#!/usr/bin/env python
+Installation Wizard launching script.
+__version__ = "1.0.1"
+# --- avoid "deprecation" warnings --- #
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "", DeprecationWarning)
+# --- imports --- #
import xmllib
import sys, os, string, re
+import types
+import random
-# get_help_info
-def get_help_info() :
- str = "\nSALOME Installation Wizard\n\n"
- str = str + "\tUsage : \n\tInstall [-g|b] [-f <xml-file>] [-t <target-dir>] [-tmp <tmp-dir>]\n"
- str = str + "\n"
- str = str + " -g Runs the Installation Wizard in the GUI mode.\n"
- str = str + " In this case only <xmlfile> is taken into account \n"
- str = str + " from the parameters list. This key is used by default.\n"
- str = str + "\n"
- str = str + " -b Runs the Installation Wizard in the batch mode.\n"
- str = str + " All the found parameters are taken in to account.\n"
- str = str + "\n"
- str = str + " -f <xml-file> The configuration file to be parsed by the Installation Wizard.\n"
- str = str + " If this parameter is missed then the script tries to define\n"
- str = str + " the Red Hat version and use the corresponding xml. For example,\n"
- str = str + " for Red Hat 8.0 config_RedHat_8.0.xml file is supposed to be used\n"
- str = str + " by default. If the appropriate xml file is not found, the config.xml\n"
- str = str + " is used by default.\n"
- str = str + "\n"
- str = str + " -t <target-dir> The target directory the products to be installed to.\n"
- str = str + " This parameter overloads the target directory described in the\n"
- str = str + " configuration file.\n"
- str = str + "\n"
- str = str + " -tmp <tmp-dir> The directory which should be used for the temporary files.\n"
- str = str + " This parameter overloads the temporary directory described in the\n"
- str = str + " configuration file.\n"
- str = str + "\n"
- str = str + " -h Prints this help information.\n"
- return str
-# message finction
-def message(msg):
- print ">>>", msg
-# error_exit
-def error_exit (str = ""):
- import sys
- if len(str): res = "\n" + str + "\n"
- else : res = ""
- print res + \
- get_help_info()
- sys.exit(1);
-# Cheks whether the passed parameter is a key.
-def is_key ( val ):
- import re
- if val is not None :
- return re.match(r'^-[a-zA-Z]', val)
- return 0
-# From the list of parameters extracts value following 'key'
-def extract_parameter ( key, args ) :
- import sys
- length = len(args);
- if ( length == 0 ) : return None
- found = 0;
- for i in range(0, length-1):
- if args[i] == key :
- if ( is_key ( args[i+1]) ) :
- print " No value after key ", key
- sys.exit(1);
- value = args[i+1]
- if ( i < length - 2 and is_key ( args[i+2] ) == 0 ) : #control that only one value follows key
- #(not a list). In this case params are correct.
- print "Too much values after key ", key
- sys.exit(1);
- found = 1; break;
- if (found) :
- return value
- return None
-# Extracts list of values following specified 'key' from 'args[]'
-def extract_list (key, args) :
- lenght = len(args)
- if ( args is None or lenght == 0 ):
- error_exit()
- list=[]
- found = 0
- for i in range(0, length) :
- if args[i] == key :
- if (is_key ( args[i+1])) :
- error_exit();
- for i in range (i+1, lenght):
- if is_key(args[i]) : break
- list.append(args[i])
- found =1; break
- return list; #empty list is returned if no values after key
-# Method find the $key in the list and return 1 if success
-# and 0 otherwise.
-def find_key (key, argv) :
+# --- global variables --- #
+opt_parser = None
+root_path = None
- if (not is_key(key)) : return 0
+# --- XML tags definition --- #
+__TAG__SOURCES__ = "install sources"
+__TAG__BINARIES__ = "install binaries"
+__TAG__NATIVE__ = "use native"
+__TAG__PREINSTALL__ = "not install"
- for simbol in argv :
- if simbol == key:
- return 1
- return 0
+# #
+# #
-# Parse the list of parameters
-def parse_parameters (args) :
- if find_key('-h', args) :
- print get_help_info();
- import sys
- sys.exit(0)
- xmlfile = extract_parameter("-f", args)
- target_dir = extract_parameter("-t", args)
- tmp_dir = extract_parameter("-tmp", args)
- if find_key('-b', args):
- is_gui = 0
- else : is_gui = 1
- return [xmlfile, target_dir, tmp_dir, is_gui]
-# Checks boolean value: yes/no, true/false, 1/0
-def check_bool(val):
- return str(val).strip() in ["yes","true", "1"]
+# class OptBaseError : base parse error
+class OptBaseError(Exception):
+ """
+ Base option parsing exception class
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return self.msg
-# The first algorithm to create the dependencies list by their level
-def get_next_level(list, products):
- import re
- result = []
- expr = "(" + list[0].name
- for i in range(1, len(list)):
- expr = expr + "|"+ list[i].name
- expr = expr + ")$"
- #expr=re.compile(expr)
+# class OptError : bad option error
+class OptError(OptBaseError):
+ """
+ Bad option exception class
+ """
+ def __init__ (self, msg, option):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.option = option
+ def __str__ (self):
+ if self.option:
+ opt_prs = "<unknown>"
+ if self.option.short_opt and self.option.long_opt:
+ opt_prs = "%s/%s"%(self.option.short_opt,self.option.long_opt)
