgAdapt::defaultLogFile()
+ std::string alogFile("MG_ADAPT.log");
+ return alogFile;
+//function : defaultUseConstantValue
+bool MgAdapt::defaultUseConstantValue()
+ return false;
+//function : defaultUseNoTimeStep
+bool MgAdapt::defaultUseNoTimeStep()
+ return true;
+//function : defaultRemoveLogOnSuccess
+bool MgAdapt::defaultRemoveLogOnSuccess()
+ return true;
+//function : defaultPrintLogInFile
+bool MgAdapt::defaultPrintLogInFile()
+ return false;
+//function : defaultUseChosenTimeStep
+bool MgAdapt::defaultUseChosenTimeStep()
+ return false;
+//function : UseLastTimeStep
+bool MgAdapt::defaultUseLastTimeStep()
+ return false;
+//function : defaultUseBackgroundMap
+bool MgAdapt::defaultUseBackgroundMap()
+ return false;
+//function : defaultKeepFiles
+bool MgAdapt::defaultKeepFiles()
+ return false;
+//function : defaultUseLocalMap
+bool MgAdapt::defaultUseLocalMap()
+ return true;
+//function : defaultPublish
+bool MgAdapt::defaultPublish()
+ return false;
+//function : defaultMeshOutMed
+bool MgAdapt::defaultMeshOutMed()
+ return true;
+//function : defaultFromMedFile
+bool MgAdapt::defaultFromMedFile()
+ return true;
+//function : defaultVerboseLevel
+int MgAdapt::defaultVerboseLevel()
+ return 3;
+std::string MgAdapt::getExeName()
+ return "mg-adapt.exe";
+void MgAdapt::copyMgAdaptHypothesisData( const MgAdaptHypothesisData* from)
+ data->myFileInDir = from->myFileInDir;
+ data->myMeshFileIn = from->myMeshFileIn;
+ data->myMeshFileBackground = from->myMeshFileBackground;
+ data->myOutMeshName = from->myOutMeshName;
+ data->myMeshFileOut = from->myMeshFileOut;
+ data->myFileOutDir = from->myFileOutDir;
+ data->myFileSizeMapDir = from->myFileSizeMapDir;
+ data->myFieldName = from->myFieldName;
+ data->fromMedFile = from->fromMedFile;
+ data->myPublish = from->myPublish;
+ data->myMeshOutMed = from->myMeshOutMed;
+ data->myUseLocalMap = from->myUseLocalMap;
+ data->myUseBackgroundMap = from->myUseBackgroundMap;
+ data->myUseConstantValue = from->myUseConstantValue;
+ data->myConstantValue = from->myConstantValue;
+ data->myTimeStep = from->myTimeStep;
+ data->myRank = from->myRank;
+ data->myUseNoTimeStep = from->myUseNoTimeStep;
+ data->myUseLastTimeStep = from->myUseLastTimeStep;
+ data->myUseChosenTimeStep = from->myUseChosenTimeStep;
+ data->myWorkingDir = from->myWorkingDir;
+ data->myLogFile = from->myLogFile;
+ data->myPrintLogInFile = from->myPrintLogInFile;
+ data->myKeepFiles = from->myKeepFiles;
+ data->myRemoveLogOnSuccess = from->myRemoveLogOnSuccess;
+ data->myVerboseLevel = from->myVerboseLevel;
+std::vector<std::string> MgAdapt::getListFieldsNames(std::string fileIn)
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(fileIn);
+ std::vector<std::string> listFieldsNames(mfd->getFields()->getFieldsNames());
+ return listFieldsNames ;
+void MgAdapt::checkDimensionOptionAdaptation()
+ // Quand le maillage est 3D, tout est possible
+ // Quand le maillage est 2D, il faut 'surface' sauf si carte de fonds 3D
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(medFileIn);
+ int meshdim = mfd->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0)->getMeshDimension() ;
+// std::cout << "meshdim = " << meshdim << std::endl;
+ if ( meshdim == 2 )
+ {
+ std::string optionName = "adaptation";
+ std::string optionValue = getOptionValue(optionName);
+// std::cout << "optionValue = '" << optionValue <<"'"<< std::endl;
+ bool a_tester = false ;
+ // carte locale ou constante : impératif d'avoir "surface"
+ if ( useLocalMap || useConstantValue) a_tester = true ;
+ // carte de fond : impératif d'avoir "surface" si le fonds est aussi 2D
+ else
+ {
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfdbg = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(sizeMapFile);
+ int meshdimbg = mfdbg->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0)->getMeshDimension() ;
+// std::cout << "meshdimbg = " << meshdimbg << std::endl;
+ if ( meshdimbg == 2 ) a_tester = true ;
+ }
+ if ( a_tester )
+ {
+ if ( optionValue == "" ) setOptionValue (optionName, "surface");
+ else
+ {
+ if ( optionValue != "surface" )
+ {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "Mesh dimension is 2; the option should be 'surface' instead of '" + optionValue + "'." ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MgAdapt::checkFieldName(std::string fileIn)
+ bool ret = false ;
+ std::vector<std::string> listFieldsNames = getListFieldsNames(fileIn);
+ std::size_t jaux(listFieldsNames.size());
+ for(std::size_t j=0;j<jaux;j++)
+ {
+ if ( fieldName == listFieldsNames[j] )
+ {
+ ret = true ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! ret )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Available field names:" << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t j=0;j<jaux;j++)
+ { std::cout << listFieldsNames[j] << std::endl;}
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "Field " + fieldName + " is not found." ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+void MgAdapt::checkTimeStepRank(std::string fileIn)
+ bool ret = false ;
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(fileIn);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileAnyTypeFieldMultiTS> fts( mfd->getFields()->getFieldWithName(fieldName) );
+ std::vector<double> timevalue;
+ std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > timesteprank = fts->getTimeSteps(timevalue);
+ std::size_t jaux(timesteprank.size());
+ for(std::size_t j=0;j<jaux;j++)
+ {
+ if ( ( timeStep == timesteprank[j].first ) & ( rank == timesteprank[j].second ) )
+ {
+ ret = true ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! ret )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Available (Time step, Rank):" << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t j=0;j<jaux;j++)
+ { std::cout << "(Time step = " << timesteprank[j].first << ", Rank = " << timesteprank[j].second << ")" << std::endl;}
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "(Time step = " + std::to_string(timeStep) + ", Rank = " + std::to_string(rank) + ") is not found." ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+void MgAdapt::convertMedFile(std::string& meshFormatMeshFileName, std::string& solFormatFieldFileName, std::string& meshFormatsizeMapFile)
+ std::vector<std::string> fieldFileNames;
+ MEDCoupling::MeshFormatWriter writer;
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(medFileIn);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDFileMeshes* meshes = mfd->getMeshes();
+ MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh = meshes->getMeshAtPos(0); // ok only one mesh in file!
+ if (meshNameOut =="")
+ meshNameOut = fileMesh->getName();
+ storeGroupsAndFams(fileMesh);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields> fields = MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields::New();
+ solFormatFieldFileName = getFileName();
+ solFormatFieldFileName+=".sol";
+ fieldFileNames.push_back(solFormatFieldFileName);
+ if (useBackgroundMap)
+ {
+ checkFieldName(sizeMapFile) ;
+ checkTimeStepRank(sizeMapFile) ;
+ meshFormatsizeMapFile = getFileName();
+ meshFormatsizeMapFile += ".mesh";
+ buildBackGroundMeshAndSolFiles(fieldFileNames, meshFormatsizeMapFile);
+ }
+ else if(useLocalMap)
+ {
+ checkFieldName(medFileIn) ;
+ checkTimeStepRank(medFileIn) ;
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileAnyTypeFieldMultiTS> fts( mfd->getFields()->getFieldWithName(fieldName) );
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileAnyTypeField1TS> f = fts->getTimeStep(timeStep, rank);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileFieldMultiTS> tmFts = MEDCoupling::MEDFileFieldMultiTS::New();
+ tmFts->pushBackTimeStep(f);
+ fields->pushField(tmFts);
+ writer.setFieldFileNames( fieldFileNames);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh> mesh = fileMesh->getMeshAtLevel(1); // nodes mesh
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingUMesh> umesh = mesh->buildUnstructured(); // nodes mesh
+ int dim = umesh->getSpaceDimension();
+ int version = sizeof(double) < 8 ? 1 : 2;
+ mcIdType nbNodes = umesh->getNumberOfNodes();
+ buildConstantSizeMapSolFile(solFormatFieldFileName, dim, version, nbNodes);
+ }
+ mfd->setFields( fields );
+ meshFormatMeshFileName = getFileName();
+ meshFormatMeshFileName+=".mesh";
+ writer.setMeshFileName(meshFormatMeshFileName);
+ writer.setMEDFileDS( mfd);
+ writer.write();
+void MgAdapt::convertMeshFile(std::string& meshFormatIn, std::vector< std::string>& solFieldFileNames) const
+ MEDCoupling::MeshFormatReader reader(meshFormatIn, solFieldFileNames);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = reader.loadInMedFileDS();
+ // write MED
+ MEDCoupling::MEDFileMeshes* meshes = mfd->getMeshes();
+ MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh = meshes->getMeshAtPos(0); // ok only one mesh in file!
+ fileMesh->setName(meshNameOut);
+ restoreGroupsAndFams(fileMesh);
+ mfd->write(medFileOut, 2);
+void MgAdapt::storeGroupsAndFams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh)
+ storefams(fileMesh);
+ storeGroups(fileMesh);
+void MgAdapt::restoreGroupsAndFams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh) const
+ restorefams(fileMesh);
+ restoreGroups(fileMesh);
+void MgAdapt::storeGroups(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh)
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > grpFams = fileMesh->getGroupInfo();
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator g2ff = grpFams.begin();
+ for ( ; g2ff != grpFams.end(); ++g2ff )
+ {
+ std::string groupName = g2ff->first;
+ std::vector<std::string> famNames = g2ff->second;
+ if ( famNames.empty() ) continue;
+ std::size_t k = 0;
+ std::vector< mcIdType> famListId;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < famNames.size(); ++i )
+ {
+ famListId.push_back( fileMesh->getFamilyId( famNames[i].c_str() ) );
+ }
+ group grp(groupName, famListId, famNames);
+ groupVec.push_back(grp);
+ }
+void MgAdapt::storefams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh)
+ std::map<std::string, mcIdType> grpFams = fileMesh->getFamilyInfo();
+ std::map<std::string, mcIdType >::iterator f = grpFams.begin();
+ for ( ; f != grpFams.end(); ++f )
+ {
+ if(!f->second) continue; // FAMILLE_ZERO
+ family fs(f->first, f->second);
+ famVec.push_back(fs);
+ }
+void MgAdapt::restorefams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh) const
+ std::vector<family>::const_iterator fIt = famVec.begin();
+ for (; fIt!=famVec.end(); ++fIt)
+ {
+ try //
+ {
+ std::string givenFamNameFromMeshGemConverter = fileMesh->getFamilyNameGivenId( std::abs(fIt->_famId) );
+ fileMesh->changeFamilyId(std::abs(fIt->_famId), fIt->_famId);
+ fileMesh->changeFamilyName(givenFamNameFromMeshGemConverter, fIt->_famName);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr<<e.what();
+ }
+ }
+void MgAdapt::restoreGroups(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh) const
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > info;
+ std::vector <group>::const_iterator grpFams = groupVec.begin();
+ for (; grpFams!=groupVec.end(); ++grpFams)
+ {
+ info.insert(std::pair <std::string, std::vector<std::string> > (grpFams->_name, grpFams->_famNames) );
+ }
+ fileMesh->setGroupInfo(info);
+void MgAdapt::buildConstantSizeMapSolFile(const std::string& solFormatFieldFileName, const int dim, const int version, const mcIdType nbNodes) const
+ MeshFormat::Localizer loc;
+ MeshFormat::MeshFormatParser writer;
+ int fileId = writer.GmfOpenMesh( solFormatFieldFileName.c_str(), GmfWrite, version, dim);
+ int typTab[] = {GmfSca};
+ writer.GmfSetKwd(fileId, MeshFormat::GmfSolAtVertices, (int)nbNodes, 1, typTab);
+ for (mcIdType i = 0; i<nbNodes; i++)
+ {
+ double valTab[1] = {constantValue};
+ writer.GmfSetLin( fileId, MeshFormat::GmfSolAtVertices, valTab);
+ }
+ writer.GmfCloseMesh(fileId);
+void MgAdapt::buildBackGroundMeshAndSolFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& fieldFileNames, const std::string& meshFormatsizeMapFile) const
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> tmpMfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(sizeMapFile);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields* tmpFields = tmpMfd->getFields();
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileAnyTypeFieldMultiTS> fts( tmpFields->getFieldWithName(fieldName) );
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileFieldMultiTS> fts1 = MEDCoupling::DynamicCastSafe<MEDCoupling::MEDFileAnyTypeFieldMultiTS,MEDCoupling::MEDFileFieldMultiTS>(fts);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileAnyTypeField1TS> f = fts1->getTimeStep(timeStep, rank);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileFieldMultiTS> tmFts = MEDCoupling::MEDFileFieldMultiTS::New();
+ tmFts->pushBackTimeStep(f);
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields> tmp_fields = MEDCoupling::MEDFileFields::New();
+ tmp_fields->pushField(tmFts);
+ tmpMfd->setFields( tmp_fields );
+ MEDCoupling::MeshFormatWriter tmpWriter;
+ tmpWriter.setMeshFileName(meshFormatsizeMapFile);
+ tmpWriter.setFieldFileNames( fieldFileNames);
+ tmpWriter.setMEDFileDS(tmpMfd);
+ tmpWriter.write();
+// =======================================================================
+med_idt MgAdapt::openMedFile(const std::string aFile)
+// =======================================================================
+// renvoie le medId associe au fichier Med apres ouverture
+ med_idt medIdt = MEDfileOpen(aFile.c_str(),MED_ACC_RDONLY);
+ if (medIdt <0)
+ {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "\nThe med file " + aFile + " cannot be opened.\n" ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ return medIdt;
+MgAdapt::Status MgAdapt::addMessage(const std::string& msg,
+ const bool isFatal/*=false*/)
+ if ( isFatal )
+ _myErrorMessages.clear(); // warnings are useless if a fatal error encounters
+ _myErrorMessages.push_back( msg );
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << msg << std::endl;
+ return ( _myStatus = isFatal ? MgAdapt::DRS_FAIL : MgAdapt::DRS_WARN_SKIP_ELEM );
+// =======================================================================
+void MgAdapt::getTimeStepInfos(std::string aFile, med_int& numdt, med_int& numit)
+// =======================================================================
+// Il faut voir si plusieurs maillages
+ herr_t erreur = 0 ;
+ med_idt medIdt ;
+ // Ouverture du fichier
+ //~SCRUTE(aFile.toStdString());
+ medIdt = openMedFile(aFile);
+ if ( medIdt < 0 ) return ;
+ // Lecture du nombre de champs
+ med_int ncha = MEDnField(medIdt) ;
+ if (ncha < 1 )
+ {
+ //~addMessage( ToComment(" error: there is no field in ") << aFile, /*fatal=*/true );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Lecture des caracteristiques du champs
+ // Lecture du type du champ, des noms des composantes et du nom de l'unite
+ char nomcha [MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
+ strcpy(nomcha, fieldName.c_str());
+// Lecture du nombre de composantes
+ med_int ncomp = MEDfieldnComponentByName(medIdt, nomcha);
+ char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
+ char * comp = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
+ char * unit = (char*) malloc(ncomp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1);
+ char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
+ med_bool local;
+ med_field_type typcha;
+ med_int nbofcstp;
+ erreur = MEDfieldInfoByName (medIdt, nomcha, meshname,&local,&typcha,comp,unit,dtunit, &nbofcstp);
+ free(comp);
+ free(unit);
+ if ( erreur < 0 )
+ {
+ //~addMessage( ToComment(" error: error while reading field ") << nomcha << " in file " << aFile , /*fatal=*/true );
+ return;
+ }
+ med_float dt;
+ med_int tmp_numdt, tmp_numit;
+ //~med_int step = data->myUseLastTimeStep ? nbofcstp : data->myTimeStep+1;
+ //~myPrint("step ", step);
+ erreur = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo ( medIdt, nomcha, 1, &numdt, &numit, &dt );
+ for(med_int step = 1; step <= nbofcstp; step++ )
+ {
+ erreur = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo ( medIdt, nomcha, step, &tmp_numdt, &tmp_numit, &dt );
+ if(tmp_numdt > numdt)
+ {
+ numdt = tmp_numdt;
+ numit = tmp_numit;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( erreur < 0 )
+ {
+ //~addMessage( ToComment(" error: error while reading field ") << nomcha << "step (numdt, numit) = " <<"("<< numdt<< ", " \
+ numit<< ")" <<" in file " << aFile , /*fatal=*/true );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fermeture du fichier
