logger.write('\n', 5, False)
- # Call the system function that do the extraction in git mode
- retcode = src.system.git_extract(repo_git,
- product_info.git_info.tag,
- source_dir, logger, environ)
+ sub_dir = None
+ if not is_dev and "sub_dir" in product_info.git_info:
+ sub_dir = product_info.git_info.sub_dir
+ if sub_dir is None:
+ # Call the system function that do the extraction in git mode
+ retcode = src.system.git_extract(repo_git,
+ product_info.git_info.tag,
+ source_dir, logger, environ)
+ else:
+ # Call the system function that do the extraction of a sub_dir in git mode
+ logger.write("sub_dir:%s " % sub_dir, 3)
+ retcode = src.system.git_extract_sub_dir(repo_git,
+ product_info.git_info.tag,
+ source_dir, sub_dir, logger, environ)
return retcode
def get_source_from_archive(product_info, source_dir, logger):
- def error(self, message):
- """Print an error.
- :param message str: The message to print.
- """
- # Print in the log file
- self.xmlFile.append_node_text("traces", _('ERROR:') + message)
+ def error(self, message, prefix="ERROR: "):
+ """Print an error.
+ :param message str: The message to print.
+ """
+ # Print in the log file
+ self.xmlFile.append_node_text("traces", prefix + message)
+ # Print in the terminal and clean colors if the terminal
+ # is redirected by user
+ if not ('isatty' in dir(sys.stderr) and sys.stderr.isatty()):
+ sys.stderr.write(printcolors.printcError(prefix + message + "\n"))
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(prefix + message + "\n")
+ def step(self, message):
+ """Print an step message.
+ :param message str: The message to print.
+ """
+ self.write('STEP: ' + message, level=4)
+ def trace(self, message):
+ """Print an trace message.
+ :param message str: The message to print.
+ """
+ self.write('TRACE: ' + message, level=5)
+ def debug(self, message):
+ """Print an debug message.
+ :param message str: The message to print.
+ """
+ self.write('DEBUG: ' + message, level=6)
+ def warning(self, message):
+ """Print an warning message.
+ :param message str: The message to print.
+ """
+ self.error(message, prefix="WARNING: ")
+ def critical(self, message):
+ """Print an critical message.
+ :param message str: The message to print.
+ """
+ self.error(message, prefix="CRITICAL: ")
- # Print in the terminal and clean colors if the terminal
- # is redirected by user
- if not ('isatty' in dir(sys.stderr) and sys.stderr.isatty()):
- sys.stderr.write(printcolors.printcError(_('ERROR:') + message))
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(_('ERROR:') + message)
def flush(self):
"""Flush terminal"""
import os
import tarfile
+import debug as DBG
+import utilsSat as UTS
from . import printcolors
def show_in_editor(editor, filePath, logger):
def git_extract(from_what, tag, where, logger, environment=None):
- '''Extracts sources from a git repository.
- :param from_what str: The remote git repository.
- :param tag str: The tag.
- :param where str: The path where to extract.
- :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use.
- :param environment src.environment.Environ: The environment to source when
- extracting.
- :return: True if the extraction is successful
- :rtype: boolean
- '''
- if not where.exists():
- where.make()
- if tag == "master" or tag == "HEAD":
- command = "git clone %(remote)s %(where)s" % \
- { 'remote': from_what, 'tag': tag, 'where': str(where) }
- else:
- # NOTICE: this command only works with recent version of git
- # because --work-tree does not work with an absolute path
- where_git = os.path.join( str(where), ".git" )
- command = "rmdir %(where)s && git clone %(remote)s %(where)s && " + \
- "git --git-dir=%(where_git)s --work-tree=%(where)s checkout %(tag)s"
- command = command % {'remote': from_what,
- 'tag': tag,
- 'where': str(where),
- 'where_git': where_git }
+ '''Extracts sources from a git repository.
- logger.write(command + "\n", 5)
+ :param from_what str: The remote git repository.
+ :param tag str: The tag.
+ :param where str: The path where to extract.
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use.
+ :param environment src.environment.Environ: The environment to source when extracting.
+ :return: True if the extraction is successful
+ :rtype: boolean
+ '''
+ DBG.write("git_extract", [from_what, tag, str(where)])
+ if not where.exists():
+ where.make()
+ if tag == "master" or tag == "HEAD":
+ command = "git clone %(remote)s %(where)s" % \
+ {'remote': from_what, 'tag': tag, 'where': str(where)}
+ else:
+ # NOTICE: this command only works with recent version of git
+ # because --work-tree does not work with an absolute path
+ where_git = os.path.join(str(where), ".git")
+ command = "rmdir %(where)s && git clone %(remote)s %(where)s && " + \
+ "git --git-dir=%(where_git)s --work-tree=%(where)s checkout %(tag)s"
+ command = command % {'remote': from_what,
+ 'tag': tag,
+ 'where': str(where),
+ 'where_git': where_git}
+ logger.write(command + "\n", 5)
+ logger.logTxtFile.write("\n" + command + "\n")
+ logger.logTxtFile.flush()
+ res = subprocess.call(command,
+ cwd=str(where.dir()),
+ env=environment.environ.environ,
+ shell=True,
+ stdout=logger.logTxtFile,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ return (res == 0)
+def git_extract_sub_dir(from_what, tag, where, sub_dir, logger, environment=None):
+ '''Extracts sources from a subtree sub_dir of a git repository.
+ :param from_what str: The remote git repository.
+ :param tag str: The tag.
+ :param where str: The path where to extract.
+ :param sub_dir str: The relative path of subtree to extract.
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use.
+ :param environment src.environment.Environ: The environment to source when extracting.
+ :return: True if the extraction is successful
+ :rtype: boolean
+ '''
+ strWhere = str(where)
+ tmpWhere = strWhere + '_tmp'
+ parentWhere = os.path.dirname(strWhere)
+ if not os.path.exists(parentWhere):
+ logger.error("not existing directory: %s" % parentWhere)
+ return False
+ if os.path.isdir(strWhere):
+ logger.error("do not override existing directory: %s" % strWhere)
+ return False
+ aDict = {'remote': from_what,
+ 'tag': tag,
+ 'sub_dir': sub_dir,
+ 'where': strWhere,
+ 'parentWhere': parentWhere,
+ 'tmpWhere': tmpWhere,
+ }
+ DBG.write("git_extract_sub_dir", aDict)
+ cmd = r"""
+export tmpDir=%(tmpWhere)s && \
+rm -rf $tmpDir && \
+git clone %(remote)s $tmpDir && \
+cd $tmpDir && \
+git checkout %(tag)s && \
+mv %(sub_dir)s %(where)s && \
+git log -1 > %(where)s/README_git_log.txt && \
+rm -rf $tmpDir
+""" % aDict
+ DBG.write("cmd", cmd)
+ rc = UTS.Popen(cmd, cwd=parentWhere, env=environment.environ.environ, logger=logger)
+ return rc.isOk()
- logger.logTxtFile.write("\n" + command + "\n")
- logger.logTxtFile.flush()
- res = subprocess.call(command,
- cwd=str(where.dir()),
- env=environment.environ.environ,
- shell=True,
- stdout=logger.logTxtFile,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- return (res == 0)
def archive_extract(from_what, where, logger):
'''Extracts sources from an archive.