and is able to execute python script code in the process of the container.
Creation : operation createPyScriptNode of Container interface
Execution : operation execute of PyScriptNode interface
\param code python code as text to load in the node
PyNode createPyNode(in string nodeName, in string code) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ //! Create a PyScriptNode in the container
+ /*!
+ \param nodeName the name of the PyScriptNode
+ \param code python code as text to load in the node
+ */
+ PyScriptNode createPyScriptNode(in string nodeName, in string code) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
/*! \brief Interface of the %component.
module Engines
typedef sequence<octet> pickledArgs;
+ typedef sequence<string> listofstring;
interface PyNode : SALOME::GenericObj
/*! \brief execute a python function defined in the node
\param functionName the python function defined in the node to execute
- \param inargs input argument values provided as a python pickle
- \return output argument values as a python pickle
+ \param inargs input argument values (tuple,dict) provided as a python pickle
+ \return output argument values (tuple) as a python pickle
pickledArgs execute(in string functionName,in pickledArgs inargs) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
} ;
+ interface PyScriptNode : SALOME::GenericObj
+ {
+ /*! \brief execute a python script defined in the node
+ \param outargsname output argument names
+ \param inargs input argument values (dict) provided as a python pickle
+ \return output argument values (tuple) as a python pickle
+ */
+ pickledArgs execute(in listofstring outargsname, in pickledArgs inargs) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ } ;
+/*! \brief create a PyScriptNode object to execute remote python code
+ * \param nodeName the name of the node
+ * \param code the python code to load
+ * \return the PyScriptNode
+ */
+Engines::PyScriptNode_ptr Engines_Container_i::createPyScriptNode(const char* nodeName, const char* code)
+ Engines::PyScriptNode_var node= Engines::PyScriptNode::_nil();
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
+ PyObject *res = PyObject_CallMethod(_pyCont,
+ (char*)"create_pyscriptnode",
+ (char*)"ss",
+ nodeName,
+ code);
+ if(res==NULL)
+ {
+ //internal error
+ PyErr_Print();
+ PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.text = "can not create a python node";
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ long ierr=PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(res,0));
+ PyObject* result=PyTuple_GetItem(res,1);
+ std::string astr=PyString_AsString(result);
+ Py_DECREF(res);
+ PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+ if(ierr==0)
+ {
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = _orb->string_to_object(astr.c_str());
+ node = Engines::PyScriptNode::_narrow(obj);
+ return node._retn();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.text = astr.c_str();
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
/* int checkifexecutable(const char *filename)
return 1,"".join(l)
+ def create_pyscriptnode(self,nodeName,code):
+ try:
+ node=SALOME_PyNode.PyScriptNode_i(nodeName,code,self._poa,self)
+ id_o = self._poa.activate_object(node)
+ comp_o = self._poa.id_to_reference(id_o)
+ comp_iors = self._orb.object_to_string(comp_o)
+ return 0,comp_iors
+ except:
+ exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
+ l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
+ return 1,"".join(l)
virtual Engines::Salome_file_ptr createSalome_file(const char* origFileName);
void copyFile(Engines::Container_ptr container, const char* remoteFile, const char* localFile);
Engines::PyNode_ptr createPyNode(const char* nodeName, const char* code);
+ Engines::PyScriptNode_ptr createPyScriptNode(const char* nodeName, const char* code);
// --- local C++ methods
self.context["my_container"] = self.my_container
exec ccode in self.context
- def execute(self,funcName,argsin):
+ def execute(self,funcName,argsin):
"""Execute the function funcName found in local context with pickled args (argsin)"""
raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"PyNode: %s, function: %s" % (self.nodeName,funcName),0))
+class PyScriptNode_i (Engines__POA.PyScriptNode,Generic):
+ """The implementation of the PyScriptNode CORBA IDL that executes a script"""
+ def __init__(self, nodeName,code,poa,my_container):
+ """Initialize the node : compilation in the local context"""
+ Generic.__init__(self,poa)
+ self.nodeName=nodeName
+ self.code=code
+ self.my_container=my_container._container
+ linecache.cache[nodeName]=0,None,string.split(code,'\n'),nodeName
+ self.ccode=compile(code,nodeName,'exec')
+ self.context={}
+ self.context["my_container"] = self.my_container
+ def execute(self,outargsname,argsin):
+ """Execute the script stored in attribute ccode with pickled args (argsin)"""
+ try:
+ argsname,kws=cPickle.loads(argsin)
+ self.context.update(kws)
+ exec self.ccode in self.context
+ argsout=[]
+ for arg in outargsname:
+ if not self.context.has_key(arg):
+ raise KeyError("There is no variable %s in context" % arg)
+ argsout.append(self.context[arg])
+ argsout=cPickle.dumps(tuple(argsout),-1)
+ return argsout
+ except:
+ exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
+ l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"PyScriptNode: %s, outargsname: %s" % (self.nodeName,outargsname),0))
When imported this module adds to CORBA proxy (from PyNode type) automatic pickle and unpickle
of arguments and results when calling execute method. It also converts the SALOME exception into a standard python
- exception
+ exception
import omniORB
import cPickle
return self.execute(name,*args,**kws)
return afunc
+class SmartPyScriptNode(Engines._objref_PyScriptNode):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Engines._objref_PyScriptNode.__init__(self)
+ def execute(self,outargsname,*args,**kws):
+ #the tuple args are ignored
+ try:
+ args=cPickle.dumps(((),kws),-1)
+ results=Engines._objref_PyScriptNode.execute(self,outargsname,args)
+ x=cPickle.loads(results)
+ return x
+ except SALOME.SALOME_Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError(e.details.text)
#Register the new proxy for PyNode
omniORB.registerObjref(Engines._objref_PyNode._NP_RepositoryId, SmartPyNode)
+#Register the new proxy for PyScriptNode
+omniORB.registerObjref(Engines._objref_PyScriptNode._NP_RepositoryId, SmartPyScriptNode)