+ if ( medIdt > 0 ) MEDfileClose(medIdt);
+void MgAdapt::updateTimeStepRank()
+ med_int arank;
+ med_int tmst;
+ if (myUseNoTimeStep)
+ {
+ arank = MED_NO_IT;
+ tmst = MED_NO_DT ;
+ setRankTimeStep((int)tmst, (int)arank);
+ }
+ else if (myUseLastTimeStep)
+ {
+ std::string fieldFile = useBackgroundMap ? sizeMapFile : medFileIn;
+ getTimeStepInfos(fieldFile, tmst, arank);
+ setRankTimeStep((int)tmst, (int)arank);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// File : MG_ADAPT.hxx
+#ifndef MG_ADAPT_HXX
+#define MG_ADAPT_HXX
+#include <string>
+# include <sstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "MCAuto.hxx"
+#include "MCType.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileMesh.hxx"
+#include <med.h>
+// SMESH includes
+//~#include <med.h>
+std::string remove_extension(const std::string& filename);
+namespace MG_ADAPT{
+class MgAdapt;
+typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > TOptionValues;
+typedef std::set< std::string > TOptionNames;
+struct MgAdaptHypothesisData
+ std::string myFileInDir, myMeshFileIn, myInMeshName, myMeshFileBackground, myOutMeshName,
+ myMeshFileOut, myFileOutDir, myFileSizeMapDir, myFieldName;
+ bool fromMedFile;
+ bool myPublish, myMeshOutMed;
+ bool myUseLocalMap, myUseBackgroundMap, myUseConstantValue;
+ double myConstantValue;
+ int myRank, myTimeStep;
+ bool myUseNoTimeStep, myUseLastTimeStep, myUseChosenTimeStep;
+ std::string myWorkingDir, myLogFile;
+ bool myPrintLogInFile, myKeepFiles, myRemoveLogOnSuccess;
+ int myVerboseLevel;
+class outFileStream : public std::ofstream{
+ ~outFileStream(){close();} //to close file at dtor
+ * \brief Class to generate string from any type
+ */
+class ToComment : public std::string
+ std::ostringstream _s ;
+public :
+ ToComment():std::string("") {}
+ ToComment(const ToComment& c):std::string() {
+ _s << c.c_str() ;
+ this->std::string::operator=( _s.str() );
+ }
+ ToComment & operator=(const ToComment& c) {
+ _s << c.c_str() ;
+ this->std::string::operator=( _s.str() );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ ToComment( const T &anything ) {
+ _s << anything ;
+ this->std::string::operator=( _s.str() );
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ ToComment & operator<<( const T &anything ) {
+ _s << anything ;
+ this->std::string::operator=( _s.str() );
+ return *this ;
+ }
+ operator char*() const {
+ return (char*)c_str();
+ }
+ std::ostream& Stream() {
+ return _s;
+ }
+class MgAdapt
+ MgAdapt();
+ MgAdapt(MgAdaptHypothesisData*);
+ MgAdapt(const MgAdapt&);
+ ~MgAdapt();
+ void buildModel();
+ void setData( MgAdaptHypothesisData* data);
+ void setMedFileIn(std::string fileName);
+ std::string getMedFileIn();
+ void setMedFileOut(std::string fileOut);
+ std::string getMedFileOut();
+ void setMeshName(std::string name);
+ std::string getMeshName();
+ void setMeshNameOut(std::string name);
+ std::string getMeshNameOut();
+ void setMeshOutMed(bool mybool);
+ bool getMeshOutMed();
+ void setPublish(bool mybool);
+ bool getPublish();
+ void setFieldName(std::string myFieldName);
+ std::string getFieldName();
+ void setTimeStep(int time);
+ int getTimeStep() const;
+ void setRankTimeStep(int time, int myRank);
+ int getRank();
+ void setTimeStepRankLast();
+ void setNoTimeStep();
+ void setChosenTimeStepRank();
+ void updateTimeStepRank();
+ void setLogFile(std::string);
+ std::string getLogFile();
+ void setVerbosityLevel(int verbosity);
+ int getVerbosityLevel();
+ void setRemoveOnSuccess(bool mybool);
+ bool getRemoveOnSuccess();
+ MgAdaptHypothesisData* getData() const;
+ void setUseLocalMap(bool mybool);
+ bool getUseLocalMap();
+ void setUseBackgroundMap(bool mybool);
+ bool getUseBackgroundMap();
+ void setUseConstantValue(bool mybool);
+ bool getUseConstantValue();
+ void setConstantValue(double cnst);
+ double getConstantValue() const;
+ void setSizeMapFile(std::string mapFile);
+ std::string getSizeMapFile();
+ void setFromMedFile(bool mybool);
+ bool isFromMedFile();
+ void setKeepWorkingFiles(bool mybool);
+ bool getKeepWorkingFiles();
+ void setPrintLogInFile(bool mybool);
+ bool getPrintLogInFile();
+ void setWorkingDir(std::string dir);
+ std::string getWorkingDir() const;
+ bool setAll();
+ static std::string getCommandToRun(MgAdapt* );
+ std::string getCommandToRun() ;
+ int compute(std::string& errStr);
+ std::string getFileName() const;
+ static std::string getExeName();
+ void copyMgAdaptHypothesisData( const MgAdaptHypothesisData* from) ;
+ void checkDirPath(std::string& dirPath);
+ bool hasOptionDefined( const std::string& optionName ) const;
+ void setOptionValue(const std::string& optionName,
+ const std::string& optionValue) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ std::string getOptionValue(const std::string& optionName,
+ bool* isDefault=0) const throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ std::vector <std::string> getCustomOptionValuesStrVec() const;
+ std::vector <std::string> getOptionValuesStrVec() const;
+ TOptionValues getOptionValues() const;
+ const TOptionValues& getCustomOptionValues() const ;
+ static double toDbl(const std::string&, bool* isOk = 0) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ static bool toBool(const std::string&, bool* isOk = 0) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ static int toInt(const std::string&, bool* isOk = 0 ) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ static std::string toLowerStr(const std::string& str);
+ /* default values */
+ static std::string defaultWorkingDirectory();
+ static std::string defaultLogFile();
+ static bool defaultKeepFiles();
+ static bool defaultRemoveLogOnSuccess();
+ static int defaultVerboseLevel();
+ static bool defaultPrintLogInFile();
+ static bool defaultFromMedFile();
+ static bool defaultMeshOutMed();
+ static bool defaultPublish();
+ static bool defaultUseLocalMap();
+ static bool defaultUseBackgroundMap();
+ static bool defaultUseConstantValue();
+ static bool defaultUseNoTimeStep();
+ static bool defaultUseLastTimeStep();
+ static bool defaultUseChosenTimeStep();
+ static double defaultMaximumMemory();
+ static bool isFileExist(const std::string& fName);
+ enum Status {
+ DRS_EMPTY, // a file contains no mesh with the given name
+ DRS_WARN_RENUMBER, // a file has overlapped ranges of element numbers,
+ // so the numbers from the file are ignored
+ DRS_WARN_SKIP_ELEM, // some elements were skipped due to incorrect file data
+ DRS_WARN_DESCENDING, // some elements were skipped due to descending connectivity
+ DRS_FAIL, // general failure (exception etc.)
+ DRS_NO_TIME_STEP // general failure (exception etc.)
+ };
+ struct group {
+ std::string _name;
+ std::vector<MEDCoupling::mcIdType> _famListId;
+ std::vector<std::string> _famNames;
+ group(std::string name, std::vector<MEDCoupling::mcIdType> famListId, std::vector<std::string> famNames):_name(name)
+ {
+ std::vector<MEDCoupling::mcIdType>::iterator it = famListId.begin();
+ for (; it!=famListId.end(); ++it)
+ _famListId.push_back(*it);
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator itt = famNames.begin();
+ for (; itt!=famNames.end(); ++itt)
+ _famNames.push_back(*itt);
+ }
+ };
+ struct family {
+ std::string _famName;
+ mcIdType _famId;
+ family(std::string famName, MEDCoupling::mcIdType famId):_famName(famName), _famId(famId) {}
+ };
+private :
+ bool fromMedFile;
+ std::string medFileIn;
+ std::string medFileOut;
+ std::string meshName;
+ std::string meshNameOut;
+ bool publish, meshOutMed;
+ bool useLocalMap, useBackgroundMap, useConstantValue;
+ bool myUseLastTimeStep, myUseNoTimeStep, myUseChosenTimeStep;
+ std::string sizeMapFile;
+ std::string fieldName;
+ double constantValue;
+ int rank, timeStep;
+ /* advanced options */
+ std::string logFile;
+ std::string workingDir;
+ int verbosityLevel;
+ bool removeOnSuccess;
+ bool toKeepWorkingFiles;
+ bool printLogInFile;
+ /* Model DATA */
+ MgAdaptHypothesisData* data;
+ /* */
+ TOptionValues _option2value, _customOption2value; // user defined values
+ TOptionValues _defaultOptionValues; // default values
+ TOptionNames _doubleOptions, _charOptions, _boolOptions; // to find a type of option
+ std::vector <std::string> _myErrorMessages;
+ Status _myStatus;
+ std::string meshFormatOutputMesh;
+ std::vector< std::string> solFormatOutput;
+ std::vector <group> groupVec;
+ std::vector <family> famVec;
+ std::vector< std::string> tmpFilesToBeDeleted;
+ /* convert MED-->.mesh format */
+ void convertMedFile(std::string& meshIn,std::string& solFileIn, std::string& sizeMapIn) ;
+ void storeGroups(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh);
+ void restoreGroups(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh) const;
+ void storefams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh);
+ void restorefams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh) const;
+ void storeGroupsAndFams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh);
+ void restoreGroupsAndFams(MEDCoupling::MEDFileMesh* fileMesh) const;
+ void convertMeshFile(std::string& meshFormatIn, std::vector< std::string>& solFieldFileNames) const ;
+ void buildConstantSizeMapSolFile(const std::string& solFormatFieldFileName, const int dim, const int version, const mcIdType nbNodes) const;
+ void buildBackGroundMeshAndSolFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& fieldFileNames, const std::string& meshFormatsizeMapFile) const;
+ void getTimeStepInfos(std::string aFile, med_int& numdt, med_int& numit);
+ Status addMessage(const std::string& msg, const bool isFatal = false);
+ med_idt openMedFile(const std::string aFile) ;
+ void execCmd( const char* cmd, int& err);
+ void cleanUp();
+ void appendMsgToLogFile(std::string& msg);
+ std::vector<std::string> getListFieldsNames(std::string fileIn) ;
+ void checkDimensionOptionAdaptation() ;
+ void checkFieldName(std::string fileIn) ;
+ void checkTimeStepRank(std::string fileIn) ;
+#endif // MG_ADAPT_HXX
# additional preprocessor / compiler flags
+ ${MEDCoupling_medloader}
# --- headers ---
+ SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg.h
+ MG_ADAPTGUI.hxx # to replace in ../ADAPTGUI/
# header files / no moc processing
+ #~MG_ADAPT.hxx # to replace in ../ADAPT/
# header files / to install
+ SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg.cxx
+ MG_ADAPTGUI.cxx # to replace in ../ADAPTGUI/
+ #MG_ADAPT.cxx
# sources / to compile
# --- rules ---
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// file : MG_ADAPTGUI.cxx
+#include "MG_ADAPTGUI.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileData.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include "SUIT_Desktop.h"
+#include "SUIT_Application.h"
+#include "SUIT_Session.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Module.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"
+#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
+#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
+#include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h>
+#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
+#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
+#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
+#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QButtonGroup>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QGroupBox>
+#include <QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QCheckBox>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QRadioButton>
+#include <QTabWidget>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
+#include <QSpinBox>
+#include <QTreeWidget>
+#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
+#include <QSpacerItem>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QHeaderView>
+#include <QItemDelegate>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QComboBox>
+#include <vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkIdList.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h>
+#include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
+#include <VTKViewer_CellLocationsArray.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <ElCLib.hxx>
+// SALOME KERNEL includes
+#include <SALOMEDS_SComponent.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_SObject.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_Study.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
+#include "SalomeApp_Tools.h"
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+#include <med.h>
+#include <utilities.h>
+#include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
+const int SPACING = 6; // layout spacing
+const int MARGIN = 9; // layout margin
+// function : SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg()
+// purpose :
+SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg( SalomeApp_Module* theModule, SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr myModel, QWidget* parent, bool isCreation )
+ : mySMESHGUI( theModule ), QDialog(parent)
+ //~model = new MgAdapt(*myModel);
+ model = SMESH::MG_ADAPT::_duplicate(myModel);
+ myData = model->getData();
+ buildDlg();
+ if (!isCreation) readParamsFromHypo();
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::buildDlg()
+ setModal( false );
+ setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+ setWindowTitle( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT" ) );
+ setSizeGripEnabled( true );
+ myTabWidget = new QTabWidget( this );
+ // Arguments
+ myArgs = new SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments( myTabWidget );
+ SMESH::str_array* str = model->getOptionValuesStrVec();
+ SMESH::str_array* str2 = model->getCustomOptionValuesStrVec();
+ std::vector<std::string> s;
+ for (int i = 0; i< str->length(); i++) s.push_back( (*str)[i].in());
+ for (int j = str->length(); j< str2->length(); j++) s.push_back((*str2)[ j - str->length() ].in() );
+ //~str.insert( str.end(), str2.begin(), str2.end() );
+ myAdvOpt = new MgAdaptAdvWidget(myTabWidget, &s);
+ int argsTab = myTabWidget->addTab( myArgs, tr( "Args" ) );
+ int advTab = myTabWidget->addTab( myAdvOpt, tr( "ADVOP" ) );
+ myAdvOpt->workingDirectoryLabel ->setText (tr( "WORKING_DIR" ));
+ myAdvOpt->workingDirectoryPushButton ->setText (tr( "SELECT_DIR" ));
+ myAdvOpt->keepWorkingFilesCheck ->setText (tr( "KEEP_WORKING_FILES" ));
+ myAdvOpt->verboseLevelLabel ->setText (tr( "VERBOSE_LEVEL" ));
+ myAdvOpt->removeLogOnSuccessCheck ->setText (tr( "REMOVE_LOG_ON_SUCCESS" ));
+ myAdvOpt->logInFileCheck ->setText (tr( "LOG_IN_FILE" ));
+ myAdvOpt->logGroupBox ->setTitle(tr( "LOG_GROUP_TITLE" ));
+ // buttons
+ QPushButton* buttonOk = new QPushButton(tr("SMESH_BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE"), this);
+ buttonOk->setAutoDefault(false);
+ QPushButton* buttonApply = new QPushButton(tr("SMESH_BUT_APPLY"), this);
+ buttonApply->setAutoDefault(false);
+ QPushButton* buttonCancel = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_CANCEL" ), this );
+ buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( false );
+ QPushButton* buttonHelp = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), this );
+ buttonHelp->setAutoDefault( false );
+ QHBoxLayout* btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ btnLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
+ btnLayout->setMargin( 0 );
+ btnLayout->addWidget( buttonOk );
+ btnLayout->addStretch( 10 );
+ btnLayout->addWidget( buttonApply );
+ btnLayout->addStretch( 10 );
+ btnLayout->addWidget( buttonCancel );
+ btnLayout->addStretch( 10 );
+ btnLayout->addWidget( buttonHelp );
+ QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout ( this );
+ l->setMargin( MARGIN );
+ l->setSpacing( SPACING );
+ l->addWidget( myTabWidget );
+ l->addStretch();
+ l->addLayout( btnLayout );
+ connect( buttonOk, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(PushOnOK()));
+ connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(PushOnApply()));
+ connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(close()));
+ connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(PushOnHelp()));
+ connect( myArgs, SIGNAL(meshDimSignal(ADAPTATION_MODE)), myAdvOpt, SLOT( onMeshDimChanged(ADAPTATION_MODE)) );
+// function : ~SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg()
+// purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+ //~delete model;
+//~void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::setModel(MgAdapt* mg)
+ //~model = mg;
+SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::getModel() const
+ return model;
+\brief Perform clean-up actions on the dialog box closing.
