from daCore.BasicObjects import State, Covariance, FullOperator, Operator
from daCore.BasicObjects import AlgorithmAndParameters, DataObserver
from daCore.BasicObjects import DiagnosticAndParameters, ImportFromScript
+from daCore.BasicObjects import CaseLogger, GenericCaseViewer
from daCore.Templates import ObserverTemplates
from daCore import PlatformInfo
+# ==============================================================================
+class DICViewer(GenericCaseViewer):
+ """
+ Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas DIC
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
+ "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
+ GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
+ self._addLine("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-")
+ self._addLine("#\n# Input for ADAO converter to YACS\n#")
+ self._addLine("from numpy import array, matrix")
+ self._addLine("#")
+ self._addLine("study_config = {}")
+ self._addLine("study_config['StudyType'] = 'ASSIMILATION_STUDY'")
+ self._addLine("study_config['Name'] = '%s'"%self._name)
+ self._addLine("observers = {}")
+ self._addLine("study_config['Observers'] = observers")
+ self._addLine("#")
+ self._addLine("inputvariables_config = {}")
+ self._addLine("inputvariables_config['Order'] =['adao_default']")
+ self._addLine("inputvariables_config['adao_default'] = -1")
+ self._addLine("study_config['InputVariables'] = inputvariables_config")
+ self._addLine("#")
+ self._addLine("outputvariables_config = {}")
+ self._addLine("outputvariables_config['Order'] = ['adao_default']")
+ self._addLine("outputvariables_config['adao_default'] = -1")
+ self._addLine("study_config['OutputVariables'] = outputvariables_config")
+ if __content is not None:
+ for command in __content:
+ self._append(*command)
+ def _append(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
+ "Transformation d'une commande individuelle en un enregistrement"
+ if __command == "set": __command = __local["Concept"]
+ else: __command = __command.replace("set", "", 1)
+ #
+ __text = None
+ if __command in (None, 'execute', 'executePythonScheme', 'executeYACSScheme', 'get'):
+ return
+ elif __command in ['Debug', 'setDebug']:
+ __text = "#\nstudy_config['Debug'] = '1'"
+ elif __command in ['NoDebug', 'setNoDebug']:
+ __text = "#\nstudy_config['Debug'] = '0'"
+ elif __command in ['Observer', 'setObserver']:
+ __obs = __local['Variable']
+ self._numobservers += 1
+ __text = "#\n"
+ __text += "observers['%s'] = {}\n"%__obs
+ if __local['String'] is not None:
+ __text += "observers['%s']['nodetype'] = '%s'\n"%(__obs, 'String')
+ __text += "observers['%s']['String'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, __local['String'])
+ if __local['Script'] is not None:
+ __text += "observers['%s']['nodetype'] = '%s'\n"%(__obs, 'Script')
+ __text += "observers['%s']['Script'] = \"%s\"\n"%(__obs, __local['Script'])
+ if __local['Template'] is not None:
+ __text += "observers['%s']['nodetype'] = '%s'\n"%(__obs, 'String')
+ __text += "observers['%s']['String'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, ObserverTemplates[__local['Template']])
+ if __local['Info'] is not None:
+ __text += "observers['%s']['info'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, __local['Info'])
+ else:
+ __text += "observers['%s']['info'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, __obs)
+ __text += "observers['%s']['number'] = %s"%(__obs, self._numobservers)
+ elif __local is not None: # __keys is not None and
+ numpy.set_printoptions(precision=15,threshold=1000000,linewidth=1000*15)
+ __text = "#\n"
+ __text += "%s_config = {}\n"%__command
+ if 'self' in __local: __local.pop('self')
+ __to_be_removed = []
+ for __k,__v in __local.items():
+ if __v is None: __to_be_removed.append(__k)
+ for __k in __to_be_removed:
+ __local.pop(__k)
+ for __k,__v in __local.items():
+ if __k == "Concept": continue
+ if __k in ['ScalarSparseMatrix','DiagonalSparseMatrix','Matrix'] and 'Script' in __local: continue
+ if __k == 'Algorithm':
+ __text += "study_config['Algorithm'] = %s\n"%(repr(__v))
+ elif __k == 'Script':
+ __k = 'Vector'
+ for __lk in ['ScalarSparseMatrix','DiagonalSparseMatrix','Matrix']:
+ if __lk in __local and __local[__lk]: __k = __lk
+ if __command == "AlgorithmParameters": __k = "Dict"