+ elif self.option.short_opt:
+ opt_prs = "%s"%(self.option.short_opt)
+ elif self.option.long_opt:
+ opt_prs = "%s"%(self.option.long_opt)
+ return "option %s: %s"%(opt_prs, self.msg)
+ return self.msg
- for product in products:
- deps = re.sub(r'\s+', "", product.dependencies)
- if re.search(expr, deps):
- result.append(product)
+# class ArgError : bad option argument error
+class ArgError(OptBaseError):
+ """
+ Bad argument exception class
+ """
+ pass
- return result
+# class ValError : bad command line parameter error
+class ValError(OptBaseError):
+ """
+ Bad parameter exception class
+ """
+ pass
+# class ArgOption : command line option
+class ArgOption:
+ """
+ Option class
+ """
+ attrs = ["short_opt", "long_opt", "dest", "action", "type", "default", "metavar", "help"]
+ actions = ["store", "store_true", "store_false"]
+ types = ["string", "int", "float", "bool"]
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # set defaults
+ for attr in self.attrs: setattr(self, attr, None)
+ # parse arguments
+ for i in range(len(args)):
+ if i > len(self.attrs)-1:
+ msg = "Wrong number of parameters is given (maximum is %d)" % len(self.attrs)
+ raise OptBaseError(msg)
+ setattr(self, self.attrs[i], args[i])
+ for arg in kwargs:
+ if arg not in self.attrs:
+ msg = "Invalid argument: %s" % arg
+ raise OptBaseError(msg)
+ setattr(self, arg, kwargs[arg])
+ # check short option key
+ if self.short_opt and \
+ not re.match("^-[a-zA-Z]$",self.short_opt):
+ msg = "invalid short option key; "
+ msg += "should be of the form -x (x is letter)"
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ # check long option key
+ if self.long_opt and \
+ not re.match("^--[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$",self.long_opt):
+ msg = "invalid long option key; "
+ msg += "should be of the form --word[[-word]...] "
+ msg += "(word is letters and digits sequence)"
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ # check that at least one option key is defined
+ if not self.short_opt and not self.long_opt:
+ msg = "invalid option; neither short nor long option key is defined"
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ # destination
+ if not self.dest and self.long_opt:
+ self.dest = self.long_opt[2:].replace('-','_')
+ if not self.dest and self.short_opt:
+ self.dest = self.short_opt[1:]
+ # action
+ if not self.action:
+ self.action = "store"
+ if self.action not in self.actions:
+ msg = "invalid action: %s" % self.action
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ # type
+ if not self.type:
+ if self.action in ["store_true","store_false"]: self.type = "bool"
+ else: self.type = "string"
+ if self.type not in self.types:
+ msg = "invalid type: %s" % self.type
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ if self.action in ["store_true","store_false"] and self.type != "bool":
+ msg = "invalid type: %s : should be 'bool' or None" % self.type
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ # default
+ if self.default:
+ try:
+ if self.type == "string": self.default = str(self.default)
+ if self.type == "int": self.default = int(self.default)
+ if self.type == "float": self.default = float(self.default)
+ if self.type == "bool": self.default = boolean(self.default)
+ except :
+ msg = "invalid default value type: should be %s" % self.type
+ raise OptError(msg, self)
+ pass
+ # metavar
+ if not self.metavar:
+ self.metavar = self.dest.upper()
+ # help
+ if not self.help:
+ self.help = ""
+ pass
-def create_levels(prods):
- import copy
- products = copy.deepcopy(prods)
+ def to_string(self):
+ """
+ Returns string representation of the option
+ """
+ opts = []
+ opt = self.short_opt
+ if opt and self.action == "store" and self.metavar: opt += " %s" % self.metavar
+ if opt: opts.append(opt)
+ opt = self.long_opt
+ if opt and self.action == "store" and self.metavar: opt += "=%s" % self.metavar
+ if opt: opts.append(opt)
+ return (", ").join(opts)
- result = {}
- import re
- #1. find the products with empty lists of dependencies
- list = []
- for product in products:
- if len(re.sub(r'\s', "", product.dependencies)) == 0 :
- list.append(product)
- if len(list) == 0 :
- raise RuntimeError, "Products that depend on nothing are not found"
- # remove the first level products from the common list of products
- for product in list :
- products.remove(product)
- ind = 0;
- result[0] = list
- while (len(products)) :
- res = get_next_level(list, products)
- if len(res) == 0 :
- raise RuntimeError, "Empty list of products is found"
- for product in res :
- products.remove(product)
+# class Values : resulting option values
+class Values:
+ """
+ Values class
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+# class ArgParser : command line arguments parser
+class ArgParser:
+ """
+ Arguments parser class
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.options = []
+ pass
- ind = ind +1
- result[ind] = res
- list = res
- str = ""
- for i in result.keys():
- for product in result[i]:
- str = str + product.name + " "
+ def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Register an option"""