+bool SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::PushOnApply()
+ bool ret = readParamsFromWidgets();
+ return ret;
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::PushOnOK()
+ bool ret = PushOnApply();
+ if ( ret ) reject();
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::reject()
+ QDialog::reject();
+bool SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::readParamsFromHypo( ) const
+ bool ret = true;
+ myArgs->aMedfile->setChecked(myData->fromMedFile) ;
+ if (myData->fromMedFile)
+ {
+ *(myArgs->myFileInDir) = QString(myData->myFileInDir) ;
+ myArgs->selectMedFileLineEdit->setText(QString(myData->myMeshFileIn)) ;
+ // myData->myInMeshName = // TODO
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myArgs->aBrowserObject->setText(QString(myData->myInMeshName));
+ //~ myArgs->myFileInDir =""; // TODO
+ //~ myArgs->selectMedFileLineEdit->setText(); // TODO
+ }
+ myArgs->meshNameLineEdit->setText(QString(myData->myOutMeshName));
+ myArgs->medFileCheckBox->setChecked(myData->myMeshOutMed);
+ if(myData->myMeshOutMed)
+ {
+ *(myArgs->myFileOutDir) = QString(myData->myFileOutDir);
+ myArgs->selectOutMedFileLineEdit->setText(QString(myData->myMeshFileOut));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(myArgs->myFileOutDir) = QString(""); //TODO
+ }
+ myArgs->publishOut->setChecked(myData->myPublish);
+ myArgs->localButton->setChecked(myData->myUseLocalMap);
+ myArgs->backgroundButton->setChecked(myData->myUseBackgroundMap);
+ myArgs->constantButton->setChecked(myData->myUseConstantValue);
+ if (myData->myUseConstantValue)
+ {
+ myArgs->dvalue->setValue(myData->myConstantValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myArgs->dvalue->setValue(0.0);
+ }
+ if (myData->myUseBackgroundMap)
+ {
+ *(myArgs->myFileSizeMapDir) = QString(myData->myFileSizeMapDir) ;
+ myArgs->selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->setText(QString(myData->myMeshFileBackground));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(myArgs->myFileSizeMapDir) = QString("") ; //TODO
+ myArgs->selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->setText(""); //TODO
+ }
+ myArgs->fieldNameCmb->setCurrentText(QString(myData->myFieldName));
+ myArgs->noTimeStep->setChecked(myData->myUseNoTimeStep);
+ myArgs->lastTimeStep->setChecked( myData->myUseLastTimeStep);
+ myArgs->chosenTimeStep->setChecked(myData->myUseChosenTimeStep);
+ if (myData->myUseChosenTimeStep)
+ {
+ myArgs->rankSpinBox->setValue(myData->myRank);
+ myArgs->timeStep->setValue(myData->myTimeStep);
+ }
+ myAdvOpt->workingDirectoryLineEdit->setText(QString(myData->myWorkingDir));
+ myAdvOpt->logInFileCheck->setChecked(myData->myPrintLogInFile);
+ myAdvOpt->verboseLevelSpin->setValue(myData->myVerboseLevel);
+ myAdvOpt->removeLogOnSuccessCheck->setChecked(myData->myRemoveLogOnSuccess);
+ myAdvOpt->keepWorkingFilesCheck->setChecked(myData->myKeepFiles);
+ return ret;
+bool SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::readParamsFromWidgets()
+ MESSAGE ("readParamsFromWidgets") ;
+ bool ret = true ;
+ SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* aData = new SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ while ( ret )
+ {
+ // 1. Fichier du maillage de départ
+ aData->fromMedFile = myArgs->aMedfile->isChecked();
+ if (aData->fromMedFile)
+ {
+ aData->myFileInDir = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->myFileInDir->toStdString().c_str());
+ aData->myMeshFileIn = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->selectMedFileLineEdit->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ // aData->myInMeshName = // TODO
+ }
+ else // TODO browser
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_4") );
+ ret = false ;
+ break ;
+ // aData->myInMeshName = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->aBrowserObject->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ // aData->myFileInDir = CORBA::string_dup(myAdvOpt->workingDirectoryLineEdit->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ //
+ // TCollection_AsciiString aGenericName = (char*)aData->myFileInDir;
+ // TCollection_AsciiString aGenericName2 = "MgAdapt_";
+ // aGenericName2 += getpid();
+ // aGenericName2 += "_";
+ // aGenericName2 += Abs((Standard_Integer)(long) aGenericName.ToCString());
+ // aGenericName2 += ".med";
+ // aGenericName+=aGenericName2;
+ // emit myArgs->toExportMED(aGenericName.ToCString());
+ // aData->myMeshFileIn = aGenericName2.ToCString();
+ }
+ // 2. Fichier du maillage de sortie
+ aData->myOutMeshName = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->meshNameLineEdit->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ aData->myMeshOutMed = myArgs->medFileCheckBox->isChecked();
+ if(aData->myMeshOutMed)
+ {
+ aData->myFileOutDir = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->myFileOutDir->toStdString().c_str());
+ aData->myMeshFileOut = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->selectOutMedFileLineEdit->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aData->myMeshFileOut = "";
+ }
+ aData->myPublish = myArgs->publishOut->isChecked();
+ // 3. Type de carte de tailles
+ aData->myUseLocalMap = myArgs->localButton->isChecked();
+ aData->myUseBackgroundMap = myArgs->backgroundButton->isChecked();
+ aData->myUseConstantValue = myArgs->constantButton->isChecked();
+ // 3.1. Constante
+ if (aData->myUseConstantValue)
+ {
+ aData->myConstantValue = myArgs->dvalue->value();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aData->myConstantValue = 0.0;
+ }
+ // 3.2. Arrière-plan
+ if (aData->myUseBackgroundMap)
+ {
+ aData->myFileSizeMapDir = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->myFileSizeMapDir->toStdString().c_str());
+ aData->myMeshFileBackground = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aData->myMeshFileBackground = "";
+ }
+ // 4. Le champ
+ if ( ! aData->myUseConstantValue )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(myArgs->fieldNameCmb->currentText().toStdString().c_str()) == 0 )
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_5") );
+ ret = false ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ {
+ aData->myFieldName = CORBA::string_dup(myArgs->fieldNameCmb->currentText().toStdString().c_str());
+ aData->myUseNoTimeStep = myArgs->noTimeStep->isChecked();
+ aData->myUseLastTimeStep = myArgs->lastTimeStep->isChecked();
+ aData->myUseChosenTimeStep = myArgs->chosenTimeStep->isChecked();
+ if (aData->myUseChosenTimeStep)
+ {
+ aData->myRank = myArgs->rankSpinBox->value();
+ aData->myTimeStep = myArgs->timeStep->value();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Options avancées
+ aData->myWorkingDir = CORBA::string_dup(myAdvOpt->workingDirectoryLineEdit->text().toStdString().c_str());
+ aData->myPrintLogInFile = myAdvOpt->logInFileCheck->isChecked();
+ aData->myVerboseLevel = myAdvOpt->verboseLevelSpin->value();
+ aData->myRemoveLogOnSuccess = myAdvOpt->removeLogOnSuccessCheck->isChecked();
+ aData->myKeepFiles = myAdvOpt->keepWorkingFilesCheck->isChecked();
+ model->setData(*aData);
+ QString msg;
+ checkParams(msg);
+ break ;
+ }
+ delete aData;
+ return ret;
+bool SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::storeParamsToHypo( const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& ) const
+ \brief Show help page
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::PushOnHelp()
+// QString aHelpFile;
+ // if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == MinDistance ) {
+ // aHelpFile = "measurements.html#min-distance-anchor";
+ // } else if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == BoundingBox ) {
+ // aHelpFile = "measurements.html#bounding-box-anchor";
+ // } else if ( myTabWidget->currentWidget() == myAngle ) {
+ // aHelpFile = "measurements.html#angle-anchor";
+ // } else {
+ // aHelpFile = "measurements.html#basic-properties-anchor";
+ // }
+// SMESH::ShowHelpFile( aHelpFile );
+bool SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::checkParams(QString& msg)
+ if ( !QFileInfo( myAdvOpt->workingDirectoryLineEdit->text().trimmed() ).isWritable() )
+ {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warning( this,
+ tr( "NO_PERMISSION" ) );
+ return false;
+ }
+ myAdvOpt->myOptionTable->setFocus();
+ QApplication::instance()->processEvents();
+ QString name, value;
+ bool isDefault, ok = true;
+ int iRow = 0, nbRows = myAdvOpt->myOptionTable->topLevelItemCount();
+ for ( ; iRow < nbRows; ++iRow )
+ {
+ QTreeWidgetItem* row = myAdvOpt->myOptionTable->topLevelItem( iRow );
+ myAdvOpt->GetOptionAndValue( row, name, value, isDefault );
+ if ( name.simplified().isEmpty() )
+ continue; // invalid custom option
+ if ( isDefault ) // not selected option
+ value.clear();
+ try
+ {
+ model->setOptionValue( name.toLatin1().constData(), value.toLatin1().constData() );
+ }
+ catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex )
+ {
+ msg = ex.details.text.in();
+ ok = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ok;
+// function : SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments()
+// purpose :
+SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments( QWidget* parent )
+ :QWidget(parent)
+ myFileInDir = new QString("");
+ myFileOutDir = new QString("");
+ myFileSizeMapDir = new QString("");
+ if ( SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath().isEmpty() )
+ {
+ *myFileInDir = QDir::currentPath();
+ *myFileOutDir = QDir::currentPath();
+ *myFileSizeMapDir = QDir::currentPath();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *myFileInDir = SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath();
+ *myFileOutDir = SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath();
+ *myFileSizeMapDir = SUIT_FileDlg::getLastVisitedPath();
+ }
+ meshDim = 0;
+ meshDimBG = 0;
+ // Mesh in
+ aMeshIn = new QGroupBox( tr( "MeshIn" ), this );
+ aMedfile = new QRadioButton( tr( "MEDFile" ), aMeshIn );
+ aBrowser = new QRadioButton( tr( "Browser" ), aMeshIn );
+ aBrowserObject = new QLineEdit( aMeshIn );
+ selectMedFilebutton = new QPushButton("...", aMeshIn);
+ selectMedFileLineEdit = new QLineEdit( aMeshIn );
+ meshIn = new QGridLayout( aMeshIn );
+ meshIn->setMargin( MARGIN );
+ meshIn->setSpacing( SPACING );
+ meshIn->addWidget( aMedfile, 0, 0, 1,1 );
+ meshIn->addWidget( aBrowser, 0, 1,1,1);
+ meshIn->addWidget( aBrowserObject, 0, 2, 1, 1 );
+ meshIn->addWidget( selectMedFilebutton, 1, 0,1, 1);
+ meshIn->addWidget( selectMedFileLineEdit, 1, 1, 1, 1 );
+ hspacer = new QSpacerItem(188, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+ meshInGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
+ meshInGroup->addButton( aMedfile, 0 );
+ meshInGroup->addButton( aBrowser, 1 );
+ //Mesh out
+ aMeshOut = new QGroupBox( tr( "MeshOut" ), this );
+ meshName = new QLabel(tr("MeshName"), aMeshOut);
+ secondHspacer = new QSpacerItem(100, 30);
+ meshNameLineEdit = new QLineEdit(aMeshOut) ;
+ medFileCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("MEDFile"), aMeshOut);
+ selectOutMedFilebutton = new QPushButton("...", aMeshOut);
+ thirdHspacer = new QSpacerItem(188, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit = new QLineEdit(aMeshOut) ;
+ publishOut = new QCheckBox(tr("Publish_MG_ADAPT"), aMeshOut);
+ meshOut = new QGridLayout( aMeshOut );
+ meshOut->setMargin( MARGIN );
+ meshOut->setSpacing( SPACING );
+ meshOut->addWidget( meshName, 0, 0, 1,1 );
+ meshOut->addItem( secondHspacer, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
+ meshOut->addWidget( meshNameLineEdit, 0, 2,1,1);
+ meshOut->addWidget( medFileCheckBox, 1, 0,1,1 );
+ meshOut->addWidget( selectOutMedFilebutton, 1, 1,1,1 );
+ meshOut->addWidget( selectOutMedFileLineEdit, 1, 2,1,1);
+ meshOut->addWidget( publishOut, 2, 0,1,1 );
+ //size map definition
+ sizeMapDefinition = new QGroupBox(tr("SIZE_MAP_DEF"), this);
+ localButton = new QRadioButton(tr("LOCAL_MG_ADAPT"), sizeMapDefinition);
+ backgroundButton = new QRadioButton(tr("BACKGRND_MG_ADAPT"), sizeMapDefinition);
+ constantButton = new QRadioButton(tr("CNST_MG_ADAPT"), sizeMapDefinition);
+ medFileBackground = new QLabel(tr("MED_FILE_BCKG"), sizeMapDefinition);
+ selectMedFileBackgroundbutton = new QPushButton("...", sizeMapDefinition);
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit = new QLineEdit(sizeMapDefinition);
+ valueLabel = new QLabel(tr("VALUE_MG_ADAPT"), sizeMapDefinition);
+ dvalue = new QDoubleSpinBox(sizeMapDefinition);
+ sizeMapDefGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
+ sizeMapDefGroup->addButton( localButton, 0 );
+ sizeMapDefGroup->addButton( backgroundButton, 1 );
+ sizeMapDefGroup->addButton( constantButton, 2 );
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout = new QGridLayout(sizeMapDefinition);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(localButton, 0,0);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(backgroundButton, 0,1);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(constantButton, 0,2);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(medFileBackground, 1,0);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(selectMedFileBackgroundbutton, 1,1);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit, 1,2);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(valueLabel, 2,0);
+ sizeMapDefGroupLayout->addWidget(dvalue, 2,1);
+ // size Map field
+ sizeMapField = new QGroupBox(tr("SIZE_MAP_FIELD"), this);
+ fieldName = new QLabel(tr("MG_ADAPT_FIELD_NAME"), sizeMapField);
+ fieldNameCmb = new QComboBox(sizeMapField);
+ noTimeStep = new QRadioButton(tr("MG_ADAPT_NO_T_ST"), sizeMapField);
+ lastTimeStep = new QRadioButton(tr("MG_ADAPT_L_ST"), sizeMapField);
+ chosenTimeStep = new QRadioButton(tr("MG_ADAPT_CH_ST"), sizeMapField);
+ timeStepLabel = new QLabel(tr("MG_ADAPT_TSTP"), sizeMapField);
+ timeStep = new QSpinBox(sizeMapField);
+ timeStep->setMinimum(-1);
+ rankLabel = new QLabel(tr("MG_ADAPT_RANK"), sizeMapField);
+ rankSpinBox = new QSpinBox(sizeMapField);
+ rankSpinBox->setMinimum(-1);
+ timeStepGroup = new QButtonGroup(this);
+ timeStepGroup->addButton(noTimeStep, 0);
+ timeStepGroup->addButton(lastTimeStep, 1);
+ timeStepGroup->addButton(chosenTimeStep, 2);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout = new QGridLayout(sizeMapField);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(fieldName, 0,0);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(fieldNameCmb, 0,1);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(noTimeStep, 1,0);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(lastTimeStep, 1,1);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(chosenTimeStep, 1,2);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(timeStepLabel, 2,0);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(timeStep, 2,1);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(rankLabel, 2,2);
+ sizeMapFieldGroupLayout->addWidget(rankSpinBox, 2,3);
+ QGridLayout* argumentsLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
+ argumentsLayout->setMargin( MARGIN );
+ argumentsLayout->setSpacing( SPACING );
+ argumentsLayout->addWidget( aMeshIn, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
+ argumentsLayout->addWidget( aMeshOut, 1, 0, 1, 3 );
+ argumentsLayout->addWidget( sizeMapDefinition, 2, 0, 1, 3 );
+ argumentsLayout->addWidget( sizeMapField, 3, 0, 1, 3 );
+ argumentsLayout->setColumnStretch( 1, 5 );
+ argumentsLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 5 );
+ // Initial state
+ setMode( Mesh, Local);
+ medFileCheckBox->setChecked(true);
+ visibleTimeStepRankLabel (false);
+ // Connections
+ connect( meshInGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( modeChanged( int ) ) );
+ connect( sizeMapDefGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( sizeMapDefChanged( int ) ) );
+ connect( selectMedFilebutton, SIGNAL( pressed( ) ), this, SLOT( onSelectMedFilebuttonClicked( ) ) );
+ connect( medFileCheckBox, SIGNAL (stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onMedFileCheckBox(int) ) );
+ connect( publishOut, SIGNAL (stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onPublishOut(int) ) );
+ connect( selectOutMedFilebutton, SIGNAL( pressed()), this, SLOT(onSelectOutMedFilebutton()));
+ connect( selectMedFileBackgroundbutton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(onSelectMedFileBackgroundbutton()) );
+ connect( timeStepGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( timeStepGroupChanged( int ) ) );
+ emit updateSelection();
+// function : ~SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments()
+// purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onNoTimeStep(bool disableOther)
+ noTimeStep->setChecked(true);
+ visibleTimeStepRankLabel (false);
+ rankSpinBox->setValue(-2);
+ timeStep->setValue(-2);
+ lastTimeStep->setDisabled(disableOther);
+ chosenTimeStep->setDisabled(disableOther);
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onLastTimeStep(bool disableOther)
+ lastTimeStep->setChecked(true);
+ visibleTimeStepRankLabel (false);
+ rankSpinBox->setValue(-1);
+ timeStep->setValue(-1);
+ noTimeStep->setDisabled(disableOther);
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onChosenTimeStep(bool disableOther, int vmax)
+ chosenTimeStep->setChecked(true);
+ visibleTimeStepRankLabel (true);
+ rankSpinBox->setValue(-1);
+ timeStep->setValue(-1);
+ if (vmax) timeStep->setMaximum(vmax);
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::visibleTimeStepRankLabel(bool visible)
+ rankLabel->setVisible(visible);
+ rankSpinBox->setVisible(visible);
+ timeStepLabel->setVisible(visible);
+ timeStep->setVisible(visible);
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onSelectOutMedFilebutton()
+ QString filtre = QString("Med") ;
+ filtre += QString(" files (*.") + QString("med") + QString(");;");
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("SAVE_MED"), QString(""), filtre);
+ QFileInfo myFileInfo(fileName);
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit->setText(myFileInfo.fileName());
+ *myFileOutDir = myFileInfo.path();
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onSelectMedFileBackgroundbutton()
+ QString fileName0 = selectMedFileBackgroundbutton->text().trimmed();
+ QString fileName = getMedFileName(false);
+ if (fileName != QString::null)
+ {
+ myFieldList = GetListeChamps(fileName);
+ if (myFieldList.empty())
+ {
+ fileName = fileName0;
+ fieldNameCmb->clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // fill field name Combobox
+ fieldNameCmb->clear();
+ std::map<QString, int>::const_iterator it;
+ for ( it=myFieldList.begin() ; it != myFieldList.end(); it++)
+ {
+ fieldNameCmb->insertItem(0,QString(it->first));
+ int typeStepInField = it->second > 2 ? 2 : it->second ;
+ timeStepGroupChanged(typeStepInField, false);
+ }
+ // Dimension du maillage de fonds
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(fileName.toStdString());
+ meshDimBG = mfd->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0)->getMeshDimension() ;
+ valueAdaptation ();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fileName = fileName0;
+ fieldNameCmb->clear();
+ }
+ QFileInfo myFileInfo(fileName);
+ *myFileSizeMapDir = myFileInfo.path();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->setText(myFileInfo.fileName());
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onMedFileCheckBox(int state)
+ if (state == Qt::Checked)
+ {
+ selectOutMedFilebutton->show();
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit->show();
+ selectOutMedFilebutton->setEnabled(true);
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ selectOutMedFilebutton->setEnabled(false);
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ publishOut->setChecked(true);
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onPublishOut(int state)
+ if (state == Qt::Unchecked)
+ {
+ medFileCheckBox->setChecked(true);
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onSelectMedFilebuttonClicked()
+ // bool keep = false;
+ QString fileName0 = selectMedFileLineEdit->text().trimmed();
+ QString fileName = getMedFileName(false);
+ if(fileName != QString::null)
+ {
+ QString aMeshName = lireNomMaillage(fileName.trimmed(), meshDim);
+ if (aMeshName == QString::null )
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_2") );
+ fileName = fileName0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ meshNameLineEdit->setText(aMeshName);
+ valueAdaptation ();
+// ADAPTATION_MODE aMode = meshDim == 3 ? ADAPTATION_MODE::BOTH : ADAPTATION_MODE::SURFACE; // and when dimesh 3 without 2D mesh?