+ __text += "%s_config['Type'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k)
+ __text += "%s_config['From'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,'Script')
+ __text += "%s_config['Data'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,repr(__v))
+ __text = __text.replace("''","'")
+ elif __k in ('Stored', 'Checked'):
+ if bool(__v):
+ __text += "%s_config['%s'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k,int(bool(__v)))
+ elif __k in ('AvoidRC', 'noDetails'):
+ if not bool(__v):
+ __text += "%s_config['%s'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k,int(bool(__v)))
+ else:
+ if __k is 'Parameters': __k = "Dict"
+ __text += "%s_config['Type'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k)
+ __text += "%s_config['From'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,'String')
+ __text += "%s_config['Data'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__command,repr(__v))
+ __text += "study_config['%s'] = %s_config"%(__command,__command)
+ numpy.set_printoptions(precision=8,threshold=1000,linewidth=75)
+ if __switchoff:
+ self._switchoff = True
+ if __text is not None: self._addLine(__text)
+ if not __switchoff:
+ self._switchoff = False
+ def _finalize(self):
+ self.__loadVariablesByScript()
+ self._addLine("#")
+ self._addLine("Analysis_config = {}")
+ self._addLine("Analysis_config['From'] = 'String'")
+ self._addLine("Analysis_config['Data'] = \"\"\"import numpy")
+ self._addLine("xa=numpy.ravel(ADD.get('Analysis')[-1])")
+ self._addLine("print 'Analysis:',xa\"\"\"")
+ self._addLine("study_config['UserPostAnalysis'] = Analysis_config")
+ def __loadVariablesByScript(self):
+ exec("\n".join(self._lineSerie))
+ if "Algorithm" in study_config and len(study_config['Algorithm'])>0:
+ self.__hasAlgorithm = True
+ else:
+ self.__hasAlgorithm = False
+ if not self.__hasAlgorithm and \
+ "AlgorithmParameters" in study_config and \
+ isinstance(study_config['AlgorithmParameters'], dict) and \
+ "From" in study_config['AlgorithmParameters'] and \
+ "Data" in study_config['AlgorithmParameters'] and \
+ study_config['AlgorithmParameters']['From'] == 'Script':
+ __asScript = study_config['AlgorithmParameters']['Data']
+ __var = ImportFromScript(__asScript).getvalue( "Algorithm" )
+ __text = "#\nstudy_config['Algorithm'] = '%s'"%(__var,)
+ self._addLine(__text)
+ if self.__hasAlgorithm and \
+ "AlgorithmParameters" in study_config and \
+ isinstance(study_config['AlgorithmParameters'], dict) and \
+ "From" not in study_config['AlgorithmParameters'] and \
+ "Data" not in study_config['AlgorithmParameters']:
+ __text = "#\n"
+ __text += "AlgorithmParameters_config['Type'] = 'Dict'\n"
+ __text += "AlgorithmParameters_config['From'] = 'String'\n"
+ __text += "AlgorithmParameters_config['Data'] = '{}'\n"
+ self._addLine(__text)
+ del study_config
+class XMLViewer(GenericCaseViewer):
+ """
+ Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas DIC
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
+ "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
+ GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
+ raise NotImplementedError()
# ==============================================================================
class Aidsm(object):
""" ADAO Internal Data Structure Model """
- def __init__(self, name = ""):
+ def __init__(self, name = "", viewers={"DIC":DICViewer, "XML":XMLViewer}):
self.__name = str(name)
- self.__case = _CaseLogger(self.__name)
+ self.__case = CaseLogger(self.__name, "case", viewers)
self.__adaoObject = {}
self.__StoredInputs = {}
#~ try:
if Executor == "YACS": self.__executeYACSScheme( FileName )
- else: self.__executePythonScheme()
+ else: self.__executePythonScheme( FileName )
#~ except Exception as e:
#~ if isinstance(e, SyntaxError): msg = "at %s: %s"%(e.offset, e.text)
#~ else: msg = ""
# -----------------------------------------------------------
def dump(self, FileName=None, Formater="TUI"):
- "Récupération normalisée de la liste des commandes"
+ "Restitution normalisée des commandes"
return self.__case.dump(FileName, Formater)
+ def load(self, FileName=None, Formater="TUI"):
+ "Chargement normalisé des commandes"
+ __commands = self.__case.load(FileName, Formater)
+ from numpy import array, matrix
+ for __command in __commands:
+ exec("self."+__command)
+ return 0
+ def clear(self):
+ "Effacement du contenu du cas en cours"