+ o = ArgOption(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._check_option(o)
+ self.options.append(o)
+ pass
- return str;
+ def parse_args(self, args = None):
+ """Parse an arguments"""
+ if not args: args = sys.argv[1:]
+ values = Values()
+ for o in self.options:
+ if o.default:
+ setattr(values, o.dest, o.default)
+ elif not hasattr(values,o.dest):
+ setattr(values, o.dest, None)
+ try:
+ (values, args) = self._process_args(values, args)
+ except (ArgError, ValError), e:
+ self._error(e.msg)
+ return (values, args)
-# The second algorithm
-def get_dependencies_set(prods) :
- import copy
- import re
- products = copy.deepcopy(prods)
- deps = ""
- list = []
- while (len(products)) :
- tmplist = []
- #find the products with empty list of dependencies
- for product in products:
- product.dependencies = re.sub(r'\s+$', "", product.dependencies)
- product.dependencies = re.sub(r'^\s+', "", product.dependencies)
- if len(product.dependencies) == 0 :
- tmplist.append(product);
- deps = deps + " " + product.name
- list.append(tmplist)
+ def print_usage(self):
+ """Print usage"""
+ print "usage: %s [options]" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ pass
- #remove the products names from other products dependencies
- for item in tmplist:
- products.remove(item)
+ def print_help(self):
+ """Print help"""
+ self.print_usage()
+ print ""
+ olen = 0
+ _maxwidth, _indent = 79, 2
+ if len(self.options):
+ for option in self.options:
+ if olen < len(option.to_string()): olen = len(option.to_string())
+ print "options:"
+ for option in self.options:
+ strings = []
+ for hs in option.help.split("\n"):
+ s = ""
+ for w in hs.split():
+ if len("%s %s" % (s,w)) > _maxwidth:
+ strings.append(s.strip()); s = ""
+ s = "%s %s" % (s,w)
+ if s.strip(): strings.append(s.strip())
+ if not strings: strings[:0] = [""]
+ print "%s%s%s" % (option.to_string(), " "*(_indent+olen-len(option.to_string())), strings[0])
+ for i in range(1, len(strings)):
+ print "%s%s" % (" "*(olen+_indent), strings[i])
+ pass
+ def _check_option(self, option):
+ o = self._get_option(option.short_opt)
+ if not o: o = self._get_option(option.long_opt)
+ if o:
+ msg = "option conflicts with previously defined option(s)"
+ raise OptError(msg, option)
+ pass
- regexpr1 = "((^|,(\s+)?)"+item.name+"$|^"+item.name+"(\s+)?,(\s+)?)"
- regexpr2 = ",(\s+)?"+item.name+"(\s+)?,(\s+)?"
+ def _get_option(self, opt_key):
+ if opt_key:
+ for o in self.options:
+ if opt_key in [o.short_opt, o.long_opt]: return o
+ return None
+ def _error(self, msg):
+ self.print_usage()
+ sys.exit("\n%s: error: %s\n" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg))
+ pass
- for product in products:
- product.dependencies = re.sub(r'\s+$', "", product.dependencies)
- product.dependencies = re.sub(r'^\s+', "", product.dependencies)
+ def _check_value(self, option, value):
+ o = self._get_option(option)
+ try:
+ if o.type == "string": return str(value)
+ if o.type == "int": return int(value)
+ if o.type == "float": return float(value)
+ if o.type == "bool": return boolean(value)
+ except:
+ msg = "invalid value type for option %s: %s; " % (option, value)
+ msg += "should be %s" % o.type
+ raise ValError(msg)
+ raise OptBaseError("unknown error")
+ def _process_args(self, values, args):
+ res_args = []
+ cur_opt = None
+ rargs = []
+ for index in range(len(args)):
+ a = args[index]
+ if cur_opt and cur_opt[1].action == "store":
+ setattr(values, cur_opt[1].dest, self._check_value(cur_opt[0], a))
+ cur_opt = None
+ continue
+ if a == "-":
+ rargs = args[index+1:]
+ break
+ elif re.match("^-[a-zA-Z].*", a):
+ for i in range(1,len(a)):
+ if cur_opt and cur_opt[1].action == "store":
+ setattr(values, cur_opt[1].dest, self._check_value(cur_opt[0], a[i:]))
+ cur_opt = None
+ break
+ o = self._get_option("-%s"%a[i])
+ if not o:
+ raise ArgError("no such option: -%s"%a[i])
+ if o.action == "store_true":
+ setattr(values, o.dest, True)
+ elif o.action == "store_false":
+ setattr(values, o.dest, False)
+ else:
+ cur_opt = ("-%s"%a[i], o)
+ pass
+ elif re.match("^--[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*", a):
+ oname = ("%s="%a).split("=")[0]
+ ovalue = ("%s="%a).split("=")[1]
+ o = self._get_option(oname)
+ if not o:
+ raise ArgError("no such option: %s" % oname)
+ if o.action == "store_true":
+ if ovalue:
+ raise ValError("option %s does not take a value" % oname)
+ setattr(values, o.dest, True)
+ elif o.action == "store_false":
+ if ovalue:
+ raise ValError("option %s does not take a value" % oname)
+ setattr(values, o.dest, False)
+ else:
+ if ovalue:
+ setattr(values, o.dest, self._check_value(oname, ovalue))
+ else:
+ cur_opt = (oname, o)
+ pass
+ elif a.startswith("-"):
+ raise ArgError("bad formatted option: %s" % a)
+ else:
+ rargs = args[index:]
+ break
+ if cur_opt and cur_opt[1].action == "store":
+ raise ValError("option %s requires value" % cur_opt[0])
+ return (values, rargs)
+# #
+# #
- product.dependencies = re.sub(regexpr1, "", product.dependencies)
- product.dependencies = re.sub(regexpr2, ",", product.dependencies)
+# class Config : general configuration options : version, OS, etc...