+// emit meshDimSignal(aMode);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ QFileInfo myFileInfo(fileName);
+ *myFileInDir = myFileInfo.path();
+ *myFileOutDir = myFileInfo.path();
+ selectMedFileLineEdit->setText(myFileInfo.fileName());
+ QString outF = fileName == QString::null ? myFileInfo.fileName() :
+ QString( remove_extension(myFileInfo.fileName().toStdString() ).c_str() )+ QString(".adapt.med");
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit->setText(outF);
+ onLocalSelected(myFileInfo.filePath());
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::valueAdaptation()
+ if ( meshDimBG < 3 )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ emit meshDimSignal(aMode);
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onLocalSelected(QString filePath)
+ myFieldList = GetListeChamps(filePath, false);
+ if (myFieldList.empty())
+ {
+ if (localButton->isChecked())
+ {
+ fieldNameCmb->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // fill field name Combobox
+ fieldNameCmb->clear();
+ std::map<QString, int>::const_iterator it;
+ for ( it = myFieldList.begin() ; it != myFieldList.end(); it++)
+ {
+ fieldNameCmb->insertItem(0,QString(it->first));
+ // Je ne comprends pas le rapport entre pas de temps et apparition d'un nouveau champ... GN
+ int typeStepInField = it->second > 2 ? 2 : it->second ;
+// std::cout << "SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::onLocalSelected typeStepInField : " << typeStepInField << std::endl;
+ timeStepGroupChanged(typeStepInField, false);
+ }
+ }
+// =======================================================================
+// Gestion les boutons qui permettent de
+// 1) retourne le nom d'un fichier par une fenetre de dialogue si aucun
+// objet est selectionne dans l arbre d etude
+// 2) retourne le nom du fichier asocie a l objet
+// selectionne dans l arbre d etude
+// =======================================================================
+QString SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::getMedFileName(bool avertir)
+ QString aFile = QString::null;
+ QString filtre = QString("Med") ;
+ filtre += QString(" files (*.") + QString("med") + QString(");;");
+ aFile = SUIT_FileDlg::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_SELECT_FILE_0"), QString(""), filtre );
+ return aFile;
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::setMode(const Mode theMode, const SIZEMAP theSizeMap )
+ QRadioButton* aButton = qobject_cast<QRadioButton*>( meshInGroup->button( theMode ) );
+ QRadioButton* bButton = qobject_cast<QRadioButton*>( sizeMapDefGroup->button( theSizeMap ) );
+ if ( aButton )
+ {
+ aButton->setChecked( true );
+ modeChanged( theMode );
+ }
+ if ( bButton )
+ {
+ bButton->setChecked( true );
+ sizeMapDefChanged( theSizeMap );
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::modeChanged( int theMode )
+ clear();
+ if(theMode == Mesh)
+ {
+ aBrowserObject->hide();
+ selectMedFileLineEdit->show();
+ selectMedFilebutton->show();
+ localButton->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ selectMedFileLineEdit->hide();
+ selectMedFilebutton->hide();
+ localButton->setEnabled(false);
+ aBrowserObject->show();
+ sizeMapDefChanged(Background);
+ emit updateSelection();
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::sizeMapDefChanged( int theSizeMap )
+ fieldNameCmb->clear();
+ if(theSizeMap == Local)
+ {
+ localButton->setEnabled(true);
+ localButton->setChecked(true);
+ medFileBackground->hide();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundbutton->hide();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->hide();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->clear();
+ valueLabel->hide();
+ dvalue->hide();
+ sizeMapField->setEnabled(true);
+ if (!selectMedFileLineEdit->text().isEmpty())
+ {
+ QFileInfo myFileInfo(QDir(*myFileInDir), selectMedFileLineEdit->text());
+ onLocalSelected(myFileInfo.filePath());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (theSizeMap == Background)
+ {
+ medFileBackground->show();
+ backgroundButton->setChecked(true);
+ selectMedFileBackgroundbutton->show();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->show();
+ valueLabel->hide();
+ dvalue->hide();
+ sizeMapField->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ medFileBackground->hide();
+ constantButton->setChecked(true);
+ selectMedFileBackgroundbutton->hide();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->clear();
+ selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit->hide();
+ valueLabel->show();
+ dvalue->show();
+ sizeMapField->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ meshDimBG = 0;
+ valueAdaptation();
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::timeStepGroupChanged(int timeStepType, bool disableOther, int vmax)
+ switch (timeStepType)
+ {
+ case 0 :
+ onNoTimeStep(disableOther);
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ onLastTimeStep(disableOther);
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ onChosenTimeStep(disableOther, vmax);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::clear()
+ selectMedFileLineEdit->clear();
+ aBrowserObject->clear();
+ meshNameLineEdit->clear();
+ selectOutMedFileLineEdit->clear();
+// med_int SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments::getMeshDim() const
+// {
+// return meshDim;
+// }
+QWidget* ItemDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &o, const QModelIndex &index) const
+ bool editable = index.data( EDITABLE_ROLE ).toInt();
+ return editable ? QItemDelegate::createEditor( parent, o, index ) : 0;
+// MgAdaptAdvWidget
+MgAdaptAdvWidget::MgAdaptAdvWidget( QWidget* parent, std::vector <std::string>* options, Qt::WindowFlags f )
+ : QWidget( parent, f ), myOptions(options)
+ setupWidget();
+ myOptionTable->header()->setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
+ myOptionTable->setItemDelegate( new ItemDelegate( myOptionTable ) );
+ for ( int i = 0, nb = myOptions->size(); i < nb; ++i )
+ {
+ AddOption( (*myOptions)[i].c_str() );
+ }
+ connect( myOptionTable, SIGNAL( itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), SLOT( itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int )));
+ connect( addBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( onAddOption() ) );
+ connect(workingDirectoryPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(_onWorkingDirectoryPushButton()));
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::AddOption( const char* option, bool isCustom )
+ QString name, value;
+ bool isDefault = false;
+ if ( option )
+ {
+ QStringList name_value_type = QString(option).split( ":", QString::KeepEmptyParts );
+ if ( name_value_type.size() > 0 )
+ name = name_value_type[0];
+ if ( name_value_type.size() > 1 )
+ value = name_value_type[1];
+ if ( name_value_type.size() > 2 )
+ isDefault = !name_value_type[2].toInt();
+ }
+ QTreeWidget* table = myOptionTable;
+ //table->setExpanded( true );
+ QTreeWidgetItem* row;
+ if (optionTreeWidgetItem.size())
+ {
+ std::map<QString, QTreeWidgetItem *>::iterator it = optionTreeWidgetItem.find(name);
+ if(it != optionTreeWidgetItem.end()) return; // option exist
+ else
+ {
+ row = getNewQTreeWidgetItem(table, option, name, isCustom);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ row = getNewQTreeWidgetItem(table, option, name, isCustom);
+ }
+ row->setText( 0, tr( name.toLatin1().constData() ));
+ row->setText( 1, tr( value.toLatin1().constData() ));
+ row->setCheckState( 0, isDefault ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked);
+ row->setData( NAME_COL, PARAM_NAME, name );
+ if ( isCustom )
+ {
+ myOptionTable->scrollToItem( row );
+ myOptionTable->setCurrentItem( row );
+ myOptionTable->editItem( row, NAME_COL );
+ }
+QTreeWidgetItem* MgAdaptAdvWidget::getNewQTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget* table, const char* option, QString& name, bool isCustom)
+ QTreeWidgetItem* row = new QTreeWidgetItem( table );
+ row->setData( NAME_COL, EDITABLE_ROLE, int( isCustom && !option ));
+ row->setFlags( row->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable );
+ optionTreeWidgetItem.insert(std::pair <QString, QTreeWidgetItem*> (name, row));
+ return row;
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::onAddOption()
+ AddOption( NULL, true );
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::GetOptionAndValue( QTreeWidgetItem * tblRow,
+ QString& option,
+ QString& value,
+ bool& isDefault)
+ option = tblRow->data( NAME_COL, PARAM_NAME ).toString();
+ value = tblRow->text( VALUE_COL );
+ isDefault = ! tblRow->checkState( NAME_COL );
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* tblRow, int column)
+ if ( tblRow )
+ {
+ myOptionTable->blockSignals( true );
+ tblRow->setData( VALUE_COL, EDITABLE_ROLE, int( tblRow->checkState( NAME_COL )));
+ int c = tblRow->checkState( NAME_COL ) ? 0 : 150;
+ tblRow->setForeground( VALUE_COL, QBrush( QColor( c, c, c )));
+ if ( column == NAME_COL && tblRow->data( NAME_COL, EDITABLE_ROLE ).toInt() ) // custom table
+ {
+ tblRow->setData( NAME_COL, PARAM_NAME, tblRow->text( NAME_COL ));
+ }
+ myOptionTable->blockSignals( false );
+ }
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::setupWidget()
+ if (this->objectName().isEmpty())
+ this->setObjectName(QString(tr("MG-ADAPT-ADV")));
+ this->resize(337, 369);
+ gridLayout_4 = new QGridLayout(this);
+ gridLayout_4->setObjectName(QString("gridLayout_4"));
+ myOptionTable = new MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget(this);
+ QFont font;
+ font.setBold(false);
+ font.setWeight(50);
+ QTreeWidgetItem *__qtreewidgetitem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
+ __qtreewidgetitem->setFont(1, font);
+ __qtreewidgetitem->setFont(0, font);
+ __qtreewidgetitem->setText(1, tr("OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN"));
+ __qtreewidgetitem->setText(0, tr("OPTION_NAME_COLUMN"));
+ myOptionTable->setHeaderItem(__qtreewidgetitem);
+ myOptionTable->setObjectName(QString("myOptionTable"));
+ myOptionTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::DoubleClicked|QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed);
+ myOptionTable->setTabKeyNavigation(true);
+ gridLayout_4->addWidget(myOptionTable, 0, 0, 1, 2);
+ addBtn = new QPushButton(this);
+ addBtn->setText(QApplication::translate("SMESH_AdvOptionsWdg", "ADD_OPTION_BTN", Q_NULLPTR));
+ addBtn->setObjectName(QString("addBtn"));
+ gridLayout_4->addWidget(addBtn, 1, 0, 1, 1);
+ horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem(188, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+ gridLayout_4->addItem(horizontalSpacer, 1, 1, 1, 1);
+ logGroupBox = new QGroupBox(this);
+ logGroupBox->setObjectName(QString("logGroupBox"));
+ gridLayout_2 = new QGridLayout(logGroupBox);
+ gridLayout_2->setObjectName(QString("gridLayout_2"));
+ gridLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ gridLayout->setObjectName(QString("gridLayout"));
+ workingDirectoryLabel = new QLabel(logGroupBox);
+ workingDirectoryLabel->setObjectName(QString("workingDirectoryLabel"));
+ gridLayout->addWidget(workingDirectoryLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ workingDirectoryLineEdit = new QLineEdit(logGroupBox);
+ workingDirectoryLineEdit->setObjectName(QString("workingDirectoryLineEdit"));
+ gridLayout->addWidget(workingDirectoryLineEdit, 0, 1, 1, 1);
+ workingDirectoryPushButton = new QPushButton(logGroupBox);
+ workingDirectoryPushButton->setObjectName(QString("workingDirectoryPushButton"));
+ gridLayout->addWidget(workingDirectoryPushButton, 0, 2, 1, 1);
+ verboseLevelLabel = new QLabel(logGroupBox);
+ verboseLevelLabel->setObjectName(QString("verboseLevelLabel"));
+ gridLayout->addWidget(verboseLevelLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1);
+ verboseLevelSpin = new QSpinBox(logGroupBox);
+ verboseLevelSpin->setObjectName(QString("verboseLevelSpin"));
+ gridLayout->addWidget(verboseLevelSpin, 1, 1, 1, 1);
+ gridLayout_2->addLayout(gridLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ horizontalLayout->setObjectName(QString("horizontalLayout"));
+ logInFileCheck = new QCheckBox(logGroupBox);
+ logInFileCheck->setObjectName(QString("logInFileCheck"));
+ logInFileCheck->setChecked(true);
+ horizontalLayout->addWidget(logInFileCheck);
+ removeLogOnSuccessCheck = new QCheckBox(logGroupBox);
+ removeLogOnSuccessCheck->setObjectName(QString("removeLogOnSuccessCheck"));
+ removeLogOnSuccessCheck->setChecked(true);
+ horizontalLayout->addWidget(removeLogOnSuccessCheck);
+ gridLayout_2->addLayout(horizontalLayout, 1, 0, 1, 1);
+ keepWorkingFilesCheck = new QCheckBox(logGroupBox);
+ keepWorkingFilesCheck->setObjectName(QString("keepWorkingFilesCheck"));
+ keepWorkingFilesCheck->setAutoExclusive(false);
+ gridLayout_2->addWidget(keepWorkingFilesCheck, 2, 0, 1, 1);
+ gridLayout_4->addWidget(logGroupBox, 3, 0, 1, 2);
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::_onWorkingDirectoryPushButton()
+ QString aDirName=QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory ();
+ if (!(aDirName.isEmpty()))workingDirectoryLineEdit->setText(aDirName);
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::onMeshDimChanged(ADAPTATION_MODE aMode)
+/* default adaptation mode
+ * assume that if meshDim == 2 and no 3D backgrounmesh-->adaptation surface
+ * if meshDim == 3 and if there is not 2D mesh -->VOLUME
+ * else BOTH
+ */
+ QString adaptation("adaptation"), value;
+ switch(aMode)
+ {
+ {
+ value ="surface";
+ setOptionValue(adaptation, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ value = "both";
+ setOptionValue(adaptation, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ value = "volume";
+ setOptionValue(adaptation, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void MgAdaptAdvWidget::setOptionValue(QString& option, QString& value)
+ std::map<QString, QTreeWidgetItem *>::iterator it = optionTreeWidgetItem.find(option);
+ if (it != optionTreeWidgetItem.end())
+ {
+ it->second->setText( 0, tr( option.toLatin1().constData() ));
+ it->second->setText( 1, tr( value.toLatin1().constData() ));
+ it->second->setCheckState( 0, Qt::Checked );
+ it->second->setData( NAME_COL, PARAM_NAME, option );
+ myOptionTable->editItem( it->second, NAME_COL );
+ }
+bool isEditable( const QModelIndex& index )
+ return index.isValid() &&
+ index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEditable &&
+ index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled &&
+ ( !index.data( Qt::UserRole + 1 ).isValid() || index.data( Qt::UserRole + 1 ).toInt() != 0 );
+MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget::MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget( QWidget* parent )
+ : QTreeWidget( parent )
+QModelIndex MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget::moveCursor( CursorAction action, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )
+ QModelIndex current = currentIndex();
+ int column = current.column();
+ if ( action == MoveNext )
+ {
+ if ( column < columnCount()-1 )
+ {
+ QModelIndex next = current.sibling( current.row(), column+1 );
+ if ( isEditable( next ) ) return next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QModelIndex next = current.sibling( current.row()+1, 0 );
+ if ( isEditable( next ) ) return next;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( action == MovePrevious )
+ {
+ if ( column == 0 ) {
+ QModelIndex next = current.sibling( current.row()-1, columnCount()-1 );
+ if ( isEditable( next ) ) return next;
+ }
+ else {
+ QModelIndex next = current.sibling( current.row(), column-1 );
+ if ( isEditable( next ) ) return next;
+ }
+ }
+ return QTreeWidget::moveCursor( action, modifiers );
+void MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e )
+ switch ( e->key() )
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_F2:
+ {
+ QModelIndex index = currentIndex();
+ if ( !isEditable( index ) ) {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < columnCount(); i++ ) {
+ QModelIndex sibling = index.sibling( index.row(), i );
+ if ( isEditable( sibling ) ) {
+ if ( !edit( sibling, EditKeyPressed, e ) ) e->ignore();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ QTreeWidget::keyPressEvent( e );
+// ======================================================
+// ========================================================
+QString lireNomMaillage(QString aFile, med_int& meshdim)
+ QString nomMaillage = QString::null ;
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> listMeshesNames = MEDCoupling::GetMeshNames(aFile.toStdString());
+ std::size_t numberOfMeshes(listMeshesNames.size());
+ // std::cout << "numberOfMeshes:" << numberOfMeshes << std::endl;
+ if (numberOfMeshes == 0 )
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_2") );
+ break ;
+ }
+ if (numberOfMeshes > 1 )
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_3") );
+ break ;
+ }
+// std::cout << "nomMaillage:" << listMeshesNames[0] << std::endl;
+ nomMaillage = QString(listMeshesNames[0].c_str());
+ // Dimension du maillage
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(aFile.toStdString());
+ meshdim = mfd->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0)->getMeshDimension() ;
+// std::cout << "meshdim:" << meshdim << std::endl;
+ break ;
+ }
+ return nomMaillage;
+// =======================================================================
+std::map<QString, int> GetListeChamps(QString aFile, bool errorMessage)
+// =======================================================================
+// Il faut voir si plusieurs maillages
+ std::map<QString, int> ListeChamp ;
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(aFile.toStdString());
+ std::vector<std::string> listFieldsNames(mfd->getFields()->getFieldsNames());
+ std::size_t jaux(listFieldsNames.size());
+ if (jaux < 1 )
+ {
+ if(errorMessage)
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("HOM_MED_FILE_5") );
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ // nbofcstp inutile pour le moment
+ med_int nbofcstp = 1;
+ for(std::size_t j=0;j<jaux;j++)
+ {
+// std::cout << listFieldsNames[j] << std::endl;
+ ListeChamp.insert(std::pair<QString, int> (QString(listFieldsNames[j].c_str()), nbofcstp));
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ return ListeChamp;
+// =======================================================================
+std::string remove_extension(const std::string& filename)
+// =======================================================================
+ size_t lastdot = filename.find_last_of(".");
+ if (lastdot == std::string::npos) return filename;
+ return filename.substr(0, lastdot);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE\r
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,\r
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\r
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\r
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.\r
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\r
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\r
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com\r
+// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for the adaptation in the SMESH component\r
+// File : MG_ADAPTGUI.hxx\r
+#ifndef MG_ADAPTGUI_HXX\r
+#define MG_ADAPTGUI_HXX\r
+#include <set>\r
+// SMESH includes\r
+// Qt includes\r
+#include <QDialog>\r
+#include <QTreeWidget>\r
+#include "LightApp_DataOwner.h"\r
+#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"\r
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>\r
+#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>\r
+#include "SalomeApp_Module.h"\r
+#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"\r
+#include <med.h>\r
+#include <map>\r
+// model\r
+//~#include "MG_ADAPT.hxx"\r
+class SUIT_ViewWindow;\r
+class SUIT_Desktop;\r
+class SUIT_Study;\r
+class SUIT_ResourceMgr;\r
+class CAM_Module;\r
+class SALOMEDSClient_Study;\r
+class SALOMEDSClient_SObject;\r
+class SalomeApp_Study;\r
+class SalomeApp_Module;\r
+class LightApp_SelectionMgr;\r
+class QButtonGroup;\r
+class QLineEdit;\r
+class QGroupBox;\r
+class QRadioButton;\r
+class QLabel;\r
+class QCheckBox;\r
+class QGridLayout;\r
+class QTabWidget;\r
+class QDoubleSpinBox;\r
+class QSpinBox;\r
+class QTreeWidget;\r
+class QTreeWidgetItem;\r
+class QSpacerItem;\r
+class QHBoxLayout;\r
+class QItemDelegate;\r
+class QComboBox;\r
+// IDL includes\r
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>\r
+class SVTK_ViewWindow;\r
+class SVTK_Selector;\r
+class SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg;\r
+class SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments;\r
+class SMESHGUI_SpinBox;\r
+class MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget;\r
+class MgAdaptAdvWidget;\r
+//~class MgAdapt;\r
+class QHeaderView;\r
+class QFileDialog;\r
+std::map<QString, int> GetListeChamps(QString aFile, bool errorMessage = true);\r
+QString lireNomMaillage(QString aFile, med_int& meshDim);\r
+std::string remove_extension(const std::string& filename);\r
+ BOTH\r
+// class : SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg\r
+// purpose :\r
+class SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg : public QDialog\r
+ //! Property type\r
+ enum Mode { Arguments, AdvancedOptions};\r
+ SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg( SalomeApp_Module*, SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr, QWidget* parent= 0,bool isCreation = true );\r
+ ~SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg();\r
+ void buildDlg();\r
+ void reject();\r
+ bool checkParams(QString& msg) ;\r
+ //~void setModel(MgAdapt*);\r
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr getModel() const;\r
+public slots:\r
+protected slots:\r
+ virtual bool PushOnApply();\r
+private slots:\r
