typedef map< pair<string, SMESH::ElementType>, TListOfNewGroups > TGroupsMap;
typedef std::set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*> TGroups;
- TPythonDump aPythonDump; // prevent dump of called methods
+ TPythonDump* pPythonDump = new TPythonDump;
+ TPythonDump& aPythonDump = *pPythonDump; // prevent dump of called methods
// create mesh
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aNewMesh = CreateEmptyMesh();
<< theMergeNodesAndElements << ", "
<< theMergeTolerance << ")";
+ delete pPythonDump; // enable python dump from GetGroups()
+ // 0020577: EDF 1164 SMESH: Bad dump of concatenate with create common groups
+ if ( !aNewMesh->_is_nil() )
+ {
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups = aNewMesh->GetGroups();
+ }
return aNewMesh._retn();