+class Config :
+ """
+ General configuration file options:
+ - Install Wizard window caption
+ - SALOME platform version
+ - Copyright and libcense info
+ - Target Linux OS version
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ theVersion = None,
+ theCaption = None,
+ theCopyright = None,
+ theLicense = None,
+ theOS = None):
+ self.version = strip(theVersion)
+ self.caption = strip(theCaption)
+ self.copyright = strip(theCopyright)
+ self.license = strip(theLicense)
+ self.os = strip(theOS)
- return deps
-# The third algorithm (same as SALOME_InstallWizard.cxx uses)
-def get_dependencies(prods) :
- list = []
- for product in prods:
- if check_bool(product.disable): continue
+# class Path : default target, temporary directories options
+class Path :
+ """
+ Path options:
+ - default target directory
+ - default temporary directory
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ theTargetdir = None,
+ theTmpdir = None):
+ self.targetdir = strip(theTargetdir)
+ self.tmpdir = strip(theTmpdir)
- deps = product.dependencies.split(",")
- for dep in deps:
- if dep and not dep in list:
- list.append( dep )
- if product and not product in list:
- list.append( product.name )
- return " ".join( list )
-# Creates dir, returns the part of path that existed early.
-# Access may be defined.
+# class Product : pre-requisite product options
-def create_dir (directory, access = 0777):
- import string, os
- dirs = string.split(directory, "/")
- existing = ""; dir = ""
- root = ""
- for item in dirs:
- if len(item) == 0: continue
- dir = dir + "/"+item
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- existing = dir
- else:
- os.mkdir(dir, access )
- #root= existing + "/"+item
- if dir == existing + "/"+item :
- root = dir
- #else : root = existing
- return root
-# class Product
class Product :
- def __init__(self, theName,
+ """
+ Product options:
+ - name, version
+ - supported installation modes and the default one
+ - dependencies
+ - required disk space
+ - installation script
+ - etc...
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ theName,
theVersion = None,
theInstall = None,
theSupportred = None,
- theDisable = None,
theDependencies = None,
theInstalldiskspace = None,
theTemporarydiskspace = None,
theScript = None,
thePickUpEnvironment = None):
- self.name = theName
- self.version = theVersion
- self.install = theInstall
- self.supported = theSupportred
- self.disable = theDisable
- self.dependencies = theDependencies
- self.installdiskspace = theInstalldiskspace
- self.temporarydiskspace = theTemporarydiskspace
- self.script = theScript
- self.pickupEnv = thePickUpEnvironment
+ self.name = strip(theName)
+ self.version = strip(theVersion)
+ self.install = strip(theInstall)
+ self.supported = strip(theSupportred)
+ self.dependencies = strip(theDependencies)
+ self.installdiskspace = strip(theInstalldiskspace)
+ self.temporarydiskspace = strip(theTemporarydiskspace)
+ self.script = strip(theScript)
+ self.pickupEnv = strip(thePickUpEnvironment)
-# class Config
-class Config :
- def __init__(self, theVersion='', theCaption='', theCopyright='', theLicense='', theOS=''):
- self.version = theVersion
- self.caption = theCaption
- self.copyright = theCopyright
- self.license = theLicense
- self.os = theOS
-# class Path
-class Path :
- def __init__(self, theTargetdir=".", theTmpdir="."):
- self.targetdir = theTargetdir
- self.tmpdir = theTmpdir
-# class ConfigParser
+# class ConfigParser : XML files parser implementation
class ConfigParser(xmllib.XMLParser):
+ """
+ XML configuration files parser
+ """
def __init__(self):
self.products = []
def start_product(self, attrs):
- aProduct = Product(attrs['name'],
- attrs['version'],
- attrs['install'],
- attrs['supported'],
- attrs['disable'],
- attrs['dependancies'],
- attrs['installdiskspace'],
- attrs['temporarydiskspace'],
- attrs['script'])
- if attrs.has_key( 'pickupenv' ):
- aProduct.pickupEnv = attrs['pickupenv']
+ if not attrs.get('name', '').strip(): return
+ if check_bool(attrs.get('disable', 'false')): return
+ aProduct = Product(attrs.get('name'),
+ attrs.get('version', None),
+ attrs.get('install', None),
+ attrs.get('supported', None),
+ attrs.get('dependancies', None),
+ attrs.get('installdiskspace', None),
+ attrs.get('temporarydiskspace', None),
+ attrs.get('script', None),
+ attrs.get('pickupenv', None))
+ pass
def end_product(self):
def start_config(self, attrs):
- self.config = Config(attrs['version'],
- attrs['caption'],
- attrs['copyright'],
- attrs['license'],
- attrs['os'])
+ self.config = Config(attrs.get('version', None),
+ attrs.get('caption', None),
+ attrs.get('copyright', None),
+ attrs.get('license', None),
+ attrs.get('os', None))
+ pass
def end_config(self):
def start_path (self, attrs):
- self.path = Path(attrs['targetdir'],
- attrs['tempdir'])
+ self.path = Path(attrs.get('targetdir', None),
+ attrs.get('tempdir', None))
+ pass
def end_path(self):
return product
return None
+# #
+# #
+# message: prints diagnostic information
+def message(msg):
+ """
+ Prints diagnostic information.