+ virtual void PushOnHelp();\r
+ virtual void PushOnOK();\r
+protected :\r
+ SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments* myArgs;\r
+ MgAdaptAdvWidget* myAdvOpt;\r
+ bool readParamsFromHypo( ) const ;\r
+ bool readParamsFromWidgets( ) ;\r
+ bool storeParamsToHypo( const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData & ) const;\r
+ SalomeApp_Module* mySMESHGUI; /* Current SMESHGUI object */\r
+ QTabWidget* myTabWidget;\r
+ SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* myData;\r
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr model;\r
+class SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments : public QWidget\r
+ //! Property type\r
+ enum Mode { Mesh, Browser};\r
+ enum SIZEMAP { Local, Background, Constant};\r
+ SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments( QWidget* parent);\r
+ ~SMESHGUI_MgAdaptArguments();\r
+ void setMode( const Mode, const SIZEMAP );\r
+ QString* myFileInDir;\r
+ QString* myFileOutDir;\r
+ QString* myFileSizeMapDir;\r
+ QGroupBox* aMeshIn ;\r
+ QRadioButton* aMedfile;\r
+ QRadioButton* aBrowser ;\r
+ QLineEdit* aBrowserObject;\r
+ QPushButton* selectMedFilebutton ;\r
+ QSpacerItem* hspacer;\r
+ QLineEdit* selectMedFileLineEdit ;\r
+ QButtonGroup* meshInGroup ;\r
+ QGridLayout* meshIn ;\r
+ QGroupBox* aMeshOut ;\r
+ QLabel* meshName;\r
+ QLineEdit* meshNameLineEdit;\r
+ QSpacerItem* secondHspacer;\r
+ QCheckBox* medFileCheckBox;\r
+ QPushButton* selectOutMedFilebutton;\r
+ QLineEdit* selectOutMedFileLineEdit;\r
+ QSpacerItem* thirdHspacer;\r
+ QCheckBox* publishOut;\r
+ QGridLayout* meshOut ;\r
+ QGroupBox* sizeMapDefinition ;\r
+ QRadioButton* localButton;\r
+ QRadioButton* backgroundButton ;\r
+ QRadioButton* constantButton ;\r
+ QLabel* medFileBackground;\r
+ QPushButton* selectMedFileBackgroundbutton;\r
+ QLineEdit* selectMedFileBackgroundLineEdit;\r
+ QLabel* valueLabel;\r
+ QDoubleSpinBox* dvalue;\r
+ QButtonGroup* sizeMapDefGroup ;\r
+ QGridLayout* sizeMapDefGroupLayout;\r
+ QGroupBox* sizeMapField;\r
+ QLabel* fieldName;\r
+ QComboBox* fieldNameCmb;\r
+ QRadioButton* noTimeStep;\r
+ QRadioButton* lastTimeStep ;\r
+ QRadioButton* chosenTimeStep;\r
+ QLabel* timeStepLabel;\r
+ QSpinBox* timeStep;\r
+ QLabel* rankLabel;\r
+ QSpinBox* rankSpinBox;\r
+ QButtonGroup* timeStepGroup;\r
+ QGridLayout* sizeMapFieldGroupLayout;\r
+ void updateSelection();\r
+ void toExportMED(const char *);\r
+ void meshDimSignal(ADAPTATION_MODE aMode);\r
+public slots:\r
+protected slots:\r
+private slots:\r
+ void modeChanged( int);\r
+ void sizeMapDefChanged(int);\r
+ void timeStepGroupChanged(int timeStepType, bool disableOther = false, int vmax = 0);\r
+ void onSelectMedFilebuttonClicked();\r
+ void clear();\r
+ void onMedFileCheckBox(int);\r
+ void onPublishOut(int);\r
+ void onSelectOutMedFilebutton();\r
+ void onSelectMedFileBackgroundbutton();\r
+ void onLocalSelected(QString);\r
+ void onNoTimeStep(bool disableOther = false);\r
+ void onLastTimeStep(bool disableOther = false);\r
+ void onChosenTimeStep(bool disableOther = false, int vmax = 0);\r
+ void visibleTimeStepRankLabel(bool visible);\r
+ void valueAdaptation ();\r
+ QString getMedFileName(bool avertir);\r
+ LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr ;\r
+ med_int meshDim;\r
+ med_int meshDimBG;\r
+ std::map<QString, int> myFieldList;\r
+enum {\r
+// MgAdaptAdvWidget\r
+class MgAdaptAdvWidget : public QWidget\r
+ MgAdaptAdvWidget( QWidget* = 0, std::vector <std::string> * = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags = 0 );\r
+ ~MgAdaptAdvWidget();\r
+ std::vector < std::string > * myOptions;\r
+ QGridLayout *gridLayout_4;\r
+ MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget *myOptionTable;\r
+ QPushButton *addBtn;\r
+ QSpacerItem *horizontalSpacer;\r
+ QGroupBox *logGroupBox;\r
+ QGridLayout *gridLayout_2;\r
+ QGridLayout *gridLayout;\r
+ QLabel *workingDirectoryLabel;\r
+ QLineEdit *workingDirectoryLineEdit;\r
+ QPushButton *workingDirectoryPushButton;\r
+ QLabel *verboseLevelLabel;\r
+ QSpinBox *verboseLevelSpin;\r
+ QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout;\r
+ QCheckBox *logInFileCheck;\r
+ QCheckBox *removeLogOnSuccessCheck;\r
+ QCheckBox *keepWorkingFilesCheck;\r
+ void AddOption( const char* name_value_type, bool isCustom = false );\r
+ void GetOptionAndValue( QTreeWidgetItem * tblRow, QString& option, QString& value, bool& dflt );\r
+ void setupWidget();\r
+public slots:\r
+ void onAddOption();\r
+ void itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem * tblRow, int column);\r
+ void onMeshDimChanged(ADAPTATION_MODE aMode);\r
+private slots:\r
+ void _onWorkingDirectoryPushButton();\r
+ void setOptionValue(QString& option, QString& value);\r
+ std::map<QString, QTreeWidgetItem *> optionTreeWidgetItem;\r
+ QTreeWidgetItem* getNewQTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget* table, const char* option, QString& name, bool isCustom);\r
+enum { EDITABLE_ROLE = Qt::UserRole + 1, PARAM_NAME,\r
+ };\r
+class ItemDelegate: public QItemDelegate\r
+ ItemDelegate(QObject* parent=0): QItemDelegate(parent) {}\r
+ QWidget* createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &o, const QModelIndex &index) const;\r
+class MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget : public QTreeWidget\r
+ MgAdaptAdvWidgetTreeWidget( QWidget* );\r
+ QModelIndex moveCursor( CursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers );\r
+ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );\r
+#endif // MG_ADAPTGUI_HXX\r
// SMESH includes
#include "SMESHGUI.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_Add0DElemsOnAllNodesDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_AddMeshElementDlg.h"
#include "SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.h"
int objectCount = 0;
QString aNameList;
QString aParentComponent = QString::null;
for( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt( selected ); anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = anIt.Value();
if ( anIO.IsNull() ) continue;
QString father = "unknown", name;
_PTR(SObject) aSO = aStudy->FindObjectID( anIO->getEntry() );
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ case SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt:
+ {
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
+ SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg *objet = new SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg( this, theCommandID, aMesh);
+ }
+ // Adaptation - end
case SMESHOp::OpSplitBiQuadratic:
case SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic:
case SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements: // create 2D mesh from 3D
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpAutoColor, "AUTO_COLOR" );
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpDisableAutoColor, "DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR" );
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, "MG_ADAPT", "ICON_MG_ADAPT" );
+ // Adaptation - end
createSMESHAction( SMESHOp::OpPropertiesLength, "MEASURE_LENGTH", "ICON_MEASURE_LENGTH" );
meshId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_MESH" ), -1, 70, 10 ),
ctrlId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_CTRL" ), -1, 60, 10 ),
modifyId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_MODIFY" ), -1, 40, 10 ),
+ adaptId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_ADAPT" ), -1, 80, 10 ),
measureId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_MEASURE" ), -1, 50, 10 ),
viewId = createMenu( tr( "MEN_VIEW" ), -1, 2 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpSmoothing, modifyId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpPatternMapping, modifyId, -1 );
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, adaptId, -1 );
+ // Adaptation - end
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpMinimumDistance, measureId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpBoundingBox, measureId, -1 );
createMenu( SMESHOp::OpAngle, measureId, -1 );
connect( volumeMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( onUpdateControlActions() ) );
// ----- create toolbars --------------
- int meshTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MESH" ), QString( "SMESHMeshToolbar" ) ),
- info = createTool( tr( "TB_INFO" ), QString( "SMESHInformationToolbar" ) ),
- groupTb = createTool( tr( "TB_GROUP" ), QString( "SMESHGroupToolbar" ) ),
- ctrl0dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL0D" ), QString( "SMESHNodeControlsToolbar" ) ),
- ctrl1dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL1D" ), QString( "SMESHEdgeControlsToolbar" ) ),
- ctrl2dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL2D" ), QString( "SMESHFaceControlsToolbar" ) ),
- ctrl3dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL3D" ), QString( "SMESHVolumeControlsToolbar" ) ),
- addElemTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADD" ), QString( "SMESHAddElementToolbar" ) ),
- addNonElemTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADDNON" ), QString( "SMESHAddElementToolbar" ) ),
- remTb = createTool( tr( "TB_REM" ), QString( "SMESHRemoveToolbar" ) ),
- //renumbTb = createTool( tr( "TB_RENUMBER" ), QString( "SMESHRenumberingToolbar" ) ),
- transformTb = createTool( tr( "TB_TRANSFORM" ), QString( "SMESHTransformationToolbar" ) ),
- modifyTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MODIFY" ), QString( "SMESHModificationToolbar" ) ),
- measuremTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MEASUREM" ), QString( "SMESHMeasurementsToolbar" ) ),
- dispModeTb = createTool( tr( "TB_DISP_MODE" ), QString( "SMESHDisplayModeToolbar" ) );
+ int meshTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MESH" ), QString( "SMESHMeshToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateSubMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEditMeshOrSubMesh, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEvaluate, meshTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMeshOrder, meshTb );
+ int infoTb = createTool( tr( "TB_INFO" ), QString( "SMESHInformationToolbar" ) ) ;
+ createTool( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation, infoTb );
+ //createTool( SMESHOp::OpStdInfo, meshTb );
+ //createTool( SMESHOp::OpWhatIs, meshTb ); // VSR: issue #0021242 (eliminate "Mesh Element Information" command)
+ createTool( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint, infoTb );
+ int groupTb = createTool( tr( "TB_GROUP" ), QString( "SMESHGroupToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateGeometryGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConstructGroup, groupTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEditGroup, groupTb );
- createTool( SMESHOp::OpMeshInformation, info );
- //createTool( SMESHOp::OpStdInfo, meshTb );
- //createTool( SMESHOp::OpWhatIs, meshTb ); // VSR: issue #0021242 (eliminate "Mesh Element Information" command)
- createTool( SMESHOp::OpFindElementByPoint, info );
+ int ctrl0dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL0D" ), QString( "SMESHNodeControlsToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeNode, ctrl0dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualNode, ctrl0dTb );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpNodeConnectivityNb, ctrl0dTb );
+ int ctrl1dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL1D" ), QString( "SMESHEdgeControlsToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeBorder, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpLength, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConnection, ctrl1dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualEdge, ctrl1dTb );
+ int ctrl2dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL2D" ), QString( "SMESHFaceControlsToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeEdge, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpFreeFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBareBorderFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualFace, ctrl2dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpDeflection2D, ctrl2dTb );
+ int ctrl3dTb = createTool( tr( "TB_CTRL3D" ), QString( "SMESHVolumeControlsToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpAspectRatio3D, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpVolume, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMaxElementLength3D, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpOverConstrainedVolume, ctrl3dTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpEqualVolume, ctrl3dTb );
+ int addElemTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADD" ), QString( "SMESHAddElementToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpNode, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpElem0D, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpHexagonalPrism, addElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPolyhedron, addElemTb );
+ int addNonElemTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADDNON" ), QString( "SMESHAddElementToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticEdge, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticTriangle, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpBiQuadraticTriangle, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpQuadraticHexahedron, addNonElemTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTriQuadraticHexahedron, addNonElemTb );
+ int remTb = createTool( tr( "TB_REM" ), QString( "SMESHRemoveToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRemoveNodes, remTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRemoveElements, remTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpRemoveOrphanNodes, remTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpClearMesh, remTb );
+// int renumbTb = createTool( tr( "TB_RENUMBER" ), QString( "SMESHRenumberingToolbar" ) ) ;
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingNodes, renumbTb );
//createTool( SMESHOp::OpRenumberingElements, renumbTb );
+ int transformTb = createTool( tr( "TB_TRANSFORM" ), QString( "SMESHTransformationToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMergeNodes, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMergeElements, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpTranslation, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSewing, transformTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpDuplicateNodes, transformTb );
+ int modifyTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MODIFY" ), QString( "SMESHModificationToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpExtrusion, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpSmoothing, modifyTb );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpPatternMapping, modifyTb );
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ int adaptTb = createTool( tr( "TB_ADAPTATION" ),QString( "SMESHAdaptationToolbar" ) ) ;
+ createTool( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, adaptTb );
+ // Adaptation - end
+ int measuremTb = createTool( tr( "TB_MEASUREM" ), QString( "SMESHMeasurementsToolbar" ) ) ;
createTool( SMESHOp::OpMinimumDistance, measuremTb );
+ int dispModeTb = createTool( tr( "TB_DISP_MODE" ), QString( "SMESHDisplayModeToolbar" ) );
createTool( SMESHOp::OpUpdate, dispModeTb );
QString lc = "$"; // VSR : instead of QtxPopupSelection::defEquality();
popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpConvertMeshToQuadratic, OB, mesh_submesh, "&& " + hasElems );
createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpCreateBoundaryElements, OB, mesh_group, "&& selcount=1 && dim>=2");
- //popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
+ popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
- //popupMgr()->insert( separator(), -1, 0 );
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ createPopupItem( SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt, OB, mesh );
+ // Adaptation - end
QString only_one_non_empty = QString( " && %1=1 && numberOfNodes>0" ).arg( dc );
QString multiple_non_empty = QString( " && %1>0 && numberOfNodes>0" ).arg( dc );
lab = lab + tr("INFO_COMPUTE") + "<br/>";
lab = lab + tr("INFO_REFINE") + ":";
items << wrap(tr("INFO_REFINE_LOCAL_SIZE"), "li")
- << wrap(tr("INFO_REFINE_SUBMESH"), "li");
+ << wrap(tr("INFO_REFINE_SUBMESH"), "li");
lab = lab + wrap(items.join(""), "ul");
gb = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("INFO_GRP_IMPORT_MESH"));
items << wrap("UNV", "li")
- << wrap("MED", "li")
- << wrap("STL", "li")
- << wrap("CGNS", "li")
- << wrap("SAUV", "li")
- << wrap("GMF", "li");
+ << wrap("MED", "li")
+ << wrap("STL", "li")
+ << wrap("CGNS", "li")
+ << wrap("SAUV", "li")
+ << wrap("GMF", "li");
lab = tr("INFO_AVAILABLE_FORMATS") + ":" + wrap(items.join(""), "ul");
app->infoPanel()->addLabel(lab, gb);
gb = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("INFO_GRP_CHECK_MESH"));
lab = tr("INFO_DISPLAY") + "<br/>";
items << wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_AREA"), "li")
- << wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_VOLUME"), "li")
- << wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_ASPECT_RATION"), "li")
- << wrap("...", "li");
+ << wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_VOLUME"), "li")
+ << wrap(tr("INFO_QUALITY_ASPECT_RATION"), "li")
+ << wrap("...", "li");
lab = lab + tr("INFO_QUALITY_INFO") + ":" + wrap(items.join(""), "ul");
lab = lab + tr("INFO_CLIPPING");
app->infoPanel()->addLabel(lab, gb);
// << Help Panel
setPreferenceProperty( dispgroup, "columns", 2 );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_FITALL_ON_DISPLAYONLY" ), dispgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "SMESH", "fitall_on_displayonly" );
int dispmode = addPreference( tr( "PREF_DISPLAY_MODE" ), dispgroup, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "SMESH", "display_mode" );
QStringList modes;
modes.append( tr("MEN_WIRE") );
setPreferenceProperty( coloringType, "indexes", indices );
addPreference( tr( "SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_COLOR" ), distributionGr, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "SMESH", "distribution_color" );
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ // Adaptation tab ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ int adaptTab = addPreference( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_TAB_GENERAL" ) );
+ int bloc, pref ;
+ // MG-Adapt
+ bloc = addPreference( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT" ), adaptTab );
+ setPreferenceProperty( bloc, "columns", 1 );
+ pref = addPreference( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_FILE_MAILLAGE_OUT" ), bloc, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "HOMARD", "mg_adapt_file_mesh_out" );
+ pref = addPreference( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_PUBLICATION_MAILLAGE_OUT" ), bloc, LightApp_Preferences::Bool, "HOMARD", "mg_adapt_publish_mesh_out" );
+ pref = addPreference( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_SIZE_MAP" ), bloc, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "HOMARD", "mg_adapt_size_map" );
+ QStringList aListOfSizeMap;
+ aListOfSizeMap << tr( "ADAPT_PREF_NONE" );;
+ setPreferenceProperty( pref, "strings", aListOfSizeMap );
+ pref = addPreference( tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP" ), bloc, LightApp_Preferences::Selector, "HOMARD", "mg_adapt_time_step" );
+ QStringList aListOfTimeStep;
+ aListOfTimeStep << tr( "ADAPT_PREF_NONE" );
+ aListOfTimeStep << tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP_LAST" );
+ aListOfTimeStep << tr( "ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP_C" );;
+ setPreferenceProperty( pref, "strings", aListOfTimeStep );
+ // Adaptation - end
void SMESHGUI::preferencesChanged( const QString& sect, const QString& name )
case SMESHOp::OpElem0DOnElemNodes: // Create 0D elements on all nodes
op = new SMESHGUI_Add0DElemsOnAllNodesOp();
+ // Adaptation - begin
+ case SMESHOp::OpMGAdapt:
+ break;
+ // Adaptation - end
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for the adaptation in the SMESH component
+// File : SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg.cxx
+// Author : Gerald NICOLAS, EDF
+// SMESH includes
+#include "SMESHGUI.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg.h"
+//~#include "MG_ADAPT_i.hxx"
+//~#include "MG_ADAPT.hxx"
+// SALOME GUI includes
+#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
+#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
+#include <SUIT_Session.h>
+#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
+#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
+// SALOME KERNEL includes
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include <SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA.hxx>
+// function : SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg()
+// purpose :
+SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg::SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule,
+ int theCommandID,
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh )
+ : mySMESHGUI( theModule )
+ action( theCommandID ) ;
+// function : ~SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg()
+// purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+ * \brief Pilote les actions d'adaption de maillage
+ * \param
+ * \return bool OK/notOK
+void SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg::action (int theCommandID)
+// std::cout << "SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg::action avec theCommandID : " << theCommandID << std::endl;
+// Preferences
+// recupPreferences();
+// Menus and actions
+ bool ok = OnGUIEvent (theCommandID) ;
+ if ( ! ok ) INFOS("Erreur");
+ return ;
+// /*!