+ self.__init__(self.__name)
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
def __dir__(self):
"Clarifie la visibilité des méthodes"
return ['set', 'get', 'execute', '__doc__', '__init__', '__module__']
del self.__case # Break pickle in Python 2
return 0
-# ==============================================================================
-class _CaseLogger(object):
- """
- Conservation des commandes de creation d'un cas
- """
- def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case"):
- self.__name = str(__name)
- self.__objname = str(__objname)
- self.__logSerie = []
- self.__switchoff = False
- def register(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
- "Enregistrement d'une commande individuelle"
- if __command is not None and __keys is not None and __local is not None and not self.__switchoff:
- if "self" in __keys: __keys.remove("self")
- self.__logSerie.append( (str(__command), __keys, __local, __pre, __switchoff) )
- if __switchoff:
- self.__switchoff = True
- if not __switchoff:
- self.__switchoff = False
- def dump(self, __filename=None, __format="TUI"):
- """
- Récupération normalisée de la liste des commandes selon le Formater :
- - TUI (API de référence)
- - DIC (Transitoire, pour passer vers XML YACS)
- - XML (Experimental. Structured AIDSM)
- """
- if __format == "TUI":
- self.__dumper = _TUIViewer(self.__name, self.__objname, self.__logSerie)
- __text = self.__dumper.dump(__filename)
- elif __format == "DIC":
- self.__dumper = _DICViewer(self.__name, self.__objname, self.__logSerie)
- __text = self.__dumper.dump(__filename)
- elif __format == "XML":
- self.__dumper = _XMLViewer(self.__name, self.__objname, self.__logSerie)
- __text = self.__dumper.dump(__filename)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Dumping as \"%s\" is not available"%__format)
- return __text
-# ==============================================================================
-class _GenericCaseViewer(object):
- """
- Etablissement des commandes de creation d'une vue
- """
- def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
- "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
- self._name = str(__name)
- self._objname = str(__objname)
- self._lineSerie = []
- self._switchoff = False
- self._numobservers = 2
- def _addLine(self, line=""):
- "Ajoute un enregistrement individuel"
- self._lineSerie.append(line)
- def _finalize(self):
- "Enregistrement du final"
- pass
- def _append(self):
- "Transformation d'une commande individuelle en un enregistrement"
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def dump(self, __filename=None):
- "Restitution de la liste des commandes de creation d'un cas"
- self._finalize()
- __text = "\n".join(self._lineSerie)
- if __filename is not None:
- __file = os.path.abspath(__filename)
- fid = open(__file,"w")
- fid.write(__text)
- fid.close()
- return __text
-class _TUIViewer(_GenericCaseViewer):
- """
- Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas TUI
- """
- def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
- "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
- _GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
- self._addLine("#\n# Python script for ADAO TUI\n#")
- self._addLine("from numpy import array, matrix")
- self._addLine("import adaoBuilder")
- self._addLine("%s = adaoBuilder.New('%s')"%(self._objname, self._name))
- if __content is not None:
- for command in __content:
- self._append(*command)
- def _append(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
- "Transformation d'une commande individuelle en un enregistrement"
- if __command is not None and __keys is not None and __local is not None:
- __text = ""
- if __pre is not None:
- __text += "%s = "%__pre
- __text += "%s.%s( "%(self._objname,str(__command))
- if "self" in __keys: __keys.remove("self")
- if __command not in ("set","get") and "Concept" in __keys: __keys.remove("Concept")
- for k in __keys:
- __v = __local[k]
- if __v is None: continue
- if k == "Checked" and not __v: continue
- if k == "Stored" and not __v: continue
- if k == "AvoidRC" and __v: continue
- if k == "noDetails": continue
- __text += "%s=%s, "%(k,repr(__v))
- __text.rstrip(", ")
- __text += ")"
- self._addLine(__text)
-class _DICViewer(_GenericCaseViewer):
- """
- Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas DIC
- """