+ """
+ if msg.strip():
+ print ">>>", msg
+ pass
+# warning: prints warning
+def warning(msg):
+ """
+ Prints warning.
+ """
+ if msg.strip():
+ print ""
+ print msg
+ print ""
+ pass
+# error_exit : prints (optionally) error string, then prints
+# help information and quits
+def error_exit(msg = "", print_help = True):
+ """
+ Prints (optionally) error string,
+ then prints help information and quits.
+ """
+ # print error message
+ if len(msg.strip()):
+ print ""
+ print msg
+ print ""
+ # print help information
+ if print_help:
+ global opt_parser
+ if opt_parser:
+ opt_parser.print_help()
+ print ""
+ # cleaning
+ clean_all()
+ # quit
+ sys.exit(1);
+ pass
+# boolean : Converts string to boolean value.
+def boolean(val):
+ """
+ Converts string to boolean value if possible.
+ Raises exception if wrong string is used.
+ """
+ if isinstance(val, types.StringType):
+ if val.strip().lower() in ["true", "yes", "ok"] : return True
+ elif val.strip().lower() in ["false", "no", "cancel"] : return False
+ else: raise TypeError("invalid boolean value")
+ return bool(val)
+# check_bool : checks boolean value: yes/no, true/false, 1/0
+def check_bool(val):
+ """
+ Checks boolean value.
+ """
+ try:
+ return boolean(val)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return False
+# clean_all : performs system cleaning before exiting
+def clean_all():
+ """
+ Performs system cleaning before exiting.
+ """
+ global root_path
+ remove_dir(root_path)
+ pass
+# parse_parameters : parses command line arguments
+def parse_parameters():
+ """
+ Parses command line arguments.
+ """
+ global opt_parser
+ opt_parser = ArgParser()
+ help_str = "Runs the Installation Wizard in the GUI mode [default].\n"
+ opt_parser.add_option("-g",
+ "--gui",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="gui",
+ default=True,
+ help=help_str)
+ help_str = "Runs the Installation Wizard in the TUI mode."
+ opt_parser.add_option("-b",
+ "--batch",
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="gui",
+ help=help_str)
+ help_str = "The configuration xml file.\n"
+ help_str += "If this parameter is missing, then the program tries to define the "
+ help_str += "Linux platform and use the corresponding xml file. For example, "
+ help_str += "for Red Hat 8.0 config_RedHat_8.0.xml file is used in this case. "
+ help_str += "If program fails to define target Linux platform or the corresponding "
+ help_str += "xml file is not provided with the Installation Wizard, then default "
+ help_str += "config.xml file is used."
+ opt_parser.add_option("-f",
+ "--file",
+ action="store",
+ dest="xmlfile",
+ metavar="FILE",
+ help=help_str)
+ help_str = "The target directory the products to be installed to.\n"
+ help_str += "When used this parameter overrides the default target directory "
+ help_str += "defined in the configuration xml file."
+ opt_parser.add_option("-d",
+ "--target",
+ action="store",
+ dest="target_dir",
+ metavar="DIR",
+ help=help_str)
+ help_str = "The directory to be used for temporary files.\n"
+ help_str += "When used this parameter overrides the default temporary directory "
+ help_str += "defined in the configuration xml file."
+ opt_parser.add_option("-t",
+ "--tmp",
+ action="store",
+ dest="tmp_dir",
+ metavar="DIR",
+ help=help_str)
+ help_str = "Prints version information and quits."
+ opt_parser.add_option("-v",
+ "--version",
+ action="store_true",
+ help=help_str)
+ help_str = "Prints this help and quits."
+ opt_parser.add_option("-h",
+ "--help",
+ action="store_true",
+ help=help_str)
+ (options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args()
+ if options.help:
+ # print help info and quit
+ print "\nSALOME Installation Wizard\n"
+ opt_parser.print_help()
+ print ""
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if options.version:
+ # print version info and quit
+ print ""
+ cmd = "./bin/SALOME_InstallWizard --version"
+ os.system(cmd)
+ print ""
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return [options.xmlfile, options.target_dir, options.tmp_dir, options.gui]
+# strip : removes spaces at the beginning and at the end of the
+# <param> if it is of string type
+def strip(param):
+ """
+ Removes spaces at the beginning and at the end
+ of the given parameter.
+ """
+ if type(param) == types.StringType:
+ return param.strip()
+ return param
+# get_dependencies : extract products dependencies
+def get_dependencies(prods):
+ """
+ Gets full list of pre-requisite products.