+// * \brief Gets the preferences for the adaptation
+// * \param
+// * \return
+// *
+// * Pour chaque valeur, le defaut est la valeur definie dans ADAPT_Gen
+// * . Si la recuperation dans config/salome s'est bien passee a la creation de ADAPT_Gen
+// * ces valeurs sont les valeurs definies.
+// * . Si cela ne s'est pas bien passe, ce sont les valeurs par defaut de ADAPT_Gen
+// */
+// void SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg::recupPreferences()
+// {
+// INFOS("Début de recupPreferences")
+// //
+// // A. Declarations
+// //
+// SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+// SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA* ls = new SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA(app->namingService());
+// Engines::EngineComponent_var comp = ls->FindOrLoad_Component("FactoryServer", "SMESH");
+// ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen_var adaptGen = ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen::_narrow(comp);
+// if (!CORBA::is_nil(adaptGen))
+// adaptGen->UpdateStudy();
+// SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = mySMESHGUI->getApp()->resourceMgr();
+// }
+ * \brief Launches the GUI for the adaptation
+ * \param theCommandID - the integer that references the operation
+ * \return bool OK/notOK
+bool SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg::OnGUIEvent (int theCommandID)
+// std::cout << "SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg:OnGUIEvent avec theCommandID : " << theCommandID << std::endl;
+// A. Controles
+ SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+ if ( !app ) return false;
+ SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*> ( app->activeStudy() );
+ if ( !aStudy )
+ {
+ INFOS ( "FAILED to cast active study to SalomeApp_Study" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ SUIT_Desktop* parent = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop();
+ SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA* ls = new SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA(app->namingService());
+ Engines::EngineComponent_var comp = ls->FindOrLoad_Component("FactoryServer", "SMESH");
+// ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen_var adaptGen = ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen::_narrow(comp);
+// if (!CORBA::is_nil(adaptGen))
+// adaptGen->UpdateStudy();
+ mySMESHGUI->getApp()->updateObjectBrowser();
+// B. Choix selon les commandes
+ bool ok = true ;
+ SCRUTE(theCommandID);
+ switch (theCommandID)
+ {
+ case 8020: // Adaptation avec MG-Adpat
+ {
+// INFOS("Interface avec MG-Adapt" );
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr model = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->CreateMG_ADAPT();
+ bool isCreation = false;
+ if (mySMESHGUI->isStudyLocked()) break;
+ mySMESHGUI->EmitSignalDeactivateDialog();
+ mgAdapt->show();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mySMESHGUI->getApp()->updateObjectBrowser();
+ return ok;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for the adaptation in the SMESH component
+// File : SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg.h
+// Author : Gérald NICOLAS, EDF
+// SMESH includes
+#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
+// Qt includes
+#include <QDialog>
+// IDL includes
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+class SMESHGUI;
+// class : SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg
+// purpose :
+class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg : public QWidget
+ int theCommandID,
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil() );
+ ~SMESHGUI_AdaptDlg();
+ void action (int theCommandID);
+ virtual bool OnGUIEvent (int theCommandID);
+// static ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen_var InitAdaptGen(SalomeApp_Application*);
+public slots:
+protected slots:
+private slots:
+// void recupPreferences();
+ SMESHGUI* mySMESHGUI; /* Current SMESHGUI object */
+ QString _ObjectName;
+ QString _LanguageShort ;
+ int _PublisMeshIN ;
+ int _PublisMeshOUT ;
+ int _YACSMaxIter ;
+ int _YACSMaxNode ;
+ int _YACSMaxElem ;
+ int _YACSTypeTest ;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+#include "SUIT_Desktop.h"
+#include "SUIT_Application.h"
+#include "SUIT_Session.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Module.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"
+#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_Actor.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_FilterDlg.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_Selection.h"
+#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
+#include "SMESHGUI_IdValidator.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_MeshEditPreview.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
+#include <SMESH_TypeFilter.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_LogicalFilter.hxx>
+#include <SMDS_Mesh.hxx>
+#include <SMDS_MeshNode.hxx>
+#include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h"
+#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
+#include <SUIT_OverrideCursor.h>
+#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
+#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
+#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
+#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
+#include "SMESHGUI_MeshUtils.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QButtonGroup>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QGroupBox>
+#include <QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QCheckBox>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QRadioButton>
+#include <QTabWidget>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
+#include <QSpinBox>
+#include <QTreeWidget>
+#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
+#include <QSpacerItem>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QHeaderView>
+#include <QItemDelegate>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QComboBox>
+#include <vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkIdList.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h>
+#include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
+#include <VTKViewer_CellLocationsArray.h>
+#include <vtkProperty.h>
+#include <ElCLib.hxx>
+// SALOME KERNEL includes
+#include <SALOMEDS_SComponent.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_SObject.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_Study.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
+#include "SalomeApp_Tools.h"
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+#include <med.h>
+#include <utilities.h>
+#include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
+const int SPACING = 6; // layout spacing
+const int MARGIN = 9; // layout margin
+SALOME_ListIO mySelected;
+// Function : firstIObject
+// Purpose : Return the first selected object in the selected object list
+Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) firstIObject()
+ const SALOME_ListIO& aList = selectedIO();
+ return aList.Extent() > 0 ? aList.First() : Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)();
+// Function : selectedIO
+// Return the list of selected SALOME_InteractiveObject's
+const SALOME_ListIO& selectedIO()
+ SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* > ( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+ LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelectionMgr = app->selectionMgr();
+ if( aSelectionMgr )
+ {
+ aSelectionMgr->selectedObjects( mySelected );
+ for (SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it (mySelected); it.More(); it.Next())
+ SCRUTE(it.Value()->getEntry());
+ };
+ return mySelected;
+// Function : getStudy
+// Returne un pointeur sur l'etude active
+_PTR(Study) getStudy()
+ static _PTR(Study) _study;
+ if(!_study)
+ _study = SalomeApp_Application::getStudy();
+ return _study;
+bool createAndPublishMed(QString fileName)
+ SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus res;
+ SMESH::mesh_array_var aMeshes = new SMESH::mesh_array;
+ // SMESHGUI aGui;
+ aMeshes = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->CreateMeshesFromMED( fileName.toUtf8().constData(), res );
+ _PTR(SObject) aMeshSO = SMESH::FindSObject( aMeshes[0] );
+ _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
+ QStringList anEntryList;
+ // bool isEmpty;
+ if ( aMeshSO )
+ {
+ _PTR(StudyBuilder) aBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
+ _PTR(AttributePixMap) aPixmap = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( aMeshSO, "AttributePixMap" );
+ anEntryList.append( aMeshSO->GetID().c_str() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // isEmpty = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->updateObjBrowser();
+ // browse to the published meshes
+ if( LightApp_Application* anApp =
+ dynamic_cast<LightApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )
+ anApp->browseObjects( anEntryList );
+ return true;
+bool createMgAdaptObject(MgAdapt *myMgAdapt )
+ // SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var newMesh = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen()->CreateEmptyMesh();
+ // _PTR(SObject) aHypothesis;
+ _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
+ QStringList anEntryList;
+ _PTR(StudyBuilder) aBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
+ _PTR(SComponent) mgadapt = aStudy->FindComponent("MG-ADAPT");
+ _PTR(GenericAttribute) ga;
+ if (!aBuilder->FindAttribute(mgadapt, ga, "AttributeName") )
+ {
+ mgadapt = aBuilder->NewComponent("MG-ADAPT");
+ _PTR(AttributeName) Name = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(mgadapt, "AttributeName");
+ Name->SetValue("MG-ADAPT");
+ _PTR(AttributePixMap) myPixmap = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( mgadapt, "AttributePixMap" );
+ myPixmap->SetPixMap( "ICON_MG_ADAPT" );
+ anEntryList.append( mgadapt->GetID().c_str() );
+ }
+ _PTR(SObject) obj = aBuilder->NewObject(mgadapt);
+ _PTR(AttributeName) myName = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute(obj, "AttributeName");
+ myName->SetValue("hypo");
+ _PTR(AttributePixMap) aPixmap = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( obj, "AttributePixMap" );
+ aPixmap->SetPixMap( "ICON_SMESH_TREE_HYPO" );
+ anEntryList.append( obj->GetID().c_str() );
+ SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->updateObjBrowser();
+ // // browse to the published meshes
+ if( LightApp_Application* anApp =
+ dynamic_cast<LightApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )
+ anApp->browseObjects( anEntryList );
+ return true;
+// Function : IObjectCount
+// Return the number of selected objects
+int IObjectCount()
+ SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+ LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelectionMgr = app->selectionMgr();
+ if( aSelectionMgr )
+ {
+ aSelectionMgr->selectedObjects( mySelected );
+ SCRUTE(mySelected.Extent());
+ return mySelected.Extent();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ : mySMESHGUI( theModule ),
+ myFilterDlg(0),
+ myIsApplyAndClose( false ),
+ SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg((SalomeApp_Module*)theModule, myModel, SMESHGUI::desktop(), isCreation)
+ resMgr = resourceMgr();
+ selMgr = selectionMgr();
+ // connections
+ connect(myArgs, SIGNAL(updateSelection()), this, SLOT(updateSelection()));
+ connect(myArgs, SIGNAL(toExportMED(const char*)), this, SLOT(exportMED(const char*)));
+SUIT_ResourceMgr* SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::resourceMgr()
+ return dynamic_cast<SUIT_ResourceMgr*>( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr() );
+LightApp_SelectionMgr* SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::selectionMgr()
+ SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+ if( anApp )
+ return dynamic_cast<LightApp_SelectionMgr*>( anApp->selectionMgr() );
+ else
+ return 0;
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::updateSelection()
+ disconnect( selMgr, 0, this, 0 );
+ selMgr->clearFilters();
+ SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( true );
+ if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() )
+ aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
+ if (myArgs->aBrowser->isChecked())
+ {
+ connect( selMgr, SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( selectionChanged() ));
+ selectionChanged();
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::selectionChanged()
+ //~ get selected mesh
+ SALOME_ListIO aList;
+ selMgr->selectedObjects(aList);
+ QString aString = "";
+ int nbSel = aList.Extent();
+ if (nbSel != 1)
+ return;
+ Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = SMESH::GetMeshByIO(IO);
+ if ( !mesh->_is_nil() )
+ {
+ myMesh = mesh;
+ mySelectedObject = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>( IO );
+ if ( mySelectedObject->_is_nil() )
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+ SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects( selMgr, aString );
+ if ( aString.isEmpty() ) aString = " ";
+ else aString = aString.trimmed();
+ bool ok = !aString.isEmpty();
+ if ( !mesh->_is_nil() )
+ {
+ myArgs->aBrowserObject->setText( aString );
+ myArgs->meshNameLineEdit->setText( aString );
+ myArgs->selectOutMedFileLineEdit->setText(aString+QString(".med"));
+ int nbVolumes = myMesh->NbVolumes();
+ int nbFaces = myMesh->NbFaces();
+ if(nbFaces > 0 && nbVolumes > 0) aMode = ADAPTATION_MODE::BOTH;
+ else if(nbFaces > 0) aMode = ADAPTATION_MODE::SURFACE;
+ emit myArgs->meshDimSignal(aMode);
+ }
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::exportMED(const char* tmp_file)
+ bool toOverwrite = true;
+ bool toFindOutDim = true;
+ myMesh->ExportMED(tmp_file, false, -1, toOverwrite, toFindOutDim);
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::setMyMesh(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh)
+ myMesh = mesh;
+ return myMesh;
+// function : PushOnOk()
+// purpose :
+ setIsApplyAndClose( true );
+ bool ret = PushOnApply();
+// std::cout << "SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::PushOnOK ret : " <<ret<<std::endl;
+ if ( ret ) reject();
+ MESSAGE("PushOnApply");
+ if ( SMESHGUI::isStudyLocked() )
+ return false;
+ if( !isValid() )
+ return false;
+ bool ok = SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg::PushOnApply();
+// std::cout << "SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::PushOnApply ok 1 : " <<ok<<std::endl;
+ if ( ok )
+ {
+ ok = execute();
+ if (getModel()->getPublish()) this->createMeshInObjectBrowser();
+// std::cout << "SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::PushOnApply ok 2 : " <<ok<<std::endl;
+ if ( ok )
+ {
+ QMessageBox::information( 0, QObject::tr(""),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_DIAG_1") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_ERROR"),
+ QObject::tr("MG_ADAPT_DIAG_2") );
+ }
+ }
+ return ok;
+ int err = 1;
+ char* errStr;
+ try
+ {
+ getModel()->compute();
+ err = 0;
+ errStr = getModel()->getErrMsg();
+ std::string msg = err == 0 ? " ok" : std::string("Not ok \n")+CORBA::string_dup(errStr) ;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr<<e.what();
+ }
+ return err == 0;
+// function : Init()
+// purpose :
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::Init (bool ResetControls)
+ myBusy = false;
+ if ( ResetControls )
+ {
+ myLineEditElements->clear();
+ myNbOkElements = 0;
+ buttonOk->setEnabled(false);
+ buttonApply->setEnabled(false);
+ //~myActor = 0;
+ myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
+ myIdSourceCheck->setChecked(true);
+ onConstructor( 0 );
+ }
+//function : onConstructor
+//purpose : switch operation mode
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::onConstructor( int withGeom )
+ myGeomLabel ->setVisible( withGeom );
+ myGeomNameEdit ->setVisible( withGeom );
+ myReuseHypCheck ->setVisible( withGeom );
+ myCopyElementsCheck->setVisible( withGeom );
+ myFilterBtn ->setVisible( !withGeom );
+ myIdSourceCheck ->setVisible( !withGeom );
+ if ( !withGeom )
+ myMeshNameEdit->setText( SMESH::UniqueMeshName("Mesh"));
+//~void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::onSelectIdSource( bool )
+// function : enterEvent()
+// purpose :
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::enterEvent (QEvent*)
+ // if ( !ConstructorsBox->isEnabled() ) {
+ // SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI );
+ // if ( aViewWindow && !mySelector ) {
+ // mySelector = aViewWindow->GetSelector();
+ // }
+ // activateThisDialog();
+ // }
+// function : keyPressEvent()
+// purpose :
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e )
+ QDialog::keyPressEvent( e );
+ if ( e->isAccepted() )
+ return;
+ if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_F1 )
+ {
+ e->accept();
+ PushOnHelp();
+ }
+// function : PushOnHelp()
+// purpose :
+ QString aHelpFile = "adaptation.html#_mg_adapt_anchor";
+ SMESH::ShowHelpFile( aHelpFile );
+//function : getErrorMsg
+//purpose : Return an error message and entries of invalid smesh object
+QString SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::getErrorMsg( SMESH::string_array_var theInvalidEntries,
+ QStringList & theEntriesToBrowse )
+ if ( theInvalidEntries->length() == 0 )
+ return tr("OPERATION_FAILED");
+ // theInvalidEntries - SObject's that hold geometry objects whose
+ // counterparts are not found in the newGeometry, followed by SObject's
+ // holding mesh sub-objects that are invalid because they depend on a not found
+ // preceding sub-shape
+ QString msg = tr("SUBSHAPES_NOT_FOUND_MSG") + "\n";
+ QString objString;
+ for ( CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < theInvalidEntries->length(); ++i )
+ {
+ _PTR(SObject) so = SMESH::getStudy()->FindObjectID( theInvalidEntries[i].in() );
+ int objType = SMESHGUI_Selection::type( theInvalidEntries[i].in() );
+ if ( objType < 0 ) // geom object
+ {
+ objString += "\n";
+ if ( so )
+ objString += so->GetName().c_str();
+ else
+ objString += theInvalidEntries[i].in(); // it's something like "FACE #2"
+ }
+ else // smesh object
+ {
+ theEntriesToBrowse.push_back( theInvalidEntries[i].in() );
+ objString += "\n ";
+ switch ( objType ) {
+ case SMESH::MESH:
+ objString += tr("SMESH_MESH");
+ break;
+ objString += tr("SMESH_HYPOTHESIS");
+ break;
+ objString += tr("SMESH_ALGORITHM");
+ break;
+ objString += tr("SMESH_SUBMESH");
+ break;
+ case SMESH::GROUP:
+ objString += tr("SMESH_GROUP");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ objString += " \"";
+ if ( so )
+ objString += so->GetName().c_str();
+ objString += "\" (";
+ objString += theInvalidEntries[i].in();
+ objString += ")";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !objString.isEmpty() )
+ msg += objString;
+ return msg;
+// function : isValid
+// purpose :
+ bool ok = true;
+ return ok;
+bool SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::createMeshInObjectBrowser()
+ QString filename(getModel()->getMedFileOut());
+ QStringList errors;
+ QStringList anEntryList;
+ bool isEmpty = false;
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (!SMESH_Gen_ptr) {
+ std::cerr << "Could not retrieve SMESH_Gen_ptr" << std::endl;
+ throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Could not retrieve SMESH::GetSMESHGen()"));
+ }
+ SMESH::mesh_array_var aMeshes = new SMESH::mesh_array;
+ aMeshes->length( 1 ); // one mesh only
+ SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus res;
+ aMeshes = SMESH_Gen_ptr->CreateMeshesFromMED( filename.toUtf8().constData(), res );
+ if ( res != SMESH::DRS_OK ) {
+ errors.append( QString( "%1 :\n\t%2" ).arg( filename ).arg( QObject::tr( QString( "SMESH_DRS_%1" ).arg( res ).toLatin1().data() ) ) );
+ }
+ _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::getStudy();
+ for ( int i = 0, iEnd = aMeshes->length(); i < iEnd; i++ )
+ {
+ _PTR(SObject) aMeshSO = SMESH::FindSObject( aMeshes[i] );
+ if ( aMeshSO )
+ {
+ _PTR(StudyBuilder) aBuilder = aStudy->NewBuilder();
+ _PTR(AttributePixMap) aPixmap = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( aMeshSO, "AttributePixMap" );
+ aPixmap->SetPixMap( "ICON_SMESH_TREE_MESH_IMPORTED" ); // put REFINED mesh ico
+ anEntryList.append( aMeshSO->GetID().c_str() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isEmpty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // update Object browser
+ SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI()->updateObjBrowser();
+ // browse to the published meshes
+ if( LightApp_Application* anApp =
+ dynamic_cast<LightApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )
+ anApp->browseObjects( anEntryList );
+ // show Error message box if there were errors
+ if ( errors.count() > 0 ) {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::critical( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
+ QObject::tr( "SMESH_ERROR" ),
+ QObject::tr( "SMESH_IMPORT_ERRORS" ) + "\n" + errors.join( "\n" ) );
+ }
+ // show warning message box, if some imported mesh is empty
+ if ( isEmpty ) {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warning( SMESHGUI::desktop(),
+ QObject::tr( "SMESH_WRN_WARNING" ),
+ QObject::tr( "SMESH_DRS_SOME_EMPTY" ) );
+ }
+ return true;
+// function : setIsApplyAndClose
+// Purpose : Set value of the flag indicating that the dialog is
+// accepted by Apply & Close button
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::setIsApplyAndClose( const bool theFlag )
+ myIsApplyAndClose = theFlag;
+// function : isApplyAndClose
+// Purpose : Get value of the flag indicating that the dialog is
+// accepted by Apply & Close button
+bool SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::isApplyAndClose() const
+ return myIsApplyAndClose;
+// function : DeactivateActiveDialog()
+// purpose :
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::deactivateActiveDialog()
+ if (ConstructorsBox->isEnabled())
+ {
+ ConstructorsBox->setEnabled(false);
+ GroupArguments->setEnabled(false);
+ GroupButtons->setEnabled(false);
+ mySMESHGUI->ResetState();
+ mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox(0);
+ if ( selMgr )
+ selMgr->removeFilter( myIdSourceFilter );
+ }
+// function : ActivateThisDialog()
+// purpose :
+void SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER::activateThisDialog()
+ /* Emit a signal to deactivate the active dialog */
+ // mySMESHGUI->EmitSignalDeactivateDialog();
+ // ConstructorsBox->setEnabled(true);
+ // GroupArguments->setEnabled(true);
+ // GroupButtons->setEnabled(true);
+ // mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox((QDialog*)this);
+ // onSelectIdSource( myIdSourceCheck->isChecked() );
+ // SelectionIntoArgument();
+// function : setFilters()
+// purpose : SLOT. Called when "Filter" button pressed.