- def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
- "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
- _GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
- self._addLine("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-")
- self._addLine("#\n# Input for ADAO converter to YACS\n#")
- self._addLine("from numpy import array, matrix")
- self._addLine("#")
- self._addLine("study_config = {}")
- self._addLine("study_config['StudyType'] = 'ASSIMILATION_STUDY'")
- self._addLine("study_config['Name'] = '%s'"%self._name)
- self._addLine("observers = {}")
- self._addLine("study_config['Observers'] = observers")
- self._addLine("#")
- self._addLine("inputvariables_config = {}")
- self._addLine("inputvariables_config['Order'] =['adao_default']")
- self._addLine("inputvariables_config['adao_default'] = -1")
- self._addLine("study_config['InputVariables'] = inputvariables_config")
- self._addLine("#")
- self._addLine("outputvariables_config = {}")
- self._addLine("outputvariables_config['Order'] = ['adao_default']")
- self._addLine("outputvariables_config['adao_default'] = -1")
- self._addLine("study_config['OutputVariables'] = outputvariables_config")
- if __content is not None:
- for command in __content:
- self._append(*command)
- def _append(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
- "Transformation d'une commande individuelle en un enregistrement"
- if __command == "set": __command = __local["Concept"]
- else: __command = __command.replace("set", "", 1)
- #
- __text = None
- if __command in (None, 'execute', 'executePythonScheme', 'executeYACSScheme', 'get'):
- return
- elif __command in ['Debug', 'setDebug']:
- __text = "#\nstudy_config['Debug'] = '1'"
- elif __command in ['NoDebug', 'setNoDebug']:
- __text = "#\nstudy_config['Debug'] = '0'"
- elif __command in ['Observer', 'setObserver']:
- __obs = __local['Variable']
- self._numobservers += 1
- __text = "#\n"
- __text += "observers['%s'] = {}\n"%__obs
- if __local['String'] is not None:
- __text += "observers['%s']['nodetype'] = '%s'\n"%(__obs, 'String')
- __text += "observers['%s']['String'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, __local['String'])
- if __local['Script'] is not None:
- __text += "observers['%s']['nodetype'] = '%s'\n"%(__obs, 'Script')
- __text += "observers['%s']['Script'] = \"%s\"\n"%(__obs, __local['Script'])
- if __local['Template'] is not None:
- __text += "observers['%s']['nodetype'] = '%s'\n"%(__obs, 'String')
- __text += "observers['%s']['String'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, ObserverTemplates[__local['Template']])
- if __local['Info'] is not None:
- __text += "observers['%s']['info'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, __local['Info'])
- else:
- __text += "observers['%s']['info'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__obs, __obs)
- __text += "observers['%s']['number'] = %s"%(__obs, self._numobservers)
- elif __local is not None: # __keys is not None and
- __text = "#\n"
- __text += "%s_config = {}\n"%__command
- if 'self' in __local: __local.pop('self')
- __to_be_removed = []
- for __k,__v in __local.items():
- if __v is None: __to_be_removed.append(__k)
- for __k in __to_be_removed:
- __local.pop(__k)
- for __k,__v in __local.items():
- if __k == "Concept": continue
- if __k in ['ScalarSparseMatrix','DiagonalSparseMatrix','Matrix'] and 'Script' in __local: continue
- if __k == 'Algorithm':
- __text += "study_config['Algorithm'] = %s\n"%(repr(__v))
- elif __k == 'Script':
- __k = 'Vector'
- for __lk in ['ScalarSparseMatrix','DiagonalSparseMatrix','Matrix']:
- if __lk in __local and __local[__lk]: __k = __lk
- if __command == "AlgorithmParameters": __k = "Dict"
- __text += "%s_config['Type'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k)
- __text += "%s_config['From'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,'Script')
- __text += "%s_config['Data'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,repr(__v))
- __text = __text.replace("''","'")
- elif __k in ('Stored', 'Checked'):
- if bool(__v):
- __text += "%s_config['%s'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k,int(bool(__v)))
- elif __k in ('AvoidRC', 'noDetails'):
- if not bool(__v):
- __text += "%s_config['%s'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k,int(bool(__v)))
- else:
- if __k is 'Parameters': __k = "Dict"