+ """
+ list = []
+ for product in prods:
+ deps = product.dependencies.split(",")
+ for dep in deps:
+ if dep and not dep in list:
+ list.append( dep )
+ if product and not product in list:
+ list.append( product.name )
+ return " ".join( list )
+# create_dir : creates a directory with (optional) permissions,
+# returns the part of path that existed before
+# directory creation; exits with error if access
+# is denied
+def create_dir(directory, access = 0777):
+ """
+ Creates a directory with (optional) permissions,
+ returns the part of path that existed before
+ directory creation; exits with error if access
+ is denied.
+ """
+ dirs = string.split(directory, "/")
+ existing = "";
+ dir = ""
+ root = ""
+ for subdir in dirs:
+ if len(subdir) == 0: continue
+ dir = "%s/%s"%(dir, subdir)
+ if os.path.exists(dir):
+ existing = dir
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(dir, access)
+ except:
+ error_exit("Can't create directory: %s.\nAccess is denied."%directory)
+ if dir == "%s/%s"%(existing, subdir):
+ root = dir
+ return root
+# substituteVars : performes environment variables substistution
+# the given string; if varibale is not defined
+# it is substituted by the empty string
+def substituteVars(str):
+ """
+ Performes environment variables substistution.
+ """
+ str = os.path.expanduser(str)
+ str = os.path.expandvars(str)
+ return str
-# get the path using file name
+# get_program_path : gets program's directory path
+# (and performs 'cd' command there)
-def get_current_path(file_name):
- path = "."; where = string.rfind(file_name,'/');
- if (where != -1):
- path = (file_name)[: where]
- os.chdir(path);
- path = os.getcwd() + "/"
- return path
+def get_program_path():
+ """
+ Returns the program directory path
+ (and make this directory current).
+ """
+ path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+ if path:
+ os.chdir(path)
+ return os.getcwd()
-# checks dir existing
+# check_dir : checks directory existence
def check_dir(dir):
- if (os.path.islink(dir)) :
- native_dir = os.readlink(dir)
- if not os.path.exists(native_dir) :
- print "Invalid link " + dir + ". The directory " + native_dir + " a link points to does not exist."
- return 0 # problem
- else :
+ """
+ Checks directory existence.
+ """
+ if (os.path.islink(dir)):
+ realpath = os.path.realpath(dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(realpath):
+ msg = "Invalid link %s.\nThe directory %s a link points to does not exist. Stopped..."%(dir,realpath)
+ error_exit(msg, False)
+ else:
if not os.path.exists(dir):
- print "Directory " + dir + " does not exist"
- return 0
- return 1
+ msg = "Directory %s does not exist. Stopped..."%dir
+ error_exit(msg, False)
+ pass
-# Checks the disk space. Exit from interpreter if there is no
-# enough disk space.
+# check_disk_space : checks the disk space;
+# quits if there is no enough disk space
-def check_disk_space(products, script_dir, target_dir, tmp_dir):
- import re, string, os
+def check_disk_space(products, scripts_dir, target_dir, tmp_dir):
+ """
+ Checks if there is enough disk space to install products.
+ Quits with error if there is no enough disk space.
+ """
install_space = 0
temporary_space = 0
- for product in products :
- product.install = re.sub(r'^\s+', "", product.install)
- product.install = re.sub(r'\s+$', "", product.install)
- if check_bool(product.disable) or product.install == "use native" or product.install == "not install":
+ for product in products:
+ if product.install in [__TAG__NATIVE__, __TAG__PREINSTALL__]:
- spaces = string.split( product.installdiskspace,',')
+ spaces = string.split(product.installdiskspace, ',')
prod_space = spaces[0]
- if (len(spaces) == 2 ) and (product.install == "install binaries") :
+ if (len(spaces) > 1 ) and (product.install == __TAG__SOURCES__):
prod_space = spaces[1]
install_space = install_space + string.atoi(prod_space)
- temporary_space = temporary_space + string.atoi(product.temporarydiskspace)
- res = os.system(scripts_dir + "checkSize.sh" + " " + target_dir + " " + str(install_space))
+ if product.install == __TAG__SOURCES__:
+ temporary_space = max(temporary_space, string.atoi(product.temporarydiskspace))
+ res = os.system("%s/%s %s %d"%(scripts_dir, "checkSize.sh", target_dir, install_space))
if res:
- print "There is no enough space to install the products."
- return 0
+ msg = "There is no enough space to install the products. Stopped..."
+ error_exit(msg, False)
- res = os.system(scripts_dir + "checkSize.sh" + " " + tmp_dir + " " + str(temporary_space))
+ res = os.system("%s/%s %s %d"%(scripts_dir, "checkSize.sh", tmp_dir, temporary_space))
if res:
- print "There is no enough space for tmp directory."
- return 0
- return 1
+ msg = "There is no enough space for temporary directory. Stopped..."
+ error_exit(msg, False)
+ pass
-# Removes temporary directory
+# remove_dir : removes temporary directory
-def remove_dir( rem_path = "" ):
- if len( rem_path ) and os.path.exists( rem_path ):
- os.system( "rm -rf " + rem_path )
+def remove_dir(path):
+ """
+ Removes temporary directory.
+ """
+ if path and os.path.exists(path):
+ os.system("rm -rf " + path)
+# has_binaries : returns True if some product is installed from
+# binaries
+def has_binaries(products):
+ """
+ Returns True if some product is installed in 'binaries' mode.