+ if(myMesh->_is_nil())
+ {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::critical(this,
+ tr("SMESH_ERROR"),
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !myFilterDlg )
+ myFilterDlg = new SMESHGUI_FilterDlg( mySMESHGUI, SMESH::ALL );
+ QList<int> types;
+ if ( myMesh->NbEdges() ) types << SMESH::EDGE;
+ if ( myMesh->NbFaces() ) types << SMESH::FACE;
+ if ( myMesh->NbVolumes() ) types << SMESH::VOLUME;
+ if ( myMesh->NbBalls() ) types << SMESH::BALL;
+ if ( myMesh->Nb0DElements()) types << SMESH::ELEM0D;
+ if ( types.count() > 1 ) types << SMESH::ALL;
+ myFilterDlg->Init( types );
+ myFilterDlg->SetSelection();
+ myFilterDlg->SetMesh( myMesh );
+ myFilterDlg->SetSourceWg( myLineEditElements );
+ myFilterDlg->show();
+// function : onOpenView()
+// purpose :
+ if ( mySelector ) {
+ SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ mySelector = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )->GetSelector();
+ activateThisDialog();
+ }
+// function : onCloseView()
+// purpose :
+ deactivateActiveDialog();
+ mySelector = 0;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for the adaptation in the SMESH component
+#include <set>
+// SMESH includes
+#include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx"
+// Qt includes
+#include <QDialog>
+#include <QTreeWidget>
+#include <QThread>
+#include "LightApp_DataOwner.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
+#include "SalomeApp_Module.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"
+#include <med.h>
+#include <QObject>
+// model
+#include "MG_ADAPTGUI.hxx"
+class SUIT_ViewWindow;
+class SUIT_Desktop;
+class SUIT_Study;
+class SUIT_ResourceMgr;
+class CAM_Module;
+class SALOMEDSClient_Study;
+class SALOMEDSClient_SObject;
+class SalomeApp_Study;
+class SalomeApp_Module;
+class LightApp_SelectionMgr;
+class SUIT_SelectionFilter;
+class QButtonGroup;
+class QLineEdit;
+class QGroupBox;
+class QRadioButton;
+class QLabel;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QGridLayout;
+class QTabWidget;
+class QDoubleSpinBox;
+class QSpinBox;
+class QTreeWidget;
+class QTreeWidgetItem;
+class QSpacerItem;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+class QItemDelegate;
+class QComboBox;
+class QObject;
+// IDL includes
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+class SMESHGUI;
+class SMESHGUI_MgAdaptDlg;
+class SMESHGUI_IdValidator;
+class SMESHGUI_FilterDlg;
+class MgAdapt;
+class QHeaderView;
+class QFileDialog;
+int IObjectCount();
+const SALOME_ListIO& selectedIO();
+_PTR(Study) getStudy();
+Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) firstIObject();
+bool createAndPublishMed(QString fileName);
+bool createMgAdaptObject(MgAdapt* myMgAdapt = 0);
+public :
+ SMESHGUI_MG_ADAPTDRIVER( SMESHGUI*, SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr, bool isCreation = true );
+ void setMyMesh(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var);
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var getMyMesh() ;
+private :
+ SMESHGUI* mySMESHGUI; /* Current SMESHGUI object */
+ LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr ;
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr;
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resourceMgr();
+ LightApp_SelectionMgr* selectionMgr();
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh ;
+ void Init( bool = true );
+ void enterEvent( QEvent* ); /* mouse enter the QWidget */
+ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );
+ QString getErrorMsg( SMESH::string_array_var invalidEntries,
+ QStringList & entriesToBrowse );
+ bool isValid();
+ bool createMeshInObjectBrowser();
+ void setIsApplyAndClose( const bool theFlag );
+ bool isApplyAndClose() const;
+ bool execute();
+ SMESHGUI_IdValidator* myIdValidator;
+ int myNbOkElements; /* to check when elements are defined */
+ SVTK_Selector* mySelector;
+ bool myBusy;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var myNewGeometry;
+ //~SMESH_Actor* myActor; //
+ SUIT_SelectionFilter* myIdSourceFilter;
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var mySelectedObject;
+ QTabWidget* myTabWidget;
+ QButtonGroup* GroupConstructors;
+ QGroupBox* ConstructorsBox;
+ QGroupBox* GroupArguments;
+ QGroupBox* GroupButtons;
+ QPushButton* buttonOk;
+ QPushButton* buttonCancel;
+ QPushButton* buttonApply;
+ QPushButton* buttonHelp;
+ QLabel* myTextLabelElements;
+ QLabel* myGeomLabel;
+ QLineEdit* myLineEditElements;
+ QLineEdit* myMeshNameEdit;
+ QLineEdit* myGeomNameEdit;
+ QCheckBox* myIdSourceCheck;
+ QCheckBox* myCopyGroupsCheck;
+ QCheckBox* myReuseHypCheck;
+ QCheckBox* myCopyElementsCheck;
+ QCheckBox* myKeepIdsCheck;
+ QPushButton* myFilterBtn;
+ SMESHGUI_FilterDlg* myFilterDlg;
+ QString myHelpFileName;
+ bool myIsApplyAndClose;
+ QString inputMeshName;
+ QString outputMeshName;
+private slots:
+ void selectionChanged();
+ void updateSelection();
+protected slots :
+private slots:
+ void exportMED(const char* );
+ virtual bool PushOnApply();
+ virtual void PushOnOK();
+ virtual void PushOnHelp();
+ void deactivateActiveDialog();
+ void activateThisDialog();
+ void onConstructor( int );
+ //~void onTextChange( const QString& );
+ //~void onSelectIdSource( bool );
+ void setFilters();
+ void onOpenView();
+ void onCloseView();
+ // Adaptation ---------------------//--------------------------------
// Measurements -------------------//--------------------------------
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>adapt_mg_adapt.png</translation>
+ </message>
- </message>
+ </message>
<translation>Construct Group</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Remesh with MG_Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Args</source>
+ <translation>Arguments</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MeshOut</source>
+ <translation>Mesh Out</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MeshIn</source>
+ <translation>Mesh In</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEDFile</source>
+ <translation>MED file</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Browser</source>
+ <translation>Browser</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Publish_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Publish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>SIZE_MAP_FIELD</source>
+ <translation>Size map field</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_FIELD_NAME</source>
+ <translation>Field Name</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_1</source>
+ <translation>This MED file cannot be read.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_2</source>
+ <translation>No mesh in this MED file.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_3</source>
+ <translation>More than one mesh in this MED file.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_4</source>
+ <translation>The mesh in this MED file cannot be read.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_5</source>
+ <translation>No field in this MED file.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_ERROR</source>
+ <translation>Error</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_CH_ST</source>
+ <translation>Chosen time step</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_RANK</source>
+ <translation>Rank</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_TSTP</source>
+ <translation>Time step </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_NO_T_ST</source>
+ <translation>No time step</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_L_ST</source>
+ <translation>Last time step</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MeshName</source>
+ <translation>Mesh name</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>LOCAL_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Local</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>BACKGRND_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Background</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>CNST_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Constant</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MED_FILE_BCKG</source>
+ <translation>MED file background size map</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>VALUE_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Value</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>SIZE_MAP_DEF</source>
+ <translation>Size map definition</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADVOP</source>
+ <translation>Advanced Options</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_DIAG_1</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation succeeded.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_DIAG_2</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation failed.</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Convert to/from quadratic</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>SMESH_NOT_AVAILABLE</source>
+ <translation>Not available</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Available algorithms</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_TAB_GENERAL</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_NONE</source>
+ <translation>None</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation with MG-Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Write the OUT mesh</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Publication of the OUT mesh</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN</source>
+ <translation>Option</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>OPTION_NAME_COLUMN</source>
+ <translation>Value</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>compute_ridges</source>
+ <translation>Compute ridges</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>max_memory</source>
+ <translation>Maximum memory (Mb)</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Adaption</source>
+ <translation>adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>components</source>
+ <translation>Components</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_SIZE_MAP</source>
+ <translation>Size map</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Local</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Background</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Last</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP</source>
+ <translation>Choosen time step</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP_C</source>
+ <translation>Value</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_SELECT_FILE_0</source>
+ <translation>MG-ADAPT select file</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_ADVOP</source>
+ <translation>Advanced Options</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Mesh visualization failed</translation>
<translation>Construct Group</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>STB_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Remesh with MG_Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Convert to/from quadratic</translation>
<translation>Volume Controls Toolbar</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>TB_ADAPTATION</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation Toolbar</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Measurements Toolbar</translation>
<translation>Construct Group</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>TOP_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Remesh with MG_Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Convert to/from quadratic</translation>
-The mesh has been edited since a last total re-compute
-that may prevent successful computation.
+The mesh has been edited since a last total re-compute
+that may prevent successful computation.
Do you wish to re-compute the mesh totally to discard the modifications?
<translation>Geometry object is not defined.