- __text += "%s_config['Type'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,__k)
- __text += "%s_config['From'] = '%s'\n"%(__command,'String')
- __text += "%s_config['Data'] = \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n"%(__command,repr(__v))
- __text += "study_config['%s'] = %s_config"%(__command,__command)
- if __switchoff:
- self._switchoff = True
- if __text is not None: self._addLine(__text)
- if not __switchoff:
- self._switchoff = False
- def _finalize(self):
- self.__loadVariablesByScript()
- self._addLine("#")
- self._addLine("Analysis_config = {}")
- self._addLine("Analysis_config['From'] = 'String'")
- self._addLine("Analysis_config['Data'] = \"\"\"import numpy")
- self._addLine("xa=numpy.ravel(ADD.get('Analysis')[-1])")
- self._addLine("print 'Analysis:',xa\"\"\"")
- self._addLine("study_config['UserPostAnalysis'] = Analysis_config")
- def __loadVariablesByScript(self):
- exec("\n".join(self._lineSerie))
- if "Algorithm" in study_config and len(study_config['Algorithm'])>0:
- self.__hasAlgorithm = True
- else:
- self.__hasAlgorithm = False
- if not self.__hasAlgorithm and \
- "AlgorithmParameters" in study_config and \
- isinstance(study_config['AlgorithmParameters'], dict) and \
- "From" in study_config['AlgorithmParameters'] and \
- "Data" in study_config['AlgorithmParameters'] and \
- study_config['AlgorithmParameters']['From'] == 'Script':
- __asScript = study_config['AlgorithmParameters']['Data']
- __var = ImportFromScript(__asScript).getvalue( "Algorithm" )
- __text = "#\nstudy_config['Algorithm'] = '%s'"%(__var,)
- self._addLine(__text)
- if self.__hasAlgorithm and \
- "AlgorithmParameters" in study_config and \
- isinstance(study_config['AlgorithmParameters'], dict) and \
- "From" not in study_config['AlgorithmParameters'] and \
- "Data" not in study_config['AlgorithmParameters']:
- __text = "#\n"
- __text += "AlgorithmParameters_config['Type'] = 'Dict'\n"
- __text += "AlgorithmParameters_config['From'] = 'String'\n"
- __text += "AlgorithmParameters_config['Data'] = '{}'\n"
- self._addLine(__text)
- del study_config
-class _XMLViewer(_GenericCaseViewer):
- """
- Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas DIC
- """
- def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
- "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
- _GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
- raise NotImplementedError()
# ==============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('\n AUTODIAGNOSTIC \n')
if hasattr(asDictAO["ControlInput"],"getO"): self.__U = asDictAO["ControlInput"].getO()
else: self.__U = asDictAO["ControlInput"]
if hasattr(asDictAO["ObservationOperator"],"getO"): self.__HO = asDictAO["ObservationOperator"].getO()
- else: self.__HO = asDictAO["ObservationOperator"]
+ else: self.__HO = asDictAO["ObservationOperator"]
if hasattr(asDictAO["EvolutionModel"],"getO"): self.__EM = asDictAO["EvolutionModel"].getO()
else: self.__EM = asDictAO["EvolutionModel"]
if hasattr(asDictAO["ControlModel"],"getO"): self.__CM = asDictAO["ControlModel"].getO()
"Restitution du pointeur de fonction dans l'objet"
return self.func
+# ==============================================================================
+class CaseLogger(object):
+ """
+ Conservation des commandes de creation d'un cas
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __viewers={}, __loaders={}):
+ self.__name = str(__name)
+ self.__objname = str(__objname)
+ self.__logSerie = []
+ self.__switchoff = False
+ self.__viewers = self.__loaders = {"TUI":_TUIViewer}
+ self.__viewers.update(__viewers)
+ self.__loaders.update(__loaders)
+ def register(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
+ "Enregistrement d'une commande individuelle"
+ if __command is not None and __keys is not None and __local is not None and not self.__switchoff:
+ if "self" in __keys: __keys.remove("self")
+ self.__logSerie.append( (str(__command), __keys, __local, __pre, __switchoff) )
+ if __switchoff:
+ self.__switchoff = True
+ if not __switchoff:
+ self.__switchoff = False
+ def dump(self, __filename=None, __format="TUI"):
+ "Restitution normalisée des commandes (par les *GenericCaseViewer)"
+ if __format in self.__viewers:
+ __formater = self.__viewers[__format](self.__name, self.__objname, self.__logSerie)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Dumping as \"%s\" is not available"%__format)