+ """
+ for product in products:
+ if product.install == __TAG__BINARIES__:
+ return True
+ return False
+# has_sources : returns True if some product is installed from
+# sources
+def has_sources(products):
+ """
+ Returns True if some product is installed in 'sources' mode.
+ """
+ for product in products:
+ if product.install == __TAG__SOURCES__:
+ return True
+ return False
+# get_tmp_dir : gets temporary directory name
+def get_tmp_dir(dir):
+ """
+ Gets temporary directory path.
+ """
+ max_attempts = 100
+ dir_prefix="INSTALLWORK"
+ range_bottom = 0; range_top = 999999
+ for i in xrange(max_attempts):
+ tmp_dir = "%s/%s%d"%(dir, dir_prefix, random.randint(range_bottom,range_top))
+ if not os.path.exists( tmp_dir ):
+ return tmp_dir
+ return "%s/%s%d"%(dir, dir_prefix, random.randint(range_bottom,range_top))
-# main
+# #
+# #
if __name__ == "__main__":
- cur_dir = get_current_path(sys.argv[0])
- [xml_file, target_dir, tmp_dir, is_gui] = parse_parameters(sys.argv)
+ # get program dir
+ cur_dir = get_program_path()
+ # parse command line
+ [xml_file, target_dir, tmp_dir, is_gui] = parse_parameters()
- # define xml file -----------------
- if (xml_file is None) :
+ # define xml file to be used
+ if (xml_file is None):
plt_name = ""
plt_ver = ""
xml_file_name = "config.xml"
plt_name = "Debian"
plt_ver = open("/etc/debian_version").readline().strip()
_xml_file_name = "config_%s_%s.xml"%(plt_name, plt_ver)
- if plt_name and plt_ver and os.path.exists(cur_dir + _xml_file_name):
+ if plt_name and plt_ver and os.path.exists("%s/%s"%(cur_dir, _xml_file_name)):
xml_file_name = _xml_file_name
- print ""
- print "Not supported Linux platform!"
- print "Trying to use default configuration!"
- print ""
+ msg = "Not supported Linux platform!\n"
+ msg += "Trying to use default configuration file!"
+ warning(msg)
- xml_file = cur_dir + xml_file_name
+ xml_file = "%s/%s"%(cur_dir, xml_file_name)
if not xml_file or not os.path.exists(xml_file):
- msg = "Configuration file %s is not found!"%xml_file
- msg += "\nTry to run with -f <xmlfile> option."
+ msg = "Configuration file %s is not found!"%xml_file
if not os.access(xml_file, os.R_OK):
- print "There is no read access for %s file!"%xml_file
- sys.exit(1)
+ msg = "There is no read access for %s file!"%xml_file
+ error_exit(msg)
#---- GUI ----------------
if is_gui :
env = os.environ
if not env.has_key("PATH") :
env["PATH"] = ""
if not env.has_key("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") :
- env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]= ""
+ env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ""
- env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ".:" + env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
- env["PATH"] = ".:"+ env["PATH"]
+ env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ".:" + env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
+ env["PATH"] = ".:" + env["PATH"]
- sys.exit(os.system("cd " + cur_dir + "; ./bin/SALOME_InstallWizard " + xml_file +"&"))
+ cmd = "./bin/SALOME_InstallWizard --file %s"%xml_file
+ if target_dir is not None:
+ cmd += " --target %s"%target_dir
+ if tmp_dir is not None:
+ cmd += " --tmp %s"%tmp_dir
+ cmd += "&"
+ sys.exit(os.system(cmd))
#----- TUI ---------------------
- #print xml_file, target_dir, tmp_dir, is_gui
- message("Parsing xml config file: " + xml_file)
+ # parse XML file -----------
+ message("Parsing XML configuration file: %s"%xml_file)
filehandle = open(xml_file)
data = filehandle.read()
- # definitions :
- # map
- what_to_do = { "install sources" : "install_source",
- "install binaries" : "install_binary",
- "use native" : "try_native",
- "not install" : "try_preinstalled"}
- # define tmp dir -----------
- if tmp_dir is None:
- tmp_dir = parser.path.tmpdir
- if tmp_dir is None or tmp_dir == "":
- tmp_dir = "/tmp"
- import random
- tmp_dir = tmp_dir + "/INSTALLWORK" + str(random.randint(10000,100000))
- root_path = ""
- if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
- message("Creating temporary directory: " + tmp_dir); root_path = create_dir(tmp_dir, 0755) ;
- if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
- error_exit("Invalid temporary directory " + tmp_dir + ". Use -tmp key to set directory or correct xml file\n\n")
- if not os.access(tmp_dir, os.W_OK) :
- str = "There is no write permissions for directory " + tmp_dir + ". Use -tmp key to set temporary directory or correct xml file"
- error_exit(str)
- # define target dir --------
+ # actions map
+ what_to_do = { __TAG__SOURCES__ : "install_source",
+ __TAG__BINARIES__ : "install_binary",
+ __TAG__NATIVE__ : "try_native",
+ __TAG__PREINSTALL__ : "try_preinstalled"}
+ # source directory map
+ bin_dir = ""
+ if parser.config.os:
+ bin_dir += "/%s"%parser.config.os
+ subdir = { __TAG__SOURCES__ : "SOURCES",
+ __TAG__BINARIES__ : "BINARIES" + bin_dir,
+ __TAG__NATIVE__ : "",
+ __TAG__PREINSTALL__ : ""}
+ # check scripts directory -----------
+ scripts_dir = "%s/%s"%(cur_dir, "config_files")
+ check_dir(scripts_dir)
+ # check products archives directories -----------
+ has_bin = has_binaries(parser.products)
+ has_src = has_sources(parser.products)
+ source_dir = "%s/%s"%(cur_dir, "Products")
+ if has_src or has_bin:
+ check_dir(source_dir)
+ if has_src:
+ check_dir("%s/%s"%(source_dir,subdir[__TAG__SOURCES__]))
+ if has_bin:
+ check_dir("%s/%s"%(source_dir,subdir[__TAG__BINARIES__]))
+ # check/create target dir -----------
if target_dir is None:
target_dir = parser.path.targetdir
+ target_dir = substituteVars(target_dir)
+ message("Creating target directory: " + target_dir)
+ create_dir(target_dir, 0755)
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
- message("Creating target directory: " + target_dir); create_dir(target_dir, 0755)
- if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
- error_exit("Invalid target directory " + target_dir + ". Use -t key to set directory or correct xml file\n\n")
+ error_exit("Invalid target directory: " + target_dir)
if not os.access(target_dir, os.W_OK) :
- str = "There is no write permissions for directory " + target_dir + ". Use -t key to set target directory or correct xml file."