-Do you want to create an empty mesh
+Do you want to create an empty mesh
without algorithms and hypotheses? </translation>
-The assigned algorithm has the same priority as one assigned to an
+The assigned algorithm has the same priority as one assigned to an
adjacent sub-mesh, hence it's undefined which algorithm to use for
meshing boundary shared by two sub-meshes. Would you like to set
the order of sub-mesh computation? </translation>
-Some sub-shapes not found in the new geometry. They are listed
+Some sub-shapes not found in the new geometry. They are listed
below along with dependent mesh objects that are marked with
red in the Object Browser.</translation>
<translation>Construire un groupe</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Remaillage avec MG_Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Args</source>
+ <translation>Arguments</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MeshOut</source>
+ <translation>Maillage en sortie</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MeshIn</source>
+ <translation>Maillage en entrée</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEDFile</source>
+ <translation>Fichier MED</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Browser</source>
+ <translation>Arbre d'études</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Publish_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Publication</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>SIZE_MAP_FIELD</source>
+ <translation>Champ de la carte de taille</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_FIELD_NAME</source>
+ <translation>Nom du champ</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_1</source>
+ <translation>Ce fichier MED est illisible.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_2</source>
+ <translation>Ce fichier MED ne contient aucun maillage.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_3</source>
+ <translation>Ce fichier MED contient plus d'un maillage.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_4</source>
+ <translation>Impossible de lire le maillage de ce fichier MED.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_MED_FILE_5</source>
+ <translation>Ce fichier MED ne contient aucun champ.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_ERROR</source>
+ <translation>Erreur</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_CH_ST</source>
+ <translation>Pas de temps choisi</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_RANK</source>
+ <translation>Numéro d'ordre</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_TSTP</source>
+ <translation>Pas de temps </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_NO_T_ST</source>
+ <translation>Sans pas de temps</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_L_ST</source>
+ <translation>Dernier pas de temps</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MeshName</source>
+ <translation>Nom du maillage</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>LOCAL_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Locale</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>BACKGRND_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Arrière-plan</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>CNST_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Constante</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MED_FILE_BCKG</source>
+ <translation>Fichier MED de la carte en arrière-plan</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>VALUE_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Valeur</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>SIZE_MAP_DEF</source>
+ <translation>Définition de la carte de taille</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADVOP</source>
+ <translation>Options avancées</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_DIAG_1</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation réussie.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_DIAG_2</source>
+ <translation>Echec de l'adaptation.</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Convertir vers/depuis quadratique</translation>
- <translation>Edition</translation>
+ <translation>Editer</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Outils de mesure</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_TAB_GENERAL</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_NONE</source>
+ <translation>Sans</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation avec MG-Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Ecriture du maillage de sortie</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Publication du maillage de sortie</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN</source>
+ <translation>Option</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>OPTION_NAME_COLUMN</source>
+ <translation>Valeur</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>compute_ridges</source>
+ <translation>Calcul des crêtes</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>max_memory</source>
+ <translation>Maximum mémoire (Mb)</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Adaption</source>
+ <translation>Adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>components</source>
+ <translation>Composantes</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_SIZE_MAP</source>
+ <translation>Carte de tailles</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Locale</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Arrière-plan</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <translation>Dernier</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP</source>
+ <translation>Choix du pas de temps</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_TIME_STEP_C</source>
+ <translation>Valeur</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MG_ADAPT_SELECT_FILE_0</source>
+ <translation>MG-ADAPT selection fichier MED</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ADAPT_PREF_MG_ADAPT_ADVOP</source>
+ <translation>Options avancées</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Impossible de visualiser le maillage, probablement à cause d'un manque de mémoire</translation>
<translation>Construire un groupe</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>STB_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Remaillage avec MG_Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Convertir vers/depuis quadratique</translation>
<translation>Barre des contrôles des volumes</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>TB_ADAPTATION</source>
+ <translation>Barre de l'adaptation</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Barre des mesures</translation>
<translation>Construire un groupe</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>TOP_MG_ADAPT</source>
+ <translation>Remaillage avec MG_Adapt</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Convertir vers/de quadratique</translation>
# additional preprocessor / compiler flags
+ ${MEDCoupling_medloader}
# --- headers ---
+ MG_ADAPT_i.hxx
# --- sources ---
+ MG_ADAPT_i.cxx
# --- rules ---
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+#include "MG_ADAPT_i.hxx"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
+#include <SMESH_Gen.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+ * SMESH_Gen_i::CreateMG_ADAPT
+ *
+ * Create measurement instance
+ */
+using namespace SMESH;
+void MG_ADAPT_i::copyHypothesisDataToImpl(const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& from, ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* to) const
+ to->myFileInDir = from.myFileInDir;
+ to->myMeshFileIn = from.myMeshFileIn;
+ to->myMeshFileBackground = from.myMeshFileBackground;
+ to->myOutMeshName = from.myOutMeshName;
+ to->myMeshFileOut = from.myMeshFileOut;
+ to->myFileOutDir = from.myFileOutDir;
+ to->myFileSizeMapDir = from.myFileSizeMapDir;
+ to->myFieldName = from.myFieldName;
+ to->fromMedFile = from.fromMedFile;
+ to->myPublish = from.myPublish;
+ to->myMeshOutMed = from.myMeshOutMed;
+ to->myUseLocalMap = from.myUseLocalMap;
+ to->myUseBackgroundMap = from.myUseBackgroundMap;
+ to->myUseConstantValue = from.myUseConstantValue;
+ to->myConstantValue = from.myConstantValue;
+ to->myTimeStep = from.myTimeStep;
+ to->myRank = from.myRank;
+ to->myUseNoTimeStep = from.myUseNoTimeStep;
+ to->myUseLastTimeStep = from.myUseLastTimeStep;
+ to->myUseChosenTimeStep = from.myUseChosenTimeStep;
+ to->myWorkingDir = from.myWorkingDir;
+ to->myLogFile = from.myLogFile;
+ to->myPrintLogInFile = from.myPrintLogInFile;
+ to->myKeepFiles = from.myKeepFiles;
+ to->myRemoveLogOnSuccess = from.myRemoveLogOnSuccess;
+ to->myVerboseLevel = from.myVerboseLevel;
+void MG_ADAPT_i::copyHypothesisDataFromImpl(const ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* from, SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* to) const
+ to->myFileInDir = CORBA::string_dup(from->myFileInDir.c_str());
+ to->myMeshFileIn = CORBA::string_dup(from->myMeshFileIn.c_str());
+ to->myMeshFileBackground = CORBA::string_dup(from->myMeshFileBackground.c_str());
+ to->myOutMeshName = CORBA::string_dup(from->myOutMeshName.c_str());
+ to->myMeshFileOut = CORBA::string_dup(from->myMeshFileOut.c_str());
+ to->myFileOutDir = CORBA::string_dup(from->myFileOutDir.c_str());
+ to->myFileSizeMapDir = CORBA::string_dup(from->myFileSizeMapDir.c_str());
+ to->myFieldName = CORBA::string_dup(from->myFieldName.c_str());
+ to->fromMedFile = from->fromMedFile;
+ to->myPublish = from->myPublish;
+ to->myMeshOutMed = from->myMeshOutMed;
+ to->myUseLocalMap = from->myUseLocalMap;
+ to->myUseBackgroundMap = from->myUseBackgroundMap;
+ to->myUseConstantValue = from->myUseConstantValue;
+ to->myConstantValue = from->myConstantValue;
+ to->myTimeStep = from->myTimeStep;
+ to->myRank = from->myRank;
+ to->myUseNoTimeStep = from->myUseNoTimeStep;
+ to->myUseLastTimeStep = from->myUseLastTimeStep;
+ to->myUseChosenTimeStep = from->myUseChosenTimeStep;
+ to->myWorkingDir = CORBA::string_dup(from->myWorkingDir.c_str());
+ to->myLogFile = CORBA::string_dup(from->myLogFile.c_str());
+ to->myPrintLogInFile = from->myPrintLogInFile;
+ to->myKeepFiles = from->myKeepFiles;
+ to->myRemoveLogOnSuccess = from->myRemoveLogOnSuccess;
+ to->myVerboseLevel = from->myVerboseLevel;
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_i* aMGadapt = new SMESH::MG_ADAPT_i();
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_var anObj = aMGadapt->_this();
+ return anObj._retn();
+SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::CreateAdaptationHypothesis()
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_i* aMGadapt = new SMESH::MG_ADAPT_i();
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_var anObj = aMGadapt->_this();
+ return anObj._retn();
+SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_ptr SMESH_Gen_i::Adaptation( const char* adaptationType)
+ if (!strcmp(adaptationType, "MG_Adapt"))
+ {
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i* mg_adapt_object = new SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i();
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_var anObj = mg_adapt_object->_this();
+ return anObj._retn();
+ }
+ //~SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ //~SMESH::MG_ADAPT_i* aMGadapt = new SMESH::MG_ADAPT_i(smeshGen_i->GetPOA());
+ //~SMESH::MG_ADAPT_var anObj = aMGadapt->_this();
+ //~return anObj._retn();
+ * standard constructor
+ */
+MG_ADAPT_i::MG_ADAPT_i(): SALOME::GenericObj_i( SMESH_Gen_i::GetPOA() )
+ myMgAdapt = new ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdapt();
+//~MG_ADAPT_i::MG_ADAPT_i(PortableServer::POA_var myPoa): SALOME::GenericObj_i( myPoa )
+ //~myMgAdapt = new ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdapt();
+ * standard constructor
+ */
+//~MG_ADAPT_i::MG_ADAPT_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ //~ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen_var engine )
+ //~_gen_i = engine;
+ //~_orb = orb;
+ //~myMgAdapt = new MgAdapt();
+ * standard destructor
+ */
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setData( SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& data)
+ ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* baseData = new ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ copyHypothesisDataToImpl(data, baseData);
+ myMgAdapt->setData(baseData);
+ delete baseData;
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setMedFileIn(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setMedFileIn(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getMedFileIn()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getMedFileIn().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setMedFileOut(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setMedFileOut(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getMedFileOut()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getMedFileOut().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setMeshName(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setMeshName(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getMeshName()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getMeshName().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setMeshNameOut(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setMeshNameOut(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getMeshNameOut()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getMeshNameOut().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setMeshOutMed(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setMeshOutMed(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getMeshOutMed()
+ return myMgAdapt->getMeshOutMed();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setPublish(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setPublish(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getPublish()
+ return myMgAdapt->getPublish();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setSizeMapFieldName(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setFieldName(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getSizeMapFieldName()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getFieldName().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setTimeStep(CORBA::Long t)
+ myMgAdapt->setTimeStep(t);
+CORBA::Long MG_ADAPT_i::getTimeStep()
+ return myMgAdapt->getTimeStep();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setTimeStepRank(CORBA::Long t, CORBA::Long r)
+ myMgAdapt->setChosenTimeStepRank();
+ myMgAdapt->setRankTimeStep(t, r);
+CORBA::Long MG_ADAPT_i::getRank()
+ return myMgAdapt->getRank();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setTimeStepRankLast()
+ myMgAdapt->setTimeStepRankLast();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setNoTimeStep()
+ myMgAdapt->setNoTimeStep();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setLogFile(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setLogFile(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getLogFile()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getLogFile().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setVerbosityLevel(CORBA::Long v)
+ myMgAdapt->setVerbosityLevel(v);
+CORBA::Long MG_ADAPT_i::getVerbosityLevel()
+ return myMgAdapt->getVerbosityLevel();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setRemoveOnSuccess(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setRemoveOnSuccess(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getRemoveOnSuccess()
+ myMgAdapt->getRemoveOnSuccess();
+SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* MG_ADAPT_i::getData()
+ SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* result = new SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* from = myMgAdapt->getData();
+ copyHypothesisDataFromImpl(from, result);
+ return result;
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setUseLocalMap(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setUseLocalMap(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getUseLocalMap()
+ return myMgAdapt->getUseLocalMap();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setUseBackgroundMap(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setUseBackgroundMap(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getUseBackgroundMap()
+ return myMgAdapt->getUseBackgroundMap();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setUseConstantValue(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setUseConstantValue(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getUseConstantValue()
+ return myMgAdapt->getUseConstantValue();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setConstantSize(double value)
+ myMgAdapt->setConstantValue(value);
+double MG_ADAPT_i::getConstantSize()
+ return myMgAdapt->getConstantValue();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setSizeMapFile(const char* str)
+ myMgAdapt->setSizeMapFile(str);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getSizeMapFile()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getSizeMapFile().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setFromMedFile(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setFromMedFile(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::isFromMedFile()
+ return myMgAdapt->isFromMedFile();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setKeepWorkingFiles(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setKeepWorkingFiles(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getKeepWorkingFiles()
+ return myMgAdapt->getKeepWorkingFiles();
+//~void MG_ADAPT_i::setPrCORBA::LongLogInFile(bool);
+//~bool MG_ADAPT_i::getPrCORBA::LongLogInFile();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setSizeMapType(const char* type)
+ setUseLocalMap(false);
+ setUseBackgroundMap(false);
+ setUseConstantValue(false);
+ if (!strcmp("Local", type))
+ setUseLocalMap(true);
+ else if (!strcmp("Background", type))
+ setUseBackgroundMap(true);
+ else
+ setUseConstantValue(true);
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setWorkingDir(const char* dir)
+ myMgAdapt->setWorkingDir(dir);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getWorkingDir()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getWorkingDir().c_str());
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::setAll()
+ return myMgAdapt->setAll();
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getCommandToRun()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getCommandToRun().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::compute()
+ errStr = "";
+ try
+ {
+ myMgAdapt->compute(errStr);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Exception thrown on MG_ADAPT_i::compute invocation with error message \"" << errStr
+ << "\" with exception message \"" << e.what() << "\"";
+ }
+ if(myMgAdapt->getPublish())
+ {
+ SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ SMESH::DriverMED_ReadStatus theStatus;
+ smeshGen_i->CreateMeshesFromMED(myMgAdapt->getMedFileOut().c_str(), theStatus);
+ }
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getErrMsg()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(errStr.c_str());
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getFileName()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getFileName().c_str());
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getExeName()
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getExeName().c_str());
+void MG_ADAPT_i::copyMgAdaptHypothesisData( const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& data)
+ ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* baseData = new ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData();
+ copyHypothesisDataToImpl(data, baseData);
+ myMgAdapt->copyMgAdaptHypothesisData(baseData);
+ delete baseData;
+//~void MG_ADAPT_i::checkDirPath(char*& str)
+ //~myMgAdapt->checkDirPath(str);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::hasOptionDefined( const char* optionName )
+ return myMgAdapt->hasOptionDefined(optionName);
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setOptionValue(const char* optionName,
+ const char* optionValue) throw (std::invalid_argument)
+ myMgAdapt->setOptionValue(optionName, optionValue);
+char* MG_ADAPT_i::getOptionValue(const char* optionName,
+ bool& isDefault) throw (std::invalid_argument)
+ return CORBA::string_dup(myMgAdapt->getOptionValue(optionName, &isDefault).c_str());
+str_array* MG_ADAPT_i::getCustomOptionValuesStrVec()
+ SMESH::str_array_var result = new SMESH::str_array();
+ std::vector <std::string> vals = myMgAdapt->getCustomOptionValuesStrVec();
+ result->length(vals.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i<vals.size(); i++) result[i] = CORBA::string_dup(vals[i].c_str());
+ return result._retn();
+str_array* MG_ADAPT_i::getOptionValuesStrVec()
+ SMESH::str_array_var result = new SMESH::str_array();
+ std::vector <std::string> vals = myMgAdapt->getOptionValuesStrVec();
+ result->length(vals.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i<vals.size(); i++) result[i] = CORBA::string_dup(vals[i].c_str());
+ return result._retn();
+void MG_ADAPT_i::setPrintLogInFile(bool mybool)
+ myMgAdapt->setPrintLogInFile(mybool);
+bool MG_ADAPT_i::getPrintLogInFile()
+ return myMgAdapt->getPrintLogInFile();
+//~TOptionValues MG_ADAPT_i::getOptionValues() const;
+//~const TOptionValues& MG_ADAPT_i::getCustomOptionValues() const ;
+ medFileIn="";
+ medFileOut="";
+ medFileBackground="";
+ publish = false;
+ //~myMesh = CORBA::nil;
+void MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::setMeshIn(SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh )
+ myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_duplicate(theMesh);
+void MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::setMEDFileIn(const char* f)
+ medFileIn = f;
+void MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::setMEDFileOut(const char* f)
+ medFileOut = f;
+void MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::setMEDFileBackground(const char* f)
+ medFileBackground = f;
+void MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::AddHypothesis(SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr mg)
+ mg->setMedFileIn(medFileIn.c_str());
+ mg->setMedFileOut(medFileOut.c_str());
+ mg->setSizeMapFile(medFileBackground.c_str());
+ hypothesis = SMESH::MG_ADAPT::_duplicate(mg);
+CORBA::Long MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::Compute(bool publish)
+ if(!checkMeshFileIn()){
+ std::cerr<< "\n Error : Please check the MED file input or mesh input. \n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ hypothesis->setPublish(publish);
+ hypothesis->compute();
+ return 0;
+bool MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_i::checkMeshFileIn()
+ bool ret = false; // 1 ok , 0 nook
+ if(!::MG_ADAPT::MgAdapt::isFileExist(medFileIn))
+ {
+ if(!myMesh->_is_nil())
+ {
+ bool toOverwrite = true;
+ bool toFindOutDim = true;
+ medFileIn = hypothesis->getFileName();
+ medFileIn+= ".med";
+ myMesh->ExportMED(medFileIn.c_str(), false, -1, toOverwrite, toFindOutDim);
+ hypothesis->setMedFileIn(medFileIn.c_str());
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ret = true;
+ return ret;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MG_ADAPT_I_HXX
+#define MG_ADAPT_I_HXX
+#include "MG_ADAPT.hxx"
+#include "SMESH.hxx"
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+#include "SALOME_GenericObj_i.hh"
+#include "SALOME_Component_i.hxx"
+#include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
+#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <string>
+//~struct MgAdaptHypothesisData;
+//~static void copyHypothesisDataToImpl(SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& from, MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* to);
+//~static void copyHypothesisDataFromImpl(MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* from, SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& to);
+//~class MgAdapt;
+namespace SMESH
+ public virtual SALOME::GenericObj_i,
+ public virtual POA_SMESH::MG_ADAPT
+ //~MG_ADAPT_i( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen_var gen_i );
+ //~static SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr CreateMG_ADAPT();
+ //~MG_ADAPT_i(PortableServer::POA_var poa);
+ MG_ADAPT_i();
+ virtual ~MG_ADAPT_i();
+ //~void setData( SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* data);
+ void setData( SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& data);
+ void setMedFileIn(const char* str);
+ char* getMedFileIn();
+ void setMedFileOut(const char* str);
+ char* getMedFileOut();
+ void setMeshName(const char* str);
+ char* getMeshName();
+ void setMeshNameOut(const char* str);
+ char* getMeshNameOut();
+ void setMeshOutMed(bool mybool);
+ bool getMeshOutMed();
+ void setPublish(bool mybool);
+ bool getPublish();
+ void setSizeMapFieldName(const char* str);
+ char* getSizeMapFieldName();
+ void setTimeStep(CORBA::Long t);
+ CORBA::Long getTimeStep() ;
+ void setTimeStepRank(CORBA::Long t, CORBA::Long r );
+ CORBA::Long getRank();
+ void setTimeStepRankLast();
+ void setNoTimeStep();
+ void setLogFile(const char* str);
+ char* getLogFile();
+ void setVerbosityLevel(CORBA::Long v);
+ CORBA::Long getVerbosityLevel();
+ void setRemoveOnSuccess(bool mybool);
+ bool getRemoveOnSuccess();
+ SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* getData() ;
+ void setSizeMapType(const char* type);
+ void setUseLocalMap(bool mybool);
+ bool getUseLocalMap();
+ void setUseBackgroundMap(bool mybool);
+ bool getUseBackgroundMap();
+ void setUseConstantValue(bool mybool);
+ bool getUseConstantValue();
+ void setConstantSize(double value);
+ double getConstantSize();
+ void setSizeMapFile(const char* str);
+ char* getSizeMapFile();
+ void setFromMedFile(bool mybool);
+ bool isFromMedFile();
+ void setKeepWorkingFiles(bool mybool);
+ bool getKeepWorkingFiles();
+ //~void setPrCORBA::LongLogInFile(bool);
+ //~bool getPrCORBA::LongLogInFile();
+ void setWorkingDir(const char* str);
+ char* getWorkingDir() ;
+ void setPrintLogInFile(bool mybool);
+ bool getPrintLogInFile();
+ bool setAll();
+ char* getCommandToRun() ;
+ void compute();
+ char* getFileName();
+ char* getExeName();
+ void copyMgAdaptHypothesisData( const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& data ) ;
+ //~void copyMgAdaptHypothesisData( const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& data ) {
+ //~copyMgAdaptHypothesisData(&data);
+ //~}
+ //~void checkDirPath(char*& str);
+ bool hasOptionDefined( const char* optionName ) ;
+ void setOptionValue(const char* optionName,
+ const char* optionValue) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ char* getOptionValue(const char* optionName,
+ bool& isDefault) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ str_array* getCustomOptionValuesStrVec() ;
+ str_array* getOptionValuesStrVec() ;
+ void copyHypothesisDataFromImpl(const ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* from, SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData* to) const;
+ void copyHypothesisDataToImpl(const SMESH::MgAdaptHypothesisData& from, ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdaptHypothesisData* to) const;
+ //~TOptionValues getOptionValues() const;
+ //~const TOptionValues& getCustomOptionValues() const ;
+ char* getErrMsg();
+ ::MG_ADAPT::MgAdapt* myMgAdapt;
+ std::string errStr;
+ //~CORBA::ORB_ptr _orb;
+ //~ADAPT::ADAPT_Gen_var _gen_i;
+ public virtual SALOME::GenericObj_i,
+ public virtual POA_SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT {
+public :
+ void setMeshIn( SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh );
+ void setMEDFileIn(const char* f);
+ void setMEDFileOut(const char* f);
+ void setMEDFileBackground(const char* f);
+ void AddHypothesis(SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr);
+ CORBA::Long Compute(bool Publish);
+std::string medFileIn, medFileOut, medFileBackground;
+bool checkMeshFileIn();
+bool publish;
+SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr myMesh;
+SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr hypothesis;
+#endif // MG_ADAPT_I_HXX
int CountInPyDump(const TCollection_AsciiString& text);
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_ptr CreateAdaptationHypothesis();
+ SMESH::MG_ADAPT_OBJECT_ptr Adaptation( const char* adaptationType);
// *****************************************
// Internal methods
// *****************************************