+ return __formater.dump(__filename)
+ def load(self, __filename=None, __format="TUI"):
+ "Chargement normalisé des commandes"
+ if __format in self.__loaders:
+ __formater = self.__loaders[__format]()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Loading as \"%s\" is not available"%__format)
+ return __formater.load(__filename)
+# ==============================================================================
+class GenericCaseViewer(object):
+ """
+ Gestion des commandes de creation d'une vue de cas
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
+ "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
+ self._name = str(__name)
+ self._objname = str(__objname)
+ self._lineSerie = []
+ self._switchoff = False
+ self._numobservers = 2
+ self._content = __content
+ def _addLine(self, line=""):
+ "Ajoute un enregistrement individuel"
+ self._lineSerie.append(line)
+ def _finalize(self):
+ "Enregistrement du final"
+ pass
+ def _append(self):
+ "Transformation de commande individuelle en enregistrement"
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _extract(self):
+ "Transformation d'enregistrement en commande individuelle"
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _interpret(self):
+ "Interprétation d'une commande"
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def dump(self, __filename=None):
+ "Restitution normalisée des commandes"
+ self._finalize()
+ __text = "\n".join(self._lineSerie)
+ __text +="\n"
+ if __filename is not None:
+ __file = os.path.abspath(__filename)
+ fid = open(__file,"w")
+ fid.write(__text)
+ fid.close()
+ return __text
+ def load(self, __filename=None):
+ "Chargement normalisé des commandes"
+ if os.path.exists(__filename):
+ self._content = open(__filename, 'r').read()
+ __commands = self._extract(self._content)
+ return __commands
+ def execCase(self, __filename=None):
+ "Exécution normalisée des commandes"
+ if os.path.exists(__filename):
+ self._content = open(__filename, 'r').read()
+ __retcode = self._interpret(self._content)
+ return __retcode
+class _TUIViewer(GenericCaseViewer):
+ """
+ Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas TUI
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
+ "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
+ GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
+ self._addLine("#\n# Python script for ADAO TUI\n#")
+ self._addLine("from numpy import array, matrix")
+ self._addLine("import adaoBuilder")
+ self._addLine("%s = adaoBuilder.New('%s')"%(self._objname, self._name))
+ if self._content is not None:
+ for command in self._content:
+ self._append(*command)
+ def _append(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
+ "Transformation d'une commande individuelle en un enregistrement"
+ if __command is not None and __keys is not None and __local is not None:
+ __text = ""
+ if __pre is not None:
+ __text += "%s = "%__pre
+ __text += "%s.%s( "%(self._objname,str(__command))
+ if "self" in __keys: __keys.remove("self")
+ if __command not in ("set","get") and "Concept" in __keys: __keys.remove("Concept")
+ for k in __keys:
+ __v = __local[k]
+ if __v is None: continue
+ if k == "Checked" and not __v: continue
+ if k == "Stored" and not __v: continue
+ if k == "AvoidRC" and __v: continue
+ if k == "noDetails": continue
+ numpy.set_printoptions(precision=15,threshold=1000000,linewidth=1000*15)
+ __text += "%s=%s, "%(k,repr(__v))
+ numpy.set_printoptions(precision=8,threshold=1000,linewidth=75)
+ __text.rstrip(", ")
+ __text += ")"
+ self._addLine(__text)
+ def _extract(self, __content=""):
+ "Transformation un enregistrement en d'une commande individuelle"
+ __is_case = False
+ __commands = []
+ __content = __content.replace("\r\n","\n")
+ for line in __content.split("\n"):
+ if "adaoBuilder" in line and "=" in line:
+ self._objname = line.split("=")[0].strip()
+ __is_case = True
+ if not __is_case:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if self._objname+".set" in line:
+ __commands.append( line.replace(self._objname+".","",1) )
+ return __commands
+ def _interpret(self, __content=""):
+ "Interprétation d'une commande"
+ __content = __content.replace("\r\n","\n")
+ exec(__content)
+ return 0
# ==============================================================================
class ImportFromScript(object):