- error_exit(str)
- # define products dir ------------
- source_dir = cur_dir + "Products" ;
- if not check_dir(source_dir):
- remove_dir(root_path)
- sys.exit(1)
- subdir = {"install sources" : "SOURCES",
- "install binaries" : "BINARIES/"+parser.config.os,
- "use native" : "",
- "not install" : ""}
- # define scripts dir ------------
- scripts_dir = cur_dir + "config_files/"
- if not check_dir(scripts_dir):
- remove_dir(root_path)
- sys.exit(1)
- os.chdir(scripts_dir)
+ error_exit("There is no write permissions for the directory: " + target_dir)
- #list_of_dep = create_levels(parser.products)
- #list_of_dep = get_dependencies_set(parser.products)
- list_of_dep = get_dependencies(parser.products)
+ # check/create temporary dir -----------
+ if tmp_dir is None:
+ tmp_dir = parser.path.tmpdir
+ if not tmp_dir:
+ tmp_dir = "/tmp"
+ tmp_dir = substituteVars(tmp_dir)
+ tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(tmp_dir)
- message("Checking available disk space")
- if check_disk_space(parser.products, scripts_dir, target_dir, tmp_dir) :
+ message("Creating temporary directory: " + tmp_dir)
+ root_path = create_dir(tmp_dir, 0755)
+ if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
+ error_exit("Invalid temporary directory: " + tmp_dir)
- message("Starting...")
- # install products
- for product in parser.products :
+ if not os.access(tmp_dir, os.W_OK) :
+ error_exit("There is no write permissions for the directory: " + tmp_dir)
+ # check available disk space -----------
+ message("Checking available disk space")
+ check_disk_space(parser.products, scripts_dir, target_dir, tmp_dir)
- if check_bool(product.disable): continue
+ # change current directory -----------
+ os.chdir(scripts_dir)
- message("Processing " + product.name + "...")
- cmd = scripts_dir + product.script + " " + \
- what_to_do[product.install]+ " " + \
- tmp_dir + " " + \
- source_dir + "/" + subdir[product.install] + " " + \
- target_dir + " " + \
- '"' + list_of_dep + '"' + " " + \
- product.name
+ # get dependencies list -----------
+ list_of_dep = get_dependencies(parser.products)
+ # starting -----------
+ message("Starting ...")
+ # install products -----------
+ for product in parser.products:
+ message("... processing %s ..."%product.name)
+ cmd = '%s/%s %s %s %s/%s %s "%s" %s'%(scripts_dir,
+ product.script,
+ what_to_do[product.install],
+ tmp_dir,
+ source_dir,
+ subdir[product.install],
+ target_dir,
+ list_of_dep,
+ product.name)
+ res = os.system(cmd)
+ # pickup environment -----------
+ message("Creating environment files")
+ for product in parser.products :
+ if check_bool(product.pickupEnv):
+ cmd = '%s/%s pickup_env %s %s/%s %s "%s" %s'%(scripts_dir,
+ product.script,
+ tmp_dir,
+ source_dir,
+ subdir[product.install],
+ target_dir,
+ list_of_dep,
+ product.name)
res = os.system(cmd)
- #if res : break; # try_preinstalled can return 1
- # pickup environment
- message("Creating environment files")
- for product in parser.products :
- if check_bool(product.disable): continue
- if check_bool(product.pickupEnv):
- cmd = scripts_dir + product.script + " " + \
- "pickup_env " + \
- tmp_dir + " " + \
- source_dir + "/" + subdir[product.install] + " " + \
- target_dir + " " + \
- '"' + list_of_dep + '"' + " " + \
- product.name
- res = os.system(cmd)
+ # clean temporary directory -----------
message("Cleaning temporary directory")
- remove_dir(root_path)
+ clean_all()
+ # finishing -----------
+ pass